I. Objectives

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Grades 1 to 12 DAILY School Grade Level VI

Teacher Learning Area English
Teaching Dates and Time Week 4
Quarter Second


The learner demonstrates…

A. Content Standards  understanding of text types to listen for different purposes from a variety of texts
 understanding of various non-verbal elements in orally communicating information
 understanding that reading a wide range of texts provides pleasure and avenue for self-expression and personal development
 understanding of non-verbal communication to communicate with others
 command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
 understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
 understanding of library skills to research a variety of topics
 demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions materials to critically analyze the meaning constructed in print, non-print, and digital materials
 express ideas effectively in formal and informal composition to fulfil their own purposes for writing.

The learner…
B. Performance Standards  uses literal information from texts heard to construct an appropriate feedback
 orally communicates information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences using variety of literary activities.
 uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
 reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
 uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and written)
 uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
 utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies them appropriately to all or most fields of study
 evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts
 applies knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the speaker undivided attention and acknowledge the message
 rewrites/revises texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
EN6LC-IId-2.2 EN6RC-IId-5.5 EN6G-IId-6.7 EN6V-IId-12.3.3 EN6VC-IId-3.8
Note down relevant information Note significant details of Compose clear and coherent EN6V-IId- Infer purpose of the visual media
from text heard informational texts sentences using appropriate EN6V-IId-
C. Learning Competencies/
grammatical structures: Adverbs of
Objectives Write the LC code
EN6F-Ib-1.6 EN6WC-IId-2.2.6 frequency Infer meaning of borrowed
for each
Share brief impromptu Write a 4-paragraph composition words and content specific
remarks about topics of showing EN6F-IId-I.6 terms using
interest -comparison and contrast EN6F-IId-I.3 -context clue
EN6F-IId-I.7 -affixes and roots
EN6A-IIc-16 EN6F-IId-I.6 Read grade level text with other strategies
Observe politeness at all EN6F-IId-I.3 accuracy, appropriate rate, (Literary terms)
times EN6F-IId-I.7 and proper expression -
Read grade level text with
accuracy, appropriate rate, and
proper expression
Noting down relevant -Noting significant details of Adverbs of Frequency Vocabulary Development Purpose of visual media
II. CONTENT information from text heard informational texts. through context clues and
-Writing a paragraph affixes and roots
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Activity Sheet in English 6
Resource (LR) portal (Quarter 2: Week 4)
B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Do “Let’s Try This” - A Ask: What story did you listen Do “Let’s Try This” - A Ask: What was our lesson AsK; What do you
the Share your experiences about yesterday? Activity Sheet in English 6 yesterday? remember about the lesson on
new lesson your personal interest like Recall important details about the (Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 3, p.1) film direction?
hobbies. story.
A. Share something about your A. Read the following lines from the
personal interest. Look at the story “The Runaway Bunny”. Read
pictures. Who among you have with proper expression.
interest in doing these? Let them
share their experiences about 1. “If you run away, I will run after
their own personal interest. you. For you are my little bunny.”
2. “If you become a fisherman, I will
become a rock on the mountain, high
above you.”
1. 3. “If you become a mountain
climber, I will be a crocus in a hidden
Nurturing your interest on the
things you enjoy tend to improve
school grades, develop higher self-
esteem, and better time-
management skills, and are less
likely to do drugs, drink, or drop out
of school.
Ask: How does it help in your
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Do “Let’s Try This” - B Do “Let’s Try This” Do “Let’s Try This” – B Do “Let’s Try This” Do “Let’s Try This”
Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
(Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 1, (Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 2, Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 4, p. 1) 2: Week 4-Day 5,p. 1)
p. 1) p. 1) Week 4-Day 3,p. 1) Task 1. Say something about what
B. Read the dialogue. Notice the Study the following sentences. Draw is shown.
