7 Semester, Cs Syllabus

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7th Sem CS

OBJECT-ORIENTED MODELING AND DESIGN (06CS71) PART - A UNIT - 1 INTRODUCTION, MODELING CONCEPTS, CLASS MODELING: What is Object Orientation? What is OO development? OO themes; Evidence for usefulness of OO development; OO modeling history. Modeling as Design Technique: Modeling; abstraction; The three models. Class Modeling: Object and class concepts; Link and associations concepts; Generalization and inheritance; A sample class model; Navigation of class models; Practical tips. 7 Hours UNIT - 2 ADVANCED CLASS MODELING, STATE MODELING: Advanced object and class concepts; Association ends; N-ary associations; Aggregation; Abstract classes; Multiple inheritance; Metadata; Reification; Constraints; Derived data; Packages; Practical tips. State Modeling: Events, States, Transitions and Conditions; State diagrams; State diagram behavior; Practical tips. 6 Hours UNIT - 3 ADVANCED STATE MODELING, INTERACTION MODELING: Advanced State Modeling: Nested state diagrams; Nested states; Signal generalization; Concurrency; A sample state model; Relation of class and state models; Practical tips. Interaction Modeling: Use case models; Sequence models; Activity models. Use case relationships; Procedural sequence models; Special constructs for activity models. 6 Hours UNIT - 4 PROCESS OVERVIEW, SYSTEM CONCEPTION, DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Process Overview: Development stages; Development life cycle. System Conception: Devising a system concept; Elaborating a concept; Preparing a problem statement. Domain Analysis: Overview of analysis; Domain class model; Domain state model; Domain interaction model; Iterating the analysis. 7 Hours PART - B UNIT - 5 APPLICATION ANALYSIS, SYSTEM DESIGN: Application Analysis: Application interaction model; Application class model; Application state model; Adding operations. Overview of system design; Estimating performance; Making a reuse plan; Breaking a system in to sub-systems; Identifying concurrency; Allocation of sub-systems; Management of data storage; Handling global resources; Choosing a software control strategy; Handling boundary conditions; Setting the trade-off priorities; Common architectural styles; Architecture of the ATM system as the example. 7 Hours UNIT - 6 CLASS DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION MODELING, LEGACY SYSTEMS: Class Design: Overview of class design; Bridging the gap; Realizing use cases; Designing algorithms; Recursing downwards, Refactoring; Design optimization; Reification of behavior; Adjustment of inheritance; Organizing a class design; ATM example.Implementation Modeling: Overview of implementation; Finetuning classes; Fine-tuning generalizations; Realizing associations; Testing.Legacy Systems: Reverse engineering; Building the class models; Building the interaction model; Building the state model; Reverse engineering tips; Wrapping; Maintenance. 7 Hours UNIT - 7 1


7th Sem CS

DESIGN PATTERNS 1: What is a pattern and what makes a pattern? Pattern categories; Relationships between patterns; Pattern description. Communication Patterns: Forwarder-Receiver; Client-Dispatcher-Server; Publisher-Subscriber. 6 Hours UNIT - 8 DESIGN PATTERNS 2, IDIOMS: Management Patterns: Command processor; View handler. Idioms: Introduction; What can idioms provide? Idioms and style; Where to find idioms; Counted Pointer example. 6 Hours TEXT BOOKS: 1. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML Michael Blaha, James Rumbaugh, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2005. 2. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: A System of Patterns - Volume 1 Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michael Stal, John Wiley and Sons, 2006. SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES (06IS72) PART - A UNIT - 1 INTRODUCTION: The Architecture Business Cycle: Where do architectures come from? Software processes and the architecture business cycle; What makes a good architecture? What software architecture is and what it is not; Other points of view; Architectural patterns, reference models and reference architectures; Importance of software architecture; Architectural structures and views. 6 Hours UNIT - 2 ARCHITECTURAL STYLES AND CASE STUDIES: Architectural styles; Pipes and filters; Data abstraction and object-oriented organization; Event-based, implicit invocation; Layered systems; Repositories; Interpreters; Process control; Other familiar architectures; Heterogeneous architectures. Case Studies: Keyword in Context; Instrumentation software; Mobile robotics; Cruise control; Three vignettes in mixed style. 7 Hours UNIT - 3 QUALITY: Functionality and architecture; Architecture and quality attributes; System quality attributes; Quality attribute scenarios in practice; Other system quality attributes; Business qualities; Architecture qualities. Achieving Quality: Introducing tactics; Availability tactics; Modifiability tactics; Performance tactics; Security tactics; Testability tactics; Usability tactics; Relationship of tactics to architectural patterns; Architectural patterns and styles. 6 Hours UNIT - 4 ARCHITECTURAL PATTERNS 1: Introduction; from mud to structure: Layers, Pipes and Filters, Blackboard. 7 Hours

