Uts 2

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Pigganto, Kathleen P.

Bshm 1B

Lesson 8
Activity 1:
a. Below is a list of professionals of workers. Identify Gradner’s specific intelligence or
skill associated with the occupation of the professional/worker. Write your answer
on the blank.
1. Nurse -Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence
2. Doctor -Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
3. Lawyer -Verbal-Linguistic intelligence
4. Teacher -Interpersonal intelligence
5. Agriculturist -Naturalist intelligence
6. Farmer -Naturalist intelligence
7. Office manager -Interpersonal intelligence
8. Physicist -Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence
9. Journalist -Verbal-Linguistic intelligence
10. Insurance Agent -Interpersonal intelligence
11. Guidance counselor -Intrapersonal intelligence
12. Biologist -Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence
13. Medical Technologist - Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence
14. Salesperson -Verbal-Linguistic intelligence
15. Physical education teacher -Interpersonal intelligence
16. Caregiver - Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence
17. Church Pastor -Verbal-Linguistic intelligence
18. Motivational Speaker - Verbal-Linguistic intelligence

b. Add one more example of occupation or profession vis-á-vis each ability by

1. Verbal-linguistic -Radio Announcer
2. Logical-mathematical -Chemist
3. Spatial-visual -Painter
4. Bodily- kinesthetic -Rad Technologist
5. Musical-rhythmic -Singers
6. Interpersonal -Cabin crew
7. Naturalist -Zoo keeper

c. Identify as many skills or abilities that you possess and write them on a sheet of
paper. For example, you might be good at solving mathematical problems or you
have artistic or aesthetic skill in painting. Think also of what you want to be or what
kind of work you want to do in the future. Then, determine if there is a good match
between your abilities and the job or the profession you want for yourself later in
 I’m good at dancing.
 I’m good at playing tennis sports.
 I’m good
d. Based on your listing is it possible for an individual to possess more that one of
Gardner’s multiple intelligence? Why or why not?
- Yes, because every individual has their own multiple ability that can apply to their
desire profession in the future. Also to multiple intelligence, they can have more than
one if they can manage it.

Activity 2: Effects of Environment

A. Read the situations carefully and answer the questions that follow.
1. Marilyn inherited her intelligence from her parents. However, she does not
study her lessons well. Moreover, she does not do her assignments because
she would rather play games on her computer during her free time. Do you
think she will perform well in school? Justify your answer.
- If Marilyn doesn’t behave well at home then maybe she cannot do well in school. The
way she acted at home can be carry out in school. But in some instance, there are
some students that are behaving at school but not at home. It is because they can be
more comfortable when they are outside their house and they can be silent inside the
2. Joey inherited intelligent genes from his parents. He values learning and thus
studies his lessons regularly. His parents supervise him and get involved in
his school activities. He also participates in academic organizations in
schools. Do you think he will perform well in school? Justify your answer.
- Yes of course, the way Joey shows her ability regarding to her studies it’s pretty sure
that she will do well at school.

B. Carry out the following task.

1. The examples above present cases of two individuals inheriting similar intelligent
genes from their parents. However, the manifestations of intelligence differ between
Marilyn and Joey. Identify what could have made the difference. Explain what this
shows as regards the role of heredity and environment in the intelligence and
personality of the individual.

2. Identify members of the class who graduated with honors in high school. Ask
them to share what they think are the significant factors or conditions that have
contributed to their level of academic performance. Expound on their answers in 1
or 2 sentences.

- As a consistent honor student in high school of course I have this determination to

always be an honor student. I always think that no matter what happen I will not let my
rank down. As I always say to myself that in any struggle don’t choose to give instead
just pursue.

Activity 3: Motivation

A Determine if the following cases indicate high or low motivation. Write your answer on
the blank.
High Motivation 1. Michael makes it a point to study his lessons three hours every night
because he wants to rank first in his class.

High Motivation 2. Wilma aims to bag the Best Project Award so she keeps on reading
materials about her project to further enhance and improve it.

High Motivation 3. Dennis wants to be among the top 10 passers in the medical doctors'
licensure examination so he reads his books 15 hours a day.

Low Motivation 4. William's rank in his mathematics class is somewhere in the middle. He
feels satisfied with this position. He studies his lessons only when he feels like doing it

Low Motivation 5. Henry never studies his lessons even if he is failing in two of his subjects.
He tells himself, "It doesn't matter to me if I pass or fail my courses."

High Motivation 6. Mary Ann wants to finish first in completing jigsaw puzzles in a
competition, and she prepares and trains for it.

