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Live Your Dream with Transformational Play

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream.

A dream you dream together is reality.”
Hey there! - Yoko Ono

Coach Dave here with you. I am thrilled to share my Play Life Manifesto. The
Connected Age of Play is happening now and gaining momentum every day!
You can play life as a performance art, as a collaborative game or as a worthy
quest. You can live your dream to contribute to the lives of others in your own
YOUnique way while enjoying juicy moments and thriving in the world.

The trouble is, if you grew up before the year 2000 then your mind was
“programmed” for the Industrial Age of Work. You learned to complete tasks and
keep your unique personality in check. You were taught that to be a good person
you go to work, do your job, collect your paycheck, and spend the money on
stuff that will make you happy. UGH! Your dream is so much bigger than that!

The Play Life Manifesto will be your guide into this delightful but challenging
new era. With the spirit of play you can unleash your hidden superpowers and
invent a new version of YOU who is equipped to thrive in this strange new world.

My life has always been about play! I am a performing artist, athlete, business
owner, and Life Coach. I was an assistant coach with a Hall of Fame soccer
coach for 14 years. I was the right hand man of the man who
invented Life Coaching. I have coached a thousand people
and taught Life Coaching methods to thousands more.
It has all led to this: I can help you Play Life better!

Coach Dave Buck

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you reframe your life
from a task list to a playground.

1 Leap Onto The Playground

Life is not work. Life is not a school. Life is a
playground! On the playground you can create
performance art, play a game, or pursue a quest. You
can bring this mindset to anything — your business,
career, community, family, or cause.

On the playground you create fulfilling experiences

for yourself and with others. You express your voice,
create value, reveal your vulnerability, and grow
from everything.

On global social platforms you can share your

experiences on the playground in a way that makes
your personal growth a contribution to the world!

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men What do you
and women merely players.” want to share with the
- William Shakespeare
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to be fully myself.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help bring your
big dream to life.

Share Your Dream 2

Abera Ca Dabera! This power phrase from the Aramaic
language literally means, “I create as I speak”. When
you speak your dream to others you unleash the
magic of shared intent and energize the right people
to play along with you.

Playing for your big dream is not a game of solitaire!

This might surprise you because in the Industrial Age
people were harshly told, “Do your own work. If you
help your neighbor you are a cheater!”
This is not a fruitful way to live. You are on
the earth playground to pursue your dreams
together with others as cocreators.
“Every human is an artist.
The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.”
What is your - Don Miguel Ruiz

COACHING “Play Safe” Body Belief:

“It is not safe to share my big dream.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you see
the way to live your dream now.

3 Live Your Dream NOW

Your dream is not for “someday”! You can live your dream right now.
You step into your dream by clarifying what you are playing for.

• What are the results you aim to create in the world?

Results accumulate into Outcomes.
• What are the actions you will take?
Skillful actions accumulate into Mastery.
• What are the challenges that you might face?
Overcoming challenges leads to Becoming.
• What are the resources that you will need?
Resources become your success Environment.

A little bit of structure + a LOT of imagination =

the magic of living your dream.

“Success is the progressive realization What does success

of a worthy ideal.” look like for you in
- Earl Nightingale
your dream?
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to imagine success.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you activate
your imagination and become the
person who can fulfill your dream.
Jump Into The Gap 4
Mastery and becoming precede outcomes. When you leap
onto the playground in pursuit of your dream, you will
notice a big gap between who you are now, and who you
must become to fulfill your dream. You will need to grow,
develop greater mastery in your actions, and become an
expanded version of your Self.

This is the “Performance-Possibility Gap”. Crossing this gap

into the unknown is the fun part of living your dream.
Your heart knows that your dream will ask you to grow
outside of your comfort zone to achieve your desired
outcomes. Your dream is smart!

“The moment in between what you once were

and who you are now becoming is where
Who do you need to the dance of life takes place.”
become to live your - Barbara De Angelis
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to change.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you expand your
capacity to reinvent your Self through play.

5 Reinvent Your Self Through Play

To fulfill your dream you need to grow. You are not
stuck being the way you are. You can literally invent
a new version of your Self through play. Young
humans do it every day. But this is where it gets
sticky because in the Industrial Age people were
told that work is the way we achieve our goals. “Put
your head down and work” is really bad advice!

Play brings out our most essential, most human,

qualities like curiosity, creativity, resourcefulness,
resilience, self-expression, collaboration, and
exploration. This is the stuff that fulfilled dreams are
made of! You can play your way to success.

