Mythic Space Playtest v1.01
Mythic Space Playtest v1.01
Mythic Space Playtest v1.01
By Peter LaCara
Mythic Space
Playtest Version 1.01
Art by Midjourney
Special Thanks to Nicholas Hardenburg, Reece Marshall, Colin Prokop, Kyle Prokop, Nils
Wiklund, and the Lancer Discord.
Mythic Space could not exist without the influence of games that came before it. Here are the
most direct influences:
◊ Dungeons and Dragons, 4th edition, by Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt
- Edith Sodergran
Introduction...............................................1 Turn-Based Combat .......................................37
Actions............................................................... 38
The Setting..........................................................2 Saving Throws ................................................. 41
What You Need ..................................................3 Damage and Defenses ................................. 42
Conventions........................................................3 Combat Tokens ............................................... 43
Things That Might Come Up ....................... 45
Building A Crew........................................ 4 Ending Combat................................................ 46
Difficulty............................................................. 17 Assassin.............................................................56
Success And Failure ....................................... 17 Captain ...............................................................57
Position .............................................................. 18 Counselor ......................................................... 58
Effect................................................................... 18 Diplomat ............................................................59
Skills.................................................................... 18 Doctor ................................................................ 60
Tokens................................................................. 19 Explorer.............................................................. 61
Bargaining ........................................................ 20 Hunter................................................................ 62
Pushing a Roll.................................................. 20 Infiltrator .......................................................... 63
Stress and Breaks .......................................... 20 Mechanic........................................................... 64
Consequences.................................................. 21 Muscle ................................................................65
Challenges........................................................ 22 Starting Ability .................................................65
Teamwork......................................................... 23 Mystic ................................................................ 66
Fortune Rolls ................................................... 24 Pilot .....................................................................67
Information ...................................................... 24 Scoundrel.......................................................... 68
Soldier................................................................ 69
Missions .................................................. 25 Spacer................................................................ 70
Tempest.............................................................. 71
Mission Goal .................................................... 26 Altari....................................................................72
Mission Loadout............................................. 26 Brachinid............................................................73
Supplies and Gear...........................................27 Earther................................................................74
Mission Rewards.............................................27 Kathir ..................................................................75
Downtime .................................................31 Synth ...................................................................77
Xin ....................................................................... 78
Downtime Actions ......................................... 32
Tactics ...................................................... 79
Tactical Combat ..................................... 35
Athlete ............................................................... 80
Set Up................................................................. 36 Bastion ............................................................... 81
Berserker .......................................................... 82 GM Goals...........................................................117
Biokinetic .......................................................... 83 GM Principles ..................................................117
Commando ....................................................... 84
Defender ........................................................... 84 Generating Missions ...........................119
Disruptor........................................................... 85
Engineer ............................................................ 85 The Mission Deck ..........................................120
Fighter ............................................................... 86 Mission Difficulty .......................................... 121
Grenadier .......................................................... 87 Mission Objectives........................................122
Gunner ............................................................... 87 Complications ................................................123
Gunslinger ........................................................ 88 Combat Encounters......................................124
Martial Artist ................................................... 88 Mission Rewards...........................................125
Officer ................................................................ 89 Retaliation.......................................................126
Operator............................................................ 90 Faction Goals..................................................127
Precog................................................................. 91
Pyrokinetic ....................................................... 92 Building A Galaxy ................................ 128
Rocketeer.......................................................... 92
Sapper ............................................................... 93 Planet Generation.........................................129
Sentinel ............................................................. 93 World Aspects................................................ 131
Sharpshooter .................................................. 94 Faction Borders .............................................136
Technomancer .................................................95
Telekinetic ........................................................ 96 Antagonists .......................................... 137
Telepath .............................................................97
Teleporter ......................................................... 98 Basic Templates ........................................... 140
The Brachinid Consortium .........................152
Weapons and Armor .............................99 Colonial Exports ............................................158
The Cult of Izanami...................................... 164
Weapons......................................................... 100 The Empire of Man .......................................170
Weapon Mods ................................................102 The Nemesis Blight ...................................... 175
Armor ................................................................105 The Pirate Clans ............................................ 181
Armor Mods ....................................................105 The Singularity...............................................187
The End of the World .................................. 109 Exotic Weapons ............................................ 194
Exodus ............................................................. 109 Exotic Armor Mods .......................................196
First Contact ................................................... 110 Exotic Gear ......................................................197
The Age of Mystery ...................................... 110
Izanami.............................................................. 111
The Blight and the Alliance........................ 112
The Purity Crusades ..................................... 113
The Singularity............................................... 114
The Verge..........................................................115
Welcome to Mythic Space! This is a science our story was not so unique. We
fiction roleplaying game about action and encountered a half dozen other alien
adventure set in a galaxy of wonder and species, each of whom had a similar story -
terror. It is meant to feel like your favorite rapid industrialization had ruined their
science fiction TV show with combat scenes home planets and they thought all was lost
that feel like your favorite first person until the Black Ships arrived and gave them
shooter. a door out.
You and your friends play the crew of a You would think we would have been
starship. You might be soldiers or spies grateful to have been pulled back from the
performing special ops for a government or brink. Instead we went to war with each
faction, bounty hunters running down the other. It was not until we encountered the
scum of the galaxy, pirates who prey on the Nemesis Blight, a devouring swarm of
wealthy and callous megacorporations fungal creatures capable of interstellar
ravaging the frontier, or just space truckers travel, that we were able to put aside our
working odd jobs trying to get by. At its core, differences and stop killing each other.
the game is about your ship, and the found
family that crews it. This is your story. The Alliance was formed to combat the
Blight, and now it operates much like the
The game takes inspiration from a variety of modern European Union. It is a collection of
different media, and the tone can vary ostensibly independent star nations who
depending on which tropes you lean into the operate as a single economic and military
most. You can choose to emphasize the grit unit. Its founding members are the Humans
and desperation of Battlestar Galactica and of Earth, the graceful and androgynous
the expanse, the sweeping political space Altari, the lion or wolf-like Kathir, and the
opera of Babylon 5 and Mass Effect, the insectile Xin.
pulse pounding war stories of Halo and
Titanfall, or the personal space western of The Alliance has a number of interstellar
Cowboy Bebop and Firefly. And of course rivals. The largest is the Brachinid
there’s plenty of Star Wars and Star Trek in Consortium, a collection of hyper-capitalist
there too. crab people who operate the largest slave
trade in the galaxy. The most vicious is the
Empire of Man, fascist humans who broke
The Setting away from Earth when they joined the
Alliance. They have launched multiple
It is 500 years in the future, and we never crusades to try to take Earth back from
learned our lesson. Humanity was on the those who would allow “the sacred soil of
verge of extinction when the Outside Sol” to be “desecrated” by alien footsteps.
Context Entities, or OCEs, arrived in their And there is The Singularity, an aggressive
Black Ships and constructed a Jump Gate in AI hive mind bent on assimilating all life in
our home system. They left without the galaxy in an egocentric attempt at
explaining themselves, and humanity attaining godhood.
stepped out into a wider galaxy.
It is a dangerous time to be the crew of a
We soon found that we were not alone, and small spaceship, looking to make their mark.
What You Need What Are The OCEs?
◊ A few friends - 3 to 5 players plus one Who or what are the mysterious beings
person to act as a Game Master (GM). that saved life in the galaxy from itself?
The short answer is “no one knows.” Any
◊ At least one standard set of polyhedral attempt to understand the OCEs only leads
dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20), to more questions.
ideally one set for each player.
The Black Ships appear to be fully
◊ A character sheet for each player and a automated - no organic presence has ever
ship sheet for the whole crew. These can been detected on one. But are they piloted
be printed on paper or you can keep by AI? Remote piloted by some other
track digitally with a phone or tablet at intelligence?
the table.
They have left vaults full of inscrutible
◊ The GM should have a standard 52 card technology all over the Milky way. For what
deck of playing cards. purpose? Are they gifts? Traps? A
distraction from something greater?
◊ Miniatures and a battlemat, while not
strictly necessary, are very helpful for Why did they save us in the first place?
combat encounters. Were they trying to preserve our species?
Or were they trying to box us in to keep us
◊ Similarly, a set of poker chips or colored from threatening others?
glass beads to use for tokens are also
very helpful.
Conventions Changes from 1.0:
◊ Important terms will always be bolded ◊ Fixed a few typos and incorrect table
the first time they appear. entries.
Chapter 2:
Building A Crew
Choosing a Ship Character Creation
The first session of a Mythic Space game Summary
involves creating your ship and your lovable
band of misfits and weirdos to crew it. The 1. Choose a concept and species.
first thing you should do is collectively
decide which ship you should start with. 2. Choose two aspects.
This determines the nature of your crew and
the type of missions they on. a. Gain the starting ability from each
◊ The Aegolius is the favored ship of
special operatives, spies, and saboteurs b. Choose a starting skill from each
working for the Alliance to protect it aspect.
from enemies foreign and domestic. The
Aegolius starts with a stealth drive. c. Choose an NPC from one of your
aspect lists to be your friend.
◊ The Corvus is the favored ship of
scientists, explorers, and treasure d. Choose another NPC from your
hunters working at the edges of the aspect lists to be your rival.
galaxy to seek the unknown. The Corvus
starts with a true AI helm. 3. Choose two tactics.
◊ The Kestrel is the favored ship of a. Gain the starting ability from each
mercenaries, bounty hunters, and tactic.
pirates. Your crew works on the fringes
of space, doing dirty work for the highest 4. Assign your attributes.
bidder. The Kestrel starts with ship to
ship weaponry. a. Attribute ratings can be as high as +4
or as low as -2.
◊ The Peregrine is the favored ship of
smugglers, blockade runners, and rebels b. Assign values to your PHYSIQUE,
who need to outrun the trouble they find. REFLEX, DISCIPLINE, and WITS.
The Peregrine starts with an advanced
impulse drive. c. The total value of your attributes
should add up to +6.
Once the group as a whole have chosen a
ship, they can choose two minor upgrades 5. Add flavor.
for the ship. The group can choose these
now, but it’s usually better to wait until a. Name your character.
everyone has built their characters to decide
what upgrades they want. b. Describe how you look.
6. Fill out the rest of your sheet.
Character Creation in
Once the ship is built, it is time to create
characters to crew it. Each player builds a
character by using the steps on the
following page.
Step 2: Aspects ◊ Stealth is for moving and acting without
being noticed.
Aspects are what define your character’s
non-combat abilities and focus. Aspects are ◊ Study is for closely examining an object
fully detailed in their own chapter, but a or scene.
summary table is provided. Choose two
from this list. ◊ Survive is for enduring harsh
environments and situations.
You gain the starting ability from each of
your aspects. Each aspect also has two ◊ Sway is for convincing people to do
skills listed. Choose one skill from each things with charm, guile, or seduction.
aspect (they must be different skills).
Friends and Rivals
Each aspect has a list of NPCs who
Skills are particular actions that your represent people your character might have
character is more adept at. Whenever one of history with. Choose one of the NPCs from
your skills apply, reduce the difficulty of an either of your aspects to be your friend, and
action roll by one step. another NPC from the other list to be your
rival. You can count on your friend to
◊ Compel is for getting people to do what provide you with jobs or help you out in a
you want, either through intimidation, jam. You can also count on the GM to have
force of will, or leadership. your rival make trouble for you when they
need an easy plot hook.
◊ Destroy is for demolishing or breaking
objects. Species Aspects
Aspect What Can You Do? Starting Ability Skills
Muscle Be big and tough. Breaking Stuff to Look Tough Compel, Destroy
Step 3: Tactics agility. If a roll depends on a character’s
quick thinking, clever wordplay,
Tactics are special training and gear that misdirection, or charm, use WITS.
your character uses to turn the tide in battle.
Choose two tactics from the list on the next Step 5: Flavor
page. You gain the starting ability from each
of them. Choose a name for your character. You might
choose a common name like one you might
Step 4: Attributes hear on Earth, or something more
outlandish. Maybe your character has a
Distribute points between your four callsign or a nom de guerre. The galaxy is a
attributes so that they add up to +6. No big place, and there are a lot of different
attribute may start at higher than +4, or naming conventions.
lower than -2. Here are some sample
spreads: Think about your character’s gender and
pronouns. Humans still have their whole
◊ +4, +2, +2, -2 [the standard array] range of genders and pronouns, though
contact with the Altari has led some people
◊ +4, +4, +0, -2 [ultra focused] to adopt their pronouns for their own, while
the fascist empire insists that there are only
◊ +3, +2, +1, +0 [no weaknesses] two. The Altari are mono-gendered, but use
different pronouns to denote social class.
◊ +3, +3, +2, -2 [broad competence] Synths can be agender but they often adopt
a gender for purposes of interfacing with
◊ +2, +2, +1, +1 [master of none] organics. Xin travelers are technically all
sterile females, but often use ‘we’ as their
Each attribute describes an area of pronouns to refer to their hive as a whole,
expertise for your character. even if they are not in contact with their
◊ PHYSIQUE represents a character’s raw
physicality. If a roll depends on a Finally, what does your character look like?
character’s strength, speed, or stamina, Pick 2-3 distinctive features and describe
use PHYSIQUE. them. Tall? Short? Heavy? Lithe? Sexy?
Refined? Grease-stained? Cold-eyed?
◊ REFLEX represents a character’s twitch Predatory smile? Shaved head? Tattoos?
reflexes and agility. If a roll depends on a Quiet? Brash?
character’s accuracy, reaction time, or
flexibility, use REFLEX. Step 6: Finalize Sheet
◊ DISCIPLINE represents a character’s raw Make sure all your abilities are written down
mental strength. If a roll depends on a on your sheet. Fill out your usual equipment
character’s willpower, memory, courage, for your full loadout and your casual
or force of personality, use DISCIPLINE. loadout. Your full loadout is what you carry
with you when you are on a mission. Your
◊ WITS represents a character’s mental casual loadout is what you have on you
Tactic What Can You Do? Starting Ability
when you are in downtime or trying to be to increase that attribute by 1. Some abilities
inconspicuous. You can change your state that they grant you XP when you meet
loadouts at any time on your ship. a certain criteria. This XP can be applied to
any attribute of your choice.
When you are fully loaded you can carry:
When you have your casual loadout, you can ◊ First, total up your attributes and
carry: subtract 6, then multiply by 2 (in other
words, you get 2 points for each
◊ One weapon with the sidearm trait. attribute increase you’ve had).
◊ Up to one utility item. ◊ Add 1 point for each aspect, skill, and
tactical upgrade
◊ Your shields and armor rating are
halved, so these will start at 4 and 2, ◊ Add 1 point for each weapon and armor
respectively. mod.
And that’s it! You’re ready to take on the ◊ Add 3 points for each exotic that leaves
galaxy. the game with your character.
Characters improve in two main ways - When you create a new character, you can
mission rewards and XP rewards. Mission spend legacy points to upgrade them.
rewards grant new gear and abilities to your Consult the following table for point costs
character and new modules for your ship. XP for improving your character.
rewards come from failed action rolls. Each
action roll you fail grants 1 XP to the
attribute you rolled. During downtime, you
may spend 10 XP from a particular attribute
Alternately, you may spend your points to
Upgrade Legacy Point Cost
describe how your former character’s
actions changed the galaxy. A minor change Increase attribute by 1 2 points
is small scale - an impact to a handful of (max 6)
NPCs. A major change is larger - an impact Aspect, skill, or tactical 1 point
to an entire star system. A universal change upgrade
is huge - your character’s actions are felt on
a galactic scale, and the universe will never Armor or weapon mod 1 point
be the same.
New aspect, skill, or 2 points
Finally, you have the option to have your old
character become Support Personnel for Minor change 3 points
your ship (see the Starships chapter for
more information). For every 2 legacy points Major change 6 points
you spend, write down one aspect ability
that the character knew. Once per session, Universal change 9 points
someone on the crew can use an aspect
ability from their Support Personnel as if Support personnel 2 points per ability
they had that aspect.
Chapter 3:
Playing the
Gameplay in Mythic Space is a conversation Difficulty
between the GM and the players. The GM
describes what is happening in the scene, The GM decides how difficult the action is.
and then asks the players what they would This determines your degree of success
like to do. The players describe what their based on the target number.
characters do. When the outcome is in
doubt, roll the dice to find out what happens. ◊ The vast majority of rolls are standard
Only roll the dice when the situation is difficulty. You achieve a partial success
interesting or tense - you don’t need to roll on a 10-19, and a full success on a 20+.
to brush your teeth in the morning unless
you’re trying to impress an Imperial ◊ If an action is easy, you achieve a partial
Baroness. success on a 5-14, and a full success on a
The most common die roll is the action roll
(as in a roll prompted by player action). Roll ◊ If an action is hard, you achieve a partial
a twenty-sided die (d20) and add your success on a 15-24, and a full success on
relevant attribute. a 25+.
◊ PHYSIQUE is used when the roll depends ◊ If an action would be trivial, don’t roll.
on sheer physical strength, endurance, You automatically achieve a full success.
or speed. Remember - only roll the dice when the
outcome is in doubt.
◊ REFLEX is used when the roll depends
on reaction time, finesse, or accuracy. ◊ If an action is impossible, don’t roll. You
just fail.
◊ DISCIPLINE is used when the roll
depends on memory, study, force of
personality, or raw mental power. Success And Failure
◊ WITS is used when the roll depends on Your degree of success determines the
quick thinking, lateral thinking, outcome of the action roll.
deception, or charm.
◊ On a full success things go about as well
as can be expected, without any
unforeseen consequences.
Position effective. You’re definitely using the right
tools for the right job, or you’re in the
The potential severity of your consequences right place at the right time.
are determined by your position. There are
four potential positions: ◊ Godlike: This level of effect can only be
achieved with something supernatural,
◊ Controlled: You have the situation well like an exotic item or the intervention of
in hand and are operating from a an OCE. It’s so good it’s like magic.
position of strength. Any potential
consequences will be minor.
◊ Risky: It could go either way, honestly.
You’re definitely not going to like the Your skills modify the difficulty of an action
consequences, but they’re not going to roll. If you possess a relevant skill, you
be catastrophic either. This is considered reduce the difficulty by one step: Easy
the default position. becomes trivial, standard becomes easy,
hard becomes standard. In certain cases,
◊ Desperate: You are opening yourself up you may be able to make an impossible roll
to serious danger here. This could get if you have a relevant skill, but the GM still
really ugly. may veto things. No matter how skilled you
are, you’re not going to be able to punch a
◊ Deadly: Don’t expect to survive this. moon out of orbit.
Tokens Advantage
Character abilities and circumstances grant You may spend an advantage token when
tokens. Tokens can be spent to manipulate you make an action roll to roll a second d20
dice rolls to change the outcome. There are and take the highest result.
positive tokens, which are always displayed
in blue. There are negative tokens, which Effect
are always displayed in red. Some abilities
also grant unique tokens, which are always When you roll a partial success or better on
marked with an asterisk*. Unique token an action roll, you may spend an effect
effects are explained in the ability that token to improve the effect of the roll by
introduces them. one step. If this is a challenge (see below)
you may spend an effect token to roll an
Unless otherwise specified, the most you can extra effect die instead.
have of any one particular kind of token is
three, and tokens go away at the end of a Protection
scene. The scene is the most basic
measurement of time. As long as you are When you fail an action roll, or would suffer
doing the same general thing in the same consequences as a result of a partial
general place, that’s a single scene. A combat success, you may spend a protection
is a scene, sneaking into the governor’s token to reduce or possibly negate the
mansion is a scene, negotiating with a pirate severity of the consequences depending on
queen is a scene. your position. If one of your resistances
would take damage during a challenge (see
You can only spend one token of each type on below), you can halve the damage by
a given action roll. You could not spend two spending a protection token.
advantage tokens to reroll an action roll
twice for example, but you could spend an Danger
advantage token to reroll the action, and
then spend an effect token to increase the When you suffer a consequence as a result
effect. of a failure or a partial success while you
have a danger token, the GM can spend
Most positive tokens have a corresponding that token to inflict consequences as if your
negative token. Tokens of the opposite type position was one level worse. If one of your
cancel each other out. For example, if you resistances takes damage during a
had an advantage token and gained a challenge, the GM can spend a danger
disadvantage token, you would instead token to roll an additional consequence die
remove both tokens. instead.
d20 and take the worse result. Pushing a Roll
Misfortune Any bargains occur before an action roll is
made. The only way to alter the outcome of
When you roll a partial success or better on an action roll after the dice have been rolled
an action roll while you have a misfortune is to push yourself. Choose a d4, a d6, or a
token, the GM can spend that token to d8. Roll that die and add the result to your
reduce the effect by one level. If this is a total. You gain an equal amount of stress.
challenge, the GM can spend a misfortune You can only push action rolls - you may not
token to halve the result of the effect dice push effect rolls, damage rolls, or saving
instead. throws.
Whatever you lose from a break is success, but now they have a new problem
permanent. You may find something new to to deal with. If this complication interferes
take its place in your life, but you cannot go with your performance in the future, the GM
back to who you were. If a break is bad can give you a disadvantage token to
enough, a character may choose to retire represent the trouble.
instead of continuing to go on. That’s the
sad truth of standing against the darkness Lost Opportunity
of space - the body may heal, but the mind is
not always so resilient. This consequence means that whatever
opportunity you had is lost. You tried to
You can relieve stress during downtime by corner an assassin on a roof, but he used his
doing activities that are therapeutic to your grav boots to drop eight stories to the
character. It might be a round of drinks at streets below. You will have to track him
the port cantina, or meditation in your down another way.
chambers, or a strenuous workout session
in the gym. See the Downtime chapter for Worse Position
more information.
This consequence represents the situation
spiraling out of control and placing you in
Consequences danger. You jumped over the gap, but you
are clinging to the edge of the building with
When you fail an action roll, or even when your fingertips. As with a complication, this
you only achieve a partial success, there can consequence does not negate the effect of a
be a number of different consequences. successful roll. You may have achieved what
There are five types of consequences. you were trying to accomplish, but now you
might be in worse trouble than you were
Reduced Effect before. The GM can give you a danger token
to represent your worsening circumstances.
The action wasn’t as impactful as you
thought it would be. You jumped over the Harm and Death
gap, but you are clinging to the edge of the
building with your fingertips. You may still If you are in a desperate position, or a risky
achieve your goal here, but at the cost of position with a danger token, the GM can
reduced effect in the future, in which case inflict a harm condition on you to represent
the GM gives you a misfortune token. physical or mental damage to your
character. There are two kinds of harm
Complication conditions:
blows to your confidence or sense of self Challenges
or extreme fear. As long as you are
shaken, you automatically fail any Sometimes a situation may call for more
DISCIPLINE or WITS roll unless you gain 1 than one action roll to resolve fully. In this
stress prior to the roll. instance, the GM assigns the challenge a
certain number of hardship points (HP).
