Draft IJRES Journal - Sulthan Zanky Naufal

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International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES)

ISSN (Online): 2320-9364, ISSN (Print): 2320-9356

www.ijres.org Volume 6 Issue 7 Ver. I ǁ 2018 ǁ PP. 40-45


Yuniarto Agus Winoko, 2Sulthan Zanky Naufal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malang State Polytechnic, Malang State Polytechnic, Indonesia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malang State Polytechnic, Malang State Polytechnic, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: 2Sulthan Zanky Naufal ([email protected])

The aim of the research is to compare the results of exhaust emissions before and after using an
aluminum catalyst, determine the largest and smallest values of CO, HC and CO2 gases and
determine the power and torque values before and after using an aluminum catalyst. The test method
is carried out by measuring exhaust emissions and full throttle for testing power and torque. When
using standard exhaust, the CO level is 1.70% at 4500 Rpm, there is a decrease in CO value when
using catalysts 16, 20 and 24 grams, respectively 1.40%, 1.10% and 0.90% at 4500 Rpm. When using
a standard exhaust with HC content of 84 ppm at 5500 Rpm, there was a decrease in HC levels when
using 16, 20 and 24 gram catalysts, respectively 73 ppm, 65 ppm and 51 ppm at 5500 Rpm.
When using a standard exhaust, the CO2 level is 15.80% at 5000 Rpm, there is a decrease in
CO2 levels when using catalysts 16, 20 and 24 grams, respectively 14.80%, 14.10% and 13.70% at
5000 Rpm. The largest CO gas content is 4.00% at 1500 Rpm and the smallest is 0.30% at 6000 Rpm.
The highest HC content was 200 ppm at 1500 Rpm and the smallest was 42 ppm at 6000 Rpm. The
largest CO2 level is 13.90% at 1500 Rpm and the smallest is 12.50% at 6000 Rpm. When using a
standard exhaust, the highest power value is 27.38 Hp at 11000 Rpm and when using a catalyst of 16,
20 and 24 grams the highest power value is 26.11 Hp, 26.08 Hp and 26.04 Hp at 11000 Rpm
respectively. When using a standard exhaust, the maximum torque is 18.95 Nm at 8000 Rpm and
when using a catalyst of 16, 20 and 24 grams, the maximum torque is 17.16 Nm, 17.51 Nm and 17.35
Nm at 8000 Rpm.
Keywords: aluminum, catalytic converter, exhaust emissions, power.
Date of Submission: xx-xx-xxxx Date of acceptance: xx-xx-xxxx
Exhaust emissions occur due to imperfect combustion in the combustion process of the air and fuel
mixture. Combustion is the process of rapid oxidation between the fuel and the oxidizer to produce heat or light
[1]. The exhaust emissions produced by motor vehicles are carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon
dioxide (CO2) these gases have an adverse impact on humans and the environment. The addition or use of a
catalytic converter in the exhaust gas system is one way to reduce exhaust gases and reduce air pollution.
Broadly speaking, the working principle of the catalytic converter converts and decomposes exhaust gas
pollutant levels by chemical reactions into compounds that are oxidized.
A catalytic converter is a device for reducing exhaust emissions from the combustion of a mixture of air
and fuel [2]. Most of the catalytic converters widely applied and used in motor vehicles are monolithic pellets
and catalysts made of precious metals, for example Platinum (Pt), Rhodium (Rh) and palladium (Pd). Catalytic
converter researchers mention that selecting the right and maximum material is needed for components in the
manufacture of catalytic converters. Catalytic converters are the right and perfect choice in overcoming
increasing motor vehicle pollution to meet environmental requirements [3].
Motorized vehicles produce power from the conversion of heat energy into motion energy, motion
energy comes from the results of the process of burning fuel in the combustion chamber. Air fuel ratio and
lambda affect the amount of gas emissions coming out of the vehicle and the power produced. Combustion is a
chemical process that occurs between carbon and water substances which combine with acids in the air, if
combustion takes place, fuel and air are needed which are put into the combustion chamber and heated to flame
temperature [4]. Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) is the ratio of the mass of fuel to air or vice versa. The minimum ratio of
fuel and air containing oxygen is required to burn the fuel completely. Stoichiometric fuel-air ratio is a condition
that occurs when the entire mixture of air to fuel is right or ideal. The theory of ideal combustion says that to