B. Study the following pictures. underlined words then answer the your attention to the word in bold A. Show the word “Spoliarium”. Let
A. What do you know about the
following questions. letters. them say something they know
wind and the moon? Fill in the K-W-
The mountain pass was a about this painting by looking at the
L chart.
1. How often does Paul do his tortuous road, winding and twisting text only.
like a snake around the trees of the
Characters What W
I WHAT I What I homework?
mountainside. B. Show the picture of the
2. How often does Roy do his
KNOW WANT to LEARNED Flooded with spotlight – the focus Spoliarium painting. See if they can
homework? of all attention – the new Miss describe the painting better.
3. How often does Kiko do his Philippines began her year long
Circus: a travelling show Wind
with clowns, trained homework? reign. She was the cynosure of all
Moon eyes for the rest of the evening.
animals, and acrobats.
Let the pupils read the dialogue with What could be the meaning of
tortuous and cynosure in these
accuracy, appropriate rate, and
sentences? What references do you
proper expression use to unlock those words? What helps them describe the
Dictionaries and encyclopedia are painting better?
some of the references to look for By looking at the picture, do you
the meaning of words. These understand the meaning of the
references are now available online. painting?
Tightrope: a thick rope
We can use online sources to gather C. Play a short video about product
or wire stretched tight
and high above the information needed. commercial. Ask: What is the
ground. Dictionary.com is the world's commercial all about?
leading online source for English
definitions, synonyms, word origins,
audio pronunciations, example
sentences, and slang phrases.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Do “Let’s Study This” Read “Let’s Study This” Read “Let’s Study This” Do “Let’s Study This” Read “Let’s Study This”
new lesson Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
(Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 1, 1: Week 4-Day 2, Week 4-Day 3, pp. 2) Week 4-Day 4,p. 1-4) 1: Week 4-Day 5,pp. 1-2)
pp. 2-3) pp. 1-2) What do readers do when they
Write these adverbs of frequency on don’t know the meaning of a word? What is visual?
Let’s read the poem “The Wind It is often useful to look at
Listen as your teacher reads a story the board next to a list of the days of It is something you look
and the Moon” by George what comes before and after that
of a little bunny who wants to run the week. at, such as pictures, chart, or film
MacDonald. Pause at certain word. The surrounding words can
away. Why do you think the little that is used to make something
points and ask questions. give readers helpful context clues
bunny wants to run away? more appealing or easier to
about the meaning and structure of understand.
the new word, as well as how it is
used. Visual media
A. Infer Meaning of words through It is interpreted using
Context Clues primarily what human see. It plays a
1. Definition/explanation big role in advertising, art,
The idea: Look for a definition or an communication, education,
explanation within the sentence. business, and engineering. Visual
-Discrimination or unfairly targeting media is often used as a learning
one or more groups by those who aid.
M T W TH F S S perceive themselves to be superior Media can be used in
can cause distress. almost any discipline to enhance
-Vulnerable people are oftentimes in learning, both in class, and also for
need of protection under certain out-of-class assignments. Short film
laws so others cannot take and television clips, written articles,
advantage of them. and blog postings can be viewed to
2. Synonym reinforce concepts and spark
The idea: Words next to the discussion.
unknown word can be a clue that
there is a synonym.
-Discrimination or bias can cause
distress toward the targeted group.
-When people know they are
vulnerable or defenseless, they tend
to protect themselves to avoid harm.
3. Example
The idea: Providing examples of the
unknown word can give readers a
clue to meaning.
This list will help you associate
-Like shunning smokers in
the adverbs of frequency with the
restaurants by making them satisfy
concept of relative repetition or
their habit outside,
discrimination targets a perceived
We use adverbs of frequency to
undesirable group.
say how often we do something.
-Vulnerable people, such as young
Adverbs of frequency are often used
children, the elderly, or handicapped
with the present simple because they
individuals, might have protections
indicate repeated or routine
under certain laws.
4. Antonym/contrast
-They often go out for dinner.
The idea: opposite information
-I never go to the cinema. I don't like
about the unknown word can be
offset by words and phrases such as
-I don't mind going to the theater. I
unlike, as opposed to, different from.
sometimes go with my friends.
-Discrimination, as opposed to
-Never say never.