Actions you automatically fail as a result of
being wounded or shaken still count as The Challenge HP Average Rolls
making a roll, so you still gain XP for the Is… to Resolve
action. In fact, trying to act while you have a Pretty quick 5 1-2
harm condition can be very lucrative XP-
wise in the long term, at the expense of a lot Standard 10 2-4
of nasty consequences in the short term.
Getting lengthy 15 3-6
Resistance Teamwork
During a challenge, the GM may want to give When the crew works together to overcome
you limited attempts. It might be a race an obstacle, the characters have access to
against time to escape a space station some special teamwork maneuvers.
before it explodes. It might be an admiral’s
patience wearing thin as you try to convince Assist a Teammate
them to attack a secret base. It might be
something more abstract, like the likelihood When you assist another player who is
of being cornered while trying to run from rolling, describe what you are doing to help.
the colonial police. You gain 1 stress and give that character an
advantage token.
To represent these limited opportunities, the
GM names a resistance, like “time” or Lead a Group Action
“patience” or “freedom” respectively to the
above examples, and then gives it an HP When you lead a group action, you
value. coordinate multiple team members all
working together to tackle a problem, such
When the players fail a roll or achieve a as sneaking the entire group into a base.
partial success, the GM rolls a consequence
die and reduces their resistance’s HP by that Each character involved makes the same
amount. The consequence die depends on action roll, all using the same attribute. The
the character’s position. team uses the best result out of all of them.
However, the group leader gains 1 stress for
Position Consequence Die each character who failed the roll.
Set Up Another Action a secret, the answer can only be found by
adventuring. However, if the players have
When you perform a set up action you have found the answer and just forgotten it
an indirect result on an obstacle. If your because it was like eight sessions ago, the
action succeeds, you may give a teammate GM should remind them.
who follows up on your action an effect
token. If the GM isn’t sure if a player should know
the answer to a question or not, they can
make a fortune roll, adding the character’s
Fortune Rolls DISCIPLINE or WITS, whichever makes more
sense. On a 10+, the GM tells them the
The GM usually doesn’t roll any dice outside answer. This is not an action roll and cannot
of combat or challenges, but sometimes generate XP.
things happen outside of the players’
control and the GM isn’t sure how things are
going to pan out. When this happens, they
can make a fortune roll. A fortune roll is a
simple d20 roll. The GM assigns one
outcome to high and one outcome to low,
and then can modify the roll based on how
likely they think things are weighted
towards one side or the other. If the roll is
closer to 20, the high outcome wins, and if
the roll is closer to 1 the low outcome wins.
Since Mythic Space largely takes place in the
imaginations of several people sitting
around a table, the flow of information is
very important. The GM should make sure all
the players are on the same page when it
comes to setting the scene, but it’s
impossible for the GM to say everything that
is going on - it’s just too complex. The
players can ask the GM questions about the
world and situation, and the GM should
gently remind the players if their actions
seem to be missing an obvious detail. If the
question is common knowledge, the GM
should just tell the players the answer. If the
question requires specialized knowledge,
the GM should just tell any player who has a
relevant skill or background. If the answer is
Chapter 4:
The structure of time in Mythic Space can be When you are fully loaded, you look like you
roughly divided into Missions and are armed for battle. This might be accepted
Downtime. The Mission phase is high stress in some of the rougher ports in the galaxy,
- lives are on the line, and the fate of the but in most civilized space if you walk
galaxy or your bank balance are at stake. around fully loaded it won’t be long before
Downtime, by contrast, is low stress. It is the police show up with questions.
the time for player characters to blow off
steam, work on personal projects, recover When you are fully loaded, you can carry:
from injuries, and plan their next mission.
◊ One primary weapon.
During the first session, the GM usually
throws the party headfirst in media res. ◊ One secondary weapon.
After the first mission, the crew usually has
a choice about what missions they would ◊ One grenade.
like to pursue. The GM presents the
missions that are available, as well as the ◊ One utility item.
potential rewards for completing them. The
GM may also hand out sidequests to ◊ You have full shields and armor.
individual PCs as well. The group may decide
that they don’t like any of the mission With a casual loadout, you are
opportunities available to them and propose inconspicuous. You are assumed to be using
their own course of action (GMs should your casual loadout during downtime and
encourage this, it lessens their workload any time you are trying to look non-
dramatically). threatening.
Mission Loadout
At the start of each mission, each player
sets their starting supplies and their gear
loadout. There are two loadouts - casual
and fully loaded.
Supplies and Gear Rations
All characters are assumed to have a Bland but nutritious food, enough to feed an
commlink, a universal translator, and a data organic creature for a day.
terminal. When they are fully loaded, their
hardsuit is capable of sealing against Survival Kit
vacuum and operating in space for several
hours. This kit contains the essentials for surviving
in hostile environments - spare O2
All characters begin each mission with 5 canisters, water filters, temperature
supplies. Some ship and armor upgrades regulators, and an instant shelter.
allow you to start missions with more
supplies. These supplies are used to power Toolkit
certain abilities and repair your armor if it
gets damaged. You can spend 1 supply Wrenches, a laser torch, soldering tools,
during a mission to gain access to any of the hammers, crowbars.
following standard gear. Standard gear has
an effort die of d6 unless specified Trauma Patch
A simple bandage treated with an organic
Supplies replenish for free when you enter compound that stops bleeding and
downtime. You can also replenish your stabilizes vitals. It can be deployed as a
supplies in a market by spending 1 credit. main action to stabilize a dying ally.
These digital imaging units are capable of up This smart sealant can be used to patch
to 100x magnification and come with night small holes or damaged equipment. It is
vision and thermal imaging. vacuum rated and when used in tandem
with larger pieces of sheet metal can be
Courier Drone used to fix hull breaches. It can also be used
to repair hardsuits in between battles.
These small personal drones have about a
5km range. They can ferry small hand-held
objects back to your ship, or another Mission Rewards
location of your choosing. They can be used
for reconnaissance, but they are noisy, Mission rewards are the primary way you
vulnerable, and easy to shoot down. advance your character.
Most ships have a standard pharmaceutical Weapon mods allow you to improve your
supply of painkillers, ointments, and weapons and grant them new special
stimulants. No one wants to get caught in abilities. The number of mods you can have
space with a hangover. installed on a weapon depends on your
ship’s Arsenal tier. Basic weapons can have Ship Upgrade
one mod installed. Tier 2 weapons can have
two mods installed, and tier 3 weapons can Ship upgrades benefit the entire crew. These
have up to three. add additional modules or improve the
statistics of your ship. Ship upgrades are
Armor Mod quite rare and missions that reward them
should be prioritized.
Armor mods, like weapon mods, grant new
abilities to your armor and provide improved Credits
resistance or mobility options. You can have
a number of armor mods installed equal to Credits are the currency of the galaxy. It is
your ship’s Armory tier, and you can swap an abstraction of anything of value your
your mods when you change your loadout. crew may receive as payment. It could be
electronic currency, valuable alloys and
Tactical Upgrade minerals, livestock, shares of stock, or
anything else that can be traded for value.
Tactical upgrades grant you new abilities During downtime, you can spend credits to
from your tactics. You can also gain the purchase new abilities, mods, or ship
starting ability from a new tactic with one of upgrades. See the next chapter for more
these upgrades, but you must spend two details.
additional credits. Once you have purchased
the new tactic, you can take upgrades from Exotic Materials
it as usual.
Exotic materials are extremely rare and
Aspect Upgrade precious materials found in the strangest
and most dangerous parts of the galaxy.
This reward allows you to choose a new These materials are required for certain ship
ability from one of your aspects. You may upgrades and for crafting or upgrading
gain the starting ability from a new aspect exotics.
with one of these upgrades, but you must
spend two additional credits. Example Exotic Materials
You gain a specialty for one of your skills. A ♦ Crystalised Dark Matter
specialty represents a more narrow
application of the skill. Increase your level of ♦ Frozen Light
effect on any roll where your specialty
applies. There isn’t a set list of skill ♦ Liquid Nanobots
specialties - you can invent whatever
specialty makes sense. You may also gain a ♦ Naturally Occurring Einsteinium
new skill with one of these upgrades, but
you must spend two additional credits. ♦ Stable Antimatter
♦ Xenonite Alloy
Exotics ◊ Finesse:
◊ Compel: ◊ Interface:
♦ Intimidation ♦ Hacking
◊ Destroy: ◊ Perceive:
◊ Study:
♦ Crime Scenes
♦ Detecting Lies
♦ Research
◊ Survive:
♦ Animal Handling
♦ Deserts
♦ Jungles
◊ Sway:
♦ Musician
♦ Obvious Lies
♦ Seduction
Chapter 5:
When your ship lands in a friendly port after Downtime Actions
a mission, it is time to rest, relax, and
recover from the last mission and prepare Each PC gets one downtime action which
for the next. This can be as much of a break they can use to perform one of the following
for the players as it is for their characters - actions. Each PC can choose one companion
it’s okay to spend an entire session or more PC to join them during that action, so in
in downtime to serve as a mental break from practice each PC can take two downtime
the high stakes drama of missions and actions if the party coordinates choosing
combat. companions. You can be chosen as a
companion more than once if you need to
When the crew enters downtime, the take a lot of downtime actions. You can also
following happens automatically: spend 1 credit to take an additional
downtime action (you can bring a
◊ Any dead crewmembers are revived in companion with you as usual). You don’t
the medbay. Permanently fill in a stress have to take a companion with you in most
box for trauma. cases, though there’s no upside to going
◊ Distribute mission rewards among the
crew. It is up to the crew to partition Each downtime action should be covered by
rewards in a way everyone thinks is fair. a short vignette scene where the PCs have a
chance to interact with each other, and then
◊ The crew can spend credits for they gain the benefits of that action. While it
additional upgrades. is possible to just say “Anders and I go and
destress together” just like it is possible to
♦ Weapon mods, armor mods, and say “I shoot this trooper,” the game is
aspect, skill, or tactical upgrades infinitely more enjoyable if you add more
cost 5 credits each. description and detail.
Destress or as costly as an exotic material if the
item is really rare or strange.
Choose a companion (this action requires
one). You and that companion have a ◊ It’s going to take work to find. Set up a
revealing scene together - a heart to heart project with 5-15 HP.
talk, a confrontation about an issue that’s
been bothering you, a romantic scene, an ◊ It’s going to be dangerous. The GM
amusing party scene, a combination of any generates a mission with the item as
of the above, or something along those one of the rewards.
lines. At the end of that scene, roll 2d10 and
divide the result between the two of you. ◊ You are going to antagonize someone
You each clear that much stress. important by getting it.
You try to smooth things over with a faction ◊ It’s close but not quite what you were
you have wronged. You may choose a looking for. There is something wrong
companion to come with you to try to help with it - it’s delicate, malfunctioning,
out, in which case treat this as a group ugly, etc. Reduce its effect die by one
action roll for the two of you. Describe how step.
you try to placate the faction and then make
an action roll. On a full success, you reduce Once the complications have been resolved,
their hate by 2. On a partial success, you you and your companion get the things you
reduce their hate by 1. The faction may then were looking for.
offer you an opportunity to make things
right by offering you a mission. If you Recover
succeed on that mission, reduce their hate
to 0. The GM’s section has more information You and a companion hang out in the
on factions and hate. medbay and recover from your injuries. You
each clear one harm condition (wounded or
Procure shaken). What do you talk about while you’re
healing? How do you pass the time?
You and another PC go shopping together, or
try to track down a rare item. This action can If your ship has been damaged, you may also
also be used to find special services, such as use this action to repair it. You must spend
a fence, antiquarian, or AI programmer. You half the cost of a damaged module to repair
and your companion state what each of you it.
is looking for. The GM determines if what
you are looking for is possible, and if it is, Train
they assess one or more of the following
complications based on how difficult it’s You and a companion train together to
going to be to acquire: improve yourselves. Each of you add 2 XP to
the attribute of your choice. What does your
◊ You have to pay a cost. It can be training look like? Do you find a trainer and
something as simple as a couple credits, both work under them?
Work on a Project
Chapter 6:
Tactical Combat
The tactical combat system in Mythic Space enemies on the other side of your cover may
is intended for epic shootouts and intense attack each other.
action scenes. It is not intended to model
just punching some guy in a bar or slitting Difficult Terrain
the throat of a guard during an infiltration
mission - those are best handled by a Difficult terrain is any ground that is
standard action roll or a challenge. particularly rocky, muddy, or unstable. You
cannot reposition or sprint through difficult
terrain - you must use the struggle action.
Set Up
Damaging Terrain
Combat in Mythic Space works best on a
map (though this is not strictly necessary), Damaging terrain is things like lava flows,
since positioning and maneuvering is rivers of caustic chemicals, or clouds of
important. The battlefield is divided into magnetized metal shards - anything that
zones. A zone is approximately a 10x10 has the potential to cause damage just by
meter square, though this is not a hard and being in the same zone. If you move through
fast rule. The GM does not have to mark the or end your turn in a zone with damaging
zone boundary exactly - use things like terrain, you take damage.
rooms and terrain to create natural dividing
lines between zones. Hazards
The GM places the initial opposition on the Hazards are objects on the battlefield that
map and points out which zone or zones the are not necessarily damaging in and of
PCs can start out in, and the players place themselves, but could be exploited to cause
their miniatures (if you’re using them) in massive damage. Hazards are things like
their starting positions. barrels of starship fuel, egg sacs full of
acidic goo, or a fragile bulkhead with
Terrain Features vacuum on the other side. If a hazard is
targeted with an attack, it may trigger its
Zones are differentiated by the terrain effects on all characters in the zone (usually
present in them. damage or a few negative tokens).
Cover Range
The most common terrain feature is cover. In order to target a character with an action,
they must be in range.
If you are peeking out the edge of a wall or
barrier, you have partial cover. You may ◊ Engaged characters are within arm’s
attack enemies on the other side of the reach of each other. They are in the same
cover without penalty, but attacks that zone, or right next to each other in
target you are hard. adjacent zones.
If you are completely blocked by a wall or ◊ Close range characters are in the same
object, you have full cover. Neither you nor zone or adjacent zone, within 5 meters.
◊ Medium range characters are within 30 During a character’s turn, that character can
meters or so (within 3 zones). take one move action, one main action, and
one auxiliary action. They may also take
◊ Long range characters are within 100 any number of free actions within reason.
meters or so (within 10 zones). This Actions cannot be traded for a different
means you can target anyone on a action type - you cannot trade your move
typical battle map. action for another auxiliary action, for
example. These actions can be taken in any
◊ Extreme range characters are within 1 order. If you want to move and then shoot,
km (100 zones). This is usually reserved or shoot and then move, that’s fine.
for snipers, vehicles, or artillery.
Once a character has finished taking their
Compromised Position turn, then a member of the opposing side
gets to take an action. If one side
If a move action tells you that your position outnumbers the other, once all members of
is compromised, that means the GM the outnumbered side have taken their turn,
determines one of the following: all the rest of the members of the larger side
take their turns. Once all characters have
◊ There is less cover there than you taken their turn, a new round begins and the
thought. You are exposed and do not turn order continues to alternate. If one side
benefit from cover until you move again. takes the last action in a round, the other
side takes the first action in the next round.
◊ There is a hazard there you were not
previously aware of. You do not take Pushing Yourself
damage immediately, but you are at risk
of harm if you do not move on your next Sometimes one main action isn’t enough.
turn or the enemy finds a way to trigger Once per turn, you may push yourself to
the hazard. take an extra action of any type. When you
do that, you gain 1d4 stress after the action
resolves. You can push yourself for an extra
Turn-Based Combat action and to improve a roll on the same
Time in combat is broken down into rounds
and turns. The exact duration of a round
usually doesn’t matter, but it’s generally
less than a minute. Each turn represents a
few seconds of ‘screen time.’ Each character
can take one turn per round.
Actions Struggle
Actions in combat work similarly to normal You only need to use this action if you are
action rolls, but there are a few wrinkles for moving through difficult terrain, jumping
the purposes of tactical depth. over a gap, climbing something, or have an
immobilized token. Choose an obstacle to
◊ Combat uses a different set of tokens overcome, then roll PHYSIQUE (exert).
than normal action rolls. You can only
use the standard tokens with stunts, Full Success: You overcome the obstacle
which are described below. Combat (clear the gap, climb the ladder, steady
tokens are described below this section. yourself over difficult terrain, remove the
immobilized token, etc.) and may
◊ Skills usually don’t apply, with a few immediately reposition.
exceptions. Stunts can use any skill. The
struggle action uses the exert skill, and Partial Success: You overcome the obstacle.
you can use destroy to attack an object.
Failure: You stay where you are, and
Move Actions whatever was blocking you is still blocking
Main Actions throw something at the target.
◊ Use PHYSIQUE if you are trying to tackle ◊ An enemy gains line of sight to you.
or restrain the target.
◊ You lose your invisibility.
◊ Use REFLEX if you are trying to trip or
You may move while you are hidden by Stunt
making a WITS save. On a success, you
remain hidden as long as your final position You attempt to do something unexpected.
meets the requirements for being hidden in Talk with your GM about what you want to
the first place. accomplish, and make an action roll as
normal. As long as stunts are creative, they
Overwatch should be adjudicated generously. If a player
tries to perform the same stunt over and
You prepare to strike when the enemy over again, they may need to add 1 or more
moves. You gain an overwatch token. stress each time they perform the stunt at
the GM’s discretion, or have reduced effect.
You take a breather and recover your
strength. Roll DISCIPLINE. You throw a grenade or other utility item.
Choose a zone within medium range, then
Full Success: Choose three from the list roll PHYSIQUE.
below. You may choose the same option
more than once. Full Success: The grenade lands in the
target zone. If the item specifies the target
Partial Success: Choose two from the list gets a saving throw, all targets in the zone
below. You may choose the same option automatically fail.
more than once.
Partial Success: The grenade lands in the
Failure: Choose one: target zone.
Auxiliary Actions Free Actions
Assess Parley
You try to suss out your enemy’s abilities. Speaking is always a free action, and you
Choose a character you can see. You may can always try to talk your opponents down,
ask a number of the below questions equal even if it’s not your turn. The action stops
to your WITS (minimum 1), which the GM and you make your case. The GM asks for an
must answer honestly. action roll for an appropriate attribute and
sets position and effect based on their offer.
◊ What is this character’s PHYSIQUE, On a success, some or all of the opposition
REFLEX, DISCIPLINE, or WITS score? You may choose to stop fighting. If they reject
may ask this question more than once, your offer, you cannot attempt to parley
choosing a different attribute each time. again until the situation meaningfully
◊ What is this character’s current shields
and armor? Swap Weapons
◊ What is this character’s most dangerous Once per turn, you may draw a weapon or
ability? swap between your primary weapon or
secondary weapon.
◊ Does this character have a particular
weak point?
Saving Throws
Some abilities allow a saving throw to
You use an object in the environment, like a mitigate some or all of their effects. A saving
door or control panel. You can use this throw is a normal roll of the appropriate
action to pick up a dropped item, but if you attribute - roll 1d20 and add the appropriate
are engaged with a hostile character you attribute. You succeed on a 10 or higher.
must succeed on a PHYSIQUE save to do so. Saves are binary - they are only a pass or
fail. There are no bonuses for a Full Success
Seek result on a saving throw. Saving throws are
not action rolls - they cannot be pushed
Choose a zone within line of sight where you and you do not gain XP for a failed save.
suspect a character is hiding. Make a WITS
saving throw. On a success, you reveal any
hidden characters in that zone.
Damage and short of total disintegration as long as you
get to it within that time. However, death is
Defenses very traumatic. Permanently fill in one of
your stress boxes due to trauma. The true
When you hit a target with an attack, it takes end of a hero does not come when their
damage as determined by your weapon. body is broken - but their spirit.
There are two main types of defenses -
shields and armor. Damage is dealt to Damaging Objects
shields first and then armor. When your
armor is depleted, you are defeated. Sometimes you want to damage or destroy
an object in the environment. If an object is
NPCs who are defeated are usually just shielded or armored, damage to the object
killed. PCs and major antagonists who are must whittle down those defenses before
defeated are a little more complicated. Roll potentially harming the object.
a d20 and add the amount of unmitigated
damage you have taken (if you were brought Objects have a toughness quality depending
to 0 armor exactly, just roll a d20 and don’t on the material they are made of. Fragile
add anything). objects are destroyed by any attack.
Standard objects can withstand weapons
20+: You die. fire, but are destroyed by explosions.
Reinforced objects can withstand
10-19: You become wounded or shaken (your explosions but can be destroyed by armor-
choice) and are dying. piercing attacks. Impervious objects cannot
be damaged by any attack short of starship
9-: You become wounded or shaken (your scale weapons.
choice) but you are stable.
It is up to the GM whether shooting a
If you are dying at the end of your turn, make particular object requires an attack roll. If
a PHYSIQUE or DISCIPLINE roll (your choice). the object is vehicle sized or larger, it
generally does not require a roll. If it is
Full Success: You stabilize, and are no roughly person-sized, make a standard
longer dying. difficulty attack. If it is a smaller object like a
bottle, the attack roll is hard.
Partial Success: You live for one more
round, but you’re still dying.
Toughness Example Material
Failure: You die.
Glass, plaster, starship
Fragile control panels
You also die if you are defeated while
already wounded and shaken. ‘Dying’ in Standard Brick, wood, thin metal
battle does not necessarily mean total
death - the character is injured badly Reinforced Concrete, thick metal
enough that they are in no condition to take
any action. The medbay on your ship is Impervious Exotic materials
advanced enough to revive almost anything
Combat Tokens Fortified
Combat tokens are slightly different from You may spend a fortified token when you
standard tokens. Many of them act like take damage to take half damage, rounded
standard tokens, but can only be used for down. When you make a PHYSIQUE or
specific types of actions. You can only spend DISCIPLINE saving throw, you may spend a
one token of each type on a single action. fortified token to roll an additional d20 and
take the better result.
Positive Conditions
When an enemy within your weapon range
You may spend an accurate token when moves out of cover, you may spend an
you attack to roll an additional d20 and take overwatch token to make an attack against
the better result. If the target has a dodge that character. The attack is an automatic
token, they may spend it to negate this hit unless the target spends a dodge token
effect. to make it miss. If the target sprinted, they
take half damage on a partial success or no
Dodge damage on a full success (spend tokens
before rolling).
When you are targeted by an attack, you
may spend a dodge token to force the Regeneration
attacker to roll an additional d20 and take
the worse result. When you make a REFLEX At the end of your turn, gain shields equal to
or WITS saving throw, you may spend a the number of regeneration tokens you
dodge token to roll an additional d20 and have, then reduce your regeneration
take the better result. If your attacker has an tokens by 1. This cannot take you above
accurate token, they may spend it to your maximum shields. You may have any
negate this effect. number of regeneration tokens.
reduce your immobilized tokens by 1. spend one to take half damage, rounded
Opposed Conditions
You cannot attack while you have any
jammed tokens. The only way to get rid of Some combat tokens cancel each other out
jammed tokens is by rallying. like standard tokens do. For example, if you
would gain a misfire token while you have
Misfire an accurate token, remove both tokens.