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burn 1 gram of gasoline completely requires 14.7 grams of oxygen, in a gasoline engine the ratio of fuel to air is
1: 14.7. Which means one part fuel mixed with 14.7 parts air. The magnitude of the comparison between the
actual AFR conditions and the theoretical AFR is called the lambda (λ).
The catalytic converter is a component of the emission control system which aims to reduce the amount
of exhaust emissions on the vehicle, one of which is carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides
contained in the gas produced from engine combustion [4]. The catalytic converter is generally placed before the
muffler to obtain optimal working temperatures so that it can work more efficiently at temperatures of more than
200°C [5]. The Catalytic Converter works by carrying out reduction and oxidation reactions on the surface of
the catalyst media by utilizing the remaining combustion gas that hits the cross section of the catalyst media, the
slower the exhaust gas flow rate will be which results in a faster rate of reduction and oxidation reactions to
reduce exhaust emissions. A catalyst medium is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction at a
certain temperature, without being changed or used up by the reaction itself. The workings of the catalytic
converter is a chemical reaction to change the form of a compound into another compound with the help of a
catalyst medium, the workings of a catalytic converter when the exhaust gas from the combustion products
passes through the catalyst media arrangement, the gas from the combustion engine will be bound so that the
exhaust gas comes out after the catalyst more environmentally friendly.


The compiler performs data processing on exhaust emission test data, torque power test. The data that
has been obtained is then plotted onto a graph and processed using the ANOVA method. After data collection
was carried out three times, the average was taken from each test carried out.
1. CO Exhaust Emissions
Table 1: CO Exhaust Emission Data
Machine Standard Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust
Rotation (Rpm) Exhaust 16gr 20gr 24gr
1500 4.00 3.70 3.50 2.90
2000 3.07 3.40 3.20 2.60
2500 3.20 2.90 2.70 2.40
3000 2.70 2.40 2.10 2.00
3500 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.60
4000 2.00 1.70 1.40 1.30
4500 1.70 1.40 1.10 0.90
5000 1.50 1.30 1.10 0.90
5500 1.00 0.90 0.70 0.50
6000 0.70 0.70 0.50 0.30

Standard Exhaust
Catalyst Exhaust 16gr
Catalyst Exhaust 20gr
Catalyst Exhaust 24gr
CO (%)





1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Machine Rotation (Rpm)
Figure 1: Graph of CO Exhaust Emission Comparison
Figure 1 shows the data from the CO exhaust emission test results presented in graphical form when
using a standard exhaust and exhaust using a catalyst weighing 16 grams, 20 grams and 24 grams. 1500 Rpm
and the smallest CO content is 0.70% at 6000 Rpm. At 1500 Rpm or engine idle conditions the CO level is quite
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high because the AFR is richer than the stoichiometric conditions, as the engine speed increases the CO level
also decreases, it is said that the CO level is in an ideal position at 5500 Rpm to 6000 Rpm each CO level is
1.00% and 0.70%. Using a 16 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results showed the highest CO content was 3.70%
at 1500 Rpm and the smallest CO content was 0.70% at 6000 Rpm. At 1500 Rpm or the engine is idle, the CO
level is quite high because the AFR is richer than the stoichiometric conditions, as the engine speed increases,
the CO level also decreases, it is said that the CO level is in an ideal position at 5500 Rpm to 6000 Rpm, each
CO level is 0.90% and 0.70%. In the 16 gram catalyst exhaust, there was a decrease in CO gas levels compared
to using standard exhaust, the decrease occurred because the catalyst reduced CO gas produced from the rest of
the combustion products.
Using a 20 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results showed the highest CO content was 3.50% at 1500 Rpm
and the smallest CO content was 0.50% at 6000 Rpm. At 1500 Rpm or engine idle conditions the CO level is
quite high because the AFR is richer than the stoichiometric conditions, as the engine speed increases the CO
level also decreases, it is said that the CO level is in an ideal position at 5500 Rpm to 6000 Rpm each CO level
is 0.70% and 0.50%. In the 20 gram catalyst exhaust, there was a decrease in CO gas levels compared to using
standard exhaust, the decrease occurred because the catalyst reduced CO gas produced from the rest of the
combustion products. Using a 24 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results showed the highest CO content was
2.90% at 1500 Rpm and the smallest CO content was 0.30% at 6000 Rpm. At 1500 Rpm or engine idle
conditions the CO level is quite high because the AFR is richer than the stoichiometric conditions, as the engine
speed increases the CO level also decreases, it is said that the CO level is in an ideal position at 4500 Rpm to
6000 Rpm each CO level is 0.90% , 0.90%, 0.50% and 0.30%. In the 24 gram catalyst exhaust, there was a
decrease in CO gas levels compared to using standard exhaust, the decrease occurred because the catalyst
reduced CO gas produced from the rest of the combustion products.
Table 2: Two Way Anova CO Exhaust Emissions
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 108.4512 9 12.050134 1302.3652 7.26E-83 1.9991148
Columns 8.008402 3 2.6694675 288.5131 8.61E-43 2.718785
Interaction 1.371623 27 0.0508008 5.4904981 1.39E-09 1.6255133
Within 0.7402 80 0.0092525

