SBD 99

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e-NIT NO: EDG/ e-NIT No 99 of 2022-23 Dated 19-01-2023

Name of the Work:-

Supply, Installation , Testing and Commissioning for Construction of

New HT Line Receiving Station Nagbal upto Transit Accommodation at Baba Darydin for

Kashmiri Migrants Under Capex Budget


Instructions for Bidders

1. Bid documents can be seen at and downloaded from the website Bid
documents contain qualifying criteria for bidders, specifications, bill of quantities, conditions and
other details.
2. The route / site for execution of the works will be shown by the AEE in charge or his representative.
3. The bid for the work shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of bids. If any
bidder / tenderer withdraws his bid / tender before the said period or makes any modifications in
the terms and conditions of the bid, and action as warranted under rules shall be initiated which may
include black list of said contractor.
4. In case the work is not started within the stipulated time period fixed, the allotment shall be treated
as automatically cancelled and no correspondence shall be made for which the action warranted
under rules will be initiated against the said contractore.
5. The work shall have to be completed in stipulated period as envisaged in the NIT failing which
penalty as deemed appropriate by the A.E.E. Concerned shall be enforced subject to a maximum of
10% of the cost of the work.
6. If any items required to be executed (during execution as per necessity at site of work) and not
covered by Electric schedule, shall be got executed and paid as per lowest market rate prevailing in
the vicinity after same is certified by A.E.E. Concerned.
7. The quantities of various items of the work given in the tender document are subject to increase or
decrease up to 15%. The above specified variation in quantities of items of work to be executed
cannot and shall not form basis of dispute regarding the rates to be paid for or giving rise to any
claim for compensation on any account. Such variations shall also form part of contract and not
invalidate the contract.
8. The A.E.E. Concerned may without invaliding the contract and without notice to the contractor,
require the contractor to perform extra items or quantities of work not included in the schedule of
quantities and rates make changes in proposals/ specifications within the general scope of contract
or otherwise vary the work. The contractor shall perform changes and variations in the manner and
to the extent specified in written orders approved by Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer.
Such items of work shall be paid as per the tendered rate/rates as envisaged in clause 7(a) of the
9. Royalty on account of stones, sand, bajri etc. utilized on the work shall be paid by the contractor
himself at his own cost to the concerned corporation or the concerned lessees as the case be.
10. All other taxes, duties, municipal taxes, toll tax etc relevant to contract shall be paid by contractor
11. All cement works depending on the discretion of A.E.E. Concerned of the works shall be tested in the
Government laboratory for compressive strength test (cube testing). The contractor has to make
arrangement for such tests and the cost of such tests is to be borne by him. Under-specification
works shall not be accepted and contractor has to rectify such works at his cost. If contractor fails to
rectify such works, the same will be rectified by the department at the risk and cost of contractor.
12. Any loss or damage to work due to natural calamity or any other reason during execution of work
shall be borne by the contractor.
13. completion of the work/execution of work for that amount duly certified by concerned AEE.
14. The material to be used by the contractor for execution of work shall be provided by the Contractor.
The transportation of material and its watch and ward will be responsibility of the contractor.
15. The Contractor will have to show the site store to the A.E.E. Concerned as and when he requires.

