Property Law
Property Law
Property Law
Concept and meaning of property,
Various definitions given under Transfer of Property Act,
Kinds of property-
movable and immovable property
tangible and intangible property
Intellectual property-copyright, patents and designs, trademarks
Powers and Functions of Rent Controlling Authority
Special obligations and penalties of Land Lords
Miscellaneous provisions
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
Concept and meaning of property,
Various definitions given under Transfer of Property Act, 1872
Kinds of property-
movable and immovable property
tangible and intangible property
Intellectual property-copyright, patents and designs, trademarks
By its very existence, society mandates interaction, exchange or transfer. A property, movable or
immovable, is transferred from one person to another under various situations and circumstances and
for different values. The transfer may be a gift, an inheritance or an asset acquired by paying full value.
Also, there are different laws/legislations governing the transfer of property, movable and immovable
under different circumstances.
When a movable property is transferred inter-vivos (i.e. between two living persons), Sales of
Goods Act, 1930 comes into play. When an immovable property is transferred from living person to
living person(s), the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 comes into play. In case, the property is transferred
from a dead person to a living person(s) i.e. by operation of law, the law applied will be the Law of
succession. Should a person die without leaving a will (intestate), the law of intestate succession is
applicable and in cases where a person dies leaving a will, the law of testamentary succession is
Transfer of property Act, 1882 is one of the most important branches of the law of property. It was
enacted in the year 1882 and contains 137 sections and is divided into 8 chapters. The Act came into
force with effect from 1st July, 1882. It mainly deals with the transfer of immovable property and also
movable property between two living persons i.e. transfer inter vivos. The Act does not apply to transfer
by operation of law (E.g.: Succession, Court Sales, insolvency etc.)
Preliminary aspects relating to transfer of property Sections 1 to 4
General principles of transfer of property Sections 5 to 53-A
Specific transfer (Eg: Sale, Mortgage, Lease, Exchange, Sections 54 to 137
Gift and actionable claim) Chapters III to VIII
Transfer of Property: Transfer of Property may be explained under the following categories:
1. Transfer of movable and immovable property.
2. Transfer inter vivos i.e. between two living persons and transfer from one dead persons to one
or more living persons ; and
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
In India, the personal laws governed the transfer of property assisted by orders of Courts under
Civil Procedure Code before the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 came into existence. Transfer of movable
goods was regulated to an extent by the Indian Contract Act, 1872. For transfer of immovable property,
the Anglo-Indian courts often resorted to principles of Justice, Equity and Good Conscience as it prevailed
in England at the time. This rarely helped owing to the vast differences in customs and society of the two
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
countries. Of course the rapidly growing commerce and infrastructure in the late nineteenth century lead
to more conflicts even in business. Thus, an immediate need was felt for a clear and pragmatic law
regarding property and transfers suited to India and its peculiar problems as well as to take care of the
potential economic problems. The task of drafting such legislation fell upon the First Law Commission
and was later referred to the Second Law Commission. A Bill, finally presented to the Legislative Council,
became a law on the 17th of February 1882 and came into force from 1st July of the same year.
The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘TP Act, 1882’) was intended to define
and amend the existing laws and not to introduce any new principle. It applies only to voluntary
transfers. The following may be enumerated as the objectives of the Act:
a) As per the preamble of the Act, the TP Act, 1882 is to amend or regulate the law relating to
transfer of property by the acts of the parties.
b) The Act provides a clear, systematic and uniform law for the transfer of immovable property.
c) The Act completes the Code of Contract since it is an enacted law for transfers that take place in
furtherance of a contract.
d) With provision for inter-vivos transfers, the TP Act, 1882 provides a law parallel to the existing
laws of testamentary and intestate transfers.
e) The Act is not exhaustive and provides scope to apply the principles of Justice, Equity and Good
Conscience if a particular case is not governed by any provision of law.
Since the T P Act, 1882 is not a complete code of transfer of property; we can say its scope is limited. The
Act does not apply to all the transfers taking place in India.
a) Limitation on Transfer: The Act applies to transfer by the act of parties and not by application of
law. Thus, its operations are limited to transfers by act of parties only except in a few cases saved
by Section 2 of the Act.
b) Not Exhaustive: There are various kinds of property and various modes of transfer of property.
The Act does not incorporate rules for all modes of transfer in existence. The Act does not even
claim to be a complete code as apparent from omission of the term ‘consolidate’ from its
c) Transfer of Immovable Property: The Act mainly deals with transfer of immovable properties
d) Exemption of Muslim Law: In case of a conflict between the TP Act, 1882 and rules of Muslim
Law, the latter will prevail. Section 2 of the Act does not affect inconsistent rules of Muslim Law.
Thus, a settlement made in perpetuity for the benefit of descendants of the settler is a valid wakf
(charitable gift) wherein there is an ultimate gift in favour of a charity.
e) Exemption of Rights and Incidents : Certain incidents of a contract or the essential nature of
property are exemption from the operation of the Act by Section 2. The Act also saves certain
property rights. For example, the right to partition of immovable property is an incident of
property but this right is not affected by the provisions of the TP Act, 1882.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
A territorial law is a lex loci i.e. law of a particular place and applies to all persons inhabiting the territory
irrespective of their personal status. It is different from personal law that generally follows the person.
The TP Act, 1882 is a territorial law and its operation extends to the whole of India except for Punjab. It
was not enforced throughout the country in one go. It was made applicable to different parts of the
country on different occasions. When the Act was first enforced (1 st July 1882), it extended to the whole of
‘British India’ except Bombay and Punjab. The Act was extended to the territories of Bombay from
1st January 1893. In Punjab, the transfer of immovable property by the act of parties is governed by the
rules of Justice, Equity and Good Conscience.
Transfer of property is a ‘Concurrent Subject’ (Entry 6 of List III (Concurrent List) of Seventh
Schedule to Constitution). Both Central and State Government can take legislative action in respect of
transfer of property except that relating to agricultural land which is a state subject.
According to Section 5 of the Act, ‘Transfer of Property’ means an act by which a living person conveys
property, in present or future, to one or more living persons, or to himself or to himself and one or more
other living persons. The property may be movable or immovable, present or future and the transfer can
be made orally, unless transfer in writing is specifically required under any law. Any person competent to
contract and entitled to transferable property, or authorized to dispose of transferable property on his
own, can transfer such property whether in part or whole, absolutely or conditionally.
TP Act primarily governs the transfer of immovable properties. Movable properties are governed by Sale of
Goods Act, 1930. Hence, there is a need to understand what is movable and what is immovable property
and the ways to distinguish them. The word “Property” has not been defined in TP Act when we examine
the Act, we realise that the word has been used in the most widest and generic sense. Property denotes
every kind of interest or right that has an economic content.
Property broadly classified into–
1. Movable property
2. Immovable property
The Term "Immovable Property" occurs in various Central Acts. However none of those Acts conclusively
define this term. The most important act which deals with immovable property is the Transfer of Property
Act (T.P.Act). Even in the TP Act this term is defined in exclusive terminology. TP Act does not actually
define immovable property. The definition fails to indicate as to what is “included” as immovable property.
According to Section 3 Para 2 of TP Act, "Immovable Property" does not include standing timber,
growing crops or grass. Thus, the term is defined in the Act by excluding certain things. The
expression ‘standing timber’ means trees fit for use for building and repairing houses. Growing crops
includes all vegetable growths, which have no existence apart from their produce such as pan leaves,
sugarcane etc. Similarly, grass can only be used as fodder and is a movable property.
As per Section 3(26) of the General Clauses Act 1897, "immovable property" "shall include land,
benefits to arise out of land and things attached to the earth, or permanently fastened to
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
anything attached to the earth". This definition of immovable property has reference only to the
physical objects and does not furnish an exhaustive test of what is, and what is not, immovable
The term immovable property includes three tings namely-
Benefits arising out of land; and
Things attached to earth.
Here, land does not include only the upper surface of the earth but is extensive enough to cover things
below it, for instance minerals, wells, tube-wells, rivers, ponds etc. Further, benefits arising out of land
means other ancillary rights well connected to land such as right to receive future rent, revenue form
agriculture, right to collect lac, leaves or other things from forest trees etc.
Section 2(6) of The Registration Act, 1908 defines "Immovable Property" as under:
o "Immovable Property includes land, building, hereditary allowances, rights to ways,
lights, ferries, fisheries or any other benefit to arise out of land, and things attached to
the earth or permanently fastened to anything which is attached to the earth but not
standing timber, growing crops nor grass".
The definition of the term "Immovable Property" under the Registration Act, 1908 is comprehensive. The
above definition implies that building is included in the definition of immovable property.
Relevant Cases:
Ananda Behera v. State of Orissa (AIR 1956 SC 17) – Right to catch fish from Chilka lake over a
number of years, was held to be an equivalent of a benefit to arise out of land
Shanta Bai v. State of Bombay (AIR 1959 SC 532) – Right to enter land, cut and carry away wood
over a period of twelve years was held to be immovable property. The right to collect lac from trees
is also immovable property.
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TEST How to determine whether any movable property attached to the earth has become immovable
There are two well established tests in English law–
1. Degree/mode of annexation: This was the rule laid down in Holland v. Hoggson. If the movable
property is resting on the land merely on its own weight, the presumption is that it is movable
property, unless contrary is proved. Eg- A brick resting on the land. If it is fixed to the land even
slightly or it is caused to go deeper in the earth by external agency, then it is deemed to the
immovable property, unless contrary is proved. Eg- A machine fixed to the land by using screws
(like in industries)
2. Object/purpose of annexation: Whether the purpose was to enjoy the chattel (movable property)?
Some crushed stones are deposited on a land, so that it can be transported elsewhere in a few days.
Here, the intention/object is not to keep the stones permanently. They are to be enjoyed
independently of the land on which they are deposited. Or to permanently benefit the immovable
property? Some blocks of stones are placed one above the other without using cement, but in a
manner that it stays strong and acts as a wall and prevents cattles entering the land. Here, the
intention is to make a wall out of the stones. It becomes a part of the property. It benefits the
property by protecting to the property.
In a nut-shell, the negative definition of TP Act and the positive definition of the General Clauses Act if
taken together gives the correct idea of immovable property.
What is intellectual property?
Intellectual property, in its literal sense, means the things which emanate from the exercise of the
human brain. It is the product emerging out of the intellectual labour of a human being. Property does not
just comprise of tangible things like houses, cars, furniture, currency, investments etc and such assets are
not the only kind that can be protected by law. There are many other forms of intangible property known
as intellectual property that have been recognized under the law and granted protection against
infringement. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of
intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words,
phrases, symbols, and designs.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
2. Copyright, that includes literary works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works,
artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures and architectural designs.
Rights related to copyright included those of performing artists in their performances, produces
of phonograms and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs.
These rights are outlined in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets forth
the right to benefit from the protection of moral and material interests resulting from authorship of any
scientific, literary or artistic production. The importance of intellectual property was first recognized in
the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property in 1883 and the Berne Convention for
the protection of Literary and Artistic Works in 1886. Both treaties are administered by the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
A patent is a right granted to the owner of an invention that prevents others from making, using,
importing or selling the invention without his permission. A patentable invention can be a product or a
process that gives a new technical solution to a problem. It can also be a new method of doing things, the
composition of a new product, or a technical improvement on how certain objects work. Once it is
granted, its term of a patent is 20 years from the date of filing, subject to the payment of annual renewal
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
According to Section 3 of the (Indian) Patents Act, 1970, the following are not patentable in India-
1. An invention, that is frivolous or that claims anything obviously contrary to well established
natural laws;
2. An invention, the primary or intended use of which would be contrary to law or morality or
injurious to public health;
3. The mere discovery of a scientific principle or the formulation of an abstract theory;
4. The mere discovery of any new property or new use for a known substance or of the mere use of a
known process, machine or apparatus unless such known process results in a new product or
employs at least one new reactant;
5. A substance obtained by a mere admixture resulting only in the aggregation of the properties of
the components thereof or a process for producing such substance;
6. The mere arrangement or rearrangement or duplication of known devices, each functioning
independently of one another in a known way;
7. A method of agriculture or horticulture;
8. Inventions relating to atomic energy.
9. Any process for the medicinal, surgical, curative, prophylactic or other treatment of human beings
or animals.
