23DL0156 BDS Template
23DL0156 BDS Template
23DL0156 BDS Template
(1) The following is the “Major Category of Works” involved in the contract to be
a. FCSPS - Flood Control: Construction - Slope
Slope Protection using Structural Measures (e.g. Structural Revetment,
Retaining structures, Wirenet)
The following are the “Similar Categories of Works” that shall be considered in
the evaluation of the work experience required for the contract to be bid:
a. License Category: B
b. License Classification: Medium A
10.4 The key personnel must meet the required minimum years of experience set below:
Accredited Safety Officer (Required Upon issuance of Notice of Award) subject to D.O 98
Series of 2014: Submission of Construction Safety and Health Program Approved by the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
The key personnel should meet the following number of years’ work experience.
Please refer to D.O. 11, Series of 2017 for the minimum materials testing equipment
and D.O. 127, Series of 2018, Strict Application of R.A. 9184 in the conduct of Post-
Qualification of Bidders with Delayed On-Going Contracts with the DPWH.
15.1 The bid security shall be limited to a Bid Securing Declaration or one of the following forms
in accordance with the following amounts:
1. The amount of not less than 784,000.00, 2% of ABC, if bid security is in cash,
cashier’s / manager’s check, bank draft / guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit;
2. The amount of not less than ₱ 1,960,000.00, 5% of ABC, if bid security is in Surety
20 No further instructions.
21 List additional contract documents relevant to the Project that may be required by
existing laws and/or the Procuring Entity, such as construction schedule and S-
curve, manpower schedule, construction methods, equipment utilization schedule
construction safety and health program approved by the Department of Labor and
Employment, and Precedence Diagram Method (PDM).
22 Bid submission maybe done manually or electronically/online. However, bidders should
only select one mode of submission, either manual or electronic.
The address for receipt of Bids submitted manually is at DPWH Quezon IV DEO, Brgy.
Panikihan, Gumaca, Quezon and electrically should be submitted at
[email protected]
The deadline for receipt of Bids is on February 16, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m.
Prior to the deadline of submission of bids, the prospective bidders shall send an e-
mail with subject “Official Receipt for [Insert Contract ID]” to [Insert dedicated
e-mail address]. Attached to the said e-mail is the copy of the Official Receipt of
purchase of bidding documents in Portable Document File (PDF) format with file
name in the format “<PCAB ID>_<CONTRACT ID>_OfficialReceipt.pdf”.
For example, the filename of the attached PDF containing the Official Receipt of
the Contractor with PCAB ID No. 12345, who intends to participate in the bidding
of Contract ID No. 20Z00123 shall be “12345_20Z00123_OfficialReceipt.pdf”.
Further, the e-mail subject would be “Official Receipt for 20Z00123”.
In case a prospective bidder originally intends to join the bidding as a Joint Venture
(referred as “original bidder”), has been issued an Official Receipt of purchase of
bidding documents and has submitted the electronic Official Receipt, but eventually
decided to join the bidding with new members or as individual contractors (referred
as “regrouped bidder”), or vice-versa, the “regrouped bidder” should purchase a
new bidding document to be issued with the corresponding Official Receipt in their
name and submit the electronic Official Receipt following the same procedures.
b. Has no attachment;
In case the total file size of the main archive file folder is more than the
allowable size of an attachment per e-mail of the prospective bidder’s e-
mail service provider (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook), they shall need
to split its electronic bid into two or more PASSWORD PROTECTED
e. The e-mail submitting the prospective bidder’s electronic bid should have
a Subject in the format “Bid Submission for [Insert Contract ID]” (e.g.
“Bid Submission for 20Z00123”).
f. The prospective bidder shall submit its electronic bid to [Insert dedicated
e-mail address] using the prospective bidder’s e-mail address registered
in the Civil Works Application (CWA). In case prospective bidders are
not yet registered, they can use any e-mail address, subject to the
verification of the BAC Secretariat.
In case a prospective bidder that have purchased a bidding document decided not
to participate, he may choose to submit his letter of non-participation manually or
electronically. In case of electronic submission, the contractor shall send an e-mail
with the Subject “Non-participation for <Contract ID>” with the letter of non-
participation as attachment with file name “<PCAB ID>_<CONTRACT
ID>_Non-Participation.pdf”. This e-mail should be sent to [Insert dedicated e-
mail address] before the deadline for bid submission.
Bids may only be withdrawn prior the deadline for bid submission. In case of
withdrawal of an electronic bid, the bidder shall send an e-mail with the subject
“Bid Withdrawal for <Contract ID>” and the letter of bid withdrawal in pdf
format with filename “<PCAB ID>_<CONTRACT ID>_BidWithdrawal.pdf”
shall be attached. This e-mail should be sent to [Insert dedicated e-mail address]
before the deadline for bid submission.
Only during the actual opening of bids shall the bidder disclose the passwords for
his electronic bid. This can be done by the bidder’s authorized representative
verbally in person, through phone call, online platforms (e.g. videoconferencing,
webcasting), or through writing. In all cases, the bidders will have only three (3)
attempts or fifteen (15) minutes, whichever comes first, to provide the correct
password. Otherwise, the bidder shall be disqualified except in unforeseen
justifiable circumstances. The bidder may also be subjected to the three-strike
policy (D.O. 17, Series of 2015) as warranted by the circumstances.
If the bidder chooses to disclose the password through phone call, he should make
sure that the contact numbers as recorded in the Civil Works Application are open
when the BAC calls to ask for the password. The bidder may also choose to call
the BAC number [Insert BAC phone number] during the bid opening time and
wait for the opening of his bid for him to disclose the password. For online
call/video calls, the bidder may call the BAC Messenger/Skype account [Insert
BAC Messenger/Skype Account].
If the bidder chooses to attend the bid opening through online conference, the
bidder should join the meeting using the following link [Insert link].
If the bidder chooses to disclose the passwords through writing, the letters for
password 1 (Main File Folder/Technical Component File Folder) and password 2
(Financial Component File Folder) should be enclosed in separate envelopes with
the sender details (AMO, Bidder Name, Address) addressed to the BAC
Chairperson, with the details of the bidding (Contract ID, Contract Name, Bid
Opening Date and Time), signed and sealed, with a remark “Password [ Insert 1 or
2]. Do not open before actual bid opening date and time”.
All electronic bids (Password protected compressed archive main file folder/s)
shall be opened first for the opening of the Technical Component compressed
archive file folder/s. This shall be followed by the opening of the bids submitted
manually for the opening of the Technical Component Envelopes. The same
procedures apply for the Financial Component compressed archive file folder/s
and financial component envelopes.
If the electronic bid is not password-protected or is not in the required format, the
bid shall still be accepted provided that the bidder acknowledges such condition.
The BAC shall assume no responsibility for the misplacement of the contents of
the contents of the improperly sealed or marked bid, or improperly compressed or
password-protected folder, or for its premature opening.
For Joint Venture (JV), the format of PCAB ID to be used by the bidder in naming
their files, folders and archives shall be “JV-<PCAB ID of the Lead Member>”.
For example, if three (3) Contractors with PCAB ID Nos. 12345 (lead member),
67890, and 24680 entered into a JV, the PCAB ID they must use is “JV-12345”.