Ejercicios Pre Examen

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Ejercicios Examen


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Q List the installed


Capacity of the renewable

your Country ,µ
energy in
: .

a) Hydropower
Historical evolution of hydro power Spain
ly ,
the in has been
increasing ,
but in recent
gears it has experienced a
Significant decrease in it's Contribution to total

electnüty production ,
as other newable
energie s have been introduced into the
energy max .

However ,
it still continues to be one of the most productiva renewables ,
dong with wind
energy Hydro power energy
has an instaHed
Capacity of 17,792 MW in

Spain ,
represats 19,5% of the total .

b) Wind power
1,720 MW of Wind
power were installed in Spain in 2020 ( 2,243 MW ir 2019 and 393 MW ir .
acumulativa figure of 27,446 MW ,

Making Spain the Second European Country in Terms of instaled Wind power
Capacity , after Germany .
Wind power contributed 21,9% of the
In terms of produced 49,7% of followed
consume d in our
Country in 2020 , Being the Second
Technology in the mix .
generation ,
it the total ,

by hydro ( 27,7% ) and solar photovoltaic (13,8 %) .

c) Solar Pv
The installed
Capacity of Solar PV
power in Spain goes on and on .
With Updated data , photouoltaic Cdpdáty has exceeded 13,000 MW Connected to the

grid Specifically
the figure reaches 13091,7 MW .

On 1st
January ,
the installer photo uoltaic Capacity was 11847,2 MW ,
which Mears that 1244,5 MW have been installed so far in 2021 .

Q Brief/y Explain Carbon Trading

' '


Carbon Trading

of permits to
or the
trading polwte -
is a market based
approach to
reckoning Carbon emission that is
inefficiat and unfair .

Attempting to Turn Carbon from the atmosphere into a privatised conmodity has created markets susceptible to Corporate pressure diuerted attenlion

from the
System Changes needed to Covert our economics ,
and infhcted injusticias on
marginalised Communities in the North who are trapped
in the most dispossessed of Land and Livehoods of Climate
polwted áreas and peasant Communities in the South who are in the name action .

Qz : What is the name of the largest hydro power in

your Country ? What
type of turbine is used in that pknt ?
Iberdrola's hydropower plant in Cortes de Pallais (Valencia) is the
largest punped storage power plant -
in Europe It's .
located on the Júcar river ,

and thanks to the

conmissioring of four reversible
installed in the Cavern to tahe
aduantage of the 500 metes differerce in Level

between the La Muela reservoir and the Cortes de Pallás reservoir ,

the plant increated its 630 MW of power to 1750MW ir

turbination and 1280 MW ir

punping .

The plant capable of producirg 1625 6Wh the annual demand of almost 400000 Homes
is and
meeting .

The plant has four

groups of advantage of the
reversible turbinas Inside a Cavern that akan it to take 500m

differerce in Level between the artificial reservoir of La Muela and the Cortes de Pallás reservoir to produce
electñcity .






Qy : End out the
energy Conversion effiuiercies of various renewable
energy saurus and
compare them with any
One of the Conventional
energy Source .

When of effiúent The fist is to under stand

efficiency Efficiency
ans we
ring the qvestior which
is more ,
there are several
things to considera .
what mears .

achieving the Objective in the best possible way .

For what we are intereste d in this case ( generating energy ) it would be to do so at the Lowest

" "

possible cost .

One of the most accurate to check which is efficiet is to what percentage of the put
in is conuerted into electricity that
Ways energy more see
energy we can

use .
However ,
that in
put , or the amunt of energy needed to Create
electricity ,
should not just be from fuel . As we have discossed ,
it shovld also

fake into environmental

avant other costs ,
such as remedia
tiny damage .

So efficiency The fuel

we measure as :
peketage of the energy in the that we retour when we Covert it into electriúty .

In important factor types of

addition ,
it takes into avant the other and
accoidirg to it's result and compa
ring the two energy we have ,

we can affirn that renewable

energias are much more effiúet than Conventional
energias .
because they are the enosis with the

highest percatage of energy retation , because

they are the Ones that produce less environmental
damage ,
etc .

Qg : For an on Shore wind turbine , the

following details are provided :

Wind speed ,
0=15 m / see Power Coeffiñat Cp ,
density , p
= 1 .
kg / m3

In to produce
Order a total power of 3,5MW ,
what Shook be the
length of the turbine blade ?

