On The Dual Nature of Mathematical Conce
On The Dual Nature of Mathematical Conce
On The Dual Nature of Mathematical Conce
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ABSTRACT. This paper presents a theoretical framework for investigating the role of
algorithms in mathematical thinking. In the study, a combined ontological-psychological
outlook is applied. An analysis of different mathematical definitions and representations
brings us to the conclusion that abstract notions, such as number or function, can be
conceived in two fundamentallydifferentways: structurally- as objects, and operationally-
as processes.These two approaches,although ostensiblyincompatible,are in fact complemen-
tary. It will be shown that the processes of learning and of problem-solvingconsist in an
intricate interplay between operational and structuralconceptions of the same notions.
On the grounds of historical examples and in the light of cognitive schema theory we
conjecturethat the operational conception is, for most people, the first step in the acquisition
of new mathematicalnotions. Thorough analysis of the stages in concept formation leads us
to the conclusion that transition from computational operations to abstract objects is a long
and inherentlydifficultprocess, accomplishedin three steps: interiorization,condensation,and
reification. In this paper, special attention is given to the complex phenomenonof reification,
which seems inherentlyso difficultthat at certain levels it may remainpracticallyout of reach
for certain students.
Structural Operational
20 Y= I
\ | y= 3X4 30 FOR I=I TO 4
1 Y=Y.X
60 Y=3*Y
the three distinct ways in which the mappingy = 3x4 has been presentedin
Figure 2. The computer program seems to correspond to an operational
conception rather than to a structural,since it presents the function as a
computational process, not as a unified entity. In the graphic representa-
tion, on the other hand, the infinitelymany components of the function are
combined into a smooth line, so they can be grasped simultaneouslyas an
integrated whole; the graph, therefore, encourages a structuralapproach.
The algebraicrepresentationcan easily be interpretedboth ways: it may be
explained operationally,as a concise description of some computation, or
structurally,as a static relation between two magnitudes (this duality of
interpretationcorrespondsto the alreadywidely noticed and discusseddual
meaningof the equality sign: " = ' can be regardedas a symbol of identity,
or as a 'command" for executingthe operations appearingat its right side;
see e.g. Behr et al., 1976; Kaput, 1979; Kieran, 1981).
Different kinds of conception - structural and operational - manifest
themselvesalso in the special representationsof which people avail them-
selves while processing knowledge mentally. According to what is already
known on the internal encoding (see e.g. Paivio, 1971; Clements, 1981,
Bishop, 1988; Eisenberg and Dreyfus, 1989), mathematical concepts are
sometimes envisioned by help of "mental pictures", whereas on other
occasions the same ideas are handled mainly through verbal representa-
tions. Mental images, being compact and integrative, seem to support the
structuralconception. Hadamard's introspective observations on the role
of visualizationreinforcesthis supposition: "I need [an image] in order to
have a simultaneous view of all elements. . . to hold them together, to
make a whole of them .. .; to achieve synthesis. .; and give the concept its
physiognomy" (Hadamard, 1949, p. 77). Visualization, therefore, makes
abstract ideas more tangible, and encourages treating them almost as if
they were material entities. Indeed, mental images can be manipulated
almost like real objects. Like in face recognition, the pictures would
preservetheir identity and meaning when "observed"from differentpoints
of view and in different contexts. Visual representationis holistic in its
nature and various aspects of the mathematicalconstruct may be extracted
from it by "random access". In contrast, verbal encoding cannot be
grasped "at one glance" and must be processed sequentially, so it seems
more appropriate for representingcomputational procedures. Thus, the
non-pictorial inner representation is more pertinent to the operational
mode of thinking. [Please note: the above claims should not be interpreted
as an attempt to say that there is a one-to-one correspondencebetween
operational/structuralconceptions and verbal/visualinner representations.
The only suggestion I have been trying to make here is that some kinds of
inner representationsfit one type of conception better than the other.]
roundness [the algorithm for obtaining a circle] within his own mind, he
was able to express roundness in a new material". Even though this
developmental scenario looks plausible, the ensuing historical analysis of
other concepts will hopefully convince the reader that in computational
mathematics, the majority of ideas originated in processes rather than in
objects. Indeed, a close look at the history of such notions as number or
function will show that they had been conceived operationallylong before
their structuraldefinitions and representationswere invented.