16. 10% of the running bills due to contractor during execution of work shall be retained as retention
money (including the earnest money) and shall be released only after satisfactory completion of
work and removal of defects if any and after conducting necessary repairs to the satisfaction of
A.E.E. concerned and handing over of work. In case of failure on part of contractor to remove defects
or conduct repairs within stipulated period, the same shall be got removed or rectified by the
department and its cost recovered from retention money.
17. Penalty and termination of the contract :- In case of failure on the part of tenderer to complete the
job satisfactorily in full or part thereof within the completion schedule in the contract order, a
penalty @ ½ % of the cost of incomplete job per week of the period on delay subject to the
maximum of 10% of cost of balance work to be decided by the order placing authority. Execution
authority shall be at liberty to get balance work completed by some other agency at the cost of
tenderer in case there is delay in completion.
18. The contractor/firm shall have to execute agreement with department within seven days from
issuance of allotment order. Failure of contractor to execute the agreement shall not however
prevent the contract being enforced against him. No payment shall be made to contractor till the
agreement is executed by him with the department.
19. Tenderers should study drawing, specifications and local conditions of work at site. It will be
presumed that the tenderers have visited the site of work and tenders are based on full knowledge
of working conditions prevailing at site, availability of material, water, electricity, labour,
transportation facilities, probable site for labor camp and store godowns and all factors involved in
execution of work.
20. The earnest money shall be forfeited without prejudice to the right and remedies available to the
Department in the event of tenderer failing to keep his tender valid and open for acceptance for and
during the period of 180 days reckoned from the date of opening of tenders.
21. The tenderers are required to state their email address fully and correctly in their tenders. All
notices, communications and references shall have been deemed as having been delivered by the
department sent from official email [email protected].
22. The A.E.E. Concerned may from time to time by direction in writing and without in any way
invalidating the contract, order the contractor to suspend the work or any part thereof at such time
or times and for such reasons as he may consider necessary and contractor shall not after such
direction to suspend the work or any part thereof, proceed and be entitled to any claim for
compensation on this account. In event of such suspension, the Executive Engineer may under the
provisions of the contract extend the time of completion of the work or part thereof, by such period
as he may consider reasonable. The decision of Executive Engineer in the matter shall be final.
Further, if part or whole work is required to be postponed due to reasons beyond the control of the
Department, the contractor shall be bound to do the work at the same rates and conditions up to
one year from date of postponement.
23. Superintending Engineer O&M Circle Ganderbal decision shall be final in case of any dispute
particularly regarding rates or interpretation of conditions between the Engineer in charge and the
contractor and will be binding upon contractor.
24. If any dispute arises out of or in connection with the terms and conditions of this work or as to the
interpretation thereof or as to conformity of the work with plan, specifications and measurement
etc., the same shall be settled by arbitration act of Jammu and Kashmir UT under J&K jurisdiction.
25. Safety: The contractor shall have sole responsibility for supervision of the work and safety of all
workmen engaged therein. He shall be personally responsible for any causality/eventuality/accident
during the contract period.
26. The contractor has to provide the test certificate of all the equipment’s / materials to the AEE
concerned and submitted to this office annexed with the bills of the contractor.

27. Inspection: The work has to be inspected by concerned Assistant Executive Engineer. The work has
to be carried out strictly in accordance with the REC constructional standards/ CEA guidelines/GTP.
Standard span of 70m in 11 KV line, 60 m in single phase LT line and 50 m in three phase LT line
should be maintained. Any item of work found necessary for the completion of the work but falling
outside the NIT shall be allowed at reasonable, fair and competitive rates after conducting market
survey by concerned AEE who will record certification to this effect subject to prior approval by
Executive Engineer.
28. The contractor has to get the inspection Clarence certificate from the competent authority of PDD
/PDCL after completion of the work (Only for the new/ fresh creation of DTs) without which no
payment shall be made.
29. The inspection and testing of the equipment / materials provided by the contractor has to be
carried out by the team constituted by Superintending Engineer O&M Circle Ganderbal/Executive
Engineer/ AEE Concerned. The cost of which shall be Borne by the contractor and for which no
extra cost shall be paid.
30. If the L1 bidder intends to procure the Distribution Transformer within the valley the Contractor
has to produce the test certificate of the same. Further if the bidder intends to procure the
Distribution Transformer outside the valley the contractor has to get the same tested from a
reputed testing lab within the valley at his own cost.
31. All the material installed at the site should be as per the drawings uploaded by the department.
32. Taxes and Duties:- The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all Taxes and Duties viz excise duty, GST,
Freight, insurance, Octroi, Works Contract Tax, Cess, etc as applicable. The bidder in his own interest
shall familiarize with existing tax rates/Laws prevalent in the UT of J&K.
33. Subcontracting:- Sub contracting of work in case is not allowed. It would be construed as non-
performance and breach of the contract. Contractual action shall then be initiated as per provisions
of the contract.
34. Tools and Plants:-The tools and plants required for execution of the job including special tools and
plants shall be the responsibility and liability of the contractor.
35. Tests on completion:- As soon as the facilities or any part/ section thereof has, in the opinion of the
Contractor, been completed operationally and structurally and put in a tight and clean condition as
specified in the Contract, excluding minor item not materially affecting the operation or safety of the
Facilities, the Contractor shall notify the Department’s Representative in writing the date after which
the Contractor will be ready to carry out the Tests on Completion. As soon as reasonably practicable
after issue of the notification, and in accordance with the schedule agreed by the Department’s
Representative, the Contractor shall commence Pre-commissioning of the facilities in the presence of
the Department’s Representative comprised of test charging and switch off of the allied Facilities.
36. Taking over Certificate:- The Works shall be taken over by the Department when they have been
completed in accordance with the Contract, have passed the Tests on Completion. Where the Works
are divided into parts or Sections, the Contractor shall be entitled to apply for a Taking-Over
Certificate for each such part or Section. The Contractor may apply by notice to the Department’s
Representative for a Taking-Over Certificate and The Department’s Representative shall, within 07
days after the receipt of the Contractor's application shall take over the facilities.
37. The Pre and post Photograph be submitted /annexed with the bills of the contractor after
completion of the work.
38. The Department reserves right to itself to cancel any tender without assigning reasons what so ever.

Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process:

a. The interested bidder can download the NIT/bidding document from the website

b. To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get (DSC) “digital Signature Certificate” as per
information technology Act-2000, to participate in online bidding. This certificate will be required for
digitally signing the bid. Bidders can get above mentioned digital certificate from any approved
vendors. The bidders, who already possess valid (DSC) Digital Signature Certificate, need not to procure
new Digital Signature Certificate
c. The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with Digital Signature. The bids
cannot be uploaded without Digital Signature. No proposal will be accepted in physical form. Bids will
be opened online as per time schedule mentioned.
d. Before submission of online bids, bidders must ensure that scanned copy of all the necessary
documents have been attached with bid.
e. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission of bids whatsoever reasons may
f. All the required information for bid must be filled and submitted online.
g. Bidders should get ready with the scanned copies of all required documents. The successful bidder has
to submit original documents and the contractor who fails to submit the same shall be disqualified in
the Technical Bid and his Financial Bid shall not be opened.
1) Performance Security @ 3% value of the contract in the shape of CDR/FDR Pledged to Executive
Engineer ED Ganderbal (for successful L1 Bidder)
2) Treasury Challan against cost of tender document, be credited to Executive Engineer EDV
Ganderbal payable at Ganderbal.
h. The details of cost of documents, EMD specified in the tender documents should be the same, as
submitted online (scanned copies) otherwise bid will not be accepted.
i. The guidelines for submission of bid online can be downloaded from the website

Qualification of Bidder:
a. Reputed Class A Electrical Contractors having a valid Electrical License issued by Chief Electrical
Inspector or equivalent shall be eligible to bid for works
b. The bidder shall have the following minimum Qualification Criteria for submitting the bid:
c. Valid Registration license issued from competent authority
d. Latest tax clearance (GST) from commercial tax department.
e. PAN registration certificate
f. Certificate of experience for execution of similar or alike works
Workmanship: The Contractor shall properly pack and crate all equipment in such a manner as to protect
them from deterioration and damage during transportation to the Site and storage at the Site till the time of
erection. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damages due to improper packing. The Contractor
shall give all shipping information regarding the weight, size and content of each packing including any other
information the authority may require. The Contractor shall prepare detailed packing list of all packages and
containers, bundles and loose material constituting each and every consignment dispatched to Site. The
Contractor shall further be responsible for making all necessary arrangements for loading, unloading and
other handling right from his works up to the Site and also till the equipment is erected, tested and
commissioned. He shall be solely responsible for proper storage and safe custody of all materials and
If the Contractor shall neglect to execute the works with diligence or shall refuse or neglect to
comply with any reasonable orders given to him, in connection with the works or shall contravene the
provisions of the Contract, the authority shall be at liberty to employ other workmen and forthwith execute
such part of the works as the Contractor may have neglected to do or if the authority shall think fit, to take
the works wholly or in part, out of the Contractor's hands and re-contract with any other person or persons.
If the cost of completing the works or executing a part thereof as aforesaid shall exceed the balance due to
the Contractor, the Contractor shall pay such excess. Such payment of excess amount shall be independent

of the liquidated damages for delay which the Contractor shall have to pay if the completion of Works is
delayed. This shall be done at the cost, risk and responsibility of the contractor.