Pwa =
3,5 MW Cp =
U = 15m / sea P = 1 .
kg / m3

P 2. Pwa

21pAv3 Cp =D A =

p v3 Cp
5643,74 m2

A 1T Ú=
→ ( =
VE =

564,3174T = 42,38m

L 42,38m
Renewable Energy Technologies – IS-FEE 10062W
Álvaro Cruz De León
Assignment No. 2

Question No. 1
Explain how a solar photovoltaic (PV) cell converts solar energy (light) into electricity. Support
your answer with appropriate figure(s) and mathematical expressions.

A photovoltaic (PV) cell, commonly called a solar cell, is a nonmechanical device that
converts sunlight directly into electricity.
Sunlight is composed of photons, or particles of solar energy. These photons contain
varying amounts of energy that correspond to the different wavelengths of the solar

A PV cell is made of semiconductor material. When photons strike a PV cell, they may
reflect off the cell, pass through the cell, or be absorbed by the semiconductor material.
Only the absorbed photons provide energy to generate electricity.
When the semiconductor material absorbs enough sunlight (solar energy), electrons are
dislodged from the material's atoms. Special treatment of the material surface during
manufacturing makes the front surface of the cell more receptive to the dislodged, or free,
electrons so that the electrons naturally migrate to the surface of the cell.

The movement of electrons, each carrying a negative charge, toward the front surface of
the cell creates an imbalance of electrical charge between the cell's front and back
surfaces. This imbalance, in turn, creates a voltage potential like the negative and positive
terminals of a battery. Electrical conductors on the cell absorb the electrons. When the
conductors are connected in an electrical circuit to an external load, such as a battery,
electricity flows in the circuit.
Question No. 2
What is the function of the following in a Solar PV system?

a) Charge controller: A charge controller or charge regulator is basically a voltage

and/or current regulator to keep batteries from overcharging.
Its role is to optimally manage battery power. In this way, it prevents PV system
from overcharge or over discharge while it extends battery life.

b) Inverter: A solar inverter is one of the most vital components of a solar structure.
The inverter transforms the energy output from solar panels into consumable
electricity form used in residential or commercial properties.

c) Battery: It is responsible for regulating the electrical energy reaching it.

A solar battery bank will store energy that's produced by your system rather than
sending it back to the grid, allowing you to use it later. Then, when your unit is
not producing any energy (for instance, after dark), you can tap into those energy
reserves in your solar battery bank.
Question No. 3
Explain maximum power point tracking in solar PV system with the support of appropriate
figure(s). What is its significance?

MPPT or Maximum Power Point Tracking is algorithm that included in charge controllers
used for extracting maximum available power from PV module under certain conditions.
The voltage at which PV module can produce maximum power is called maximum power
point (or peak power voltage). Maximum power varies with solar radiation, ambient
temperature, and solar cell temperature.
Here is where the optimization or maximum power point tracking comes in. Assume your
battery is low, at 12 volts. An MPPT takes that 17.6 volts at 7.4 amps and converts it down
so that what the battery gets is now 10.8 amps at 12 volts. Now you still have almost 130
watts, and everyone is happy.

Ideally, for 100% power conversion you would get around 11.3 amps at 11.5 volts, but
you must feed the battery a higher voltage to force the amps in. And this is a simplified
explanation - in fact, the output of the MPPT charge controller might vary continually to
adjust for getting the maximum amps into the battery.

If you look at the green line, you will

see that it has a sharp peak at the
upper right - that represents the
maximum power point. What an
MPPT controller does is "look" for
that exact point, then does the
voltage/current conversion to change
it to exactly what the battery needs.
In real life, that peak moves around
continuously with changes in light
conditions and weather.

An MPPT tracks the maximum power point, which is going to be different from the STC
(Standard Test Conditions) rating under almost all situations. Under very cold conditions a
120-watt panel can putt over 130+ watts because the power output goes up as panel
temperature goes down - but if you don't have some way of tracking that power point, you
are going to lose it. On the other hand, under very hot conditions, the power drops - you
lose power as the temperature goes up. That is why you get less gain in summer.
Question No. 4
Write down the following with respect to your country:
a) Name and capacity of the largest Geothermal Plant (either heat or electricity)
The first geothermal energy production plant in Spain is expected to start operating next
October in Campo de Níjar (Almería). This will be the first of twelve plants planned for
the geothermal field in Nijar and Almeria. The idea was born with the aim of increasing
the competitiveness of the fruit and vegetable sector in Almeria and with the help of
Cardial Recursos Alternativos it has become a reality. Although Cardial is studying five
other deposits in Spain, the Almeria project is the one with all the permits processed and
This first plant is currently in the assembly phase and will have 5 MW of thermal energy,
which will be expanded between the second and third year to 8 MW and 3 MW of
electricity and will serve as a showcase for the project.

b) Name and capacity of the largest Biomass Plant.

