Comparative Evaluation of Locally Delivered.12
Comparative Evaluation of Locally Delivered.12
Comparative Evaluation of Locally Delivered.12
Department of Abstract:
Periodontics, Mahe Introduction: The etiological factors of periodontal diseases are the habitation of dysbiotic bacteria, absence of
Institute of Dental beneficial bacteria, and susceptibility of the host. Irresolute pattern in the periodontal diseases pathogenesis leads
Sciences and Hospital, to the evolution of novel antimicrobial therapy. Objective: The objective of the study is to assess and compare
Mahe, Kerala, India the competency of locally delivered probiotic paste with chlorhexidine gel as a supplement to scaling and root
planing (SRP) in chronic periodontitis patients. Materials and Methods: A split‑mouth randomized controlled
trial was designed on 10 systemically healthy participants having chronic periodontitis at three distinct quadrants
with 5–6‑mm pocket depth. The sites in each participant were randomly selected for Group A (negative control),
Group B (positive control), and Group C (test). In Group A, only SRP, Group B – SRP + chlorhexidine local
drug delivery (LDD), Group C – SRP + probiotic LDD were done, respectively. Gingival index (GI) and bleeding
index (BI) were determined at baseline, 3rd, 6th, and 9th weeks, whereas probing pocket depth (PPD), Russell’s
periodontal index, and clinical attachment level were checked at baseline and after 9 weeks. Results: It shows
a significant reduction in GI, BI, PPD, and gain of CAL in probiotic LDD group. Conclusion: Nowadays, since
Access this article online microbes are rapidly developing resistance to antibiotics, the development of probiotics is a boon for the treatment
of periodontal diseases. Diseases of the periodontium are not restricted to the oral cavity alone but also have
strong systemic effects. Hence, probiotics give a natural and promising choice of therapy to establish both good
oral and systemic health.
Key words:
Antibiotics, formulation, local drug delivery, periodontitis, probiotics
Quick Response Code:
Address for adjunctive antibiotic administration for entire This is an open access journal, and articles are
correspondence: elimination of the oral microflora. distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Dr. Jeevanandam Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which
allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work
Vishnusripriya, Oral microbiota include two variants, one non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and
Department of being symbiotic organisms seen in healthy the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Periodontics, Mahe
periodontium and the other is dysbiotic organisms
Institute of Dental Sciences For reprints contact: WKHLRPMedknow_reprints@
and Hospital, Chalakkara, seen in diseased periodontium. Antimicrobial
Palloor, Mahe ‑ 673 310, supplements in recent years include probiotics,
Kerala, India. photodynamic therapy, onestage fullmouth How to cite this article: Vishnusripriya J, Melath A,
E‑mail: vishnusripriya.j@ disinfection, and local drug delivery (LDD). Feroz M, Subair K, Chandran N. Comparative evaluation of locally delivered probiotic paste
Goodson et al. in 1970[8] stated that local delivery and chlorhexidine gel as an adjunct to scaling
Submitted: 04‑Oct‑2020 and root planing in treating chronic periodontitis:
Revised: 02-Apr‑2021 system is more beneficial than systemic drug
A split‑mouth randomized clinical trial. J Indian Soc
Accepted: 24‑Jun‑2021 administration because of the following reasons:
Periodontol 2022;26:262-8.
Published: 02-May-2022 direct access to target disease, improvement of
Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology - Volume 26, Issue 3, May-June 2022 263
Vishnusripriya, et al.: Locally delivered probiotic as an adjunct to scaling and root planning
a b
Figure 4: Spreadability test indicating (a) original diameter before addition of
weights and (b) increased diameter after addition of 25 g weights Figure 5: Ultraviolet-visible spectrum of LS in glycerol. LS – Lactobacillus
sporogenes; Abs – Absorbance
prepared, and further dilutions were made in the concentration Figure 7: Vertical diffusion cell
range of 50–500 mg/ml using phosphate buffer pH‑6.8 as diluent.