10. Plants and animals in whole or any part thereof other than microorganisms.
11. Mathematical or business method or a computer program per se or algorithms.
12. Literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works, cinematographic works, television productions and
any other aesthetic creations.
13. Mere scheme or rule or method of performing mental act or playing game.
14. Presentation of information.
15. Topography of integrated circuits.
16. An invention which in effect, is traditional knowledge or is based on the properties of traditional
A trade mark is a visual symbol in the form of a word, a device, or a lapel applied to articles of
commerce with a view to indicate to the purchasing public that they are the goods manufactured or
otherwise dealt in by a particular person as distinguished from similar goods manufactured or dealt in by
other persons. A person who sells his goods under a particular trade mark acquires a sort of limited
exclusive right to the use of the mark in relation to those goods. Such a right acquired by use is recognized
as a form of property in the trade mark, and protected under common law. A person can also acquire a
similar right over a trade mark, not so far used but only proposed to be used, by registering it under the
Trade Marks Act 1999. The law of trade marks is based mainly on the concepts of distinctiveness
similarity of marks and similarity of goods. A trade mark can be represented graphically in the form of
your company’s logo or a signature. Through a registered trade mark, you can protect your brand (or
“mark”) by restricting other people from using its name or logo. Once acquired, a trade mark can last
indefinitely as long as you renew it every 10 years. Because a registered trade mark is a form of IP, you
can license or assign it to others.
Definition – 2(1)(zb)
1. Trade mark must be a mark which includes a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature,
word, letter, numeral, shape of goods, packaging or combination of colours or combination
thereof [S. 2(1)(m)]
2. The mark must be capable of being represented graphically
3. It must be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
A registered trade mark can be protected against unauthorized use by others by an action for
infringement. This is a statutory remedy. An unregistered trade mark can be protected against
unauthorized use by others by an auction for passing off which is a common law remedy.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
Trade mark symbols- If you successfully register a trade mark, you are permitted to use the ® symbol
next to your mark. Another common symbol associated with trade mark is ™ − this denotes that the mark
is being used by the company as their trade mark but it does not mean that the mark is registered or
protected under the trade mark law.
Other marks
There are a number of other types of marks that you might find are appropriate for your business.
Certification mark- This mark is granted to people who wish to certify the characteristics of a
particular goods or service. The certification can relate to the origin, material or mode of
manufacture of the goods, or the performance, quality or accuracy of a service. By applying for a
certification mark, goods and services are easily distinguishable from other non-certified goods or
services on the market. For example, if your product is organic, you may be in a position to use a
certified organic mark on your packaging.
Collective marks- This is a sign that is used to distinguish the goods and services offered by an
association or group of traders from those being offered by non-members of the association. Once
registered, all members of the group can use the collective mark; it is an effective way to indicate
that your business is a member of a wider group of traders.
Government agency marks (Rule 13)- IPOS has a separate database for all logos or devices that
are used by government agencies. These may not be registered marks if the agency isn’t providing
goods or services. However, if you are looking to register a logo that might be similar to one being
used by a government agency, you will need to seek permission from that particular organisation
before you utilise it.
Copyright protects works like novels, computer programmes, plays, sheet music and paintings. Generally,
the author of a copyright work has the right to reproduce, publish, perform, communicate and adapt his
work. These exclusive rights form the bundle of rights that we call copyright and enable the owner to
control the commercial exploitation of his work.
What is protected by copyright?
Copyright protects the expression of ideas (e.g. words and illustrations). Ideas alone are not protected.
The following may be protected under copyright law:
Literary works (e.g., written works, source codes of computer programs)
Dramatic works (e.g.,. scripts for films and dramas)
Musical works (e.g., melodies)
Artistic works (e.g., paintings, photographs)
Published editions of the above works
Sound recordings
Television and radio broadcasts
Cable programmes
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
Copyright and registered designs: When an artistic work, such as a drawing or a sculpture, is applied to
a product and industrially produced (i.e. more than 50 copies of the products are produced), the
copyright protection will no longer cover that artistic work. It may be protected as a registered design
under the Registered Designs Act, if the registration criteria are met.
Rights of a copyright owner
Sound recordings The producer of a sound recording enjoys the exclusive rights
make a copy of the sound recording;
rent out the sound recording;
publish the sound recording if it is unpublished; and
make available to the public a sound recording by means
or as part of a digital audio transmission.*
* Where the sound recording is made available to the public through
a non-interactive digital audio transmission, the producer of the
recording shall be entitled to equitable remuneration. This
remuneration can be agreed between the parties or determined by
the Copyright Tribunal.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
A design refers to the features of a shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to an article by any
industrial process. If you register a design, you will be protecting the external appearance of the article.
Registered Designs are used primarily to protect designs for industrial use.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
The benefits of registering a design- By registering a design, you obtain a right to ownership and the
right to prevent others from using the design without your permission. You may use it to better protect
your market share by barring copying by others, license it to third parties for commercial returns or sell
the design for a sum of money.
To qualify for registration, a design must, in general, satisfy two key criteria:
1. The design must be new– The registered design must not have been registered or published
anywhere in the world before the date of application of the first filing. Thus the owner of a design
should be careful not to disclose the design to anyone until a design application is filed.
Generally, a design is not new if it:
has been registered;
has been published anywhere in the world, in respect of the same or any other article; or
differs only in immaterial details, or features, from other designs that are commonly found in
2. The Design must be industrially applied onto an article – The registered design has to be
applied to an article by an industrial process. This means that more than 50 copies of the article
must have been or are intended to be produced for sale or hire.
As defined under Sec. 3 of TP Act, “in relation to an instrument, attested means and shall be
deemed always to have meant attested by two or more witnesses each of whom has seen the
executant sign or affix his mark to the instrument, or has seen some other person sign the
instrument in the presence and by the direction of the executant, or has received from the executant
a personal acknowledgement of his signature or mark, or of the signature of such other person, and
each of whom has signed the instrument in the presence of the executant; but it shall not be
necessary that more than one of such witnesses shall have been present at the same time, and no
particular form of attestation shall be necessary.”
The expression “attestation” means “to sign and witness the fact of execution of a document by
the executants.” “Attest” means to testify a fact, to bear witness to a fact.Attestation in relation to a
document signifies the fact of authentication of the signature of the executants of that document by the
attestator by putting down his own signature on the document in testimony of the fact of its execution.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
The last paragraph of the Sec 3 states under what circumstances a person is said to have notice of a fact.
Notice literally means knowledge as to existence of certain facts.He may himself have actual notice or he
may have constructive notice which may be imputed to him when information of the fact has been
obtained by his agent in the course of business transacted by the agent for him.
(a) Express or actual notice: An express or actual notice of fact is a notice whereby a person acquires
actual knowledge of the fact. It must be definite information given in the course of negotiations by a
person interested in the property.
(b) Constructive Notice: It is a notice which treats a person who ought to have known a fact, as if he
actually knows it. It is a presumed or an implied notice. In other words, a person has constructive notice
of all facts of which he would have acquired actual notice had he made those enquiries which he ought
reasonably to have made. The legal presumption of constructive notice applies in following cases:
Wilful abstention from an enquiry or search - If a person being aware of the fact did not make an
enquiry which he ought to have made, then, he is deemed to have notice of that fact.
Gross negligence
Registration as notice- Constructive notices is applicable in cases where documents are required
to be registered. One can identify the title of a person in property by observing the documents.
Registration of a document under the Registration Act is a constructive notice of its contents as it
is a public document accessible to the public at large on certain compliances. Where a document
need not be compulsorily registered, its registration does not amount to constructive notice.
Actual possession as notice- Any person acquiring any immovable property shall be deemed to
have notice of title if any, of any person who is in actual possession thereof.
Notice to agent- The general rule is that notice to the agent is the notice to the principal on the
basis of the vicarious liability. This rule is subject to certain limitations like the notice should have
been received by the agent-
During the tenure of the agency;
In his capacity as an agent;
In the course of the agency business; and
In the manner material to the agency business.
Exception- Fraudulent concealment of fact by agent does not amount to notice to the principal.
State of property amounts to notice - Sometimes the situation and consition of a property speaks
louder than the man. This is based on the legal maxim “res ipsa loquitor” that is things speaks
for itself.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
The expression Transfer of Property means 'passing of a right in the property from one person to
another. In some cases, there may be passing of entire bundle of rights from transferor to transferee, but
in some other cases, there may be transfer of only some of such rights i.e. partial interest. In other words,
the transfer of property under the T.P. Act may be the transfer of absolute interst in the property (E.g.
Sale, Gift etc.) or the transfer of limited interest in the property (E.g. Mortgage, Lese etc.)
Transfer of Property means an act by which one living person conveys property in present or in
future to-
(a) one or more other living persons : or
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(b) to himself; or
(c) to himself and one or more other living persons and to transfer property to perform such act.
In this section 'living persons' includes a company or association or body of individuals, whether
incorporated or not, but nothing herein contained shall affect any law for the time being in force relating
to transfer of property to or by companies, associations or bodies of individuals.
The second paragraph has been added by the (Amending) Act of 1929, in order to make it clear
that the words 'living person' embraced Companies and Societies, and that the general provisions of this
Act as to transfers do not affect the special provisions of the Indian Companies Act.
Charge: Charge on property is not a transfer within the meaning of Section 5 of the TP Act, as there is no
transfer of interest made in favour of charge holder except the right to payment out of the property
subject to charge.
Relinquishment: A relinquishment by a reversioner of his reversionary interest does not amount to
transfer because it cannotes the extinction of right and there is nothing left to transfer.
Easement: Creation of an easement is not a transfer.
Surrender of lease: Surrender of a lease is not a transfer. In surrender, lessees interest falls into the
lessor's greater interest and so no new right is transferred in this process.
Section 6 of the Transfer of property Act lays down that property of any kind may be
transferred except as provided under Law for the time being in force. The words 'property of any kind'
indicates that transferability is the general rule and the right to property includes the right to transfer the
property to another person.
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Property of any kind excludes from its purview the future property. A transfer of future property
can only operate as a contract, which may be specifically perfomed when the property comes into
Section 6 Clause (a) to (i) of the TP Act lay down the provisions relating to what property may be
transferred and what property cannot be transferred. It runs as follows:
“Property of any kind may transferred, except as otherwise provided by this Act or by any other law for
the time being in force
(a) The chance of an heir-apparent succeeding to an estate, the chance of a relation obtaining a
legacy on the death of a kinsman, or any other mere possibility of a like nature, cannot be
(b) A mere right of re-entry for breach of a condition subsequent cannot be transferred to any one
except the owner of the property affected thereby.
(c) An easement cannot be transferred apart from the dominant heritage.
(d) An interest in property restricted in its enjoyment to the owner personally cannot be transferred
by him.
(e) A right to future maintenance, in whatsoever manner arising, secured or determined, cannot be
(f) A mere right to sue cannot be transferred.
(g) A public office cannot be transferred, nor can the salary of a publicofficer, whether before or
after it has become payable.