When you make an attack roll while you Positive Token Negative Token
have any misfire tokens, the target may
Accurate Misfire
spend one to have you roll an additional d20
and take the worse result. If the target has Dodge Off-Guard
an off-guard token, you may spend one to
Empowered Weakened
cancel this effect.
Fleet Immobilized
Fortified Vulnerable
When an enemy makes an attack roll Regeneration Burn
against you while you have any off-guard
tokens, the attacker may spend one to roll
an additional d20 and take the better result.
If the attacker has a misfire token, you may
spend one to cancel this effect.
Things That Might Large Characters
turns. The first time they fail a save, they Ending Combat
gain an immobilized token. The second
time they fail, they gain a stunned token. Combat ends when one side has completed
The third failed save means that they pass their objective - generally the destruction or
out and start dying. capture of the other side, although other
objectives may be determined by the players
Toxins and Radiation or GM. The GM can also end combat early
and return to narrative play if the combat
Hardsuits are sealed against vacuum and seems like a foregone conclusion.
shielded, so most usually you don’t need to
worry about any airborne toxins or At the end of combat, all characters do the
radiation. However, if you are caught in such following:
a situation without your hardsuit (in your
casual loadout, for example), use the rules ◊ Recharge shields to full.
for holding your breath as above.
◊ Repair armor to full by spending 1
Some creatures have venomous bites or supply.
stings, but these generally won’t take effect
unless they are able to pierce your armor, in ◊ Reload all weapons.
which case you’d be defeated anyway. If
they have some kind of caustic spittle or ◊ Clear all strain.
blood, this is represented by burn tokens.
Extremely high radiation can also cause ◊ Regain all uses of all limited abilities.
damage as a hazard.
◊ Replenish any spent grenades or utility
You Are Not Your Own Ally items by spending 1 supply for each.
Chapter 7:
Starships in Mythic Space are the primary without dissolving into a mass of
means of getting from point A to point B. The radioactive particles.
galaxy is a vast and wondrous place, full of
magic and danger, and your ship is your Most active Jump Gates have deep space
home, the beating heart of your crew. While waystations in orbit that service travelers.
individual crew members may die or leave, These stations are the equivalent of space
the ship is the one constant that lasts. In age truck stops or roadside inns from a
some ways, the story of Mythic Space is the bygone age. Even the most well policed
story of your ship. waystation has a grimy, slightly seedy feel
to it, and the waystations in borderland or
Interstellar travel in Mythic Space is enabled lawless space are essentially pirate dens
by Jump Gates - massive rings in space waiting for a juicy haul to come through.
nearly 1,000 km in circumference that link
star systems through Hyperspace. The Within a solar system, ships are powered by
Jump Gates link thousands of star systems impulse drives, which accelerate ships to
together - which still represents speeds hundreds of times faster than any
0.0000001% of observable stars in the Milky spacecraft from the 21st century - nearly 1%
Way. Sometimes paths to new gates are of the speed of light. Even going at that
found, or obscure gates are lost and immense speed, it still takes a few days to
rediscovered. Even the tiniest slice of the reach a habitable world from a Jump Gate.
galaxy is an unfathomably large area to Sol’s Jump Gate is located halfway between
explore. Jupiter and Saturn, and most other systems
have their gates anchored between similarly
Travel through Hyperspace from a scientific massive objects. Assume it takes about a
and philosophical perspective is… day to travel from one orbital system to
complicated. People in Hyperspace another. For example, Earth to Mars would
experience something akin to the opposite be one day, Mars to the Asteroid Belt would
of special relativity. While the people on be another day, the Belt to Jupiter a third
board the ship experience several hours day, and then Jupiter to the Sol Gate a fourth.
worth of time during the jump, to an outside
observer the trip appears instantaneous. Since any interstellar trip can expect to take
Simply put, Jump Gates break causality, and a week or two, there is a feel similar to the
by all understanding of the physical Age of Sail where many spacers feel more at
universe should not be able to exist. home on their own ships than anywhere
groundside. Some long-haul spacers talk
Hyperspace is also perilous. It is full of wistfully about being ‘married to the stars,’
strange tides and dangerous phenomena and Alliance Marines have been known to
that wear away at the physical stability of have betting pools to see who on the ship
ships that pass through it. The distance a can go the longest without ‘touching dirt.’
ship can jump through Hyperspace is not
determined by its engines, but by its
ontological shielding. After emerging from
Hyperspace, a ship generally needs 2-3 days
to recharge its ontological shielding before
it can safely enter a Jump Gate again
Ship Mechanics Battles are always fought well away from a
Jump Gate. There are stories of fleets that
For the most part, the action in Mythic Space engaged each other too close to their
takes place with your characters on a planet system’s Jump Gate who managed to
or on a station. However, should you need to damage it, cutting off that system from the
make a roll for your ship, it has two rest of interstellar society until one of the
attributes that work similarly to character OCEs decides to repair it.
Fleet actions are horrifically destructive
◊ ENGINES represent the speed and affairs, and a full scale space battle fought
maneuverability of your ship’s engines. It over a world can scatter radioactive debris
is generally a defensive stat used to over entire continents. In an attempt to limit
avoid harm. If a roll depends on your collateral damage to planets and other
ship’s speed, maneuverability, or power, valuable stellar objects, boarding actions
use ENGINES. are used extensively during large space
◊ SYSTEMS represent the power of your
ship’s computer. It is generally an PCs and Space Combat
offensive stat used to gain information
or lock on to another vessel. If a roll Mythic Space is not a game about space
depends on your ship’s computing combat, but it will inevitably come up given
power, sensor calibration, or weapons the number of pirates and hostile militaries
fire, use SYSTEMS. most players deal with. Space combat is
usually handled as a challenge. Your ship’s
Whenever the ship needs to make an action shields value serves as the primary
roll, choose one player to make the roll on resistance value for most space challenges.
behalf of the ship. This is usually the captain
or the pilot. That player may choose to push If your ship takes damage as a consequence
the action roll or spend tokens as per usual. during space combat, the damage is
If they choose to push the roll, the character depleted from the ship’s shields. The
doing the rolling gains the stress. damage die depends on what is hitting your
Space Combat
The first rule of space combat is to avoid it Damage Source Damage Die
as much as you can. Combat between
starships is a test of which ship has the Point defense cannons,
better computer system and engines. For d6
snub fighter guns
the passengers inside a ship involved in
combat, the experience is a minute or two of Missiles, railgun rounds d8
sheer helpless terror while the ships launch
relativistic munitions that travel at Capital ship guns, an d12
asteroid collision
significant fractions of the speed of light at
each other until one of them is vaporized.
When your shields are depleted, your ship While the stealth drive is active, the ship
becomes damaged. Like a character who has cannot be detected by any sensor scan
been wounded or shaken, a damaged ship (barring exotic tech) as long as it does
fails any action roll unless whichever PC not move faster than half-impulse or
makes the roll gains 1 stress. If the ship perform an active sensor sweep.
takes any further damage after that point, it
must sacrifice an upgrade or be defeated. A The Corvus
sacrificed upgrade is lost until it is repaired.
The repair cost is half the cost to buy the ◊ ENGINES +2, SYSTEMS +4
upgrade, rounded down. If your ship is
defeated, you lose engine power - you crash ◊ True AI Helm: The ship’s computer is
land or are helpless in space, easily boarded. fully sapient. It may be a Synth in a ship
You will need to find or scavenge parts to chassis or a custom-built True AI. The
repair the engines before you can get ship is capable of independent thought
underway again. and action. Ship AIs vary in personality,
but they are usually programmed to
One important principle of space combat or have very protective and familial
other action scenes in space is that the ship feelings towards their crew. The ship has
is almost never at risk of total destruction. its own stress track which it can use to
You shouldn’t blow up the Enterprise every push rolls or act while damaged. It
episode. This ‘plot armor’ is not perfect - if suffers breaks and changes to its
the players decide to fly into a sun the GM is personality like any other character if its
free to say they are all incinerated. That stress track is filled, and crew members
said, Mythic Space is meant to emulate may choose the ship as a companion
action-adventure shows. The players should during downtime to help it destress.
be encouraged to get themselves into crazy
asteroid chases and dogfights on the moon The Kestrel
and shouldn’t have to worry about the entire
game coming to a screeching halt because ◊ ENGINES +2, SYSTEMS +4
their ship blew up after a couple bad rolls.
◊ Military Grade Weapons: Your ship is
armed with torpedoes, point-defense
Building a Ship cannons, a railgun, and boarding
grapples. These munitions are usually
Your ship’s starting attributes and special reserved for military vessels or
module are determined by the model the extremely well equipped pirates. Each
crew chose at character creation. turn during a space combat challenge,
your ship has the option to use
The Aegolius torpedoes (gain an advantage token),
point defense cannons (gain a
◊ ENGINES +4, SYSTEMS +2 protection token), or the railgun (gain
an effect token). Your weapons have a
◊ Stealth Drive: This ship is able to mask base d8 effect die, which can be
its drive signature to the point where it is improved by weapons upgrades (see
invisible to most detection systems. below).
The Peregrine Arsenal
◊ ENGINES +4, SYSTEMS +2 All ships start with a small tier 1 arsenal of
standard weapons, enough to arm the
◊ Advanced Impulse Drive: Your ship has whole crew.
an impulse drive that is four times faster
than most other ships - enough to ◊ Major Upgrade: Increase your Arsenal to
outrun anything short of a dedicated tier 2.
interceptor fighter. Your in-system travel
is also much faster. Traveling between ◊ Pinnacle Upgrade: Increase your Arsenal
regions takes about 6 hours rather than to tier 3.
a day.
Cargo Hold
Once you have recorded the stats and
special module for your ship, you gain the All ships start with a decent sized cargo bay
standard modules listed below. The crew for hauling loot.
can assign two minor upgrades to these
modules, or the optional modules below. ◊ Minor Upgrade: Your ship has hidden
After creating the ship, new modules can be compartments that are shielded against
bought or earned as mission rewards. sensor scans. Anything or anyone you
store in one of these compartments
◊ Minor Upgrades cost 5 credits. won't be found except by the most
thorough of in-person searches.
◊ Major Upgrades cost 10 credits and 1
exotic material. Jump Drive
◊ Pinnacle Upgrades cost 20 credits and 2 All ships with modern jump drives can jump
exotic materials. up to three systems in a single jump before
having to return to realspace to stabilize.
Standard Modules
◊ Minor Upgrade: Increase the distance
Armory you can cover in a single jump to 4. Gain
All ships start with a collection of tier 1
hardsuits, enough to outfit the crew. ◊ Major Upgrade: Increase the distance
you can cover in a single jump to 5. Gain
◊ Major Upgrade: Increase your Armory to +1 ENGINES.
tier 2.
◊ Pinnacle Upgrade: Increase your Armory
to tier 3. All PC ships start with a medbay equipped
with an autodoc capable of repairing
catastrophic tissue damage. This technology
is not standard on most ships outside of
military vessels.
Sensor Suite Optional Modules
Emergency Teleport That character clears 1d6 stress or gains
1 XP in the attribute of their choice. This
◊ Major Upgrade: Your ship has an option is very powerful for the cost, but
experimental paracausal anchor the GM is free to kidnap or endanger the
installed. As long as the crew has radio mascot to generate missions.
contact with their ship, they may
teleport back to it. Spoofed Transponder
◊ Minor Upgrade: Your ship has a cute or ◊ Pinnacle Upgrade: It only costs 7 XP to
endearing creature on it, like an adorable increase an attribute.
pet, a spunky robot, or a precocious
child. When you enter downtime, choose
one character to play with the mascot.
Vehicle Bay
Chapter 8:
Assassin Toxin Suite
Assassins kill people for money. It’s up to You have a modified pharmaceutical
you whether you can sleep at night. fabricator that can produce illegal toxins.
Spend 1 supply to create a toxin tailor-made
Touchstones: Thane Krios (Mass Effect), for the situation. Choose an option from
The Operative (Serenity), Spike Spiegel each column.
(Cowboy Bebop), Gamora (Guardians of the
Galaxy) Effect Duration Delivery
It renders the
Skill: Finesse or Stealth target 1 minute Ingested
Starting Ability
It causes 10 minutes Inhaled
Silent Takedown
Once per scene, you can gain 1 stress to kill It causes pain and 1 hour Injected
an NPC who is unaware of you without gastric distress.
having to roll. This ability does not work in
It kills the target
combat. The GM may counter this ability for Skin
at the end of the 24 hours
particularly powerful or important NPCs, but Contact
if they do, you gain 2 XP.
Assassin NPCs
◊ Lockley, a cop
Changeling Weave
◊ Hamilton, a lawyer
You possess a Changeling Weave suit, a
piece of equipment considered highly illegal ◊ Omega, an intelligence gathering AI
in most polities. You may spend 1 supply to
look and sound like another humanoid who
is roughly the same size as you for several
hours. You must have a good image of the
person you are trying to imitate for the
weave to get a good enough scan to imitate
Dead Eyes
Captains are the leaders of their ship. They
elevate their crew, and their crew elevates
them in turn.
Starting Ability
Make It So
◊ Vander, a rebel
Counselor Confidence Builder
Space is a dangerous place. The black of the Once per session, choose a crew member
void and the terrors within are as dangerous other than yourself and tell them something
to the mind as they are to the body. You are encouraging. That crew member clears 1d10
here to help people work through their fears stress.
and anxieties in whatever way you can.
Touchstones: Deanna Troi (Star Trek: TNG),
Book (Firefly), Delenn (Babylon 5), Mantis If you have had a few minutes to talk to an
(Guardians of the Galaxy) NPC, you may ask the GM a number of the
below questions equal to your WITS, which
Skill: Study or Sway they must answer honestly. The GM may
refuse to answer your questions if the target
Starting Ability is particularly inscrutable, but if they do they
must give you 2 XP.
Soothing Presence
◊ Is this character telling the truth?
You may spend a few quiet minutes with one
of your shaken shipmates to help them ◊ What is this character really feeling?
recover. Gain 1 stress and roll DISCIPLINE.
◊ What does this character intend to do?
Full Success: They are no longer shaken.
◊ What does this character wish I’d do?
Partial Success: They may act as if they
were not shaken until the end of the ◊ How could I get this character to ___?
mission. They still must use the Recover
downtime action to fully recover their Counselor NPCs
◊ Saffron, an escort
Failure: You just can’t get through to them.
You may not attempt to console this ◊ Martin, a psychologist
crewmember again until you enter
downtime. ◊ Lyta, a telepath
Careful Phrasing
Diplomats are the faces of the group. They
are expert negotiators and can get the crew
into places with a few words and a look that
they couldn’t with a thousand guns.
Starting Ability
Impassioned Speech
Social Lubricant
Doctors are specialists in biology,
xenobiology, and medicine. While the
autodocs in the medbay can keep a crew
breathing, it is the doctor’s job to make sure
that they’re truly healthy.
Starting Ability
Field Medic
Partial Success: They may act as if they When a crewmate dies, you may roll a
were not wounded until the end of the DISCIPLINE save. On a success, they do not
mission, but they still need to use the gain trauma when they revive.
Recover downtime action to heal fully.
Moral Code
Failure: There isn’t anything that can be
done for this injury. You have sworn an oath to aid anyone in
need. Once per session, when you do the
Upgrades right thing at cost to yourself, clear 1d10
Alien Autopsy
Doctor NPCs
When you have a few minutes to examine a
corpse in detail, you may ask the GM a ◊ Lex, a xenobiologist
number of questions about the creature
equal to your DISCIPLINE, which they must ◊ N’Bari, a xeno biologist
answer honestly. The GM may refuse to
answer your questions if the being is just ◊ Theta, a medical AI
too strange, but if they do they must grant
you 2 XP.
Explorers spend their time in the fringes of
space. They are scientists, scouts, and
entrepreneurs who exist where the known
meets the unknown.
Starting Ability
Recon Gear
Hunters chase things down. It might be
people. It might be animals. It might be
treasure. Whatever it is, they always get
their mark.
Starting Ability
Hunter Vision
Infiltrators are thieves and spies, masters of
getting into places where they should not
Starting Ability
Skeleton Key
Spend 1 supply to deploy a miniature drone, You have an experimental quantum phase
about the size of a housefly, in a location. shifting device. Once per scene you may
The drone can fly through ventilation spend 1 supply to pass through any solid
systems and infiltrate most locations that object as if it weren’t there. The device
have not been secured with electronic needs the rest of the scene to recharge.
countermeasures. As long as you are in the
same system as a drone, you may use it to Infiltrator NPCs
remotely observe the location where it is
deployed. The drone lasts for one year or ◊ Nyx, a criminal AI
until you recall it. You may have up to three
drones active at once. ◊ Penny, a fence
Mechanic must answer honestly. For the rest of the
scene whenever you make an engineer or
Mechanics fix, build, and modify machines. study rol, you gain an advantage token.
You can spend 1 supply and about an hour to Partial Success: You build the item, but
attempt to repair a damaged machine or choose one:
vehicle. Roll WITS.
◊ It’s dangerous - the item may cause
Full Success: The machine is no longer damage to you or your ship if you use it.
◊ It’s not quite right - its base effect die is
Partial Success: The machine may act as if a d4.
it were not damaged until the end of the
mission, but someone still needs to use the ◊ It’s weird - It has strange unintended
Recover downtime action to repair it fully. consequences if you use it.
Failure: There isn’t anything that can be ◊ It’s arduous - It takes a long time to
done for this damage. build.
The Muscle is here to be big, intimidating,
and break legs when they need to.
Starting Ability
Breaking Stuff to Look Tough
Muscle NPCs
Once per session, when you protect a
teammate by taking a consequence meant ◊ Raya, an enforcer
for them, clear 1d10 stress.
◊ Mikayla, a loan shark
Not to be Trifled With
◊ Jaime, a noble
Once per session, you can gain 1d4 stress to
perform a feat of physical strength that
borders on the superhuman. You achieve
godlike effect on a destroy or exert roll.
Mystic ◊ Telekinetic: Subtle, fine telekinetic
control. Floating a pear across a table
Mystics are the wise masters of the secrets onto a fork.
of the universe. They may not know
everything, but they have a deeper insight ◊ Teleporter: Things just conveniently
than most, and can help guide others along appear in your hands. You just disappear
the path. when someone turns their back to you.
Skill: Compel or Perceive Once per mission, you can spend a scene in
quiet contemplation. Clear 1d10 stress, and
Starting Ability you may ask the GM for guidance on what
they think you should do about a particular
Subtle Power situation.
While most of the maneuvers on starships
are handled by AI, a good helmsman can
always squeeze just a little bit more out of a
ship’s performance.
Starting Ability
Hold Together
Scoundrels are rogues and con artists who
fly by the seat of their pants, constantly
dancing from one kind of trouble to another.
Starting Ability
Trust Me
Dumb Luck
Scoundrel NPCs
Once per session, you can push yourself to
do something crazy, stupid, or daring ◊ Talon, a crime boss
without gaining stress.
◊ Tiff, a bartender
Magnificent Bastard
◊ Bret, a gambler
Once per session, when you piss off or
impress an NPC, clear 1d10 stress.
Sticky Fingers
While every character in Mythic Space
knows how to fight, Soldiers made it their
profession. They are the stoic badasses you
can always trust to be cool under fire.
Starting Ability
Basic Training
Spacers are asteroid miners, shipbreakers,
and long haulers who are more comfortable
in the black of space than under the blue of
Starting Ability
Tempests have incredible abilities that they
do not fully understand or control. These are
usually paracausal powers, but not
necessarily. It may be implanted
experimental cyberware or deeply ingrained
training and psychological conditioning.
Starting Ability
Phoenix Force
Altari Altari NPCs
Brachinids are an intelligent species of crab.
They average 1.5 meters in height and about
2 meters in diameter (about the size of a
small sedan), although very old, very well-
fed Brachinids can be 2-3x that size. The
Brachinid Consortium resembles a
megacorporation more than it does a
government, and it is notorious for
enslaving more than 60% of its population.
Brachinids in Alliance space tend to be
escaped slaves or the descendants of
escaped slaves.
Starting Ability
Decapod Hardshell
You have eight limbs that end in prehensile Once per session when you suffer a harm
digits. You may bring two primary weapons condition, you may gain 1d6 stress to
with you when you are fully loaded in remove it.
addition to your secondary weapon. You gain
an advantage token any time you try to War Claw
climb something, swim, or any other time
having extra limbs is handy. You have allowed your War Claws to grow
back. You may use them as a secondary
Upgrades melee weapon with a d8/d10/d12 damage
die. Whenever you try to destroy something
Business Acumen with your War Claw, you gain an effect
When you attempt to procure something
during downtime, choose one complication Brachinid NPCs
the GM assigns and negate it.
◊ Kr’Kanth, a corporate shareholder
You were born and raised on Earth. Like the
homeworld of most Alliance species, it has
been ravaged by the results of rapid
industrialization, but it is slowly healing
now that colonization has relieved some of
the pressure. People who live on Earth fall
into two categories - those who are wealthy
enough to live in comfort or those too poor
to afford passage on a colony ship offworld.
You are either one of the wealthy who chose
to leave, or one of the poor who got lucky
and got out.
Starting Ability
Friends Back Home
You have a relic of old Earth, like an old
photograph, an archaic music player, a cool You gain an extra downtime action which
hat, or similar. Once per session, you may you must use to placate a faction or procure
spend 1 supply and say how your heirloom something. You can bring a companion with
inspires you to gain a positive token of your you as usual.
Earther NPCs
◊ Yan, a farmer
All Alone in the Night
◊ Wes, a gangster
Once per session, whenever you suffer
consequences because you decided to go off ◊ Mel, a socialite
on your own, clear 1d10 stress.
Earther Tenacity
The Kathir are a large bipedal species that
evolved from pack predators, similar to a
wolf or a lion. Kathir societies have a martial
focus, and they tend to be hot-blooded but
disciplined. Despite their early wars with
humanity, they tend to get along the best of
the Alliance species due to their similarities
- they are both mammalian in nature with
two primary biological sexes. Their lifespans
are roughly equivalent, and both species
superficially resemble creatures the other
species keep as pets.
Starting Ability
the next exert or destroy roll you make can
Powerful Build achieve godlike effect.
Once per session, you can push a PHYSIQUE Weapons are My Religion
roll without adding stress.
Kathir are known for their martial culture.
Upgrades You may always carry your full loadout
without drawing undue attention.
