Code Switching Analysis in The Travel Blog, The Naked Traveler
Code Switching Analysis in The Travel Blog, The Naked Traveler
Code Switching Analysis in The Travel Blog, The Naked Traveler
Keywords Abstract
Language is significant methods for correspondence. It is utilized to
Code switching; impart and to offer data to other people. There are numerous dialects
on the planet that individuals can pick their cooperation. Picking one
Travel blog; legitimate language in correspondence is critical to abstain from
misconception. Individuals need to pick a specific language as well as
Functions; choose to change starting with one then onto the next. The change
from one language to the next one called as code switching. Code
Factors; switching may happened in numerous industry. One of them is the
travel industry. Thus, this research is design to identify the types of
Types; code switching, to analyze the function of the code switching and to
find out the factors led the blogger code-switch. One of them is
tourism area. sales assistants code-switch. The data was taken from
the travel blog that was written in The Naked Traveler blog. The data
was collected through observation method through note taking
techniques. The travel blog was read and the expressions represent
the use of code switching were noted. After the data collected, they
were analyzed. Descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze
the data. The analysis was conducted through several steps. First, the
theory proposed by Poplack (1989) was used to classify the types of
code switching produced The Naked Traveler blog. Furthermore, the
theory of the function of code switching developed by Apple and
Muysken (1987:118-120) was used to analyzed the function of code
Fakultas Bahasa Asing, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
1. Introduction
The theoretical framework in this study was divided into two parts; they were the types of code
switching and the functions of code switching. First, by Poplack in Romaine (1980) in the book
entitled Bilingualism proposed the theory of the types of code switching that was used in answering
the types of code switching. Second, Appel and Muysken (1987) in their book entitled Language
Contact and Bilingualism proposed the theory of the functions of code switching that was used in
answering the function of code switching in this study.
According to Romaine (1989), there are three types of code switching that can be identified, i.e.,
Tag switching, inter-sentential switching, and intra-sentential switching. Tag switching is simply the
insertion of a tag in one language in an utterance which is entirely in the other language, e.g. you
know, I mean, right? Due to the syntactic nature of tags, they can be inserted in many different
places in an utterance without disturbing the syntactic order. This type of code switching is very
simple and does not involve a great command of both languages, since there is a minimum risk of
violation of grammatical rules. Example in Finnish/English:
Mereka tengah mengobrol sambil mencicipi kue ketika aku datang yang memang bertepatan
dengan waktu tea morning.
(Roidah, 2004.Novel “Love Me, Save Me page 232).
Regarding the function of code switching, the code switching in data above serves directive
function. The English word “tea morning” is used by the writers to make the readers understand
what is being said. Switching here is used because there is an involvement of the hearers directly.
3. Expressive Function is namely the switching which shows the speakers who are emphasize a
mixed identity through the use of two language in the same discourse. For example is Spanish-
English code switching in Puerto Rican community. For fluent bilingual Puerto Rican in New York,
conversation full code switching as a mode of speech by itself and individual switches no longer
have a discourse function. This function may not be present in all code switching communities.
4. Phatic function is to indicate a change in tone of the conversation; the type is also called as
metaphorical switching by Gumperz and Hernandez-Chavez (1975). It can see from the stand up
comedian that tells the whole joke in a standard variety, but it has brought the punch line a
vernacular type of speech. This type of switch has been documented extensively in a paper on
switching between London Jamaican and London English by Sebba and Wootton (1984). In which a
stretch basically of Jamaican discourse. When Jamaican fragments are inserted in to an English
context, the main functions seem to be that on highlighting conveyed. An example: English “Meta-
comment”. One of them is following:
m:an…Leonie’ave party… WHEN… DON’T REMEMBER WHEN IT WAS bots hi did telaal o
dem no fi (t) se notin… kaaz shi no waan tu moch Cat ford gyal di de… an Jackie av wan tu…
neva se notin.
5. Metalinguistic function occurs when it’s directly or indirectly used to comment on the
language involved. It’s happen when speakers speech between different codes in order to impress
the other participants with a show a linguistic skill. (Scotton, 1979 in Apple and Muysken
1987:120). Many examples of this can be found in the public domain: performers, circus, directors,
and market sales people. The example can be shown as follow:
Hei great couple! sapa Rio ketika kami sampai di hadapannya.
(Roidah, 2004. Novel “Love Me, Save Me page 215).
The data above can be categorized as serving metalinguistic function, because by switching the
code, it means that the writer wants to comment directly the topic which is being discussed. The use
of word “Hei great couple!” also impresses the complement of the couple.