PART - B UNIT - 5 2

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ARCHITECTURAL PATTERNS 2: Distributed Systems: Broker; Interactive Systems: MVC, Presentation-Abstraction-Control. 7 Hours UNIT - 6 ARCHITECTURAL PATTERNS 3: Adaptable Systems: Microkernel; Reflection. 6 Hours UNIT - 7 SOME DESIGN PATTERNS: Structural decomposition: Whole Part; Organization of work: Master Slave; Access Control: Proxy. 6 Hours UNIT - 8 DESIGNING AND DOCUMENTING SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE: Architecture in the life cycle; designing the architecture; Forming the team structure; Creating a skeletal system. Uses of architectural documentation; Views; choosing the relevant views; Documenting a view; Documentation across views. 7 Hours TEXT BOOKS: 1. Software Architecture in Practice Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 2. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, A System of Patterns - Volume 1 Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michael Stal, , John Wiley and Sons, 2006. 1. Mary Shaw and David Garlan: Software Architecture- Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline, Prentice-Hall of India, 2007. PROGRAMMING THE WEB (06CS73) PART - A UNIT - 1 Fundamentals of Web, XHTML 1: Internet, WWW, Web Browsers, and Web Servers; URLs; MIME; HTTP; Security; The Web Programmers Toolbox. XHTML: Origins and evolution of HTML and XHTML; Basic syntax; Standard XHTML document structure; Basic text markup. 6 Hours UNIT - 2 XHTML 2: Images; Hypertext Links; Lists; Tables; Forms; Frames; Syntactic differences between HTML and XHTML. 6 Hours UNIT - 3 CSS: Introduction; Levels of style sheets; Style specification formats; Selector forms; Property value forms; Font properties; List properties; Color; Alignment of text; The Box model; Background images; The and tags; Conflict resolution. 6 Hours UNIT - 4 JAVASCRIPT: Overview of Javascript; Object orientation and Javascript; General syntactic characteristics; Primitives, operations, and expressions; Screen output and keyboard input; Control statements; Object creation and modification; Arrays; Functions; Constructor; Pattern matching using regular expressions; Errors in scripts; Examples. 8 Hours PART - B UNIT - 5

