An Analysis of Code Switching

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Friskila N. Gerungan, Sanerita T. Olii, Fivy Andries


This study is aimed at analysing the forms or types of code switching and
describing the meaning of the forms used by teacher or students in English learning process
in classroom. In conducting this reseearch, the writer used descriptive method. The data
were taken during English lerning process, where, there are teacher and students in. To
collect the data the writer used recorder and notes. The data collected were analyzed by
doing Unitization, Categorization, Explanation and Interpretation in English words and
sentence, used as code switching during the classroom.
The findings in this study show that code switching used by teacher and students
during the English learning process are form of intersentensial code switching,
intrasentensial code switching and tag switching. The meaning of those forms or sentence
depend on structure of the sentence or context of the sentence. It is expected that, this
research can give a contribution to the development of sosiolinguistics, and give motivation
to other researcher to combine or improve the same topic of research in the future to
develop English leraning process.

Keywords: Code Switching, English Learning Process

INTRODUCTION country; especially in big cities are

Indonesia is a unique country. often in contact with foreign cultures.
Why? Not only many people but also Most of the population is not only
most of the people in Indonesia are able to speak their mother tongue and
able to speak in two languages: what the national language, but is also able
are the languages? The first is the to speak the foreign language.
mother tongue, second is national Richards (2000:72) states that:
language. This happens because “code switching is a change by a
Indonesia has many diverse cultural speaker or writer from one language
and linguistic variations. or language variety to another one.
Indonesia could also be Code switching can take place in a
regarded as a multilingual conversation when one speaker uses

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
one language and the other speaker skills. For this, the students must have
answers in different language. A linguistic competence such as
person may start speaking one grammar or structure and vocabulary
language and then change to another and to use them in spoken language.
one in the middle of their speech, or In this study, the writer would
sometimes even in middle of like to know the code switching in
sentences.” teaching and learning process. The
In modern era, English as an phenomenon of code switching
international language has an widely occurs within the
important role to develop science and communication in which more than
technology. “Language is fundamental one language is used. Also it is
to all social processes, and human do noticeable for them to speak mixed
need language to communicate to each languages and they also switch back
other. In social process, there are people, and forth between two languages. In
who communicate more than they say,
order to understand the process of
they use language that indicate meanings
their utterances, it is necessary to
more than the language does.” (Maru et
study code switching in the area of
al, 2016: 1) Many People who have
knowledge and skill in a current
Sometimes, English makes
language always try to switch or mix
students confused or bored to
codes in their speech fluently. In
studying, because they will get
English activity in classroom, Based
difficult in comprehending the
on the curriculum, the students should
materials. To solve the problem, most
be familiar with the four language
of the English teacher in Indonesia
skills such as listening, speaking,
use more than one language. Teacher
reading and writing. In studying
and students mixing up in the
English, all of the students should be
communication of teaching and
able to use the four languages skill
learning process in the language
that is why they are important to learn
classes. “Students and teachers were two
and to practice for increasing their
important figures in the teaching and

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
learning process. In the situation such as • In order to get focus in
Indonesia, less student-centered but more conducting this study,
teacher-centered was the common the study was
approach applied in the classroom all
delimited to: The code
across subject areas.” (Liando, 2010:2)
Switching used by
In this study we can find out that
teacher and students in
code-switching used by teacher and
English learning
student in classroom.
process of The Second
In formal education, code–
Year Students SMA
switching are needed for English
Negeri 1 Kakas.
Teacher in teaching process because
In English teaching and
it makes students easier and interested
learning process, the writer wanted to
on understanding the lesson. “In
helping teachers to know the types
relation to attitudes and learning,
dan reason of code Switching used by
student motivation was found to be
teacher and students in speaking skill
one variable associated with being and as a contribution to English
successful in language learning.” teacher in overcoming students
(Liando, 2010: 4) problem in studying English in
In addition, it would be better classroom.
for the teacher to try to teach students
with code-switching so that the RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
students could be familiar with Research Design
bilingual condition. Concerning the To analyze this research,
background of the study of this writer used a descriptive method. Best
research, the writer formulated the (1978:116) stated that:
problem of the study was what types “a descriptive study describes
of Code Switching used by teachers and interprets what is. It is
and students in English learning concerned with conditions or
activity in classroom? relationship that exist,
opinions that are held, process

