The Inexpensive Starting Block Force Plate For Sprinters
The Inexpensive Starting Block Force Plate For Sprinters
The Inexpensive Starting Block Force Plate For Sprinters
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract: - The focus of this study was to develop a performance metrics and displays the results graphically.
force measurement device capable of tracking forces, Athletes use a lower body technique during the block and
moments, and the center of pressure throughout a early acceleration stages of sprinting that can seem
sprint start. Both of the beginning blocks' force plates ineffective to a casual spectator. This technique is
are independently adjustable, and they have a pair of primarily comprised of a mix of hip flexion on the rear
force sensors (Loadcell Type- SQB/SQB-A/-SS/-ASS). (swing) side, hip extension on the front side, and knee
Currently, commercially available expensive block start flexion on the front side from the block until the mid-flight
force plate use to measure the force production of the phase, forward pelvic rotation on the rear side, and upward
block clearance. The two-cantilever type loadcells used pelvic list on the rear (swing) side (Debaere, 2013).
to produce this equipment can measure a maximum of
2500N depending on the use of the equipment. Start The use of starting blocks to improve the starts of
Blocks incorporate a charging amplifier. The system's sprint races as well as the overall results (Schrödter, 2016).
sensor component is paired with a signal processing In sprinting, a sprinter's speed is measured by a rapid
subsystem. To process the signal using the Cool term succession of leg movements, which is why precise timing
software and using the Mega 2560 is a microcontroller is so crucial to the sport. Power, reflex, and adaptability are
board with two HX711 Amplifier Module connect to all contributors to overall velocity (Y Hachana, 2013).
the pressure sensors. Get data output using (Python
with C or C++) of Graphical Programming Language The information gathered by this tool can be useful in
(Cool Term Calibration Process and Visualize Data training and in analysing an athlete's force output. It may
from Sensors Using Arduino + Cool term) be used to make athletes more effective (Babić V., 2008).
Programming. The method utilizes an HC-SR94 Methods for accurately measuring the force required to
ultrasonic sensor and an Arduino Uno chip. Finally, all clear the starting block at the beginning of a sprint are the
the cool term columns data can get from the Excel sheet focus of this study.
as a Graphical Data. In this study starting bock An inexpensive Block start force plate has been
clearance force production is not statistically significant designed and tested using cool term software package since
(P > 0.05). It indicates that the force production commercially world available Block start force plates are
performs at a somewhat lower level than the female very expensive. One of the major usages of starting force
side in terms of performance. Therefore, possible to plate is to measure the power force production during
identify the athlete force production effect to the Block block clearance phase for minimize athlete acceleration
clearance peak performance. This Force Plate is easy performance purposes. Although, this is probably good
for coaches and athletes to identify force production solution for whole world to identify sprinters block
effectiveness for athlete's block starts performances. clearance force production using this an inexpensive Block
Keywords:- Force Production, Block clarence, Centre of start force plate (AWS Chandana, 2003).
Pressure, Foot Pendle. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
I. INTRODUCTION The method used in this research was Research and
This The athlete’s reaction to the gun and initial Development (R & D) cycle. As a consequence of this
application of force against the starting blocks have a study, a microcontroller-based device for monitoring
major impact on overall sprinting performance, particularly sprinter force generation was developed, demonstrating the
in races of 100m or less (Nagahara, 2020). The Olympic- utilization of research and development methodology.
standard sprint starting blocks have two force sensors and a The two center loading cells are set to the toe of both
charge amplifier built into a single, streamlined foot paddles. After the green rubber grips, the pressure
construction, and athletes may customize the blocks to sensors are folded. That outcome gets as the digital signal
their preferred starting position in training. Each leg's and convert through that in Arduino board, and all the
forces were recorded independently. accuracy of the force production can indicate on Excel
This allows the force components to be recorded Sheet.
independently for each leg, allowing the force vector or
speed to be calculated (Pilianidis, 2011). The force plate
data is analysed by software, which also determines key
B. Pressure sensor
This apparatus has two primary Sensor components.
Once the block paddle was securely fastened to the weight
sensors, any movement of the paddle would be detected
(up to 2500N). that all weight sensor values were first
adjusted to equal 0 on the scale.
E. Testing Procedure
Used the Cool Term Software to communicate serially
with hardware connected to the computer through serial
A. Technical Parameter
Special features of this equipment are as follows in Table 1.
Rated Capacities (Emax) 0.25,0.3,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,2,2.25,3,5,7.5,10t
Sensitivity 3.0±0.003m V/V(0.5~10t); 2.0 ± 0.002mV/V (0.25~0.3t)
Accuracy class C2~C5
Zero Balance ±1% F.S
TC ZERO ±0.02% F.S/10°C
TC SPAN ±0.02% F.S/10°C
Input resistance 400±20Ω
Output resistance 352±3Ω
Insulation Resistance ≥5000M Ω
Temperature Range, Compensated -10°C~+40°C
Temperature Range, Operating -30°C~+70°C
Maximum Safe Overload 150% F.S
Excitation, Recommended 10~12V DC
Construction Alloy Steel Stainless Steel
B. Statistical Validity and Reliability the two test sessions for tests 1 and test 2. Apply the data in
Validity test in the study compared whole-body force production results to the Sri Lankan National Sprint
reaction test to test using specific reaction time measuring Athletes and check the validity of the data.
instrument for sprint (start block equipped with
microcontroller). In this study, the Test-retest method was Table 2. Male and Female Block start Force
used to find the correlation between the score on the first Production and Reliability for separate legs. Study
measurement and the score on the second measurement for population has considered all 100m National Sprint
a reaction time test using a microcontroller-based starting athletes in Sri Lanka. Mainly because this study focuses
block. This was done to find out how reliable the results towards 100m event and mainly the starting block
were. clearance techniques including Block Phase (Push Phase).
Using Elongated Starting Position (Male n= 4) (Female n=
All variables that were assessed underwent 4). All the average values were included)
descriptive statistics. to evaluate the consistency between