Applying Energy Management in Textile Industry, Case Study: An Egyptian Textile Plant

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Yacout D.M.M., Abd El-Kawi M.A. and Hassouna M.S.

/ International Energy Journal 14 (2014) 87-94 87

Applying Energy Management in Textile Industry, Case

Study: An Egyptian Textile Plant
Dalia M.M. Yacout*1, M.A. Abd El-Kawi* and M.S. Hassouna*

Abstract – Textile industry in Egypt is energy intensive and is one of the top energy consumers in the country. Both
the global and local energy crisis, in addition to high cost of fuels led to additional activities to conserve and manage
energy in the best possible ways. The study aimed to investigate and apply a proper Energy Management System
(EMS) for the textile industry and identify potential savings by applying novel approaches. An energy management
system was implemented in a local textile plant. According to ISO 50001:2011 the energy management system was
built on the ISO quality management system’s philosophy of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) continual improvement
framework. A number of improvement actions were identified, related cost savings were calculated and an action
plan was developed for the implementation of those improvements. The identified actions which had highest cost
savings were: usage of efficient lighting systems, arresting compressed air leaks, replacement of inefficient pumps
and recovery of steam condensate. The established system was cost efficient and the applied actions for improvement
can be implemented in the different industries.

Keywords – Cost efficiency, Egyptian textile plant, energy management, energy savings, and textile industry.

1. INTRODUCTION great importance to companies for cutting cost and

supporting sustainable development.
A number of investigations agreed that the textile
The current study aimed to investigate and apply a
industry is energy intensive, the production of textiles
proper energy management system for the textile
often requires high levels of energy consumption and
industry. That was achieved by design an integrated plan
energy usage is inefficient [1]-[4]. Analytical studies
for energy utilization and energy conservation. In
have been done on energy auditing and energy
addition, establish and implement an applicable energy
conservation in textile industry [5]. There are additional
policy for energy conservation and potential savings in a
studies that recommend improving energy efficiency
textile plant located at Alexandria Governorate, Egypt.
with the help of energy conservation techniques and
energy management [6] - [10].
Nagaraj [11] declared that the textile industry is
one of the major energy consuming industries and 2.1. Energy Management Strategy
retains a record of the lowest efficiency in energy
According to ISO50001:2011 [15] the energy
utilization. He assured the increasing necessity for
management system was built on the ISO quality
energy management due to the rapid growth of process
management system’s philosophy of Plan-Do-Check-
industries causing substantial energy consumptions in
Act (PDCA) continual improvement framework which
textile operations. This increasing requirement revealed
incorporates energy management in the daily
the importance of energy conservation which can be
organizational practices. In the energy management
done through process changes, machinery modifications
context, the outline of the continual improvement
and implementation of novel technologies related to
framework (PDCA) is:
process optimization.
⎯ Plan: starting by an energy review and
In the same time from a business point of view,
accordingly establish organization's energy policy,
energy efficiency is of greater importance as it has direct
baseline, energy performance indicators, objectives,
economic benefits, like increased competitiveness and
targets and action plans to achieve results that will
higher productivity [12] - [13]. It is very important to
improve energy performance.
minimize the energy cost and energy consumption for
⎯ Do: the established objectives and targets
the textile industry to reduce the cost and to rival [1].
within the energy management action plans should be
Moreover, Nagesha [14] illustrated that ways to
reduce energy input without compromising product
⎯ Check: monitor and measure processes of the
quality are being continuously researched. Measuring
implemented actions, monitor the energy performance
and monitoring the use of energy and utility resources in
indicators and compare them against the energy policy
textile manufacturing processes are necessary to reduce
and targets
energy losses and to recover lost energy, which are of
⎯ Act: based on the monitor and reviews actions
should be taken to continually improve energy
*Environmental Studies Department, Institute of Graduate Studies and performance, correct any deviations or abnormalities
Research, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. and improve the energy management system to meet the
Corresponding author: Mobile: (+2)01221306958. established targets.
E-mail: [email protected].
88 Yacout D.M.M., Abd El-Kawi M.A. and Hassouna M.S. / International Energy Journal 14 (2014) 87-94

