An Examination of Revenue
An Examination of Revenue
An Examination of Revenue
t t
1 c | o 1
t t
1 c o ; 2
An unidirectional causality from revenue to expenditure will be found if
i | 0 and
i o 0 and
r l
i T
) 1 ln( max and maximum eigen value statistics
) 1 1 ln( max r T , where i is defined as the estimated values of
characteristics roots obtained from the estimated coefficient matrix and T is the
number of included observations. If the revenue and expenditure series are
cointegrated we can use error correction representation to test causality between the
two series.
After including real NSDP as an additional variable, VAR in first differences
with one lag of error correction terms can be represented as follows:
t t l t i j t i i t i t R LRNSDP LRTRM LRTEM LRTEM
c u o | o u
1 1 1
1 1 1
t t l t i i t i j t i t R LRNSDP LRTEM LRTRM LRTRM
c u o o ; u
1 2 2
1 1 1
t t i t i j t i l t i t R LRTEM LRTRM LRNSDP LRNSDP
e u n m u
1 3 3
1 1 1
Here R
is the lagged residual from the cointegrating regression, the
coefficient of which represents speed of adjustment to the long-run equilibrium.
The above formulation is very useful to identify the sources of causationwe
can evaluate short-run causal relationship between the variables by testing joint
significance of lagged dynamic terms in each of the above equations and we can also
derive information on long-run causality by testing significance of error correction
In a multivariate framework Granger causality test is also called block-
causality or block exogeneity test where cross equation restrictions are imposed to test
causality between the variables. In this paper, we applied Granger causality test or
block-exogeneity test to evaluate short-run causality between the variables. Weak
exogeneity test is also conducted to evaluate whether a variable can be treated as
exogenous or not, that is whether the variable adjusted towards long-run equilibrium
or not.
6. Econometric Results
At the outset of the cointegration test we have to check the stationarity
property of the variables. Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF) and PhillipsPerron
(PP) tests are used to test the null hypothesis of unit root. To test formally for the
presence of a unit root for each variable in the model, ADF and P-P test of the types
given by equation (7) and (8) were conducted. The ADF test is conducted using the
regression of the form:
t i t i t t u W W t a a W
1 1 0 p 6
where t W are the first difference of the series W
, k is the lag order and t stands for
time. Equation (7) is with constant and time trend.
P-P test involves computing the following OLS regression:
t t t u
t a W a a W )
( 2 1 1 0 7
where a
, a
, a
are the conventional least squares regression coefficients. The
hypothesis of unit root to be tested are H
: a
=1 and H
: a
=1, a
=0. Akaikes
Information Criterion (AIC) is used to determine the lag order of each variable under
study. Mackinnons (1991) tables provided the cumulative distribution of ADF and P-
P test statistics.
Test for stationarity indicates that the null hypothesis of a unit root cannot be
rejected for the levels of the variables except the variables LRTEM and LRTRM
under the assumption of constant and trend. Using differenced data, the computed
ADF and P-P test suggested that the null hypothesis is rejected for the individual
series at 1 or 5 percent significant level.