(h) Stipends allowed to military, naval , air force and civil pensioners of the Government and
political pensins cannot be transferred.
(i) No transfer can be made in so far as it is opposed to the nature of the interest affected thereby;
or for an unlawful object or consideration within the meaning of Section 23 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872, to a person legally disqualified to be transferee.
(j) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorize a tenant having an untransferable right of
occupancy, the farmer of an estate in respect of which default has been made in paying revenue,
or the lessee of an estate is under the management of a Court of Ward, to assign his interest as
such tenant, farmer or lessee.”
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2. Mere right of re-entry: Sec 6(b) provides that a mere right of re-entry for breach of a condition
subsequent cannot be transferred to other except the owner of the property affected thereby. This
right of re-entry is' usually inserted in leases empowering the lessor to re-enter upon the demised
premises if the rent is in arrear for a certain period or if there is a breach of covenants in the lease.
Example: A grants a lease of a plot of land to B with a condition that if B shall build upon it, he
would re-enter. A transfers to C his right of re-centering in case of breach of the covenant not to
build. The transfer is invalid for two reasons, one, the right is a personal licence and not
transferable, second, the transferee could only use it for the purposes of a suit to enforce the right
without acquiring any right in the property. But if A transfers the whole of his interest in the
property, i.e., ownership along with the right of re-entry to C, the transfer shall be valid being a
legal incident of the property.
3. Easements: An easement is a right to use, or restrict the use of land of another in some way.
Easement means right over the property of another. Examples of easements are rights of way,
rights of light and rights of water. An easement involves the existence of a dominant heritage and
a servient heritage. That is, there must be two parcels of land, one (the dominant heritage) to
which the benefit of the easement attaches, and another (the servient heritage) which bears the
burden of the easement. But technically an easement cannot exist in gross (independently of the
ownership of land but only as appurtenant) attached to a dominant heritage. It follows therefore
that an easement cannot be transferred without the property which has the benefit of it i.e. the
dominant heritage.
Example: A, the owner of a house X, has a right of way over an adjoining plot of land belonging to
B. A transfers his right of way to C. The transfer is a transfer of easement and therefore invalid.
But if A transfers the house itself, the easement passes on to C on such transfer.
4. Personally restricted interests: This clause states, a person cannot transfer an interest restricted
in its enjoyment of him. A transfer of such interest would defeat the object of the restriction. As an
example, if a house is lent to a man for his personal use, he cannot transfer his right of enjoyment
to another. Under this clause, the following kinds of interest have been held not to be
(a) A religious office
(b) Emoluments attached to priestly office. Where, however, the right to receive offerings
made at a temple is independent of an obligation to perform services involving a
qualification of a personal nature, the right is transferable.
(c) A right of pre-emption
(d) Service tenures
5. Right to future maintenance [Sec.6 (dd)]: A right to future maintenance is solely for the personal
benefit of the person to whom it is granted and, therefore, cannot be transferred. Before the
insertion of this Sub-section in 1929, there was a conflict of opinion whether the right to future
maintenance when it was fixed by a decree was transferable or not. It was held in Madras that it
was, and in Calcutta that it was not. The amendment supersedes the Madras decision. The result is
that the assignment of a decree for maintenance is valid if the maintenance has already become
due but as to future maintenance it is not valid. Arrears of maintenance, therefore, can be
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
6. Mere right to sue: A mere right to sue, as for instance, in respect of damages for breach of
contract, or for tort, cannot be transferred. The object of the prohibition is to prevent gambling in
litigation. Moreover, a right to sue is personal to the party aggrieved. For instance, past mesne
profits, damages for a breach of a contract, for suing an agent for accounts and for pre-emption
are all mere right to sue and thus cannot be transferred.
Example: A contracts to buy goods from B. On due date A fails to take delivery and B sells the
goods in the market at a loss of Rs.10000. B transfers the right to recover the damages to C. The
transfer is invalid.
7. Public office: According this section, a public office cannot be transferred. The prohibition is
based on the grounds of public policy. A public office is held for qualities personal to the
incumbent, and obviously it would be against public interest to permit alienations of public
The salary of a public officer is not transferable, although, under Section 60, C.P.C, it is attachable
with certain limits. As stated by Page Wood, V. C. in Corporation of Liverpool v. Wright:
"Where the law assigns fees to an office, it is for the purpose of upholding the dignity and
performing properly the duties of that office, and the policy of the law will not allow the officer to
bargain away those fees to the appointer or anyone else."
If the office is not public, it would be transferable even though the discharge of its duties
should be indirectly beneficial to the public.
8. Pensions: Under this clause, stipends allowed to military and civil pensioners of Government and
political pensions cannot be transferred. The term 'pension' means a periodical allowance or
stipend granted not in respect of any right of office but on account of past services of particular
merits or as compensation to dethroned princes, their families and dependants. Accordingly, a
reward is not a pension. Section 60 of the Civil Procedure Code also exempts a pension from
attachment in execution of a decree against the pension holder.
9. Nature of interest: This sub-section forbids transfer (1) in so far as such transfer would be
opposed to the interests affected thereby, (2) for unlawful object or consideration, and (3) to a
person legally disqualified to be a transferee.
Section 136 of the Transfer of property Act forbids a Judge, a legal practioner or an officer
connected with any Court of Justice from purchasing an actionable claim.
10. Untransferable interest: The last sub-section of Section 6 is identical with the proviso in Sub-
section (i) of Section 108 of this Act and was inserted by the Amendment Act, 1885 to obviate any
doubt which might arise owing to the fact that section does not primarily apply to leases for
agricultural purposes.
In general lease-holds are transferable but this sub-section makes an exception of this
rule and declares certain interest immutable. Thus, under this rule, a tenant having an
untransferable right of occupancy cannot alienate or assign his interests in the occupancy.
Similarly, a farmer of an estate, in respect of which default has been made in paying revenue,
cannot assign his interest in the holding. The same remarks apply to a lessee of an estate under
the management of a Court of Wards.
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Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
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same transfer, the interest created for the benefit of such person shall not take effect, unless it extends
to the whole of the remaining interest of the transferor in the property.
Section 13 has further illustrated the matter in the like manner.
Where A transfers property, of which he is the owner, to B in trust for A and his intended wife,
successively for their lives, and, after the death of the survivor, for the eldest son of the intended
marriage for life, and after his death for A’s second son, the interest so created for the benefit of the
eldest son does not take effect, because it does not extend to the whole of A’s remaining interest in the
Such an interest may be created for the benefit of an unborn person if the following conditions
are fulfilled-
1) No direct transfer.
2) Interest of the unborn person must be preceded by a prior interest.
3) The unborn person must come into existence before the prior interest comes to an end i.e.
before the death of the last life estate holder and he must have the interest at the latest when
he attains majority.
4) The whole of the remaining interest of the transferor in the property must be comprised in the
interest created for the benefit of such unborn person.
Therefore, the effect of section 13 is that there can not be a direct transfer to a person who is not in
existence, or unborn person, on the date of the transfer. It is for this reason that the said section uses
the expression ‘for the benefit of’ and not ‘transfer to an unborn person.’
The dictionary meaning of the word ‘perpetuity’ is ‘continuing forever’. Here under Sec. 14 the term
“perpetuity” refers to tying up of property for an indefinite period or for ever. According to Jarman,
perpetuity, in the primary sense of the word, is a disposition which makes property inalienable for an
indefinite period. If properties are blocked for ever from being alienated, the commerce would be
obstructed, capital investment of the country would be withdrawn from trade and every branch of
industry would be diminished. Certainly, it would obstruct the national prosperity. There are some
persons who wish to retain their properties in their own family from generations to generations
perpetually. But, it is the policy of the law to prevent creation of perpetuities.
To protect this situation Sec. 14 of the Transfer of Property Act has embodied the rule against
perpetuity. The rule is founded on the general principle that the transfer shall be void which tend to
create in perpetuity or place property for ever out of the reach of exercise of the power of alienation.
Section 14 lays down that “no transfer of property can operate to create an interest which is to
take effect after the lifetime of one or more persons living at the date of such transfer, and the
minority of some person who shall be in existence at the expiration of that period, and to whom,
the interest created is to belong if he attains the age of majority.”
Let us suppose, that A transfers a piece of land to his friend B for life, and afterwards to his friend C for
life, then to his friend D for life, and then to the son that may be born to B, for his son’s life, then to the
son that may be born to C for his life, and then ultimately to the son that may be born to D for ever. In
case of such disposition of the land, B can not alienate the property, because he has only a life interest
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therein. For the same reason, neither C nor D, nor the sons of B and C can alienate the property. When
the property finally vests in D’s son, only he will be entitled to alienate the property. This would be
certainly a restraint on the free alienation of the piece of land for a considerable long period. Section
14 prevents this and lays down that one can tie up property and stop it’s free alienation only for one
generation, because all friends of A, now living must die within that time, as they are all candles lighted
together. Again, as for instance, if a transfer is made by A in favour of B for his life, afterwards in favour
of C, D and E, successively for their lives, who are all living persons, the transfer is valid because all the
persons benefited are in existence at the date of transfer.
According to the English law, the vesting of property can be postponed for any number of lives in
being and an additional term of 21 years afterwards, & for as many months in addition as are equal to
the ordinary period of gestation, should gestation exist. The additional term of 21 years is irrespective
of the fact whether such person is a minor or not. But according to the Indian law, the vesting can be
delayed beyond the lifetime of persons in being for the period only of the minority of some person
born in their lifetime, & the addition of an absolute period of 21 years has not been adopted by Sec. 14.
The following are the exceptions to the rule against perpetuity-
1. The rule has no application where land is purchased or property is held by a corporation.
2. This rule is does not apply when the transfer creates only a personal obligation and does not
affect the interest in the property.
3. Gifts to charities such as transfer for the benefit of public, for the advancement of religion,
knowledge, health, commerce, safety, or any other object beneficial to the mankind do not fall
within this rule.
4. A covenant of redemption in a mortgage is not affected by this rule.
5. A covenant for pre-emption in respect of land unrestricted in point of time is not affected by
this rule.
6. Where only a charge is created on any property and such a charge does not amount to transfer
of any interest, that charge does not fall within this rule.
7. The contract for perpetual renewal of a lease does not come within the purview of this rule.
8. Provision for the payment of the debts of the transferor.
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Illustration: A transfers his properties to B for life with a direction that the income of the said
properties shall be accumulated during A’s life and shall be given also to C. The direction for
the accumulation of income is valid, upto life of B. A transfer a property to B for life and thereafter to
B’s such son who first attains the age of 25 years with a direction for accumulation of income till B’s
first son attains 25 years. The direction of the accumulation of such income is void, reason it is beyond
the permissible limit (life or 18 years). A transfers property to B in 1960 with a direction for the
accumulation of its benefits upto 1990. A dies in 1985 thus the transferor lives for 25 years which is
more than 18 years. The direction for accumulation is valid upto 1985 (for 25 years) because it is the
longer period.
1. Payment of Debts- The period of accumulation can be exceeded in case of payment of debts. For
example– A makes a gift of his house to B with a direction that from the rents of the house B shall
pay Rs 500 per months towards the satisfaction of a debt of Rupees 10,000/- incurred by A. The
direction of the accumulation of income is valid even it continues after the life of A or expiry of
period of 18 years.
2. Raising portions- Portion ordinarily means a part or share which points to the arising of
something out of something less for the benefit of some children or class of children.
3. Preservation and maintenance of the property- For the maintenance of property/preservation of
property, it is allowed.