2.2 Auditing system for the same, audits in different areas in the plant
then analysis of collected data. As following:
According to ISO50001:2011 [15] internal audits were
done on weekly basis to identify any leakages of steam 3.1. Development of Energy Management System
or compressed air, recognize abnormalities or losses in a
In accordance to ISO 50001:2011 [15] the planned
specific area. In addition, external auditing was done
policy for energy management aimed to achieve at least
once during the study by an external energy auditing
15% reduction in energy consumption. By applying the
EMS a significant reduction in power consumption
According to Derashri [16] and William [17] the
happened. The monthly reduction in power consumption
energy audit was conducted in three stages: preparing
within 2013 was 3.9% which achieved a direct saving of
for the audit visit; next performing the facility survey
919,500 EGP/year.
and finally implementing the audit recommendations.
Within the first stage, energy data was collected to 3.2. Analysis of Present Status
determine the actual energy consumption, efficient
According to ISO 50001:2011 [15] the organization
energy usage and historical time variation in energy
recorded and maintained energy data. Historical data for
consumption within the last few years. Preliminary data
monthly power and steam consumption was gathered.
of the facility was collected as well. Next, auditing tools
The collection and monitoring of daily power and steam
were provided for the audit and a technical in-house
data started by the initiation of the program on 2012.
team was assigned to assist the external auditors during
Data was collected for: Power consumption by different
the audit.
areas in the plant (material preparation, production and
The second stage was a two weeks survey for
utilities) (kWh/Day), total power consumption of the
different areas in the facility and data record for further
plant (kWh/Day), total steam consumption of the plant
analysis. Third and last stage was the preparation of an
(MT/Day) and total production (TF /Day).
audit report.
Using these data the consumption ratio for power
2.3 Creation of Action Plan and Goals Setting in different areas was calculated, overall steam
consumption ratio was also calculated.
According to ISO50001:2011 [15] an action plan was
established based on the results of performance 3.2.1. Power Consumption
assessment, suggestions of the energy management team
In order to assess the efficiency of power consumption
and recommendations of both internal and external
in the plant, four years data from 2009 to 2012 were
audits. The action plan contained:
collected for power consumption. Data indicated that
- Status of action (Not started, in progress,
utility area was the highest power consumer with a
percentage of 68.1 % of the total consumption followed
- Goal description
by production section (19.7 %) then material preparation
- Actions required to be taken to achieve each
(11.4 %). Accordingly utility area was considered the
focus area for further improvements.
- Accountability/responsible of implementing
the action 3.2.2. Steam Consumption
- Date of completion, revised completion and
According to process engineering design steam
actual completion
consumption ratio was 9.8 T/TF. Total steam
- Expected savings (EGP)
consumption in 2012 was 222,473 ton, consumed for the
Next, a tracking system was developed to review
production of 16,556 ton fiber. Further, steam
the action plan. Status of actions was being updated on
consumption data was limited due to non-availability of
the system by the assigned responsible in coordination
steam flow meters. Only total steam consumption data
with the energy management coordinator and energy
for all the plant was available. Highest steam
manager. The updated track of action plan was reviewed
consumption ratio was in January as additional steam
on monthly basis. Consequently, performance
was required for heating purpose during the cold
assessment was done and new goals were set.
ambient conditions. Lowest consumption was in August.
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.3. Implementation of Action Plan
In the current study an energy management system was According to data collection an action plan was set and
implemented in a local textile plant. The design capacity the identified actions which had highest cost savings
of the plant in ideal conditions should reach a production were: usage of efficient lighting systems, arresting
of 18,000 ton fiber per year. The main energy sources compressed air leaks, replacement of inefficient pumps
used in the plant were power and steam. and recovery of steam condensate.
The system was designed and implemented as
3.3.1. Efficient Lighting System
continues improvement cycle. According to
ISO50001:2011 [15] an action plan for the energy The lighting system provides many opportunities for
management system was established. The development cost-effective energy savings with minimum changes.
of EMS started by historical data collection of power Lighting energy use represents only 5-25% of the total
and steam consumption, establishing a daily monitoring energy in industrial facilities, but it is usually cost-
Yacout D.M.M., Abd El-Kawi M.A. and Hassouna M.S. / International Energy Journal 14 (2014) 87-94 89

