SOI Pearl 2010
SOI Pearl 2010
SOI Pearl 2010
What term refers to the constitutional right that forbids a defendant from being tried for the same crime twice?
2. Graham Chapman John Cleese Terry Gilliam Eric Idle Terry Jones Michael Palin. Name this popular British comedy group.
creepy and theyre kooky, mysterious and spooky; theyre altogether ooky, ________!
7. Born in 1938, he is a prolific English author. He became the youngest pilot in the RAF at age 19. In 1967, he served as a correspondent covering the Nigerian Civil War. Who?
8. ________ is a Mesopotamian monarch mentioned in the Bible. He is depicted as a mighty ruler and nation-builder. His reputation was tarnished by his association with the Tower of Babel. __________ is also a high-level system programming language and the name of a Green Day album. (Both blanks are the same)
9. The iPad is the second tablet platform developed by apple. Which is the first??
11. After Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution, a number of scientists calculated the age of the earth using Fouriers theory of heat conduction. Lord Kelvin came up with an age between 24 and 400 million years, Helmholtz calculated it to be 22 million years. This gave ammunition to critics of evolution, even 400 million years not being enough for evolution by natural selection. The age of the earth is now estimated to be atleast 4.5 billion years. What physical phenomenon not known in 1862, caused the miscalculation?
12. Scientist and Pulitzer Prize winning author Jared Diamond calls it the biggest mistake in history. In his book Guns, Germs and Steel, he argues that along with this practice came the gross social and sexual inequality, the disease and despotism that curse our existence. What practice?
13. Identify
16. What is the island in Sri Lanka that is linked to India by the Ram Setu?
____ ________ ___ ____ is the first single from"Weird Al" Yankovic's 12th studio albumStraight Outta Lynwood. The song was released exclusively on August 21, 2006 as a digital download. It is a style parody of "We Are
20. This Scandinavian entity takes its name from a word in Wilbur Smith's novel The Sunbird. Which entity?
22. In the 1955 Bandung Conference between Asian and African states hosted by Indonesian President Sukarno, the attending nations declared their desire not to become involved in the Cold War. This conference later led to the establishment of which International organisation??
23. He is a theoretical physicist from Caltech, is fluent in Klingon, and has an IQ of 187. He always sits on the same spot on his sofa, and is a huge Star Trek fan. Who?
24. What is the name of the new non-stop train services inaugurated by Mamata Banerjee recently?
26. This international organisation was founded in 1993. It comprises over 500 million people, and is responsible for about 30% of the world's GDP. It is headquartered in Belgium. Name it.
27. Released in 2007, this is the only Indian movie that features in the IMDBs bottom 20 list.
29. Created by Leon Harrison Gross, he is the first superhero to wear a skintight costume and a mask with no visible pupils. Who is he??
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__________ went on sale on 10 March 2010 in India for Rs 3.5 lakhs .It is built only in Chennai, Tamil Nadu to be sold worldwide. It gets its name from an Italian expression which is similar to colloquial English expression 'cool'.
1. Double Jeopardy 2. Monty Python 3. 42 5. Sing a Song of Sixpence 6. Moby Dick, Herman Melville 7. Frederick Forsyth
16.Mannar Island 17.Dont Download This Song 18.Chuck Norris 19.Sodium thiopental (Truth Serum) 20.Opeth 21.The military operation to consolidate Nizams Hyderabad into Indian territory. 22.The NAM (Non Aligned Movement) 23.Dr. Sheldon Cooper (from The Big Bang Theory) 24.Duronto Express 25.Brisbane 26.The European Union 27.RGV ki Aag 28.Ear 29.Phantom 30.Ford Figo
Round 1
This round is infinite bounce. The question will go to the team adjacent to the team that answered the previous question. +10 points for the correct answer, +5 for a passed question. NO NEGATIVE MARKING
1. The Zapata Corporation traces its origins to Zapata Oil, founded in 1953 by ________________________, along with his business partners John Overbey, Hugh Liedtke, Bill Liedtke, and Thomas J. Devine. On January 8, 2007, newly released internal CIA documents revealed that Zapata had in fact emerged from _________________'s collaboration with a covert CIA officer in the 1950s. According to a CIA internal memo dated November 29, 1975, Zapata Petroleum began in 1953 through ________________'s joint efforts with Thomas J. Devine, a CIA staffer who had resigned his agency position that same year to go into private business, but who continued to work for the CIA under commercial cover.
2. Coined by Paul Harvey, and also known as Trickle-down economics and Voodoo economics, this term refers to the economic policies adopted by the 40th US President during 1980s. What is the term?
3. Identify
4. There is a well-known myth about the word "_______________", which says that in 1791 a Dublin theater owner named James Daly made a bet that he could introduce a word into the language within twenty-four hours. He then went out and hired a group of street urchins to write the word "________________", which was a nonsense word, on walls around the city of Dublin. Within a day, the word was common currency
5. On 26 May 1991,Flight 004 of Lauda Air (an Austrian tourist airline company), a Boeing 7673Z9ER named _________________________, was lost over Thailand shortly after takeoff from Bangkok due to the deployment of an un-commanded reverser, with the loss of 223 passengers and crew.
Arlene Blum
7. This art form gets its name from the name of a princess in north Indian folklore possessing incomparable beauty but very delicate and weighing only as much as a flower. The name metaphorically implies that the princess weighs only 36 grams. Identify the art form.
8. Also known as Foffie, this fast bowler from Barbados, had played only 4 test matches, but each of these matches was under a different captain. He has also represented Barbados in soccer. He is best remembered for a whirlwind innings (72 runs) he played against England in Jan,1948, during which he registered the fastest fifty in tests for West Indies. What's his real name??
