Exam Community & Applied Nutrition Ii

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Aims to correct inadequate
1. ______ was introduced as an micronutrient intakes through
essential adjunct to oral rehydration the fortification of foods,
therapy (ORT) thereby preventing, or
a. Zinc Supplementation reducing, the severity and
prevalence of micronutrient
b. Sodium
c. Multi-vitamins
d. All of the above
4. The following are principles in the
updated MS policy and guidelines
2. Strategies identified by the
government to combat
a. Equity
micronutrient deficiency problems in
b. System approach
the country except:
c. Evidenced-based
a. Diet diversification
d. Culturally accepted
b. Food fortification
c. Food supplementation
5. The most common nutritional
d. Zinc supplement
deficiency in the world
a. IDA*
3. It aims to provide essential
b. VAD
micronutrients needed by the body
c. IDD
through diet enhancement
d. Zinc deficiency
a. Diet diversification*
b. Micronutrient supplementation
IDA or Iron Deficiency Anemia*
c. Food supplementation
Most common nutritional
d. Food fortification
disorder in the world
Occurs when hemoglobin
DIET DIVERSIFICATION* production is considerably
The interventions that change reduced, leading to a fall in its
food consumption at the levels in the blood
household level Mainly due to iron deficiency,
Aims to increase the variety with folate and vitamin B12
and quantity of nutrient-rich deficiencies as contributary
foods in a household’s diet causes


A short-term intervention The most common cause of
intended to correct high levels childhood blindness
of micronutrient deficiencies by Occurs not only in children but
providing large doses of also among pregnant and
micronutrients immediately lactating women
until more sustainable food- Caused by inadequate dietary
based approaches intake of vitamin A-rich foods
over a period of time and
FOOD SUPPLEMENTATION increase vitamin losses during
Aims to deliver nutrients that infections
may not be consumed in
sufficient quantities IDD or Iodine-deficiency Disorders


Refer to the diverse effects of c. Mild deficiency

iodine deficiency on growth d. No problem
and development
Most common endocrinopathy 10. A term used in to include all signs
in the world and is also the most and symptoms affecting the eye
preventable cause of mental that can be attributed to VAD
a. Xeropthalmia*
b. Bitot’s spot
Zinc deficiency
When the body does not have c. Congenital anomaly
enough of the mineral zinc d. All of the above

6. A dietary element essential in small XEROPTHALMIA*

a. Food supplement
b. Zinc
c. Micronutrient
d. Ration

7. It is a short-term intervention
Refers to the spectrum of
intended to correct high levels of
ocular disease caused by
deficiencies by proving large doses severe VAD
a. VA capsules Signifies a severity of VAD that
b. Ferrous sulfate can cause mortality from
c. Zinc malnutrition and increased
d. Iodine susceptibility to mucosal
8. If the prevalence of anemia is 10%
the public health category BITOT’S SPOT
significance is:
a. Severe deficiency
b. Moderate deficiency
c. Mild deficiency*
d. No problem

WHO (2001)
Shiny pearly spots of triangular
Category of Prevalence of shape occurring on the
public health anemia conjunctiva in severe VAD
significance especially in children
No problem ≤ 4.9
Moderate 20.0 – 39.9
Severe ≥ 40.0

9. If VAD prevalence is 10% the public

health significance is:
a. Severe deficiency
Wide range of abnormalities of
b. Moderate deficiency body structure or function that