Total 118.5714 119

The results of data processing carried out using the two-way ANOVA method, it can be concluded from
the ANOVA processing table that there is an influence on the results of testing exhaust emissions produced by
motorbikes from the use of standard exhausts on the use of catalysts made of aluminum at a weight of 16 grams,
20 grams and 24 grams. This is known in the ANOVA table which shows the calculated F value of the sample
1302.3652 > 1.9991148 the F table sample value, the F calculated column value 288.5131 > 2.718785 the F
table column value, the F calculated interaction value 5.4904981 > 1.6255133 the F table interaction value.
2. HC Exhaust Emissions
Table 3: HC Exhaust Emission Data
Machine Rotation Standard Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust
(Rpm) Exhaust 16gr 20gr 24gr
1500 200 195 189 185
2000 194 184 178 170
2500 174 169 164 159
3000 159 148 132 125
3500 132 123 115 104
4000 120 115 100 93
4500 109 99 85 78
5000 92 83 73 66
5500 84 72 65 51
6000 78 60 55 42

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Standard Exhaust
200 Catalyst Exhaust 16gr
Catalyst Exhaust 20gr
150 Catalyst Exhaust 24gr
HC (ppm)



1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Machine Rotation (Rpm)
Figure 2: Graph of HC Exhaust Emission Comparison
Figure 2 shows the data from the HC exhaust emission test results presented in graphical form when
using a standard exhaust and exhaust using a catalyst weighing 16 grams, 20 grams and 24 grams. Using a
standard exhaust, the test results showed the highest HC level was 200 ppm at 1500 Rpm and the smallest HC
level was 78 ppm at 6000 Rpm. At 1500 Rpm or the engine is idle, the HC level is quite high because the
temperature of the air/fuel mixture is too low when it enters the combustion chamber, increasing the engine
speed, the HC level is also decreasing, it is said that the HC level is in an ideal position at 5000 Rpm to 6000
Rpm respectively HC levels were 92 ppm, 84 ppm and 78 ppm. Using a 16 gram catalyst exhaust, the test
results showed the highest HC content was 195 ppm at 1500 Rpm and the smallest HC content was 60 ppm at
6000 Rpm. At 1500 Rpm or the engine is idle, the HC level is quite high due to the temperature of the air/fuel
mixture which is too low when it enters the combustion chamber, increasing the engine speed, the HC level is
also decreasing, it is said that the HC level is in an ideal position at 4500 Rpm to 6000 Rpm respectively HC
levels were 99 ppm, 83 ppm, 73 ppm and 60 ppm. In the 16 gram catalyst exhaust, there was a decrease in HC
gas levels compared to using standard exhaust, the decrease occurred because the catalyst reduced HC gas
produced from the rest of the combustion products.
Using a 20 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results showed the highest HC content was 189 ppm at 1500
Rpm and the smallest HC content was 55 ppm at 6000 Rpm. At 1500 Rpm or the engine is idle, the HC level is
quite high due to the temperature of the air/fuel mixture which is too low when it enters the combustion
chamber, increasing the engine speed, the HC level is also decreasing, it is said that the HC level is in an ideal
position at 4500 Rpm to 6000 Rpm respectively HC levels were 85 ppm, 73 ppm, 65 ppm and 55 ppm. In the 20
gram catalyst exhaust, there was a decrease in HC gas levels compared to using standard exhaust, the decrease
occurred because the catalyst reduced HC gas produced from the rest of the combustion products.
Using a 24 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results showed the highest HC content was 185 ppm at 1500 Rpm and
the smallest HC content was 42 ppm at 6000 Rpm. At 1500 Rpm or the engine is idle, the HC level is quite high
due to the temperature of the air/fuel mixture which is too low when it enters the combustion chamber,
increasing the engine speed, the HC level is also decreasing, it is said that the HC level is in an ideal position at
4500 Rpm to 6000 Rpm respectively HC levels were 78 ppm, 66 ppm, 51 ppm and 42 ppm. In the 24 gram
catalyst exhaust, there was a decrease in HC gas levels compared to using standard exhaust, the decrease
occurred because the catalyst reduced HC gas produced from the rest of the combustion products.
Table 4: Two Way Anova HC Exhaust Emissions
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 248025 9 27558.333 12817.829 1.8E-122 1.9991148
Columns 12159 3 4053 1885.1163 4.32E-74 2.718785
Interaction 1014 27 37.555556 17.4677 1.79E-23 1.6255133
Within 172 80 2.15