Tight-rope walking
10. I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordealof meeting me is another matter. These lines form the epitaph of which famous man in WWII history?
Winston Churchill
Soresu, Niman,
The seven classical forms of lightsaber combat in the Star Wars extended Universe.
12. According to an urban legend the "F-word", one of the most widely used words in modern spoken English, evolved from the phrase "_______________ Consent of King" . ______________
Fornicating Under
1. The original climax of this film had the protagonist killing the villain himself. But the Censor Board couldnt bear an ex-cop taking the law in his own hands. So the director shot a different climax, where the thoroughly beaten villain is taken away in a police van at the end. Name the film.
2. The english title of the Italian horror film "I Tre volti della paura" inspired the name of a British band. What was the english title??
Black Sabbath
3. Who is this???
4. Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved or because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that only hinders progress.- Mahatma Gandhi. Whats the filmi connection?
After writing this novel the author said that he had "put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant", which would earn the novel "immortality". Considered to be one of the most important works of Modernist literature, this novel was ranked by the Modern Library in 1999, as the first on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. Identify both the author and the novel.
Fifteen birds in five fir trees, their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze! But, funny little birds, they had no wings! O what shall we do with the funny little things? Roast 'em alive, or stew them in a pot; fry them, boil them and eat them hot?
Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf and their 13 dwarf companions in the book 'The Hobbit' by JRR Tolkien.
The Divine Comedy is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and his death in 1321. It is widely considered the preeminent work of Italian literature, and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature. The poem's imaginative and allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife is a culmination of the medieval world-view as it had developed in the Western Church. In which dialect was it written?
Tuscan Dialect, which was the official language of the Kingdom Of Italy.
be wise, strain the wine, and scale back your long hopes, to a short period. While we speak, envious time will have {already} fled, Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the next. This is the translation of a Latin poem by Horace. The Latin form of the underlined phrase is commonly used in the context of making the most of something.
Carpe diem
Begin at the beginning, then go on till you come to the end. This gem of advice was given by whom to whom?
According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Alternate Universes) : "It includes every single literary, television show, movie, urban legend, universe, realm, etc. ever. It includes everyone from Popeye to Rocky Balboa to Ronald Reagan to Romeo and Juliet to Luke Skywalker to Snoopy to Jay and Silent Bob, Mickey Mouse, etc.".
The Omniverse
Though officially called The X-Men , what is this team more commonly known as?
Dark X-men.
Presently consisting of Norman Osbourne (a.k.a Iron Patriot), Daken (a.k.a Dark Wolverine), Mimic, Mystique, Henry McCoy (a.k.a Dark Beast) and Weapon Omega.
_________________ _________________ Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman _________________ _________________ _________________ Garth Einnes Kart Busiek _________________ _________________
Alan Moore. Winner, Best Writer category of The Will Eisner Comic Industry Award. Moore won the award 9 times.
Herge. The comics are (clockwise from top) Quick And Flupke, The Amiable Mr. Mopps, Totor, Fred And Mile.
Dan Didio, the Senior VicePresident / Executive Editor of DC Comics, hid a coded message in his DC Nation column in the in back of the 37th episode of the 52 Comic series. The message is spelled out using the first letter of every third word. What is the message?
First introduced in 1987 by Alan Moore, Rot Lop Fan is an unorthodox Green Lantern in the sense that he comes from a species, which had evolved in a region of absolute darkness and therefore had no eyes and hence no concept of light. Thus Rot Lop Fan didn't call the Green Lantern Corps the Green Lantern Corps. What did he used to call the Green Lantern
Mixed Bag
1. Red Knights is a collection of financial figures including former Football League chairman Keith Harris and Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill. For what incident did they come into prominence recently?
2. This famous Irish comedian/writer was born in 1918 in Ahmednagar, India to a captain in the British Army. He was the author of several books including Puckoon. His epitaph reads: I told you I was ill. Name him.
Spike Milligan
3. 1998 - _______________ 1999 - Glenn McGrath 2000-01 - Steve Waugh 2001-02 - Glenn McGrath 2002-03 - Adam Gilchrist 2003-04 - Ricky Ponting 2004-05 - Darren Lehmann 2005-06 - Glenn McGrath
Belinda Clarke. This was the list of the players selected as the Australian Cricketer Of The Year by Wisden Australia. Belinda Clarke was selected as the Australian Cricketer Of The Year in the first issue of Wisden Australia, and is till date the only woman cricketer to be selected by Wisden Australia for that category.
4. Mithridatism refers to the practice of injecting oneself with non-lethal amounts of poison/venom in order to develop immunity against future poisoning. It is said to have been practised by a certain mystic , who apparently could not be poisoned. Name him.
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I am a Titan, the daughter of the Titan Lelantos (male equivalent of Leto) and Periboia. I used to be a virgin-huntress, and claimed that Artemis was too womanly to be a virgin. As a result of Artemis's desire to punish me, I bore Dionysus twin sons on the Dindymon mountains. In my rage I ate one of them, while the other was saved by Artemis. Zeus later turned me into stream to stop me from causing more havoc in my rage.
Aura, the goddess of breeze and fresh , cool air of early morning in Greek Mythology.
Draupadi had five sons, each by one of the Pandavas. Who was her son by Arjun? P.S. Aswathama murdered him alongwith his stepbrothers, while they were sleeping.
According to the Bible, a Serpent tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, which led to banishment of Adam and Eve from Gods garden. Who was the serpent in reality?
Death in battle is like a boon for them. After their death they brought to the Valhalla by the valkyries, where they daily get to feast on the meat of the beast Saehrimnir and are brought their fill of mead from the udders of the goat Heiorun, by the valkyries. They prepare daily for the events of Ragnarok. What they collectively known as?