Vested interest is defined by Sec. 19 of the TP Act. When a person has fixed right of present or future
possession of property he is said to have Vested Interest in the property. Sec. 19 says that “where, on a
transfer of property, an interest therein is created in favour of a person without specifying the
time when it is to take effect, or in terms specifying that it is to take effect forthwith or on the
happening of an event which must happen, such interest is vested, unless a contrary intention
appears from the terms of the transfer.” It is further provided by Sec. 19 that a vested interest is not
defeated by the death of the transferee before he obtains possession.
It has been explained by Sec. 19 that an intention that an interest shall not be vested is not to
be inferred merely from a provision whereby the enjoyment thereof is postponed, or whereby a prior
interest in the same property is given or reserved to some other person, or whereby income arising
from the property is directed to be accumulated until the time of enjoyment arrives, or from a
provision that if a particular event shall happen the interest shall pass to another person.
The main characteristics of vested interest are as follows-
1. Vested interest does not depend upon the fulfilment of any condition. It creates an immediate
and present right though the enjoyment may be postponed to a future date.
2. Vested interest is not defeated by the death of the transferee before obtaining possession. If
the transferee dies, his vested interest passes on his heirs.
3. Vested interest is heritable and transferable also.
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As for an instance, if X executes a deed of gift in favour of Z and directs that Z shall not take over
possession of the gifted property till the death of X and his wife Y. Here, Z acquires a vested interest in
the property but the enjoyment of the property by Z is postponed. And if Z dies before taking over
possession of the property, his vested interest will not be defeated but his heirs will inherit to his
vested interest.
Contingent interest is defined by Sec. 21 of the TP Act. Sec. 21 provides that where, on a transfer
of property, an interest therein is created in favour of a person to take effect only on the happening of
a specified uncertain event, or if a specified uncertain event shall not happen, such person thereby
acquires a contingent interest in the property. Such interest becomes a vested interest, in the former
case, on the happening of the event, in the latter, when the happening of the event becomes
But there is one exception. Where, under a transfer of property, a person becomes entitled to
an interest therein upon attaining a particular age, and the transferor also gives to him absolutely the
income to arise from such interest before he reaches that age, or directs the income or so much thereof
as may be necessary to be applied for his benefit, such interest is not contingent.
The following are the main characteristics of a contingent interest-
1) When the transferee dies before obtaining possession, the contingent interest fails, and the
property reverts to the transferor.
2) Contingent interest is depended entirely upon the fulfilment of a condition. Therefore, in the
event of non-fulfilment of the condition, the contingent interest fails.
3) Contingent interest is transferable. But the question whether it is heritable or not depends on
the nature of the contingency.
As for example of contingent interest, if a sum of money is bequeathed to A, in case he shall attain the
age of 18 or when he shall attain the age of 18. A’s interest in the legacy is contingent until the
condition is fulfilled by his attaining that age.
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Vested interest is not defeated by death of Contingent interest is also transferable but
transferee before he obtains possession. whether the contingent interest is heritable or
Vested interest is heritable and transferable. not is depended on the nature of the contingency.
In case of a vested interest, if the transferee, In case of contingent interest, if the transferee,
in whose favour the interest is created, dies in whose favour the interest is created dies
before taking possession of the property the before obtaining possession, the contingent
interest passes on his heirs. interest fails and does not pass on his heirs.
In case of vested interest a right with respect But in case of contingent interest there is a
to the property is created immediately mere promise to give such right of enjoyment
though the enjoyment is postponed. with respect to the property if the condition is
Sections 25 to 34 of TP Act lay down the provisions relating to conditional transfers. As per Sec. 25,
where the interest created on a transfer of property is dependent upon a condition the fulfillment of
which is impossible, or is forbidden by law, or is of such a nature that, if permitted, it would defeat the
provisions of any law, or is fraudulent, or involves or implies injury to the person or property of
another, or the court regards it as immoral or opposed to public policy, such transfer is declared void.
Conditional transfers may take place in two ways-
1. Condition precedent
2. Consdition subsequent
According to Sec. 26, ‘condition precedent’ means where the terms of a transfer of property impose a
condition which must be fulfilled before a person can take an interest in the property, that condition is
called a condition precedent. The transferee’s interest in the property is only contingent until the
condition is fulfilled. Sec. 25 to 27 deals with condition precedent. Substantial compliance of a
condition precedent is deemed sufficient.
Let us suppose that A transfers Rs. 5,000 to B on condition that he shall marry with the consent of C, D
and E. But E dies and B marries with the consent of C and D. B is deemed to have fulfilled the condition.
This condition is called a condition precedent.
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The principle of the doctrine of election was explained in the leading case of Cooper v. Cooper. Sec. 35
of the TP Act embodied the doctrine of election. The doctrine of election is based on the principle of
According to the section 35 where a person-
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
There is difference between English and Indian law regarding the doctrine of election.
1. English law applies the principle of compensation while the Indian law adopts the rule of
2. English law does not specify any time within which election is to be made .Indian law specified
one year time within which owner of the property is to elect whether he confirms the transfer
or dissents from it .If the owner does not comply with such requisition , he is to be deemed to
have elected to confirm the transfer.
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There is one exception to the doctrine of election. Where a particular benefit is expressed to be
conferred on the owner of the property which the transferor professes to transfer, and such benefit is
expressed to be in lieu of that property, if such owner claims the property, he must relinquish the
particular benefit, but he is not bound to relinquish any other benefit conferred upon him by the same
transaction. This exception may be explained by an example. Let us suppose that X transfers to Y the
property A, in lieu of Y’s property B which is given to Z. X also gives to Y the property C. If Y elects to
retain his own property he must relinquish claim over A but not C.
Provided that no person on whom the burden of the obligation lies shall be answerable for failure to
discharge it in manner provided by this section, unless and until he has had reasonable notice of the
English law of estoppel is that where a grantor has purported to grant an interest in land which he did
not at the time possess but subsequently acquires, the benefit of his subsequent acquisition goes
automatically to the earlier grantee or, as it is usually expressed, feeds the estoppel. Section 43 of the
Transfer of Property Act embodied this doctrine of feeding the grant by estoppel.
Section 43 says that where a person fraudulently or erroneously represents that he is authorized to
transfer certain immovable property and professes to transfer such property for consideration, such
transfer shall, at the option of the transferee, operate on any interest which the transferor may acquire
in such property, at any time during which the contract of transfer subsists. Section 43 further
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provides that nothing in this section shall impair the right of transferees in good faith for
consideration without notice of the existence of the said option.
The following are the conditions for application of the doctrine of feeding the grant by estoppel-
1. There must have a fraudulent or erroneous representation of ownership by the transferor.
2. The transferee must have acted on the fraudulent or erroneous representation of the
3. The transferor should not have transferable title on the property transferred.
4. The transfer should be for consideration.
5. The transferor must subsequently acquire title upon the property transferred on the basis of
fraudulent or erroneous representation of ownership.
6. The contract of transfer must be subsisting when the transferee exercises his right to recourse
the doctrine of feeding the grant be estoppel.
If these conditions are fulfilled the transferee can exercise his option only during continuance of the
contract and only in respect of the interest which the fraudulent or erroneous transferor acquires in
such property. But there are some circumstances where the doctrine of feeding the grant by
estoppel has no application. These circumstances are as follows-
1. This section is not applicable if the transfer is not for consideration.
2. This section does not apply if the transfer is invalid for being forbidden by law or contrary to
public policy.
3. This section is not applicable if the contract comes to an end before acquisition of the property
by the transferor.
4. This section has no application to Court sales.
5. The right is not available against the bonafide purchasers for value without notice.
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thereto under any decree or order which may be made therein, except under the authority of the Court
and on such terms as it may impose.
It has been explained further by the Sec. 52 that for the purpose of this section, the pendency of a suit
or proceeding shall be deemed to commence from the date of the presentation of the plaint or the
institution of the proceeding in a Court of competent jurisdiction, and to continue until the suit or
proceeding has been disposed of by a final decree or order and complete satisfaction or discharge of
such decree or order has been obtained , or has become unobtainable by reason of the expiration of
any period of limitation prescribed for the execution thereof by any law for the time being in force.
In order to constitute Lis pendens, following conditions must be satisfied-
There should be a pending suit or proceeding.
The suit or proceeding must not be collusive one.
The suit or proceeding must be pending in a Court of competent Jurisdiction.
The suit or proceeding must be one in which a right to immovable property is directly and
specifically in question.
The property directly and specifically in question must be transferred during such pendency.
The transfer must affect the right of other party.
The effect of a transfer during pendente lite is that the transfer is not ipso facto void but is only
voidable at the option of the party whose interests are affected thereby and the parties to the
transfer are bound to abide by the decree eventually passed in the suit.
The doctrine of lis pendens may be explained by an example. Let us suppose that A mortgaged his
property to B. B filed a suit on the mortgage and obtained a decree for sale. While this decree was
being executed, A leased the property to X for ten years. During sale of the property B purchased the
property himself. As the lease to X was affected by the rule of Lis pendens B was entitled to evict X.
There is one exception to the rule of lis pendens. It is quite open to the Court to permit any
party to the suit to transfer the property on such terms which it may think fit and proper to impose.
Every transfer of immovable property by way of sale made with an intention to defeat or delay the
creditor of the transferor is voidable at the option of the creditor so defeated or delayed. This is what is
stated in Section 53 of TP Act. If the transferee purchased the property after proper enquiries and in good
faith and belief, the transfer is valid and he will not be liable. However, the creditor can institute a suit
against the transferor. If the transfer was made without sufficient consideration or with the intention to
defeat or defraud the creditors, the transfer is voidable at the option of the transferee also.
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The historical background regarding the application of the doctrine of part performance reveals that in
the case of Kurri Veerareddi v. Kurri Bapireddi, the full Bench of Madras High Court ruled in 1906
that the English doctrine of Part Performance was not applicable in India. Thereafter, in the case of Md.
Musa v. Aghore Kumar Ganguli, the Privy Council held in 1914, that the English doctrine of Part
Performance was applicable in India on the principles of Justice, equity and good conscience. Again, in
1928, in the case of Arif v. Jadunath, the Privy Council held, going back to the view of Madras High
Court, that the English doctrine of Part Performance was not applicable in India. Thereafter, in 1929,
Sec. 53-A was introduced, to incorporate the doctrine of Part Performance, by amending the TP Act.
Object of the doctrine of Part Performance is to prevent fraud.
Section 53-A of the TP Act lays down that where any person contracts to transfer-
(a) for consideration,
(b) any immovable property,
(c) by writing signed by him or on his behalf from which the terms necessary to constitute the
transfer can be ascertained with reasonable certainty,
and the transferee-
(a) has, in part performance of the contract, taken possession of the property or any part thereof,
(b) the transferee, being already in possession, continues in possession in part performance of the
contract and has done some act in furtherance of the contract, and
(c) the transferee has performed or willing to perform his part of the contract,
then notwithstanding that where there is an instrument of transfer, that the transfer has not been
completed in the manner prescribed therefore by the law for the time being in force,
a) the transferor or any person claiming under him shall be debarred from enforcing against the
transferee and persons claiming under him any right in respect of the property
b) of which the transferee has taken or continued in possession,
other than a right expressly provided by the terms of the contract.
It has also been provided by Sec. 53-A, as an exception to this rule, that nothing in this section shall
affect the rights of a transferee for consideration-
(a) who has no notice of the contract or
(b) of the part performance thereof.
Basis of the doctrine of part performance are the following three maxims of equity-
He who seeks equity must do equity.
Equity treats that as done which ought to have been done.
Equity looks to the intent rather than to the form.
The doctrine of part performance requires the following conditions to come into play-
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There should be a contract, to transfer any immovable property, for consideration, duly
written and signed by the transferor or on his behalf, from which the terms necessary to
constitute the transfer can be ascertained with reasonable certainty.
