Teaching Math

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Associate Professor 1
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

❖ Acquire learning information that enable to understand

outcome- based education.
❖ Write measurable, demonstrable, verifiable and workable
educational objectives and intended learning outcomes.
❖ Apply appropriate mathematics teaching strategies and
assessment techniques in the given learning situations.
❖ Prepare a good quality lesson plan in mathematics and
execute the same.
Instructional Planning in
Most teachers spend a great deal of time
planning on what and how they will teach the
learners. As the planning process is initiated,
there are questions that teachers should ask.
Instructional Planning in Mathematics
❖ What is my instructional purpose or goal?
❖ What national standards must be addressed?
❖ Who are the learners?
❖ What prerequisite knowledge is needed?
❖ How will I cover the content?
❖ What management decisions must I make?
❖ What techniques or processes do I use?
❖ How will I share responsibilities with others?
❖ What instructional resources do I have?
❖ What special learner considerations must I take into
❖ How can I ensure instructional equity?
❖ How will I assess learning?
General Principle in Planning
Mathematics Lesson
❖ Start lessons with a problem followed by the
development of required concepts and
❖ Embed mathematics in real-world situations.
❖ Integrate mathematics with other subject areas
such as science and social studies.
❖ Structure lessons so students can talk and
write about mathematics.
❖ Learn to enjoy listening to children's ideas and
General Principle in Planning
Mathematics Lesson
❖ Vary lesson components to maintain student
interest, more frequently with younger children.
❖ Make sure students reflect on their
manipulations of concrete models and
coordinate what they observe with what they
already know.
❖ Use instructional materials that make it easier
for students to communicate what they know
and don't know.
❖ Encourage group work, mental arithmetic, and
the use of calculators and computers.
General Principle in Planning
Mathematics Lesson
By practicing these principles, there's no doubt you
will become a better teacher and your learners will
be able to solve problems involving mathematics that
they may encounter in their lives.
Common Components of Lesson Plan
Mathematics in the Philippines
I. Objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes
II. Subject Matter/Contents
III. Learning Activities
IV. Assessment/Evaluation
V. Assignment
Outcomes-Based Education (OBE)
OBE has three (3) characteristics:
1. It is student centered; that is, it places the
pupils/students at the center of the process by
focusing on Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs).
2. It is faculty driven; that is, it encourages faculty
responsibility for teaching, assessing program
outcomes and motivating participation from the
3. It is meaningful; that is, it provides data to guide the
teacher in making valid and continuing improvement in
instruction and assessment activities.
Outcome Based Education
OBE is a teaching and learning
methodology or a curriculum design which focuses
on the skills and competencies that the student
must demonstrate after instruction. This is
implemented based on observations and
experiments derived from experience and it is a
method of measuring student performance (The
student learning outcome).
Its aim is to provide responsive teaching
and learning activities to establish a work-
integrated education (WIE) that link teachers and
students to industry, professions and technology.
Two types of outcomes to be
assessed on student learning
1. Immediate outcomes – competencies or skills
acquired upon finishing a course, a lesson, a piece of
study of a program or the program itself.
a. Ability to solve mathematical problems after finishing
algebra subject.
b. Promotion to a higher grade level, such as from grade 4
to grade 9.
c. Passing a required licensure examination for teachers
after 4 years of BEED course.
Two types of outcome to be
assessed on student learning
2. Deferred outcomes – ability to apply the skills
and competencies learned in the school to different
situations many years after completion of a course,
grade level or degree program.
a) Promotion in a job, such as from Teacher 1 to Master
b) Success in the practice of teaching profession as
mathematics teacher
c) Awards and recognitions
Formulating Objectives and Intended
Learning Outcomes

