Play Life Manifesto PDF
Play Life Manifesto PDF
Play Life Manifesto PDF
Coach Dave here with you. I am thrilled to share my Play Life Manifesto. The
Connected Age of Play is happening now and gaining momentum every day!
You can play life as a performance art, as a collaborative game or as a worthy
quest. You can live your dream to contribute to the lives of others in your own
YOUnique way while enjoying juicy moments and thriving in the world.
The trouble is, if you grew up before the year 2000 then your mind was
“programmed” for the Industrial Age of Work. You learned to complete tasks and
keep your unique personality in check. You were taught that to be a good person
you go to work, do your job, collect your paycheck, and spend the money on
stuff that will make you happy. UGH! Your dream is so much bigger than that!
The Play Life Manifesto will be your guide into this delightful but challenging
new era. With the spirit of play you can unleash your hidden superpowers and
invent a new version of YOU who is equipped to thrive in this strange new world.
My life has always been about play! I am a performing artist, athlete, business
owner, and Life Coach. I was an assistant coach with a Hall of Fame soccer
coach for 14 years. I was the right hand man of the man who
invented Life Coaching. I have coached a thousand people
and taught Life Coaching methods to thousands more.
It has all led to this: I can help you Play Life better!
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men What do you
and women merely players.” want to share with the
- William Shakespeare
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to be fully myself.”
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to express my unique power.”
“Your fears are a treasure map to your Superpowers.” Could your fear be a
- Coach Dave Buck Superpower in
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to reveal my true Self.”
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to pursue something I can’t control.”
11 Play!
When you Play Life there are four overlapping categories of
activity: physical activity, relating to people, creating things and
experiences that contribute to other people, and exploring new
places and possibilities.
Get into the flow of the moment. Express your Self fully. Rise up
to challenges. Trust your inner guidance and creativity.
Enjoy the experiences that you are cocreating.
“We've been playing games since humanity had How can you bring the
civilization - there is something primal about our spirit of play into your
desire and our ability to play games.”
- Jane McGonigal
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to enjoy my life too much.”
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to fail.”
“Play Safe” Body Belief: QUESTION
“It is not safe for me to listen to critical feedback.”
Celebrate YOU 14
Pump your fists into the air, or share a high five with someone
when something good happens! The opportunity to fail is ever
present when you play, and you deserve to celebrate when
you take a risk, step into the unknown, and actually get your
desired results. After a period of play, enjoy deliberate
celebration for your accumulated desired experiences!
“By taking the time to stop and appreciate who you are
How can you celebrate and what you've achieved — and perhaps learned
yourself today? through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses — you
actually can enhance everything about you.”
- Jack Canfield
QUESTION “Play Safe” Body Belief:
“It is not safe for me to celebrate my accomplishments.”
15 Rejuvenate YOU
Your dream matters, and you matter! When you are playing for
your dream as a high-performer your level of energy really
matters. You must protect your ability to make your YOUnique
contribution to the world by taking exquisite care of yourself.
Practice Conversations 16
Practicing is doing something many times in many different
situations so that when a “big impact” moment arrives, you
are prepared to do something awesome! To practice anything
you need a safe space where you can experiment, where
there are no consequences for failure.
Hire a Coach 20
Life is not a game of solitaire! Your dream is your life! Having a trusted
relationship with a coach is a really smart way to put the odds of
success in your favor! Your coach will guide your adventure into the
unknown and through the Performance-Possibility Gap.
Your coach will help you clarify your objectives, master skills through
practice, find creative responses to challenges, and help you evaluate
your results. Your coach will share perceptive observations,
life-changing conversations and meaningful celebrations.
Most importantly, your coach will walk with you following the
treasure map of your fears in search of your hidden Superpowers.
21 Become a Coach
You have dream to do something big in the world, and there is
no way you can fulfill your dream by playing alone! You need an
awesome team.
You can set out each morning to Play Life in pursuit of your dream to create
rewarding experiences. As a miraculous by-product of your pursuit, you will
touch people, fulfill dreams, and spread joy to make the world a more
beautiful place. Play Life!
We would love to have you join us at!
- Learn more about how to Play Life.
Click - Hire a Play Life Coach to live your dream
here to... and unleash your hidden Superpowers.
- Become a Play Life Coach for your dream team.
22 Love!
When you Play Life in pursuit of your dream, you aim to cocreate
fulfilling experiences in everything you do. When you bring love
into it — WOW! You become a magnet for the people and
opportunities that will propel you toward your dream. Love is the
ultimate Superpower!