Total 261370 119

The results of data processing carried out using the two-way ANOVA method, it can be concluded from
the ANOVA processing table that there is an influence on the results of testing exhaust emissions produced by
motorcycles from using standard exhaust on the use of catalysts made of aluminum at 16 grams, 20 grams and

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24 grams. grams. This is known in the ANOVA table which shows the F calculated sample value 12817.829 >
1.9991148 F table sample value, F calculated column value 1885.1163 > 2.718785 F table column value, F
calculated interaction value 17.4677 > 1.6255133 F table interaction value.
3. CO2 Exhaust Emissions
Table 5: CO2 Exhaust Emission Data
Machine Rotation Standard Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust
(Rpm) Exhaust 16gr 20gr 24gr
1500 13.90 13.00 12.80 12.60
2000 15.00 14.50 14.00 13.80
2500 16.40 15.90 15.30 14.40
3000 17.00 16.40 16.10 15.30
3500 16.90 16.10 15.60 14.80
4000 17.30 16.50 15.80 15.00
4500 16.20 15.20 14.70 14.50
5000 15.80 14.80 14.20 13.70
5500 14.80 14.00 13.60 13.00
6000 14.00 13.50 12.90 12.50

CO2 (%)

Standard Exhaust
8.00 Catalyst Exhaust 16gr
6.00 Catalyst Exhaust 20gr
Catalyst Exhaust 24gr
1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Machine Rotation (Rpm)

Figure 3: Graph of CO2 Exhaust Emission Comparison

Figure 3 shows the data from CO2 emission testing results presented in graphical form when using a
standard muffler and muffler using a catalyst weighing 16 grams, 20 grams and 24 grams. In using standard
exhaust, the test results showed that the highest CO2 level was 17.30% at 4000 Rpm and the smallest CO2 level
was 13.90% at 1500 Rpm. At 4000 Rpm the CO2 level is quite high this is caused by the availability of
sufficient oxygen during combustion to fully oxidize the carbon atoms, this results in higher CO2 levels as the
main by-product of efficient combustion. Using a 16 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results showed the highest
CO2 level was 16.30% at 4000 Rpm and the smallest CO2 level was 13.00% at 1500 Rpm. At 4000 Rpm the
CO2 level is quite high this is caused by the availability of sufficient oxygen during combustion to fully oxidize
the carbon atoms, this results in higher CO2 levels as the main by-product of efficient combustion. At 16 grams
of catalyst exhaust, CO2 gas levels are lower than standard exhaust CO2 gas levels, the use of a catalyst can
reduce CO2 gas levels.
Using a 20 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results showed the highest CO2 level was 15.80% at 4000 Rpm
and the smallest CO2 level was 12.80% at 1500 Rpm. At 4000 Rpm the CO2 level is quite high this is caused by
the availability of sufficient oxygen during combustion to fully oxidize the carbon atoms, this results in higher
CO2 levels as the main by-product of efficient combustion. At 20 grams of catalyst exhaust, CO2 gas levels are
lower than standard exhaust CO2 gas levels, the use of catalysts can reduce CO2 gas levels.

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Using a 24 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results showed the highest CO2 level was 15.00% at 4000 Rpm and
the smallest CO2 level was 12.50% at 6000 Rpm. At 4000 Rpm the CO2 level is quite high this is caused by the
availability of sufficient oxygen during combustion to fully oxidize the carbon atoms, this results in higher CO2
levels as the main by-product of efficient combustion. At 24 grams of catalyst exhaust, CO2 gas levels are lower
than standard exhaust CO2 gas levels, the use of catalysts can reduce CO2 gas levels.
Table 6: Two Way Anova CO2 Exhaust Emissions
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 142.4918 9 15.832417 550.69275 4.36E-68 1.9991148
Columns 50.27025 3 16.75675 582.84348 3.07E-54 2.718785
Interaction 3.49725 27 0.1295278 4.505314 8.21E-08 1.6255133
Within 2.3 80 0.02875