7th Sem CS

JAVASCRIPT AND HTML DOCUMENTS: The Javascript execution environment; The Document Object Model; Element access in Javascript; Events and event handling; Handling events from the Body elements, Button elements, Text box and Password elements; The DOM 2 event model; The navigator object; DOM tree traversal and modification. 6 Hours UNIT - 6 DYNAMIC DOCUMENTS WITH JAVASCRIPT: Introduction to dynamic documents; Positioning elements; Moving elements; Element visibility; Changing colors and fonts; Dynamic content; Stacking elements; Locating the mouse cursor; Reacting to a mouse click; Slow movement of elements; Dragging and dropping elements. 6Hours UNIT - 7 XML: Introduction; Syntax; Document structure; Document Type definitions; Namespaces; XML schemas; Displaying raw XML documents; Displaying XML documents with CSS; XSLT style sheets; XML processors; Web services. 6 Hours UNIT - 8 PERL, CGI PROGRAMMING: Origins and uses of Perl; Scalars and their operations; Assignment statements and simple input and output; Control statements; Fundamentals of arrays; Hashes; References; Functions; Pattern matching; File input and output; Examples. The Common Gateway Interface; CGI linkage; Query string format; CGI.pm module; A survey example; Cookies. 8 Hours TEXT BOOK: 1. Programming the World Wide Web Robert W. Sebesta, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008. EMBEDDED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (06CS74) PART - A UNIT - 1 INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 1: Embedded systems; Processor embedded into a system; Embedded hardware units and devices in a system; Embedded software in a system; Examples of embedded systems; Embedded System-on-Chip (SoC) and use of VLSI circuit design technology; Complex systems design and processors; Design process in embedded system. 7 Hours UNIT - 2 INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 2, DEVICES - 1: Formalization of system design; Design process and design examples; Classification of embedded systems; Skills required for an embedded system designer.I/O types and examples; Serial communication devices; Parallel device ports; Sophisticated interfacing features in device ports. 6 Hours UNIT - 3 DEVICES - 2, COMMUNICATION BUSES FOR DEVICE NETWORKS: Wireless devices; Timer and counting devices; Watchdog timer; Real time clock; Networked embedded systems; Serial bus communication protocols; Parallel bus device protocols; Internet enabled systems; Wireless and mobile system protocols. 6 Hours UNIT - 4 DEVICE DRIVERS AND INTERRUPTS SERVICE MECHANISM: Device access without interrupts; ISR concept; Interrupt sources; Interrupt servicing mechanism; Multiple interrupts; Context and the periods for context-switching, interrupt latency and deadline; Classification of processors interrupt service mechanism from context-saving angle; Direct memory access; Device drivers programming. 7 Hours 4

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PART - B UNIT - 5 PROGRAM MODELING CONCEPTS, PROCESSES, THREADS, AND TASKS: Program models; DFG models; State machine programming models for event controlled program flow; Modeling of multiprocessor systems. Multiple processes in an application; Multiple threads in an application; Tasks and task states; Task and data; Distinctions between functions, ISRs and tasks. 7 Hours UNIT - 6 REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS 1: Operating System services; Process management; Timer functions; Event functions; Memory management; Device, file and I/O sub-systems management; Interrupt routines in RTOS environment and handling of interrupt source calls. 6 Hours UNIT - 7 REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS 2: Real-Time Operating Systems; Basic design using an RTOS; RTOS task scheduling models, interrupt latency and response times of the tasks as performance metrics; OS security issues. 6 Hours UNIT - 8 EMBEDDED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, TOOLS: Introduction; Host and target machines; Linking and locating software; Getting embedded software in to the target system; Issues in hardwaresoftware design and co-design; Testing on host machine; Simulators; Laboratory tools. 7 Hours TEXT BOOK: 1. Embedded Systems Architecture: Programming and Design Rajkamal, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008. JAVA AND J2EE (06CS753) PART - A UNIT - 1 INTRODUCTION TO JAVA: Java and Java applications; Java Development Kit (JDK); Java is interpreted, Byte Code, JVM; Object-oriented programming; Simple Java programs. Data types and other tokens: Boolean variables, int, long, char, operators, arrays, white spaces, literals, assigning values; Creating and destroying objects; Access specifiers. Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators, Bitwise operators, Relational operators, The Assignment Operator, The? Operator; Operator Precedence; Logical expression; Type casting; Strings Control Statements: Selection statements, iteration statements, Jump Statements. 6 Hours UNIT - 2 CLASSES, INHERITANCE, EXCEPTIONS, APPLETS: Classes: Classes in Java; Declaring a class; Class name; Super classes; Constructors; Creating instances of class; Inner classes. Inheritance: Simple, multiple, and multilevel inheritance; Overriding, overloading. Exception handling: Exception handling in Java. The Applet Class: Two types of Applets; Applet basics; Applet Architecture; An Applet skeleton; Simple Applet display methods; Requesting repainting; Using the Status Window; The HTML APPLET tag; Passing parameters to Applets; getDocumentbase() and getCodebase(); ApletContext and showDocument(); The AudioClip Interface; The AppletStub Interface; Output to the Console. 6 Hours UNIT - 3 MULTI THREADED PROGRAMMING, EVENT HANDLING: Multi Threaded Programming: What are threads? How to make the classes threadable; Extending threads; Implementing runnable; 5

