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What is a case study?
Roberta Heale,1 Alison Twycross2
10.1136/eb-2017-102845 What is it? would involve collecting several different types of data.
Case study is a research methodology, typically seen in This is illustrated in example 1 below.
1 social and life sciences. There is no one definition of case Using a multiple-case research study allows for a
School of Nursing, Laurentian
study research.1 However, very simply… ‘a case study can more in-depth understanding of the cases as a unit,
University, Sudbury, Ontario,
Canada be defined as an intensive study about a person, a group of through comparison of similarities and differences of the
School of Health and Social people or a unit, which is aimed to generalize over several individual cases embedded within the quintain. Evidence
Care, London South Bank units’.1 A case study has also been described as an inten- arising from multiple-case studies is often stronger and
University, London, UK sive, systematic investigation of a single individual, group, more reliable than from single-case research. Multi-
community or some other unit in which the researcher ple-case studies allow for more comprehensive explo-
examines in-depth data relating to several variables.2 ration of research questions and theory development.6
Correspondence to: Researchers describe how case studies examine Despite the advantages of case studies, there are
Dr Roberta Heale, School of limitations. The sheer volume of data is difficult to orga-
complex phenomena in the natural setting to increase
Nursing, Laurentian University,
understanding of them.3 4 Indeed, Sandelowski5 suggests nise and data analysis and integration strategies need to
Sudbury, ON P3E2C6, Canada;
using case studies in research means that the holistic be carefully thought through. There is also sometimes
rheale@l aurentian.ca
nature of nursing care can be addressed. Furthermore, a temptation to veer away from the research focus.2
when describing the steps undertaken while using a Reporting of findings from multiple-case research
case study approach, this method of research allows the studies is also challenging at times,1 particularly in rela-
researcher to take a complex and broad topic, or phenom- tion to the word limits for some journal papers.
enon, and narrow it down into a manageable research
question(s). By collecting qualitative or quantitative data- Examples of case studies
sets about the phenomenon, the researcher gains a more Example 1: nurses’ paediatric pain management
in-depth insight into the phenomenon than would be practices
obtained using only one type of data. This is illustrated in One of the authors of this paper (AT) has used a case study
the examples provided at the end of this paper. approach to explore nurses’ paediatric pain management
Often there are several similar cases to consider practices. This involved collecting several datasets:
such as educational or social service programmes that 1. Observational data to gain a picture about actual
are delivered from a number of locations. Although pain management practices.
similar, they are complex and have unique features. In 2. Questionnaire data about nurses’ knowledge about
these circumstances, the evaluation of several, similar paediatric pain management practices and how well
cases will provide a better answer to a research ques- they felt they managed pain in children.
tion than if only one case is examined, hence the multi- 3. Questionnaire data about how critical nurses
ple-case study. Stake asserts that the cases are grouped perceived pain management tasks to be.
and viewed as one entity, called the quintain.6 ‘We study These datasets were analysed separately and then
what is similar and different about the cases to under- compared7–9 and demonstrated that nurses’ level of
stand the quintain better’.6 theoretical did not impact on the quality of their pain
management practices.7 Nor did individual nurse’s percep-
Method tions of how critical a task was effect the likelihood of
The steps when using case study methodology are the them carrying out this task in practice.8 There was also a
same as for other types of research.6 The first step is difference in self-reported and observed practices9; actual
defining the single case or identifying a group of similar (observed) practices did not confirm to best practice guide-
cases that can then be incorporated into a multiple-case lines, whereas self-reported practices tended to.
study. A search to determine what is known about the
case(s) is typically conducted. This may include a review Example 2: quality of care for complex patients at Nurse
of the literature, grey literature, media, reports and more, Practitioner-Led Clinics (NPLCs)
which serves to establish a basic understanding of the The other author of this paper (RH) has conducted a
cases and informs the development of research ques- multiple-case study to determine the quality of care for
tions. Data in case studies are often, but not exclusively, patients with complex clinical presentations in NPLCs in
qualitative in nature. In multiple-case studies, analysis Ontario, Canada.10 Five NPLCs served as individual cases
within cases and across cases is conducted. Themes arise that, together, represented the quatrain. Three types of
from the analyses and assertions about the cases as a data were collected including:
whole, or the quintain, emerge.6 1. Review of documentation related to the NPLC
model (media, annual reports, research articles, grey
Benefits and limitations of case studies literature and regulatory legislation).
If a researcher wants to study a specific phenomenon 2. Interviews with nurse practitioners (NPs) practising
arising from a particular entity, then a single-case study at the five NPLCs to determine their perceptions of
is warranted and will allow for a in-depth understanding the impact of the NPLC model on the quality of care
of the single phenomenon and, as discussed above, provided to patients with multimorbidity.
3. Chart audits conducted at the five NPLCs to determine © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless
the extent to which evidence-based guidelines were otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All
followed for patients with diabetes and at least one rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless
other chronic condition. otherwise expressly granted.
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These include:
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