fairness for all people, can have
-She likes dancing. She always goes
damaging effects on a targeted
to the night club to dance.
-They usually quarrel. I rarely see
-Vulnerable people, unlike those
them in good terms with each other.
who can stand up for themselves,
Other adverbs of frequency include:
tend to be the target of unethical or
dangerous individuals.
5. Analogy
Position of adverbs of frequency
The idea: Comparisons of the word
Generally speaking, adverbs of
help to determine what it means.
frequency come before the main
-The ill effects of discrimination are
verb except the main verb "to be":
like hateful, wicked tendrils gripping
I sometimes visit my uncle.
We often see him pass by the house. the heart.
They are seldom at work. -Vulnerable people can be like
Occasionally, sometimes, often, fragile glass in need of care and
frequently and usually can also go at attention.
the beginning or end of a sentence:
Sometimes they visit him. I miss him
Rarely and seldom can also go at the
end of a sentence (often with
"very"): We see them rarely.
John eats meat very seldom.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Do “Let’s Do This” Answer “Let’s Talk About It” Answer “Let’s Do This” Answer “Let’s Do This” Do “Let’s Do This”
new skills #1 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Task 1 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Task 1-Talk about the images
2: Week 4-Day 1, p. 3) 2: Week 4-Day 2, p. 3) Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 4,p. 4-5) shown.
Let’s Talk About It Discuss and analyze the poem by Week 4-Day 3,p. 3) Task 1. What’s the Right Choice? Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
Guide Questions: answering the following questions: Encircle the correct meaning of the 2: Week 4-Day 5,p. 2)
1. Why do you think the bunny 1. What is the setting of the Task 1. Work in pairs. Share the given prefixes, suffixes and roots.
wanted to run away? story? things you do using adverbs of
2. What would you do to keep frequency. Pupil 1 will give his 1. vacuum a. far b. to c. d. Task 1. Are Visual Media
2. Who are the characters in
the bunny from running away? sentence first, then pupil 2 may off be beyond change Important?
3. What do you think would the story? respond to pupil 1’s statement .e.g.
empty Choose a partner and talk about the
have happened to the Bunny 3. What are the conflicts images below.
if he had run away? Pupil 1: I sometimes study my lesson. 2. a. b. far c. d. self
expressed in the stanzas?
4. Why did the mother rabbit Pupil 2: I never study my lesson television other off another
4. Why was the wind so angry
not want the bunny to get that’s why my mother always gets 3. a. one b. c. d.
at the moon that he flew
away? angry. supersede above mistake wrong
5. Have you ever wanted to run into rage? Pupil 1: I always bring my cell phone. on n
away? Why? 5. What is the climax of the Pupil 2: I rarely bring mine.
Can you understand better the
images shown? Why?
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Let them recall the events Answer “Let’s Do This” Answer “Let’s Do More” Answer “Let’s Do More”
new skills #2 done in the story and do “Task 1” Task 1 – Graphic Organizer Task 2 Activity Sheet in English 6
Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 4,pp. 4-5)
2: Week 4-Day 1, (Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 2, p. 4) (Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 3,pp. 3)
p. 3) Task 3. Interpret Me!
Task 2. Guess Who? Read each sentence and determine
Task 1. Fill Me the meaning of the word using
Task 1. Complete the Table Work by group. Ask one of your
For better understanding of the context clues. Then, explain what
members to describe a person’s
story. Fill in the graphic organizer. type of clues in the sentence helped
Based from the story read, name routine using adverbs of frequency
the things the little bunny says he until you and your groupmates guess you determine the word meaning.
will become and what the mother Title:____ who he/she is speaking about. Your 1. The boy acted in a humane way
wants she will be. Authoar: ___ assigned one member may describe when taking care of the lost dog.
When the The mother your classmates or famous people. The word humane means ______.
e.g. These news anchors always host a. hurtful
bunny will become….
Setting 24 Oras. b. caring
becomes… Time: _____ c. mean
a. a fish in a A fisherman to d. bad
trout stream fish for him Main Characters What type of clues helped you
determine the meaning? _______
2. I asked if I could go to Jacky's
party, and Mom said she would
Main Problem: have to give it some
consideration before she gave me
an answer.
The word consideration means
Solution to the Problem:
a. paint
c. flame
d. mistake
What type of clues helped you
determine the meaning? ______.
3. Though Samantha's test was
partially done, she received a low
grade because it was not complete.
The word partially means ______.
a. badly
b. finally
c. completely
d. incomplete

