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Widgb4 - Test Unit 1 Group A

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4 UNIT 1Test


Name: ________________________ 3. I _____________________ a word he says. (NOT

Class: ________________________ BELIEVE)
VOCABULARY 4. I _____________________ a hat today because
it’s such a special event. (WEAR)
1 Complete each sentence with a word from the
box. There is one extra word. 5. Susan __________________ an email to her
parents nearly every Saturday evening. (WRITE)
annoyed confident creative
disappointed relaxed stressed surprised 6. Where is Jimmy? – I don’t know. I
_____________________ he
0 After their long holiday they felt very relaxed and _____________________ tennis with his younger
ready to start work again. brother, Mark. (THINK, PLAY)
1 Jenni was _____________ with me because I 7. My mum _____________________ a party for her
didn’t tell her about Abi’s party. best friends once a year. (ORGANISE)
2 We were _____________ that they couldn’t come
to the party. It was quite sad that they missed it.
3 Philip is a _____________ person. He’s very sure
of himself.
4 Gemma always has lots of new ideas. She’s a 4 Past Tenses. Past simple or Continuous.
very _____________ person. Complete the sentences using the correct
5 Everyone is _____________ because there is too form of the verbs in brackets.
much work to do and not enough people.
1. What ___________________ (you / do) when I
___________________ (call) you last night?
2 Choose the correct options to complete the 2. I ___________________ (sit) in a café when
sentences. you___________________ (call).
0 He doesn’t express / challenge / tell himself very
well. His ideas are confusing. 3. When you ___________________ (arrive) at the
party, who ___________________ (be) there?
1 She told / challenged / made herself climb the
wall although she’s scared of heights. 4. Susie ___________________ (watch) a film when
2 Just make / be / know yourself when you meet she___________________ (hear) the noise.
him. Don’t try and change your personality. 5. Yesterday I ___________________ (go) to the
3 Amy was so cold she couldn’t stop sweating / library, next I ___________________ (have) a swim,
shivering / yawning. later I ___________________ (meet) Julie for a
4 Why don’t you try sailing? You might surprise / coffee.
congratulate / express yourself and really enjoy it. /5
5 She always makes / expresses / tells herself that 5 Past Tenses. Present perfect or Past simple.
she can do anything she tries and that nothing is Complete the sentences using the correct
impossible. form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Ken_________________(start) a new job last

2 I_____________(lose) my keys. I can’t find them.
GRAMMAR 3 Sarah_________________(already/go) away.
3 Present Tenses. Complete the sentences 4 My friends_____________(arrive) on time
using the correct form of the verbs in yesterday.
5 __________you___________(wear) your new
shoes yet?
1. It often _____________________ in Ireland.
That’s why they call it the “Green Island”. But it
_____________________ there at the moment. /5
2. Such behaviour normally
_____________________ me furious (MAKE).

4 UNIT 1Test

6 [WIDGB4_Utest_1_Dictation.mp3] Listen and 7 [WIDGB4_Utest_1_Listening.mp3] You will hear
write the sentences that you hear, including a conversation between Dan and Nina talking
the punctuation. about a competition to find a challenge for the
students at their school. Complete the notes
_______________________________________ with ONE OR TWO words in each gap.

_______________________________________ CHALLENGE COMPETITION

Aim: to find challenge for the 1 ________________
Suggestions so far:
_______________________________________ Class 1A: one day a week with no
_______________________________________ ________________

_______________________________________ Class 3C: do something scary like sky diving or

Class 2D: building a 4 ________________ in Africa
_______________________________________ What to do:
_______________________________________ Decide on and research a challenge

_______________________________________ Complete the 5 ________________

Classes will 6 ________________ the top three
challenges to the school
_______________________________________ /12

4 UNIT 1Test


8 Read the passage opposite about starting a Starting a new school can be an anxious time
new school. Choose the correct options, A, B for anyone, but when it is in another country, it
C or D. can be really scary, especially if you have to
1 Going to a new school can be learn a new language.
A exciting. Anna came to the UK from Italy when she was
B annoying. six. ‘I didn’t speak a word of English and
C worrying. everything seemed very strange. At first I
D disappointing. wasn’t happy and wanted to return to Italy.
However, many of the kids in my class had
2 Six-year old Anna had the same problem and were keen to help
A spoke a little English before she came. me learn English. They and their parents were
B studied English in her Italian school. very welcoming and it didn’t take long for me
C liked her new school immediately. feel comfortable. I think I was quite lucky
D was hoping to go back to Italy. because my older sister, Zoella, found it much
more difficult even though she spoke some
3 Anna says her classmates English.’
A didn’t understand her difficulties. Eugenio, Anna’s brother, was the oldest of the
B had friendly parents. children and was sixteen when the family
C took a long time to like her. came to England. ‘In some ways it was harder
D thought she was lucky. and in others easier than I expected. I already
spoke quite a bit of English, but that didn’t
4 Eugenio stop some of the other boys laughing at me
A is younger than Zoella. when I made mistakes and there were some
B found it really easy to fit in. awkward moments when I came out with the
C had some problem with the language. wrong word or phrase. My way of dealing with
D laughed at the boys in his class. it was to laugh with them. I soon made some
good friends although I think that was mainly
5 Eugenio believes the boys liked him because he because I’m pretty good at football and helped
A liked laughing at their jokes. the school team to win their first match in two
B was a useful member of the football team. years!’
C won a football competition. Patrick is a teacher at the international school
D was good at making friends. they all attend. ‘It can be very scary for young
people going to any new school. But I think it
6 Patrick says that helps that most of the kids in our school have
A the international school is frightening. been through the same thing. They understand
B almost all the students have had a similar the problems and the worries and are usually
happy to help any new arrival. Our students
C the school solves problems very quickly. have also created an advice sheet which we
D students at the school are worried about send to all new students before they arrive. It
covers everything from where to find things,
7 New students at the school
who to see if there’s a problem, what clothes
to wear and so on. We also have a welcome
A receive an advice sheet before they start.
afternoon before they start school properly,
B meet the teachers at a welcome party.
when they can meet some of their future class.’
C must find somewhere to put their things.
D can wear any clothes they choose.


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