Table1 Unit root test Result
Trend ssumption
Constant Level -2.02799(1) -1.998(1) -0.773(1)
First diff -5.412(1)* -5.467(1)* -3.9666(1)*
Constant and
Level -4.3056(1)* -4.290(1)* -2.084(1)
First diff -5.202(1)* -5.266(10* -3.965(1)**
Constant Level -2.191(3) -2.276(3) -1.374(3)
First diff -6.151(3)* -5.803(3)* -5.575(3)*
Constant and
Level -3.681(3)** -3.709(3)** -2.103(3)
First diff -6.466(3)* -6.102(3)* -5.540(30*
Unit root test results on the basis of Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF)
indicate that all the series are integrated of order one or I(1). The null hypothesis of
unit root could not be rejected for all the three series in the log level form and clearly
rejected in their first differences for both the models (constant and constant with
linear trend). However, ADF test rejects the null hypothesis of unit root (for the model
with constant and linear trend) only at the 5 percent level of significance for NSDP
series in the log level. Though for the model with a constant and linear trend there is
some doubt about the unit root property of the data in log level form, all the variables
are nonetheless stationary in their first difference form. So we can use Johansen
(1991, 1995) cointegration test to determine the underlying relationships between the
At the start of Johansen (1991, 1995) test we have to determine the appropriate
lag length for the VAR system as the test results can be sensitive to the choice of the
lag length. We estimated an unrestricted VAR model in level form of the series and
used Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwartz Bayesian Criterion (SBC) to
choose appropriate lag length p. It is observed that it takes 2 lags to get uncorrelated
and homoscedastic residual for the VAR system. The cointegration test is carried out
assuming linear trend in data, and both an intercept and a trend in the cointegrating
equation. Because some of the series seem to be trend stationary and a linear trend
term in cointegrating space minimizes the value of AIC. Both trace statistic (trace)
and maximal eigenvalue (max) statistics indicate that there is at least one
cointegrating vector between LRTRM, LRTEM and LRNSDP, we can reject the null
hypothesis of no cointegrating vector in favour of one cointegrating vector in both the
cases at 5 percent level of significance. We cannot reject the null hypothesis of at
most one cointegrating vector against the alternative hypothesis of two cointegrating
vectors, for both the Trace and Max-eigen test statistics. Therefore there is a long-run
equilibrium relationship between real government expenditure, real government
revenue and real NSDP. Long-run relationship between these three variables is
derived by normalizing on LRTEM, reported in Table 3.
Table 2 Johansen Cointegration Test Result
Cointegration with unrestricted intercepts and unrestricted trends in the VAR
Cointegration LR Test Based on Maximal Eigenvalue of the Stochastic Matrix
List of eigenvalues in descending order:
.55782 .38875 .11074
Null Alternative Statistic 95% Critical Value 90% Critical Value
r = 0 r = 1 25.2972 24.3500 22.2600
r<= 1 r = 2 15.2596 18.3300 16.2800
r<= 2 r = 3 3.6383 11.5400 9.7500
Cointegration with unrestricted intercepts and unrestricted trends in the VAR
Cointegration LR Test Based on Trace of the Stochastic Matrix
List of eigenvalues in descending order:
.55782 .38875 .11074
Null Alternative Statistic 95% Critical Value 90% Critical Value
r = 0 r>= 1 44.1951 39.3300 36.2800
r<= 1 r>= 2 18.8979 23.8300 21.2300
r<= 2 r = 3 3.6383 11.5400 9.7500
The estimates of normalised coefficients normalized on LRTEM are also
given in the same table in under brackets. Any deviation from long-run equilibrium
will be corrected by changes in government expenditure or NSDP because adjustment
coefficients of these two equations are significant.
Existence of a single cointegrating vector indicates that government expenditure,
government revenue and NSDP display long-run comovement, i.e. there is a long-run
equilibrium relationship between the variables. Whenever the gap between these three
variables widens above the long-run equilibrium, expenditure and NSDP will adjust to
restore the equilibrium. That is, short-run adjustments are done by changes in
government expenditure and NSDP to restore the long-run equilibrium.
Table 3 Cointegration Equation estimated using Cointegrated Vector in Johansen
Estimation (Normalized in Brackets) under the assumption with unrestricted
intercepts and unrestricted trends in the VAR
Vector 1
LRTEM 11.7180
( -1.0000)
LRTRM -11.8443
( 1.0108)
LRNSDP .91800
( -.078341)
However, the existence of long-run equilibrium relationship between these
three variables does not assure a balanced budget, rather the result indicates that the
gap between government expenditure and government revenue will persist at a long
run sustainable level. When budget deficit rises above the long run sustainable level,
expenditure is reduced to maintain the deficit at a tolerable limit. It is worth
mentioning that, government expenditure adjusts at a reasonable speed to the long-run
equilibrium. NSDP also converges to its long-run equilibrium level thorough a series
of partial short-run adjustments. Therefore, government expenditure must be reduced
to maintain budget deficit at a long run sustainable limit. The above finding appears
plausible. Because it is not easy to raise revenue by increasing the taxes on domestic
consumption and income due to various structural constraints and lack of
administrative capacity to collect potential revenue in a developing country like India.
