Review of Related Literature-02.10.23

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Title: Propagation of Seedling with Web-Based Controlled Iot Sensor Devices

Related Literature

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the best options for providing efficient and

cost-effective solutions for various applications, including agricultural, health monitoring,

and military operations. It is also a cutting-edge technology that combines knowledge of

sensors, automation control, digital connections, storage, and information processing. The

goal of agriculture based on precise information and technology is to improve farming by

carefully watching each step to get the most out of it while having the most negligible impact

on the environment. Planting seeds is the first step in farming, leading to growing plants. This

process involves the modification of sowing parameters, including air temperature, humidity,

and soil moisture. (Gammot et al. 2022)

Advantage of Seed Breeding

The advantage of the automated monitoring seed breeding system is that it provides

real-time input on various elements influencing the seed breeding process. Monitoring

different variables and collecting data provides for increased yields and decreased expenses.

Each sensor receives only what is necessary for its specific space and only for the time and

duration required.

A technology called "agricultural convergence," based on the IoT (Internet of

Things), is being implemented throughout the farm product-making process. This technology

will help create high value by making production more efficient and improving the quality of

farm products. This technology will be implemented. Also, the use of convergence

technology in precision agriculture, an alternative to future agriculture, makes it possible to

predict supply and demand, manage in real-time, and keep the quality of agricultural products
high throughout their life cycle. The techniques used to forecast harvests have become more

complicated in recent years. Very well-developed statistics are being used more and more in

agriculture to get information from historical data and predict the values of economic

variables that are expected to happen in the future. The most recent improvements in harvest

prediction science have been made possible by the growth of information technology. On the

other hand, individual statistical methods do not provide a perfect picture of the future.

Because of this, it is essential to find out if there is a link between keeping an eye on how

crops are grown and collecting statistics about harvesting. It is anticipated that this

information on the statistical pattern of the crop can be managed through a decision support

system based on the internet of things (IoT). (Rye, 2021)

IT and Agricultural Yields

(Jangam et al., 2018) Says that accurate analysis of agrometeorological and

meteorological factors can help farmers increase agricultural yields and make more money. It

can also help farmers decide which fertilizers and pesticides to use (Ayaz et al., 2019; Elijah

et al., 2018). Because of this, researchers (Antonopoulou et al., 2020; Fountas et al., 2019)

have made systems to help farmers make decisions about farming activities and crop

management. These methods also referred to as precision farming, have the potential to lower

the amount of money spent on inputs while simultaneously providing farmers with a higher

yield (Nabi et al., 2020). On the other hand, many sensors with data loggers and GPRS

transmission measure weather and agricultural factors in real-time. Bishop et al. (2012) say

that coordinates from the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be used to do topographic

analysis on objects in space. The GPS with the IoT kit can find these coordinates, making the

system more expensive. (Department of Agriculture, 2019)

Smartphones and Farming

On the other hand, advancements have the potential to deliver a high capability to

execute high-end applications. It works well as a replacement for the desktop Geographical

Information System (GIS), which cannot be used in the field because it is hard to carry

around. (Zhang et al., 2016) Because of this, smartphones can be used instead of GPS to

collect coordinates. Gaikwad et al. (2018) say that it also makes quick communication

protocols more accurate and consistent and reduces the number of mistakes. It offers low-cost

answers to several issues and concerns. (Gaikwad et al., 2018) During the field campaign,

mobile devices were used to do several things, such as confirm ground truth, record

observations, and record weather information.

There are several commercially accessible internet of things (IoT) and cloud-based

platforms, each with its restrictions. They do not offer proprietary or non-proprietary licenses,

which have limitations like the inability to access data through an API (Ray, 2016). On the

other hand, you can access some of them through public cloud services like Azure IoT Suite,

Amazon AWS IoT, Device-Hive, etc. Even so, these platforms relied on private deployment

and software with an open-source license. Some Internet of Things (IoT) systems based on

open source are available for purchase, such as Kaa, FiWare, ThingSpeak, and others.

Because it is commercialized and offered as a public cloud service, the open-source variant

has yet to prove suitable. (PA, 2020)


Monitoring the many different aspects of the environment has been the subject of

significant research. An example is the Internet of Things-based agro-meteorological system

constructed using Arduino (Jangam et al., 2018). The system contained several sensors for

temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and temperature. In addition, the GPS was also
connected to the internet, and it sent all of its sensor data to a web server so it could be

analyzed further. On the other hand, the system couldn't be moved around, and it was only

made for small-scale farmers. As a result, this issue needs to be resolved someplace to

evaluate its effect on the growth of crops.