are present at birth and are if a. Micronutrient

prenatal origin b. IYCF
c. Food fortification
11. The Micronutrient Powder (MNP) per d. Food supplementation
sachet has ______ RE
a. 100 15. The following micronutrient
b. 200 deficiencies can be prevented by
c. 300 MNP except:
d. 400 a. Impaired motor development
b. Mental capacity
CONTAINS OF MNP c. Decreased immunity
Micronutrient Powder (MNP) d. Adverse effect of intellectual
contains a recommended development
daily allowance of 15 different e. Wasting
vitamins and minerals: Vitamins
A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, C,
Niacin, Folate, Iron, Zinc,
Prevent micronutrient
Copper, Selenium and Iodine.
deficiencies specially anemia
Improve the immune system of
12. The MNP per sachet has ____ mg Iron the body
a. 10 Improve the appetite of the
b. 5 child
c. 15 Improve the ability to learn and
d. 20 develop of the child
Makes a child clever, strong,
13. Recommended MNP for 6-23 and active
a. 25 sachets within 5 months 16. MNP is not be mixed into liquids
b. 30 sachets within 6 months because it will cause changes in
c. 50 sachets within 6 months color in the food*
d. 60 sachets within 6 months* a. True
b. False
60 sachets only for 6-11 months Can MNP be given to children without
and 120 sachets only for 12-23 mixing it to food?
months. It is not recommended to
use Micronutrient Powder
What should happen if a child (MNP) without mixing it into
consumes more than 1 sachet of MNP food first because the child
a day? may not like the taste and will
One sachet of Micronutrient be difficult to swallow. It's better
Powder (MNP) per child per to mix it into food to ensure the
day provides an adequate child eats it.
intake of vitamins and minerals
for children. Can MNP be used in fluid drinks like
milk, tea, or juice?*
14. MNP can be fully promoted and If Micronutrient Powder (MNP) is
advocated for the proper use in ____ mixed into liquids, the
training and activities micronutrients will float to the


top of the liquids and tend to 20. *MNP has been used in emergency
stick to the side of the cup or relief aid in the following countries
glass and therefore some will except:
be lost in the process. It is a. Northern Philippines
therefore recommended not to b. Bangladesh
add Micronutrient Powder c. India
(MNP) to liquids.
d. Indonesia
e. Haiti
17. MNP is a medicine packaged in
powdered nutrient supplement
Micronutrient Powder (MNP)
a. True
can be added to any regular
b. False* home-based semi-solid
complimentary food.
*MNP is not a medicine but it is a Emergency rations are suitable
powdered nutrient supplement or food for the addition
supplement for children 6-59 months of Micronutrient Powder (MNP)
that contains 15 essential vitamins and increasing the nutritive value
minerals that promote optimum growth of the provided food.
and development in children. Micronutrient supplement has
been used in emergency relief
18. There is a need to stop all other multi- aid in northern Philippines,
Bangladesh, Indonesia and
vitamins if MNP is to be given
a. True
b. False*
21. The ____ was used for 25 years in the
prevention and treatment of
is no need to stop other vitamins.
dehydration from diarrhea
The more vitamins consumed by a child,
a. Zinc
the better. Micronutrient Powder (MNP)
b. Home-made ORS
is a nutrient supplement that contains
c. ORS (oral rehydration solution)
many vitamins and minerals to support
d. ORT
optimal growth and development in
e. Glucose solution
young children.
22. The following were recommended
19. MNP was discovered in ____ year
for home-made ORS except:
a. 1996*
a. Water
b. 1995
b. Sugar
c. 1994
c. Zinc sachet
d. 2000
d. Salt

MNP or Micronutrient Powder

23. The incorporation of zinc
Also know “Sprinkles” was
supplement reduces the duration of
discovered by Professor Stanley
Zlotkin in Canada in 1996* acute diarrhea by:
It has already been tested and a. 20%
even implemented as apart of b. 25%
emergency relief in many c. 30%
countries around the world. d. 12%