Skills in formulating effective educational objectives

and learning outcomes are fundamentals to arrive at
attainable, measurable and verifiable result in the
outcome based-education.
Objectives vs Intended Learning
Outcomes (ILOs)
These terms are often used interchangeably and
they are all related to the teaching and learning that
is expected to take place in the classroom. However,
the difference between learning objectives and
intended learning outcomes (ILOs) lies in the
emphasis on who will be performing the activities.
Learning goals and objectives generally describe
what an instructor/teacher, program, or institution
aims to do, whereas, an intended learning outcome
(ILO) describes observable and measurable terms
what a student is able to do as a result of completing
a learning experience (e.g., course, project, unit, or
❖ Objectives describe the goals and intentions of the
professor/teacher who teaches the course.
❖ Objectives, often termed the input in the course,
state the purpose and goals of the course.
❖ Objectives can often be numerous, specific, and
detailed. Assessing and reporting on each
objective for each student may be impossible
❖ Learning Outcomes catalog the overarching (all-
embracing) "products" of the course and are the
evidence that the goals or objectives were
Learning Outcomes
❖ Learning Outcomes are statements that describe or
list measurable and essential mastered content-
knowledge, reflecting skills, competencies, and
knowledge that students have achieved and can
demonstrate upon successfully completing a
❖ Outcomes are exactly what assessments are
intended to show -- specifically what the student will
be able to do upon completing the course.
Learning Outcomes
❖ Outcomes express higher-level thinking skills that
integrate course content and activities and can be
observed as a behavior, skill, or discrete useable
knowledge upon completing the course.
❖ An assessable outcome can be displayed or
observed and evaluated against criteria.
❖ Outcomes are clear and measurable criteria for
guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment
process in the course.
Three Types of Learning
The three types of learning that should be used in
developing educational objectives/activities and
learning outcomes (Acc. To Blooms as stated in our
reference book) are:
1. Cognitive – this refers to mental skill and it is
associated to the logical “thinking” processes.
2. Affective – this refers to the growth in emotion and
it is associated to our attitude, feelings and
3. Psychomotor – This refers to motor skill and it is
associated to motor coordination and how ideas,
things or objects are manipulated.
Hierarchy of Cognitive
Domains of Learning
(Taxonomy of Learning Based Anderson and Krathwohl)
The Hierarchical order of domains of learning from
the simplest behavior to the most complex
Level 1. Remembering (knowledge)- acquisition of
facts, concepts and theories. This involves
memorization and requires simple recall. Common
outcome verbs used are:
define, list, identify, state, reproduce
indicate, match, locate, name, select
Hierarchy of Cognitive
Domains of Learning
(Taxonomy of Learning Based Anderson and Krathwohl)
Level 2. Understanding (Comprehension) – one step
higher than mere acquisition of facts. It involves
awareness of the interrelationships of facts and
information; translation and interpretation of instruction;
stating a problem in one’s own word.
Common outcome verbs used:
Explain, distinguish, interpret, give example
Hierarchy of Cognitive
Domains of Learning
(Taxonomy of Learning Based Anderson and Krathwohl)
Level 3. Applying – using what was learned into
similar or new situation. This might be some activities
that the learner can do applying the concepts learned
either in the same setting or in a different setting.
Common outcome verbs used:
Apply, construct, demonstrate, solve, show
Compute, modify, prepare, produce
Hierarchy of Cognitive
Domains of Learning
(Taxonomy of Learning Based Anderson and Krathwohl)
Level 4. Analyzing- breaking down or separation of a
concept or idea into component parts to understand
the whole.
Common Outcome verbs used:
diagram, deduce, outline, point-out, subdivide
differentiate, relate, organize, separate,
Hierarchy of Cognitive
Domains of Learning
(Taxonomy of Learning Based Anderson and Krathwohl)

Level 5. Evaluating- judging the value of an idea,

object or material. This requires offering of an opinion
and making value judgement.
Common Outcome verbs:
compare, relate, critic, apprise, justify, explain
interpret, evaluate, conclude, depend
Hierarchy of Cognitive
Domains of Learning
(Taxonomy of Learning Based Anderson and Krathwohl)

Level 6. Creating- building a structure or pattern;

putting parts together. This level requires making
prediction, bringing parts to form a whole.
Common Outcome Verbs:
Categorize, compile, combine, devise, relate,
modify, Compose, device, plan, organize,
generate, revise
Samples of Course Objectives
❖ Recognize and comprehend the basic principles
and concepts of elementary algebra: signed
numbers, algebraic expressions, exponents,
radical, functions and their graphs, equation,
inequalities, and problem-solving.