What follows now is a very brief and by no means exhaustivepresenta-
tion of a long and turbulenthistory of some of the most centralmathemat-
ical concepts. In this article I shall deal with only those historicalfacts and
events which highlight the point I would like to make here (for a more
detailed historical account see e.g. Cajori, 1985; Kleiner, 1989).
Let us begin our analysis with the notion of number. For a very long
time the meaning of this term was restrictedto what is known today under
the name "naturalnumber".This kind of numberoriginatesin the process
of counting, so even before turning to the history, let us consider a certain
well-known phenomenon observed in young children. It was noticed by
researchers(see e.g. Piaget, 1952, p. 62) that when a child learns counting,
there is a stage when he or she can already build a one-to-one mapping
between the words "one", "two", "three",.. and the objects in a given
set, but would not use the last number-nameused in this process as an
answerto a question "How many objects are there?".Wheneverasked, the
child would just repeat the procedure of counting. This phenomenon
clearly shows the operational roots of natural numbers:for the child, the
process of counting itself, not its abstract product, is what is meant
whenever the term "number"is mentioned.
The meaningof the term "number"has been generalizedseveraltimes in
the course of the last three thousand years. For long periods did mathe-
maticians perform some special manipulationswith already acknowledged
kinds of numbersbefore they were able to sever an abstractproduct from
these new processes and to accept the resulting entities as a new kind of
mathematical objects. For instance, a ratio of two integers was initially
regarded as a short description of a measuring process rather than as
a number. Incidentally, some traces of purely operational approach to
rationals were noticed by researchers (Carpenter et al., 1980) also in
today's 13-year-oldstudents, 50 percent of whom were found unable "to
representa division problem like 7 divided by 4 as a fraction". In these
students, the division of integers was still only a process which could not
yet be seen at will as a static entity.
Sets of
objects counting
were treated as they were: as processes, and nothing else (there was no
need for new objects, since all the computations were still restrictedto
those procedureswhich produce the previously accepted numbers).
(2) a long period of predominantlyoperational approach, during which a
new kind of number begun to emerge out of the familiar processes
(what triggered this shift were certain uncommon operations, previ-
ously regarded as totally forbidden, but now accepted as useful, if
strange); at this stage, the just introduced name of th- new number
served as a cryptonym for certain operations rather than as a signifier
of any "real" object; the idea of a new abstract construct, although
already in wide use, would still evoke strong objections and heated
philosophical discussions;
(3) the structuralphase, when the number in question has eventually been
recognized as a fully-fledged mathematical object. From now on,
different processes would be performed on this new number, thus
giving birth to even more advanced kinds of numbers.
To sum up, the history of numbers has been presented here as a long
chain of transitions from operational to structuralconceptions: again and
again, processes performedon already accepted abstract objects have been
converted into compact wholes, or reified (from the Latin word res - a
thing), to become a new kind of self-contained static constructs. Our
conjectureis, that this model can be generalizedto fit many other mathe-
matical ideas.
For instance, the just presented pattern repeats itself in the history of
function. This important idea, born in the end of seventeenthcentury (at
least officially),was the result of a long search after a mathematicalmodel
for physical phenomena involving variable quantities. When the term
"function" appearedfor the first time (in a work by Leibniz, in 1692), the
recently invented algebraic symbolism was gaining popularity and gradu-
ally entering every branch of mathematics. No wonder then, that the
notion of function was initially tightly connected to algebraic processes.
The new term was first used to denote "a quantity composed in any
mannerwhateverof [a] variableand constant" (by Jean Bernoulliin 1718),
or the so called "analyticexpression"(by Euler in 1747). Thus, in a sense,
the concept of function was for algebraicmanipulationson variableswhat
the idea of a negative numberwas for subtraction:something between the
product and the process itself.
