DLL 7-9

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Mrs. Loribelle P. Maldepeña Learning Area UCSP
Teaching Dates and Time July 9-13, 2018 2:00-3:00 Quarter FIRST

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates an understanding of culture and society as anthropological and sociological concepts.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of perspectives / approaches to the study of culture and society
B. Performance Standard The learner appreciates the nature of culture and society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology.
The learner demonstrates an holistic understanding of culture and society.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives At the end of the 60 minute At the end of the 60 minute period At the end of the 60 minute period At the end of the 60 minute period
Write the LC code for each. period the students will be able the students will be able to: the students will be able to: the students will be able to:
to:  Identify aspects of culture and  Raise question towards a  Raise question towards a
 Describe society and society holistic appreciation of holistic appreciation of
culture as a complex whole UCSP11/12DCS-Ic-8 cultures and societies cultures and societies
UCSP11/12DCS-Ic-7  Define culture and Society UCSP11/12DCS-Id-9 UCSP11/12DCS-Id-9
 Value the importance of  Appreciate the culture and  Define socialization and  Explain the different patterns
knowing society and society where the learner enculturation of social interaction ICL
culture as a whole belongs.  Discuss the different agents  Prove that culture is a
 Differentiate society and of socialization patterned social interaction,
culture.  Prove that culture is learned integrated and unstable, and
and transmitted through requires language for social
socialization and interaction,

II. CONTENT Defining culture and society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages As of this moment, there are still no teacher’s guides printed for this learning area. Nevertheless, the teacher makes use of available materials.
2. Learner’s Materials pages As of this moment, there are still no learner’s materials printed for this learning area. Nevertheless, the teacher makes use of available materials.
3. Textbook pages 17-22 23-25 26-29
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource www.prezi.com www.prezi.com www.slishare.net www.prezi.com www.slishare.net www.prezi.com www.slishare.net
A. Reviewing previous lesson or The review of the lesson will be The review of the lesson will be The review of the lesson will be
presenting the new lesson. done in a question and answer done in a question and answer form. done in a question and answer

form form.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Why is culture said to be a Is there something unique that only Recall the very first person you How are your interactions
lesson product of society. your family does? interacted with. Do you think he or influenced by culture?
(MOTIVATION) she affected the development of
your personality?
C. Presenting examples/Instances of GROUP WORK GROUP WORK GROUP WORK
the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and ASK: ASK: ASK:
practicing new skills # 1 1. Why should people use 1. Cite practices within your 1. Have you ever been to
(ANALYSIS) different perspectives in family that is different from another place? If so, what
recognizing the existence the others. have done to adopt to
of culture and society? 2. What makes it different? their way of living?
2. Why is culture said to be a 3. From whom did you learn 2. Who influenced you to
product of society? these practices? adjust such living? Continuation of
4. What do you think makes 3. How did you learn their yesterday’s discussion
your family practices way of living?
unique from the others?

E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will have in depth The teacher will have an in depth The teacher will have an in depth The teacher will have an in depth
practicing new skills # 2 discussion on society and discussion on aspects of culture and discussion about this topic. discussion about this topic.
culture and as a complex whole society.
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Assessment )
G. Finding practical application of Think about the different factors  Different cultures exist in Do you think social media Social exchange as a
concepts and skills in daily living involved in shaping society and the world, but there is no significantly affects and influences pattern of social interaction
(APPLICATION)/ (VALUES culture. How do they affect culture greater than our culture nowadays? is not always active.
INTEGRATION) continuous societal and cultural another. We should learn
Sometimes, when we do
changes? to accept our differences, Throughout your life, you will get to
help other cultures learn interact with a lot of different harm to others, we already
ours, and learn other people from different cultures. You anticipate that they will do
cultures as well. will learn different behaviors, something wrong to us in
norms, or values from them. It is up return.
 We should not judge the to you to identify what you will keep
customs, norms, and or practice and what you will reject. Competition is not always
beliefs of others because negative as well. There are
those are part of their Not all acquired behaviors are
also good games that push
unique culture helpful. Some learned behaviors
us to do our best to win

can be destructive in the long run. and, in the process,
enhance our skills.

Conflict may result in

hostility between the
conflicting parties, but may
lead to unity and
cooperation among the
members of the same

Our social interactions are

integrated so it varies
depending on the situation.
We may be friendly and
cooperative towards one
person today, but this might
change when we feel
H. Making generalizations and • Anthropology is the  Culture is a set of  Enculturation is the  Social interaction is
abstractions about the lesson study of humans' behaviors that we have process of adopting the the mutual influence
(ABSTRACTION) evolutionary history and absorbed. It is a set of behavior patterns of the of two or more
how people behave, characteristics that help us culture in which a person
people on each
adjust, communicate, relate and bond with other is immersed in.
and socialize in people. other’s behavior.
different environments.  Socialization is an
• Sociology is the study  Society is a group of ongoing process of  There are five
of human institutions individuals coming from the learning languages, patterns of social
and their same place and shares the behaviors, customs, interaction: exchang
interrelationships. same culture. values, or norms to e, cooperation, com
• Culture is a way of life acquire a personal petition, conflict, a
of a group of people. It  It is crucial identity. nd coercion.
involves symbols, to preserve and promulgate 
languages, values, and our culture and traditions if  There are different agents
norms.  Exchange or social
we want to keep them of socialization that aid in
• Society is a community alive. We are facing lots of acquiring and learning a exchange is our
or group of people changes, developments, specific culture. These expectation that
joined together by and technological include whenever we do
sustained bonds and advances today that we the family, school, peer something good, we

interactions. tend to forget to look back groups, mass media, will receive
on our old culture and and religion. something good in
traditions. return.
 Culture
 Culture is dynamic, flexible, is dynamic, flexible,
 Cooperation is
and adaptive. It changes and adaptive. It is
based on the current also shared and contested  when people or
situation of society. Culture in various ways and groups of people
continuously restores itself situations. work together to
so it will remain relevant. achieve a common
 Culture goal.
 Culture is best learned is learned and transmitted 
when it is shared. There through socialization and  Competition is
are a lot of cultures that enculturation. when individuals or
exists in our world. We
groups battle to
need to share our unique
culture with others to get to achieve the goal that
know theirs and also only one can have.
spread ours.
 Conflict arises when
 While it is learned and people disobey
shared, culture is rules, control a
also contested. Because of person by force, or
diversity, culture is subject hurt other people
to debate and analysis.
just to achieve their

 Coercion happens
when a person uses
threats or force to
persuade another

 Language is an
essential part of
social interaction.
Without language,
we will find it
difficult to interact

with other people.

 Some parts of the

patterns of our
social interaction
are integrated. This
connection affects
our behavior
towards other

 Our social
interactions are
also unstable. It
may change
depending on the
situation we are in.
We may be in
conflict with one
person today but
may become
friendly with him or
her in other

 Culture is dynamic,
flexible, and
adaptive, shared and
contested in various
ways and situations,
learned and
transmitted through
socialization or
patterned on social
integrated and at

times unstable, and
requires language
for social

I. Evaluating learning Identify three societies or groups What are the different Do you think social media How will culture
(ASSESSMENT) of people. Write at least three aspects of culture and significantly affects and prosper if language
characteristics for each group. society and explain briefly. influences our culture will cease to exist?
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher I


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