“To be exposed when you are performing is where

your true strength resides.” How can you
- Michael Port transform work into
Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to play. I must work!”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you reveal your
unique energies, and support you as
you develop them into Superpowers!

Exercise Your Superpowers 6

You are out on the playground in pursuit of your big dream.
Naturally you want to be awesome! To be awesome you need
your Superpowers — YOUnique energies or abilities
that are capable of big impact.

You were born with a set of energies, qualities,

abilities and desires that you express through
thoughts, words, and actions. Each has the potential
to become a Superpower with awareness and practice.

Right now there are some activities that you know

you are really good at. But unquestionably you have
Superpower potential that you are not aware of!

“Doing good holds the power to transform us

What are your on the inside, and then ripple out in ever-expanding
YOUnique circles that positively impact the world at large.”
Superpowers? - Shari Arison

QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to express my unique power.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will bring awareness to
your fear, doubt, and frustration
to unleash your Superpowers.

7 Reveal Super YOU

It is important to understand why your Superpowers have
shadows. Human beings are wired for belonging —
belonging is essential to survival.

When you were small, any threat to your belonging felt

really scary. You played all the time expressing your unique
energies. That expression in raw form may have often
gotten you in trouble with the big people in your life. You
would have experienced this as a threat to your survival.

Bit by bit — mostly non-consciously — you pushed your

uniqueness into shadows behind fears to the point where
you forgot about it. Your dream is the catalyst to recover
the Super YOU that you were born to be.

“Your fears are a treasure map to your Superpowers.” Could your fear be a
- Coach Dave Buck Superpower in
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to reveal my true Self.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will observe you with
judgment-free awareness, and
help you learn fast!

Cultivate Judgment-Free Awareness 8

As you pursue your dream you are going to do a lot of
things for the first time. Sometimes you’ll get the results
you expect, and other times you won’t. In this
rapid-learning mode, when results sometimes fall short,
you may notice feelings of fear, doubt, and frustration.

Judgment-Free Awareness is the ability to observe

yourself and your results with generosity and curiosity.
You can move out of Industrial Age perfectionism, and
easily make adjustments toward your desired outcome.

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher

dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.”
- Lao Tzu

Where are you

judging yourself too
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to make mistakes.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will guide you toward
the perfect “play for results”
rhythm for your dream.

9 Craft Your Play Rhythm

Remember summer vacation as a child? It was so
awesome to wake up into a day of play! Well you can live
like that now with one notable difference: you need more
structure because your objectives are important to you.

To wake up every day and play life at a high level of

performance, you need to develop your personal play
rhythm in pursuit of your objectives: plan, play, learn,
celebrate, and rest.

Plan the experiences you aim to cocreate. Play for your

objectives. Learn by facing challenges. Celebrate your
results. Care for yourself through rest and rejuvenation!

“Life is about rhythm. We vibrate.

Our hearts are pumping blood. We How can you play for
are a rhythm machine. That’s what we are.”
- Mickey Hart
high performance?

“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to pursue something I can’t control.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will “think” with you to
develop a plan that is YOUnique!

Think Of Your Play Plan 10

You don’t wait for perfection on the playground. Your play plan
is an approach that you refine in pursuit of mastery each time
you play. Step back and think about how you as a YOUnique
individual can play for the results that your dream requires.

Assess your current capacity with your Superpowers

and skills and be creative about how you use them.
While you can get ideas by watching how others play,
you are always creating your own best way.

Another key is to make bold use of all of your assets and

resources. Look around! You have access to more than you
realize. Own the value of your dream fulfilled and ask
people to support you with positive expectancy.

What is your ”Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it's

YOUnique way to about deliberately choosing to be different.”
- Michael Porter
play for results?
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to risk being disappointed.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will guide you to
approach your day as an
opportunity to PLAY!

11 Play!
When you Play Life there are four overlapping categories of
activity: physical activity, relating to people, creating things and
experiences that contribute to other people, and exploring new
places and possibilities.

A big distinction between work and play is that work is doing

things you can control 100% of the time, while play is when you
don’t have control but you do have influence through your
strategy, skill, and energy. This means that your YOUnique
activity matters, and you can create better results over time.

Get into the flow of the moment. Express your Self fully. Rise up
to challenges. Trust your inner guidance and creativity.
Enjoy the experiences that you are cocreating.

“We've been playing games since humanity had How can you bring the
civilization - there is something primal about our spirit of play into your
desire and our ability to play games.”
- Jane McGonigal
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to enjoy my life too much.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will guide you to make
the most of every challenge you face.