Performance Guarantee: For the due performance of the Contract, 10 (ten) percent of the verified
Contractor bill shall be withheld as performance guarantee and shall be released after DLP.

Defects Liability Period:

a. The expression “Defects Liability Period” shall mean a period of Twelve (06) months from the date
the Works are taken over by the department. Where any part of the Works is taken over separately,
the Defects Liability Period for that part shall commence on the date it was taken over.
b. Notice of Defects If any defect appears or damage occurs during the defect liability period, the
Engineer in-Charge shall forthwith notify the Contractor thereof. However, delay or failure of the
Engineer-in-Charge in notifying shall not relieve the Contractor from his liability for remedying the
defects at his own cost.
c. Clearing the Defects Upon the receipt of such notice the Contractor shall be responsible for Clearing
the any defect in or damage to any part of the Works which may appear or occur during the Defects
liability Period and which arises from either; any defective materials, workmanship or design, or any
act or omission of the Contractor during the Defects Liability Period. The Contractor shall Clearing
the defect or damage as soon as practicable as but not later than 3 days and at his own cost.
d. Extension of Defects Liability Period: The provisions of this Clause shall apply to all replacements or
renewals carried out by the Contractor as if the replacement and renewals had been taken over on
the date they were completed. The Defects Liability Period for the Works shall be extended by a
period equal to the period during which the Works cannot be used by reasons of a defect or damage.
If only a part of the Works is affected, the Defect Liability Period shall be extended only for that part.
e. Failure to Remedy Defects: If the Contractor fails to remedy a defect or damage within a time
stipulated of 3 days, the Engineer-in-Charge may fix a final time for remedying the defect or damage.
If the Contractor again fails to do so, the Engineer-in-Charge may carry out the work himself or by
others at the Contractor’s risk and cost. The costs actually incurred by the Engineer-in-Charge in
remedying the defect or damage shall be recovered from any payments due or which may become
due to the Contractor.
f. Removal of Defective Work: If the defect or damage is such that repairs cannot be expeditiously
carried out on the site, the Contractor may, with the consent of the Engineer-in-Charge and after
furnishing a proper security acceptable to the KPDCL in case the item is paid for, remove from the
site, for the purposes of repair, any part of the Works which is defective or damaged.
g. Further Tests on Completion: If the replacements or renewals are such that they may affect the
performance of the Works, the Engineer-in-Charge may request that the Tests on Completion be
repeated to the extent necessary. The request shall be made by notice within thirty days after the
replacement of renewal.
h. Right of Access: Until the Final Certificate of Payment has been issued, the Contractor shall have the
right of access to all parts of the Works and to records of the working and performance of the Works.
Such right of access shall be during the KPDCL normal working hours at the Contractor’s risk and
cost. Access shall also be granted to any duly authorized representative of the Contractor, whose
name has been communicated in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge. Subject to the Engineer-in-
Charge’s approval, the Contractor may also, at his own risk and cost, make any tests which he
considers desirable.
i. Defects Liability Certificate: When the Defect, Liability Period for the Works or any part thereof has
expired and the Contractor has fulfilled all his obligations under the Contract for defects in the Works
or that part, the Engineer-in- Charge shall issue, within thirty days, to the Contractor, a Defects

Liability Certificate to that effect. No certificate other than the Defects Liability Certificate referred to
herein above shall be deemed to constitute approval of the Works.