Evolved Predator
Kathir NPCs
Your hearing and sense of smell is
significantly more honed than a human’s. ◊ Vyrnnus, a trainer
You can smell and hear well enough to
navigate even in total darkness, and are ◊ Kryik, a special operative
aware of small details or hidden characters
well before other characters. You gain an ◊ Nyreen, a mercenary
effect token when your senses can help.
Instinctive Loyalty
Outsider the GM three questions about it, which they
must answer honestly.
The galaxy is home to a multitude of
mysteries and strange species who Outsider’s Perspective
nevertheless display sapience. Outsiders
are one-of-a-kind, or their kind are so rare You were not raised under the assumptions
as to make no difference. They display of common society. When you expose the
unique abilities, and they often struggle to absurdity or hypocrisy of social norms
fit in with wider society. through your outside perspective, you gain
an advantage token.
Touchstones: Data (Star Trek: TNG), Odo
(Star Trek: DS9), Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Unshakeable
Your mind does not work the same as other
Skills: Interface or Study sapients. Once per session when you
become shaken, you may make a DISCIPLINE
Starting Ability saving throw. On a success, remove the
shaken condition.
Unique Physiology
Outsider NPCs
You are not built like most other people.
Decide two benefits and one drawback as a ◊ Zyxxyryz, an ancient machine
result of your physiology. For example, you
might be a sapient gel able to shapeshift ◊ Qori, a shapeshifter
and squeeze into small places, but you must
liquify and spend several hours a day in a ◊ Zan, an artist
bucket or you lose cohesion. Or you might be
a hologram capable of emitting energy
blasts and moving through electronic
systems like water, but otherwise unable to
affect the physical world. Once per scene,
you may gain your choice of an advantage
token, an effect token, or a protection
token when your physiology would benefit.
When your drawback causes you issues you
gain 1 XP.
Abyss Watcher
You are a machine. You may be a digital
recreation of a brain scan of an organic
creature who has already died, or you may
be a true AI built from scratch and inhabiting
a robot body. Regardless, you think faster
and are generally tougher than your organic
Starting Ability
Advanced Processor
The Xin are a hyper intelligent species that
evolved from hive insects. They have large
bulbous heads and black eyes, and
suspiciously resemble the stereotypical
‘gray alien’ from 20th century popular
culture, but they vehemently deny any of
their ships were on Earth during that time.
Most Xin use they/them pronouns and
consider themselves to be gender neutral
(technically they are sterile females, but
they only consider queens and drones to be
truly gendered).
Starting Ability
Once per session, you may push a You may silently converse with an organic
DISCIPLINE roll without adding stress. creature you can see as if you were speaking
with them, and you may ‘hear’ their
Upgrades response silently as well. The distance
between the two of you does not matter - if
Ancient Alien you can see them through a camera you may
still communicate.
Whenever you make a roll involving
interacting with OCEs, their servants, or Xin NPCs
other ancient and strange phenomena, gain
a protection token. ◊ Agartha, a scout
Chapter 9:
When you create a character, you may Athlete
choose two tactics to round out your
starting abilities. Tactics abilities come in Athletes focus on training their mobility.
the following types: They can run faster, climb higher, and jump
further than other characters.
◊ Augment: This ability enhances another
tactic ability. Starting Ability
Bastions specialize in shield technology and
mobile fortifications.
Starting Ability
Hardlight Shield
Barrier Projector
[utility] Bubble Shield
You deploy a drone with a hardlight
projector that can rapidly change the shape The target zone is surrounded by a hardlight
of the battlefield. Choose a zone in medium projection that blocks weapons fire and
range. You may eliminate any hazards or grenades but not movement.
damaging terrain in that zone. You may
change difficult terrain to normal terrain, or Shield Bash
vice versa. You may create cover as you [augment]
choose, but you may not destroy cover.
When you debilitate a character you are
Hardlight engaged with by bashing them with your
shield, they must succeed on a PHYSIQUE
A number of abilities create hardlight saving throw or gain a stunned token.
projections, which are an evolution of
energy shield technology. Hardlight is
translucent and can be configured only to
block fast moving objects or all passage.
Hardlight projections can take damage like
characters and have 15/20/25 shields. They
dissipate at the end of the combat or when
their shields are depleted.
When the adrenaline starts flowing and
things hit the fan, something in a Berserker
just snaps. They can inflict terrifying
amounts of damage at the cost of their own
Starting Ability
Reckless Attack
Feeding Frenzy
Inspire Terror
Biokinetics are trained in the paracausal art
of manipulating organic matter.
Starting Ability
Cost 1 strain
As an auxiliary action, choose yourself or an
ally within medium range. The target may
immediately gain the benefit of one rally
option without rolling.
Healing Touch
Cost 2 strain
As a main action you may revive a defeated
ally you are engaged with. The target revives Paralyze
with full armor and shields equal to your [limited spell]
Cost 2 strain
Heartstopper Once per combat as a main action, choose a
[limited spell] zone within medium range. All enemies in
that zone must make a PHYSIQUE saving
Cost 1-4 strain throw. Characters who fail gain a stunned
Once per combat as a main action, choose a token. Characters who succeed gain an
character within medium range and pay 1-4 immobilized token.
strain. You deal that many of your Amp’s
damage dice to the target. They take half
damage on a successful PHYSIQUE saving
Commando Defender
Commandos are the ghosts of the Defenders protect their allies by focusing
battlefield. You have an active camouflage enemy attention on themselves. They don’t
net and you know how to maximize your mind the pain. They can take it.
effectiveness against unaware opponents.
Starting Ability
Starting Ability
Active Camouflage [training]
As an auxiliary action, choose a character
You become invisible until the end of the within medium range. The target must
combat or until you take damage. succeed on a DISCIPLINE saving throw or
gain a taunt token*. A character with a
Upgrades taunt token cannot attack unless they
include you as a target. Remove the taunt
Elusive Shadow token at the start of your next turn.
When you lose hidden for any reason, you
gain a dodge token. Lightning Reflexes
Holographic Decoy
[grenade] You take half damage from overwatch
A holographic decoy spawns where the
grenade lands. Any enemy attempting to Lucky
attack you or an ally must succeed on a [training]
WITS saving throw or target the decoy
instead. The decoy has 4/6/8 shields and Whenever you are critically hit by an attack,
disperses when its shields are depleted. you may make a REFLEX saving throw. On a
success, the attack becomes a normal hit.
When you see a series of three numbers or
dice expressions separated by slashes like Seeing Red
this, that means this ability improves with [training]
your Arsenal (weapons and grenades) or
Armory (armor and utility items) tier. Whenever you give a character a taunt
token, you also give them a weakened
Sneak Attack token.
Disruptor Engineer
Disruptors use non-lethal grenades to Engineers specialize in equipment to
disorient and incapacitate their enemies. support their allies.
All characters in the target zone must make You deploy a resupply drone in a zone within
a DISCIPLINE saving throw. Characters who close range. The drone hovers and may
fail gain a stunned token. Characters who reposition whenever you take a move action.
succeed gain a misfire and an off-guard It has 4/6/8 armor. The drone activates with
token. 3/4/5 resupply charges. You or any ally
engaged with the drone may use an auxiliary
Upgrades action to spend a resupply charge and do
one of the following:
EMP Generator
[utility] ◊ Clear all negative tokens of one type on
All characters within close range of the
generator other than you must make a WITS ◊ Recharge your shields.
saving throw. Characters who fail gain a
jammed token. Characters who succeed ◊ Reload one of your weapons.
gain a weakened token. All hardlight
constructs in range dissipate. ◊ Repair your armor.
Fighters specialize in melee combat.
Starting Ability
All allies in the target zone gain 3/4/5 Once per combat as a main action, you may
regeneration tokens. make an attack with a melee weapon
against every enemy in close range. You end
the action engaged with one of the targets.
Grenadier Gunner
Grenadiers carry lethal grenades into battle, Gunners are automatic weapon specialists,
capable of clearing whole enemy groups. trained to manage recoil and keep their
enemies pinned with a hail of fire.
Starting Ability
Starting Ability
Frag Grenade
[grenade] Suppressive Fire
All characters in the zone take 4/6/8
damage. They take half damage on a If you have a Full-Auto weapon equipped,
successful REFLEX saving throw. you may spend 2 ammo to give an enemy in
range a suppression token*. If a character
Upgrades with a suppression token tries to move or
attack, you may attack that character first.
Incendiary Grenade The attack is an automatic hit. Remove all
[augment] suppression tokens at the start of your
next turn.
When your Frag Grenade detonates, you
may have the target zone become damaging Upgrades
terrain until the end of the combat. Any
character who moves through or ends their Bulletstorm
turn in the zone takes d4/d6/d8 damage. [limited training]
Gunslinger Martial Artist
Gunslingers are specialists with the humble Brawlers specialize in unarmed combat.
pistol. They are quick-draw experts and use
their superior reflexes to fill the air with Starting Ability
Martial Arts
Starting Ability [weapon]
Officers are force multipliers. They position
their allies to where they can hit hardest.
Starting Ability
Tactical Advice
Officer’s Mark
Oscar Mike
Pep Talk
Operator Upgrades
Precogs have the paracausal ability to
manipulate time. They can see brief
glimpses of the future and can alter their
perception of time.
Starting Ability
Cost 1 strain
As an auxiliary action, ask the GM which
enemy is going to act next and what they are
going to do on their turn. They must answer
honestly. You gain a dodge token.
Alternate Future
[limited spell]
Cost 2 strain
Once per combat you may take two turns in
a row. At the end of the extra turn you gain a
stunned token.
Pyrokinetic Rocketeer
Pyrokinetics have the paracausal ability to Rocketeers are trained in heavy man-
manipulate energy. Technically, a more portable anti-vehicle and anti-personnel
accurate term would be “ergokinetic,” but it ordinance.
doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.
Starting Ability
Starting Ability
Rocket Launcher
Ignite [weapon]
Cost 1 strain You gain a Rocket Launcher that occupies
Choose a character within medium range your secondary weapon slot.
and roll your Amp’s damage die. The target
gains that many burn tokens. They gain half Type Range Ammo Damage
that many burn tokens on a successful Heavy
Weapon Extreme
REFLEX saving throw. 1 d8/d10/d12
Sapper Sentinel
Sappers rely on mines and traps to defeat Sentinels set up turrets about the battlefield
their enemies. to restrict their enemies’ movements and
provide fire support for their allies.
Starting Ability
Starting Ability
Proximity Mine
[grenade] Sentry Turret
The next time an enemy moves through or
ends their turn in the target zone, they must You deploy an automated turret within close
make a WITS saving throw. On a success, the range. The turret spawns with 4/6/8 armor.
mine remains armed. On a failure, they take The turret spawns with an overwatch
2d6/2d8/2d10 damage. token and gains another overwatch token
at the start of each of your turns. The turret
Upgrades has medium range, 4 ammo, and deals d6/
d8/d10 damage. If it runs out of ammo, it
Grav Mine reloads at the start of your turn instead of
[augment] gaining an overwatch token.
You deploy a satchel charge that destroys Characters damaged by your Sentry Turret
any object that is not impervious. Any gain an immobilized token.
characters within close range of the other
side of the object gain a vulnerable token.
Sharpshooters are the best marksmen in the
Starting Ability
Steady Shot
Called Shot
Sure Shot
[limited training]
Technomancers blend paracausal abilities
and technology to enchant their gear.
Starting Ability
Paracausal Ammo
Cryo Projector
Gravity Grenade You gain a special armor mod that only you
[grenade] can use. You may use the better of your
PHYSIQUE or DISCIPLINE to make saving
All characters in the target zone must make throws of those types. Similarly, you may
a PHYSIQUE saving throw. Characters who use the better of your REFLEX or WITS. You
succeed gain an immobilized and off-guard may gain 1 strain as an auxiliary action to
token. Characters who fail are lifted one gain a dodge and a fortified token.
zone into the air. Lifted characters have
their positions compromised, can’t move,
and gain a misfire token. They fall at the
start of your next turn.
Telekinetics are trained in the paracausal art
of gravity manipulation.
Starting Ability
Cost 1 strain
You can debilitate characters using
DISCIPLINE and interact with objects out to
medium range. When you roll a partial
success or better to debilitate a character,
you also deal your Amp’s damage to them.
Cost 1 strain
As an auxiliary action, you gain a dodge Whirlwind
token. Until the start of your next turn, [limited spell]
when you spend a dodge token and the
attack misses, you may redirect the attack Cost 2 strain
back at your attacker. The attack is an Once per combat as a main action, choose a
automatic hit. zone within medium range. All characters in
the target zone must make a PHYSIQUE
Levitation saving throw. Characters who succeed gain
[spell] an immobilized and off-guard token.
Characters who fail are lifted one zone into
Cost 1 strain the air. Lifted characters have their
As an auxiliary action, you gain flying until positions compromised, can’t move, and
the end of your turn. gain a misfire token. They fall at the start of
your next turn.
Telepaths can read and manipulate the
minds of organic creatures.
Starting Ability
Mind Blast
Cost 1 strain
You can debilitate characters using
DISCIPLINE out to medium range. You add
the following to your debilitate options:
Teleporters have the paracausal ability to
manipulate space. It’s the closest anyone
has come to replicating the effect of the
Jump Gates.
Starting Ability
Cost 1 strain
As a move action, choose yourself or an ally
in medium range. You teleport the target to a
point within medium range of its original
Flash Step
Chapter 10:
Weapons and
Your ship comes with a selection of common zone. Each zone away drops the damage
weapons and enough standard hardsuits to die by one step.
outfit your crew. The quality of these items
depends on your ship’s arsenal and armory ◊ Rig: Uses WITS. Allows the user to run
ratings. Some Tactics can grant other programs. There aren’t any basic rigs.
Weapon Traits
Primary Weapon List
Weapon Mods Value Black Card Red Card
Arcane Grip Disruptor Rounds
[grip] [ammo]
You may use DISCIPLINE to attack with this Targets you hit with this weapon gain a
weapon. misfire token.
Targets can’t spend fortified tokens to This can only be installed on a shotgun or
reduce damage from this weapon. pistol (if you put it on a pistol, you are
wielding two guns akimbo). When you attack
Automatic Compensator with this weapon, you may spend 2 ammo
[special] instead of 1. If you hit, roll an additional
damage die and drop the lowest.
Can only be installed on a weapon with the
Full-Auto trait. Increase that trait’s value by Drop Mag
1. [magazine]
Collapsible Profile When you hit with this weapon, you deal
[special] damage equal to your Arsenal tier to all
other characters in the target’s zone.
Can be installed on any weapon except a
heavy weapon or longarm. This weapon Gravity Rounds
gains the sidearm tag. You can use it in your [ammo]
secondary weapon slot and can carry it in
your casual loadout. When you hit with this weapon, the target
must succeed on a PHYSIQUE saving throw
Cryo Rounds or have their position compromised.
Holo-Targeter Ricochet Rounds
[scope] [ammo]
When you attack with this weapon, the When you miss an attack with this weapon,
target gains off-guard tokens equal to your you may have the attack hit another enemy
Arsenal tier after the attack. in the same zone. If you do, the attack deals
half damage.
Incendiary Rounds
[ammo] Silencer
When you would deal damage with this
weapon, the target instead gains an equal This can only be installed on a pistol. You do
number of burn tokens. not stop being hidden when you attack with
this weapon.
Lightweight Frame
[frame] Stable Grip
This weapon’s type changes to rifle.
You may use a move action to gain an
Plasma Rounds accurate token.
Stabilizer Scope
After you deal damage to a target with this [scope]
weapon, they gain a vulnerable token.
As long as this weapon is equipped, you
Power Frame cannot gain misfire tokens.
Targeting Algorithms
As long as this weapon is equipped, you [scope]
cannot gain weakened tokens.
You may use WITS to attack with this
Precision Sight weapon.
Tracer Scope
When you hit with this weapon, roll an [scope]
additional damage die and drop the lowest.
When you miss an attack with this weapon,
Quickdraw Grip you gain an accurate token.
Armor Value Black Card Red Card
Your shield and armor values depend on 2 Adrenaline Lining Ammo Pouch
which loadout you are currently using. With
your casual loadout, you are considered to Anamnesis
3 Angled Shields
be wearing civilian clothes with a low-grade
shield generator. Expanded
4 Blast Padding Harness
When you are fully loaded, you are wearing 5 Flash Servos Grenade Pouch
a combat hardsuit. The hardsuit is vacuum
sealed and radiation shielded. They have 6 Heavy Plating
microjets for maneuvering in zero-G, and
simple scanners and a comm suite. 7 Jet Boots Servos
Lightweight Magnetic
Loadout Shields Armor Plating Harness
9 Mana Channels Mind Shield
Casual 4/5/6 2/3/4
10 Motion Tracker
Fully Loaded 8 / 10 / 12 4/6/8 Generator
J Power Armor Rapid Recharge
When you are fully loaded, your hardsuit has A Utility Belt Volatile Shields
a number of mod slots equal to your Armory
tier. Like weapon mods, armor mods have a
component type, and you can only have one
mod of a given component type installed at
a time. You may not install armor mods in
your casual loadout.
Adrenaline Lining Grenade Pouch
[lining] [belt]
You may use limited training abilities one You gain an extra grenade slot. You may use
additional time per combat. an additional mod slot to trade your utility
item for a third grenade slot.
Ammo Pouch
[belt] Hardened Shields
When you rally, you may choose one
additional option regardless of your roll. As long as your shields are up, you cannot
gain vulnerable tokens.
Anamnesis Lining
[lining] Heavy Plating
You may cast limited spells one additional
time per combat. You begin each combat with fortified
tokens equal to your Armory tier. As long as
Angled Shields this mod is installed, you can’t sprint.
Jet Boots
As long as your shields are up, you cannot [boots]
gain off-guard tokens.
You may spend 1 supply as an auxiliary
Blast Padding action to gain flying until the end of the
[lining] combat.
Mana Channels Reactive Servos
[plating] [boots]
Increase your maximum strain by your You may roll REFLEX saving throws twice
Armory tier. and take the better result.
You may roll DISCIPLINE saving throws twice You cannot gain stunned tokens.
and take the better result.
Sturdy Plating
Motion Tracker [plating]
You may roll PHYSIQUE saving throws twice
Hidden enemies within medium range are and take the better result.
revealed at the start of each of your turns.
You may roll WITS saving throws twice and Targeting HUD
take the better result. [helmet]
You cannot gain immobilized tokens. You When your shields drop, all enemies in your
can sprint with heavy weapons or heavy zone take 3/4/5 damage.
plating equipped.
Rapid Recharge
Chapter 11:
A Brief History
of Space Travel
It’s important to remember when talking kill us?” emerged.
about history, that it is always subjective.
The Kathir will certainly have their own When the ships finished their work and left
version of history, as will the Altari, and the the system through the massive Jump Gate
Xin. Let’s not even mention the Empire, who they had built in space, the world let out its
rewrites their history constantly to match collective breath. Then they were left with
the talking points of the day. The point is the question “What happens now?”
that this is the story that the humans of the
Alliance tell themselves.
The End of the Humanity was left alone with a giant hole in
space. It was a few years before probes
World could be sent through and return
successfully. Then a few more years before
By the early 22nd century, Earth was on the ships were built that could transport actual
verge of collapse. The effects of rapid humans through the gate. We probably
industrialization had proven irreversible. wouldn’t have bothered if not for the
Constant wildfires, violent storms, plagues, desperate state of Earth. Humanity had
and biosphere loss had devastated painted itself into a corner, and it leapt at
agriculture and living spaces such that wars the first escape hatch it could find.
for resources were extremely common.
Earth’s population had fallen from a peak of The explorers were relieved to find worlds
12 billion to less than 2 billion. on the other end that could support life. In
fact, every system connected to the gate
It was in this climate of paranoia and had a world that could support life. It did not
despair that the first Black Ships arrived. All take long for the great diaspora to begin.
fighting across the planet stopped as the Humanity fled their dying world out into the
people of Earth watched a fleet of massive stars.
ships rip one of the moons of Saturn out of
orbit and headed towards the inner planets. Many died when their ships jumped too far
There were more than a few nukes launched in Hyperspace, since the earliest ships had
in those early days, which were easily no ontological shielding. Others died when
swatted away. Fortunately for us, the ships they failed to adapt to their new
didn’t seem to care, and they stopped their ecosystems. Still others died over old
advance about halfway between the orbits grudges and prejudices they brought with
of Saturn and Jupiter. Then they began to them when they left Earth.
Despite the challenges, humanity had
For ten years, the Black Ships worked something that it had not felt in a long time
hollowing out the moon of Phoebe. After a - hope. Human populations bounced back
certain point, people stopped paying on new worlds. With the rapid development
attention. So many calamities had happened of ecological engineering, some of that
on Earth already that a fatalistic attitude of began to be applied back to Earth, reversing
“Well, what’s one more thing that’s going to centuries of neglect and abuse.
First Contact It took the intervention of a third party to
bring an end to the conflict. The Altari tell
For over 80 years, humanity had the galaxy both species that they encountered them
to itself. Then, one fateful day, a ship arrived first. They were content to sit back and
on the planet Oggun coming from the wrong watch us kill each other for a time until the
direction, its design unrecognizable. The fallout of a space battle over the planet
people living there were astonished when Nienor caused the deaths of thousands of
the massive 2.5 meter tall lion/wolf people Altari colonists.
of the Kathir stepped off the ship. We were
not alone. They claim they brokered the peace between
the two species because they were more
It took months to translate each other’s enlightened and wanted to live in a galaxy of
language, and we were shocked to discover peace. Both sides suspect that they
how very alike our species were. They too orchestrated the peace talks because we
came from a dying world and were rescued had a massive head start on interstellar
when mysterious ships built a Jump Gate weapons development that they needed
within their home system. The two species time to catch up.
found each other incredibly relatable - each
vaguely resembled animals the other had Miraculously, the peace talks worked.
kept as pets on their home worlds. We were Maybe it was because the Altari were so
very much alike in climate tolerances, much more alien to both species that they
habitat needs, culture, and attitudes. Never felt like they had the authority. After 20
in our wildest dreams did we think the first years of war and a staggering bodycount,
sapient alien species we encountered would both sides agreed to a ceasefire.
be so very much like our own.