6. The function emphasizes the use of bilingual language involving switches puns, jokes, etc. An
example is quote from Ezra Pound’s Canto XIII (1980):
Yu-chan to pay sycamores
Of this wood are lutes made
Ringing stones from sey choui river
And grass that is called Tsing-mo ‘or
Chun to the spirit Chang Ti, of heaven
Moving the sun and the stars
Que vos vers experiment vos intentions
Et que la musique conforme
Pound works with complex internal rhymes across languages: Chinese Gods, rivers,
emperors, and mountains are matched with elements from Homerik Greek and French,
Italian, or Provencal verse. The result is at once an erudite evocation of all human
civilizations and Panolpy of sounds.
The method used in this research was the way to analyze and to get the data. It was one of the
efforts to find and examine the truth of a science for which method is used. The analysis depended
on the relationship of method and objective. This chapter focused on the data source, data
collecting, and data analysis.
The data source of this study was taken from the travel blog, The Naked Traveller. There are
two articles from the blog were taken as the data. The first article entitled Travelling Di Turki Pada
Masa Pandemi. It is about the author’s experience when she travelled to Turkey. The articles
provides the travel tips from the author and is written in Indonesian. The second article entitled
Lokasi Film “Trinity Traveller” Yang Kece. This article shows the five places in the world visited by
the author and was film in the movie of Trinity Traveller. The author also described the interesting
sites to vist from those five places. This data source was chosen through some reasons. First, This
travel blog is famous in Indonesia that it has been filmed in 2017. It starred by famous actors such
as Hamish Daud and Maudy Ayunda as the main character in this movie. And the second one, the
author of this travel blog is Indonesian who will not always speak in English when she writes the
articles. Furthermore, she tends to switch their language when she writes her experience in her
travel blog. It leads many code switching phenomenon found in her articles.
In this research the data was collected by using observation method through note taking
techniques. The data was taken from the travel blog, The Naked Traveller. Therefore, the
observation was conducted in several techniques such as reading and note taking. The data was
collected through three steps. First step was collecting the data from the two articles of travel blog
mentioned above. Then it was close reading the articles. The last was note taking of the articles.
Descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze the data. The analysis was conducted
through several steps. First, the theory proposed by Poplack (1989) was used to classify the types of
code switching produced by the author of the travel blog. Furthermore, the theory of the function of
code switching developed by Apple and Muysken (1987:118-120) was used to analyzed the function
of code switching.
From the data The Naked Traveller, there are three types of code switching were found. The
analysis is described based on the types of code switching. There were 16 data found in this
research. However, there was only 5 data used as the representative data. It was one data was
categorized as tag switching and 15 data were categorized as intra-sentential switching.
Unfortunately, inter-sentential switching was not found in this research due to the mother tongue of
the author is Indonesian. She didn’t use the complete sentence in English. She just mentioned some
English terms or phrases in her article. It is because the terms or phrases she used were understood
by the readers, since she only used familiar terms in daily life. Thus, the analysis is divided into two
sections. Those are tag switching and intra-sentential switching. In analyzing data, there are two
steps that were done. First, determining the types of code switching that occurred in the data and
then analyzing the function of code switching and its factors of the author switched the language in
the article of the travel blog.
Tag Switching
Tag switching occurs when in the utterance involves the insertion of an exclamation, a tag or
parenthetical in one language into an utterance which is otherwise entirely to other language. There
were only one data found in this research. The data presented as follow.
“Anyway, letusan Gunung Krakatau pada 1883 merupakan salah satu yang terdahsyat
sepanjang sejarah dunia, bahkan debunya sampai mengubah cuaca dunia selama setahun!
(Article: Lokasi Film “Trinity Traveller” Yang Kece , Paragraprh 6, 2020)
The author of this article wrote the sentences to inform about the history of Krakatau mountain
she has visited in Lampung. She wants to explain how huge the disaster was. The phrase “Anyway”
indicate a tag switching that added in the front of sentence. “Anyway” was a word that commonly
used to move the conversation from one topic to the other one. The words “Anyway” actually can be
translated into Indonesia; the utterance “Anyway” can be translated into “Ngomong-ngomong”.
Based on the theory of Apple and Muysken, the phrase “Anyway” refer to metalinguistic function,
which was Indonesian language used after “Anyway” to make sure the guest understand in English
or not and he want to impressing his ability in order to show ability by used in English language.
Intra-Sentential Switching
Intra-sentential switching involves arguably, the greatest syntactic risk, and maybe avoided by
all but the most fluent bilinguals. It occurs within the clause or sentence and word boundary. On
both articles used as the data, there were 15 data found which is categorize to this type of code-
switching. Otherwise, there were 4 data used as the representative data in this analysis. The
following are the detail analysis:
Data 2
“Lalu harus private tour dengan hotel, restoran, dan transportasi yang sudah tersertifikasi Safe
Tourism, termasuk asuransi bila saya terkena Covid-19.”