Quantity Variation:
a. The quantities are subject to variation of +/ - 10%.
b. No compensation shall be applicable for reduction in quantities. The increased quantities executed
shall be built on the same item rates given in the schedule. Non schedule items are to be quoted
which are essential to complete the project. The rates for the same shall be approved by the
Engineer- In-Charge
Prices: Prices quoted by the Bidder must be firm and final and shall remain constant throughout the period
of the contract and shall not be subject to any upward modifications. The quoted rates shall be inclusive of
all taxes and duties, including newly introduced GST, freight, insurance etc. as the work is a turnkey job. The
rates shall include costs attracted towards mandatory inspection/testing by designated agencies including
Relay Testing.

Price Variation:
a. No price variation will be allowed. The quoted rates shall be valid for a period of six months from the
date of opening of the price-bid. The order placing authority shall have discretion to allocate the full
or part of the advertised quantity to the qualifying bidder without assigning any reason. The
authority also reserves the right to cancel the tenders. The order placing authority reserves the right
to vary the quantities of items or groups of items to be ordered as specified in the accompanying
technical specifications as may be necessary during the execution of the contract.
b. No alterations, amendment, omission or variations of the works shall be made by the contractor
except with the written orders of the order placing authority. With the alteration, if any variation in
the works results in reduction / increase in the contract price final rates shall be evolved as mutually
agreed to by both the parities. In the event of the disagreement, the decision of the arbitrator shall
Terms and Mode of payment.
a. Payments are subject to availability of funds under relevant head.
b. Payment for the equipment supplied shall be made in Indian Currency in the following manner.
c. 90% of the Contract cost shall be paid on successful completion of entire job. However, the running
bills can be processed as per recommendations of AEE concerned.
d. Balance 10% (retention money) of the total work done shall be paid after successful commissioning,
takeover of entire job by the department and expiry of DLP.
Instructions for Bidders:
Cover-I:Technical bid no need to send Hard copies except Demand Draft as Tender fee and CDR as Earnest
PRICE BID. It may be noted that the hard copy should be an exact replica of the uploaded offer documents.
For evaluation purposes the uploaded offer documents will be treated as authentic and final. The hard copy
shall be used only for reference purpose. Any documents submitted in hard copy but not uploaded on the
website shall be treated as irrelevant.

The e-tender be submitted in two covers as under:-

Cover-I: Scanned Copy of the following:
1) Treasury Challan to Govt Head No 0801 Pledged to Executive Engineer ED-V Ganderbal for an
amount of Rs 2000 payable at Ganderbal.
2) Earnest Money in the shape of the CDR/FDR 02% of the advertised cost pledged to Executive
Engineer ED Ganderbal.

3) Valid Registration license issued from competent authority

4) Latest tax clearance (GST) from commercial tax department.
5) PAN registration certificate
6) Experience for execution of similar/ alike works.
7) Tender document, as token of acceptance for the terms & conditions.

Price Bid or Financial Bid Price bid as per Bill of Quantity (Online submission only)

Financial Bid must be submitted online only. The tender should be complete in all the respects. All the terms
and conditions of the tender document including technical specifications should be carefully studied for the
sake of submitting complete and comprehensive tender. Failure to comply with any of the terms and
conditions or instructions which are likely to render fair comparison of tenders as a whole impossible, may
lead to rejection even if otherwise it is competitive offer/ tender. Conditional tender will not be considered
and will be rejected out-rightly. Any request by post, by hand, by fax or telegraphically for any modification,
addition, deletion etc. in the tender after last date of receipt of tenders shall not be considered.

Executive Engineer
ED Ganderbal


e-NIT No:______________________________________ Dated ________________

1. Name of the Firm:_____________________________________________________________

2. Name of Proprietor:__________________________________________________________

3. Registration/Contractor License No:_______________________________________

4. GST Registration No:__________________________________________________________

5. Income Tax Pan:_______________________________________________________________

6. Mobile No:______________________________________________________________________

7. e-mail id’s:_____________________________________________________________________