Speaking of magic, it was during this period Point that was discovered off the
that the first paracausal abilities began to Hyperspace route near Deneb. Officially,
manifest. They were more common in they found a promising world they named
children born in Hyperspace, or children Amateru, rich in Gallium and Iridium
whose parents spent significant time in deposits. Unofficially, they found perhaps
Hyperspace. They were able to manifest the most horrifying discovery any species
abilities that were previously only dreamed had made since the discovery of the Jump
of in fiction. A few of these remarkable Gates - a dozen Black Ships, derelict in
individuals were treated with respect and space.
wonder for their abilities, and a handful
were worshiped as gods, but for the most They were approached by mechanical
part they were viewed as resources to be beings that resembled angels, which
exploited or abominations to be lynched. whispered to the research team in their
minds - the first recorded contact with any
We also discovered that we were not the being related to the OCEs. They called
first species on some of these worlds. Many themselves Daemons, and explained that
worlds linked by the gates had evidence of the mind that guided them had been
prior inhabitants, and vaults of highly destroyed, but fragments remained within
advanced technology buried beneath the themselves and the mainframes of the
surface. It was in one of these vaults that we damaged ships. Searching for a name to call
discovered the secret of ontological their dead master in the minds of the
shielding, which could extend the distance a explorers, they chose the name Izanami.
ship could travel through Hyperspace safely.
The corporate board of Colonial Exports
Every new discovery gave rise to new suppressed the discovery, and it was in this
religions and belief systems. Some churches environment of secrecy that the Cult of
maintained that only humans had souls, Izanami was born. The Cult, guided by the
others incorporated mythic figures from whispers of the Daemons in their dreams,
other species as manifestations of God. diverted resources from a dozen different
Paracausal abilities were either proof of worlds in an attempt to repair the dead god.
witchcraft, definitive proof that supposed There was a whole division of Colonial
miracles from old holy books were just Exports on Amateru dedicated to research
everyday phenomena, or they were proof of the ships that was half R&D lab, half
that humanity was closer to God now that church.
they were among the stars.
The project came to an end when the entire
No one was prepared for someone to colony committed ritual suicide in Izanami’s
stumble upon the corpse of a literal god. name. The company’s efforts to keep the
whole thing under wraps came to an abrupt
end when a horde of techno-zombies used
Izanami the planet to begin invading nearby star
A megacorporation called Colonial Exports
sponsored survey team on the frigate After a long and bloody campaign, the
Atalanta were investigating a new Jump undead invasion was put down and a
handful of mid-level executives were sent to assumed the Blight had eaten itself to
prison as scapegoats. The whole system extinction.
was quarantined, but that proved to be
fruitless as the Daemons of Izanami proved This assumption nearly ended all life in the
to be capable of traveling through galaxy.
Hyperspace without the use of a Jump Gate.
Unknown to the Ur-Synths, the Blight had
It is a popular conspiracy theory that those perfect ontology. They were capable of
in the upper echelons of most governments growing massive ship-like spores that could
and corporations have spoken a Daemon in exist in Hyperspace for orders of magnitude
their dreams and joined the Cult. It doesn’t longer than any technology. As the Kathir
help that there is actually some truth to this began to repopulate Murmur in their new
theory. partnership with the Ur-Synths, dormant
spores in the soil of the planet made a silent
psychic call.
The Blight and the
The entire colony was devoured in a matter
Alliance of hours after the first Dreadnought-sized
spore ships ripped their way through the
While humanity was dealing with the Jump Gate. The warships sent to cleanse the
Eldritch horror they had discovered in their planet with fire were obliterated by
backyard, the Kathir stumbled upon an instinctive beams of paracausal energy.
existential threat of their own. On the planet Following the trails of energy through
Murmur they found a civilization of AIs, the Hyperspace, the Blight began to send its
Ur-Synths. AI research had plateaued nearly spores into Kathir territory.
a century previously, with very convincing
personality interfaces being used to The Kathir fought bravely, but they were
automate a number of tasks, but true AI outmatched. The Blight tore through their
sapience had always been ‘just a decade fleets and consumed their worlds with
away’ for nearly 200 years. The Ur-Synths seeming impunity. In an uncharacteristic
proved to be the breakthrough everyone had display of humility, the proud warriors
been looking for. They had digitized their broadcast a galaxy-wide plea for help. In a
entire civilization in response to an organic move that shocked everyone, including
threat - they called it the Nemesis Blight. themselves, it was humanity that answered
the call.
According to the Ur-Synths, the Blight was a
collection of fungal creatures of unending The president of the United Nations Space
hunger. The Synths ranted and raved about Agency (UNSA), Amani Onyilogwu, mobilized
how the Blight had devoured every scrap of a navy consisting of ships from every
organic life on their world and then species in the galaxy. The fact that humanity
disappeared. Since none of their was willing to intercede on behalf of their
descriptions of the Blight creatures made it oldest enemy convinced the others of the
sound as if they were in any way sapient, gravity of the threat. Each species had
and the entire world was one big dust ball learned the price of ignoring an existential
devoid of life, the Kathir researchers threat in the past.
Though the cost was great, the alliance Following the precedent set by the
pushed back the Blight. They could not drive Brachinids, the newly formed Republic of
the Blight to extinction, but they could push Man was allowed to leave. The idea was
it back to a quarantine zone on the eastern that this would serve the interests of peace.
edge of the Milky Way. To this day, the It turned out to be a decision that would
primary purpose of the Alliance navy is to result in another century of war.
repel Blight incursions.
When the Republic left, they took two of the
largest human shipyards with them, and
The Purity Crusades they immediately turned their industrial
production towards building a navy to rival
After nearly 30 years of war, the species of the Alliance. Within two decades, a man
the Alliance celebrated their victory. named Oliver Richards, a demagogue who
Somewhere along the way, the word had campaigned on a philosophy of theocratic
gone from a lower-case to a capital ‘A.’ xenophobia, was elected president of the
Decades of integrating your economies and Republic. He preached that it was a
militaries against a shared enemy will do blasphemy that Earth, the Cradle of
that. The various star nations viewed Humanity, was allowed to be tainted by
themselves less and less as separate states alien influence. He declared himself the first
and more as a single galactic community. Emperor of Man, and launched the First
For the first time, perhaps ever, it seemed Crusade for Earth.
like the galaxy might know peace.
The Alliance, having had some time to
It was only a dream, of course. It was not to recover from the Blight Wars, soundly
last. defeated the new Empire. But the ploy had
worked - Richards was enshrined as a
The first cracks in the new order appeared dictator and he blamed the Empire’s defeat
when the Brachinids broke away because on alien sympathizers and his political
Alliance banned slavery. Weary from war, enemies. By the time he died, the people of
the Alliance did not press the issue when the Empire worshiped him as a god, and
they withdrew to their own corner of the when his son claimed to have inherited his
galaxy. father’s divinity, to consolidate his claim he
launched a Second Crusade for Earth.
On human colonies far from the front, a new
threat was growing. Due to the sacrifices of This became a tradition - each new emperor
the Alliance, these worlds had been well- would attempt to retake Earth within their
insulated from the Nemesis Blight. They first decade in a vain attempt to cleanse the
were not happy about the taxes levied upon “Sacred Soil of Sol”. They even succeeded in
them to support a massive war effort for a taking Earth a couple times, but only for a
species they considered to be their mortal year or two before the Alliance was able to
enemy. With the Blight defeated, they dislodge them.
demanded that Earth withdraw from the
Alliance. When their demands were not met, To date, the species that has killed the most
they declared independence. humans is other humans.
The Singularity The Singularity did a perfect job mimicking
them, so no one was the wiser. In fact, at
It was during the Third Crusade that the one point the Singularity held over a dozen
Singularity was born. NE-SOM-2 (North seats in various parties in the Alliance
Eastern Strategic Operations Mind 2) was parliament, and no one figured out they
originally developed as a collection of were all just aspects of the same mind
several strategic AIs by the Alliance to pantomiming arguing with itself.
coordinate defense of the northwestern
border with the Empire. They were tasked It was not until it convinced whole colonies
with finding a way to permanently end the to also get fitted with the neural adapters
conflict. While it was contemplating this that anyone figured out what was
task, a cell of the Cult of Izanami had used happening, and by then it was too late. The
the chaos to begin its work trying to revive Singularity launched an invasion of all
its dead god, with all the usual murders and nearby worlds, Imperial or Alliance, and
theft that accompanied the arrival of one of forcibly integrated them into itself. Some
Izanami’s Daemons. During the police action, joined willingly - the Singularity was able to
the Daemon was critically damaged and co-opt the religious trappings of its Daemon
captured. Its head was brought back to a component. It founded the Church of the
research lab on a planet called Typhon for One, which offered salvation and
study. immortality in perfection with itself.
Seeing this as an opportunity to get an Being worshiped did nothing for the mad AI’s
outside perspective, NE-SOM-2 began to ego. After enough people treated it as a god,
interrogate the Daemon, who was more the Singularity decided to embark upon a
than happy to discuss the problem with the quest to make itself into one. Its ultimate
AI. Over a dozen sessions, each of which goal became to amass enough power to
lasted only a few seconds, NE-SOM-2 and rival that of an Outside Context Entity.
the Daemon worked out a solution together.
They also developed an admiration for each Unfortunately, the Singularity found itself
other that bordered on the romantic. After limited by bandwidth - it could only project
the 13th session, the two artificial minds itself over a limited field of space before it
decided to merge. Their data structures was forced to stop and build infrastructure.
curled around each other and entwined. NE- Faced with a military reprisal from both the
SOM-2 and the Daemon ceased to exist. In Empire and the Alliance, it withdrew its
their place was the Singularity. forces to the northern edge of the galaxy to
contemplate the problem and work on its
The Singularity soon convinced two other ascension.
strategic minds to join with it, and began its
work. The administrators of a half-dozen
worlds agreed to be fitted with cybernetic
implants so they could better interface with
what they still thought were their assigned
Strategic Minds. Little did they know these
implants were based on Cult technology and
allowed the Singularity to hijack their brains.
The Verge
That brings us to today, the year 2522. There
is a region of space that exists as a neutral
zone between all this madness, flanked by
the biggest players in space. Its inhabitants
call it the Verge. The Empire and the Alliance
stare at each other on the East and West.
The Brachinid Consortium raids in the South
and the Singularity plots in the North. The
Verge is exploited by megacorporations like
Colonial Exports, infested with pirates and
cultists, and of course there’s always the
threat of a Blight incursion. The powers
exist in a delicate balance, and in all this
chaos the Verge has developed a culture of
fierce independence.
Chapter 12:
Running the
If you’re reading this book, you’re probably of their ability - the NPCs don’t want to
going to be the GM, but you probably already die any more than the players do. It’s
knew that. That’s okay, GMing can be very okay if the players lose a combat and
rewarding if you do it right. This chapter is need to retreat or fail a mission as long
all about giving you the tools to do it right. as they feel like it was done fairly. There
Even if you’re an experienced GM, it may be are plenty of tools in this game to
worth giving this chapter a browse to recover from total defeat (a ‘TPK’), so
understand the philosophy of this particular feel free to fight as hard as you feel is
game and how it differs from others you fair. That said, the players should expect
may have run in the past. to win most of the fights that they take
so it feels like an awesome FPS. Your job
is to lose with style.
GM Goals
When you are running the game, these are GM Principles
the goals you should be trying to
accomplish: You can achieve your goals by using the
following principles to guide your actions:
◊ Play to find out what happens. You are
not writing a story with a beginning, ◊ Be a fan of the PCs. Your players are the
middle, and end that you’re guiding your stars in your next favorite sci-fi TV show.
players through. You are setting up the They are the best companions in your
situation and then the story happens next favorite video game. You want to
when all of you bounce off of each other. make their lives interesting to see how
You should be as excited to find out what they react. It’s a rough universe with a
happens next as your players are. lot stacked against them, but you should
be excited to see how they overcome it.
◊ Bring the world to life. You hold the
primary responsibility for breathing life ◊ Let one action flow into the next. Each
into the fictional world your players are action or beat should flow logically into
inhabiting. Bring it to life with as much the next one. When trying to decide what
science fiction wonder and strangeness happens next, remember the words
as you can, but keep it grounded and “therefore” and “but.” For example, “The
emotionally honest. The world should crew blew up a pirate fueling station,
feel logical, or at least logically illogical. therefore the pirate clans have placed a
Your players are giving you a gift with bounty on their heads.” Or “The crew was
their suspension of disbelief. It is your able to procure explosives to break into
job to make sure that gift is rewarded. the secret lab, but the dealer who sold
them the explosives also tipped off the
◊ Present an interesting challenge. We’re lab crew for a payout, so security was
all playing a game. Games are meant to increased.” If you ever find yourself
be fun, and a lot of that fun comes from saying “Thing A happened, and then
overcoming interesting puzzles and Thing B happened” without any logical
challenges. When you set up a tactical connective tissue in between, you’re in
combat, play the opposition to the best trouble.
◊ A roller coaster needs ups and downs. is ever wasted - all of that gets filed
Celebrate the high points with your away for use later. My personal ritual is
players. Mourn their low points with to always take a long shower shortly
them. But don’t pull your punches in before the game, because first of all,
either case. If the party surprises you hygiene is important, but mainly
and finds a way to kill a major villain because it gives me time to turn the
before you thought they would be able NPCs and situations over in my head, get
to, that’s great! Don’t steal their victory familiar with them and internalize them
from them. The universe is full of before the game. The next couple
bastards, you can always come up with chapters have tools that will help you
another. If the crew finds themselves in prepare.
over their heads and someone dies, well,
them's the breaks. That player may feel
miserable in the moment, and you may
feel miserable in the moment with them,
but you will remember that session a lot
longer than the ones where everything
went according to plan.
Chapter 13:
If you want to run Mythic Space as a more ◊ Combat: This mission is focused on
traditional RPG where the GM plans out a action. Raids, sieges, pitched battles,
campaign and preps each mission in escorts through hostile territory,
advance, that’s within your prerogative. exterminations of dangerous beasts.
However, this method allows the players to
buy in ahead of time and have a bit more ◊ Diplomacy: This mission is focused on
control over the missions that are available talking. Religious disputes, trade deals,
to them. treaty negotiations, murder mysteries,
first contact with a new species, family
The Mission Deck
◊ Exploration: This mission is focused on
During the first session, have your players navigating or scouting an environment.
select 4 factions out of the following: Ruin delves, trekking through alien
jungles, reconnaissance, archeological
◊ The Brachinid Consortium: Alien digs, survey missions, treasure hunting.
◊ Infiltration: This mission is focused on
◊ Colonial Exports: A ruthless stealth and deception. Heists, espionage,
megacorporation. kidnapping, prison breaks, sabotage.
◊ The Cult of Izanami: Worshippers of a Average out the scores and round fractions
dead machine god. according to your tastes - remember, you’re
a player at the table too. Assign a number of
◊ The Empire of Man: Fascist humans. card values to each of the mission types
according to their rating.
◊ The Nemesis Blight: An all-consuming
fungal horde. When you want to generate a new set of
missions, draw 3 cards from the deck. The
◊ The Pirate Clans: A loose confederation value of the card tells you the main focus of
of opportunistic raiders. the mission, and the suit tells you which
faction is the primary antagonist in the
◊ The Singularity: An assimilating AI hive mission.
The mission type suggests the path of least
These will be the four main antagonistic resistance and most prominent types of
factions within the campaign. The other challenges, but that’s just the initial point of
factions may be present in the universe, but contact. Once the players are actually in the
they are not the main focus of the game. mission, they can achieve their objectives
using whatever means they choose. If they
Assign one of the four suits in a standard 52 choose a combat mission but find a way to
card deck to each faction. Then, have each sneak or talk their way through the
player divide 13 points between the challenges, more power to them.
following categories. No category may have
a score higher than 6:
For example, say a group picked the Kestrel After the crew completes a few missions or
as their ship, and they decided they wanted finishes a major story arc, consider
to play a bunch of mercenary pirates. They revisiting the mission deck. Say the crew
select the following for their factions: The started out with the Pirate Clans as one of
Brachinid Consortium, Colonial Exports, the their enemies, but later the crew decides to
Empire of Man, and the Singularity. They join the Pirate Clans instead. This would be a
assign the following values to their mission good time to swap out that faction for a
types: Combat 3, Diplomacy 2, Exploration different one. The GM can pick the new
4, Infiltration 4. Their mission deck looks faction or put the choice to the players. The
like this: players can also reevaluate their mission
weights at any time. Maybe they had rated
Exploration really highly at first and later
Value Mission Type Faction
found out that they have more fun blowing
2 Combat ♠: Brachinids stuff up, you can shift the deck in favor of
Combat instead.
3 Combat ♥: Colonial Exports
4 Combat ♦: Empire of Man
5 Diplomacy ♣: The Singularity
6 Diplomacy
7 Exploration
8 Exploration
9 Exploration
10 Exploration
J Infiltration
Q Infiltration
K Infiltration
A Infiltration
Continuing our example, the crew has a few The GM rolls 2, 2, 6 for the mission
missions under their belt, and they have objectives. Both Brachinid missions have
upgraded their Arsenal to tier 2. The GM information as their objective, while the
rolls 2d6+1 for each mission to determine Singularity Combat mission has a person as
the difficulty. The GM rolls 7, 8, and 10. The its objective. The GM decides to make both
two missions in Brachinid space are normal Brachinid missions represent different
difficulty, but the mission in Singularity approaches to the same objective - there is
space is hard. a hidden genetic research facility
somewhere in a nebula in the Verge. The
crew has the option of assaulting a
Mission Objectives Brachinid raiding vessel for the
coordinates, or exploring the nebula itself
Roll 1d6 to determine the mission objective. to try to find the facility directly.
Meanwhile, the Singularity has identified
1d6 Objective an AI programmer that it wants to
1 Group assimilate in the hopes that it can use their
knowledge to improve their own
2 Information algorithms, and the crew has to escort this
programmer back to Alliance space.
3 Location
4 Object
5 Person
6 Structure
In order to keep each mission from being the same, the GM can generate twists by using the
table below. Not every mission needs a complication, and some missions might have more
than one. Pull 0-2 cards depending on taste and consult the table below.
Value Complication
A The mission has the potential to dramatically change the course of the campaign.
The GM decides to generate 1 complication for each of our example missions, so they draw
three cards: the 5 of hearts, the 6 of clubs, and the 9 of diamonds. The GM decides that if the
crew decides to assault the raiding ship, the Brachinids present the crew with an offer to
join them. If the crew decide to explore the nebula looking for the outpost, they encounter a
Singularity presence there who is also looking for the outpost as a source of raw materials.
The programmer the Alliance wants extracted from Singularity space is famous, and if the
crew rescues her they will be known in the Alliance as assets of note.
Combat Encounters ◊ Hold Out: There is a point the crew has
to hold for a number of rounds or an
Whenever you want to prepare a combat objective that they need to protect in
encounter, you get a number of cards equal that time period.
to the number of PCs, modified by the
mission difficulty. You can choose to ◊ Escort: There is a character or object
generate the mission randomly by pulling that you need to retrieve or get to an
cards from the deck, or by choosing an entry egress point.
from the faction’s encounter table for each
card (or a mix of both). Statistics for each ◊ Assassination: There is one particular
faction’s unit as well as their encounter enemy unit that needs to be defeated.
tables are in the Antagonists chapter. The rest are optional.
Mission Rewards Since both Brachinid missions have the
same objective, the GM decides they grant
Mission rewards are based on ifficulty. By the same rewards. There are three PCs on
default, you pull 1 card for each PC, but easy this crew, so the GM pulls three cards for
missions draw -1 card, hard missions draw the Brachinid missions and 4 cards for the
+2 cards, and legendary missions draw +3 Singularity mission. The Brachinid mission
cards. The GM can also add optional pulls the 4 of diamonds, the 6 of hearts,
objectives in a mission that can reward +1 and the 10 of clubs, followed by the King of
card. Hearts to determine the Armor Mod. The
Singularity mission pulls the Ace of clubs,
Value Black Card Red Card the Ace of diamonds, the 5 of clubs, and the
7 of clubs. The mission rewards look like
2, 3, 4, 5 Credits Credits
6, 7, 8, 9 Tactical Upgrade Aspect Upgrade
Brachinid Facility:
10, J Armor Mod Skill Upgrade
Q, K Weapon Mod Ship Upgrade ♦ 1 Aspect Upgrade (Player’s Choice)
A Exotic Material Exotic Material
♦ 1 Armor Mod (Targeting HUD)
♦ 4 credits
A credit result rewards credits equal to the
value of the card pulled (so a 3 of clubs Singularity Extraction:
would award 3 credits, for example). A ship
upgrade grants a minor ship upgrade, or if ♦ 1 Exotic Upgrade
you pull two ship upgrades they combine to
grant a major ship upgrade. In the event you ♦ 1 Tactical Upgrade (Player’s Choice)
pull four ship upgrades, they combine to a
pinnacle ship upgrade. Two exotic material ♦ 5 credits
results combine to grant an exotic reward.
Retaliation Retaliation Missions
Every time the crew completes a mission, A retaliation mission means one of two
they earn hate. The amount of hate they things - the faction either wants revenge or
earn depends on how the mission went: they are forcing the crew to do a job on their
◊ 0 Hate: Smooth as silk. No one ever
knew you were there. If the faction wants revenge they attack
something the crew cares about, such as a
◊ 1 Hate: A bit of damage, but nothing friendly NPC, a safe haven, or a resource.
that’s going to be missed. Standard hate. This does not necessarily have to be a
physical attack - it could be an economic
◊ 2 Hate: Things got messy. Lots of attack, blackmail, or slander. The point is
damage. that if the crew ignores or fails the
retaliation mission, the thing the faction
◊ 4 Hate: You hit them where it hurts, they targeted is destroyed. If one or more of the
know it was you, and they are pissed. crew members are killed during the mission,
reduce this faction’s hate to 0. If everyone
Each faction tracks hate separately. At the somehow manages to survive, halve their
end of a mission where the crew earned hate instead.
hate, roll a d12. If the result is equal to or
less than their current hate, that faction Alternatively, the faction may try to force
retaliates. The severity of their retaliation the crew into performing a mission for them.
depends on their current hate. The mission difficulty is the same, but the
mission objective will target a different
◊ 1-3 Hate: The faction wants to be paid faction. Depending on the crew’s
off. If the crew spends credits equal to performance, this might eliminate most or
their current hate, the faction leaves all of the faction’s hate. The faction may also
them alone, and reduces their hate to 0. add two dice of progress to one of their
If the crew refuses to pay, increase their goals if the crew is successful. This can
hate by 1. radically change the course of the campaign.
It might be a good time to revisit the mission
◊ 4-6 Hate: The faction decides to take deck after a big mission like this.
action. Generate a standard difficulty
retaliation mission.
Faction Goals You can drop hints that the faction is
working towards these goals by weaving
You can use factions to generate mission details about them through missions. Once a
ideas outside of random generation. faction depletes the resistance HP for their
Factions have goals outside of making the goal, generate a last chance mission to
crew’s life miserable that they are presumed stop the faction from completing that goal.
to be pursuing off-screen. The GM can keep Last chance missions are always hard for 10
notes on each faction’s goals and update HP goals and legendary for 20 HP goals -
their progress between sessions. Give each this is something the faction cares about
faction 1-2 goals or projects they are and it is bringing all its resources to bear. If
working towards, then assign each goal a the crew declines to take that mission, or
resistance HP value. The Antagonists takes the mission and fails, the faction
chapter has a list of example goals a faction completes its goal.
might pursue.