The transferee must have taken possession of the property or any part thereof or if already in
possession should have continued in possession in part performance of the contract and
should have done some act in furtherance of the contract.
The transferee must have performed or is ready and willing to perform his part of the contract.
The rights of any other subsequent transferee for value without notice will not be affected by
this doctrine.
There is difference in between the English and Indian doctrine of part performance-
A. According to the English law, even oral agreement comes within the purview of this doctrine
on the strength of equity but it is not so in India.
B. According to the English law both the plaintiff and defendant can avail of the doctrine whereas
it is not so in India. In India this doctrine is used as a shield and not as a sword.
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The relevant sections in the Act are Sections 54 to 57 of The TP Act, 1882. Sale is defined by Sec.
54 of the Transfer of Property Act. According to the Sec. 54, sale is a transfer of ownership in
exchange for a price paid or promised, or partly paid and partly promised to pay.
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SALE HOW MADE- Such transfer, in the case of tangible immoveable property of the value of one
hundred rupees and upwards, or in the case of a reversion or other intangible thing, can be made only
by a registered instrument.
In the case of tangible immoveable property of a value less than one hundred rupees, such
transfer may be made either by a registered instrument or by delivery of the property. Delivery of
tangible immoveable property takes place when the seller places the buyer or such person as he
directs, in possession of the property.
Sec. 55 of the Transfer of property Act deals with the rights and liabilities of buyer and seller.
The buyer’s rights and liabilities is divided into two stages:
Before of completion of Sale and
After completion
1. Before of completion of sale:
a) A charge on the property for the purchase of money properly paid by him in anticipation of the
delivery.This charge is converse of the seller’s charge for unpaid price.
b) Interest on such purchase money.
c) The money and costs awarded to him in a suit for specific performance of the contract or to
obtain a decree for its recession.
2. After completion of sale: After completion i.e., where ownership has passed to him.
a) The buyer is entitled to the benefits of any improvement or increase in value of the property.
b) Rents and profits thereof.
1. Before Completion of Sale: The buyer is bound:
a) To disclose to the seller any fact as to the nature or extent of the seller’s interest in the
property which the seller is not aware.This duty is like the seller’s duty to disclose material
defects in the property.
b) To pay or tender the purchase money to the seller or to such person as he directs.
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2. After Completion of Sale:The seller is entitled to a charge upon the property in the hands of-
(a) The buyer or
(b) Any transferee without consideration, or
(c) Any transferee with notice of non-payment, for the amount of the unpaid purchase-money.
1. Before completion of sale
a) To produce to the buyer on his request for examination all documents relating to the property.
The buyer must inspect the title deeds in his own interest, as otherwise, he may be fixed with
constructive notice of matters which he could have discovered the title.
b) To the best of information, all relevant questions put to him.
c) On payment or tender of the price, to execute a proper conveyance of the property.
d) Between the date of the contract of sale and the delivery of the property, to take proper care of
the proeprty.
e) To pay compensation to the buyer if there is any loss or damages to the property.
f) To pay all public charges and rent accrued due in respect of the property, up to the date of the
sale. Public charges means Government Revenue, Municipal Taxes, etc.
Mortgage is simply a transfer of interest in the immovable property while the ownership still retains
with the mortgagors. Section 58 of the Transfer of Property Act defines mortgage. According to this
section a mortgage is the transfer of an interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of
i) the payment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan,
ii) an existing or future debt, or
iii) the performance of an engagement which may give rise to a pecuniary liability.
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The transferor is called a mortgagor, the transferee a mortgagee, the principal money and
interest of which payment is secured for the time being are called the mortgage-money, and the
instrument by which the transfer is effected is called a mortgage-deed.
The essential nature of mortgage is that it is a transfer of an interest in specific immovable
property to the lender, called a mortgagee. The mortgage is simply the transfer of an interest in the
property mortgaged. It is not the transfer of absolute interest in the property.
There is necessarily a transfer of interest in specific immovable property by reason of the execution of
the mortgage. That would be there irrespective of whether a debt has arisen or not because it is a
necessary element of mortgage, but a mortgage is not always executed for securing debt which has
already arisen. A mortgage can be executed for securing payment of money to be advanced. Money
which may be paid later may be secured by a current mortgage.
Section 58 of Transfer of Property Act has introduced six kinds of mortgages. They are as follows-
1) Simple mortgage.
2) Mortgage by conditional sale.
3) Usufructuary mortgage.
4) English mortgage.
5) Mortgage by deposit of title-deeds.
6) Anomalous mortgage.
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3) The condition must be embodied in the document which effects or purports to effect the sale.
This is, therefore, a mortgage in which the ostensible sale is conditional and intended simply as
a security for the debt. The word “ostensible” means that it has an appearance of sale but is
really not a sale. It is merely executed in form of sale with a condition attached to it. The
ostensible sale need not be accompanied with possession. The mortgagee does not acquire any
personal right against the mortgagor. It is to be noted that the sale does not become absolute in
default of payment on the due date by itself until there is a decree absolutely depriving the
right of redemption of the mortgagor.
4) For a transaction to be a mortgage by conditional sale proviso to Section 58 envisages that the
condition effecting or purporting to effect the sale as a mortgage transaction, must be
incorporated in one and the same deed. Where separate documents of sale deed of
reconveyance and lease deed were executed in the same transaction and the condition
effecting the sale as a mortgage was not embodied in the sale deed itself, the mortgagor was
debarred from saying that the transaction was in the nature of mortgage by conditional sale.
No personal liability i.e. the mortgagor cannot be sued personally for the debt. The mortgagee is
only entitled to remain in possession of the mortgaged property till the principal and interest are
defrayed according to the terms of the agreement. Since a usufructuary mortgagee is entitled to remain in
possession until the debt is paid off, no time limit can be fixed expressly during which the mortgage is to
English Mortgage- An English Mortgage is a transaction in which the mortgagor binds himself to repay
the mortgage money on a certain date, and transfers the mortgage property absolutely to the mortgagee,
but subject to a proviso that he will re-transfer it to the mortgagor upon payment of the department.
Thus, the main features of this mortgage are-
(a) that the mortgagor should bind himself to repay the mortgage money on a certain day;
(ii) that the mortgage property should be transferred absolutely to the mortgagee; and
(iii) That such absolute transfer should be made subject to a proviso that the mortgagee will
recovery the property to the mortgagor, upon payment by him of the mortgage money on the
appointment day.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
Anomalous mortgage- Several other kinds of mortgages are in use in various parts of India which are in
the nature of usufructuary mortgage. These and other types of mortgages have been given the name of
'anomalous' mortgage. Anomalous mortgage has been defined as a mortgage which does not fall under
any of the five classes mentioned above.
In the case of a mortgage other than a mortgage by deposit of title-deeds, if the principal money
secured is Rs. 100 or upwards, a registered instrument is compulsory. In case of mortgage by deposit of
title deeds, since the debtor deposits with the creditor the title deeds of his property with an intent to
create a security, the law implies a contract between the parties to create a mortgage, and no registered
instrument is required.
The most important right possessed by the mortgagor is the right to redeem the mortgage. Under this
section, at any time after the principal money has become due, the mortgagor has a right on payment or
tender of the mortgage-money to require the mortgagee to reconvey the mortgage property to him. The
right conferred by this section has been called the right to redeem and a suit to enforce this right has been
called a suit for redemption. In English Law, the mortgagor's right to redemption contained in for Equity
of redemption. This remedy is available to the mortgagor only before the mortgagee has filed a suit for
enforcement of the mortgage. Subsequent to the filing of the suit, this remedy is not available.
Clog on Redemption- “Clog” refers to a restraint. The right of redemption is an inviolable right in the
sense that it cannot be denied to the mortgagor even though he may by express contract abandon his
right to redeem the property. Equity in its insistence upon the principle that a mortgage is intended
merely to afford security to the lender, has held an agreement which prevents redemption as void.
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It should be noted that the doctrine of clog on redemption applies only to dealings which take
place between the parties to a mortgage at the time when the contract of mortgage is entered into. It does
not apply where they subsequently vary the terms upon which the mortgage may be redeemed.
What is a clog on equity of redemption is a matter of fact in each case. Following instances would
make it clear.
(a) Condition of sale in default- The courts will ignore any contract the effect of which is to deprive
the mortgagor of his right to redeem the mortgage. Accordingly, if one of the terms of the
mortgage is that on the failure of the mortgagor to redeem the mortgage within the specified
period, the mortgagor will have no claim over the mortgaged property and the mortgage deed will
be deemed to be a deed of sale in favour of the mortgagee, it cannot be given effect to. It plainly
takes away altogether the mortgagor's right to redeem the mortgage after the specified period.
This is not permissible for “once a mortgage always a mortgage” and therefore always
redeemable. (Gangadhar v. Shankar Lal)
(b) Long term for redemption- A long term is not necessarily a clog on redemption. In Gangadhar v.
Shankarlal, it was held by the Supreme Court of India that the terms in the mortgage that it will
not be redeemable until the expiry of 85 years were not a clog in the circumstances of the case.
(c) Stipulation barring mortgagor's right of redemption after certain period - If there is a
stipulation which bars mortgagor's right of redemption after cettain period, the stipulation is
treated as a “clog” on the mortgagor's equitable right of redemption.
(d) Condition postponing redemption in case of default- In Mohammad Sher Khan vs. Seth Swami
Dayal, the mortgage was for a term of five years with a condition that if the money was not paid,
the mortgagee might enter into possession for a period of twelve years during which the
mortgagor could not redeem. It was held that such a condition was a clog because it hindered an
existing right to redeem.
(e) Restraint on alienation- A stipulation that the mortgagor shall not alienate the mortgaged
property or shall not take loan on the security of the mortgaged property has been held to be a
(f) Redemption restricted to Mortgagor- An agreement that redemption should be available to the
mortgagor, and not to his heirs has been held as a clog.
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(g) Penalty in case of default- Stipulation to charge at enhanced rate of interest from the date of
mortgage, in case of default in payment, has been held to be a clog.
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Under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, the subject of “Leases of Immovable Property” is dealt with
in Chapter V.
Section 105 of the TP Act, 1882 defines a lease of immovable properties as transfer of a
right to enjoy such property, made for a certain time, express or implied, or in perpetuity, in
consideration of a price paid or promised, or of money, a share of crops, service or any other thing of
value, to be rendered periodically or on specified occasions to the transferor by the transferee, who
accepts the transfer on such terms. The transferor is called the lessor; the transferee is called the
lessee; the price is called the premium; and the money, share, service or other thing to be so rendered
is called the rent. The lease for more than one year cannot be created unless it is registered.
The expression “transfer of a right to enjoy” stands is contrast with the words “transfer of
ownership” occurring in Section 54 in the definition of sale. In a sale, all the rights of ownership, which
the transferor has, passes on to the transferee. In a lease, there is a partial transfer, i.e. a transfer of a
right of enjoyment for a certain period or in perpetuity. The interest transferred in case of lease is
called the leasehold interest.
In Anthony v. K.C. Ittoop & Sons and Others, (2001), the Supreme Court found that there are three
interdictions1 to claim that an instrument can create a valid lease in law.
