A Fast Impedance Calculation-Based Battery State-of-Health Estimation Method
A Fast Impedance Calculation-Based Battery State-of-Health Estimation Method
A Fast Impedance Calculation-Based Battery State-of-Health Estimation Method
Abstract—State-of-health (SOH) is crucial to the main- (SOH) is generally defined as the ratio of the current maximum
tenance of various kinds of energy storage systems, in- capacity to the nominal capacity [1], [2]. Accurately estimating
cluding power batteries. Relevant research articles are SOH is one of the core functions of the battery management
mostly based on battery external information, such as
current, voltage, and temperature, which are suscepti- system (BMS) [3], [4]. High-quality SOH estimation helps to
ble to fluctuation and ultimately affects the SOH estima- improve battery energy utilization, ensure operational safety,
tion accuracy. In this article, to solve these problems, a promote the maintenance efficiency of the battery system, and
fast impedance calculation-based battery SOH estimation optimizes the energy management of BMS [5], [6]. However,
method for lithium-ion battery is proposed from the per- power batteries represented by lithium-ion batteries inherently
spective of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
The relationship between EIS and state of charge and that have some unfriendly characteristics, including limited num-
between EIS and degraded capacity is first studied by ex- ber of measurable parameters, intense nonlinearity, and strong
perimental tests. Some impedance features called health time-varying property. Besides, batteries used in electric vehi-
factors effectively indicating battery aging states are se- cles usually face complicated and variable environments under
lected. Second, an improved fast Fourier transform (FFT) various operating conditions [7]. Therefore, it is challenging to
utilizing the conversion relationship between the real and
complex signals is proposed to realize online fast EIS ac- obtain high-precision SOH estimation results for these adverse
quisition. Compared with ordinary FFT, such treatments re- factors.
duce computational complexity. Then, the SOH evaluation There have been many SOH estimation methods reported,
model is built by the extreme learning machine with regu- which can be generally classified into the experimental methods
larization mechanism, further reducing the computational and the model-based methods [8]. The most direct experimental
burden. The relationship between the health factors and
aging capacity of batteries is established. Finally, an exper- method is to calibrate battery capacity by Ampere-hour counting
imental bench is established. The results indicate that the [9]. However, this method is time consuming since it has to
estimated SOH can be obtained within 35 s for a four-cell fully charge and discharge the battery and not available online.
series-connected battery pack and the estimation errors are Besides, it is vulnerable to accumulative errors caused by sensor
less than 2%. accuracy. Computing internal resistance using current pulse and
Index Terms—Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy voltage drop is another feasible approach, but this method can
(EIS), extreme learning machine (ELM), fast Fourier trans- only make a rough SOH evaluation since the internal resistance
form (FFT), fast impedance calculation, state-of-health
(SOH) estimation.
is greatly affected by the current amplitude, state of charge
(SOC), temperature, etc. The charging curve is also used to
I. INTRODUCTION demonstrate SOH for it may change as the battery degradation
processes [10], but to obtain the complete charging curve is
ONSIDERED as a quantitative indicator describing the
C degree of battery aging and usage, the state-of-health
usually time consuming. Furthermore, some researchers pro-
posed incremental capacity analysis (ICA) [11] and differential
voltage analysis (DVA) [12] to get regular featured peaks in
Manuscript received February 1, 2021; revised April 16, 2021 and
June 11, 2021; accepted June 27, 2021. Date of publication July 21, ICA or DVA curves to assess SOH but they were almost only
2021; date of current version February 9, 2022. This work was sup- suitable for small current charging/discharging conditions. In
ported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China a word, the experimental methods are logically intuitive and
under Grant 52075420, in part by the National Key Research and De-
velopment Program of China under Grant 2020YFB1708400, in part by but not suitable for online applications for the time consum-
the Shaanxi Key Research and Development Plan Industry Innovation ing or the requirements of charging/discharging conditions’
Chain Project under Grant 2019ZDLGY15-04-01. (Corresponding au- problems.
thor: Jun Xu.)