24. _____ is the only reported adverse 2) Achieve universal primary

effect of zinc education
a. Nausea One target:
b. Vomiting* a. To ensure that children
c. Diarrhea universally (including boys
d. Hyponatremia and girls) will be able
complete a full course
primary education by 2015
very high doses of zinc is likely
unsafe and might cause stomach pain, 3) Promote gender equality and
vomiting, and many other problems empower women
One target:
25. The most economical form of zinc is a. To eliminate gender
the ____ mg dispersible scored disparity in primary and
tablets which can be dissolve with secondary education by
small amount of clean water or 2005, and in all levels of
breast milk in a spoon. education by 2015.
a. 20
b. 25 4) Reduce child mortality*
c. 30 One target:
a. To reduce the under-five
d. 35
mortality rate by two-thirds
in the period between 1990
26. Reducing the child mortality of and 2015
under-5 children by two-thirds is
MDG ___. 5) Improve maternal health
a. 1 Two targets:
b. 2 a. To reduce the maternal
c. 3 mortality ratio by 75%
d. 4* b. To achieve universal access
to reproductive health
(MDGs) 6) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and
other major diseases
1) Eradicate extreme poverty and Three targets:
hunger a. To halt by 2015 and gave
3 targets: started to reverse the
a. To halve the proportion of spread of HIV/AIDS
people whose income is less b. To achieve global access
than $1.25 to treatment for HIV/AIDS
b. To achieve full and for those who need it by
productive employment, as 2010
well as decent work for all, c. To have ceased and
including young people started reversal of the
and women incidence of malaria and
c. to halve the proportion of other major disease by
individuals suffering form 2015.
hunger in the period
between 1990 and 2015 7) Ensure environmental
Four targets:


a. To integrate the principles collaboration with private

of sustainable sector
development into every
nation’s policy and 27. Persistent diarrhea is the passage of
program, and also reverse unusually loose or watery stools
the depletion of which lasts for _____ days or longer.
environmental resources a. 10
b. To reduce biodiversity loss
b. 14
and achieve a substantial
c. 15
reduction in the rate of loss
by 2010 d. 7
c. To halve the proportion of
the universal population 28. The following are the objectives of
without sustainable access the treatment of diarrhea except:
to clean and safe drinking a. Prevent dehydration
water and basic sanitation b. Stop diarrhea
by 2015 c. Treat dehydration
d. To achieve substantial d. Prevent nutritional damage
improvement in the lives of e. Reduce duration of diarrhea
a minimum of 100 slum
dwellers by 2020 29. The first step in treating the child with
diarrhea is to:
8) Develop a Global Partnership for
a. Weigh
Six targets: b. Give ORS
a. To further develop an open, c. Assess the child for signs of
predictable, role-based, dehydration
non-discriminatory trading d. Prepare home-made
and economic system e. Ask the number of watery stools
b. To address the special
needs of the least 30. Infants shall be initiated to
developed countries breastfeeding within ____ after birth
c. To address the special a. 30 mins
needs of small island b. 1 hr*
developing States and
c. 1 ½ hr
landlocked developing
d. Within 6 months
e. 2 hrs
d. To deal exhaustively with
the debt problems of
*Earlyinitiation of breastfeeding, within 1
developing nations
e. To provide access to hour of birth, protects the newborn from
affordable essential drugs in acquiring infections, reduces newborn
the developing world (in mortality and provides immense health
collaboration with benefits.
companies 31. The following are optimum feeding
f. To avail benefits of new except:
technologies, especially a. Initiated breastfeeding
information and
b. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6
communications, in