❖ Develop positive attitudes while learning

Samples of Intended Learning
1. Students can differentiate the laws of exponent
and radical.
2. Students can perform addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division of radical.
3. Students can rationalize the denominator of a
fraction involving radical expression.
4. Students can show the step by step procedure of
performing operations involving radical.
The Discover Approach
The discovery approach is an effective strategy for
helping learners to understand concepts and
generalizations and for developing higher order thinking
skills (HOTS). It is an inductive method of guiding
learners to discuss and use acquired ideas as a way of
discovering new ideas. The ultimate goal of this approach
is that learners learn how to learn rather than know what
to learn. Therefore, the teacher acts as a coach in
encouraging the learners to find the desired concepts.
Hence, the learners discover the ideas and concepts
through their reactions and active participation in
challenging class situations.
Practical Work Approach
The practical work approach (PWA) is a strategy in which
the learners manipulate concrete objects and/or perform
activities to arrive at a conceptual understanding of
phenomena, situation or concept. The environment is a
laboratory where the natural events/phenomena can be
subjects of mathematical or scientific investigations.
Learning activities can be done in the school grounds, in
the garden, in the field or just about any safe place.
Practical Work Approach
There are times when the materials are needed for practical
work cannot be brought to the classroom for some reasons. In
this case, the learners may be brought to where the materials
and the situation can actually be observed by the learners. The
exposure to relevant learning setting and the active participation
of the learners plays an important role in developing realistic
understanding of the mathematical concepts.
In preparing materials for individual or group work, the learners'
motivation or stimulation of interest and curiosity in the activity
should be considered. This can be addressed by (a) introducing
the activity with an interesting puzzle or question, (b) showing
how the activity relates to the learners' world and experience, or
(c) discussing practical issues at the interface of science and
Integrative Approach
Integrative approach is not only a teaching method but
is also a way of organizing the instructional program to
link skills from different subject areas. The integration
does not only show the learners how mathematics is
used in everyday life, but provides them opportunities
to practice mathematical concepts. The learning
environment in this approach can be less formal or less
structured. This approach is very useful in teaching
Mathematical concepts and skills as it has also been
proven effective in the other learning areas.
Integrative Approach

* It can be used in combination with topics and skills in

the different learning areas.
* It cuts across the curriculum and specific learning
◼Why integrate?
* The "real world" is integrated.
* Learners do best when learning is connected.
* It makes learning relevant and meaningful.
* It capitalizes on the learners' experiences.
Problem Solving Approach
Problem-solving can best be defined as a learner-directed
strategy in which learners "think analytically about
complex situations in order to find answers to a problem".
A problem is defined as a "situation in which you are trying
to reach some goal, and must find ways on how to get
there". Consider learners' interest, ability level, availability
of resources and learners familiarity with brainstorming
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is helpful in eliminating competition
among learners. It encourages them to work together
towards common goals. It fosters learners' positive
attitudes in working with teams. Its tangible benefits are
learning to share, taking turns and cooperation.
It is a teaching strategy in which the teacher elicits from the
learners as many ideas as possible while refraining from
evaluating them until all possible ideas have been generated. It
is an excellent strategy for stimulating creativity among
learners. Although there may be many variations, brainstorming
usually occurs in 4 phases: 1) problem identification, 2) idea
generation, 3) idea evaluation, and 4) solution implementation
and evaluation. The teacher should act as the facilitator in the
idea-generation and should record all responses. He/she
should also encourage everyone to participate and should
accept all suggestions regardless of how strange they may
seem. During the idea-generation stage, criticism or evaluation
of the learner's ideas is NOT permitted
Classroom teaching is dominated by questions and probes. In
typical American classrooms, an average of 100-150 questions
are asked per hour (Brown & Edmondson, 1964). It is
estimated that 80% of instructional time is devoted to questions
and answers (Gall 1984). The following are three (3) parts of
classroom discourse .(Median, 1979):
* Initiation

