MGT104 Syllabus

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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

School of Graduate Studies

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration- Business Economics

CBAA Undergraduate Program
Course Syllabus, 2nd Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Duration: 18 weeks (January 31, 2021 to April 2, 2021)
Course Credit: 3 units
Delivery Mode: InFlex
Course Description: This course provides an understanding of various theories of Total Quality Management (TQM). Students will learn how organizations can
develop excellence through the adoption of continuous improvement and process management. The course will discuss various process
management techniques, continuous improvement tools, and strategies to improve quality.
Learning Culminating Outcome: By the end of this course, students in this course will understand the concept of quality in day-to-day life and business. Differentiate between
quality and quality management and elaborate the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM).
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite None
Evaluation Criteria: Online Discussion and Participation: 40%
Quizzes: 20%
Mini Cases/Readings: 20%
Kaizen Proposal: 20%
Total: 100%
Class Schedule: Monday/Thursday 6:00PM-7:30PM
Name of MOLE Classroom MGT 104- Operations Management (TQM)
Instructor: Ms. Farrah Marie P. Separa, MBM
Department of Marketing
[email protected]
Consultation hours: Thursday 9:00AM-12:00 PM

Outcomes for HIGHER a. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in business administration and marketing
EDUCATION INSTITUTION: b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
c. Work effectively and independently in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams
d. Act in recognition of professional, social, ethical and environmental responsibility
e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA No. 7722)
f. Advocate for Peace in multicultural settings

Outcomes Specific to the p. Analyze the business environment for strategic direction
Business Administration q. Prepare operational plans

Outcomes common to Business g. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
and Management Discipline: h. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resources management, production
and operations management, information technology, and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business situations
i. Select the proper decision making tools to critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results
j. Express clearly and communicate effectively, with stakeholders both in oral and written forms
k. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business

Higher Education Institution Business Administration Program Business and Management

A B C D E F l m n o p q r g h i j k l m

Students can discuss ✔ ✔ ✔

fundamental concept of Total
Quality Management and its
importance within the firm

Students can explain and ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

analyze different quality
management frameworks

Students can use and apply ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

quality improvement tools and

Course Schedule of Course Requirements

Week Topic Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Learning Resources Assessment Evidence of Outcome Due
Outcome Activities Strategies/Tools Date

1 Orientation At the end of each topic, Online: Online: Not yet Applicable Not yet Applicable Week
• Grading the students should be MOLE Classroom • MSU-IIT Website 1
system, able to: • Download the syllabus • Syllabus
Classroom • Explain the which contain the • Materials provided
Policies, subject content classroom policies, in the MOLE
Leveling of and expectations, grading system and classroom
Expectations, grading system other pertinent
etc. and classroom information
• Assignment of policies • Online class during
Reports and scheduled time through
Readings google meeting
• Brief • Download material
Introduction of posted in MOLE in
the course advance
• Upload the signed
Learning Contract in the
submission bin

2-4 Topic 1: At the end this topic, the Online: • Chapter 1 of the • Answer Chapter 1 • Submitted Week
Principles and student is able to: MOLE textbook required Exercises #1-4 output of 5
Practices • Understand the • Download Chapter 1 in class Chapter Exercise
basic concepts of Reading • Lecture Notes
Total Quality • Online Forum: Students • Video • Graded output
Management share their clarifications, Presentation on the required
(TQM) questions, and Chapter Exercise
• Discuss the brief comments on the topic TQM: The History
overview of TQM in the discussion board and the Now
frameworks • Online Meeting and
• Identify the Discussion through
contributions of google meet .org/tqm-the-
quality gurus in history-and-the-
the TQM journey now
• Discuss the
benefits of TQM

5-7 Topic 2: At the end this topic, the Online: • Chapter 5 of the • Answer Chapter 5 • Submitted Week
Continuous student is able to: • Download Chapter 5 textbook required Exercises #s 3 and output of 8
Improvement • Discuss the Reading in class 5 Chapter Exercise
difference • Online Forum: Students • Lecture Notes
between share their clarifications,
perfection and questions, and
continuous comments on the topic • Graded output
improvement, in the discussion board on the required
overview of • Online Meeting and Chapter Exercise
approaches for Discussion through
process google meet
• Understand the
concepts of the
PDSA cycle and
problem solving

Topic 3: At the end of this topic, Online: • Chapter 6 of the • Chapter 6 exercise • Submitted Week
Performance the student can: • Download Chapter 6 textbook required #1 b,c,h chapter exercise 11
Measure • Discuss the basic Reading in class output
• Online Forum: Students • Lecture Notes
8-10 concepts of
share their clarifications,
questions, and
measurement comments on the topic • Graded output
• Learn basic in the discussion board on the required
techniques for • Online Meeting and chapter exercise
performance Discussion through
presentation google meet
• Understand
estimating project
times and costs
• Discuss quality
cost programs
and their
and the Malcom
Baldrige National
Quality Award