c. Given timely adequate and safe 36. Secretary of Health who signed the
complementary foods IYCF Policy
d. Breastfeeding continues up to 2 a. Duque
years and beyond b. Dayrit
e. Provide iron supplement in drops c. Romualdez
d. Ona
32. The three metabolic disorder that
may interfere with breastfeeding are 37. ASIN Law
the following except: a. PD 8172
a. Galactosemiq b. EO 8172
b. Mothers with HIV/AIDS c. RA 8172*
c. Phenylketonuria d. AO 8172
d. Maple syrup urine disease
33. Maple syrup urine disease is a ____ Requires all food grade salt
related deficiency (i.e., salt for human and animal
a. Amino acid consumption to be iodized)
b. Carbohydrate metabolism Mandates all salt producers
c. Lipid absorption and traders to make iodized
salt available to all Filipinos
d. Energy metabolism
This law was enacted to
e. Phenylalanine
address the high prevalence of
iodine deficiency disorders in
34. Prevalence of LBW cited in the IYCF the country. Use of product
policy: labels and nutrition facts was
a. 10% also assessed.
b. 12%
c. 13% 38. Food Fortification Act
d. 15% a. RA 8900
b. RA 8988
35. Rooming In and Breastfeeding Act c. RA 8072
a. RA 7200 d. RA 8976*
b. RA 7500
c. RA 7600* *RA 8976 (2000) Philippine Food
d. EO 51 Fortification of 2000
Covers all imported or locally
*The Rooming-In and Breast-Feeding processed foods or food
Act 1992 production for sale or
Protects and supports the distribution in the Philippines.
practice of breastfeeding,
creating an environment 39. Early Childhood Care and
where basic physical, Development
emotional, and psychological a. RA 8900
needs of mothers and infants b. RA 8988
are fulfilled through the c. RA 8980*
practice of rooming-in and d. RA 8890
8980 (2000) An Act Promulgating a
Comprehensive Policy and a National

System for Early Childhood Care and b. 90

Development (ECCD), Providing Funds c. 100
Therefore and For Other Purposes. d. 120
Law provides for the
institutionalization of a National 45. The type of feeding recommended
System for Early Childhood for food supplementation
Care and Development.
a. 2 days wet feeding and 5 days
The ECCD System refers to the
dry feeding
full range of health, nutrition,
early education, and social b. 5 days wet feeding
services programs that provide c. 3 days wet feeding and 2 days
for the basic holistic needs of dry feeding
young children from birth to d. 5 days ration
age six, to promote their
optimum growth and 46. Another term for wet feeding:
development. a. Center-based feeding
b. On-site feeding
40. Food supplementation should c. Food supplementation
provide ___ kcal per child per day d. Mothercraft
a. 300
b. 400 47. Dry feeding means no milk
c. 380 supplementation
d. 250 a. True
b. False
41. Food supplementation
recommended packaged 48. Allow children to use ____ skills to
a. Clinical exam pick-up foods
b. Deworming a. Motor
c. Micronutrient supplementation b. Cognitive
d. Treatment if any c. Psychosocial
e. All of the above d. Finger

42. Checklist for a feeding center shall 49. In the absence of actual nutrient
include: intake, provide ____ kcal for feeding
a. Accessible to recipients a. 1/3 of RENI for age
b. Water supply is accessible and b. ½ of RENI for age
safe c. ¾ RENI for age
c. Place accessible d. 1/5 RENI for age
d. Only A and B
50. To tare means:
43. Target of food supplementation a. Empty
a. All underweight children b. Reading
b. 6-59 months c. Container
c. Underweight pregnant d. Measurement
d. Underweight lactating
51. Length is also called:
44. Duration of giving rations has a a. Recumbent*
minimum of ____ days b. Lying down
a. 60