The teacher initiates a question or probe to an individual,

group, or entire class.
* Response
Students respond to a query individually or in unison.
* Evaluation
The teacher provides feedback to learners in the form of
evaluation, praise, or another question.
Mathematics Teaching Approaches
and Activities
Approach/ Competence/Skill Activities
Discovery Ability to discover The teacher should provide
Approach new ideas and activity through which the
concepts through learner creates, finds,
reactions and invents, or gains
active participation understanding of and
in challenging class discover some
situations. mathematical principles,
concepts or procedures
through his/her efforts.
Efforts may be directed by
the teacher or aided by the
text materials.
Mathematics Teaching Approaches
and Activities
Approach/ Competence/Skill Activities
Practical Ability to The teacher should provide
Work manipulate simple and fun math activities
that help learners understand
Approach concrete objects or math concepts easily by getting
perform activities involved in the activity. For
to arrive at a example in learning to value
conceptual money, put up a mini store in
understanding of the classroom and let learners
play buying and selling. They
phenomena, will learn to add and subtract
situation, or their money. Through this
concept. hands-on activity, the learners
will not easily forget what they
Mathematics Teaching Approaches
and Activities
Approach/ Competence/Skill Activities
Integrative Ability to acquire The teacher can integrate
Approach knowledge and math lessons with any
skills in more than subject such as
one learning area combining math and
in the same physical education where
teaching time. learners play basketball
while assigning different
schools for equal point
Mathematics Teaching Approaches
and Activities
Approach/ Competence/Skill Activities
Problem Ability to learn how to The learners should be
Solving think more productively provided with problem
by combining creative solving activities that allow
thinking (to generate them to become even
ideas) and critical more involved in problem
thinking (to evaluate solving by formulating and
ideas) solving their own
Ability to organize problems, or by rewriting
information in a logical problems in their words in
way and to look order to facilitate
critically at the data to understanding.
find patterns and
develop a solution.
Mathematics Teaching Approaches
and Activities
Approach/ Competence/Skill Activities
Cooperative Ability to share The learners should
Learning responsibilities " and be given tasks that
resources when they promote the elements
work toward common of cooperative
goals. learning. Cooperative
Ability to learn how to learning activities
respect ones opinions. should give them
Ability to improve opportunities to
understanding and discuss, solve, and
positive attitudes accomplish them
towards work and through peer
towards each other. interactions.
Mathematics Teaching Approaches
and Activities
Approach/ Competence/Skill Activities
Brainstorming Ability to The teacher should
discover facilitate . brainstorming
relationships and before the start of any new
patterns among lesson or activity. Planning
data. new lesson/activity In math
Ability to create will be much easier if the
new ideas, solve class begin simply by
problems, thinking of ideas and
motivate and writing them down without
develop teams. following a particular
Mathematics Teaching Approaches
and Activities
Approach/ Competence/Skill Activities
Questioning Ability to develop The teacher should
creative and critical employ good .
thinking to questioning techniques
advance that guide, support, and
understanding of stimulate mathematical
math concepts. thinking that arise from
engagement in open
problems and
Motivation stands for "impulse", rationale or
driving force. It is simply one’s reason or purpose
for undertaking an activity. It could originate from
the inner self or from external forces.
It is observed as high or strong if the student
appears stimulated and highly interested; low if
described to be unmoved and passive. Much will
depend on the motivational strategy which will be
employed by the teacher.
It is very important that teachers recognize the
difference between a self-and an externally-motivated
Intrinsic or internal motivation originates from the
student's inner self. It can arise from his needs at the
Examples of one’s need is the desire to excel or the
fear of failure, to become the leader or a mere follower.
The values of curiosity and creativity are exhibited by
one who is naturally inner-motivated.
Intrinsic motivation, by its origin, is an integral part of
one’s personality.
Extrinsic motivation originates from the learning
environment. It includes some forms of incentives
intended to arouse and sustain interest in a
learning activity. As a result, the student may work
harder or behave better. Rewards can be material
or otherwise could serve as a good incentive.
Recognition for completing a learning task, or a
prize for winning in a math contest is an effective
Examples of positive incentives are: card praising
a pupil for being well-behaved, card with the
highest average posted in the bulletin board.
An observant teacher never fails to notice whether
the whole class is showing interest in the lesson
or merely behaving quietly.