Spain’s and southern Europe’s

largest power generation plant
using forestry biomass provides a
power output of 50 MWe. It is
owned by ENCE Energía y
Celulosa de Huelva and has been
built and is being managed by
OHL Industrial. Here the plant is
described from a technical point
of view with different
environmental benefits the
project entails.
The issue at hand concerns
Spain’s and Southern Europe’s
largest biomass plant for generation purposes with forestry biomass as main fuel, with
ENCE Group itself as supplier. The installed capacity of the generator is 50 MWe, with
high cycle design efficiency in terms of primary energy fuel usage for the power
production. Currently, stable, and constant values of electric out, out to the grid are being
registered.The guaranteed power production is around 370 000 MWh per year obtained
from the turbine, which in turn is driven by superheated steam at high pressures. Some 366
000 tonnes per year of biomass are needed for this purpose. The production equals the
power demand of a city of 360 000 inhabitants. Energy selling into the grid is managed
directly by ENCE Group.

The plant takes up an area of around 65 000 m2 and is composed of two main operative
parts: processing park and the power island. The processing park is where the treatment of
the incoming forest biomass; forest residues, energy crops, logs and eucalyptus stumps
take place at a pace of 95 trucks per day. The processing capacity of the processing park is
estimated to be around 600 000 tonnes per year; this challenge has been overcome thanks
to the use of advanced technology for the pre-treatment and the internal logistics of
Question No. 5
Write down the differences between flash steam and binary cycle Geothermal power plants.

• Flash steam plants take high-pressure hot water from deep inside the earth and
convert it to steam to drive generator turbines. When the steam cools, it condenses
to water and is injected back into the ground to be used again. Most geothermal
power plants are flash steam plants.
• Binary cycle power plants transfer the heat from geothermal hot water to another
liquid. The heat causes the second liquid to turn to steam, which is used to drive a
generator turbine.

Differences between flash steam and binary cycle:

Flash Steam Binary Cycle

Operates around 200ºC Works around 57ºC
Works with water pressure difference Temperature difference for two fluids
(high pressure to low pressure) with different boiling points
More years of development Recent developments
For power generation For two types of cycles: Rankine Cycle
and Kalina Cycle
Renewable Energy Technologies – IS-FEE 10062W
Assignment No. 3 – ÁLVARO CRUZ DE LEÓN

Question No. 1
List five advantages and five disadvantages of integrating renewable energy sources to grid.

• Advantages

1. Speed of Variation

We can easily notice that the fluctuations are changing in a small period of
time. The minimum power around 450 MW is changing to 4,450 MW in just
24 hours. Therefore, the fluctuation speed could appear in hour-to-hour,
minutes to minutes, or even second to seconds. In slow change, power output
may be expected, but on other hand, high speed of variations is another
challenge that might face the RE-Grid integration in the large scale, especially.

2. Environmental

RE technologies has zero fossil fuel emission, so the integration will help fossil
fuel power generation plants to reduce emission of CO2 in way of less
generating power. In 2013, the total power generation from RE in China is
1,108 billion Kwh, so by sharing this producing with grid, the incorporation
results in reducing the power generation from fossil fuel plants. In addition, it
will help to increase to save our natural recourse by reducing extraction of

3. Social

Our societies and plant will become more clean and health due to the low
reducing CO2. Also, the integration improves the reliability of power grid
failure since it uses storage system.

4. Economical

Integrated RE improves the situation of our economic in different ways such

creating new jobs.

5. As the term suggests,it is renewable- It has infinity of sustainability and we

will never run out of it.
• Disadvantages

1. Frequency and voltage anomalies

The stochastic nature of wind and solar energy production makes the frequency
and voltage produced unreliable to an extent. Power inverters are supposed to
adjust system fluctuations in solar power generation. However, they have proved
to be weak in effectively carrying this out. In addition, the time of the day and
the weather conditions continuously affect the production of power. These
conditions seriously affect the operation of the grids, bringing them close to their

2. Overloading of existing transmission lines

Due to increased loads during peak hours, the existing transmission lines face a
challenge of capacities matching the inflow and outflow of power. A surge can
occur when producers generate too much power without warning, and the entire
system would shut down. A transmission line has its specified capacity, and if this
limit gets passed, thermal loads will build up, leading to damage.