The first inhibition is that it should be in accordance with the provisions of Section 107 of the
Transfer of Property Act. That Section reads as under- A lease of immovable property from year to
year, or for any term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent, can be made only by a registered
The second inhibition, as pointed out by the Supreme Court, is Section 17(1)(d) of the
Registration Act, which states that where a lease of immovable property from year to year or for any
term exceeding one year or reserving an yearly rent, such document should be compulsorily
The third inhibition, as noted by the Supreme Court, is Section 49 of the Registration Act
relating to the consequence of non-compliance of Section 17. Section 49(c) contemplates that no
document required by Section 17 or by any provision of the Transfer of Property Act to be registered
shall be received as evidence of any transaction affecting such property of conferring such power,
unless it has been registered. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court, taking into consideration of the
proviso to Section 49 of the Registration Act, found that an unregistered lease deed may be taken as
evidence of any collateral transaction not required to be effected by registered instrument.
It should be noted that while both a sale and a mortgage to a minor are valid, a lease to a
minor is void as the lease imports a covenant by transferee (lessee), to pay rent and perform various
conditions which may be imposed in a lease. For a lease of immovable property, there must be a lessor
and a lessee. An agreement of lease must also be executed lawfully by the lessor and the lessee
containing the terms and conditions of the lease for lawful consideration. The lessor and lessee must
also be persons who are competent to contract. Unless the aforesaid requirements are satisfied, an
An authoritative prohibition, especially by court order
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agreement of lease of immovable property cannot be lawfully made and executed. In every case, there
is an implied contract that the lessee will be put in possession of the property of the lessor.
Essential elements of lease:
(i) Immovable property;
(ii) Right to enjoy such immovable property;
(iii) Two parties- both the transferor and the transferee who are competent to make contract;
(iv) The ascertainable duration of the lease;
(v) Consideration that is premium or rent.
Duration: The right to enjoy the property must be transferred for a certain time or in perpetuity. It
may commence either in the present or on some date in future or on the happening of an event which
is bound to happen. Where day is expressed for the commencement of the lease, such day must be
excluded in computing the whole period of lease. Section 110 enacts that if the day of commencement
is not stated, the lease begins from the date or execution. If it is expressed to commence from a past
day, that is only for the purpose of computation, and the interest of the lessee begins from the date of
execution. Both the time when the lease begins and the time when it ends must be fixed. Apart from
leases for certain time, a lease may be in perpetuity. Such leases are generally agricultural leases.
Tenancy-at-will: A lease which is silent as to duration of term would be void as a lease, but if the
lessee has taken possession, a tenancy-at-will is created. It arises by implication of law in cases
where a person takes possession of the premises with the consent of the owner. It may also arise
by an express agreement to let for an indefinite period for compensation accruing from day to
day. The tenant in such a case is not a trespasser and his only liability is to pay compensation for
use and occupation. A tenancy-at-will is terminable by either party. A demand by the landlord for
possession is sufficient to terminate his tenancy-at-will. Under Section 105 of the Transfer of
Property Act, a lease creates right or an interest in enjoyment of the demised property and a
tenant or a sub-tenant is entitled to remain in possession of the demised property until the lease
is duly terminated and eviction takes place in accordance with law. For ascertaining whether a
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document creates a licence or lease, the substance of the document must be prepared to the form.
It is not correct to say that exclusive possession of a party is irrelevant but at the same time is not
conclusive. The other tests, namely intention of the parties and whether the document creates any
interest in the property or not are important consideration.
Tenancy by sufferance: Another type of a tenancy may be noted here. It is called a 'tenancy by
sufferance'. It also arises by implication of law when a person who has been in possession under a
valid lease continues in possession even after the expiration of the lease without the consent of
the lessor. Thus, a tenant holding over after the expiration of the term is a tenant at sufferance. A
tenancy at sufferance is terminated at any time by the landlord entering without notice or
Consideration: The consideration is either premium or rent. Premium is the price paid or promised to
be paid in a lump sum whereas rent is a periodical payment. When the interest of the lessor is parted
with for a price, the price paid is premium or salami. But the periodical payments made for the
continuous enjoyment of the benefits under the lease are in the nature of rent. But the definition of
rent given in this section is wide enough to include not only money but also the delivery of a share of
the crop, of the rendering of service, etc. Section 105 recognises also a lease of immovable property in
consideration of a share of crops.
Agreement to lease- A document whereby the terms of a lease, are finally fixed and it intended to give
the right of enjoyment to the lessee either at once or at a future date is a lease. On the other hand, a
document which only binds the parties, the one person promising to grant the lease and the other
promising to accept it, is merely an agreement to lease. If the intended lessee enters into possession,
he can, under section 53-A, resist the lessor's suit for ejectment: provided the agreement is in writing.
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The Supreme Court of India in Associated Hotel of India v. R. N. Kapoor, quoted following observations
and laid down the following propositions:-
(a) To ascertain whether a document creates a license or a lease, the substance of the document must
be preferred to the form;
(b) the real test is the intention of the parties– Whether intended to create a lease, or a license;
(c) if the document creates an interest in the property, it is a lease, but, if it only permits another to
make use of the property of which the legal possession continues with the owner, it is a license,
(d) if under the document, a party gets exclusive possession of the property, prime facie he is
considered to be a tenant, but circumstances may be established which negative the intention to
create a lease. If the agreement is in writing, it is a question of construction of the agreement
having regard to its terms and, where its language is ambiguous, having regard to its object, and
the circumstances under which it was executed, whether the rights of the occupier are those of a
lessee or a licensee.
Distinction summarised-
A lease is a transfer of an interest in land whereas the license does not create any interest in land
in favour of the licensee.
A lessee can sue a trespasser in his own name but a licensee cannot do so.
A lease can be assigned, but a license cannot be assigned.
A lease cannot be revoked until the term, but a license, subject to certain exceptions, can be
Section 111 deals with the question of determination of a lease, and in various clauses (a) to (h)
methods of determination of a lease of immovable property are provided. A lease of immovable
property determines-
(a) by efflux of the time limited thereby,
(b) where such time is limited conditionally on the happening of some event-by the happening of
such event,
(c) where the interest of the lessor in the property terminates on, or his power to dispose of the
same extends only to, the happening of any event-by the happening of such event,
(d) in case the interests of the lessee and the lessor in the whole of the property become vested at
the same time in one person in the same right,
(e) by express surrender, that is to say, in case the lessee yields up his interest under the lease to
the lessor, by mutual agreement between them,
(f) by implied surrender,
(g) by forfeiture; that is to say, (1) in case the lessee breaks an express condition which provides
that, on breach thereof, the lessor may re-enter; or (2) in case the lessee renounces his
character as such by setting up a title in a third person or by claiming title in himself; or (3) the
lessee is adjudicated an insolvent and the lease provides that the lessor may re-enter on the
happening of such event; and in any of these cases the lessor or his transferee gives notice in
writing to the lessee of his intention to determine the lease,
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(h) on the expiration of a notice to determine the lease, or to quit, or of intention to quit, the
property leased, duly given by one party to the other.
The right of the lessee- Right of the lessee in the leased property subsists even if the leased property has
been destroyed by fire, tempest or flood or violence of an army or of a mob or other irresistible force
unless the lessee exercises its option that on happening of such events the lease has been rendered void.
By necessary corollary, therefore, if the leased property is destroyed wholly by fire, the lease cannot be
said to be extinguished, nor can it be said that lessee's right in the leased property has come to an end
unless the lessee exercises such option.
Chapter VI of TP Act, 1882 which extends from Sec. 118 to Sec. 121 (both inclusive) provides for the
transfers by way of exchange.
Sec. 118 defines exchange as- When two persons mutually transfer the ownership of one thing for
the ownership of another, neither thing or both things being money only, the transaction is called
an "exchange". A transfer of property in completion of an exchange can be made only in manner
provided for the transfer of such property by sale.
Sec. 119: Right of party deprived of thing received in exchange
If any party to an exchange or any person claiming through or under such party is by reason of
any defect in the title of the other party deprived of the thing or any part of the thing received by him
in exchange, then, unless a contrary intention appears from the terms of the exchange, such other
party is liable to him or any person claiming through or under him for loss caused thereby, or at the
option of the person so deprived, for the return of the thing transferred, if still in the possession of
such other party or his legal representative or a transferee from him without consideration.
Sec. 120: Rights and liabilities of parties
Save as otherwise provided in this Chapter, each party has the rights and is subject to the
liabilities of a seller as to that which he gives, and has the rights and is subject to the liabilities of a
buyer as to that which he takes.
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'Onerous gift' is a gift made subject to certain charges imposed by the donor on the donee. The
principle behind this is that he who accepts the benefit of a transaction must also accept the burden of
the same. This section, being an embodiment of a rule of equity, applies equally to Hindus and
Mohemmedans. For acceptance of an onerous gift, acceptance of the gift itself is sufficient; there need
not be any separate and express acceptance of the onerous condition also at the same time. The
acceptance of the gift will carry with it the acceptance of the onerous condition also, even though at
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the time of the gift the donee was not aware of such condition, specially where the onerous condition
is of a trifling nature. A done, not competent to contract and accepting property burdened by any
obligation is not bound by his acceptance. But if, after becoming competent to contract and being
aware of the obligation, he retains the property given, he becomes so bound.
The essential condition to constitute a universal donee is that the gift must consist of the donor's
whole property. If any portion of the donor's property, no matter whether it is moveable or
immovable, is excluded from the operation of the gift or the endowment, the donee is not a universal
donee. This concept is embodied in Sec. 128 of the TP Act, 1882. Where a Muslim person made a gift of
the whole of his estate to his son and directed him to pay his debts, the son was a universal donee and
he was liable to pay all debts of the donor. There is no rule of Muslim law which conflicts with the
provisions of this section.
As the expression “Actionable Claim” itself denotes, it is a claim on which action lies for certain
reliefs in the law courts. It excludes the claims which have been already adjudicated or decreed so that
no further action can be based thereon and also the claims, though actionable are secured by mortgage
or pledge or hypothecation. This exclusion is reflected in the definition of “Actionable Claim” contained
in Section 3 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
Essentially, an actionable claim is a claim to any debt or to any beneficial interest in movable
property. Under the TP Act, an actionable claim excludes the claims to such debts as are secured
by mortgage, hypothecation or pledge of immovable or movable and the claims to any beneficial
interest in any movable property that is in the actual or constructive possession of the claimants.
Such debt or beneficial interest may be existing, accruing, conditional or contingent and it is a
civil court which only can have jurisdiction to grant suitable relief/s in respect thereof. The definition
though complex is logical and well reasoned. The significance of “actionable claim” lies in its
Debts secured by mortgage etc. are excluded from the definition of “Actionable Claim” because
such debts are not the claims to property but the property itself. Similarly, all claims under the
contract are excluded except claims to the payment of liquidated sums of money or debt or price.
Examples of actionable claims-
The benefit of a contract giving an option to purchase the land;
Claim for arrears of rent;
Claim for rent to fall due in future;
The benefit of executory contract for the purchase of goods;
An option to repurchase the properties sold;
An endorsement on the back of a contract for the purchase of goods by the purchaser that he had
sold all his rights and interest in the contract to a person named;
Examples of claims that are not actionable claims-
A claim which is decreed;
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The right to sue for accounts and to recover money which might be found due on taking accounts
from an agent;
A claim for main profits;
Relinquishment of interest of a retiring member of joint hindu family business in favour of the
continuing co-parcener/s;
A mere right to sue
Sec. 130: Transfer of actionable claim
The transfer of an actionable claim whether with or without consideration shall be effected
only by the execution of an instrument in writing signed by the transferor or his duly authorized
agent, shall be complete and effectual upon the execution of such instruments, and thereupon all the
rights and remedies of the transferor, whether by way of damages or otherwise, shall vest in the
transferee, whether such notice of the transfer as is hereinafter provided be given or not:
Provided that every dealing with the debtor other actionable claim by the debtor or other person
from or against whom the transferor would, but for such instrument of transfer as aforesaid, have
been entitled to recover or enforce such debt or other actionable claim, shall (save where the debtor or
other person is a party to the transfer or has received express notice thereof as hereinafter provided)
be valid as against such transfer.