Some signs that could indicate high or low

A highly motivated student is observed to do the
1) Asks questions during a discussion
2) Facial expression shows intently listening and
observing what is happening in a demonstration.
3) Smiles and nods to show confirmation
4) Curiously goes around the room to look for more
5) Persists in solving problem until reaching a solution;
6) Does extra work beyond regular class hours
7) Reads more references to gain more information
8) Actively participates
A poorly motivated student is observed to be any
of the following:
1) Inattentive and with a blank look.
2) Homework or assignments (Left undone)
3) Seems bored or uninterested
4) Seldom participates in investigation lessons
5) Unable to work by himself
6) Not time conscious, hence wastes time
7) Depends on classmates for lesson conclusions
8) Does not listen, instead distracts others
9) Low performance in tests and other assessments
Following are some general suggestions for
improving the motivational level of students.
1) Make the students aware of their own progress
such as higher grades obtained.
2) Vary teaching strategies: (a) If you see them about
to fall asleep, change your technique to one that
would need more movements; (b) Inject something
surprising which will make them see what is coming
next. ,
3. Let your sense of humor work in every lesson. They
will look forward to a fun-filled lesson.
4) Arouse their curiosity.
5) Plan lessons which will need audiovisual gadgets,
tools and materials. You will see them trying to
manipulate the devices better than the other.
6) Assist students in solving personal problems or
simple physical inabilities by suggesting creative
7) Use educational games occasionally to break the
monotony of a straight quiet learning task.
8) Pick a statement currently being quoted on
television or radio that has bearing on the topic you
are explaining. It will reinforce their understanding
as well as their recall. It could be a new song that is
currently a favorite.
9) Announce a reward in any form for those who can
complete the learning activity fast enough but with
10) Role-playing, simulation games and dramatizations
are teaching strategies that cater to their
imagination and ambitions. Try them.
11) Since you know the abilities of your students,
prepare different lesson activities as to level of
difficulty and time required. It would be easy to
observe the highly motivated from the rest.
12) Write brief praises or words of approval for written
work when you return. They will serve as
encouragements for future assignments that are
13) Videos and special presentation. Even the usually
poorly motivated will enjoy watching and listening.
14) Once in a while, teach a topic from mathematics
articles in a newspapers.
15) Finally, be an enthusiastic teacher and show you
are interested and enjoying what you are doing.
Enthusiasm is contagious.
Assessment - The process of measuring
something with the purpose of assigning a
numerical value.
Scoring-The procedure of assigning a
numerical value to assessment task.
Evaluation -The process of determining
the worth of something in relation to
established benchmarks using
assessment information.
Importance of assessment
➢ Motivates learners
➢ Creates learning opportunities
➢ Gives feedback
➢ Assigns grades

“Assessment should be an integral part of the

learning process rather than something that is
“tacked on” at the end.
(Chris Rust, http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/learning/assessment;
Accessed 9.10.08)
Classroom Assessment

◼ Is an ongoing process through which teacher

and students interact to promote greater
◼ The assessment process emphasizes data
collection of students’ performance to diagnose
learning problems, monitor progress, and give
feedback for improvement.
◼ Involves using multiple methods in order to
obtain students information through a variety of
assessment strategies.
Types of Classroom Assessment

Learners are assessed in the classroom

through undergoing processes and
measures by means of

❑ FormativeAssessment
❑ Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment
It is an informal on going assessment
procedure that are linked to the learning
process, in order to determine the strengths and
weaknesses from the learning experience. It is
given before, during and after the lesson.
The Goals:
 Monitor students progress during instruction;
 Monitor activities that students and teachers
undertake to get information about students’
 provide on going feedback to teacher for the
attainment of lesson objectives/ILOs and
improvement of his teaching performance;
 Identify focal areas that needs work.
Two Types of Formative Assessment

1. Individual Formative Assessment

-student demonstrates independently
what had been learned or mastered.
check –up test, quizzes, laboratory
reports, reaction papers, and
2. Collaborative Formative assessment