effective to address because lighting improvements are As per General Electric Company’s technical
often easier to make than many process upgrades [18]. pamphlet (TP-105, 2010) the replacement of 40W
Results of plant survey are shown in Table 1. Three fluorescent lamps with 40W energy efficient fluorescent
types of lamps were used in the facility: fluorescent, light (EEL) can be done with a monitory saving of 3390
high pressure mercury vapour (HPMV) and compact EGP/year. Table 2 presents related saving calculation
fluorescent lamps (CFL). Fluorescent lamps were used data. The replacement of 250W HPMV lamps with a
in most of the areas, they represent 76.9% of the total 150W high pressure metal halide (HID) had a potential
lighting used in the plant. HPMV were mainly used in saving of 87869 EGP/year when replacing all lamps. In
material preparation, production and utilities areas; they the same way, the replacement of 400W HPMV lamps
represent 21.5% of the total lighting used in the facility. with a 200W high pressure sodium lamp (HPS) had
CFL represent 1.5% of the total lighting used in the monitory saving of 47174 EGP/year [18], [19].
facility, they were used in the offices and switch gear

Table 1. Lighting data.

Type and number of fittings
Fluorescent CFL HPMV
1*11W 1*28W 2*28W 2*40W 1*18 W 1*125 W 1*250 W 1*400 W

Material preparation 5 27 126 21 28 8

Production area 33 54 550 311 60

Utility units 1 42 21

Cooling tower 4
Effluent treatment
43 16
Water treatment
44 7
Storage area 3 33 25

Workshop 2 62

Office building 5 4 81 20

Switch gear rooms 17 154 134 85 12 10

Total 66 272 1020 218 32 10 339 91

Table 2. Saving calculation data for lighting change.

Energy Saving per lamp Fittings Total Saving*

Present Lamp Substitute lamp
W % No. W EGP/year

Fluorescent,40 W EEL, 40 W 7 15 218 1526 3955

HPMV,250 W HID, 150 W 100 26 339 33900 87869
HPMV, 400 W HPS, 200 W 200 50 91 18200 47174
Total savings 307 53626 138999
* Electrical tariff is 0.3 EGP/kWh, Egyptian Electrical Utility and Consumer Protection agency, 2014.
90 Yacout D.M.M., Abd El-Kawi M.A. and Hassouna M.S. / International Energy Journal 14 (2014) 87-94

Total saving of lighting change area and an external audit was conducted as well once
during the implementation period of the study. A total
= Energy saving per lamp (kW) x Number of fittings x
number of 65 compressed air leaks were identified in the
Cost of power consumption (EGP/kWh) x Lighting
circuit. Table 3 presents a sample of the major air
duration within the year (8 hr per day x 365 days per
leakages identified during the inspection, their location,
year) (1)
pressure, leak rate and cost savings.
3.3.2 Arresting Compressed Air Leaks Leaks were detected by an ultrasonic detector, the
digital reading of the detector was converted into leak
Compressed air is a very expensive energy resource,
rate using detector’s system chart “Guess-Timator chart”
approximately 75% of compressor’s production costs
Table 5 [19], [23]. Monitory saving from elimination of
are on energy [20]. In the same time, air leaks are the
compressed air leakages was approximately 97500
major reason of compressed air losses. Air leakage rate
EGP/year. Cost saving calculations were done using the
varies between 20% and 40% of the total air usage [21].
below Equation 2. Cost saving was calculated for each
According to Dudić [22] eliminating air leaks is the
leak separately, operating hours were assumed to be
simplest and cheapest way to minimize and improve
8000 hours per year and compressed air generation
energy efficiency of compressed air. In order to do so it
requirement 18 kW/100 cfm [24].
is necessary to detect air leaks and eliminate their
causes. Cost saving = Leakage rate (cfm)
During the study several audits were conducted for x compressed air generation requirement (kW/cfm)
inspection of compressed air leakages: internal audits x Operating hours (hr/year)
were conducted on weekly basis by members of the x power consumption cost (EGP/kWh) (2)
energy management committee, each week in a specific

Table 3. Major compressed air leakages in the steam circuit.