The main problem with the early definitions of function was that they
leaned heavily on the concept of variable,which by itself was rather fuzzy
What really strikes the eyes in the already given examples is that the
fonnation of a structuralconception is a lengthy, often painfully difficult
process. The question which now cries out to be asked concernsthe sources
of this difficulty.Naturally, this issue should be tackled from the psycho-
logical point of view, and this is exactly what will be done in the next
section. In the remainderof the present part I shall restrict myself to the
preliminaryproblem:is the proposed model of concept formation in force
also when individual learning is concerned?Or, in other words, is it true
that when a person gets acquaintedwith a new mathematicalnotion, the
operationalconception is usually the first to develop?The odds are that the
answer to this question should be yes. Let me put it even more clearly:it
seems that the scheme which was constructed on the basis of historical
examples can be used also to describe learning processes.
At this point, some objectionsmay be raised by a careful reader.Firstly,
the above statementsimply that there is some "natural"course of events in
Concept C
Object C
Concept B interioization
Object B ocesses
I ~~~~B
Concept A interionzation
on concrete ~ o
4 |Concrete | | j Projcss s l o
|objects rC objects l
Definition: Promenadeis the set P of all natural numbers from 1 to 25 together with the
following four functions:
S(x)= x + 5, allowed only for x e P, x 6 20
N(x) =x-5, allowed only for x e P, x> 5
E(x)= x + 1, allowed only for x e P, xmod 5#O
W(x) = x-1, allowed only for x E P, x mod 5 # I
Any composition of the above functions is called a stroll. We say that stroll s
leadsfrom a to b iff s(a) = b.
(S o S2)(5) = (W3 S2X 10) = (W2o S2X9) = ... S2(7) = S(12) = 17
1. Give an example of a stroll which would lead from 11 to 3.
2. Find all the numbers which can be reached by strolls from 9 without using
the steps N and W.
3. Without looking into the answer you gave to the question 1 above, give an
example of a stroll from 11 to 3 once again.
Schema A Schema B
squeezing each part into a more manageable whole. In other words, the
distance between advancedcomputationalprocessesand the concrete mate-
rial entities which are the objects of the most elementaryprocesses (such as
counting) is much too large to be grasped by us in its totality. We
overcome this difficultyby creatinginterveningabstractobjects which serve
us as a kind of way-stations in our intellectualjourneys. These compact
cognitive entities effectively shield our working memory against overflow.
Abstract objects, neatly organized into a well-structuredcognitive schema,
were probably what allowed Poincare (1952, p. 51) to make the following
declaration: ". . . I can perceive the whole of the [lengthy mathematical]
argument at a glance. [Thus] I need no longer be afraid of forgetting one
of the elements; each of them will place itself naturally in the position
preparedfor it, without my having to make any effort of memory."
At certain stages of knowledge formation (or acquisition)the absence of
a structuralconception may hinderfurtherdevelopment.As the amount of
information grows, the old schema may become saturated and practically
imperviousto any enrichment.It was certainlynot by pure chance that the
transition from rhetorical to symbolic algebra - a transition from opera-
tional to structuralapproach in computationalmathematics- occurredin
the sixteenth century. And it was not just a historicalaccident that several
different systems of symbols were invented almost simultaneously by
independentlyworking mathematicians.By that time, too great a complex-
ity of computationalprocessesbrought the rhetoricalalgebrato a stalemate
and practicallyput an end to its development.Looking back even further,
we can venture a conjecturethat the absence of structuralrepresentations
(thus structuralconceptions) was one of the factors that slowed down the
development of computational science in Ancient Greece and caused
algebra's falling behind geometry for centuries.
I have just presented the structuralthinking as a very powerful weapon
against the limitations of our working memory. At a less technical, more
philosophical level, we can say that in mathematics,transition from pro-
cesses to abstract objects enhances our sense of understandingmathemat-
ics. After all, reificationincreasesproblem-solvingand learningabilities, so
the more structuralour approach,the deeperour confidencein what we are
doing. At least some of the readers may be able to convince themselves
about the accuracyof this claim by recallingthe flash of enlightenmentthey
probably experiencedwhen presentedwith the structuraldefinition of the
concept of stroll. To sum up, structural conception is probably what
underliesthe relationalunderstanding,defined by Skemp (1976) as "know-
ing both what and why to do", or having both rules and reasons. Purely
Operationalconception Structuralconception
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