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
that are going on, effect that for permission to make a
are evidences, or trends that research in that school.
are developing. It is primarily • The writer collected the data
concerned with the present, by recording the conversation
although it often considers in Speaking Class to get the
past evidences and influence natural data
as they relate to current • After collected the data, writer
conditions.” observed the script by
Bogdan and Biklen (1992:28) watching it directly
point another relation opinion: • While observed the data,
“Qualitative research is writer took a note whenever
descriptive. The data collected founding a code switching
are in the form of words of or • After all data founded, writer
a picture rather than number. analyzed the data from the
The written results of the recorded and written data.
research contain quotation • The last was classifies the
from the data to illustrate and form code switching made by
substantinate the students
presentation.” Research Instrument
Source of the Data To collect the data, the writer
The sources of the data took used recorder and notes.
from The Second Year Students of Data Analysis
SMA Negeri 1 Kakas. The collected data analyzed
according to steps of qualitative
research. The steps used in analyzing
Research Procedures the data followed the steps of
In doing the research, the qualitative data by Bogdan and
steps used are: Biklen (1992: 145), are:
• The writer came to school and • The activity of unitization
met the head master and ask

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
In this step, all the data united In this activity, the
according to the notes and record. In codeswitching forms are written in
the process of unitization, the coding bold.
is done to make the controlling easily 1. Sebelum kita mulai
done. pelajaran saat ini, we are
• The activity of categorization going to start with pray.
In this step, the data categorized Let’s pray.
according to the criteria of type of 2. Yes ma’am. Our topic
code switching namely: inter yesterday tentang global
sentential code–switching, intra warming.
sentential code–switching, and tag– 3. Mira, dapatkah anda
switching. jelaskan about global
• The activity of explanation warming definition?
In this step, the categorized of the data 4. The effect of global
explained according to findings in the warming is akan terjadi
first and second steps. In explaining t’sunami ma’am.
the data united and categorized, 5. Lina boleh pinjam your
comparison used to help the writer in book?
making interpretation and drawing 6. Sementara saya
conclusion. membaca topik ini,
• The activity of interpretation please pay attention and
The last step was the activity of listen to me.
making interpretation. The data that 7. Ok. Saya akan bacakan
have been united, categorized, and teks ini once again.
explained interpreted or concluded as 8. Jawabannya right. The
the findings of the study. temperature is high.
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND 9. Ma’am we didn’t
DISCUSSION understand about the
Unitization of the Data exercise, tolong

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
10. Anda dipersilahkan selesai kami akan
untuk menjawab pilihan memberikan penjelasan.
ganda according the text. 20. Bagaimana denganmu
11. What you want to do Rivo? Do you have any
untuk menghentikan plans?
global warming. 21. Rani tunggu kita telepon
12. Can you participate for for our planing next
our friend Marsela Kuhu week.
yang dirawat di rumah 22. Thank you very much,
sakit. kita tunggu kabar
13. No sir, just one number darimu.
lagi. 23. Have you ever visited a
14. Put your hand and watefall or other natural
sebutkan jawaban your tourist objects? Apa yang
group. kamu sukai dan tidak
15. Ok. This is the last kamu sukai ditempat
number. Silahkan baca tersebut?
number four. 24. Now you have to write
16. Nia ternyata jawaban your description dengan
kita sama. The answer is menambahkan kata,
wrong. frase atau kalimat.
17. Ok everyone, our time is 25. Ok guys, do you like
over. Kita lanjutkan with ballet? Apa yang
group five. dimaksud dengan ballet?
18. Mark kamari nda lama 26. The text is called a
dang. Can I ask you Memo. Ada yang tahu
something? arti memo?
19. Have you finish your 27. What do you think
writing? Jika sudah dengan guru Bahasa
ingggris kita yang baru?