11-13 Topic 4: At the end of this topic, Online: • Chapter 8 of the • Chapter 8 Exercise • Submitted Week
Quality the student can: • Download Chapter 8 textbook required #4 Chapter 8 14
Management • Understand the Reading in class exercise
• Online Forum: Students • Lecture Notes
Systems requirements and • Graded output
share their clarifications,
implementation of on the required
questions, and
ISO 9000 series of comments on the topic exercise
standards, in the discussion board
namely, ISO • Online Meeting and
9000, ISO 9001 Discussion through
and ISO 9004 google meet

14-15 Topic 5: At the end of this topic, Online: • Chapter 14 of the • Chapter 14 • Submitted Week
Management Tools the student can: • Download Chapter 14 textbook required Exercise #s 1 and 2 Chapter 14 16
• Learn various Reading in class exercise
non-statistical • Online Forum: Students • Lecture Notes • Graded output
tools for problem share their clarifications, on the required
questions, and
solving, grouping exercise
comments on the topic
ideas and finding in the discussion board
important ones in • Online Meeting and
the complex Discussion through
situation, google meet
prioritizing ideas
or projects,
planning projects
and designing
to handle

16-18 Final Output: Use one Management tool Kaizen Seminar Week
Kaizen Proposal to solve a real-life 18
relatable problem as a
student (process)


• Besterfield, D. & Besterfield, M. (2012). Total Quality Management (3rd Ed.) Pearson Education, Inc.,

Course Expectations:
• It is expected that as a 2nd year Business Economics students, you are exposed to critical thinking and analytical problems.
• Class discussion is included in the grade so that students do all the reading on time.
• Students will have the assigned chapters outlined and have a list of questions/issues that you’d like to discuss in class.
• Students will be grouped and will be required to report on the assigned chapter. It is important that the presenters are not only authoritative in their knowledge of the chapter, but that
they understand the topic and able to give an example during the presentation.
• Formatting for submitted papers: should be in A4 size, maximum of 3 pages; 1.5 line spacing; 1 inch margin on all sides; 11 font size Arial Narrow. Also, if there are references to support
your discussion, it should follow 7th edition of APA.
• Any e-copy to be sent to the teacher will follow the format of the filename and should be in word file:
Family Name_Course Number_Chapter No/Topic
For example: Separa_MGT104_Chapter11/Quality Management
Rubric for Online Discussion

Performance Elements with

4 3 2 1
Promptness and Initiative (3) Consistently responds to postings in Responds to most postings within a Responds to most postings several Does not respond to most postings;
less than 24 hours; demonstrates 24-hour period; requires occasional days after initial discussion; limited rarely participates freely
good self-initiative prompting to post initiative
Delivery of Post (4) Consistently uses grammatically Few grammatical or spelling errors Errors in spelling and grammar Utilizes poor spelling and grammar in
correct posts with rare misspellings are noted in posts evidenced in several posts most posts; posts appear “hasty”
Relevance of Post (10) Consistently makes postings related Frequently makes postings that are Occasionally posts off topic; most Makes postings that do not relate to
to the discussion topic; cites related to the discussion content; posts are short in length and offer the discussion content; makes short
additional references related to the prompt further discussion of the no further insight into the topic or irrelevant remarks
topic topic
Expression Within the Post (3) Express opinions and ideas in a clear Opinions and ideas are stated clearly Unclear connection to the topic Does not express opinions or ideas
and concise manner with obvious with occasional lack of connection to evidenced in minimal expression of clearly; no connection to the topic
connection to the topic the topic opinions or ideas
Contribution to Class (5) Aware of need of the class; Frequently attempts to direct the Occasionally makes meaningful Does not try to participate in class as
frequently attempts to motivate the discussion and to present a relevant reflection on group efforts; marginal it develops; seems indifferent
group discussion; presents a creative viewpoint for consideration by the effort to become involved in the
approach to the topic group group
Notes: 1. This rubric is adapted from
(𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑥 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
2. Scoring = 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
x 100 %