8. Adhar No:______________________________________________________________________

9. Bank Account No:______________________________________________________________

10. IFSC Code:_______________________________________________________________________

Signature of Bidder
With Seal Date and time

Executive Engineer

Supply, Installation , Testing and Commissioning for Construction of

New HT Line Receiving Station Nagbal upto Transit Accommodation at
Baba Daryadin for Kashmiri Migrants Under Capex Budget

S.No Particulars Unit Qnty

Providing, Loading, Transportation, insurance, Unloading, Carriage and Delivery at Site and
erection of 9 Mtr. Long ST Poles (410, SP-33) with pit excavation
No 114

Providing, Loading, Transportation, insurance, Unloading, Carriage and Delivery at Site,

2 Laying, stringing and binding of conductor including joints with PG clamps of required size Km 8.00
50 mm2 ACSR ( Rabbit)

Supplying and erection of GI Channel 100x50x6mm V-cross-arm (75 x 40x6mm) with GI

Angle Pole Top Bracket (50x50x6 mm) including back clamps of 50X8 mm for fixing Cross
arm and F-top bracket without making holes in the ST pole as per REC standard for single
Kg 1735
pole structure.

Supply and laying of Cement bottoming 1:2:4 mix as per REC standards 0.45 cum/pole,
muffing 20 cm above ground level ,including plaster and curing of concrete in size of
600x600x1700mm for 9/8 mtrs Long ST Poles (410, SP-15) (the leftover pit after concreting
Job 114
to be filled with soil and boulders)

Supplying and fixing of pole Earthing Complete by GI Pipe 40 mm or GI Rod 20mm 2.5 mtr
5 long through GI Strip(25x3) to each HT pole including supply and welding of GI channel No 114
70x40x150 on pole for earth connection

Loading, Transportation, insurance, Unloading, Carriage and Delivery at Site 11 KV

6 Polymeric Composit pin with insulator insulator 12 KV, 5 KN,Light Impulse 75 KVPositive No 200
and 80 KV Negative ,Creepage distance 320 mm

11kV Polymeric composite Disc Insulator 12V min failing load 45KN, Lighting Impulse 75kV
Positive and 80kN Negative Creepage distance 320mm
Set 16

Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 11kV Isolator Double Break 3-Pole
630Amps Horizental Mounting Type with Earthing Switch
Set 1

Providing, Loading, Transportation, insurance, Unloading, Carriage and Delivery at Site,

Laying, of 95mm² AB HT (3x95+1x95)mm² XLPE (11K, 3c+Earth)
Km 3

Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of Suspension /Eye Hooks of appropriate

size for 95mm² AB HT Cable as per REC Standard
No 90

11 Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of Heat Shrinkable Cable Kits Set 2

Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of Mid Span Straight Through Jointing Kit
for 95mm² AB Cable as per IS standard
Kits 12

13 Supplying and fixing of Galvanized Nuts and Bolts of sizes. Kg 60


Supplying and erection of Danger Plates with clamps with writing in English and Regional
No 114

Supply and fixing of anti-climbing GI Barbed wire binding with Clamps at a distance of 30 to
15 40 cm at a height of 3.5 to 4 m from ground level. At-least 2 kgs GI barbed wire(12 SWG) is No 114
to be used per pole for the purpose.

Supply and fixing of Galvanised Stay Set with 50x8mm stay clamp, guy insulator
(2Nos.), anchor plate (200x 200 x 6 mm), nutbolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8m long,
16 No 14
16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete for
11 KV Tension points as per REC standard.

Supply and painting of each Pole 1 coat red oxide paint and 2 coats of aluminium paint (@
1 ltr/pole red oxide paint and 1 ltr/pole aluminium paint)
Job 114

Providing of Stencil and spray painting (black in Colour) on each pole at an height of 4.5
feet above ground levelwith following specification :-
1. The dimension of the stencil should be not less than 21"x 9" per Pole .
2. The following details are to be recorded on each pole with the spray paint.
18 a. Name of the work No 12
b. Year
c. Name of The contractor
d. SR of the Pole.
The said stencil should be approved by EDV Ganderbal.

Pre and post Geo tagged photographic Evidence consisting of 5x7 inch Photographs in
coffee table book and autocad single line diagram
job 1

Executive Engineer

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