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
She teachs us amazingly 37. What is in your mind
karena itu Saya mulai ketika anda mendengar
tertarik dengan Bahasa kata “Pinocchio”?
inggris sekarang. 38. Thank God it rains.
28. It’s nice to go swimming, Kalimat ini menjelaskan
Sheren apa kau tertarik the farmer expesses his
ikut dengan kami? reliefs karena sudah
29. Kesya, what time will you hujan.
be free? Kita punya 39. Thanks God I got 10 for
proyek besar minggu ini. my mid test, ini kali
30. Can you mention example pertama bagiku.
tentang bagaimana laut 40. Can you explain some of
bias terkontaminasi? language yang
31. I want to know the reason digunakan oleh beberapa
kau tidak sekolah orang dalam teks ini?
kemarin Dina. 41. Teman-teman kita lihat
32. Maria grew up in Mexico halaman 23. Please open
dan dia tidak punya you book.
keluarga disana. 42. Ma’am di halaman 45
33. So, why you don’t wear there is the language
your batik dress? definition.
Bukanlah itu akan 43. Randy can you help me?
terlihat lebih bagus. Pinjamkan saya pulpen?
34. Kau benar Kasih, i will 44. Teman-teman kalian
change my clothes. siap atau tidak, the new
35. I will take a bath selesai era is coming!
menyiram bunga. 45. Based on the dialogue,
36. Do you like eating junk Naira group tolong jawab
food? Itu sangat lezat pertanyaannya.

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
46. Rival you answer the global warming
question di halaman 25 definition?
bagian B. 3. While, i am
47. Excause me Ma’am. Saya reading this topic,
ijin ke toilet sebentar. please pay
48. I like reading very much, attention and
bagaimana denganmu listen to me.
Merry? 4. You should
49. The impact of Global answer the
Warming terhadap multiple choice
keadaan bumi kita. according to the
Categorization of the Data text.
The data presented in 5. Can you
previous activity are participate for
categorized in the types of our friend
code switching, as what Marsela Kuhu
presented in the following: who are in the
• Inter-Sentential Hospital.
In inter sentential code 6. Nia, Our answers
switching, the language switch is are same. The
done at sentence boundaries. This answer is wrong.
is seen most often between fluent 7. Have you finish
bilingual speaker, they are: your writing? If
1. Before we begin you have finish,
our lesson today, we are going to
we are going to explain.
start with pray. 8. Thank you very
Let’s pray. much, I will wait
2. Mira, can you your respons.
explain about

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
9. Have you ever you know about
visited a waterfall memo?
or other natural 16. It’s nice to go
tourist object? swimming.
What are you like Sheren, do you
or dislike about prefer to go with
this place? us?
10. Kesya, what time 17. I want to know the
will you free? We reason, why didn’t
have a big projeck you come to
this week. school yesterday,
11. Can you mention Dina
the example of 18. So, why don’t you
how can the wear your batik
ocean be dress? Doesn’t it
contaminated look beautiful?
12. Maria grew up in 19. Now, you have to
Mexico but She write your
doesn’t have any description with
family there. add words, frases
13. I will take a bath and sentenses
after wetting the 20. What do you think
flower with our new
14. Ok guys, do you english
like ballet? What teacher?She teach
do you mean of us amazingly. So
ballet? that, I begin to
15. This teks is called like about english
a Memo. Any of now.

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
21. Thanks God, I got 29. Friends, let’s see
10 for my mid page twenty-
test, it is the first three. Please open
time. your book.
22. Can you explain 30. Mam, in page
some of language fourty-five there is
who used by some the language
peoples from the definition
teks. 31. Randy can you
23. The impact of help me? Borrow
global warming to me a pen?
the earth.
24. Ma’am, we didn’t • Intra sentential
understand about In intra sentential code
the excercises, switching, the language switch is
Please explain done in the middle of a sentence
25. ExcauseMaam, with no interuptions, hesitations
May I go to or pauses indicating a shift.
toilet? 1. Yes Ma’am, Our
26. I like reading very Topic Yesterday
much, how about was about global
you Merry? warming.
27. Do you like eating 2. The effect of
junk food? Isn’t global warming is
delicius? tsunami.
28. What is in your 3. Ok. I will read
mind when you this text once
listen about again
“Pinochio”? 4. The answer is
right. The