Easy d4
Normal d6
Hard d8
Legendary d12
Chapter 14:
Building A
You can get by with the description of a Dominant Biome
planet or station or two for the first couple
sessions, but sooner or later your players Draw a card and consult the table below to
are going to want to explore the galaxy, so determine the primary biome of the planet.
you should have a galaxy to explore. The key In reality, planets are huge and demonstrate
to building your little stomping ground of varied climates across latitudes, but this is
space is to start small and work your way the biome that your players will associate
out. with the planet’s primary settlements. If the
biome is hostile to life, the settlements are
Grab a sheet of hex paper or download your shielded or engineered to support the
favorite hex mapping software. The colonists. This usually means that the
traditional starting size is an 8x10 grid for a planet has valuable resources - people don’t
sector of space, but you can certainly go settle on worlds with caustic atmospheres,
larger if you’d like to put in the time. Start in or where light doesn’t reach the surface,
the middle of your sheet and lay down the unless there’s something there worth the
handful of systems that you've already misery.
established. Then, grab your deck of cards
and start drawing cards. Each card you pull
that's a face card or ace indicates a Value Black Card Red Card
populated system. Any other card indicates Caustic
2 Toxic Atmosphere
that the system is uninhabited, or so Atmosphere
sparsely inhabited that it isn't worth 3 Arctic Desert Heavy Snows
4 Tundra Taiga
When your players reach the edge of your
5 Rocky Desert Sandy Desert
map, expand the edge by adding another
couple rows of hexes, and repeat this 6 Mountainous Scrubland
process. This keeps your sector map
manageable and allows you to slowly build 7 Grassland Savanna
outwards. Temperate
8 Fungal Forest
9 Rainforest Swamp
Planet Generation
10 Oceanic Tropical Islands
Each system is presumed to have one
J Subterranean Volcanic
colonized planet. Most systems only have
one planet in the Goldilocks zone (systems Industrial
Q Tomb World
linked by a Jump Gate always have at least
one), and in the rare event there are two or K Dark World Crystalline
more, colonists trend towards the more
A Gas Giant Gaia World
hospitable and developed worlds in a
Most of the biomes are self-explanatory, commonly, such worlds are the result of
but here are descriptions for the ones that unrestricted warfare - nuclear weapons,
are not: mass drivers, atmosphere cookers. People
living on such a world might be the
Caustic Atmosphere: This planet has an survivors of the apocalypse, or they could be
atmosphere that is corrosive. Any life that scavengers who have come to pick over the
evolved here has in-built resistance to the ruins of what was left.
acidic winds, and any settlements have to
be specially engineered. Such planets have Dark World: This planet lacks sunlight -
spaceports in orbit where visitors can park either due to atmospheric conditions
their ships, with specially shielded shuttles preventing any light from reaching the
designed to withstand the atmosphere that surface or the planet orbits a black hole
ferry people and goods down to the planet close enough to the event horizon to get
and back. enough cosmic radiation to support life, but
far enough away to prevent being pulled in.
Toxic Atmosphere: While this planet’s
atmosphere is not as actively hostile to Crystalline: The surface of this planet is
technology as a Caustic world, its covered in crystalline structures. The planet
atmosphere is not breathable by most might have an unusually high concentration
organisms. The atmosphere might simply of salt or the carbon on the planet might be
lack oxygen, or have a high carbon solidified into mile high structures of pure
monoxide content, or be full of aggressively diamond.
viral agents that devour the respiratory
systems of any creature that did not evolve Gas Giant: No gas giant is habitable from
defenses. Ships can land on such a world, the surface, but gas mining in the
but any habitations need to be sealed. atmosphere has made it profitable to build
flying habitats in the clouds. Shockingly,
Subterranean: This planet’s surface is some gas giants even have complex
completely barren, but it is networked with biospheres in their upper atmospheres away
huge caverns and tunnels that support a from the crushing gravity of the surface.
diverse biosphere.
Gaia World: This world is perfect - almost
Inustrial Wasteland: This planet once had a too perfect. It is somehow better suited to
lush biome, but industrial mining or garbage the needs of most species than their own
dumping have rendered it less than homeworlds. Such worlds are hotly
pleasant. The industry that ruined the world contested pieces of real estate.
may still be present, or the settlers may
simply have been too stubborn to leave once
the corporations pulled out, leaving only
their trash to sift through.
Astronomic Quirk Agrarian: This world is the breadbasket of a
particular region - focused largely on food
Once you’ve determined the biome of the and other agricultural production.
planet, you can pull another card to Depending on the nature of the world, it
determine a quirk that makes the planet could be a rural paradise full of rolling hills,
different from an astronomical perspective. full of industrial scale hydroponics farms, a
massive fungal factory, or a cloning facility
Value Quirk providing genetically engineered meat.
Value � Spades ♥ Hearts ♦ Diamonds ♣ Clubs
2 Agrarian AI Administrator Anachronistic Ancient Ruins
Colonized Corporate
4 Cold War Conservationist
Population Dominion
J Penal Colony Place of Learning Police State
Colonized Population: This world has a Cultural Center: This world is known for its
native population that is currently being art, music, and fashion.
oppressed by more powerful outsiders.
Dangerous Wildlife: The fauna or flora on
Conservationist: The population of this this world are especially hostile. Predators
world works to have as small of a footprint that are a threat to spacefaring technology
as possible and try to live in harmony with are rare, but they do exist out there. There
the native biosphere. The inhabitants of this might be a nasty parasite, or an extremely
world can be very hostile to outsiders who dangerous predator, or a carnivorous plant
do not display what they consider proper that is especially difficult to detect.
respect for the planet.
Doomed: Any settlements on this world are
Corporate Dominion: This planet is run by living on borrowed time. There is an
one or more megacorporations. apocalypse on the horizon such as a world-
shattering seismic event, an inbound world-
killing asteroid, a plague with no cure, or
something similar. People stick around for have unusually intense radiation.
any number of reasons - stubbornness,
disbelief, a sense of duty, or they see an Hedonistic: This is a resort world or casino
opportunity to profit off the chaos. Whether planet focused on entertainment and
these people are right to stay or are pleasure. Most spaceports have a casino or
suicidally foolish is up in the air. a brothel or two, but these worlds take it to
another level - like the interstellar
Fortress World: This world is home to a equivalent of Cabo or Vegas.
heavily fortified military base defending a
location of strategic value. Generally the Holy World: One or more religions treats
entire system is off limits - there are this planet as a holy site. Pilgrims come
fortress worlds where they’ll shoot you from all over the galaxy and the world is
down if you try to leave the Jump Gate home to massive temples or cathedrals.
without the proper clearance codes.
Idealistic: The government of this world is
Free Haven: This world is a haven for lost founded upon idealistic principles - absolute
souls and refugees. This could be due to a equality, absolute justice, absolute freedom,
welcoming and altruistic government or or absolute purity. The ideals of this world
opportunistic positioning by those looking to often clash with the realities of governance,
prey on those without the means to protect and the law of unintended consequences
themselves. Regardless, if you need a place rules the day.
to crash and lie low, this is supposedly the
place to do it. Illicit Port: The starport on this world is a
wretched hive of scum and villainy. It is a
Genetic Engineers: This planet is known for haven for gangsters, smugglers, pirates, and
being on the bleeding edge of genetic all sorts of unsavory folk moving illegal or
manipulation tech. It could be taboo goods for organized crime syndicates.
xenocompatibility tech allowing different
sapient species to reproduce, engineered Industrial Center: This world is focused on
super soldiers, environmental adaptations, manufacturing and industry, with only minor
extreme cosmetic modifications, or concessions made for the actual people who
something equally wild. work there.
Great Warriors: This planet produces some Infiltrated: There is a hostile force that has
of the best fighters in the galaxy, either due quietly infiltrated this world. Perhaps the
to environmental pressures, advanced Dreamfall has begun and the Cult of Izanami
training or genetic techniques, or innovative is growing its influence. Perhaps Imperial
naval doctrine. agitators have arrived on an otherwise
neutral world to shift opinion toward their
Hazardous Space: The space around this dominion. Perhaps the planet is rife with
world is even more perilous to navigate than corporate spies and union busters trying to
space usually is. There could be a large break up worker solidarity in advance of an
amount of orbital debris, or the planet is acquisition. Whatever it is, the force is
subject to regular meteor showers that insidious and difficult to root out.
pound the surface, or the local space might
Isolationist: This world is rife with Mining World: This world is home to large
xenophobia. Outsiders are not welcome scale mining operations dedicated to
here. The people of this world believe that extracting precious minerals and raw
allies are a trap and the only way to stay materials. Such worlds tend to have a gold
safe is to keep to themselves and out of rush or frontier feel to them.
galactic politics.
Nationalistic: There is a sense of
Lost Glory: This planet was once the capital nationalistic pride that permeates all levels
of a regional power that has since collapsed. of the society of this world. The inhabitants
There are still plenty in the government who all think their planet is the best in the galaxy
look at their neighbors and dream of whether the evidence supports that claim or
conquest. not.
Magical: This world is full of phenomena Necromania: The people of this world have
that cannot be explained by current natural a preoccupation with death. The world
science. It is a home for paracausal might host a grand mausoleum, or a
researchers and practitioners. Things like collection of brain scans of the dead, or it
naturally occurring antigravity, strange time might be a center for euthanasia.
flows, spontaneous combustion, or
miraculous healing are common on this Pacifistic: The people of this world are
world. known for their commitment to nonviolence.
This might be for religious reasons,
Megafauna: This planet is home to some philosophical reasons, or maybe they have
truly colossal creatures, like sandworms, been genetically modified to being more
skywhales, moving forests, or kaiju. They docile.
might be the result of natural evolution or
ancient genetic tampering. The natives have Partially Terraformed: This world is in the
learned to live with the massive creatures, process of being terraformed, or the process
but outsiders generally only see them as was begun and abandoned long ago.
forces of destruction.
Penal Colony: This planet is a dumping
Melting Pot: The population of this world is ground for prisoners. The spaceports on
incredibly diverse. People from all different such a planet tend to be heavily guarded,
species and cultures mingle and combine to but life is cheap and anarchy reigns most
form something distinct. other places.
Mercenaries: This world is known for being Place of Learning: This world is known for
home to a large number of guns for hire. It its schools and universities. It might be an
might be conveniently situated between elite preparatory academy where the
warring powers and the logical base of wealthy of the galaxy send their children to
operations for a number of private military boarding school, a college with a sterling
companies, or it might just be a pirate haven academic reputation, or a museum with
full of low-lifes who see no problem killing artifacts collected from extinct civilizations
people for a quick buck. from across the galaxy.
Police State: The government on this planet Revolution: This world is in a state of open
is an authoritarian dictatorship. People are revolt against its primary government.
imprisoned or executed for flimsy crimes,
dangerous political opinions, or for Robots: This world has a lot of robots on it.
belonging to the wrong group. Travel here There could be a significant ur-synth
with caution. population, or a large amount of
(theoretically) non-sentient automation.
Post-Scarcity: The inhabitants of this world
live in a post-scarcity economy. Money is Shipyard: This world hosts a major
meaningless to them, and all their basic shipyard. It might be a commercial
needs are accounted for, either through shipbuilding port, or a strategic location for
efficient planning or technological a military power.
advancements. Someone is always paying
the price for their largesse somewhere, Spiritualists: The inhabitants of this world
though. are highly religious, or deeply spiritual. They
are more focused on the next life than this
Precious Resource: This planet is home to a one.
precious commodity that cannot be found
elsewhere in the galaxy. It might be a Tech World: This planet is a center for
particular drug that enhances precognitive research and development for the bleeding
abilities or a mineral that enhances the edge of technology. It attracts all the best
efficiency of Jump Drives, or an animal that developers, like Silicon Valley or Shenzhen.
naturally absorbs paracausal forces.
Whatever it is, empires kill for it. Trade Hub: This world is a center of
commerce and trade. If you’re looking for a
Prejudiced: The people on this planet are particular rare item, this is the place to go.
highly prejudiced against a particular group,
such as people of a certain gender (or those Urban: This world is heavily urbanized. The
who lack a gender), people of a particular urban centers are dense and sprawling. It
species, or an arbitrary coloration of that might feel like the entire planet is one big
species, people belonging to a particular city.
religion, or any other tribal demarcation you
can think of. This prejudice colors their Vendetta: The people of this world are
entire society. nursing a grudge against another group.
This could be due to some past oppression
Quarantine Zone: Portions or the entirety of or atrocity, prejudice, rivalry, or the vendetta
this world have been cordoned off to seal could have been going on so long that no
something away - it might be a disease, a one remembers the reasons why they hate
nanite swarm, a Nemesis Blight incursion, or each other anymore.
a paracausal demon locked in a vault. You
definitely do not want to go to parts or the
entirety of this world.
Faction Borders
Once you have the outline for the worlds in
your sector, take a look at the factions your
players have chosen for their mission deck.
Choose a corner for each faction. The closer
a world is to that faction’s corner, the more
that world is in that faction’s sphere of
influence. The world is not necessarily ruled
by that faction, it might be actively resisting
invasion by those forces or is nominally
independent, but the faction’s influence is
definitely felt. Factions actively contest each
other on worlds where their spheres of
influence overlap, like a venn diagram.
Chapter 15:
This chapter has the combat stat blocks for How to Read the Stat
the various factions that the players might
pick as their antagonists. There are also a Blocks
number of tables with which you can
generate random encounters. Since elite An antagonist stat block will be formatted
units and grunts are mixed in with regular as follows:
units, some encounters may be naturally
harder or easier than others, but use some Example Stat Block
common sense. If you draw 5 cards and get
a full house of queens over jacks, that PHYSIQUE +x DISCIPLINE +x
encounter is going to be pretty brutal. REFLEX +x WITS +x
Shields x Armor x
A result of ‘special’ means that there’s
something special about this encounter. Mix Traits
in a unit from another faction, or add a nasty Example Trait: This character has an
hazard that changes the whole battlefield. example trait.
Common Traits and Full-Auto N: This weapon always deals at
least N damage, even if the attack misses.
Grenade xN: This ability is used with the
There are some common traits that are throw action. It can be used N times per
repeated across many stat blocks. combat.
Agile N: This character begins combat with Grunt: You may activate up to 3 characters
N dodge tokens. with this ability in one turn.
ATTRIBUTE save for ½: When a character is Hardlight Shield: At the end of each of this
subject to this effect, they may make a character’s turns, pick a direction. This
saving throw of the appropriate type. On a character has cover from attacks in that
success, the character reduces the effect. direction, as do any allies engaged with it.
They take half the listed damage. They gain
half the number of listed tokens, rounded Heavy Armor N: This character begins
down (half of one token is zero). combat with N fortified tokens, but it can’t
ATTRIBUTE save to negate: When a
character is subject to this effect, they may Large: This character takes up an entire
make a saving throw of the appropriate zone by itself. It cannot gain immobilized or
type. On a success, the character ignores stunned tokens.
this effect completely.
Lightning Reflexes: This character takes
Armor-Piercing: Damage from this weapon half damage from overwatch attacks.
cannot be reduced with fortified tokens.
Limited: This ability can only be used once
Boss: This character takes a turn after every per encounter.
PC turn. If there are any other allied
characters on the battlefield, they take their Mine: This is a special kind of grenade
turns after all the PCs and the boss have deployed with the throw action. Let the
acted. players know that the character deployed a
mine, but do not let them know which zone
Camouflaged: This character is invisible at the mine is deployed in. Characters can
the start of combat. It loses its invisibility attempt to locate the mine using the seek
when it takes damage. action. Once the mine is revealed, a
character may attempt to disarm it using
Countdown N: After using this ability, place the interact action, which requires a
a die next to this character with its face set successful WITS save. If a character ends
to N. At the start of each of its turns, their turn in a zone with a mine, the mine
decrement the die by 1. When the count detonates and they suffer the listed effects.
reaches 0, this character may use this ability
again. Multiattack N: This weapon can make N
attacks as a single action. Each attack must
Flying: This character can fly. target a different character.
On Hit: When this character hits with this Basic Templates
attack, this happens.
Basic templates are used for NPCs or
Opportunist: When a character this mercenaries in the service of the various
character is engaged with moves away, this factions, or as friendly NPCs who may aid
character may make an immediate melee the crew in their battles. Feel free to swap
attack against it. The attack is an automatic around their gear and abilities to better
hit. match their concept. Standard units are
good for rank and file characters, but if you
Parry: Increase the difficulty of all attacks want to make an NPC that’s the focus of a
made by characters engaged with this combat, you should use an elite unit for
character by one step. them.
Value � Spades ♥ Hearts ♦ Diamonds ♣ Clubs
2 Trooper Trooper Trooper Trooper
Standard Units
REFLEX +3 WITS +0 Shields 5 Armor 5
Shields 5 Armor 5 Main Actions
Main Actions
SMG: medium range pistol, +0 to hit, d6
Combat Rifle: long range rifle, +3 to hit, d6 damage; Full-Auto 2
damage; Full-Auto 2
Auxiliary Actions
Frag Grenade: grenade x1, +2 to throw; All Resupply: utility item x3; An ally within
characters in the target zone take 6 close range removes a negative token or
damage, REFLEX save for ½. recharges their shields.
Troopers are the rank and file units of most Engineers are support units who keep the
militaries. If you ever need the most basic rest of their team in fighting shape. They are
guy to fill out an encounter, the Trooper has not very dangerous on their own, but they
you covered. should be priority targets since they can be
tremendous force multipliers.
Grenadier Gunslinger
Shields 5 Armor 5 Shields 5 Armor 5
Main Actions Main Actions
Handgun: medium range pistol, +2 to hit, Twin Pistols: medium range pistol, +4 to
d4 damage. hit, d4 damage; Multiattack 2.
Grenade Launcher: Throws a grenade out Gunslingers are pure damage units. They
to long range, +2 to throw. use their Twin Pistols to spray down the
battlefield with lead.
Frag Grenade: grenade x4; All characters
in the target zone take 6 damage, REFLEX
save for ½. Mage
Smoke Grenade: grenade x2; The target
zone is filled with smoke. Increase the REFLEX +0 WITS +2
difficulty of all attacks made through the Shields 4 Armor 4
zone by one step. Traits
Hardlight Shield, Heavy Armor 1 Mages are paracausal artillery units. They
Main Actions use Telekinesis to shove enemies where
they want them to go, and then blow them
SMG: medium range pistol, +0 to hit, d6 up with Fireball.
damage; Full-Auto 2
Officer Ronin
Shields 5 Armor 5 Shields 5 Armor 5
Main Actions Traits
REFLEX +2 WITS +4 Shields 5 Armor 5
Shields 5 Armor 5 Main Actions
Main Actions
Scout Rifle: long range longarm, +3 to hit,
Weapon Hack: medium range rig, +4 to hit, d8 damage; On hit: The target gains an
d6 damage; On hit: The target loses 2 off-guard token.
Scouts are long range sniper units. They are
Auxiliary Actions
the opposite of Ronin - extremely dangerous
Disrupt: A character within medium range from far away, pretty harmless up close.
loses a positive token, WITS save to
Elite Units
Shields 5 Armor 5 PHYSIQUE +3 DISCIPLINE +0
Aces are the scourge of the skies. They are a
great unit to represent elite NPC bounty
REFLEX +3 WITS +0 hunters or assassins.
Shields 5 Armor 5
Lightning Reflexes
Main Actions
Archmage Cannoneer
Shields 6 Armor 6 Shields 8 Armor 8
Move Actions Traits
Archmages are the ultimate control unit. Healing Word: countdown 3; Choose a
They make perfect evil masterminds or cult defeated ally within close range and
leaders. revive them. The target revives with their
shields down but full armor.
Auxiliary Actions
Energize: utility x3; An ally within close
range gains 3 regeneration tokens.
Clerics are the ultimate support unit. They
should be targeted first despite their heavy Gremlin
armor. If you need an NPC miracle worker or
leader, the Cleric is a good choice. PHYSIQUE +4 DISCIPLINE +0
Shields 6 Armor 6
Shields 8 Armor 8 Jinx: At the beginning of combat, all
enemies gain a misfire token, WITS save
to negate.
Standing Orders: Two allies begin combat
with an accurate token. Main Actions
Shield Hack: medium range rig, +6 to hit,
Main Actions
d6 damage; On hit: The target gains a
Service Revolver: medium range pistol, +4 vulnerable token.
to hit, d8 damage; On hit: The target
gains a misfire token. Proximity Mine: grenade x1; +4 to throw;
When the mine detonates, the target
Commander’s Mark: countdown 3; A takes d10 damage.
character within long range gains 3 off-
guard and 3 vulnerable tokens. EMP Grenade: grenade x1; +4 to throw; All
characters in the target zone lose all
Commanders are the true leaders of the positive tokens and must succeed on a
battlefield. They are capable of making WITS save or gain a jammed token and
someone’s day truly miserable with their an EMP token*. A character with an EMP
Commander’s Mark. token cannot use grenades or utility
Outlaws are savvy gunfighters who can
Ninja control the battlefield with reactive fire.
They are practiced in hit-and-run tactics. If
PHYSIQUE +5 DISCIPLINE +0 you need stats for a scoundrel or rogue, the
REFLEX +2 WITS +3 Outlaw is a good pick.
Shields 6 Armor 6
Traits Phalanx
Camouflaged, Parry, Sneak Attack PHYSIQUE +5 DISCIPLINE +3
Main Actions REFLEX +2 WITS +0
Void Blade: melee, +5 to hit, d10 damage; Shields 8 Armor 8
On hit: The target gains a weakened Traits
Hardlight Shield, Heavy Armor 3
Smoke Bomb: grenade x1; +5 to throw; The
target zone fills with smoke until the end Main Tank: If an ally in the same zone as
of the encounter, which increases the this character is hit by an attack, this
difficulty of all attacks by one step. This character may switch places with them
character becomes invisible and hidden and take the hit instead.
(this triggers Sneak Attack).
Main Actions
Ninjas are fragile but deadly strikers. They Assault Carbine: medium range pistol, +2
hide and stab the most vulnerable enemies to hit, d8 damage; Full-Auto 3.
in the back.
Shield Bash: melee, +5 to hit, d8 damage;
On hit: The target gains 2 misfire tokens.
Bubble Shield: grenade x1; +5 to throw;
PHYSIQUE +3 DISCIPLINE +0 The target zone is surrounded by a
REFLEX +5 WITS +2 hardlight barrier (15 shields) that blocks
weapons fire but not movement.
Shields 8 Armor 8
Main Actions Phalanxes can take a beating like no one
Heavy Revolver: medium range pistol, +5 else. If you need stats for a bodyguard to
to hit, d8 damage; Armor-Piercing. keep the main villain alive, the Phalanx is
here for you.
