Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Rationale Since 2020 up to now, the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on education worldwide. In education,
among the most anticipated consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are that student performance will
stagnate or decline and that existing inequities will increase.
Aside from the challenges encountered by the teachers in terms of teaching, teachers must be reminded
also on the importance of practicing moral values in their profession
Because of this, teachers must continue their professional development through In-service Training.
With this, the Bonifacio Elementary School will conduct a 3-Day Mid-Year Break as a compliance to the
Division Memorandum CID-2023 No.12 with the subject “Conduct of School-Related Activities for the
Five-Day Mid-Year Break” to adress these challenges in education.
Through School-Based INSET teachers will be equipped with the different teaching strategies and came
up with the intervention plan and activities to address the learning gaps in literacy and numeracy among
the struggling learners.
Program/Course The School-based INSET will run for 3 days that will help the teachers develop professionally and
Description improve their performance in providing quality education to every learner.
The course will run for 24 hours over three days and will utilize face-to-face facilitated
workshops/presentations delivery modes.
Terminal Objective
At the end of the training program, the participants should be able to demonstrate deeper understanding
on the importance of professional development in the teaching profession.
Enabling Objectives
Learning Service Providers can attach one or more courses in a program for recognition. You are required to list courses you are
applying for recognition in the table below and then provide a detailed description of each course on the COURSE DESIGN page.
Training on Developmentally Appropriate Reading Practices
The School-based INSET will run for 3 days that will help the teachers develop professionally
and improve their performance in providing quality education to every learner.
Course Description
The course will run for 24 hours over three days and will utilize face-to-face facilitated
workshops/presentations delivery modes.
z Resource
Session Assessment Person/
Duration Topic Methodology Outputs
Objectives Strategies Learning
1 SESSION 1: Magna The session
1 hour Carta for facilitator
Teachers 1. Familiarize provides Teachers
with the Lecture discussion motivational gained insight ARLYN M.
different rules with activities for activity to about their PASCUA
and processing set the tone rights as
regulations in of the teachers
the Magna discussion
3 1 hour Session 3: Code of 1. Identify the Lecture/Discussion Exit ticket Learning MARITES D.
Ethics for roles of a that Assessment MEDINA
Professional teacher answers the Task 3:
Teachers questions: 1. What are
• What are the What is main take-
roles of a your big role aways from
teacher? as a teacher this session?
to yourself,
Methods and Data Schedule of Person/s User of M and
of M and Indicators Resources
Tools Sources M and E Responsible E Data
What will be What Who and/or When will M Who will be What resources Who will use
measured? methods/tools what and E accountable are needed to the data
will be used to documents activities be for ensuring implement M and gathered?
collect data? will provide undertaken? that M and E E activities?
data or activities are
evidence on done?
Results Validation QAME February Proponent and QAME Tool Program Owner
2023 participants for more
improvement on
Address: Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500
Telephone Nos.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
Email Address: [email protected]
another training
Behavior Listening QAME February Proponent and QAME Tool Program Owner
and 2023 participants for more
Feedbacking improvement on
another training
Learning Pretest and QAME February Program Owner
Posttest 2023 for more
Proponent and
QAME Tool improvement on
another training
Reaction Online February Proponent and QAME Tool Program Owner
presentation, QAME 2023 participants for more
discussion and improvement on
workshop conducting
another training
I hereby declare the information provided in this application is true and correct and there have been no misleading statements,
omission of relevant facts nor any misrepresentation made.
I agree that the DepEd National Educators Academy of the Philippines to be the co-owner of all the data gathered and the copy
right of any publication of the use of these data.
Sign off by the Program/Course Manager or its equivalent
Date 02/02/2023
This form is not valid if not signed.