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
temperature is inserted into an utterance in
high. other language. Tag switching
5. What do you want involves an exclamation a tag, or
to do to stop the a parenthetical in other
global warming. language.
6. No Sir, just one 1. Lina, may i
number again. borrow your
7. Put your hand and book?
tell me your group 2. Ok everyone, our
answer time is up. We
8. Ok. This is the last move to group
number. Please five.
read number four. 3. Mark, come here,
9. How about you please! Can I ask
Rivo? Do you you something?
have any plans? 4. You right Kasih, I
10. Rani, I will call will change my
you for our clothes.
planning nest 5. Friend, are you
week. ready or not the
11. Thanks God it is new era is
rain. This coming.
sentence means 6. Based on the
the farmer express dialogue, Naira
his relief because group answer the
it has rain. questions, please!
7. Rival, please
• Tag switching answer the
Tag switching occurs when a question part B on
tag from different language is page twenty-five.

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
Explanation of the Data The teacher used
1. “Sebelum kita mulai Indonesian and switch to
pelajaran saat ini, we are English.
going to start with pray.
Let’s pray.” 3. “sementara saya
(“Before we begin our membaca topik ini,
lesson today, we are please pay attention and
going to start with pray. listen to me.”
Let’s pray”.) (“While, i am reading
From the sentence above, this topic, please pay
the student wanted to ask attention and listen to
his friends but he used me.”)
Indonesian and then The sentence above,
switched to English. The teacher asked to his
student wanted to his student to pay attention
friend began the class while he was reading the
activity with said thanks to text. He wanted the
God with praise the Lord. student to understand
He wanted his friends about the lesson, he used
prayed together. Indonesian and switch
English while he said the
2. “Mira, dapatkah anda sentence to the students.
jelaskan about global
warming definition?” 4. “Anda dipersilahkan
(“Mira, can you explain untuk menjawab pilihan
about global warming ganda according to the
definition?”) text.”
In the sentence above, a (“You should answer the
teacher asked Mira to multiple choice according
explain about the lesson. to the text.”)

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
Based on the sentence, (“Nia, our answers are
teacher used Indonesian same. The answer is
and switch to English. wrong.”}
Teacher wanted student s Based on the sentence
to answer the multiple above, Nia wanted to give
choice, and they should her opinion to her friend
answer the question about their work.
according to the text. Actually, they have
answered the question and
5. “Can you participate for they recognized that they
our friend Marsela Kuhu had same answers, that is
yang dirawat di rumah wrong. From that
sakit” sentence, we can see that
(“Can you participate for Nia used Indonesian and
our friend Marsela Kuhu then switched to English.
who are in the hospital”)
Belongs to sentence 7. Have you finish your
above, some of the student writing? Jika sudah
asked for participate to selesai kami akan
show the sympaty to their memberikan penjelasan.
friends who were in the (“Have you finish your
hospital. The student used writing? If you have
English first and switched finish, we are going to
to Indonesian. explain.”)
From the sentences, we
6. “Nia, ternyata jawaban can know that a group
kita sama. The answer is discuss have gave their
wrong.” explanation, maybe, the
other group don’t
understand about the

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
topic, so they are going to From the sentence,
explained their material. someone ask for the
The member of group feeling of other perseon
began the sentence with about tourist destination.
English and then switch to He used English and then
Indonesian. Indonesian

8. “Thank you very much, 10. What do you think dengan

saya tunggu kabar guru Bahasa Inggris kita
darimu” yang baru? She teachs us
(“Thank you very much, I amazingly. Karena itu,
will wait your respons”) saya mulai tertarik
From the sentence, a dengan Bahasa Inggris
student said something to sekarang”
another student that he (“What do you think with
will wait the respon from a our new English teacher?
student. He used English She teachs us amazingly.
and switch to Indonesian. So that, I begin to like
about English now.”)
9. Have you ever visited a The sentence above tell us
waterfall or other natural about teacher asked his
tourist object? Apa yang student about their new
kamu sukai dan tidak English teacher. And he
sukai di tempat answered that his new
tersebut?” English teacher was
(“Have you ever visited a amazing for that he began
waterfall or other natural to like to study English.
tourist object? What are He used English first and
you like or dislike about then switch to Indonesian.
this place?