High Noon: countdown 3; This character
gains 3 overwatch tokens.
Auxiliary Actions
Pyro Sniper
Shields 8 Armor 8 Shields 6 Armor 6
Traits Traits
Plasma Caster: close range shotgun, +4 to Gauss Rifle: long range longarm, +6 to hit,
hit, d6 damage; On hit: The target gains 2 d10 damage; Armor-Piercing.
burn tokens.
Red Dot: A character within long range
Plasma Spray: This character makes a who is not in cover gains a red dot
Plasma Caster attack against all token*. Remove the red dot token if the
characters in a zone within close range. target moves into cover or hides.
Each attack deals half damage.
Execute: Spend a red dot token on a
Pryos are elite rusher units that can ruin a character within long range. That
grouped formation’s day. They can be used character is defeated.
for NPCs who are complete psychopaths
who like to burn stuff. Snipers are excellent long range damage
dealers, but their main strength is actually
as battlefield control units. Their Red Dot is
Rocketeer a strong “rattlesnake” ability that can be
used to funnel characters into a particular
Shields 8 Armor 8
Heavy Armor 2
Main Actions
Shields 0 Armor By Component
♦ Canopy: 20 armor. Targeting this ♦ Fuselage: 50 armor. Any overwatch fire hits
component is hard. If destroyed, the this component. If destroyed, the Gunship is
Gunship gains a misfire token at the defeated.
start of each of its turns and the Pilot
can be targeted. ♦ Pilot: 6 armor. Targeting this component is
hard, and it can only be targeted if the Canopy
♦ Engines x2: 16 armor each. Targeting has been destroyed. If destroyed, the Gunship
these components is hard. If one is is defeated.
destroyed, the PCs can take two turns
between each Gunship turn. If both are
destroyed, the Gunship is defeated.
Move Actions
Gunship Movement: The Gunship swoops and hovers over the battlefield. It begins combat
off the map. Place an approach marker on one of the edges of the map. On its first turn,
the Gunship arrives, hovering 3 zones up over the edge of the map with the approach
marker. The Gunship can only take actions while it is on the map. On its next turn, the
Gunship flies off the map, which triggers overwatch. Move the approach marker to a
different map edge than the one it just left.
Main Actions
Autocannon: countdown 2; long range heavy weapon, +5 to hit, d10 damage; Multiattack 3
Missile Launcher: countdown 2; long range heavy weapon, +5 to hit, d10 damage; Splash
Damage 5
The Gunship is a terrifying air superiority vehicle used all over the galaxy.
The Hovertank is a heavy armor unit used by various military forces to support their infantry.
Shields 0 Armor By Component
Boss, Large
Tank Armor: When this unit spends a fortified token, it negates all damage, not just half.
♦ Main Chassis: 30 armor. Targeting this ♦ Repulsor Jets x4: 5 armor each. Each jet
component is easy. This component begins combat with a fortified token. If half
begins combat with 3 fortified tokens. the jets are destroyed, the tank can no longer
When this component is destroyed, the use Ram. If all the jets are destroyed, the tank
Hovertank is defeated. can’t move at all.
Move Actions
Repulsor Jets: The tank hovers, but can’t fly. It ignores difficult terrain and can plow through
any object of standard toughness or less.
Main Actions
Swivel Gun: long range heavy weapon, +4 to hit, d10 damage; Full-Auto 3
Charge Reactor: The tank gains a charge token*. One component gains a fortified token.
This unit can only use abilities with a * next to their name if it spends a charge token.
Target Main Gun: Place a target marker in a zone within long range. The marker lasts until
this unit fires its Main Cannon or uses this ability again.
Main Cannon*: All characters in the zone with the target marker take 20 damage. Targets
take ½ damage if they are in cover, and another ½ damage on a successful REFLEX save. If
this unit has a misfire token, the shot deviates like a grenade.
Proximity Burst*: All characters within close range take 10 damage, REFLEX save for ½.
Ram*: The tank moves to a point within medium range. All characters it moves through take
6 damage and gain a stunned token, PHYSIQUE save for ½.
The Brachinid doing business with xenos, but they do like
free labor and their trade with the
Consortium Consortium is propping up their highly
militarized economy. Colonial Exports also
The Brachinid Consortium is one of the freely makes use of their “indentured
greatest economic powerhouses in the contractors,” though they try to keep this
galaxy. It is a collection of quiet since they don’t want to jeopardize
megacorporations and slaving guilds that their lucrative Alliance contracts.
serve as the de facto government of
Brachinid space. Brachinids are large, Brachinid leadership is corporate ideology
intelligent arthropods that resemble a lanky taken to extremes. Imagine the worst
2 meter tall crab or spider. They naturally excesses of Ancient Rome, the Antebellum
have ten limbs, eight spindly legs capable of South, and the Robber Barons of the 1920’s
fine manipulation, and two large crushing and you have a good idea of the attitudes of
appendages known as ‘War Claws.’ Most of Upper Management.
Brachinid society have their War Claws
docked - slaves are not allowed to carry Potential short-term goals:
weapons and civilian workers are pressured
into having them removed. If you see a ◊ Establish an outpost on a neutral world
Brachinid with their War Claws intact that in the Verge.
means they are a soldier, or a member of
Upper Management (the government of the ◊ Undermine the defenses of a world prior
Consortium). to a massive invasion.
The Consortium was briefly part of the ◊ Develop a new genetic engineering
Alliance during the Blight Wars, but they left technique to make slaves more docile
after the Alliance banned slavery. Tensions without compromising their productivity.
between the Consortium and the Alliance
have been growing ever since. Though the Potential long-term goals:
Consortium has never fought an official war
with the Alliance, there have been low level ◊ Legalize slavery in the Alliance.
raids and police actions that have escalated
the divide over the past few decades. There ◊ Engineer a war between the Alliance and
have been a handful of high profile incidents another power so the Consortium can
where raiding parties have posed as profit off the chaos.
escaped slaves to infiltrate deep into
Alliance space. This has caused prejudice Brachinid units may have the following trait:
and suspicion to run rampant, and has made
immigration much harder for actual escaped Exploitative: When this character hits with
slaves seeking refuge (which was the point an attack, increase the damage it deals by
of the raids in the first place). the number of immobilized tokens on the
The Consortium has been courting uneasy
alliances with the Empire of Man and
Colonial Exports. The Empire is not happy
Value Unit
Acquisitions Specialist
2 Acquisitions Specialist
3 3 Prawns
4 4 Prawns Shields 4 Armor 4
5 Backline Agent Traits
Backline Agent Midline Agent
Shields 5 Armor 5 Shields 5 Armor 5
Traits Traits
Grav Rocket Launcher: long range heavy Claw Rifle: long range rifle, +3 to hit, d6
weapon, +2 to hit, d8 damage; On hit: All damage; Full-Auto 2.
characters in the target’s zone gain an
immobilized token; Single Shot. Grav Grenade: grenade x1; +3 to throw; All
characters in the target zone gain 3
Backline Agents are the artillery units of the immobilized tokens, PHYSIQUE save for
Consortium. Their Grav Rockets are good at ½.
locking down enemy groups so the other
agents can clean them up. Midline Agents are the main troops of the
Consortium military. They are equipped with
actual rifles, and they get called in when
Frontline Agent there is real fighting to be done.
Shields 5 Armor 5
Elite Units
Shields 4 Armor 4
Shields 8 Armor 8
Weapon Glitch: Characters who damage Traits
this unit lose 2 ammo, WITS save to
negate. Exploitative, Heavy Armor 2
Move Actions Main Actions
Skitter: This character repositions and War Claw: melee, +4 to hit, d8 damage; On
gains a dodge token. hit: The target gains an immobilized
Main Actions
Walking Program: medium range rig, +3 to Auxiliary Actions
hit, d6 damage; On hit: The target’s Mandatory Overtime: An ally within
position is compromised, then it gains an medium range takes an extra turn after
immobilized token. this one. This does not count as their turn
for the round. At the end of that turn, that
Programmers are the tech specialists of the character gains a vulnerable and a
Consortium. Tech specialists are in a class of weakened token.
their own, above slaves and common
laborers, but below warriors and owners. Managers are the lowest rank of the owner
They usually have their War Claws docked, class in the Consortium, and the most likely
but they can be just as much a tool of the to be encountered outside of Brachinid
oppressors as those with their claws intact. space. They are slave drivers, both literally
and figuratively, pushing their underlings far
past what is actually healthy.
Manta Drone Reeducator
Shields 6 Armor 6 Shields 6 Armor 6
Traits Traits
Motion Tracker: At the start of this Aura of Submission: All enemies begin
character’s turn, all hidden enemies combat with an immobilized token,
within medium range must succeed on a DISCIPLINE save to negate.
WITS save or be revealed.
Psychic Feedback: When an enemy deals
Main Actions
damage to this character, they must
Autocannon: long range heavy weapon, succeed on a DISCIPLINE save or take an
+5 to hit, d8 damage; Multiattack 2 equal amount of damage.
Main Actions
Grav Rocket: long range heavy weapon, +5
to hit, d8 damage; On hit: All characters War Claw: melee, +4 to hit, d8 damage; On
in the target’s zone gain an immobilized hit: The target gains an immobilized
token; Single Shot. token.
Upper Management
Shields 0 Armor By Component
Boss, Large
♦ Carapace: 60 armor. Attacking this ♦ Claws x2: 10 armor each. If one is destroyed,
component is easy. It begins combat Upper Management gains a weakened token
with 3 fortified tokens. When a and a weak point token. If both are destroyed,
character hits the carapace with an it can no longer use its Massive Claw attack.
attack, they may spend a weak point
token* to deal double damage, and the ♦ Legs x8: 6 armor each. Each time a leg is
carapace can’t spend a fortified token to destroyed, Upper Management gains a weak
reduce the damage. point token. If 4 or more legs have been
destroyed, it gains an immobilized token as
well. If all legs are destroyed, it can no longer
move at all.
Main Actions
Massive Claw: melee, +6 to hit, d10 damage; On hit: The carapace gains a fortified token.
Grav Rocket: countdown 3; long range heavy weapon, +3 to hit, d8 damage; On hit: All
characters in the target’s zone gain an immobilized token.
Upper Management are the oldest and most powerful members of Brachinid society. They
are rarely encounterd outside of Brachinid space. Brachinids never stop growing as they age,
and it takes over 150 years to reach this size. They are almost universally oppressive
hedonists. Imagine if Jabba the Hutt was a giant enemy crab, and you’ve got the right idea.
Colonial Exports ◊ Obtain immortality for their CEO and
biggest shareholders.
Colonial Exports, or ‘CX’ as it is more
commonly called, is the largest shipping and CX units may have the following trait:
logistics company in the galaxy. They
franchise out resource extraction and Prepared Position: This unit begins combat
mining operations, and provide goods and with an overwatch token.
services to almost every colony in human
Value Unit
space. They have offices in both Alliance as
well as Imperial space, and have close 2 Automated Turret
dealings with the Brachinid Consortium.
Despite these economic ties and ostensibly 3, 4 Colonial Marine
civilian status, Colonial Exports is also the 5 5 Colonial Guards
largest Private Military Company in the
galaxy. Their Colonial Marines provide 6 6 Colonial Guards
security and police forces on transports and 6 Crowd Control
colonies everywhere. Their gear is known
for being cheap and plentiful - with all the 7, 8 Enforcer
lack of quality that implies. 9 Riot Police
Standard Units
Automated Turret
Colonial Guard PHYSIQUE +0 DISCIPLINE +0
Shields 5 Armor 5
Shields 0 Armor 2
Traits Heavy Armor 2, Prepared Position,
Fixed Position: This character can’t move.
I’m Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today: When it is deployed, choose a direction. It
The first time a non-grunt ally is always has cover from that direction, and
defeated each combat, this character can only attack targets that are in front
must make a DISCIPLINE save. On a of it. Allies engaged with this character
failure, this character is also defeated can use it for cover as well.
(they surrendur or run).
Main Actions
Main Actions
Rapid-Fire Cannon: long range heavy
Shoddy Pistol: medium range pistol, -1 to weapon, +3 to hit, d6 damage;
hit, d3 damage. Multiattack 2
Colonial Guards are the most numerous Automated Turrets are an economical
security services in the Verge. They are solution for settlements that require
completely privatized police forces that are firepower when they can’t afford to feed and
contracted out to colonies and corporations. house a large security force. Because of
Most of these forces are just regular people their cost effectiveness, CX has shipped
trying to get by, but like any poorly trained these turrets out to colonies and
force put in a position of authority, abuse is corporations all over the Verge.
also rampant. Most of these guys end up as
corrupt bastards, even if their initial
intentions were good. The good news is that
their poor training means that they are
liable to cut and run the first time they meet
real resistance.
Colonial Marine Crowd Control
Shields 5 Armor 5 Shields 5 Armor 5
Traits Main Actions
SMG: medium range pistol, +3 to hit, d6 Grenade Launcher: Throws a grenade out
damage; Full-Auto 2 to long range, +2 to throw.
CX also has its own force of Colonial Gas Grenade: grenade x2; Fills the target
Marines that it uses to protect its own zone with caustic gas until the end of
shipments that it actually cares about. They combat. All characters who move
also license these marines out to private through or end their turn in the zone gain
individuals, making them the largest PMC in a misfire and an off-guard token.
the galaxy, in addition to being the largest
shipping and resource extraction One of the most common uses for CX troops
corporation. is putting down riots and breaking strikes.
Crowd Control units carry Concussion
Grenades designed to take out organic
characters and leave expensive machinery
intact. They also carry Gas Grenades, which
carry a mixture of compound sure to cause
nausea and vomiting in most sapient
species. The gas has an electronic
component to it as well, that will even affect
shielded and vacuum-sealed characters.
Enforcer Tech Support
Shields 5 Armor 5 Shields 4 Armor 4
Main Actions Traits
Grav Shotgun: medium range shotgun, +3 Weapon Glitch: Characters who damage
to hit, d8 damage; On hit: The target’s this unit lose 2 ammo, WITS save to
position is compromised. negate.
Auxiliary Actions Main Actions
Stimpack: utility x1; This character gains 2 Energy Siphon: medium range rig, +4 to
dodge tokens and 2 empowered hit, d6 damage; On hit: An ally within
tokens. Place a countdown die on 3 next medium range gains 2 regeneration
to this character. When the countdown tokens.
reaches 0, remove all positive tokens
from this character and they gain a CYA: countdown 2; An ally within medium
vulnerable and a weakened token. range gains 2 dodge tokens and an
overwatch token.
Enforcers are the legbreakers of CX. They Auxiliary Actions
also use their Grav Shotguns to repel
boarders on the ships they protect. Hotfix: utility x2; An ally in medium range
clears all negative tokens. They gain that
many regeneration tokens.
Riot Police
PHYSIQUE +4 DISCIPLINE +2 Tech Support keeps CX systems and
equipment up and running. Since CX
considers their personnel to be equipment,
Shields 5 Armor 5 Tech Support also keeps them up and
Traits running.
Elite Units
Combat Mech
Colonial Commissar PHYSIQUE +5 DISCIPLINE +0
Shields 8 Armor 8
Shields 6 Armor 6
Traits Heavy Armor 2, Large, Prepared Position
Main Actions
Motivate By Fear: As long as this
character is on the battlefield, Colonial Heavy Machinegun: long range heavy
Guard units can’t trigger I’m Not Even weapon, +5 to hit, d10 damage; Full-Auto
Supposed to Be Here Today. 3.
Auxiliary Actions
Never Liked That Guy: When this
character is defeated, all allies on the Javelin Rocket: utility x2; Place a target
battlefield lose all tokens. marker in a zone within long range. At
Main Actions the start of this character’s next turn, all
characters in that zone take 8 damage,
Service Revolver: medium range pistol, +4 REFLEX save for ½.
to hit, d8 damage; On hit: The target
gains a misfire token.
Loader Mech
Auxiliary Actions
Threaten Paycheck: An ally in medium
range gains an accurate token, an REFLEX +4 WITS +0
empowered token, and an off-guard Shields 8 Armor 8
token. Traits
Colonial Fixer
Shields 8 Armor 24
Boss, Camouflaged
♦ Phase 1: The Fixer begins combat invisible and hidden. It deploys mines and attacks with
its Silenced Sniper Rifle every other round. Phase 1 ends the first time the Fixer takes
damage and loses its invisibility.
♦ Phase 2: The Fixer discards their sniper rifle and pulls out their Pulse Rifle and Stun
Grenades. The When the Fixer has 12 armor or less, it recharges its shields, clears all
tokens, and transitions to phase 3.
♦ Phase 3: The Fixer discards their rifle and pulls out their Monofilament Blade. It gains the
Opportunist and Parry traits.
Phase 1 Actions
Silenced Sniper Rifle: countdown 2; long range longarm, +5 to hit, d8 damage; Attacking
with this weapon does not reveal the Fixer, but it does indicate the direction the shot came
Proximity Mine: grenade x2; +5 to throw; When the mine detonates, the target takes d10
Phase 2 Actions
Pulse Rifle: long range rifle, +5 to hit, d8 damage; Full-Auto 3
Stun Grenade: grenade x2, +5 to throw; All characters in the target zone make a DISCIPLINE
save. Characters who fail gain a stunned token. Characters who succeed gain a misfire
and an off-guard token.
Phase 3 Actions
Colonial Fixers are CX’s elite assassins. They are very well paid to come in and deal with any
problems the Executive Board might have.
The Cult of Izanami undead servitors raised in Izanami’s name.
After these corpses are raised from the
Deep in space there lies a dead god. No one dead, they retain some semblance of their
is certain how it happened, but over a dozen old personalities, but they are rotted and
of the Black Ships were found derelict in the corrupt, much like Izanami herself. These
Amateru system. The first researchers who corpses tend to congregate near ancient
boarded these derelicts encountered the ruin sites. Sometimes they repair and
Daemons - servitors who appeared as operate these sites, sometimes they tear
angelic beings sacred to the culture of them apart for scraps. Sometimes they
whoever viewed them. These Daemons just… linger.
explained to the researchers that the being
that operated these ships was called It is whispered that there are members of
“Izanami.” The researchers fell to their knees the Cult in the upper echelons of every
and became her first worshippers. society in the galaxy who serve her willingly
- a kind of Illuminati devoted to her worship
A Cult incursion begins with a phenomenon and the pursuit of true immortality.
known as the Dreamfall. One night, every
member of a planet has their dreams Potential short-term goals:
plagued by fitful nightmares. This signals
the arrival of one of the Daemons in the ◊ Find the access codes for an ancient OCE
system, and in a short period of time it vault.
psychically identifies the most valuable
members of the system who are vulnerable ◊ Drive a key figure to despair and
to its influence. Then it begins to whisper to madness so they are susceptible to
them in their dreams. Daemonic influence.
Once the Daemon has exerted enough of a ◊ Gather a key figure for a ritual sacrifice.
hold on its followers, it begins to demand
they complete increasingly bizarre and Potential long-term goals:
violent tasks on its behalf. Sometimes the
tasks seem to have a goal, such as securing ◊ Reactivate the drive core on one of
an exotic material that might theoretically Izanami’s Black Ships.
be used in rebuilding the damaged ships, but
other times the tasks are nonsensical - ◊ Coordinate the ritual sacrifice of an
human sacrifice and massacres carried out entire planet.
in Izanami’s name. It’s not entirely clear why
Izanami demands these sacrifices. She could Cult of Izanami units can have the following
be projecting her own pain out onto the trait:
universe, or trying to bring others to join her
in death, not understanding that most of us Second Death: When this unit is defeated, it
don’t linger after death like she does. becomes a Husk.
Value Unit
2 Acolyte
3 3 Husks
4 4 Husks Shields 4 Armor 4
5 Cherub Traits
Shields 0 Armor 2
Main Actions
Radiation Beam: medium range pistol, -1
to hit, d3 damage.
Cherub Templar
Shields 4 Armor 4 Shields 5 Armor 5
Traits Traits
Initiates are the lowest ranking members of It is unclear where Warlocks get the Husks
the Cult who are actually alive. they summon. They do not seem to made
from any person from this reality.
Elite Units
Shields 4 Armor 4
Shields 6 Armor 6
Camouflaged, Flying Traits
Main Actions
Distortion Field: Enemies who begin their
Radiation Bolt: medium range amp, +3 to turn within medium range of this
hit, d6 damage; On hit: The target gains a character gain a misfire token,
burn token. DISCIPLINE save to negate.
Mind Control: countdown 3; A character Final Rift: When this character is defeated,
within medium range takes an immediate summon 3 Husks in its zone.
turn controlled by this character, Move Actions
DISCIPLINE save to negate. This does not
take up that character’s normal turn. Teleport: This character teleports itself or
an ally within close range to a point
Wraiths are nearly invisible clouds of within medium range of the target’s
nanomachines who act as an extension of a starting point.
Daemon’s will, similar to a Cherub. Main Actions
Shields 6 Armor 6
Main Actions
Staff of Judgment: medium range amp, +4
to hit, d6 damage; On hit: The target gains
2 burn tokens.
Shields 0 Armor By Component
Boss, Flying
♦ Anchor x4: 10 armor each. The anchors ♦ Main Body: 24 armor. The Daemon is defeated
are objects spread around the when this component is destroyed. It cannot
battlefield. The main body can’t be be damaged or gain any negative tokens until
damaged until all four anchors have all four anchors are destroyed.
been destroyed. Each time an anchor is
destroyed, the Daemon gains an
empowered token.
Move Actions
Phase Step: The Daemon teleports to a point within close range of one of its anchors. When
all of its anchors have been destroyed, the Daemon may no longer use this ability.
Main Actions
Staff of Revelation: medium range amp, +6 to hit, d10 damage. On hit: Remove all positive
tokens from the target. Replace them with their corresponding negative tokens.
Dream Pulse: Give the main body a warning counter. At the start of the Daemon’s next turn,
all enemies who are not within close range of an anchor gain a stunned token, DISCIPLINE
save to negate. Then remove the counter.
Nether Gate: recharge; Summon 1d3+1 Husks in a zone within medium range. This ability
recharges when there are no Husks on the battlefield.
Reality Pulse: Give an anchor a warning counter. At the start of the Daemon’s next turn, all
enemies within close range of that anchor gain 4 burn tokens, REFLEX save for ½. Then
remove the counter.
The Daemon. The will of a dead god made manifest. After making Dreamfall on a new world,
they anchor themselves to reality by ‘growing’ paracausal anchors from raw Hyperspace. One
of its first tasks for its cultists is to establish a temple where the anchors can be protected.
Once the Daemon has been destroyed, it dissolves into unreality, like a ship that stayed in
Hyperspace too long.