c. Straight 55. Refer urgently for specialized care

d. Pointed feet any child who:
a. Severely wasted
*LENGTH (OR RECUMBENT LENGTH) OR b. With clinical signs of marasmus
HEIGHT and kwashiorkor
it assesses linear dimension c. Edema of both feet
which is composed of the legs, d. All of the above
pelvis, spine, and the skull
being a dimensional 56. How many meals does 6 months to 1
measurement, it is less sensitive
year each day?
than weight
a. 3-4 meals per day plus 1 snack
it assesses linear growth
b. 2 meals 2 snacks
recumbent length is measured
for infants, children less than 2 c. As long as child wants
years old and children 24-36 d. 2 meals 3 snacks
it is for who cannot stand 57. WHO-CGS is recommended for
erectly without assistance assessing nutritional status of
(obtained the subject lying children 0-5 years and in the
down) conduct of:
for older children and adults, a. Growth monitoring and
standing height (stature) is promotion
measured b. OPT activities
used as an index of chronic
c. Home visits
nutritional status of children
d. Only a & b
and adults
it indicates “stunting” of a
child’s full growth potential 58. The revised policy on child Growth
Standard is:
52. If a child less than 2 years will not lie a. AO 2010-0015
down for measurement of length, b. EO 2010-0015
measure standing height and: c. MO 2010-0015
a. + 0.7 cm d. PD 2010-0015
b. – 0.7 cm
c. Read the actual height 59. For children <24 months old, their
d. Convert length weights and lengths shall be
53. Undo braids and remove hair a. Once a month
ornaments if they will interfere with b. Twice a month
the measurements of weight c. Quarterly
a. True d. Bi-annual
b. False
60. For children ≥24 months old, their
54. 0.1 cm is equal to weights and heights shall be
a. 1 mm measured:
b. 100 mm a. Twice a year
c. 10 mm b. Once a month
d. 1000 mm c. Twice a month
d. Quarterly


61. It reflects body weight and indicator 67. The critical window of opportunity
can distinguish current malnutrition for the delivery of nutrition
from past malnutrition interventions
a. Weight for length/height a. Pregnancy to lactation
indicator b. Pregnancy and infancy
b. Weight for age c. Lactation and infancy
c. Length for age d. Pregnancy to age 24 months
68. There are no sensitive biochemicals
62. Indicator provides a rough estimate or functional indicators of zinc status
of child’s present nutritional status a. True
a. Weight for length/height b. False
b. Weight for age indicator 69. It is recommended that head
c. Length for age circumference be measured
d. MUAC routinely on infants and young
children up to age ____ months
63. It reflects past and chronic a. 24
malnutrition: b. 36
a. Length/height for age indicator c. 48
b. Weight for length/height d. 60
c. MUAC 70. _____ is an important variable in
d. LBW equations predicting caloric
expenditure and in indices of body
64. Weight for height in the ECCD card composition
is up to: a. Overweight
a. 60 months b. Obesity
b. 71 months c. Weight
c. 24 months d. Weight-for-length/height
d. 72 months
71. The following are reference
65. It means wasting: standards except:
a. Undernutrition a. FAO – The Food and Agriculture
b. Overnutrition Organization
c. PEM b. WHO – World Health
d. None of the above Organization
c. IRS – International Reference
66. A weight-for-height measurement 3 Standard
standard deviations below the d. PPS – Local Reference Values
median e. BMI
a. Wasted
b. Underweight 72. An indicator of body fat distribution,
c. Stunted specifically central adiposity
d. SAM a. Weight-for-age
b. Waist circumference
c. Waist/hip ratio


73. Marasmus means _____. HORMONES

a. Underweight Antidiuretic hormone
b. Undernutrition Growth hormone
c. Stunted Estrogen
d. Wasting Insulin
74. Rapid growth may temporarily
decrease circulating iron levels,
78. The main functions of bile are to:
resulting in _____.
a. Emulsify fats
a. Physiologic anemia of growth
b. Catalyze hydrolysis
b. Iron deficiency anemia
c. Slow protein-digestion
c. Megaloblastic anemia
d. Neutralize stomach
d. Hyperchromic anemia