Embrace (Seek!) Challenges 12

In the Industrial Age people learned to fear challenges
because they interfered with completing tasks on time.
When you Play Life you embrace each challenge because
you know it calls forth your best Self. In play mode you
release the delusion of control and expect surprises.

You matter! You are not a replaceable cog in the machine of

production. Every new challenge asks you to unleash your
Superpowers and realize that you are a YOUnique creative
individual with something special to contribute to the world.

Great players seek big challenges!

“Surround yourself with good people.

Surround yourself with positivity and people
Who is your challenge who are going to challenge you to make you better.”
asking you to become? - Ali Krieger

QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to fail.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will share insightful observations
with you, and guide you to learn fast from
everything happening while you play.
13 Devour Feedback
When you play you yearn for the growth required to fulfill your
dream! In play mode you apply judgment-free awareness to
learn from everything and everyone at a super fast
non-conscious level. After you play you can slow down and
carefully choose what additional feedback you want to
consider for your path to mastery.

In the Industrial Age people developed negative reactions to

feedback because feedback only meant they did something
wrong. But in the Connected Age of Play it is not about
perfection, it is about playing better and enjoying more
experiences of success and contribution. Seek a
knowledgeable outside observer — like a coach — to share
with you what they see!

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” What can you learn

- Ken Blanchard
from this experience?

“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to listen to critical feedback.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you notice opportunities
to celebrate yourself for playing well.

Celebrate YOU 14
Pump your fists into the air, or share a high five with someone
when something good happens! The opportunity to fail is ever
present when you play, and you deserve to celebrate when
you take a risk, step into the unknown, and actually get your
desired results. After a period of play, enjoy deliberate
celebration for your accumulated desired experiences!

In the Industrial Age people did not celebrate themselves

because if something good happened it was “supposed” to
happen. Sports and performing arts have become so wildly
popular because people are yearning for opportunities to
celebrate in the company of others. People play life so they
can heartily celebrate together more often! WOO HOO!

“By taking the time to stop and appreciate who you are
How can you celebrate and what you've achieved — and perhaps learned
yourself today? through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses — you
actually can enhance everything about you.”
- Jack Canfield
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to celebrate my accomplishments.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will encourage you to take
exquisite care of your body, mind, and soul.

15 Rejuvenate YOU
Your dream matters, and you matter! When you are playing for
your dream as a high-performer your level of energy really
matters. You must protect your ability to make your YOUnique
contribution to the world by taking exquisite care of yourself.

In the Industrial Age people were encouraged to work

themselves to death because they were an expendable part of
the machine. No more! When you pursue your dream — as a
performance art, game, or quest — put a high value on yourself.
Eat well. Sleep plenty. Care for your body, mind, and soul. Enjoy
your best balance of time with loved ones, and time in quietude.
Also surround yourself with people who care about your needs!

“To practice extreme self-care, you must learn to love

yourself unconditionally, accept your imperfections,
and embrace your vulnerabilities.” How will you take
- Cheryl Richardson great care of yourself
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to indulge in self-care.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach is your practice partner for
every essential activity you want to
perform at a high level.

Practice Conversations 16
Practicing is doing something many times in many different
situations so that when a “big impact” moment arrives, you
are prepared to do something awesome! To practice anything
you need a safe space where you can experiment, where
there are no consequences for failure.

It may sound strange to practice playing life. Every day while

playing life you will talk to people, and the stakes can be high
when you have the opportunity to influence someone
important to you. You can practice conversations by doing
role plays so when the real conversation happens you feel
confident to express yourself fully. Use your
imagination to create a safe space with trusted partners,
and practice every aspect of how you play life.

What conversations “The ultimate reward of practice is not winning; it

should we role play is the experience of playing well.”
- Coach Manny Schellscheidt
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to experiment.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you use
every aspect of your mind
in support of your dream.

17 Make Your Mind Your Ally

There is no such thing as self-sabotage! When your mind is
coming up with reasons why you can’t do something, it is
always trying to keep you safe. That is self-preservation!

Your mind is a dance between two powerful partners, the

imperative to survive and the desire to fulfill your dream. Play
always includes dynamic tension between staying safe and
accepting the risk to play big in the world.

Your multifaceted mind includes your survival brain, social

brain, conscious mind, non-conscious mind, and your
connection to the Super Mind. With practice you can use each
part to play big when you choose to.

“It is not enough to have a good mind;

the main thing is to use it well.” How is your survival
- Rene Descartes mind trying to protect
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to trust my heart’s desires.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you cultivate body
awareness that will lead to Inner Freedom.