-students are supporting each other’s

games, discussion, role playing and
other related group activities.
Summative Assessment
The goal of summative assessment is to
evaluate student learning at the end of an
instructional unit by comparing it against some
standard or benchmark.
 Comprehensive, typically given at the end of a
program and provided for accountability.
 Judgement made on work that results in the
student being awarded a grade, however, it may
include formative elements
 Assessment designed is to be used for
determining grades.
◼ Periodical examinations
◼ Long quizzes
◼ Long tests
◼ Written outputs
The roles of assessment in the
Placement – categorizes the learners in a
specific group according to ability, knowledge,
and skill to facilitate efficient and effective
teaching and learning. It is usually done prior to
 Admission test
 Qualifying exam
The roles of assessment in the
Formative–guides the teacher of what to do in
his teaching activity. This help the teacher
monitor the students’ level of attainment of the
learning objectives. It is done, before, during,
and after the instruction.
 Quizzes
 Board work
 Practice Exercises
The roles of assessment in the
Diagnostic – determines the strengths and
weaknesses of the students learning. This is
used to formulate plan and to design remedial
instruction in solving and recurring difficulties of
the learners. It is done during the instruction.
The roles of assessment in the
Summative – determines whether the expected
learning outcomes for the course are met or not
at the end of the defined instruction. It is done
after the instruction.
 Periodical Test
 Final exam
What should be assessed in the
In the present trends of education (OBE) the
learning standards being assessed are:
◼ Content Standards
- essential knowledge
◼ Performance standards
- skills in relation to contents
◼ Learning competencies
-demonstrated knowledge, skills, and
attitudes in every lesson/activity.
Techniques in Assessing Student Learning
in the Classroom:

◼ Administering different kinds of test.

◼ Observation of performance
◼ Interview
◼ Examination of work samples and Portfolio
Assessment Instruments in the
1. Standardized Test
2. Teacher made test
3. Process/Performance Task
4. Performance samples(portfolio)
Balanced Assessment in the Classroom

Standardized Process/ Performance

and Teacher- samples
Made Tests Performance

Tests Tasks
Experiencing Reflection
Quizzes activities Goal Setting
Assignments Evidences of
understanding Self-evaluation
Teacher-made test – a test constructed not carefully
and strictly observing the standard norms, the validity
and the reliability. It is constructed informally to find out
if the teacher achieves a definite aim and intended
learning outcomes in his/her classroom teaching
Example: Quizzes and periodical tests.

Standardized test – is a test carefully prepared

which provides exact procedure in controlling the
method of administration and scoring with norms and
data concerning the reliability and validity of the test.
Example: Board Examination and National Aptitude
What is a performance task?

-any task or activity for which the

students have no prescribed or
memorized rules or specific correct
solution method
(Van de Walle, 2001)
Taxonomy of Learning
In 2000, Bloom’s Taxonomy was revised by
Lorin Anderson, a former student of
Bloom’s, and David Krathwohl, one of
Bloom’s original research partners on
cognition. Their hope for the updates was to
add relevance for 21st-century students and
Taxonomy of Questions (Cognitive)
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Knowledge: Learner’s ability to recall information
Comprehension: Learner’s ability to understand
Application: Learner’s ability to use information in a new
Analysis: Learner’s ability to break down information into
its essential parts
Synthesis: Learner’s ability to create something new from
different elements of information
Evaluation: Learner’s ability to judge or criticize
Taxonomy of Questions
Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy
◼ Remembering: Learner’s ability to recall information
◼ Understanding: Learner’s ability to understand
◼ Applying: Learner’s ability to use information in a new
◼ Analyzing: Learner’s ability to break down information
into its essential parts
◼ Evaluating: Learner’s ability to judge or criticize
◼ Creating: Learner’s ability to create something new from
different elements of information
Taxonomy of Questions
Anderson and Krathwohl Updates
The updates are reflective of a more active thought
process and include three main changes:
1. Category names were revised from nouns to verbs.
Anderson and Krathwohl felt that subject matter (noun)
and cognitive processes (verb) should be separated
dimensions, so they replaced Bloom’s nouns with verbs
to reflect the nature of thinking for each category.
2. The last two stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy were
switched so that evaluation (evaluating) comes before
synthesis (creating).
Taxonomy of Questions
3. The knowledge (remembering) category was updated to
reflect four knowledge dimensions instead of three.

Under the original Bloom’s Taxonomy, the

knowledge/remembering category only included three
knowledge dimensions: factual (basic elements of
knowledge), conceptual (the interrelationships between
basic elements of knowledge), and procedural (the “how-
to” part of knowledge). With Anderson and Krathwohl’s
updates, they added a fourth knowledge dimension:
metacognitive (knowledge of cognition and awareness of
one’s own cognition).
Authentic Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes, by R. Navarro and R. De Guzman-
Santos, Lori Mar Publishing.
Assessment of Student Learning 1 and 2, by Stimson Camano
Principle of Teaching 1 & 2 By Bunga, Pilariza, and Serrano, Adrina Publishing Company

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