Pressure Pressure leakage Leak rate Cost saving
P P (psig) extent (dB) (CFM) (EGP/year)
Tow baler 4.5 66.15 75 6.6 2851.2
Panel breaker N.1 4.5 66.15 75 6.6 2851.2
Panel of breaker N.2 4.5 66.15 75 6.6 2851.2
Tow dryer platter joint 5 73.5 75 6.7 2894.4
Tow dryer platter piston 5 73.5 75 6.7 2894.4
* dB : Decibel Reading, cfm: Cubic Feet per Minute, psig: pound per square inch (1 atm. = 14.7 cfm)
** All readings should be taken at 40 Hz at distance 12-15 inch from leakage

Table 4. Guess -Timator chart for dB verses cfm.

Digital Reading 100 psig 75 psig 50 psig 25 psig 10 psig

10dB 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05
20dB 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.15
30dB 1.4 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.4
40dB 1.7 1.4 1.1 0.8 0.5
50dB 2.0 2.8 2.2 2.0 1.9
60dB 3.6 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.3
70dB 5.2 4.9 3.9 3.4 3.0
80dB 7.7 6.8 5.6 5.1 3.6
90dB 8.4 7.7 7.1 6.3 5.3
100dB 10.6 10.0 9.6 7.3 6.0
psig: pound per square inch

3.3.3. Replacement of Inefficient Pumps Table 5 presents the comparison between design and
actual operating data for intake well pumps with both
Two operating pumps were used for intake well water
pumps in parallel operation and with each pump in
and two as a standby. Pump efficiency is calculated
single operation.
according to [19] using the below Equations 3 and 4.
Yacout D.M.M., Abd El-Kawi M.A. and Hassouna M.S. / International Energy Journal 14 (2014) 87-94 91

Total differential pressure = Discharge pressure efficiency of 84%. Flow requirement is 400 m3/h, one
- Suction pressure (3) pump designed for 400 m3/h does not deliver as per the
design due to piping pressure drop. The pressure drop in
Both discharge and suction pressures were
piping was high due to pitting corrosion inside and pipes
measured by on site pressure gauges and assuming
leak. Proactive steps should be taken into consideration
motor efficiency 0.9. Pump efficiency (%) is:
for chlorination of water to avoid corrosion due to
sulfate reducing bacteria.
PumpFlowRate * TotalDifferential Pr essure * 9.81 (4)
*100 Both pumps were replaced by a new energy
PowerDrawn * MotorEfficiency
efficient intake well pump of 500 m3/h with high
efficiency motor to save pumping power. Table 6
With both pumps in parallel operation, pump 1 and
presents comparison of performance between present
pump 2 operate at 62% and 70% efficiency,
and new status.
respectively, which is lower than standard design

Table 5. Comparison between design and actual operating data of intake well pumps (pumps in parallel and single
Operating data
Particulars Unit Design data Single Parallel
Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 1 Pump 2 Combined

Power kW 110 72.4 89.1 71.9 74.9 146.8

Flow rate m3/hr 400 340 362 187 220 407

Speed rpm 1490 1490 1490 1490 1490 1490

Suction pressure m -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3
Discharge pressure m 74 58.7 55.5 74 74 74
Total differential
m 77 61.7 58.5 77 77 77
Efficiency % 84 89.7 73.6 62 70 66.1

Table 6. Performance of present and suggested operation of intake well pumps.