(Article: Travelling di Turki Pada Masa Pandemi , Paragraprh 3, 2020)
The utterance was categorized as intra-sentential switching because of the use of Indonesian in
one clause (the beginning of utterance) and another language (English language). Here the author
wanted to explain to the reader about the certified safe tourism applied in Turki. She informed the
reader about how safe it was to travel in Turki. She use the English phrase private tour in her article
considering that the reader will understand the meaning since it is a daily use in tourism area. This
utterance can be identified as metalinguistic function. Metalinguistic occurs when speakers
switched between different codes to impress the other participants with a show of linguistic skill.
Data 3
“Namun kali ini highlight-nya adalah diving di Kas!”
(Article: Travelling di Turki Pada Masa Pandemi, Paragraprh 10, 2020)
In the sentence above, there were two English terms used by the author. They are highlight
and diving. The two terms were inserted in one sentence that this code belongs to intra-sentential
switching. In this case metalinguistic function occur automatically because the author wanted to
show that she mastered English as well as Indonesian. She used the terms often times that these
terms are common terms in tourism subject. It is considered that the readers understood the
Data 4
“Yang masih penasaran kenapa yang jadi Trinity adalah Maudy Ayunda, atau pengen tahu cerita
tentang behind the scene dari film pertama bisa dibaca di buku The Naked Traveler 7”.
(Article: Lokasi Film “Trinity Traveller” Yang Kece , Paragraprh 2, 2020)
The utterance above was categorized as intra-sentential switching because the used of some
words in other language (English) between Indonesian language. The sentences is written by the
author to inform the readers about the book she has written. She promoted her own book with the
information about the film. She used the phrase behind the scene in order to make the readers
easier to understand. The phrase behind the scene is a familiar phrase in film production. The movie
fan will automatically understand the meaning. Also the author mixed the identity through the use
of two languages in the same discourse. This function is categorized as expressive function.
Data 5
“Terletak di Jl. Gagak, ini coto (semacam soto daging sapi) legend di Makassar yang bukanya
24/7.” (Article: Lokasi Film “Trinity Traveller” Yang Kece , Paragraprh 8, 2020)
The word legend in English is a borrowing word in Indonesian. It is translated into legenda in
Indonesian. Though, the term is more appropriately to use in this sentence that the readers are
easily understand the meaning. This term introduced a subject can lead to switch. According to
Apple and Muysken (1987) this sentence categorized as referential function of code switching. The
author was aware that the term is recognized in both languages by the readers. Also she wanted to
show the readers about her own ability in English. This sentence also categorized into intra-
sentential switching since it has one foreign language inserted in one sentence.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion below related to the research problems of this writing and analysis. Based on
the analysis, there are three significant points that can be drawn as conclusion, namely:
There were two types of code switching found in the two articles in the travel blog, The Naked
Traveler. They were tag switching and intra-sentential switching. Tag switching occurred when in
the utterance involves the insertion of an exclamation, a tag or parenthetical in one language into an
utterance which is otherwise entirely in the other language. There was only one data of tag
switching found in this research. Intra-sentential switching involves, arguably, the greatest syntactic
risk, and may be avoided by all but the most fluent bilinguals. There were fifteen data of intra-
sentential switching found in this research. Yet, there were only five data used as representative
data in the discussion chapter. Unfortunately, inter-sentential switching was not found in this
research due to the mother tongue of the author is Indonesian. She didn’t use the complete sentence
in English. She just mentioned some English terms or phrases in her article. It is because the terms
or phrases she used were understood by the readers, since she only used familiar terms in daily life.
Having done the analysis of functions in the notes made by the staffs in Ripcurl Nusa Dua based
on the theory of Apple and Muysken (1987), it was found that not all of six functions were available.
Metalinguistic function, referential function and expressive function were applicable found in those
two articles. Those functions occurred when the author to show her linguistic skills, involves lack of
knowledge of one language or lack of facility in that language on certain subject and wanted to
emphasize the messages when change the tone.
The factors led the author code switch is because the she found that the English terms are easier
to remember or better to be understood than in Indonesian terms. Sometimes they do not know the
Indonesian language or the term Indonesian when they expressed it, they only used one word
English or one phrase not completed one clause when talking or revealing something. Also, the
author of the travel blog , The Naked Traveller has ability in using English or bilingual and wanted to
show her linguistic skill in order to get attention or appreciation from the readers.
The authors would like to thank all of those who have given help and guidance to finish this
research. Also, the authors would like to express special gratitude to authors’ beloved family for the
support, patience and understanding morally and materially.
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Trinity. 2020. Lokasi Film “Trinity Traveller” Yang Kece. Available from: Retrieved on 2 August 2020
Trinity. 2020. Travelling di Turki Pada Masa Pandemi. Available from: Retrieved on: 8 November