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing The model-based methods mainly consist of electrochemical
System Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China, model-based, equivalent circuit model-based, and data-driven
and also with the Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robots, methods. Xiong et al. [8] used electrochemical models, pseudo-
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China (e-mail: fym19961003@
stu.xjtu.edu.cn; [email protected]; [email protected]; two-dimensional model, to reasonably describe the battery in-
[email protected]). ternal electrochemical mechanism with some model parameters
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at reflecting the battery decay. However, it is extremely high com-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2021.3097668 putational to identify model parameters and solve related partial
0278-0046 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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part (HF2), and the amplitude at the peak of the imaginary part
(HF3); the imaginary part (HF4) and the amplitude (HF5) at
0.1Hz; the phase peak value (HF6). The selected HFs are shown
in Fig. 5. The length of the red dashed line segment and the blue
dashed line segment represent HF3 and HF5, respectively. The
angle between the green dashed line segment and the real axis
represents HF6. To fully consider the effectiveness of selected
HF, the correlation degree between HFs and aging capacity is
tested using Spearman correlation coefficient. The calculation
method of the correlation coefficient is
Fig. 3. EIS of 25 batteries at 100% SOC. n
Cspearman = 1 − 6 {d2 /[n(n2 − 1)]} (1)
region below the inflection point frequency. When the frequency where d is the difference between the ranks of two variables,
is fixed, the imaginary part of EIS decreases with the decrease and n is the length of the data sequence. The closer the result is
of SOC, but the real part is almost not affected. Differently, the to 1 or −1, the stronger the positive or negative correlation is.
aging capacity mainly influences EIS both in the middle- and Besides, the p-value is calculated to denote the probability that
low-frequency regions. Along with the capacity reduction both the current correlation coefficient fails to correctly describe the
the real and imaginary parts of EIS show an apparent increasing true correlation. In statistics, it is generally believed a p-value
tendency. Except for seven batteries on a higher capacity level, below 5% means a reliable correlation coefficient. Table III lists
the inflection point frequency of most batteries is lower than the correlation evaluation results. It can be seen from Table III
0.01 Hz. that the Spearman coefficients of selected HFs are all less than
−0.9, even some very close to −1, which can be strong proof of
III. ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED SOH intensive negative correlation between these six HFs and aging
In this section, the proposed SOH estimation method is The ELM algorithm is used to formulate the relation between
explained and analyzed in detail. The overall framework of HFs and capacity. The ELM is an algorithm framework in the
the SOH estimation method is shown in Fig. 4, which mainly form of a three-layer feedforward neural network and has the
includes offline construction of the ELM-based SOH estimation same structure as the basic feedforward neural network. But
model and the online fast EIS calculation and SOH estimation. it is completely different from the traditional neural network
This part is organized by two sections. In Section III-A, the using the error back propagation algorithm. First, the connection
selection of relevant EIS features based on correlation analysis weights between the input layer and the hidden layer and the
is illustrated first. Next, the ELM-based SOH estimation model hidden layer thresholds are randomly set at the beginning, and
with regularization mechanism is established using the selected no longer change during calculation. Second, the connection
EIS features. In Section III-B, the methodology of the fast EIS weights between the hidden layer and the output layer are
calculation utilizing improved FFT is explained mathematically determined by solving algebraic equations instead of repeated
and validated by simulation on the fractional-order impedance iterative computational steps. These characteristics ensure a
model. simpler calculation method and a higher training speed of ELM
algorithm. Naturally, with the six selected HFs as input variables
A. Offline Construction of ELM-Based SOH and the capacity of 25 sample batteries as output variables, an
Estimation Model ELM-based data-driven model for SOH estimation is estab-
lished. The schematic diagram of ELM model is displayed in
To estimate SOH using relevant characteristics of EIS, the in- Fig. 6. The model input sequence is x = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ]T and
fluence of SOC on EIS must be considered. But it is worth noting output sequence is y = [y1 , y2 , . . . , ym ]T . The number of hidden
that, in some frequency ranges, the impact of SOC difference neurons is k. The connection weight matrix between the input
on EIS is negligible. Therefore, selecting related EIS features in layer and the hidden layer and that between the hidden layer and
such a frequency range may realize SOH estimation without the output layer are shown as
knowing the current SOC. The EIS feature is called health ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
factor (HF) in this study. Several principles should be followed α11 α12 · · · α1n β11 β12 · · · β1m
in the selection of HF. First, the EIS frequency range should ⎜ α21 α22 · · · α2n ⎟ ⎜ β21 β22 · · · β2m ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
be carefully chosen such that HFs in this range are strongly α=⎜ . .. .. .. ⎟ , β = ⎜ .. .. .. .. ⎟ (2)
⎝ .. . . . ⎠ ⎝ . . . . ⎠
correlated to SOH but almost unchanged with the variation of
αk1 αk2 · · · αkn βk1 βk2 · · · βkm
SOC. Second, try to avoid choosing HFs whose frequencies are
far too low, because the acquisition of low-frequency impedance where αji represents the weight between the ith neuron in the
is usually time consuming. Following these selection methods, input layer and the jth neuron in the hidden layer, and βji
the selection consists of six HFs, namely: the peak value of the represents the weight between the jth neuron in the hidden layer
imaginary part (HF1), the real part at the peak of the imaginary and the ith neuron in the output layer. The threshold sequence
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and Eqs. (5) and (6) shown at the bottom of next page.
