Module 1 QB
Module 1 QB
Module 1 QB
Degree / Branch: PG / MBA Semester: II / Year: I
Part A - (2 Marks)
1. Define Operations research. CO1 K1
2. Write the Mathematical formulation of a general LPP. CO1 K1
3. What do you think about In feasible solution? CO3 K4
4. How is Graphical method applied to solve LPP? CO4 K5
5. Differentiate between Simplex and Big M Method. CO1 K2
6. Categorize the forms of LPP. CO3 K4
7. Define slack variable. CO1 K1
8. Define surplus variable. CO1 K1
9. Mention the four components of LPP. CO1 K1
10. Define Artificial Variable. CO1 K1
11. Explain Pseudo optimal solution. CO1 K1
12. Define basic feasible solution. CO1 K1
13. How do you show your understanding unbounded solution? CO2 K3
Part B - ( 12 MARKS)
1. a) In a chemical industry, two products A and B are made involving two operations. The production
of B also results in a by-product C. The product A can be sold at Rs. 3 profit per unit and B at Rs. 8
profit per unit. The by-product C has a profit of Rs. 2 per unit, but it cannot be sold as the destruction
cost is Rs. 1 per unit. Forecasts show that up to 5 units of C can be sold. The company gets 3 units of C
for each unit of A and B produced. Forecasts show that they can sell all the units of a and B produced.
The manufacturing times are 3 hours per unit for A on operation one two respectively and 4 hours and 5
hours per unit for B on operation one and two respectively. Because the product C results from
producing B, no time is used in producing C. The available times are 18 and 21 hours of operation one
and two respectively. The company question: how much A and B should be produced keeping C in mind
to make the highest profit. Formulate LP model for this problem. CO2 K3
2. a) A company has three operational departments (weaving, processing and packing) with capacity to
produce three different types of cloths namely suitings, shirting and woolens yielding the profit of Rs. 2,
Rs. 4 and Rs. 3 per meter respectively. One meter suiting requires 3 minutes in weaving, 2 minutes in
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processing and 1 minute in packing 1 meter of shirting requires 4 minutes in weaving, 1 minute in
processing and 3 minutes in packing while one meter woolen requires 3 minutes in each department. In a
week, total run time of each department is 60, 40 and 80 hours of weaving, processing and packing
departments respectively. Formulate the linear programming problem to find the product mix to
maximize the profit. CO2 K3
b) Solve the LP problems. CO1 K2
Max Z = 5x1 + 3x2
Subject to
x1 + x2 ≤ 2
5x1 + 2x2 ≤ 10
3x1 + 8x2 ≤ 12
x1 , x2 ≥ 0
3. a) A manufacturer of furniture makes two products: chairs and tables. Processing of these products is
done on two machines A and B. A chair requires 2 hours on machine A and 6 hours on machine B. A
table requires 5 hours on machine A and no time on machine B. There are 16 hours of time per day
available on machine A and 30 hours on machine B. Profit gained by manufacturer from chair and a
table is Rs. 1 and Rs. 5 respectively. What should be daily production of each of the two products? Solve
graphically. CO3 K4
b) Explain the meaning of a Linear Programming Problem stating its uses and give its limitations.
CO1 K2
x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 = 15
2x1 + x2 + 5x3 = 20
x1 + 2x2 + x3 + x4 = 10
and x1, x2, x3 , x4 ≥ 0
i) Develop a LPP.
ii) Select the optimum solution the formulated LPP.
8.a) A firm produces three products. These products are processors on 3 different machines. The time
required for manufacturing one unit of cost of the products and the daily capacity of the three machines
is given in the table below. Analyse and find the optimum solution. CO3 K4
subject to
x1+2x2≤ 40,
3x1+x2≥ 30,
4x1+3x2 ≥ 60,
And x1,x2 ≥ 0.
Solve by Graphical Method,
(i) Plot the graph.
(ii) Predict the value of x & y.
9. a) An advertising agency wishes to reach two types of audiences - customers with annual income
greater than Rs. 15000 (target audience A) and customers with annual income less than Rs. 15000
(target audience B). The total advertising budget is Rs.200000. One programme of TV advertising cost
Rs. 50000., one programme on radio advertising Rs. 20000. For contract reasons, atleast three
programmes ought to be on TV and the number of radio programmes must be limited to five. Surveys
indicate that a single TV programme reaches 450000 customers in target audience A and 50000 in target
audience B. One radio programme reaches 20000 in target audience a nad 80000 in target audience B.
Determine the media mix to minimise the total reach. Use simplex method to solve the problem.
CO1 K2
b) Solve by Big M method. CO1 K2
Minimise Z = 60x1 + 80x2
Subject to
x2 ≥ 200
x1 ≤ 400
x1 + x2 = 500
x1, x2 ≥ 0.
10. a) A company manufactures animal feed must produce 500 kgs of a mixture daily. The mixture
consists of two ingredients F1 and F2. Ingredient F1 costs Rs. 5 per kg. and ingredient F2 costs Rs. 8 per
kg. Nutrient considerations dictate that the feed contains not more than 400 kgs of F1 and a minimum of
200 kgs of F2. Formulate the LPP and find the quantity of each ingredient used to minimize cost.
CO2 K3
b) Use the graphical method to solve the following LP problem. CO2 K3
Maximize Z = 2x1 + 3x2
Subject to the constraints
x1 + x2 ≤ 30
x2 ≥ 3
0 ≤ x2 ≤ 12
x1 ≤ 20
x1, x2 ≥ 0