CSE369 Wi22 Quiz1 Soln

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U niversity of W ashington – C om puter Science & Engineering

Winter 2022 Instructor: Justin Hsia 2022-02-01

N am e: _Perry_Perfect_______________
Student ID
N um ber: _1234567______

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• This quiz contains 3 pages, including this cover page. You may use the backs of the
pages for scratch work.
• Please clearly indicate (box, circle) your final answer.
• The quiz is closed book and closed notes.
• Please silence and put away all cell phones and other mobile or noise-making devices.
• Remove all hats, headphones, and watches.
• You have 20 (+5) minutes to complete this quiz.

A dvice
• Read questions carefully before starting. Read all questions first and start where you
feel the most confident to maximize the use of your time.
• There may be partial credit for incomplete answers; please show your work.
• Relax. You are here to learn.

Question P oints Score

(1) CL Gates 8 8
(2) K-map 5 5
(3) Waveforms & Verilog 12 12
Total: 25 25
Question 1: Combinational Logic Gates [8 pts]
(A) Write out a Boolean expression for the circuit diagram below. No need to simplify.
Remember to use + (OR), ⋅ (AND), and ̅ (NOT) as well as any necessary parentheses
to make your answer unambiguous. [2 pts] 𝐅 = ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
(𝐀 ⋅ 𝐁̅ ) + (𝐁 + ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝐀 ⋅ 𝐂)

X X=A⋅B ̅ [0.5 pt]

Y = ̅̅̅̅̅̅
A⋅C [0.5 pt]
Z Z=B+Y [0.5 pt]
F = ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
X+Z [0.5 pt]

(B) Find a minimal implementation of the function below using only 2-input N OR gates.
We will only accept circuit diagrams. [6 pts]

𝐹 = (A + B)̅̅̅̅

[2 pt] Valid gate conversion

from expression
[2 pt] DeMorgan’s
applications (either in
expression or gates)
[2 pt] Conversion of extra
NOTs to NORs

Question 2: Karnaugh Maps [5 pts]

Find the minimum sum-of-products solution for the K-map shown below.

1 0 0 1

0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 [2 pt] X choices
C [1 pt each] correct term/grouping
1 0 1 1 [-0.5 pt each] smaller grouping used
[-0.5 pt each] extra grouping included

Question 3: Waveforms & Verilog [12 pts]
(A) Consider the Verilog simulated testbench waveforms shown. If we know that X and Y
are outputs of 2-input logic gates, complete the module Mystery below. [7 pt]

For both X and Y:

[2 pt] Correct input signals
[1 pt] Correct gate used
[1 pt] Correct Verilog syntax

module Mystery (F, A, B, C);

output F;
input A, B, C;
wire X, Y;
nor G1 (X, A, C); or assign X = ~(A | C);
and G2 (Y, B, X); or assign Y = B & X;
xnor G3 (F, X, Y);

(B) We only have the 2-input logic gates at right X OR NAND OR

available to us. Given the logic delays shown, 6 ns 7 ns 10 ns
draw out the circuit diagram of the fastest
implementation of the Verilog statement below. [5 pts]
Hint: Build a truth table first.

assign F = B ^ (~A | B);

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