The transferee of an actionable claim may, upon the execution of such instrument of transfer as
aforesaid, sue or institute proceedings for the same in his own name without obtaining the transferor's
consent to such suit or proceeding and without making him a party thereto.
Exception: Nothing in this section applies to the transfer of a marine or fire policy of insurance or
affects the provisions of section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938.
(i) A owes money to B, who transfers the debt to C. B then demands the debt from A, who, not having
received notice of the transfer, as prescribed in section 131, pays B. The payment is valid, and C cannot
sue A for the debt.
(ii) A effects a policy on his own life with insurance company and assigns it to a bank for securing the
payment of an existing or future debt. If A dies, the bank is entitled to receive the amount of the policy
and to sue on it without the concurrence of A's executor, subject to the proviso in sub-section (1) of
section 130 and to provisions of section 132.
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control eviction of tenants from accommodations and for other matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto.”
Subject – Property
It received the assent of the President on the 25th December, 1961. Assent was first published in
"The Madhya Pradesh Gazette" Extraordinary on the 30th December, 1961. It was enactment
number 41 i.e. Act 41 of the year 1961. The Act comprises of 51 Sections contained in VII Chapters
and 2 Schedules.
The Preamble of the Act is as follows-
“An act to provide for the regulation and control of letting and rent of
accommodations, for expenditious trial of eviction cases on ground of "bonafide"
requirement of certain categories of landlords and generally to regulate and
The Act professes to control letting and rent of accommodation and the eviction of tenants therefrom. The
Act also restricts the power of the landlord to let and reck-rent at will. It also restricts his power to eject
the tenant at will. Thus the direct and immediate object of the Act is to ensure occupation of
accommodation by them who are in need of it. Also, the Act intends to give protection to the tenants by
preventing unscrupulous and veracious landlords from charging exorbitant rent from tenants and
evicting tenants, who refused to agree to the enhanced of their rent. However, it was not the intention of
the legislature to extinguish all the rights of a landlord. It is a beneficial legislation, beneficial to both the
landlord and the tenant.
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Sec.2 which provides for the interpretation clause opens with the words- “In this Act, unless the context
otherwise requires-”. This simply means that all statutory definitions or abbreviations must be read
subject to the qualification variously expressed in the definition clauses which created them and it may be
that even where the definition is exhaustive in as much as the word defined is said to mean a certain
thing, it is possible for the word to have a somewhat different meaning in different sections of the Act
depending upon the subject or the context.
Class – BA.LLB. VII Sem Subject – Property
(b) "landlord" means a person, who, for the time being, is receiving, or is entitled to received, the rent
of any accommodation, whether on his own account or on account of or on behalf of or for the
benefit of, any other person or as a trustee, guardian or receiver for any other person or who
would so received the rent or be entitled to receive the rent, if the accommodation were let to a
tenant and includes every person not being a tenant who from time to time derives title under a
This definition is exhaustive as well as inclusive.
(c) "lawful increase" means an increase in rent permitted under the provisions of this Act;
(d) "lease" includes a sub-lease;
(e) "member of the family" in case of any person means the spouse, son, unmarried daughter, father,
grand father, mother, grand mother, brother, unmarried sister, paternal uncle, paternal uncle's
wife or widow, or brother's son or unmarried daughter living jointly with, or any other relation
dependent on him;
The expression “member of the family” has been used in clause (e) of Sec. 12(1) and Sec. 23-A
of the Act. It becomes quite clear that a member of the family is divided into three categories of
relations. In the first category, certain named relations alone are included while in the second it is
brother’s son or unmarried daughter living jointly with him and in the third category is any other
relationwho is dependent on him.
Here, what is to be marked is that the condition attached with the second category is not
attached to the first and the condition attached to the third category is neither attached to the first
nor to the second category. Therefore, in true sense, in order to decide whether a particular person is
a member of the family or not, his relationship with the landlord must be checked and found out
whether he belongs to the first category or the second category or the thirs category and if he belongs
to the second ot the third category, whether he fulfills the condition attached to such categories.
(f) "Rent Controlling Authority" means an officer appointed under sectin 28;
(g) "repealed Act" means the Madhya Pradesh Acommodation Control Act. 1955 (XXIII of 1955),
repealed under section 51;
(h) "standard rent" in relation to any accommodation means standard rent referred to in section 7
or where the standard rent has been increased under section 8, such increased rent;
The Act does not define the term rent. Even clause (h) also does not give any definition of
the term ‘standard rent’. It just gives a reference to standard rent under Sec. 7 and lawfully increased
rent under Sec. 8 respectively. In general, the term “rent” is comprehensive enough to include all
payments agreed by tenant to be paid to his landlord for the use and occupation not only of the
building and its appurtenants but also of furniture electric installations and other amenities agreed
between the landlord and the tenant to be provided by and at the cost of the landlord.
(i) "tenant" means a person by whom or on whose account or behalf the rent of any accommodation
is, or, but for the contract express or implied, would be payable for any accommodation and
includes any person occupying the accommodation as a sub-tenant and also, any person
continuing in possessin after the termination of his tenancy whether before or after the
commencement of this Act: but shall not include any person against whom any order or decree for
eviction has been made.
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(ii) where the accommodation was not let out on or before the 1st day of January, 1948, the rent
of that accommodation as shown in the Municipal Assessment Register or as could be realised on
the 1st day of January, 1948, whichever is less; increased-
(a) in the case of residential accommodation and accommodation used for education purpose,
by thirty-five per cent of such rent;
(b) in the case of other accommodation, by seventy per cent of such rent; and
(c) in case the tenant is not liable to pay the municipal tax and there has been any increase in
municipal tax subsequent to 1st day of January, 1948, by an amount equal to such
Provided that the increase specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be permissible only if the
accommodation has been kept in good and tenantable repairs:
3) in case of accommodation not falling under clause (1) or (2) above-
(a) if the accommodation is separately assessed to municipal assessment, the annual rent
according to such assessment plus fifteen per cent thereon;
(b) if only a part of the accommodation is so assessed, the proportionate amount of the annual
rent for the whole accommodation according to such assessment plus fifteen percent
(c) if the accommodation is not so assessed, -
(i) the annual rent calculated with reference to the rent agreed upon between the landlord
and the tenant when such accommodation is first let out, and if it has not been so let out,
to such amount for which it could be let out immediately after its construction was
completed; or
(ii) the annual rent calculated on the basis of annual payment of an amount equal to 6 3/4
percent per annum of the aggregate amount of the actual cost of construction and the
market price of the land comprised in the accommodation on the date of the
commencement of the construction;
whichever is less.
1) Where a landlord has, at any time, before the commencement of this Act with or without the
approval of the tenant or after the commencement of this Act with the written approval of
the tenant or of the Rent Controlling Authority, incurred expenditure for any improvement,
addition or structural alteration in the accommodation not being expenditure on decoration or
tenantable repairs necessary or usual for such accommodation, and the cost of that
improvement, addition or alteration has not been taken into account, in determining the rent of
the accommodation, the landlord may lawfully increase the standard rent per year by an amount
not exceeding ten percent of the rent payable, for the time being.
2) Where a landlord pays in respect of the accommodation any charge for electricity or water
consumed in the accommodation or any other charge levied by a local authority having
jurisdiction in the area which is ordinarily payable by the tenant, he may recover from the
tenant the amount so paid by him, but the landlord shall not save as provided in Sec. 7, recover
from the tenant whether by means of an increase in rent or otherwise, the amount of any tax on
building or land imposed in respect of the accommodation occupied by the tenant.
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3) Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall affect the liability of any tenant under an
agreement, whether express or implied, to pay from time to time the amount of any such tax as
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If an application for fixing the standard rent or for determining the lawful increase of such rent is
made under section 10, the Rent Controlling Authority shall, pending final decision on the application,
makle, as expeditiously as possible, a provisional order specifying the amount of the interim rent or
lawful increase to be paid by the tenant to the landlord and shall appoint the date from which such
interim rent or lawful increase so specified shall be deemed to have effect.
Chapter III of the Act provides for “Control of Eviction of Tenants”. But, the very first provision of this
Chapter i.e. Sec. 11-A creates an exclusion in favour of certain landlords regarding applicability of this
Chapter. It is as follows-
(d) that the accommodation has not been used without reasonable cause for which it was let, for a
continuous period of six months immediately preceding the date of the filling of the suit for the
recovery of possession thereof;
(e) that the accommodation let for residential purposes is required bonafide by the landlord for
occupation as a residence for himself or for any member of his family, if he is the owner
thereof, or for any person for whose benefit the accommodation is held and that the landlord
or such person has no other reasonably suitable residential accommodation of his own in his
occupation in the city or town concerned;
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(f) that the accommodation let for non-residential purposes is required bonafide by the landlord
for the purpose of continuing or starting his business or that of any of his major sons or
unmarried daughters if he is the owner thereof or for any person for whose benefit the
accommodation is held and that the landlord or such person has no other reasonalbly suitable
non-residential accommodation of his own in his occupation in the city or town concerned;
(g) that the accommodation has become unsafe, or unfit for human habitation and is required
bonafide by the landlord for carrying out repairs which cannot be carried out without the
accommodation being vacated;
(h) that the accommodation is required bonafide by the landlord for the purpose of building or re-
building or making thereto any substantial additions or alterations and that such building or
re-building or alterations cannot be carried out without the accommodation being vacated;
(i) that the tenant has, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, built, acquired
vacant possession of, or, been allotted an accommodation suitable for his residence;
(j) that the accommodation was let to the tenant for use as a residence by reason of his being in
the service or employment of the landlord, and that the tenant has ceased, whether before or
after the commencement of this Act, to be in such service or employment;
(k) that the tenant has, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, caused or
permitted to be caused substantial damage to the accommodation;
(l) that the tenant has given written notice to quit and in consequence of that notice, the landlord
has contracted to sell the accommodation or has taken any other step as a result of which his
interests would seriously suffer if he is not put in possession of that accommodation;
(m) that the tenant has, without the written permission of the landlord, made or permitted to be
made, any such construction as has materially altered the accommodation to the detriment of
the landlord’s interest or is likely to diminish its value substantially;
(n) in the case of accommodation which is open land, that the landlord requires it for constructing
a house on it;
(o) that the tenant has without the written permission of the landlord also taken possession of
such portion or portions of accommodation which is not included in the accommodation let to
him and which the tenant has not vacated inspite of a written notice of the landlord in that
(p) that the tenant has been convicted under any law for the time being in force of an offence of
using the building or allowing the building to be used for immoral or illegal purposes.
2) No order for the eviction of tenant in any proceeding under sub-section (1) shall be binding on any
sub-tenant referred to in Sec. 15 who has given notice of his sub-tenancy to the landlord under the
provisions of that section, unless the sub-tenant is made a party to the proceeding and the order for
eviction is made binding on him.
3) No order for the eviction of a tenant shall be made on the ground specified in clause (a) of sub-
section (1), if the tenant makes payment or deposit as required by section 13:
Provided that no tenant shall be entitled to the benefit under this sub-section, if, having obtained
such benefit once in respect of any accommodation, he again makes a default in the payment of rent
of that accommodation for three consecutive months.
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4) Where a landlord has acquired any accommodation by transfer, no suit for the eviction of tenant
shall be maintainable under sub-section (1) on the ground specified in clause (e) or clause (f) thereof,
unless a period of one year has elapsed from the date of the acquisition.