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Synchronization; Changing state of the thread; Bounded buffer problems, read-write problem, producerconsumer problems. Event Handling: Two event handling mechanisms; The delegation event model; Event classes; Sources of events; Event listener interfaces; Using the delegation event model; Adapter classes; Inner classes. 7 Hours UNIT - 4 SWINGS: Swings: The origins of Swing; Two key Swing features; Components and Containers; The Swing Packages; A simple Swing Application; Create a Swing Applet; Jlabel and ImageIcon; JTextField;The Swing Buttons; JTabbedpane; JScrollPane; JList; JComboBox; JTable. 7 Hours PART - B UNIT - 5 JAVA 2 ENTERPRISE EDITION OVERVIEW, DATABASE ACCESS: Overview of J2EE and J2SE. The Concept of JDBC; JDBC Driver Types; JDBC Packages; A Brief Overview of the JDBC process; Database Connection; Associating the JDBC/ODBC Bridge with the Database; Statement Objects; ResultSet; Transaction Processing; Metadata, Data types; Exceptions. 6 Hours UNIT - 6 SERVLETS: Background; The Life Cycle of a Servlet; Using Tomcat for Servlet Development; A simple Servlet; The Servlet API; The Javax.servlet Package; Reading Servlet Parameter; The Javax.servlet.http package; Handling HTTP Requests and Responses; Using Cookies; Session Tracking. 7 Hours UNIT - 7 JSP, RMI: Java Server Pages (JSP): JSP, JSP Tags, Tomcat, Request String, User Sessions, Cookies, Session Objects. Java Remote Method Invocation: Remote Method Invocation concept; Server side, Client side. 6 Hours UNIT - 8 ENTERPRISE JAVA BEANS: Enterprise java Beans; Deployment Descriptors; Session Java Bean, Entity Java Bean; Message-Driven Bean; The JAR File. 7 Hours TEXT BOOKS: 1. Java - The Complete Reference Herbert Schildt, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. 2. J2EE - The Complete Reference Jim Keogh, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.


7th Sem CS

UNIT - 1 DIGITIZED IMAGE AND ITS PROPERTIES: Basic concepts, Image digitization, Digital image properties. 6 Hours UNIT - 2 IMAGE PREPROCESSING: Image pre-processing: Brightness and geometric transformations, local preprocessing. 7 Hours UNIT - 3 SEGMENTATION 1: Thresholding, Edge-based segmentation. 6 Hours UNIT - 4 SEGMENTATION 2: Region based segmentation, Matching. 7 Hours PART - B UNIT - 5 IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: Image enhancement in the spatial domain: Background, Some basic gray level transformations, Histogram processing, Enhancement using arithmetic / logic operations, Basics of spatial filtering, Smoothing spatial filters, Sharpening spatial filters. Image enhancement in the frequency domain: Background, Introduction to the Fourier transform and the frequency domain, Smoothing Frequency-Domain filters, Sharpening Frequency Domain filters, Homomorphic filtering. 7 Hours UNIT - 6 IMAGE COMPRESSION: Image compression: Fundamentals, Image compression models, Elements of information theory, Error-Free Compression, Lossy compression. 6 Hours UNIT - 7 SHAPE REPRESENTATION: Region identification, Contour-based shape representation and description, Region based shape representation and description, Shape classes. 7 Hours UNIT - 8 MORPHOLOGY: Basic morphological concepts, Morphology principles, Binary dilation and erosion, Gray-scale dilation and erosion, Morphological segmentation and watersheds. 6 Hours TEXT BOOKS: 1. Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle, 2nd Edition, Thomson Learning, 2001. 2. Digital Image Processing Rafel C Gonzalez and Richard E Woods, 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003


