7 Simple Steps To Accomplish Any Goal Final

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7 Simple Steps to Accomplish Any Goal


HOT DAMN – I like that action! Way to download your copy of 7 Simple Steps to
Accomplish any Goal. My intent with this guide is to take the stress out of accomplishing
your goals, so you can see a clear and achievable path to get into ACTION and get your
goals accomplished with focus and clarity. BOOM!

Below I’ve outlined each step of the 7 steps and provided some additional content so you
can be sure you’re building a strong foundation to reach your goals. Feel free to print this
document so you can take notes as you read through the steps. So let’s jump in!


Clarity is the most important step in setting up a goal to achieve. If you’re not sure what
you want to accomplish, how will you ever know if you have? Gaining clarity, true clarity,
takes time and effort. You have to be willing to sit with your thoughts and envision the
goal you want to achieve. Don’t get bogged down by the fears that may be keeping you
company. Drop all the barriers and the negative thoughts and just connect to the ideal
outcome of the goal you want to achieve. Let’s just start with one for now, make it big or
small, but just focus on what that ideal state/goal would be.

Now that you’ve gained some clarity – take some time to think about the following
questions and jot down some notes.

What is it that you want to accomplish in life?

What is the life you are working towards and

what does it look like?

What is the reason “why” your goal is

important to achieve?

What are your motivating factors?

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7 Simple Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

What happens if you don’t reach your goal?

Looking at the answers you provided above, use the space below to modify and write out
a goal that you want to achieve:



A successful goal is on that you can measure, so you can tell when you’ve achieved your
goal, whether it’s earning more money or spending more time with the kids. There are
several key aspects that need to be captured when setting a goal – so that you
accomplish it.

A great process that you can use is to leverage the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting methodology,
which was originally developed by George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham.
I’ve modified them slightly to align with more ACTION oriented steps.

SPECIFIC Ensure that your goal is very specific and well defined. It’s not enough to set a
goal of “I want to have a happy life”. You have to get down into the details of what a
“Happy life” looks like. Does that include vacations? More growth in your business?
Employees? And how much of each of those. Get focused on the details of what it is you
want to achieve. This is similar to what we did in Step 1 – but take the time to review your
goal again to see if you need to clarify it some more.

MEASURABLE Identify the components that will let you know you’re on your path to
achieving the goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 50 lbs., a good way to know
you’re on target is to have incremental 5lb targets.

ACCOUNTABLE Engage individuals and advocates who will hold you accountable to your
goal, but also support and cheer you on to accomplish it. Most often this role is fulfilled
by a coach, who can help clarify, strategize and keep you on target.

REALISTIC Determine if this goal is something that you believe you can attain (See more
on this in Step 3). This is best exemplified by Henry Ford’s statement that “If you think
you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.”

TIME BOUND the amount of time in which you want to accomplish the goal. The trick
here is giving yourself enough time but not too much time to accomplish the goal. Too
little and the goal seems daunting and impossible, too much and the goal may
seem unattainable.

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7 Simple Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

Now I’m going to throw in a bonus consideration… make sure you’ve identified WHY you
want to achieve this goal. It’s all great and good to set a goal and achieve it, but if you
don’t know WHY you want to attain it, then you’ll never actually realize the goal you set
out for yourself in the first place – this is the more emotional part of setting a goal.

Want to know more about your WHY… watch this TED Talk by Simon Sinek.

I have a sneaking suspicion your goal may have changed a little bit from Step 1 – here is
some space to update it:



If you truly believe you cannot accomplish a goal, you simply won’t. Half the battle of
accomplishing a goal, is in the thought and energy that’s put behind it. So believe that
you can, put the energy into accomplishing it, and you will achieve your goal.

Tony Robbins states that “80 percent of success is due to psychology—mindset, beliefs,
and emotions—and only 20 percent is due to strategy—the specific steps needed to
accomplish a result.”

You need to ensure that you as an individual have the ability to believe you can
accomplish your goal – otherwise it won’t matter how much you learn, plan or strategize.

So what can you do to believe in your goal?

This is one of the BIGGEST entrepreneurial dilemmas, and there is no quick answer or
quick solution. But there is a process that has proven to work – over time. It’s the
combination of the 3 P’s – presence, practice, and patience.

PRESENCE What does peace have to do with believing in your goals? It’s really a tool
for you to stop and take account of where you are. Take some time to write out the
answers to the questions below. Remember it’s about bringing this to the forefront of
your consciousness so you can in turn take the steps to believe in the possibility making
this your new reality.

What’s working in your life and business

right now?

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7 Simple Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

What’s Not working for you?

PRACTICE If you’ve ever struggled with accomplishing goals, then realistically you
can’t expect to master this ability overnight. After all, even Michael Jordan had to
practice in order to become one of the greatest basketball, if not athletes, of all time. So
ask yourself I you’re willing to practice this new skill? Think about times in your life when
something seemed impossible – how about when you first learned to tie your shoes, or
swim, or ride a bike. Were you able to do those right away after you tried once? Probably
not. This same process of trying a new skill over and over is the same concept, you have
to keep practicing to master it. But you have to commit to practicing, and becoming
comfortable with failing. Which leads me to my next point…

PATIENCE Yes, you need to become comfortable with failing. Failing is not a setback,
it’s actually an experience that will help propel you forward into success. You fail
forward. Nelson Mandela actually said “I never lose. I either win or learn.”