5) Where an order for the eviction of a tenant is made on the ground specified in clause (e) of sub-
section (1), the landlord shall not be entitled to obtain possession thereof before the expiration of a
period of two months from the date of the order.
6) Where an order for the eviction of a tenant is made on the ground specified in clause (f) of sub-
section (1), the landlord shall not be entitiled to obtain possession thereof-
(a) before the expiration of a period of two months from the date of the order; and
(b) If the accommodation is situated in cities of Gwalior (including Lashkar and Morar), Indore,
Ujjain, Ratlam, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Raipur, Durg or such other towns or cities specified by the State
Government by a notification in that behalf, unless the landlord pays to the tenant such amount
by way of compensation as may be equal to-
(i) double the amount of the annual standard rent of the accommodation in the following
cases, namely-
a) where the accommodation has, for a period of ten years immediately preceding the date
on which the landlord files a suit for possession thereof, been used for business
purposes or for any other purpose along with such purpose, by the tenant who is being
b) where during the aforesaid period of ten years, the tenant carrying on any business in
the accommodation has left it, and the tenant immediately succeeding has acquired the
business of his predecessor either through transfer or inheritance;
(ii) the amount of the annual standard rent in other cases.)
7) No order for the eviction of a tenant shall be made on the ground specified in clause (h) of sub-
section 10, unless the Court is satisfied that the proposed reconstruction will not radically alter the
purpose for which the accommodation was let or that radical alteration is in the public interest, and
that the plans and estimates of such reconstruction have been properly prepared and that necessary
funds for the purpose are available with the landlord.
8) No order for the eviction of a tenant shall be made on the ground specified in clause (j) of sub-section
(1), if any dispute as to whether the tenant has ceased to be in the service or employment of the
landlord is pending before any authority competent to decide such dispute.
9) No order for the eviction of a tenant shall be made on the ground specified in clause (k) of sub-
section (1), if the tenant, within such time as may be specified in this behalf by the Court, carries out
repairs to the damage caused to the satisfaction of the Court or pays to the landlord such amount by
way of compensation as the Court may direct.
10) No order for the eviction of a tenant shall be made on the ground specified in clause (m) of sub-
section (1), if the tenant within such time as may be specified in this behalf by the Court restores
the accommodation to its original condition or pays to the landlord such amount by way of
compensation as it may direct.
11) No order for the eviction of a tenant shall be made on the ground specified in clause (o) of sub-
section (1), if the tenant within such time as may be specified in this behalf by the Court vacates the
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portion or portions of accommodation not let to him and pays to the landlord such amount by way
of compensations as it may direct.
1) On a suit or any other proceeding being instituted by a landlord on any of the grounds referred to in
Sec. 12 or in any appeal or any other proceeding by a tenant against any decree or order for his
eviction, the tenant shall, within one month of the service of writ of summons or notice of appeal or
of any other proceeding, or within one month of institution of appeal or any other proceeding by
the tenant, as the case may be, or within such further time as the Court may on an application made
to it allow in this behalf, deposit in the Court or pay to the landlord, an amount calculated at the rate
of rent at which it was paid, for the period for which the tenant may have made default including
the period subsequent thereto up to the end of the month previous to that in which the deposit or
payment is made; and shall thereafter continue to deposit or pay, month by month by the 15th of
each succeeding month a sum equivalent to the rent at that rate till the decision of the suit, appeal
or proceeding, as the case may be.
2) If in any suit or proceeding referred to in sub-section (1), there is any dispute as to the amount of
rent payable by the tenant, the Court shall, on a plea made either by landlord or tenant in that
behalf which shall be taken at the earliest opportunity during such suit or proceeding, fix a
reasonable provisional rent, in relation to the accommodation, to be deposited or paid in
accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) and no Court shall, save for reasons to be
recorded in writing, entertain any plea on this account at any subsequent stage.
3) If, in any proceeding referred to in sub-section (1), there is any dispute as to the person or persons
to whom the rent is payable, the Court may direct the tenant to deposit with the Court the amount
payable by him under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), and in such a case, no person shall be
entitled to withdraw the amount in deposit until the Court decides the dispute and makes an order
for payment of the same.
4) If the Court is satisfied that any dispute referred to in sub-section (3) has been raised by the tenant
for reasons which are false or frivolous, the court may order the defence against eviction to be
struck out and proceed with the hearing of the suit.
5) If a tenant makes deposit or payment as required by sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), no decree
or order shall be made by the Court for the recovery of possession of the accommodation on the
ground of default in the payment of rent by the tenant, but the Court may allow such cost as it may
deem fit to the landlord.
6) If the tenant fails to deposit or pay any amount as required by this section, the Court may order the
defence against eviction to be struck out and shall proceed with the hearing of the suit, appeal or
proceeding, as the case may be.
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2) No landlord shall claim or receive the payment of any sum as premium or ‘pugree’ or claim or
receive any consideration whatsoever in cash or in kind for giving his consent to the sub-letting
of the whole or any part of the accommodation held by the tenant.
2) Where, before the commencement of this Act, the interest of a tenant in respect of any
accommodation has been determined without determining the interest of any sub-tenant to
whom the accommodation either in whole or in part had been lawfully sub-let, the sub-tenant
shall, with effect from the date of the commencement of this Act, be deemed to have become a
tenant holding directly under the landlord on the same terms and conditions on which the tenant
would have held from the landlord, if the tenancy had continued.
Chapter III-A of M.P. Accomodation Control Act, 1961 is meant to apply on certain specified class of
landlords which have been exhaustively defined under Sec. 23-J.
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(i) a retired servant of any Government including a retired member of Defence Services; or
(ii) a retired servant of a company owned or controlled either by the Central or State Government;or
(iii) a widow or a divorced wife; or
(iv) physically handicapped person; or
(v) a servant of any Government including a member of defence services who, according to his
service conditions, is not entitled to Government accommodation on his posting to a place where
he owns a house or is entitled to such accommodation only on payment of a penal rent on his
posting to such a place.
Provisions which are to apply on these landlords as provided under Chapter III-A are as follows:-
SEC. 23-B: RCA to issue summons in relation to every application under section 23-A
SEC. 23-C: Tenant not entitled to contest except under certain circumstances
SEC. 23-D: Procedure to be followed by RCA or grant at leave to tenant to contest
SEC. 23-E: Revision by High Court
SEC. 23-F: Duration of stay
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Chapter IV of the Act provides for deposit of rents. Provisions are as follows-
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5) Provided that no order for payment or any deposit of rent shall be made by the Rent Controlling
Authority under this sub-section without giving all persons named by the tenant in his application
under sub-section (2), as claiming to be entitled to payment of such rent, an opportunity of being
heard and such order shall be without prejudice to the rights of such persons to receive such rent
being decided by a court of competent jurisdiction.
6) If at the time of filing the application under sub-section (4), but not after the expiry of thirty days
from receiving the notice of deposit, the landlord or the person or persons claiming to be entitled
to the rent complains or complain to the Rent Controlling Authority that the statements in the
tenant's application of the reasons and circumstances which led him to deposit the rent are
untrue, the Rent Controlling Authority, after giving the tenant an opportunity of being heard, may
levy on the tenant a fine which may extend to an amount equal to two months rent, if the Rent
Controlling Authority is satisfied that the said statements were materially untrue and may order
that a sum out of the fine realised be paid to the landlord as compensation.
7) The Rent Controlling Authority may, on the complaint of the tenant and after giving an
opportunity to the landlord of being heard, levy on the landlord a fine which may extend to an
amount equal to two months rent, if the Rent Controlling Authority is satisfied that the landlord,
without any reasonable cause, refused to accept rent though tendered to him within the time
referred to in sectin 24 and may further order that a sum out of the fine realised be paid to the
tenant as compensation.
1) No rent deposited under section 25 shall be considered to have been validly deposited under that
section, unless the deposit is made within twenty-one days of the time referred to in section 24
for payment of the rent.
2) No such deposit shall be considered to have been validly made, if the tenant willfully makes any
false statement in his application for depositing the rent, unless the landlord has withdrawn the
amount deposited before the date of filing an application for the recovery of possession of the
accommodation from the tenant.
3) If the rent is deposited within the time mentioned in sub-section (1) and does not cease to be a
valid deposit for the reason mentioned in sub-section (2), the deposit shall constitute payment of
rent to the landlord as if the amount deposited had been validly tendered.
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also publish the notice in his officer, and if the amount of rent exceeds hundred rupees, shall also
publish it in any local newspaper.
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Powers and Functions of Rent Controlling Authority
Special obligations and penalties of Land Lords
Miscellaneous provisions
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SEC. 33: AMENDMENT OF ORDERS - Clerical or arithmetical mistakes to any order passed by a Rent
Controlling Authority or the Judge or errors arisng therein from any accidential slip or omission may, at
any time, be corrected by the Rent Controlling Authority or the or the Judge on an application received in
this behalf from any of the parties or otherwise.
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the Rent Controlling Authority shall be deemed to be a Magistrate under the said Code for the purposes of
such recovery.
Save as otherwise provided in section 34, an order made by the Rent Controlling Authority or
an order passed in appeal under this Chapter or in a revision under Chapter III-A shll be executable by the
Rent Controlling Authority as a decree of a Civil Court and for this purpose, the Rent Controlling Authority
shall have all the powers of a Civil Court.
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1) No landlord either himself or through any persons purporting to act on his behalf shall without
just and sufficient cause cut off or withhold any essential supply or service enjoyed by the tenant
in respect of the accommodation let to him.
2) If a landlord contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) the tenant may make an application to
the Rent Controlling Authority coplaiining of such contravention.
3) If the Rent Controlling Authority on inquiry finds that the essential supply or service enjoyed by
the tenant in respect of the accommodatin was cut off or withheld by the landlord without just
and sufficient cause. it shall make an order directing the landlord to restore such supply or
4) The Rent Controlling Authority may in its discretion direct that compensation not exceeding fifty
rupees -
(a) be paid to the landlord by the tenant, if the application under sub-section (2) was made
frivolously or vexatiously :
(b) be paid to the tenant by the landlord, if the landlord had cut off or withhelf the supply or
service without just and sufficient cause.
Explanation I. - In this section, "essential supply or service" includes supply of water, electricity,
lights in passages and on stair cases, conservancy and sanitary services.
Explanation II. - For the purposes of this section, withholding anyh essential supply or service
shall include acts or omissions attributable to the landlord on account of which the essential
supply or service is cut off by the local authority or any other competent authority.
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Provided further that in allotting the accommodation to any person underf this sub-section due
regard will be had, as far as possible, to the wishes of the landlord as regards the type of the
person to whom the accommodation may be allotted, as may be indicated by him in the
information given in pursuance of an order issued under sub-section (1).
3) If no order is passed and served upon the landlord within the period specified in sub-section (2).
he shall be free to let the vacant accommodation to any person.
4) Provided that in a case failing under the first proviso to sub-section (2), the period spent in an
enquiry shall be excluded.
5) The Collector or the authorized officer may take or cause to be taken such steps and use or cause
to be used such minimum force including police force as may, in his opinion is reasonable for
securing the compliance with, or for preventing or rectifying contravention of the Act or rules
thereunder or for the effective exercise of such power.
6) Nothing in this section shall apply to-
a) any accommodation used for residential purposes the monthly rent of which does not
exceed twenty-five rupees:
b) any accommodation used for non-residential purposes the monthly rent of which does not
exceed fifty rupees ;
c) any accommodation which has fallen vacant in pursuance of an order passed under this
Act for the purpose of occupation by the landlord :
d) any accommodation belonging to a local authority, company or Firm and bona-fide
intended solely for the occupation of its officers, servants and agents.
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3) All rules made under this section shall be laid on the table of the Assembly.