The calculation of the ELM network can be simplified as
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tj = t1j , t2j , . . . , tmj = βi1 g(αi xj + bi ), βi2 g(αi xj + bi ), . . . , βim g(αi xj + bi ) (5)
i=1 i=1 i=1
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Fig. 10. The excitation waveform of general step signal with the ampli-
tude of 0.2 A.
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An SOH evaluation method based on fast impedance calcula-
tion for series-connected batteries was proposed in this article.
This method consisted of the fast EIS acquisition with improved
FFT method and the EIS-feature-based SOH estimation model
with regularized ELM. Utilizing the conjugate property of the
ordinary FT and the decomposition relationship between the
real signals and complex signals, the improved FFT method
further reduced the computational burden of signal spectrum.
This method with optimized signal parameters was verified by
simulation on the battery fractional-order impedance model. The
Fig. 13. The SOH estimation results by the SOH estimation model relationship between battery EIS and SOC and that between EIS
utilizing the obtained HFs. and degraded capacity were studied through EIS experimental
test for 25 battery samples in various SOH. Based on these
relationships, six EIS features indicating the battery degradation
40 dB, indicating that the intensity of the voltage response signal degree were selected. The ELM was used to build the aging
of all the cells is relatively ideal. Therefore, the reliability of the capacity or SOH estimation model based on selected HFs, and
EIS calculation results can be further guaranteed. Meanwhile, the regularization mechanism was introduced to improve the
the capacity difference of the four cells is also shown on the model generalization ability. The leave-one-out cross-validation
amplitude–frequency characteristic curve. In the entire range of results showed that the training and test errors on all 25 samples
1 to 10 Hz and the area close to 0.1 Hz, the four curves display were both less than 2%. An experimental bench was established
obvious distinction. After fast calculation, the EIS results of four to validate the proposed framework. Total four series-connected
cells are displayed in Fig. 12. The figure records 21 calculated lithium-ion cells were tested. An appropriate step excitation
EIS values for each cell. The corresponding values of six HFs current amplitude was determined by the experiments. For step
can be obtained from the calculated EIS, as given in Table IV. current input, the test results for four cells were acquired in 35 s
It can be seen from any row in the table that the calculated in total. Both the capacity estimation error and SOH estimation
value of each HF increases as the battery capacity decreases. deviation were less than 1.5%. The experimental results revealed
This is in line with the strong negative correlation between the that this framework may provide the possibility to accurately
selected HFs and battery capacity obtained in Section III. The obtain the health state of the series battery pack in a short
results of the estimated SOH by the SOH estimation model time.
utilizing the obtained HFs are shown in Fig. 13. The online It should be noted that the rapid SOH assessment method
calculated capacities of the four batteries output by the trained proposed in this article was applicable to a constant temperature
regularized ELM-based model are 2.792, 2.784, 2.685, and of 25 °C. This makes the application of this method have certain
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Mingjie Shi received the B.S. degree in Xuesong Mei received the Ph.D. degree in me-
mechanical engineering in 2019 from Xi’an chanical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong Uni-
Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, where he is versity, Xi’an, China, in 1991.
currently working toward the M.S. degree in me- He is a Full Professor with the School of
chanical engineering. Mechanical Engineering and the Director of the
His research interests include battery mod- Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robots,
eling, state of charge, and state of health Xi’an Jiaotong University. His research interests
estimation. include intelligent manufacturing, robotics, and
precision laser processing.
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