All samples were analyzed by ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometer participants from the department of periodontics who were
by measuring the absorbance at 205 nm with phosphate buffer diagnosed as systemically healthy having chronic periodontitis
pH 6.8 used as a reference standard. The absorbance readings in at least three different quadrants with 5–6 mm pocket depth
obtained were plotted against concentration to get standard were selected for the study.
calibration curve of Lactobacillus sporogenes. Slope of graph
was calculated for estimating the drug released in receptor Inclusion criteria for the study were patients with chronic
compartment during diffusion studies using UV/visible generalized periodontitis (AAP 1999 classification), probing pocket
spectroscopic method [Figure 6]. In vitro drug release studies depth (PPD) of 5–6 mm (all the surface of the tooth was evaluated
were carried out by using vertical diffusion cell with a nominal and the highest measure of the pocket depth was considered for
volume of the acceptor compartment of 20 ml of phosphate categorizing the tooth for respective group), and the exclusion
buffer (pH 6.8). Cellophane membrane was fixed between donor criteria include patients undergone any periodontal therapy
and receptor compartment. In the donor compartment, 250 mg previously, systemic disease or medication, patients with any
of formulation was added. The experiments were conducted bone disorders, vitamin D deficiency, postmenopausal women.
at temperature of 37°C and 900 rpm for 12 h. Samples were
withdrawn from the receptor compartment at different time Clinical armamentarium includes chlorhexidine
points, and the amount of drug released in receptor solution gel (Hexigel*‑1.0%w/w), probiotic formulation
was estimated by using UV spectrophotometer at 205 nm. The (Sporlac * Powder + Glycerol), glass slab, mixing spatula,
image of the diffusion cell used in the present study is shown plastic filling instrument, coie‑pack. Three sites in each
in Figure 7. The drug release from the formulated paste was by participant were randomly selected as Group A (control),
diffusion mechanism and was found to be increased, and almost Group B (positive control), and Group C (test).
100% release was observed at the end of 12 h.
Parameters analyzed at baseline, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and
The present study was a split‑mouth randomized clinical trial 9 weeks are gingival index (GI) (Loe and Silness) and bleeding
conducted under standardized protocol after obtaining ethical index (BI) (mSBI Mombelli 1987) and at baseline and after
clearance by the college ethical clearance committee, Mahe 9 weeks are PPD, Russell’s Periodontal Index (RPI), and clinical
Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Mahe. A total of 10 attachment level.
264 Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology - Volume 26, Issue 3, May-June 2022
Vishnusripriya, et al.: Locally delivered probiotic as an adjunct to scaling and root planning
The baseline parameters were recorded after obtaining consent three groups with significant improvement for GI in Group B
from the patient for participating in the study, and periodontal from score 3.1 to 2.2 and in Group C from score 3.4 to 1.9 and
therapy was done based on the group allotment. in case of BI in Group B from score 2.9 to 2.2 and in Group C
from score 3 to 1.9, respectively.
Group A was advised SRP alone, Group B was advised
SRP + LDD (chlorhexidine gel), and Group C was advised In case of PPD [Tables 5 and 6], RPI [Tables 7 and 8] and clinical
SRP + LDD (probiotic LDD material). All the data were attachment level [Tables 9 and 10] measured at baseline and
statistically analyzed using SPSS is Statistical Package after 9 weeks showed gradual gain in the clinical attachment
for the Social Sciences. It is a software used for statistical level with significant improvement for PPD in Group B from
analysis of the present study. Descriptive analysis was done 5.6 mm to 4.2 mm and in Group C from 5.6 mm to 3.9 mm, for
and independent sample t‑test was employed between the RPI in Group B from score 3.3 to 2.2 and in Group C from score
groups. Two‑way analysis of variance tests was applied for 3.5 to score 1.9, finally in case of CAL in Group B from 1.4 mm
intergroup comparison. For all tests, a P < 0.05 was considered to 1.2 mm and in Group C from 1.5 mm to 1.2 mm, respectively.
as statistically significant.
The prevailing concept for etiology of periodontal disease
The results for the present investigation were estimated based includes three main factors – a susceptible host, the presence
on the parameters analyzed. The GI score [Tables 1 and 2] of pathogenic species, and the absence of socalled “beneficial
and BI score [Tables 3 and 4] were assessed at base, 3 weeks, bacteria which determine whether an active periodontal disease
6 weeks, and 9 weeks showed gradual improvement in all will occur.”[1]
Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology - Volume 26, Issue 3, May-June 2022 265
Vishnusripriya, et al.: Locally delivered probiotic as an adjunct to scaling and root planning
266 Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology - Volume 26, Issue 3, May-June 2022
Vishnusripriya, et al.: Locally delivered probiotic as an adjunct to scaling and root planning
Subgingival debridement, surgical interventions, and BI, which are in accordance with the reported observations
supplemental use of antibiotics and antiseptics are contemporary of Krasse et al.,[2] Noordin and Kamin,[4] Twetman et al.,[5] and
methods to decrease the pathogenic bacteria. According to Vivekananda et al.,[6] where they found a remarkable decrease
Quirynen et al., 2002; Teughels et al.,[7] 2011, these treatments in gingivitis scores with the use of probiotics along with scaling
result in a temporary decline in the bacterial load and associated and root planing (SRP).
inflammation and are often not sufficient to control the disease.