Old New
Parameter Unit
(Two pumps in parallel) (One pump only)
Flow m /hr 407 500
Head m 77 80
Motor efficiency % 88 93
Power input kW 146.8 139.5
Pump efficiency % 66.1 84.00
Motor rated power kW 75 75
Motor speed rpm 1475 1450

Based on daily water requirements of plant 9000 = Power consumption per day (kW/day) x Operating
m3/day. Monetary cost saving of using one new pump days per year (day/year) x electrical tariff (EGP/kWh)
500 m3/hr instead of present two parallel pumps (400
m3/hr) were estimated by almost 79400 EGP/year. Cost
savings were calculated using the below Equations 5 to Annual cost saving (EGP/year)
8. Summary of cost savings is shown in Table 7.
= Annual cost of present two parallel pumps (EGP/year)
Operating time (hr/day) is:
- Annual cost of one new pump (EGP/year) (8)
DailyWater Re quirementofPlant (m3 / day ) (5)
PumpFlowRate 3.3.4. Recovery of Steam Condensate

Power consumption per day (kW/day) =Operating time In agreement with Vandana [25], returned condensate
(hr/day) x power consumption (kW) (6) from process heat exchangers has a high temperature
and consequently an energy value. Significant energy
Annual cost of pumps operation (EGP/year) savings can be achieved from the reuse the high
temperature condensate. Typical condensate recovery
92 Yacout D.M.M., Abd El-Kawi M.A. and Hassouna M.S. / International Energy Journal 14 (2014) 87-94

systems collect condensate from the steam system and where:

feed it back into the boiler feed tank h1: Sensible heat of condensate at high pressure
Through the plant survey it was observed that h2: Sensible heat of condensate at low pressure
steam headers condensate was sent to drain. h3: Latent heat of steam at low pressure
Consequently, actions were taken to collect that
Generated flash steam per hour
condensate and send it to the demineralized water (DW)
tank in boiler house to preheat water. For the same a = Quantity of flash steam generation x steam
separate condensate collection header was provided at consumption of plant (kg/hr) (10)
the pipe rack. It was connected with all steam trap
= 0.008 x 33300 = 2660.4 kg/hr
discharges. Collected condensate was transferred to
boiler house by using pressure power pump. This action Annual steam saving
saved heat content as well as DW, the estimated cost = Generated flash steam per hour (ton/hr) x annual
saving was almost 42600 EGY/year. Table 8 presents operating hours (hr/year) x steam cost (EGP/ton)
the collected data for condensate recovery and cost
saving. The potential savings for steam recovery were
calculated as follows using Equations 9 to 11 [25]: = 2660.4/1000 x 8000 x 20 = 420624 EGP/year
Quantity of flash steam generation
= (h1- h2)/h3 x 100 (9)
= (144.4 – 99.7)/539.3 x 100 = 8.29 %

Table 7. Cost saving data for present and new of intake well pumps.
Old New
Parameter Unit
(Two pumps in parallel) (One pump only)
Flow m3/hr
P P 407 500
Operating time hr/day 22.1 18
Power Consumption kW 146.8 139.5
Power consumption per day kW/day 3246.2 2511
Operating days per year day/year 360 360
Electrical Tariff* EGP/kWh 0.3 0.3
Annual cost EGP/year 350589 271188
Cost saving EGP/year 79400
* Egyptian Electrical Utility and Consumer Protection agency, 2013

Table 8. Saving calculation data for usage of steam condensate in boiler house.
Sr. Parameter Unit Value
1 Total enthalpy of steam at 4 bars* kcal/kg 654
2 Total enthalpy of steam at 1 bars* kcal/kg 640
3 Condensate quantity kg/hr 8000
4 Condensate pressure bar 1
5 Cost of steam EGP/Ton 20
6 Annual operating hours hr 8000
7 Sensible heat of condensate at 1 bar* kcal/kg 99.7
8 Sensible heat of condensate at 4 bar* kcal/kg 144.4
9 Latent heat of condensate at 1 bar* kcal/kg 539.3
10 Flash steam generation % 8.29
11 Steam consumption of plant kg/hr 33300
12 Generated flash steam per hour kg/hr 266.4
13 Cost saving EGP/year 42624
* Steam tables [26]
Yacout D.M.M., Abd El-Kawi M. A. and Hassouna M.S. / International Energy Journal 14 (2014) 87-94 93

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