Question 2

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Questions for

Lecture 2: DNA Damages by Radiation

DAI, Liang
Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong
[email protected]

PHY4274 Radiation Biophysics 2019/2020 Semester B
Question 1
 The following diagram shows two types of actions of X-ray on
DNA. Which is the direct action, and which one is the indirect
 Which action is dominate for X-ray?

Indirect action (dominate for X-Ray)

direct action

Question 2
 X-ray induced DNA damages are mostly caused by hydroxyl
radicals. Write out the two reaction steps that produce hydroxyl

1st Step: radiation  ion radical

+¿ + � −

�2 � → �2 �

Ion radical

2nd Step: ion radical  free radical

+ ¿ + �� ∙
+¿ + � 2 � → � �
� 2 �

Ion radical free radical

hydroxyl radical

Question 3
 X-ray induced DNA damages depends on the diffusion distance of a
hydroxyl radical over its lifetime. The lifetime of hydroxyl is on the
order of seconds. What is the typical diffusion distance of a
hydroxyl radical?
The diffusion distance of a hydroxyl radical is about 1 nm.

Question 4
 What are free radical scavengers?

• Free radical scavengers prevent free radicals from being formed, or

remove them before they can damage DNA (or cells)

Question 5
 X-ray induced DNA damages can be caused by direct and indirect
actions. What’s the fraction of DNA damages caused by indirect
action out of all DNA damages by X-ray? How do experiments
determine this fraction.

• Free radical scavengers can only eliminate the indirect

action of radiation
• Experiments show that free radical scavengers can reduce
the biological effects of x-rays by a factor of close to 3.
• As a result, about 2/3 of the x-ray damage to DNA in cells is
caused by the hydroxyl radical (indirect action).

Question 6
 Whether direct or indirect action is dominate in radiation-induced
DNA damages depends on the radiation type. What are the
dominate action mode for X-ray, neutrons and alpha-particles,

• The dominate action mode for X-ray is the indirect action.

• The dominate action modes for neutron and alpha-particles
are X-ray are the direct action.

Question 7
 Why is single-strand breaks (SSB) not very harmful?

• Single-strand breaks can be repaired readily

using the opposite strand as a template.

Question 8
 Is the energy from radiation deposited uniformly in the absorbing
medium? What are the three terms used to describe the
distribution of radiation energy deposition?

No, energy deposition of radiation is along particle tracks. The

three terms are spur, blob, and short track

Question 9
 For X-ray radiation, which is the most common type of energy
deposition events? Spur, blob or short track?

For X-ray, 95% energy deposition events are spurs.

Question 10
 Why is DNA in cells more radiation resistant than free DNA?

• because
1. Some free radical scavengers exist in cells
2. Proteins (histones) around DNA provide physical
protection to DNA


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