F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative To support comprehension, Answer “Let’s Do More” Do “Let’s Do Some More” Task 3 Do “Let’s Do More”
Assessment 3) let the learners do “Task 2” Read It Tasks 2 & Task 3 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Task 2
Aloud. Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Week 4-Day 3, p.3-4) Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Week 4-Day 2, (pp. 4-5) Task 3: Put the words in the correct 2: Week 4-Day 5, p.4)
2: Week 4-Day 1, order to form clear and coherent Task 2. Viewing the Movie Clip!
Task 2. Describe Them
p. 3) Work by pairs. Describe the sentences. The first one is done for Your teacher will show you a movie
character traits of the Wind and you. clip of “The Wolf and the Bear”.
Task 2. Read It Aloud! the Moon in the story using the With your group mates, discuss how
Form three groups. Assign each Venn Diagram. 1. school do homework always my I the movie clip helps you understand
group to read the part of the after the documentary better.
narrator, the little bunny, and the I always do my homework after
wind moon
mother in the story. Be able to school.
read aloud the story with proper 2. have dinner sometimes pizza for We
expression. ______________________________
3. never I to talk strangers

G. Finding practical applications of Ask: How can you apply Ask: In what real life Ask: How can you apply your Ask: In what real life situations Ask: How do visual media
concepts your knowledge in various situations can we apply noting down knowledge in noting details in daily can we use context clues? help us understand what is being
and skills in daily living informational texts in real life? details? life? depicted?
How can you apply this in daily life?
H. Making generalizations and Ask: What do you note Read: Let’s Remember Ask: What is adverb of Read “Let’s Remember This” Ask: What is the purpose
abstractions about the lesson down when you are listening to Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: frequency? Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter of visual media?
stories or selections for better Week 4-Day 2, p. 6) 2: Week 4-Day 4,p. 9)
understanding of the said text? Give examples of adverbs of
Noting details is a reading frequency? B. Infer Meaning through Affixes
comprehension skill that involves (Prefix and suffix) and Roots Word
picking out, from a piece of text, the Parts
particular piece or pieces of The idea: Break down the different
information to achieve a given parts of a word—base word (word
purpose. stem or root word), prefixes, and
These details are the ones suffixes—to figure out what it
that good readers notice and authors means. Some words have a prefix
use to emphasize the events and the only (reread), a suffix only (reading),
characters in the story both a prefix and a suffix (pre-
reading), a combination
(unreadableness), or neither (read).
Dis-: not, opposite of, reverse,
deprive of; apart, away
crimin: verdict, judicial decision;
tion: indicates the word is a noun
Affixes are parts of words that can
be added to words to change the
meaning. When they affix 'un' to
the word 'real' = 'unreal.' Affixes can
be added to words or roots. If
affixes are added at the beginning,
they are called prefixes. If they are
added at the end of a word, they
are called suffixes.

I. Evaluating learning Do “Task 3” Do Tasks 4: Let’s Test Ourselves Answer Task 4, “Let’s Test Ourselves” Answer “Let’s Test Ourselves” The output in interpreting the
Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 1: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter posters and video will
2: Week 4-Day 1, p. 4) Week 4-Day 2, (pp. 5-6) Week 4-Day 3,(p. 4) 1: Week 4-Day 4,(pp. 6-7) serve as formative assessment
Task 4. Can You Unlock the Words
Task 3. Listen and Understand Task 4. Write the letter of the Task 4. Construct your own sentences Out? A word in each sentence
Listen to the poem “ The Mountain correct answer. by answering the following questions below is underlined. Choose the
and The Squirrel” by Ralph Waldo 1. When did the story happen? using adverbs of frequency. Write word from the choices that has its
Emerson. Then answer the a. day time your answers in your notebook. similar meaning. Use the context
questions that follow. b. night time 1. How often do you wash the dishes? clues in each sentence to help you
c. early dawn choose the similar meaning of the
(I sometimes wash the dishes.)
d. noon time underlined word.
2. How often do you pray before going
2. Who are the characters in the 1. The movie star’s large and
to bed?
story? beautiful home was palatial.
a. Wind and the sun
1. 3. How often are you late for school? A. ugly
b. Wind and the stars B. tiny
c. Wind and the moon C. for dogs
d. Wind and the storm D. like a palace
3. What did the wind tell the moon? 2. At the restaurant we were
a. “I will blow you out.” offered a variety of beverages, like
b. “I will throw you to the sea.” milk and ice tea.
c. “I will make the earth dark for so A. bread
long.” B. silverware
d. “I will cover you with thick clouds. C. drinks
D. menus
3. Slavery was abolished in the U.S.
after the Civil War.
A. outlawed
B. exchanged
C. running
D. common
J. Additional activities for application or Do. “Let’s Enrich Ourselves” Task 4 Do. “Let’s Enrich Ourselves” Answer Task 5: “Let’s Enrich Answer “Let’s Enrich Do Task 3: “Let’s Enrich
remediation Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Task 5 Ourselves” Ourselves” Task 5 Ourselves”
2: Week 4-Day 1, p. 5) Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 1: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
Task 4. Let’s Decide Week 4-Day 2, p.6) Week 4-Day 3, (p. 4-5) 1: Week 4-Day 4,(p. 7-8) 2: Week 4-Day 5, p. 4)
Decide if each of the statements Task 5: Complete the Grid
about the poem is True or False. Task 5: Writing: Compare Us! Task 5: Interview your friend and writeA. Make four words from each root Task 3. Writing
1. The mountain and the Write a 4-paragraph composition his/her answers on the blank provided words using the suffixes in the box. Retell the story. Write at least 3-4
squirrel did not agree with about the wind and the moon. Use after each question. paragraphs about what you have
each other. -able -es -ible -ed just watched, “The Wolf that Saved
the character traits in the Venn
2. The mountain insulted the diagram to compare and contrast the a. How often do you do your -s -er -ing -or a Man from Bear Attack.”
squirrel. two characters. State how the two homework before school? -ly
3. The squirrel doubts that the characters react to each other’s b. How often do you have noodles for
mountain is big. activity. You may state also your breakfast?
4. The squirrel says that it personal interpretation about the c. How often do you study your
takes a year to make all poem. lessons in a week?
sorts of things and weather.
5. The squirrel says he is
quicker than the mountain.

1. honor honorable honored honoring honors

2. open
3. move


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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