Probes and Frequency Domain Analysis

Sawant et al. (2017) are the ones that came up with the idea for the agro-

meteorological device, which is used to keep an eye on agricultural fields. The Raspberry kit

allows the device to collect data on various meteorological factors, including temperature,

humidity, soil moisture, and temperature. A connection was made between the Sense-Tube

system and the base station to facilitate data collection across the Wi-Fi network. Solar

energy was used to power the system, and a battery was used to provide emergency power in

case of a blackout. The data analysis was performed with the help of the web-based tool.

However, the device cannot be moved, and studying the relationship between the weather and

crops is expensive. As a result, it could not provide immediate access to the weather's


Soil Water

Similarly, the IoT kit was developed to measure soil water (Ramadan et al., 2018).

The Internet of Things kit connects the solar plates and the A and B probes. In order to detect

the amount of moisture present in the soil at two distinct depths, probes A and B were

utilized. The method known as Frequency Domain Analysis (FDA) was applied to analyze

the data. The analyzed results served as the basis for making decisions regarding the timing

of agricultural activities and irrigation.

Related Studies

Agriculture that is thought to be sustainable can keep going for a long time and does

not hurt the environment. Sustainable agriculture supports farming techniques and methods

that benefit farmers' long-term survival and resources. It is practical from a financial

standpoint. It protects the soil's quality, slows down the rate at which the soil degrades, saves

water resources, increases the land's biodiversity, and makes sure the environment is natural

and healthy. The practice of sustainable agriculture plays a vital part in the protection of

natural resources, the slowing of the loss of biodiversity, and the reduction of emissions of

greenhouse gases. Sustainable agriculture is a way to protect the environment without putting

future generations' ability to meet their basic needs at risk, all while increasing the

productivity of farming practices.


Crop rotation, controlling nutrient deficiency in crops, controlling pests and diseases,

recycling, and water harvesting are the fundamental achievements of intelligent farming in

terms of sustainable agriculture. These accomplishments lead to an overall safer environment.

Smart farming is also an essential component of sustainable agriculture. Living things rely on

the nature of biodiversity. However, they are also susceptible to contamination by trash

emissions, applying fertilizers and pesticides, degraded dead plants, and other such things.

Because the release of greenhouse gases affects all living things, including plants, animals,

humans, and the environment, it is necessary to create a more favorable environment for

living things.

Embedded and Control Systems

Traditional fields like embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control systems,

automation (including home and building automation), and other fields help put the Internet
of Things into place. IoT technology is most closely connected with products in the consumer

sector that are tied to the idea of the "smart home," such as devices and appliances (such as

lighting fixtures, thermostats, and home security systems). As a result, the Internet of Objects

(IoT) is working toward the goal of turning "dumb" things into "smart" things by linking

them to the internet and one another. It makes it possible to sense and control physical things

from a distance, which makes it easier to connect the real world to computer-based systems.

Furthermore, precision agriculture based on the internet of things (IoT) enables growers and

farmers to reduce waste and increase productivity in a variety of areas, such as the amount of

fertilizer used, the number of journeys made by farm vehicles, as well as the effective use of

resources such as water, electricity, and so on. These are just a few examples of the kinds of

areas in which these benefits can be realized. Finally, farmers can check the state of their

fields from any location. They also can select between manual and automated processes for

carrying out actions in response to the data. For example, a farmer can use sensors to start

watering if the moisture level in the soil drops below a certain level.

Smart Farming

Smart farming is a far more effective method of agriculture than the conventional

method. In industrialized countries, farming methods not only give work to most of the poor

but also improve the environment by saving food sources and making the food supply more

stable. However, the activities cause more greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to global

warming, so the sector needs to come up with creative solutions. The multifaceted aspects of

agricultural commodity production are considered by agribusiness. When gathering cattle and

harvesting fruits and vegetables, farmers use cutting-edge harvesting techniques, such as

using GPS to guide their actions. Vehicle producers are working on developing very effective

autonomous driving systems. Processing factories figure out the best ways to clean and

package cattle so they can be shipped. Even though it is unlikely that either of these business
subsets will deal directly with customers, they both want to work together well to keep prices



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