75. Absorption primarily occurs in the:
Bile is the greenish-yellow fluid
a. Mouth
(consisting of waste products,
b. Stomach cholesterol, and bile salts) that
c. Small intestine is secreted by the liver cells to
d. Large intestine perform 2 primary functions: To
carry away waste and to break
76. Which nutrients leave the GI tract by down fats during digestion.
the lymphatic system?
a. Water and minerals 79. Weight gain recommendation
b. Proteins and minerals during pregnancy is based on:
c. All vitamins and minerals a. Pre-pregnancy BMI
d. None of the above b. The ratio of lean mass to fat mass
c. Waist circumference
77. Gastrin, secretin, and d. Hip circumference
cholecystokinin are examples of:
a. Enzymes 80. Which of the following groups of
b. Hormones women has the lowest
c. Goblet cells recommended weight gain during
d. None of the above pregnancy?
a. Underweight women
ENZYMES b. Overweight and obese women
Lipase: help digest fats in the c. Women over 30 years old
gut d. Women between 25 and 30
Amylase: helps change years old
starches into sugar
Maltase: breaks the sugar 81. In poor countries, ____ is the
maltose into glucose
underlying cause of more than 1/3
Trypsin: break proteins down
of all deaths under the age of 5
into amino acids
GOBLET CELLS a. Maternal
Intestinal b. Child undernutrition
Respiratory tracts c. Infancy
d. A and B


82. Impaired ____ status can increase 85. Important interventions for maternal
the risk of having a child born with a survival and for children’s cognitive
neural tube defect* development:
a. Calcium a. Breastfeeding counseling
b. Linolenic Acid b. Appropriate complementary
c. Iron feeding
d. Folate (Vit B) c. Vitamin A and zinc
d. All of the above
*Neural tube defects (NTDs) are
common complex congenital 86. Halving severe hunger by 2015 is
malformations resulting from failure of MDG _____
the neural tube closure during a. 1
embryogenesis. It is established that folic b. 2
acid supplementation decreases the c. 3
prevalence of NTDs, which has led to d. 4
national public health policies regarding
folic acid. 87. What is the 1st step to successful
83. Milk production takes place in a. Encourage breastfeeding on
specialized structure called ____ demand
a. Alveoli* b. Foster the establishment of
b. Mammary ducts breastfeeding support groups
c. Endometrium c. Have a written breastfeeding
d. Milk sinus policy
d. Train all health care staff
*The milk is produced in small clusters of e. Help the mother initiate
cells called alveoli. The milk travels breastfeeding
down ducts to the nipples.
Breastfeeding success has nothing to do 88. DOH package list for emergencies
with the size of your breasts or nipples. and disasters refer to the following
84. Colostrum* is a. Micronutrients
a. A brand of infant formula b. Environmental supplies
b. The first milk released from the c. Equipment
breast after the baby is born d. Processed food foodstuff
c. Mucus-like feces that collects in e. Clothing
the large intestine in the fetus
d. A brand of nutrient supplements 89. The following are items not for
that are given to infants donation except:
a. Artificial nipples
*Colostrum is the first form of breastmilk b. Teats
that is released by the mammary glands c. Breastmilk substitute
after giving birth. It's nutrient-dense and d. Infant formula
high in antibodies and antioxidants to e. Processed foodstuff
build a newborn baby's immune system.
It changes to breast milk within two to 90. Foodstuffs for purposes of
four days after your baby is born. emergency and disaster situations


should comply with shelf life of ____ a. Crude fatality rate

from the time of arrival to the b. Crude fertility rate
Philippines c. General fertility rate
a. 6 months d. Combine b & c
b. 12 months
c. 1 month 96. It measures how fast people are
d. 3 months added to the population through
91. Acceptance of donation in a. Fertility rate
drugs/medicines for purposes of b. Crude fatality rate
emergency and disaster situations c. General fertility rate
should comply with shelf life of ____ d. Crude birth rate
from the time of arrival to the
a. 6 months
b. 12 months
c. 18 months
d. 2 years

92. HEMS refer to:

a. Health early management
b. Health early monitoring system
c. Health emergency
management system
d. Health emergency monitoring

93. Health indicators are usually

expressed in the following examples
a. Ratios
b. Proportions
c. Rates
d. Graph

94. It refers to the occurrence of events

over a given interval at time relative
to the total person-time of
exposure/at risk:
a. Rates
b. Ratio
c. Proportions
d. Graph

95. The following indicator/s is/are

fertility indicators:


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