NNN Financial Class Application 2023

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Please return completed application to the Near Northwest Neighborhood Inc.

office or via email to anorthern.nnn@gmail.com by 3-13-2023. Classes Begin 3-20-2023

1007 Portage Ave, South Bend, IN 46616. Phone: (574) 232-9182

Name: Date:
Last First M.I.

Street Address Apartment/Unit #

City State ZIP Code

Phone: Email

Have you ever pulled your credit report?: Yes  No 

Last time pulled: ___ Years ___ Months ___Weeks ___Days

If pulled, what is your current credit score?

Yes  No  Score: _____

Do you have any student loans? Yes  No 

Do you have a bank account?: Yes  No 

If you currently have a debit card, what type of debit card do you have (Chime, Blue Dot, Bank Issued

Are you employed? If so, is it full or part-time?

Full-time  Part-time  I am not employed 

If part time, are you seeking full time employment?

Yes  No 

Please call 574-303-7990 or email André Northern at anorthern.nnn@gmail.com with any questions.
Please return completed application to the Near Northwest Neighborhood Inc.
office or via email to anorthern.nnn@gmail.com by 3-13-2023. Classes Begin 3-20-2023
1007 Portage Ave, South Bend, IN 46616. Phone: (574) 232-9182

If employed, how long have you been employed?

___ Years ___ Months ___Weeks ___Days

Do you have child care expenses or gaps that are an issue? Yes  No 

Do you have a credit card? If so, how many? Yes  No  ___ Cards

Have you ever filed bankruptcy? If so, how long ago?

Yes  No  ___ Years ___ Months ___Weeks

What are your general thoughts about money?

Please describe why you are interested in this class.

Please tell us what you most hope to achieve from this class (e.g. handle your finances better, learn
to reduce or eliminate debt, increase your credit score, eventually become a home owner, etc.)

Please call 574-303-7990 or email André Northern at anorthern.nnn@gmail.com with any questions.
Please return completed application to the Near Northwest Neighborhood Inc.
office or via email to anorthern.nnn@gmail.com by 3-13-2023. Classes Begin 3-20-2023
1007 Portage Ave, South Bend, IN 46616. Phone: (574) 232-9182

Signature____________________________________________________ Date____________

Please call 574-303-7990 or email André Northern at anorthern.nnn@gmail.com with any questions.

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