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
11. Kesya, what time will you 13. Maria grew up in Mexico
free? Kita punya proyek but dia tidak punya
besar minggu ini.” keluarga disana”.
(“Kesya, what time will (“Maria grew up in
you free? We have a big Mexico but She doesn’t
project this week.”) have any family there.”)
From the text above, The sentence about
someone asked Kesya student activity in class.
about her free time. She The student was telling a
wanted Kesya to join with story about someone. He
her because they have a told Maria life. He used
big project to do. Kesya’s English then switched
friend used English then Indonesian
switched to Indonesian. 14. “I will take a bath selesai
12. “Can you mention the menyiram bunga”
example tentang (“I will take a bath after
bagaimana laut bias wetting the flower”)
terkontaminasi” The sentence above tell us
(“Can you mention the about, someone’s respons
example of how can the when they were going to
ocean be contaminated”) meet up. He told his
Sentence above tells us activity before they go
about the teacher asked his together. He used English
student about and then Indonesian.
contaminated ocean. He 15. Ok guys, do you like
wanted the student give ballet? Apa yang
the example of the topic dimaksud dengan ballet?
disscusion, he used (“Ok guys, do you like
English and then switched ballet? What do you
to Indonesian. mean of ballet?”)

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
The sentence wanted to you prefer to go with
tell us about teacher us?”)
wanted to dig the From the sentence above,
brainstorming of students we knew that, someone
about ballet, before the wanted to know, if Sheren
learn it. Teacher used like to go for swimming
English and then with them. She used
Indonesian. English and then switched
16. This teks is called a to Indonesian.
Memo. Ada yang tahu 18. I want to know the
arti memo?” reason, kamu tidak
(“This teks is called a sekolah kemarin, Dina
Memo. Any of you know (“I want to know the
about memo?”) reason, why didn’t you
The sentence above tell us come to school yesterday,
about teacher activity in Dina”)
classroom. after he read From the sentence above,
the text, he wanted to it showed that, teacher
know, do the student asked Dina why she didn’t
know the kind of the text come to school yesterday,
that they have read. the and teacher wanted Dina
teacher used English and gave her reason why she
then Indonesian. didn’t come to school.
17. “It’s nice to go Teacher used English then
swimming. Sheren, apa switched to Indonesian.
kau tertarik ikut dengan 19. So, why don’t you wear
kami?” your batik dress?
(“It’s nice to go Bukankah itu terlihat
swimming. Sheren, do bagus?

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
(“So, why don’t you wear 21. Thanks God, I got 10 for
your batik dress? Doesn’t my mid test, ini pertama
it look beautiful?”) kali bagiku.
From the sentence above, (“Thanks God, I got 10
it showed that, someone for my mid test, it is the
gave her opinion about first time.”)
other style, he was going The sentence above show
to make his friend that, someone gave thanks
believed with her dress. to God for the first time he
He used English and then got Ten in Mid test. He
Indonesian. wants to express his
20. “Now, you have to write graceful for the first time
your description dengan he got it. He said it in
menambahkan kata, English then switched to
frase atau kalimat”. Indonesian.
(“Now, you have to write
your description with add 22. Can you explain some of
words, frases and language yang
sentenses”) digunakan oleh beberapa
From the sentence above, orang dalam teks ini.
teacher asked to his (“Can you explain some
students to write a of language who used by
description about their some peoples in the
lesson with add word, teks.”)
frase and sentences. The From the sentence we
teacher used English and know that, teacher asked
switched to Indonesian. his student to explained
the lesson, he wanted the
student to explain the
language that they find in

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
text, that they have read. their teacher to explained
teacher used English then the exercises more.
switched to Indonesian. Student used English then
23. The impact of global switched to Indonesian.
warming terhadap 25. Excause Maam, saya ijin
keadaan bumi kita. ke Toilet sebentar?
(“The impact of global (“Excause Maam, May I
warming to the earth.”) go to toilet?”)
The sentence above From the sentence we
showed that student know that a student
wanted to explained about wanted to go to toilet, and
the lesson about global he ask to teacher to give
warming. Student used him permission to go
English then switched to there. So, he used English
Indonesian. then switch to Indonesian.
24. Ma’am, we didn’t
understand about the 26. I like reading very much,
exercises, tolong bagaimana denganmu,
dijelaskan. Merry?
(“Ma’am, we didn’t (“I like reading very
understand about the much, how about you
exercises, Please Merry?”)
explain”) From the sentence above,
The sentence above Merry’s friend ask her
showed that student friend hobby. She asked
wanted to more Merry but she tells her like
explanation about the first. She asked Merry
lesson to their teacher. with English then switch
They didn’t understand to Indonesian.
the exercises so they asked