Rubric for Online Presentation

Performance Elements with
4 3 2 1
Body Language (3) Movements seemed fluid and helped Movements or gestures enhance Movements or gestures enhance No movement or descriptive
the audience visualize articulation articulation gestures
Eye Contact (3) Holds attention of entire audience Consistent use of direct eye contact Minimal eye contact with audience No eye contact with audience
with the use of direct eye contact with some audience
Speaking Skills (4) Poised, clear articulation; proper Clear articulation but not as polished Some mumbling; uneven rate; little Inaudible or too loud; rate too
volume; steady rate; good posture. or no expression slow/fast; speaker seemed
Enthusiasm; confidence uninterested and used monotone
Organization (4) • Delivers clear opening and • Displays introductory or • Displays some level of • Displays neither clear
closing remarks that capture closing remarks, but organization with introductory nor closing
the attention of the segments of the body of the discernable theme, but the remarks
audience and set the mood presentation are not presentation is not • Does not present the
• Provides a “road map” for presented in a coherent organized clearly or in a segments of the body of the
the audience manner coherent manner presentation in a coherent
• Each segment relates to the • Presents the segments of • Introductory and closing manner
others according to a the body of the presentation remarks are missing • Irrelevant statements are
carefully planned framework in a coherent manner, but made
introductory or closing • Leaves the audience
remarks are missing wondering where the
presentation is headed
Voice (4) Use of fluid speech and inflection Satisfactory use of inflection but Displays some level of inflection Consistently uses a monotone voice
maintains the interest of the does not consistently use fluid throughout delivery
audience speech
Visuals (3) • Gave audience ample time • Gave audience almost • Ran too quickly through • Used no visuals
to absorb information on enough time to absorb visuals and spoke more to
visual material, but occasionally the screen than to the
• Spoke to the audience, not read the side audience
the screen • Visuals added to the • Visuals did not detract from
• Visuals greatly enhanced presentation the presentation
Language (4) • Correct use of grammar • Correct grammar • One or two minor grammar • Multiple grammar errors and
• Use of some advanced • Vocabulary most appropriate errors use of inappropriate
language for the purpose and the • Vocabulary use is too vocabulary
• Effective use of appropriate audience elementary or not effective
vocabulary for the purpose
and for audience
Notes: 1. This rubric is adapted from
(𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑥 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
2. Scoring = 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
x 100 %

1. Attendance is both based on “seat time,” and on course activity. During weeks where online video conferences is required, the student is expected be present. Activities that represent
online attendance in this course include reading, completing assignments, constructive contributions to discussions, and openly reflecting on the learning process.
2. In the event that the reporter(s) is not available on the class schedule set due to work-related and important concerns, he/she should communicate the matter in advance and set a date
to make up for the lost meeting. The burden of re-arranging a schedule where all other classmates and instructor are present rest on the concerned student(s).
3. The report should not last more than 30 mins to give time for class discussion and in no case the presentation will have more than 30 slides. Moreover, the students SHOULD NOT read
what is on their slide(s) but rather should elaborate the points of the chapter. Send the copy of the slides 3 working days before the scheduled presentation to the professor for quality
4. Observe proper netiquette (network etiquette). This applies to all our communications online regarding this subject.
a. Refrain from using all caps. It is considered shouting when communicating online.
b. Respect other's opinions. If you disagree with what another has said, post your thoughts in an objective, respectful manner.
c. Do not make remarks that can be taken personally. Reflect upon the text you have entered before posting.
d. When in doubt, ask.
e. Keep the discussion within the scope of the course material.
f. Communication should be grammatically correct.
g. Adhere to correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling conventions.
h. Before you respond to a threaded message, read all the messages related to that message so that you understand the background of the message.

5. Make-up policy – Unsubmitted requirements on the due date may be made up, with a legitimate acceptable valid excuse, at an agreed time.
6. Consultation must be done with prior appointment or during consultation hours. All questions to the instructor must be done within Mondays to Fridays and through (official) university
email, MOLE or facebook messenger. The instructor will ensure to reply within two (2) working days. Please send follow up messages/queries only after the two (2) working days are over.
7. Academic Integrity – Cheating during exams and quizzes is not tolerated. For other requirements, students are expected to do their own work. Copying from other students or plagiarizing
from published materials or from the Internet is subject to removal from the class and will receive a grade of 5.0 or failure. All papers submitted should not exceed a similarity report of
8. For late submission of assignments/requirements, the concerned students must inform the faculty as to the reason(s) of late submission. An extension of time to complete an
assignment/requirement may be granted if the reason(s) is (are) valid.
9. Any non-OER material uploaded in the MOLE is for education purposes only. Distribution of any non-OER materials outside those enrolled in this class for this semester, especially without
the permission of the instructor will receive penalties, if violation of such has come to the attention of the instructor. Moreover, re-uploading of the materials to any site that will grant
access to non-enrolled students in MGT 104 (for SY 2020-21) is also strictly prohibited and will receive penalties of such violation.
10. The teacher reserves the right to modify the syllabus when necessary and demanded by the situation. If a change is made, an e-mail will be sent to all students.

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Lecturer, CEBA Chairperson, Marketing Department Dean, CEBA

I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a student of MGT 104, during the 2nd Semester, SY
2021 - 2022. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the above-mentioned requirements and expectations.


Printed Name and Signature of Student

Date: _____________________

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