Total 198.5593 119

The results of data processing carried out using the two-way ANOVA method, it can be concluded from
the ANOVA processing table that there is an influence on the results of testing exhaust emissions produced by
motorcycles from using standard exhaust on the use of catalysts made of aluminum at 16 grams, 20 grams and
24 grams. grams. This is known in the ANOVA table which shows the calculated F value of the sample
550.69275 > 1.9991148 the F value of the sample table, the F calculated value of columns 582.84348 >
2.718785 the F value of the column table, the F calculated interaction value of 4.505314 > 1.6255133 the F table
interaction value.
4. Power
Table 7: Power Data
Machine Rotation Standard Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust
(Rpm) Exhaust 16gr 20gr 24gr
2000 2.64 1.77 1.73 1.71
3000 6.92 5.99 5.77 5.55
4000 9.74 8.52 8.39 8.15
5000 11.89 10.96 10.86 10.76
6000 12.83 11.85 11.65 11.35
7000 15.24 14.07 13.67 13.37
8000 19.53 17.88 17.85 17.78
9000 21.79 20.56 20.49 20.53
10000 25.97 24.97 24.87 24.77
11000 27.38 25.42 25.32 25.30
12000 26.95 26.11 26.08 26.04
13000 25.96 25.30 25.26 25.23



Power (Hp)

15.00 Standard Exhaust

Catalyst Exhaust 16gr
Catalyst Exhaust 20gr

5.00 Catalyst Exhaust 24gr

2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000
Machine Rotation (Rpm)
Figure 4: Graph of Power Comparison

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Figure 4 shows the power test results data presented in graphical form when using a standard muffler and
muffler using a catalyst with a weight of 16 grams, 20 grams and 24 grams. Using a standard exhaust, the test
results show that the highest power value is 27.38 Hp at 11000 Rpm, this value is smaller than the power value
in motorcycle specifications, which is 35.49 Hp. The decrease in power value occurs due to the length of years
of use. Using a 16 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results show the greatest power value, namely 26.11 Hp at
12000 Rpm, this value is smaller than the power value in motorcycle specifications, which is 35.49 Hp. The
decrease in power value occurs due to the long years of use and the use of catalysts in the exhaust gas channel.
Using a catalyst exhaust of 20 grams, the test results show the greatest power value, namely 26.08 Hp at
12000 Rpm, this value is smaller than the power value in motorcycle specifications, which is 35.49 Hp. The
decrease in power value occurs due to the long years of use and the use of catalysts in the exhaust gas channel.
Using a 24 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results show the greatest power value, namely 26.04 Hp at 12000
Rpm, this value is smaller than the power value in motorcycle specifications, which is 35.49 Hp. The decrease
in power value occurs due to the long years of use and the use of catalysts in the exhaust gas channel.

Table 8: Anova Two Way Power

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 9551.128 11 868.28433 27888.6 5.4E-163 1.89
Columns 42.09944 3 14.033145 450.7334 2.05E-56 2.699
Interaction 4.045206 33 0.122582 3.937236 8.65E-08 1.558
Within 2.988867 96 0.031134

Total 9600.261 143

The results of data processing carried out using the two-way ANOVA method, it can be concluded from
the ANOVA processing table that there is an influence on the results of testing the power produced by
motorbikes from the use of a standard exhaust on the use of catalysts made of aluminum at a weight of 16
grams, 20 grams and 24 grams. This is known in the ANOVA table which shows the calculated F value of the
sample 27888.6 > 1.89 the F value of the sample table, the F calculated value of columns 450.7334 > 2.699 the
F value of the column table, the F calculated interaction value of 3.937236 > 1.558 the F table interaction value.
5. Torque
Table 9: Torque Data
Machine Rotation Standard Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust Catalyst Exhaust
(Rpm) Exhaust 16gr 20gr 24gr
2000 8.95 7.10 7.00 7.13
3000 13.57 12.55 12.25 11.65
4000 14.55 14.29 14.00 13.84
5000 15.82 15.51 15.21 15.01
6000 16.75 16.47 16.21 16.09
7000 17.94 16.59 16.29 17.09
8000 18.26 17.16 17.51 17.35
9000 18.95 16.85 17.15 16.69
10000 17.83 16.49 16.23 16.07
11000 16.93 15.33 15.20 15.08
12000 15.97 14.48 14.23 14.03
13000 13.74 13.32 13.14 13.12