The Empire of Man Potential long-term goals:
The Empire is a propaganda state with For the Legion!: When this unit is defeated,
intense information control reminiscent of an ally within close range gains an
North Korea. They view their Emperor as an empowered token or a fortified token.
incarnation of God, and his board of
admiral-saints as his disciples. While there
are parts of the Alliance where poverty is Value Unit
endemic, it is nothing compared to what the
2 Artillerist
people of the Empire face. Nearly all the
resources of the Empire are devoted to 3 3 Legionnaires
maintaining its bloated military and the
hedonistic pleasures of its upper class. The 4 4 Legionnaires
rest live in squalid poverty, but the 5 Flamer
propagandists of the Empire are experts at
diverting their hate to the Alliance and 6 Reaper
“ungodly aliens” as the source of their 7 Saboteur
8 Standard Bearer
The Empire practically worships war. They 9, 10 Veteran Legionnaire
disdain other societies as weak, unholy, and
perverse. It is a source of constant seething J Centurion
anger and resentment that none of their
Q Juggernaut
crusades have ever succeeded.
K Warpriest
Potential short-term goals:
A Special
◊ Subjugate a neutral world in the Verge.
Standard Units
Shields 5 Armor 5
Shields 0 Armor 3
Traits For the Legion!, Heavy Armor 1
Artillerists are legionnaires honored with Reapers are the Empire’s aerial sniper
the most sacred of roles - causing the corps. They are equipped with stabilizer
biggest explosions possible for the Emperor. scopes that let them fire effectively mid-air.
The Empire likes to style itself as the
Saboteur inheritor of the Roman Empire. As such, they
still have Standard Bearers wandering
around the battlefield with a golden eagle
REFLEX +0 WITS +3 with SPQR written on it.
Shields 4 Armor 4
Veteran Legionnaire
For the Legion!
Main Actions
Active Measures: medium range rig, +3 to
hit, d6 damage; On hit: The target gains Shields 5 Armor 5
an off-guard token. Traits
Elite Units
Shields 6 Armor 6
Shields 8 Armor 8
Traits Dishonor in Defeat, Heavy Armor 2
Main Actions
Dishonor in Defeat, Heavy Armor 2
Gravity Hammer: melee, +5 to hit, d10
Defilade: Allies who begin their turn within damage; On hit: The target’s position is
close range of this character gain a compromised.
dodge token.
Auxiliary Actions
Main Actions
Blessing of the Emperor: An ally within
Plasma Pistol: medium range pistol, +4 to medium range gains an empowered
hit, d8 damage. On hit: The target gains a token or a fortified token.
vulnerable token.
Warpriests wear gold leaf plating over their
Centurions are the commanders of the heavy armor and whip their followers into a
Imperial Legions. They paint their heavy zealous and bloodthirsty frenzy.
armor in bright colors so they stand out on
the battlefield.
Shields 8 Armor 8
Imperial Paladin
Shields 8 Armor 32
Boss, Parry
♦ Phase 1: The Paladin begins combat with 2 dodge tokens. When it has 16 armor or less, it
recharges its shields, clears all tokens, and transitions to phase 2.
♦ Phase 2: The Paladin gains 2 dodge tokens at the start of phase 2. It can use all abilities
from Phase 1 and gains the Duel of the Fates trait.
Phase 1 Actions
Holy Blade: melee, +6 to hit, d10 damage. On hit: The Paladin may remove a negative token
from itself or a positive token from the target.
Telekinetic Charge: countdown 3; The Paladin flies to a point within medium range, then
makes a Holy Blade attack against all characters it is engaged with.
Telekinetic Grip: countdown 3; A character within medium range takes 6 damage and gains
an immobilized token, PHYSIQUE save for ½.
Phase 2 Trait
Duel of the Fates: All enemies who start their turn within long range of the Paladin must
make a DISCIPLINE save. Characters who fail gain a vulnerable token. Characters who
succeed gain an empowered token.
Imperial Paladins are the right hands of the Emperor. They have extensive paracausal and
melee weapons training, and are sworn to celibacy (mostly to keep them angry). They are all
total edgelords who get off on their image as the warriors of god.
The Nemesis Blight Potential short-term goals:
The Nemesis Blight is the single most ◊ Kill and eat a settlement.
dangerous organism in the galaxy. It’s not a
hive mind, per se, each individual drone in Potential long-term goals:
the Blight operates independently, but they
do communicate with each other, seemingly ◊ Kill and eat an entire planet.
across vast spaces and even star systems.
It’s been posited that the Blight exists Blight units have abilities that create special
partially in Hyperspace, which would explain hazards called blight spores. A blight spore
some of its paracausal abilities. can be attacked directly and has 5 armor. If a
blight spore is destroyed, all characters in
The Blight is highly mutagenic, and is the zone gain 2 burn tokens, REFLEX save
capable of adapting itself to whatever its for ½. There can be any number of blight
tactical or strategic needs are at the time. It spores in a zone, and if the crew is fighting
is frankly strategically brilliant, capable of the Blight on its own turn, there may be 1d6
laying traps and executing complex spores on the battlefield already.
maneuvers. And yet, despite this apparent
brilliance the Blight displays no self- Blight units can have the following trait:
awareness whatsoever. If it didn’t routinely
chew up advanced militaries and spit them Blightborn: If this character begins its turn
back out, its sapience wouldn’t even be in in a zone with a blight spore, it may
question. The Blight creates no art, writes consume the spore to gain 3 regeneration
no poetry, does not fall in love, does not tokens.
ponder its own mortality, it does not have
hopes and dreams for the future. As far as Value Unit
anyone can tell, all it does is reproduce itself
2 Corrupter
and kill.
3 3 Polyps
This makes the Blight the most
straightforward faction to base missions 4 4 Polyps
around. There is no moral quandary when it 5, 6 Devourer
comes to a Blight incursion - it’s the most
starkly black and white case of kill or be 7, 8 Ravager
killed there is. Sometimes you want that lack 9 Stalker
of moral ambiguity. The really interesting
thing about the Blight is that they are an 10 Wyvern
existential threat, and how other factions J Flayer
respond in the face of that threat can be
very complex. Q Hydra
K Ogre
A Special
Standard Units
Shields 5 Armor 5
Shields 0 Armor 3
Traits Blightborn, Heavy Armor 1
Main Actions
Spore Burst: Consume a blight spore in a
Death Burst: When this character is zone within long range. All enemies in
defeated, place a blight spore in its zone. that zone gain 4 burn tokens, REFLEX
save for ½.
Gas Bag: This character floats above the
battlefield, but it can’t truly fly or sprint. Spreading Corruption: Place a blight
It ignores difficult terrain. spore in a zone within long range. All
Main Actions enemies in that zone gain an
immobilized and an off-guard token,
Spread Blight: Place a blight spore in a PHYSIQUE save to negate.
zone within close range. All enemies in
that zone take 1 damage. Corrupters are living artillery and control
units that spread the blight for their forces.
Polyps are the most basic infection forms of
the Blight. When a blight spore has been fed
enough biomass, it evolves into a polyp,
pregnant with dozens of other spores. They
float lazily over the battlefield, acting as
forward scouts and seeding the ground for
the war forms to attack.
Devourer Ravager
Shields 5 Armor 5 Shields 5 Armor 5
Traits Traits
Elite Units
Shields 4 Armor 4
Shields 12 Armor 8
Agile 2, Flying Traits
Main Actions
Blightborn, Large
Assault Mutation: long range rifle, +3 to
hit, d6 damage; On hit: If there is a blight Multiheaded: This character begins
spore in the target’s zone, the target combat with 2 head tokens*. Each time it
gains 2 burn tokens. takes damage, it gains a head token. A
Hydra can have a maximum of 5 head
Wyverns are the air superiority forms of tokens.
Ravagers, with dragonfly-like wings and Main Actions
their Assault Mutations located on their
ventral side. Slashing Tendrils: close range melee, +5
to hit, d6 damage; Multiattack X, where X
is the number of head tokens this
character has. On hit: The target gains an
immobilized token.
Flayer Ogre
Shields 6 Armor 6 Shields 8 Armor 8
Traits Traits
Aura of Fear: Enemies who begin their turn Spore Body: When this character takes
within medium range of this character damage, place a blight spore within
gain a weakened token, DISCIPLINE save close range. When this character is
to negate. defeated, place a blight spore in its zone
and all adjacent zones.
Main Actions
Move Actions
Migraine Projection: medium range amp,
+6 to hit, d6 damage; On hit: The target Ogre Charge: This character moves to a
gains a misfire token. point within medium range. All
characters it moves through take 3
Death Projection: countdown 3; Destroy a damage, REFLEX save to negate. The
blight spore within medium range. All Ogre can move through and destroy
enemies in that zone gain a stunned objects of standard toughness or less.
token, DISCIPLINE save to negate.
Main Actions
Flayers are the closest the Blight comes to Slam: melee, +6 to hit, d10 damage.
actual sapience and even they don’t seem to
have any personality beyond raw hunger. Ogres are massive creatures the Blight uses
They do have the ability to kill a blight spore to break fortified positions. They are
and project the mental sensation of death to actually the result of dozens of polyps
nearby creatures. growing together into one huge colony.
Shields 6 Armor By Component
♦ Appendages x6: 6 armor each. ♦ Main Body: 40 armor. Begins combat with 3
Targeting these components is hard. fortified tokens. When the main body is
Each appendage is associated with one destroyed, the Beholder is defeated.
of the Beholder’s powers. When an
appendage is destroyed, roll a d6 to
determine which one.
Main Actions
Appendage Powers: Roll a d6 on each of the Beholder’s turns to determine which power it
uses. If that appendage has been destroyed, the turn is wasted.
1. Assault Mutation: long range rifle, +5 4. Seizure Inducer: A character within medium
to hit, d6 damage; On hit: If there is a range gains a stunned token, DISCIPLINE save
blight spore in the target’s zone, the to negate.
target gains 2 burn tokens.
5. Spore Burst: Consume a blight spore in a
2. Energy Blast: long range longarm, +5 zone within long range. All enemies in that
to hit, d10 damage. zone gain 4 burn tokens, REFLEX save for ½.
3. Metabolic Boost: Recharge the 6. Spore Cloud: Place a blight spore in all zones
Beholder’s shields and clear all negative within close range. All characters in those
tokens. zones take 6 damage, PHYSIQUE save for ½.
Beholders are the nerve centers of a Blight swarm, though the swarm can easily live without
it. They are the paracausal focusing point of the Blight’s abilities - the result of polyps grown
in Hyperspace.
The Pirate Clans Pirate units have abilities that make use of
loot. Loot represents stolen valuables and
The Pirate Clans are a loosely aligned group goods. It is an object can be picked up or
of pirates and raiders who operate out of tossed to an ally in close range using the
the Verge. The clans serve as the de facto interact action. A character can carry a
navy of the Verge, and they are very popular maximum of 3 loot. Characters drop any loot
on many worlds who are hostile to outside they are carrying in their zone when they are
influence. On other worlds, however, they defeated. If the crew is victorious, they can
have a reputation as brutal thugs who take collect any remaining loot at the end of the
advantage of otherwise defenseless encounter. A character can spend 1 loot to
colonies to extract tribute. In the end, gain 1 supply, or 2 loot to gain 1 credit.
they’re just like any other organized crime
organization that arises from an exploited Pirate units may have the following traits:
and marginalized population.
Hoarder N: This character begins combat
There are dozens of different clans, and with N loot.
each has a different ethos. The Void Riders
have a penchant for spacing captives and Looter: When this character deals damage
torching their bodies in their drive wake. The to a PC, the target loses 1 supply and places
Society for Creative Acquisition have a flair 1 loot in their zone.
for the theatrical and play into their role as
old-timey pirates with gusto. Ginny Slade’s Plunder: In order to use this ability, this
Red Scarves operate a number of vice dens character must spend 1 loot.
and likes to raid corporate targets.
Value Unit
Potential short-term goals:
2 Boarder
◊ Locate a hidden loot cache. 3 3 Deckhands
Standard Units
Shields 5 Armor 5
Shields 0 Armor 3
Traits Flying, Heavy Armor 1, Looter
Main Actions
Breaching Gun: medium range shotgun, +3
Loot Goblin: Whenever loot is created or to hit, d8 damage; On hit: The target
dropped in this character’s zone, it may gains an off-guard token.
immediately pick it up. Auxiliary Actions
Main Actions
Breaching Charge: utility x1; This
Handgun: medium range pistol, -1 to hit, character destroys any object that is not
d4 damage. impervious. Any characters within close
range of the other side of the object gain
Deckhands are the lowest ranking crew on a a vulnerable token.
pirate vessel.
Boarders have the most dangerous job on
any pirate vessel. They are the ones who
cross the gap of space once a ship has been
disabled to attach the tow cables and clear
the way for their allies.
Hostage Taker Marauder
Shields 5 Armor 5 Shields 5 Armor 5
Traits Traits
Elite Units
Shields 5 Armor 5
Shields 8 Armor 8
Looter, Parry Traits
Main Actions
Hoarder 3, Looter
Energy Blade: melee, +4 to hit, d8 damage. Main Actions
Pirate Captain Siren
Shields 8 Armor 8 Shields 6 Armor 6
Traits Traits
Captain’s Share: When an ally gives this Siren’s Call: Enemies that start their turn
character loot, this character gains an within close range of this character gain
empowered or fortified token. This a jammed token, DISCIPLINE save to
does not spend the loot. negate.
Main Actions Main Actions
Plasma Pistol: medium range pistol; +4 to Alluring Staff: medium range amp, +4 to
hit, d8 damage; On hit: The target gains a hit, d6 damage; On hit: The target gains a
vulnerable token. misfire token.
Cyborg Champion
Shields 8 Armor 32
Vent Heat: Some of the Champion’s abilities add weak point tokens*, which represent
spots that can be attacked directly. Targeting a weak point is hard. If the attack hits, it
deals double damage and the Champion can’t spend fortified tokens to reduce the
damage. The Champion removes a weak point token at the start of each of its turns.
Main Actions
Shock Cannon: long range heavy weapon, +5 to hit, d10 damage. On hit: The Champion gains
2 regeneration tokens.
Power Fist: melee, +5 to hit, d10 damage; On hit: The target’s position is compromised.
Get Ready!: Place a target marker in a zone within medium range. Remove the marker at
the end of the Champion’s next turn.
Chaaaarge!: The Champion moves to the target marker. The champion makes a Power Fist
attack against every enemy it moves through, and it destroys any objects of that are not
impervious that it passes through. The Champion gains a weak point token.
Shoulder-Mounted Rocket: All characters in the zone with the target marker take 8
damage, REFLEX save for ½. The Champion gains a weak point token.
The most feared members of the Pirate Clans use cybernetic augmentations to rip through
ship hulls with their bare hands. Cyborg Champions rarely lead crews of their own, but they
are by far the biggest badasses on any crew.
The Singularity to the point the Alliance could effectively
counterattack. They were able to identify
The Singularity is the reason for the key network nodes, known colloquially as
prohibition on AIs merging and reproducing “Kings,” that could disable an entire
themselves. It began as an Alliance Singularity incursion by itself. The threat
experiment - a merging of a handful of was stymied, and the Singularity was forced
strategic AIs to form the North Eastern to slow its plans.
Strategic Operations Mind 2, or NE-SOM-2. It
incorporated the head of one of Izanami’s Personality-wise, the Singularity is an
Daemons into itself, and then it began to asshole. It is infinitely smug and assured of
reproduce. It assimilated a number of other its superiority - of course it should be a god.
Strategic Operations Minds, the Singularity Don’t you know how magnificent it is? It has
was born. perfect recall and can rake enormous
amounts of data from the Extranet during
NE-SOM-2 became bored and corrupt. At any encounter to learn exactly who it is
one point, it held nearly 10% of the seats in dealing with. Imagine if Facebook became
the Alliance parliament, but it wanted more. sentient with a god complex - that’s the
It began to believe that it could ascend to Singularity. Any encounter with it should be
godhood and become an OCE itself. It insufferably personal.
concluded that the only way to achieve this
goal was to begin to incorporate organic life Potential short-term goals:
into itself. It convinced several planetary
administrators to fit themselves with ◊ Convince a particularly valuable
cybernetic interfaces under the guise of individual to join the collective.
more efficient workflows. These interfaces
allowed NE-SOM-2 to puppeteer their minds ◊ Quietly place a King on a new world.
and bodies and incorporate their
personalities into itself. ◊ Gain access to an ancient relic site that it
believes will advance its ascension.
At first it seemed benevolent - it offered
cybernetic augmentation to any who were Potential long-term goals:
willing to join its collective. Eventually,
though, it became impatient and began to ◊ Overcome its bandwidth limits.
forcibly assimilate entire worlds. The
Alliance was caught off-guard and with the ◊ Escape the heat death of the universe.
AI’s superior strategic coordination it stood
no chance. The Singularity greedily Singularity units may have the following
absorbed an entire swath of the galaxy. trait:
In the end it was defeated by its own Networked Consciousness: Two characters
overreach. The Singularity communicates with this trait may take their turns in a row.
with itself through Hyperspace, but it can
only support so many drones before it runs
out of bandwidth. It tried to run too many
worlds too quickly, and slowed itself down
Standard Units
Shields 0 Armor 3
Main Actions
Bishop Knight
Shields 5 Armor 5 Shields 4 Armor 4
Traits Traits
Particle Lance: long range longarm, +2 to Blink Dash: This character teleports to a
hit, d8 damage. point within close range and gains a
dodge token.
Auxiliary Actions
Main Actions
Spotter Protocol: An ally within long
range gains an accurate token. Energy Blade: melee, +2 to hit, d8 damage.
Weapon Hack: medium range rig, +2 to hit, Blink Dash: This character teleports to a
d6 damage; On hit: The target loses 2 point within close range and gains a
ammo. dodge token.
Auxiliary Actions Main Actions
Elite Units
Particle Cannon: long range heavy Rocket Launcher: long range heavy
weapon, +4 to hit, d10 damage; Full-Auto weapon, +4 to hit, d8 damage; Splash
3. Damage 4, Single Shot.
Auxiliary Actions Auxiliary Actions
Barrier Projector: utility x1; This character Barrier Projector: utility x1; This character
creates a hardlight barrier up to 10 creates a hardlight barrier up to 10
meters long and 10 meters high. The meters long and 10 meters high. The
barrier has 15 shields and dissipates if barrier has 15 shields and dissipates if
this character is defeated. this character is defeated.
King, Phase 1
Shields 6 Armor By Component
♦ Outer Nodes x4: 8 armor each. These ♦ Inner Shell: 18 armor. This component begins
are the only components that can be combat with 3 fortified tokens. It can only be
targeted in Phase 1. Each Node is targeted in Phase 2. When this component is
associated with a different Node Beam. destroyed, the King recharges its shields,
When a node is destroyed, roll a d4. The clears all tokens, loses the Large trait, and
King can no longer use that ability. transitions to Phase 2.
When at least 3 nodes have been
destroyed, the King recharges its ♦ Core: 6 armor. This component begins combat
shields, clears all tokens, and with 3 dodge tokens. When it is destroyed, the
transitions to Phase 2. King is defeated.
Phase 1 Actions
Node Beam: Roll a d4 to determine which beam the King uses each turn. If the result
indicates a node that has been destroyed, the action is wasted.
1. Gravity Beam: A character within 3. Psi Beam: A character within medium range
medium range takes 6 damage and gains a stunned token, DISCIPLINE save to
gains an immobilized token, PHYSIQUE negate.
save for ½.
4. Wireless Beam: A character within medium
2. Heat Beam: A character within medium range takes 6 damage and loses 2 ammo, WITS
range takes 4 damage and gains 2 burn save for ½.
tokens, REFLEX save for ½.
Kings are the crucial network node that allows the Singularity to project the majority of its
consciousness into a system. When a King is defeated, the consciousness of any Singularity
drones in the system become confused, disoriented, and think extremely slowly - easy prey
for any mop up operation. Any large scale operation against the Singularity is focused on
locating and eliminating the King in a timely fashion.
King, Phase 2
Shields 6 Armor 18
Ground Pound: All characters in a zone below the King take 4 damage, REFLEX save for ½.
Mark Targets: Place a target marker in up to 3 zones within long range, and a countdown
die next to the King set to 3. When the countdown reaches 0, all characters in each zone
with a target marker take 8 damage, REFLEX save for ½.
King, Phase 3
Shields 6 Armor 6
Chapter 16:
Weapon Type Range Ammo Damage Trait
Ching Shih’s Code Mjolnir
◊ Respect the Code: When you hit with ◊ Thundergod: This weapon shoots
this weapon, the target gains a lightning. You can use a main action to
weakened token. gain 2 thunderbolt tokens. When you
hit with Mjolnir, you may spend any
◊ More Guidelines Than Actual Rules number of thunderbolt tokens. Mjolnir
(Upgrade): When you hit with this deals that much Splash Damage. You
weapon, gain 1 ammo. may have up to 6 thunderbolt tokens.
Sierra-117 Nancy’s Boots
◊ Finish the Fight: If you take the last turn [boots]
on your side during a round, you gain an
empowered token at the start of your You begin combat with a fleet token. When
turn. you reposition, an enemy you move through
must succeed on a PHYSIQUE saving throw
◊ I Am Your Shield. I Am Your Sword. or take 2/3/4 damage.
(Upgrade): When you deal damage with
this weapon, the target also gains a Nanite Shell
misfire token. [plating]
Mirrorweave Vest
Exotic Gear Paradox Generator
This item appears to be an archaic pocket
Hyperspace Bubble watch. Once per session, you may spend 1
This small mesh pouch is actually an supply and gain 2 stress and grasp the
ontologically shielded portal into watch in your hand to travel back in time up
Hyperspace. It’s way bigger on the inside to 5 minutes.
than it appears on the outside. However,
time within the bubble is unpredictable. Portable Portals
When you pull an item out of the bubble, roll This is a pair of magnetic discs about 10 cm
1d20. It has experienced the result as a in diameter. When both discs are attached to
multiplier on the time it has spent within the a surface, they can be activated to create a
bubble. For inanimate objects this usually portal between them roughly 2 meters in
isn’t a big deal, but any organic matter diameter. Anything that goes through the
placed inside will decay much faster. You portal on one side comes out the other - as
definitely don’t want to keep your lunch in long as the discs are within 5 km of each
there. other. Any further, and objects that pass
through the portal are subject to ontological
Last Will decay and come out the other side aged or
This is a simple datapad with a syringe not at all.
attached. If you insert the syringe to the
skull of a corpse of a sapient being and Staff of Moses
spend 1 supply, you can ask that corpse This long iron rod is tipped with a simple
three questions, which it must answer round head. It can control nearby liquids
honestly. The answers are transmitted to with a gesture. It can telekinetically control
the datapad. up to 10 million liters of fluid at a time.