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
27. “Do you like eating junk then switched to
food? Itu sangat lezat Indonesian.
bukan?” 29. Friends, mari kita lihat
(“Do you like eating junk halaman 23. Please open
food? Isn’t very your book.
delicius?”) (“Friends, let’s see page
Sentence above showed twenty-three. Please open
that, a student asked your book.”)
someone opinion about In the sentence above,
food, especially junk food. student asked all his friend
He asked his friend to open their book and
opinion about that. He look at page 23. He asked
asked with English then his friend used English
switch to Indonesian. and switched to
28. What is in your mind Indonesian.
ketika anda mendengar 30. Mam, in page forty - five
kata “Pinochio”? there is the language
(“What is in your mind definition
when you listen about (“Mam, di halaman 45
“Pinochio”?”) there is the language
Sentence above showed definition”)
that teacher technic while The sentence showed us
teaching. To open the about student showed to
class, he asked student their teacher about their
with sentence like this. He lesson. The student
wanted to know the showed the definition of
student if they know the something in book, and he
topic that they are going to told in used Indonesian
study. When teacher says then switched to English.
it, he used English and

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
31. Randy can you help me? (“The effect of global
Pinjamkan saya pulpen.” warming is tsunami.”)
(“Randy can you help the sentence above show
me? Borrow me a pen?”) the something happened
The sentence showed the in ocean. It can be
conversation of two dangerous to the people. It
students, someone asked can make many things
his friend to borrowed him broken. And for this
a pen, he asked if he can sentence, is switch from
got a pen from his friend. English to Indonesian.
He used English and 34. Ok. Saya akan bacakan
switched to Indonesian. teks ini once again
32. Yes Ma’am, Our Topic (“Ok. I will read this teks
Yesterday was tentang once again”)
global warming. From the text we know
(“Yes Ma’am, Our Topic that student wanted to do
Yesterday was about global something while they are
warming.”) learning. She wanted to
The sentence above told read again the topic in
about student’s answer order, her friend
about their lesson on understand the lesson. She
yesterday. He will switched English to
explainned the topic and Indonesian.
the answer he inserted 35. Jawabannya right. The
Indonesian in that temperature is high.
sentence. about means (“The answer is right.
something that show to The temperature is
thing that have learn. high.”)
33. The effect of global From the sentence we
warming is tsunami. know, teacher wanted to

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
respons the student work, if they have finish
answered with say the or no. He asked in English
answer is right. He wanted but he and with
to make the student have Indonesian word.
good feeling with his 38. Put your hand and
answer. The teacher used sebutkan your group
English then switched to answer
Indonesian. (“Put your hand and tell
36. What do you want to do me your group answer”)
untuk menghentikan the From the sentence, teacher
global warming. ask the group discussion
(“What do you want to do to answer their work. He
to stop the global wanted to group tell and
warming.”) explain their answer to the
The sentence showed us disscusion session. He
the teacher ask to student said it while insert
what will they do to end Indonesian word in
the something to happen English sentence.
especially global 39. Ok. This is the last
warming. What will they number. Silakan baca
do, The teacher inserted number four.
Indonesian in English (“Ok. This is the last
sentence that he used. number. Please read
37. No Sir, just one number number four.”)
lagi. The sentence showed the
(“No Sir, just one number teacher is checking the
again”) students’ answer. And it is
That sentence, teacher the last number. He
want to know, the students wanted to check if it true
work. He asked their or false. He inserted