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Torque (Nm)

8.00 Standard Exhaust
6.00 Catalyst Exhaust 16gr
Catalyst Exhaust 20gr
Catalyst Exhaust 24gr
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Machine Rotation (Rpm)
Figure 5: Graph of Torque Comparison
Figure 5 shows the torque test results data presented in graphical form when using a standard muffler and
muffler using a catalyst with a weight of 16 grams, 20 grams and 24 grams. When using a standard exhaust, the
test results show the greatest torque value, namely 18.95 Nm at 9000 Rpm, this value is smaller than the torque
value in motorcycle specifications, which is 22.6 Nm. The decrease in torque value occurs due to the length of
years of use. Using a 16 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results show the greatest torque value, namely 17.16 Nm
at 8000 Rpm, this value is smaller than the torque value in motorcycle specifications, which is 22.6 Nm. The
decrease in torque value occurs due to the length of years of use.
When using a 20 gram catalyst exhaust, the test results show the greatest torque value, namely 17.51 Nm
at 8000 Rpm, this value is smaller than the torque value in motorcycle specifications, which is 22.6 Nm. The
decrease in torque value occurs due to the length of years of use. When using a 24 gram catalyst exhaust, the test
results show the greatest torque value, namely 17.35 Nm at 8000 Rpm, this value is smaller than the torque
value in motorcycle specifications, which is 22.6 Nm. The decrease in torque value occurs due to the length of
years of use.
Table 10: Anova Two Way Torque
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 1039.905 11 94.536774 122642.3 7.3E-194 1.89
Columns 41.52566 3 13.841886 17957.04 8E-132 2.699
Interaction 11.83569 33 0.3586573 465.2852 2.69E-92 1.558
Within 0.074 96 0.0007708

Total 1093.34 143

Based on the results of testing and data processing that has been carried out on exhaust emissions, power
and torque from the use of standard exhaust and aluminum catalyst exhaust, it can be concluded as follows:
1. In the standard exhaust, the CO level is 1.70% at 4500 Rpm after using a catalyst, there is a decrease in
CO levels, on a 16 gram catalyst, which is 1.40% at 4500 Rpm, a 20 gram catalyst, which is 1.10% at
4500 Rpm and a 24 catalyst gram which is 0.90% at 4500 Rpm. In the standard exhaust, the HC level is
84 ppm at 5500 Rpm. After using a catalyst, there is a decrease in HC levels, for a 16 gram catalyst,
which is 73 ppm at 5500 Rpm, a 20 gram catalyst, which is 65 ppm at 5500 Rpm and a 24 gram catalyst,
which is 51 ppm at 5500 Rpm. In standard exhaust the CO2 level is 15.80% at 5000 Rpm after using a
catalyst there is a decrease in CO2 levels, on a 16 gram catalyst that is 14.80% at 5000 Rpm, for the
largest 20 gram catalyst is 14.10% at 5000 Rpm and for a catalyst The biggest 24 grams is 13.70% at
5000 Rpm.
2. The highest CO gas content is when using a standard exhaust, which is 4.00% at 1500 Rpm and the
smallest CO level is when using a 24 gram catalyst exhaust, which is 0.30% at 6000 Rpm. The highest
HC content was when using a standard exhaust, which was 200 ppm at 1500 Rpm, and the smallest HC
level was when using a 24 gram catalyst exhaust, which was 42 ppm at 6000 Rpm. The highest CO2
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Effect Of Temperature On Linear Alkylbene (Lab) Yield From Rerun Column

content was when using standard exhaust, namely 13.90% at 1500 Rpm and the smallest CO2 level when
using 24 gram catalyst exhaust, namely 12.50% at 6000 Rpm.
3. In terms of power there is the biggest shift, in the exhaust standard power which is 27.38 Hp at 11000
Rpm, in the 16 gram catalyst which is 26.11 Hp at 11000 Rpm, for the largest 20 gram catalyst which is
26.08 Hp at 11000 Rpm and for the catalyst 24 grams which is 26.04 Hp at 11000 Rpm. In torque there is
the biggest shift, in the standard exhaust the torque value is 18.95 Nm at 8000 Rpm, for a 16 gram
catalyst which is 17.16 Nm at 8000 Rpm, for a 20 gram catalyst which is 17.51 Nm at 8000 Rpm and for
a 24 gram catalyst namely 17.35 Nm at 8000 Rpm.

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