TQM - Lesson 1 Introduction To TQM
TQM - Lesson 1 Introduction To TQM
TQM - Lesson 1 Introduction To TQM
Principles of TQM through continuing minor changes in
reply to constant feedback.
Management Commitment TQM combines basic management
Employee Empowerment techniques, current improvement
Fact Based Decision Making efforts and technical tools in a
Continuous Improvement discipline approach focused on
Customer Focus continuous process improvement.
The activities are eventually focused
What is Total Quality Management? on IMPROVED CUSTMER
TQM is not a fresh idea.
Deming, Juran Crosby, and others –
The Primary elements of TQM
approaches have long been used by
1. Foundation
well effective managers.
Most noteworthy feature – level of
- the entire process of total quality
mutual trust – needed by
management is built on a strong foundations of
management and staff to create in
which an effective quality
management program can be
Ethics – combination of written and
unwritten codes of principles that
govern decisions and actions within a
Defining Quality company.
Integrity – the consistency of actions,
Quality is a lot more than the values, methods, measures,
nonexistence of defects which allow principles, expectations and
companies to meet customer outcomes at workplace. There is a
expectations. need to respect organization’s
Quality needs controlled process policies. Avoid spreading
improvement, allowing companies to unnecessary rumors about fellow
exceed customer’s expectations. workers.
QUALITY can only be observed Trust – one of the most important
THROUGH THE EYES of the factors necessary for implementation
customers. of TQM because it builds a
First step: An UNDERSTANDING of cooperative environment. It is a
the customer’s expectations relationship based on RELIANCE.
Then EXCEEDING those 2. Building Bricks
expectations is REQUIRED.
(EFFICIENCY) - bricks are placed on a strong foundation to
COMMUNICATIONS will be the key. reach the roof of recognition.
Going BEYOND customer - The foundation needs to be strong enough
expectations guarantees meeting all to hold the bricks and support the roof.
the definitions of QUALITY. - Leadership, teamwork, and training are the
Leadership – provides a direction to
Total Quality Management the entire process of TQM. It is about
raising the aspirations of followers
Is an all-inclusive well thought-out and motivating people with a desire
means to organizational to reach the goals.
management that searches to o Requires the manager to
advance the quality of processes, provide an inspiring vision,
products, services and culture make strategic decisions
and instill values that guide - The CHANNELS of communication need to
subordinates. be CREDIBLE and EASILY interpreted for all
members of the organization
Teamwork – is a crucial element of Three Types of Communication
TQM. Rather than working
individually, employees need to work > Download communication – dominant form of
in teams. When individuals work in communication in an organization. Flow of
unison, they are in a position to information takes place from the management
brainstorm ideas and come up with to the employees.
various solutions which would
improve existing processes and > Upward communication – flow of information
systems. takes place form the lower-level employees to
o Team members ought to the top level management. The lower-level
help each other to find a employees are able to offer suggestions on the
solution and put into place. effects of TQM to the upper level management
using this type of communication.
Teamwork offers contiguous improvement
in processes and operations. The teams > Sideways/lateral communication –
may be: communication also takes place between
various departments. This type of
a. Problem-solving – these are temporary and communication is important because it breaks
formed to solve certain problems. Identify and down barriers between departments. It also
overcome causes of those problems (1 week to allows a more professional dealing with
3 months) customers and suppliers.
8. Prevention