Expand Inner Freedom 18

Play with fear! Fear, the impulse to stay safe, begins as a sensation in
the body. This feeling is always present though often we are numb
to it. There are two kinds of fear: physical fear (i.e. bodily harm), and
social fear (i.e. the fear of being alienated from a loved one/group).

Fear must be respected. Inner Freedom is the ability to cultivate

body awareness so that you can feel fear and still play big.

Importantly, the experience we fear the most is being

alienated for expressing our YOUnique power. This is why our
fears are a treasure map that leads to our hidden Superpowers.

“Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must

know what you want from life. There is just one thing
that makes your dream become impossible:
What are you feeling the fear of failure.”
in your body right - Paulo Coelho
COACHING “Play Safe” Body Belief:
In the Inner Freedom Method
we explore your body beliefs!

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you uplevel your
environments into a Success Academy.

19 Uplevel Your Environments

You can use your wiring for belonging to great
advantage as you pursue your dream! You are always
adapting to the environments — people, places, things
and ideas — around you. You can uplevel your Self with
ease by upleveling your environments first.

If you want to become awesome at anything, surround

yourself with great coaches, provocative colleagues,
juicy ideas, big challenges, great resources, and inspiring
places. As you adapt to your new world, you will become
the amazing player that you must become to fulfill your
dream. We call this your personal Success Academy.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

- Peter Drucker Who do you need
around you to become
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe to ask for what I need.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Having a great coach by your side is a smart
move, and really the most fun ever!

Hire a Coach 20
Life is not a game of solitaire! Your dream is your life! Having a trusted
relationship with a coach is a really smart way to put the odds of
success in your favor! Your coach will guide your adventure into the
unknown and through the Performance-Possibility Gap.

Your coach will help you clarify your objectives, master skills through
practice, find creative responses to challenges, and help you evaluate
your results. Your coach will share perceptive observations,
life-changing conversations and meaningful celebrations.

Most importantly, your coach will walk with you following the
treasure map of your fears in search of your hidden Superpowers.

“To excel at the highest level - or any level,

really - you need to believe in yourself, and hands
When would NOW be down, one of the biggest contributors to
a good time to hire a my self-confidence has been private coaching.”
- Steph Curry
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“I must do my own work. If I ask for help I am a cheater.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021
Learn how to become a Play Life Coach
for your team. Join us at

21 Become a Coach
You have dream to do something big in the world, and there is
no way you can fulfill your dream by playing alone! You need an
awesome team.

Anyone who shares your dream is on your team including your

customers, employees, colleagues, advocates, community,
friends and family.

You want everyone on your team to become the best possible

version of themselves, and to do that they will need a great
coach. Coaching is a profound personal relationship in pursuit
of a shared dream. You can be that coach!

“I believe that the coaching relationship will be the

most profound form of human relating ever invented.” Are you ready to
- Thomas Leonard bevome a coach for
your team?
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe to rely on other people.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

When every human with a big
dream has a great coach,
it’s a beautiful world.
A Beautiful World
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
- Rumi
Every morning butterflies set out on an adventure in pursuit of nectar to. As a
miraculous by-product of their pursuit, butterflies pollinate the flowers, fruits,
and vegetables that make the world a more beautiful place.

You can set out each morning to Play Life in pursuit of your dream to create
rewarding experiences. As a miraculous by-product of your pursuit, you will
touch people, fulfill dreams, and spread joy to make the world a more
beautiful place. Play Life!
We would love to have you join us at!
- Learn more about how to Play Life.
Click - Hire a Play Life Coach to live your dream
here to... and unleash your hidden Superpowers.
- Become a Play Life Coach for your dream team.

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

Your coach will help you express
more love in everything you do.

22 Love!
When you Play Life in pursuit of your dream, you aim to cocreate
fulfilling experiences in everything you do. When you bring love
into it — WOW! You become a magnet for the people and
opportunities that will propel you toward your dream. Love is the
ultimate Superpower!

Love is an action verb! You can expand your capacity to love. Be

generous with your love. Love your customers, clients, and
colleagues. Love your art, game, or quest. Even if you eat a mostly
Paleo diet, if you choose to eat a donut... love the donut!

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder,

spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals
the human spirit.”
- e.e. cummings
How can you express
Thanks for reading the
Play Life Manifesto! more love when you
- Coach Dave play?
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It’s not safe for me to express my love.”

#playlife © Dave Buck 2021

“You can discover more about a person
in an hour of play
than in a year of conversation.”
- Plato

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