Therefore, the administration of beneficial bacteria, probiotics Further, in the current study, a significant reduction in
with antimicrobial and anti‑inflammatory properties, is one of periodontal pocket depth and improvement in clinical
the novel supplemental approaches for periodontal therapy. attachment level were found, which are in agreement with
The mechanism of probiotics in humans involves direct the reported observations of Vicario et al.,[9] Ince et al.,[10]
interaction, competitive exclusion, and modulation of host Tekce et al.,[14] Laleman et al.,[12] suggesting the potent role of
immune response.[3] probiotic‑based LDD paste as an adjunct to SRP in chronic
periodontitis patient.
Various studies have been published investigating the
effective health benefits of probiotics on systemic health, In the present study, using a negative (SRP alone) and a
but investigations regarding their use in oral health are positive control (chlorhexidine gel), we were able to state
limited. These vary in terms of probiotics strains used, its that the probiotic LDD (Sporlac) has shown to be a potential
concentrations, and vehicles for the application including LDD material in comparison to chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine
cheese, lozenges, milk, kefir, ice cream, gum, drops, powder, seldom caused local side effects including brown staining,
and mouthwash.[7] taste alterations, increased supragingival calculus formation,
and rarely desquamation of the oral mucosa, irrespective of
In periodontal disease, studies on the role of probiotics in which type of vehicle is used.[13] Sporlac probiotic LDD paste
gingivitis reported a significant decrease of plaque and gingival shows a very effective and economical substitute for patients
indices, bleeding on probing, and gingival inflammation in with periodontal disease
the probiotic groups.[11] The results of the animal and clinical
periodontitis studies support the concept of probiotics in the CONCLUSION
management of periodontitis and thereby offer a low‑risk,
inexpensive, easy‑to‑use prevention, or treatment option for Sustained drug release devices are proving to be more effective,
treating periodontal disease. more convenient, and easier to use than regular systemic
administration of medicines. This development definitely
Glycerol is a colorless, odorless, and sweet compound with paves the way for future trademarking of novel, economically
cryoprotectant activity. Based on a study conducted by Hafiz feasible, and physiologically acceptable intrapocket‑targeted
Shehzad Muzammil, Barbara Rasco and Shyam Sablani, drug delivery systems.
Glycerol supplementation with probiotic frozen yogurt,
increased the stickiness from 2.4% to 18.7%, and decreased the The multifactorial and complex microbial nature of periodontal
hardness from 8.0% to 14.5%, respectively.[16] and peri‑implant infections, consisting of both erobic and
anerobic bacteria, renders difficulty in predicting all the
The present investigation focused primarily on the formulation restrictions with the clinical use of drug formulated in the
of a paste incorporating probiotic and glycerol, with sustained present study. However, based on the positive results from
drug release capacity, ideal pH, viscosity, homogeneity, and in vitro pharmaceutical analysis (the pH is suitable for use in
spreadability for ease in delivering the formulation into the oral cavity, viscosity was suitable for a paste material with
pocket. adequate spreadability, homogeneous and smooth texture,
and the drug was completely absorbed in 12 h) and the clinical
After testing various concentrations and formulations, we trial (significant reduction in GI, BI, PPD, and gain of CAL) of
developed a mix of materials that represent satisfactory the drug formulated in the present study suggest a definitive
pharmaceutical property for a material to be used as LDD platform for further welldesigned clinical studies with larger
material. The formulation with 250 mg of probiotic powder sample sizes, administering a booster dose and long‑term
and 0.1 ml of edible glycerol was found to have ideal properties follow‑ups.
for a LDD material. The formulated drug is professionally
applied (in dental office) biodegradable material with sustained Financial support and sponsorship
drug release ability. These are delivery systems whose action Nil.
lasts for <24 h and therefore require multiple applications. It
follows the first‑order kinetics.[8] Various drug delivery systems Conflicts of interest
are available for treating periodontitis, the material prepared There are no conflicts of interest.
in our study is a paste.
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