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
Indonesian words in 42. Thanks God it is rain.
English sentence. Kalimat ini menjelaskan
40. Bagaimana denganmu the farmer express his
Rivo? Do you have any relief karena sudah
plans? hujan.
(“How about you Rivo? (“Thanks God it is rain.
Do you have any plans?”) This sentence means the
From the sentence, we can farmer express his relief
see the question was given because it has rain.”)
by Rivo’s friend to him. This sentence means, the
He wanted to know if praise of someone when it
Rivo had any plans to do. has rain. He wanted to
While he was asking he express how grate the God
began with Indonesian for help them. While he
and finished with English. said the sentences, he
41. Rani, tunggu kita telepon switched English to
for our planning next Indonesian, and English to
week. Indonesian again.
(“Rani, I will call you for 43. Lina, boleh pinjam your
our planning next week.”) book?
The sentence said that, (“Lina, may i borrow
someone told to Rani what your book?”)
shall she do to confirm The sentence above show
their planning next week. the expresion of someone
She told that, she will tell to Lina, when she is going
Rani to make Rani know, to borrow Lina’s book. He
what shall they do. She Swith Indonesian to
inserted Indonesian words English word when he
in English sentences. asked it to Lina.

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
44. Ok everyone, our time is This sentence told us
up. Kita lanjutkan to about someone expression
group five. while he agreed with other
(“Ok everyone, our time opinion. He wanted to do
is up, we move to group what have her friend said
five.”) to her. She used
The sentence told us a Indonesian words then
teacher want to continues changed to Indonesian.
the lesson to the next 47. Friend, kalian siap atau
group. He used Indonesian tidak the new era is
word to complete the coming.
sentence that she has used. (“Friend, you are ready
45. Mark, kamari nda lama or not the new era is
dang! Can I ask you coming.”)
something? The sentence showed the
(“Mark, come here, expression of someone to
please! Can I ask you make his friend agreed to
something?”) the new era. He wanted his
It sentences show the friend be ready what
expression of a student to happen is done, because
ask permission to his they should have to face it.
friend. He wanted his He inserted Indonesian
friend come to him and he words in English sentence.
will ask something. He 48. Based on the dialogue,
used Indonesian and Naira group tolong jawab
switched to English. pertanyaannya!
46. Kamu benar Kasih, I will (“Based on the dialogue,
change my clothes. Naira group answer the
(“You right Kasih, I will questions, please!”)
change my clothes.”)

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
The sentence told us most of the code switching process
expression they show by are in the form of Inter sentential,
teacher to ask Naira group Intra sentential and then Tag
to do their responsibility Switching. The description of the
to answer the excercises. meaning depends of the context of the
He used English and then sentence.
switched to Indonesian
49. Rival, please answer the BIBLIOGRAPHY
question di halaman 25 Bogdan, C.R. &Biglen. 1992.
bagian B. Qualitative Research for
Education : An Introduction to
(“Rival, please answer the
Theory and methods.
question part B on page Massachusetts.
twenty-five.”) Breadsmore, H.B. 1982. Bilingualism
: Basic Principle. Clevedon :
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ask Rival to do their Brown, H.D. 1994. Principle of
excercises, he gave the Language Learning and
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clue what should they do.
N.J:Prentice Hall.
Teacher used English and Burns, R. 2005. Introduction to
switched to Indonesian. Research Method. Thousand
Their frequently use in firstly Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gumperz, J. 1977.Sociocultural
the code switching in the form of Knowledge in Conversational
word there are 31 sentences of Inter- Inference. In: M. Saville-
sentential, 11 sentences of Intra Troike (ed.), 28th Annual
Round Table Monograph
Sentential and 7 sentences of Tag
Series on Languages and
Switching Linguistics. Washington, DC:
Georgetown University Press
Leung, C. (2010). European journal
of social sciences.
After having discussed the Code-mixing in Print Advertisement
code switching in English class, the and its Cultural Implications
in Hong Kong,12, 417-429
writer came to the conclusion that,

JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373
Muysken, P. (2000). Bilingual
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Cambridge University Press
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Siahaan, Sanggan. 2008. Issues in
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Siregar, Bahren Umar. 1996. Code
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JELLT (Journal of English Language and Literature Teaching)

Vol. 5 No.01 June 2020
P.ISSN: 2548-7728 E.ISSN: 2599-0373

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