7th Sem CS

The following experiments shall be conducted using either NS / OPNET or any other suitable simulator. 1. 2. Simulate a three nodes point to point network with duplex links between them. Set the queue size and vary the bandwidth and find the number of packets dropped. Simulate a four node point-to-point network with the links connected as follows: n0 n2, n1 n2 and n2 n3. Apply TCP agent between n0-n3 and UDP between n1-n3. Apply relevant applications over TCP and UDP agents changing the parameter and determine the number of packets sent by TCP / UDP. Simulate the different types of Internet traffic such as FTP and TELNET over a network and analyze the throughput. Simulate the transmission of ping messages over a network topology consisting of 6 nodes and find the number of packets dropped due to congestion. Simulate an Ethernet LAN using n nodes (6-10), change error rate and data rate and compare throughput. Simulate an Ethernet LAN using n nodes and set multiple traffic nodes and determine collision across different nodes. Simulate an Ethernet LAN using n nodes and set multiple traffic nodes and plot congestion window for different source / destination. Simulate simple ESS and with transmitting nodes in wire-less LAN by simulation and determine the performance with respect to transmission of packets. PART - B Implement the following in C/C++: 1. Write a program for error detecting code using CRC-CCITT (16- bits). 2. Write a program for frame sorting technique used in buffers. 3. Write a program for distance vector algorithm to find suitable path for transmission. 4. Using TCP/IP sockets, write a client server program to make the client send the file name and to make the server send back the contents of the requested file if present. 5. Implement the above program using as message queues or FIFOs as IPC channels. 6. Write a program for simple RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the data. 7. Write a program for Hamming code generation for error detection and correction. 8. Write a program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm. Note: Student is required to solve one problem from PART-A and one problem from PART-B. The questions are allotted based on lots. Both questions carry equal marks. WEB PROGRAMMING LABORATORY (06CSL78) 1. Develop and demonstrate a XHTML document that illustrates the use external style sheet, ordered list, table, borders, padding, color, and the tag. 2. Develop and demonstrate a XHTML file that includes Javascript script for the following problems: 8

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

7th Sem CS

a) Input: A number n obtained using prompt Output: The first n Fibonacci numbers b) Input: A number n obtained using prompt Output: A table of numbers from 1 to n and their squares using alert 3. Develop and demonstrate a XHTML file that includes Javascript script that uses functions for the following problems: a) Parameter: A string Output: The position in the string of the left-most vowel b) Parameter: A number Output: The number with its digits in the reverse order 4. a) Develop and demonstrate, using Javascript script, a XHTML document that collects the USN ( the valid format is: A digit from 1 to 4 followed by two upper-case characters followed by two digits followed by two upper-case characters followed by three digits; no embedded spaces allowed) of the user. Event handler must be included for the form element that collects this information to validate the input. Messages in the alert windows must be produced when errors are detected. b) Modify the above program to get the current semester also (restricted to be a number from 1 to 8) 5. a) Develop and demonstrate, using Javascript script, a XHTML document that contains three short paragraphs of text, stacked on top of each other, with only enough of each showing so that the mouse cursor can be placed over some part of them. When the cursor is placed over the exposed part of any paragraph, it should rise to the top to become completely visible. b) Modify the above document so that when a paragraph is moved from the top stacking position, it returns to its original position rather than to the bottom. 6. a) Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering college affiliated to VTU. The information must include USN, Name, Name of the College, Brach, Year of Joining, and e-mail id. Make up sample data for 3 students. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the document. b) Create an XSLT style sheet for one student element of the above document and use it to create a display of that element. 7. a) Write a Perl program to display various Server Information like Server Name, Server Software, Server protocol, CGI Revision etc. b) Write a Perl program to accept UNIX command from a HTML form and to display the output of the command executed.

8. a) Write a Perl program to accept the User Name and display a greeting message randomly chosen from a list of 4 greeting messages.
b) Write a Perl program to keep track of the number of visitors visiting the web page and to display this count of visitors, with proper headings. 9. Write a Perl program to display a digital clock which displays the current time of the server. 10.Write a Perl program to insert name and age information entered by the user into a table created using MySQL and to display the current contents of this table. 11.Write a PHP program to store current date-time in a COOKIE and display the Last visited on date-time on the web page upon reopening of the same page. 12.Write a PHP program to store page views count in SESSION, to increment the count on each refresh, and to show the count on web page.

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13.Create a XHTML form with Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, and E-mail text fields. On submitting, store the values in MySQL table. Retrieve and display the data based on Name. 14.Using PHP and MySQL, develop a program to accept book information viz. Accession number, title, authors, edition and publisher from a web page and store the information in a database and to search for a book with the title specified by the user and to display the search results with proper headings. Note: Student is required to solve one problem in the examination. The questions are allotted based on lots.


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