High Motivation 7. Gerald receives a scholarship grant to finish a course in science. Coming
from a poor family, he believes the scholarship is the only hope for him to be able to get a
degree. He promises to work hard and do his best until he finishes the course.

Low Motivation 8. Lito wants to drink liquor again when he feels good after taking his first

Low Motivation 9. Marie has been asked to join a spelling competition. But deep inside her,
it does not matter whether she wins the competition or not, even if she knows that there is a
prize for the winner.

Low Motivation 10. Some people in the depressed area leave early morning to work so that
they can earn money to buy food to satisfy their hunger.

B. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Identify behaviors that show a person is highly motivated to attain or achieve his/her

 Having to confidence to pursue one thing

 Having the courage to finish one thing
 Having determination

2.What behaviors show that a person is poorly motivated or not motivated at all to work at
 Contented
 Just being calm
 Indisposed
 Restless

3. Is there anything common among the individuals in the situations described in Test A?

- In some situation they are common on how they motivated their individual self.

How about differences?

- And with their differences is that the way they use to be motivated.

4. From the examples, which 1s the most appealing Situation to you? Explain your answer.

Activity 4: EQ and IQ

A. Determine if the statements relate to emotional quotient or intellectual quotient by

writing EQ or 1Q on the space provided.

IQ 1. I ate three apples and two oranges. I ate five fruits all in all.

EQ 2. My friend has a problem with her mother. She looks very sad.

IQ 3. All men 50 years old and above in Santo Domingo town are strong. My father is 52
years old and we live in Santo Domingo. Therefore, my father is strong.

EQ 4. I should control my anxiety so I will understand the lesson more clearly.

IQ 5. The first woman president of the Philippines is Corazon Aquino.

EQ 6. Monina is a very happy person. She must have come from a loving family.

IQ 7. Rey says he should be courteous so that other people will like him.

IQ 8. I am able to memorize the colors of the rainbow.

B. Figure out if the following items present critical or less critical consequences. Write your
answer on the blank.

Present critical 1. choosing what course to take in college

Present critical 2. choosing the doctor to consult for a health problem

Less critical 3. deciding what brand of soda to buy

Present critical 4. deciding where to invest one's money

Less critical 5. choosing what type of pasta to buy

Present critical 6. choosing what school to enroll in

Present critical 7. deciding what track to take in college, like academic, vocational, or

Less critical 8. deciding what size of soft drinks to serve

Module 9
Activity 1: Assessments

A. Given are some examples of assessment activities. State in your own words the purpose
of the assessment and the kind of behavior or characteristic being measured using the table
below. The first item has been answered as an example.

Number Purpose/Reason of Assessment Characteristic Measured

1 To determine if the students learned What students have learned in
under the professor's guidance history for the semester
2 To know if he has illness What can be the possible cause of his
4 To determine if they are qualified to
admit in the school.
5 To determine the cause of his problem
8 To determine if the students learned What students have learned in
something about Mathematics 101 mathematics for the week?
9 To clarify or to know if the students
have no problem in reading.

1. At the end of the academic term, the professor gave a long history exam to the students.

2. Mr. Santos had been coughing in the past two months. He visited a physician for a
medical exam. The doctor recommended that he undergo an Xray of the lungs.

3. Melissa studied to be a teacher. After graduation, she took the licensure exam for
4. School XYZ is a special school for the arts where students are taught and trained in
music, drama, and painting. At the start of the school year, applicants are subjected to a
talent test before they can be finally admitted to the school.

5. Albert has been having sleepless nights for a long time now. He has been feeling anxious
and fearful for reasons he does not know. A friend recommended that he see a psychiatrist.
The psychiatrist who gave him a series of tests, one of which is a set of 15 incomplete
sentences which he was asked to complete.

6. Ms. De la Cruz noticed that one of her pupils in grade school, Alex, is always restless in
class and does not listen to the teacher. Even while the lesson is going on, he runs around
the room and teases his classmates. Ms. De la Cruz referred Alex to the guidance counselor
who gave him a test. After looking at the responses to and results of the test, Ms. De la Cruz
suspects that Alex is at risk for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

7. Lynette studied to become a nurse. After graduation, she took the licensure examination
for nurses given by the Professional Regulatory Commission.

8. Every end of the week, the teacher of Mathematics 101 gives the class a 10-item test
which includes the subject matte covered for the week.

9. Ms. Santos teaches a group of Grade 6 students who have problems in reading. She is
wondering if the students' reading difficulty is due to their innate or inborn mental ability
or due to learning difficulties. She gives a test to make sure their reading problem is not
due to any learning difficulty they might have.

10. School ABC has a science and math-oriented curriculum. As such, the school applies
very strict admission procedures to make sure that its prospective students are indeed
inclined to the sciences and mathematics, and will be successful in these subject areas.
Thus, students go through a battery of tests before final admission.

B. Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What are the purposes of giving tests?

- To determine the problem so that we can give possible solutions.

2. What are the similarities and differences between measurement and assessment?

- Assessment and measurement have sometimes been used interchangeably, but there is a subtle
difference. An assessment is a process were an evaluator obtains information via multiple
procedures including formal tests, observations, clinical judgment. The focus is on obtaining
some known objective or goal. Measurement in contrast refers to the testing techniques used to
assess/evaluate a particular ability or set of abilities in an individual.

3. What is the importance of measuring and assessing behaviors?

Understanding the why behind student misbehavior. Learning the purpose of the misbehavior,

whether it's to meet a student's need or cause a desired outcome

Activity 2: Kinds of Assessment

A. Classify the given tests according to purpose. Write your answer on the blank.

Mental ability test 1. To determine one's overall intelligence level or ability

Aptitude test 2. To determine if a person would most probably become a pianist

Aptitude test 3. To determine the vocational interest of high school students

Achievement test 4. To find out how much Communication Arts students learned after
one year

Personality test 5. To determine the attitudes of a group of students towards schooling

Aptitude test 6. To know if John will be successful as a fashion designer

Achievement test 7. To find out if Marlon is failing or passing his course in mathematics

Mental ability test 8. To know if Bert has a bipolar disorder

Aptitude test 9. To find out if Emily is interested to take a course in the health

Personality test 10. To determine if institutionalized children have a low self-concept

Mental ability test 11. To determine if graduating high school students are capable of
abstract thinking

Activity 3: Methods of Assessment

A. Determine whether each situation applies a formal or an informal assessment. Write

your answer on the blank.

Informal assessment 1. Marilym could not understand Mrs. Santos instructions on cooking
"tinola." Because of this, Mrs. Santos says that Marilyn has a low intellectual quotient.

Formal assessment 2. Three hundred high school graduates were seeking admission to
University of XYZ. They were first required to take the entrance exam before they could
enroll. They were promised that the results of the exams would be released after three

Formal assessment 3. Dr. Lopez suggests that his patient, Jun, see a psychologist so that
he could be subjected to a test measuring his level of anxiety. He wants to make sure that
the high blood pressure level of the patient is not due to stress and anxiety.

Informal assessment 4. Mr. Cruz labels his workers as inefficient because he observes them
to be lazy, loud-mouthed, and not doing their jobs fast enough.

Formal assessment 5. At the end of the semester, the Prof. Manuel gave a test to
determine what knowledge and skills his students have acquired and developed in his
science class.

Formal assessment 6. Mrs. Legazpi, a Grade 7 teacher, tells her co-teachers that her
students have low self-concepts. When asked why she thinks so, Mrs. Legazpi states that
her students are shy and do not talk as much.

Formal assessment 7. Ms. Tito concludes that Ronnie, one of her students, will be a
scientist in the future. She believes so because she observes that Ronnie shows much
interest in doing experiments and coming up with inventions.

Informal assessment 8. In a class of 30 students, the teacher observes that one student, Pete,
always picks a fight with his classmates. Pete also seems to enjoy teasing and hurting his
seatmates. One day, the teacher asked Pete, Why are you doing bad things to your
classmates?" Pete replied, "Because I do not like them."

Formal assessment 9. A company requires its employees to have a positive attitude

towards work. Hence, as part of the screening and selection process, the human resource
personnel administer a test that measures work ethic, work habits, and work attitudes.
Results of the test serve as basis for the decision to accept the applicant or not.

Formal assessment 10. Marlon can correctly solve mathematics problems in class at a
faster rate than his classmates can. Marlon himself is very much aware of his skill. Because
of this, he believes that he has a very high IQ He also thinks that in the future, he will be a
successful engineer.

Module 10:
Reflection for the Course

1. Make a list of what you want to achieve in life. What are your goals?
 I want to finish my studies
 I want to pay back the sacrifices of my parents
 I want to become a cabin crew
 I want to have a loving husband
 I want to have a lovely children
 I want to have a happy and wonderful life
 And my goal is to achieve all my desires and dreams in life.
2. Classify each goal according to the eight specific successes by King?
 Family success
 Financial success
 Career success
 Social success
3. Choose one goal. Come up with the steps on how you can attain that goal?
 I will study and work hard.
 I will finish my studies with the help of my family
 Then after I graduated, I will find my desire job.

4. What personality traits of yours would most likely lead to the attainment of a goal?
- My confidence and courage to attain my goal. Because for me to successfully attain my
goal is have those personality traits.

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