Amorphous Core Vs CRGO
Amorphous Core Vs CRGO
Amorphous Core Vs CRGO
usages of
Amorphous Core
Distribution Transformers
Distribution transformers carry a load which varies from time to time during the
day & night but generally capacity of these Transformers are taken to cater for
the maximum load during the day. However, often the average load on DT is far
less than the maximum load which occur only for few hours in a day. Keeping in
view the average loading of Distribution Transformer, all day efficiency or
efficiency at lighter loads have much significance for reducing network losses of
any utility.
Amorphous Core
The typical comparative figures of No load losses of AMDT and CRGO core are
given below.
65 145 55%
110 300 63%
170 430 60%
Due to small thickness and low saturation factor, larger core and
consequently larger coils and tank size are required as compared to
CRGO core transformers.
The AM Core material cannot be re-used in case burning of the core while
CRGO core can be reused by repairing some of the stamping of the Core.
From the repair and service point of view, Discoms and Power
Departments raised apprehension about the repair services of the failed
transformers with amorphous core and opined that these transformers are
difficult to repair and cost of repair is higher, hence increase in the Opex
cost of the Discoms and Power Departments. However, recently
manufactures of AMDT have clarified the apprehension of Discoms and
Power Departments, and manufacturer of AMDT have conducted many
workshops at various discoms.
Since long most of Discoms and Power Departments are procuring DTs with
CRGO core, but after the notification of IS 1180 :2014 & the Gazette Notification
issued by Ministry of Power from 2014 to 2016, it has become mandatory to
procure Transformers which meet the norms of Losses. As per CEA ( Technical
Standards for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Amendment
Regulation 2015, Distribution Transformer should be as per relevant Indian
As per the quality control order all the distribution transformers have to comply to
the IS 1180 part 1 guidelines and the total losses shall be within the limits of
specified in IS 1180 and complying to BE star labeling. The recommended
maximum losses as per IS 1180 are as below:
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency has upgraded the star ratings of DTs in
December 2016 ( applicable from 1st July 2017) and assigned maximum
permissible losses based on loading for each rating are as below:
It may be seen that level–II of IS 1180 :2014 has been made as new Star 1 and
level–III of IS 1180 :2014 has been made as new Star 2 by BEE and have
introduced new losses for star 3 , 4 & 5. To alien with the BEE notified losses,
BIS is in process of amending IS 1180 and the same would be applicable as and
when notified by BIS.
All the Distribution Transformers either having CRGO core or Amorphous core
have to comply with the total losses ( No load losses + load losses) at 50% and
100% loading given in the IS 1180 and BEE notifications. The load losses of the
distribution transformers also play a major role in calculation of total losses at
50% and 100% loading as the winding of DT may be designed by using proper
size of Aluminum or Copper winding to meet the total losses criteria keeping in
view the no load losses of available core of CRGO or Amorphous.
As per the information furnished by some Discoms, during year 2016-17 the cost
of purchase for energy efficient DTRs (for compliance of norms of BIS for Level –
II and III as per IS 1180:2014 part –I), the cost of 100KVA DTR with CRGO was
costlier then amorphous core DTRs. As equal opportunity was given to both
type of core material (i.e Amorphous & CRGO) in procurement, utilities have to
procure DTRs with Amorphous core .
Also during year 2017-18 in a tender for BIS Level – II for 25 kVA & BIS Level -III
for 200 & 315 kVA DTRs floated by the MPPKVVCL Jabalpur, it was observed
that lowest rate of 25 kVA DTRs was with CRGO core material & lowest rate of
200 & 315 kVA DTRs was with amorphous material. This shows that rate of
CRGO core material is lowest in lower level class and rate of amorphous core
material is lowest in higher level.