Any big goal will take time to achieve, and time requires patience, especially in this new
modern age of instant gratification. So how do you learn patience? You first start by
being compassionate and loving to yourself. A lot of us out there beat ourselves up when
we don’t get something right the first time, or things didn’t go quite the way we wanted
to. But like anything, skills take time to develop, and you need to be compassionate and
loving with yourself so you can withstand the test of time – something each of us are
tested by when we want to achieve big goals! Think about “overnight sensations”, these
people typically have put in years, and even decades’ worth of work to have it all “click”
in what appears to be overnight.

If you have a B-I-G goal that you want to accomplish – no matter how scary it is – the
secret to binding presence, practice, and patience is passion. When your passion is
aligned to your goals and you develop your abilities with the 3P’s, you will become
focused, determined, and driven to believe and achieve your goals. Which will propel you
into action and ultimately success.


Now that you have your goal written, it’s time to break it down into bit sized steps. What
does accomplishing your goal entail? What actions need to be taken to accomplish it, by
when, and by whom? Keep breaking the goal down into as many steps as possible, so
that they are feasible and achievable.

Below is a simple outline of how you can break your goals down into bite sized pieces.
First identify your goal (write it out), then break down that goal into sub-tasks. For
example, if you want to be able to take more vacations ith your family (remember be
specific) then the breakout would look something like this:

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7 Simple Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

GOAL Go on a European vacation with the family (estimated cost is $10,000)

by 09/01/201X

SUBTASK 1 Earn $10,000 in business revenues to pay for cost of trip by

Book 5 more clients (profit of $2,000 each) by 03/01/201X
Develop new Webinar to increase leads 11/30/201X
Increase Networking for lead generation
Contact old client for referrals11/15/201X
Target 2 events per month

SUBTASK 2 Plan the vacation by 07/30/201X

Research tickets by 03/01/201X
Purchase Ticket by 03/15/201X
Research and book hotels by 06/15/201X
Research and book local transportation (trains and auto) by 5/30/2016

Now your turn. Keep breaking down the tasks until they no longer feel overwhelming.
Remember to balance the right amount of time to encourage you to take action, but not
enough that you forget the importance of the task as it relates to your goal.

GOAL: Date:

Subtask 1 Date:

Subtask 2 Date:

Subtask 3 Date:


Thinking about your goals is a step up from having none, but if you want to go to the
next level, you need to write it out. The physical act of writing your goal down, deepens

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7 Simple Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

the intention in your thoughts, giving you a greater advantage over others who have not
written their goals down. Give yourself as much support as you can – write your goals

We dove deep into the details – and no worries if you feel a bit disconnected. That’s
what this section is all about.

A goal is a desire (remember your WHY) and in order for you to keep motivated you need
to be able to quickly connect to the desired end result. That’s where a handy dandy
post-it note or index card (a goal card) comes in handy.

The most effective way to write out your goal is to frame it positively, and as though it
has already happened and note a date. For example:

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I h��� �n��ea�e� �u���es� ������e� ��

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Da��: �1/30/201X

Read your goal card every day. This technique is used by one of the original master goal
achiever – Earl Nightingale. If you haven’t read his book “Think and Grow Rich” I highly
recommend it.

Accountability is an area that most people, especially entrepreneurs, lack, and usually for
good reason. Life and business are hard enough, so who wants to voluntarily self-impose
disappointment and consequences on themselves? I’ll tell you who – successful people!

Accountability is the one way you can develop your own self-reliance. Who would you
trust more, someone who is committed and fulfills their promises, or someone who never
commits and/or never comes through? I’ll take the accountable person please!

So how do you become more accountable, especially when it comes to your own goals
and aspirations? You communicate and honor your commitments.

Here is where a coach is the perfect solution. Coaches hold you accountable to your goal
with no self-indulging or self-serving directive. A great coach’s sole motivation will be to
help you get from where you are today to where you want to be, with support and drive.

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7 Simple Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

Accountability will motivate you to honor your commitments, and most importantly
honor yourself. But you need to move beyond the fear of being held accountable – move
beyond the excuses – and shift into the world of possibility, where you are able to
achieve your goals, aspiration, and dreams. And the first step is committing to yourself,
your life, and your business.

What’s the fun in achieving a goal, if you don’t celebrate it? When you set your goal,
envision and feel what it would be like once you accomplish it. “Feel” into the goal and
success of it. What does that look like, and how will you celebrate your new

So what does celebration look like? Think of things that you would want to do for
yourself, maybe it’s a massage, a new outfit, a date night at your favorite restaurant,
whatever it is, let it be something that motivates you, and make it fun.

I’d also like to invite you to celebrate your sub tasks, as those make up the large goal
they are worth recognizing and not stepping over. Small victories are still victories, and
should be recognized and celebrated, because they make up the bigger goal.

What to do next:

1. Fill out the 90-day action plan on page 8.

2. Set up a time to talk to me - Click here.

3. Show up for the call ready to get into ACTION!

About the author

There’s no such thing as a Mission Impossible to Cat Stancik, who is

known for her tough love with big results approach not to mention her
big personality! She works with high achieving entrepreneurs who want
to punch up their personal growth and explode in their business. Cat
does this by leveraging “get shit done” productivity tools and her
propriety A.C.T.I.O.N.™ Program, helping her clients become even more
successful by simplifying and strategizing their action plan.

Cat is the founder of Catalytic Change, a sought-after speaker, and

bestselling author of 7 Principles for a More Productive and Fulfilling Life. She lives in
Maryland with her adoring husband and two daughters. Also, she’s an information junkie,
movie maven, and lover of chocolate and massage.

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7 Simple Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

90 Day Focus



What you’d like to What does the ideal Where are you stuck Strategies to First action step
do/accomplish/ outcome look like, in accomplishing overcome the
implement in the specifically? this? What are your obstacles
next 90 days to get key questions
more clients and around making this
money happen?


Target Date:


Target Date:


Target Date:


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