3. Demand and supply mismatch

As much as many homes, offices, and buildings need the power to run their
operations, it cannot be at a time. The production of renewable energy can be very
high at some points in time. But, also, it can be low under other conditions.
Therefore, the power generated when it is needed may not be sufficient or may not
match the demand.
4. Availability of Power
One of the biggest concerns in RE-Grid (Renowable Energy to grid) integration is
the power generation depends on natural
resources that are uncontrollable by human. The instability of producing energy in
RE technologies is making the integration more complex, and it causes detrimental
aspects for system operation such as harmonics in the converters unless solutions
has found such as storage systems such as batteries that allow to have constant
frequency and voltage.
5. Initial costs
The economic estimation is an important part of the planning of the RE-Grid
(Renowable Energy to grid) integration, as we have to keep the cost rate as low as
possible, as the costs of this integration are very high in the in the beginnings.
Question No. 2
List a minimum of 3 different types of batteries used in various electric vehicles. Provide their
capacities and the make of the car.
• Lithium-Ion Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are currently used in most portable consumer electronics
such as cell phones and laptops because of their high energy per unit mass relative
to other electrical energy storage systems. They also have a high power-to-weight
ratio, high energy efficiency, good high-temperature performance, and low self-
discharge. Most components of lithium-ion batteries can be recycled, but the cost
of material recovery remains a challenge for the industry. The U.S. Department of
Energy is also supporting the Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Prize to identify
solutions for collecting, sorting, storing, and transporting spent and discarded
lithium-ion batteries for eventual recycling and materials recovery. Most of
today's PHEVs and EVs use lithium-ion batteries, though the exact chemistry
often varies from that of consumer electronics batteries. Research and
development are ongoing to reduce their relatively high cost, extend their useful
life, and address safety concerns in regard to overheating.

They have one of the highest energy densities of any battery technology today
(100-265 Wh/kg or 250-670 Wh/L). In addition, Li-ion battery cells can deliver up
to 3.6 Volts, 3 times higher than technologies such as Ni-Cd or Ni-MH. Used in
Tesla and Jaguar.

Lithium-Ion Battery in Tesla

• Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries

Nickel-metal hydride batteries, used routinely in computer and medical equipment,
offer reasonable specific energy and specific power capabilities. Nickel-metal
hydride batteries have a much longer life cycle than lead-acid batteries and are
safe and abuse tolerant. These batteries have been widely used in HEVs. The main
challenges with nickel-metal hydride batteries are their high cost, high self-
discharge and heat generation at high temperatures, and the need to control
hydrogen loss.

NiMH batteries are commonly available in AA (penlight-size) batteries. These

have nominal charge capacities (C) of 1.1–2.8 Ah at 1.2 V, measured at the rate
that discharges the cell in 5 hours. Used in Toyota

Nickel-Metal Battery in Toyota Avalon


• Lead-Acid Batteries
Lead-acid batteries can be designed to be high power and
are inexpensive, safe, and reliable. However, low specific
energy, poor cold-temperature performance, and short
calendar and cycle life impede their use. Advanced high-
power lead-acid batteries are being developed, but these
batteries are only used in commercially available electric-
drive vehicles for ancillary loads. Used in Volkswagen.

Lead-Acid Battery in Volkswagen ID.4

Question No. 3
Explain state of charge (SOC) in batteries and its significance.

State of charge (SoC) is the level of charge of an electric battery relative to its
capacity. The units of SoC are percentage points (0% = empty; 100% = full). An
alternative form of the same measure is the depth of discharge (DoD), the inverse
of SoC (100% = empty; 0% = full). SoC is normally used when discussing the
current state of a battery in use, while DoD is most often seen when discussing the
lifetime of the battery after repeated use.
Usually, SoC cannot be measured directly but it can be estimated from direct
measurement variables in two ways: offline and online. In offline techniques, the
battery desires to be charged and discharged in constant rate such as Coulomb
counting. This method gives precise estimation of battery SoC, but they are
protracted, costly, and interrupt main battery performance.

Question No. 4

What is the difference between hybrid electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle?

The main difference when looking at a hybrid vs a plug-in hybrid is that the
former is powered by both a petrol-fuelled internal combustion engine and a
battery-powered electric motor that can work either independently or
simultaneously, whereas the latter is powered chiefly by an electric motor
and will only use its internal-combustion engine as a back-up should your
electric motor’s battery run out of juice.

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