On the other hand, expenditure growth is constrained by revenue shortfall and
increasing cost of deficit financing. Therefore, whenever there is a tendency of rising
deficit beyond its long run limit, expenditure adjusts to restore the equilibrium.
Granger causality test is applied on estimated VEC, where cross equation restrictions
are imposed on the lag differences in each of the equations of VEC incorporating the
cointegrating vectors. If lagged values of LRTEM are statistically significant in both
the LRTRM and LRNSDP equations, we can say that LRTEM G-causes LRTRM
and LRNSDP. The Granger causality tests or the block exogeneity test restricts all the
lag differences of LRTEM or LRTEM to be equal to zero in both the LRTRM and
LRNSDP equations. We can test these restrictions with the help of likelihood ratio
test, which follows chi-sq distribution.
Table 4 Preliminary Granger Causality Tests
1 2 3
Null Hypothesis Short run test
Long run test (VEC)
F-Statistic Probability Ch-sq-
LRTRM does not G-Cause LRTEM
LRTEM does not G-Cause LRTRM
LRNSDP does not G-Cause LRTEM
LRTEM does not G-Cause LRNSDP
LRNSDP does not G-Cause LRTRM
LRTRM does not G-Cause LRNSDP
Results of the Granger causality test are reported in Table 4. Here it is clear
from column 3 of table 4 that we cannot reject the null hypothesis that LRTRM does
not Granger cause LRTEM which have a chi-square value of 1.18 with a probability
of 0.276 in the LRTEM equation, reported in row one of Table 4. Again the null
hypothesis that LRTEM does not G-cause LRTRM, cannot be rejected in the
LRTRM equation which have chi-square value of 1.53 with a probability of 0.215.
In both the equations, LRTEM and LRTRM, null hypothesis of no causal
relationship from LRNSDP to LRTEM and LRNSDP to LRTRM is rejected.
However null hypothesis of no causal relationship from LRTEM to LRNSDP and
LRTRM to LRNSDP are cannot be rejected in LRNSDP equation. The above
findings indicate that there is no causal relationship between government expenditure
and revenue in the long run. Granger causality test is also applied on the unrestricted
VAR model for each pair of the above three variables. The column 2 of table 4 shows
the calculated F-statistic of short run G-causality for the variables. The calculated F-
statistics for both the revenue and expenditure equations also suggest that there is no
causal relationship between revenue and expenditure in the short run. Therefore, we
can say that government expenditure and revenue are independently determined in the
short run. Budget deficit can be reduced either by reducing government expenditure
or by raising revenues in the short run. When both government expenditure and taxes
are raised together, rise in expenditure should be less than the rise in taxes to reduce
the budget deficit.
On the other hand, in the short run, there exist a bi-directional causality
between TEM and NSDP. The implication is that to increase TEM and TRM, the
NSDP must be boost up in the short run. Short run causality between the expenditure
variable and NSDP implies that changes in expenditure policies may affect real NSDP
growth (in the sense that changes in government expenditure precede changes in
NSDP) in the short run. Further, the causal relation between the variables is studied
by using the VEC causality analysis. The results are reported in table 4. From the
analysis, we noticed that there is no causality between revenue and expenditure
because both the hypothesis of TRM does not G-cause TEM and its reverse are cannot
be rejected. But from the analysis, it is further noticed that the hypothesis that NSDP
does not G-cause TRM and TEM are rejected. This indicates that in the long run
NSDP has impact on both TEM and TRM.
7. Conclusion
The paper examines causal relationship between real government expenditure
and revenue by using annual data from 1972 to 2004 period. Real NSDP is also
included in the model along with these two fiscal variables. Johansen (1991, 1995)
cointegration test suggests that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between
government expenditure, government revenue and NSDP. Granger causality test
based on the estimated VEC suggests that there is no causal relationship between
government expenditure and revenue in the long run. It is felt that expenditure is the
key variable to reduce budget deficit because of structural constraints of the economy
in raising revenue. So, budget deficit should be reduced by reducing public
expenditure in unproductive sectors and at the same time ensuring effective utilization
of available resources such as to engender the productivity of labor and capital in the
economy. If the economy achieves enhanced economic growth it will be possible to
raise revenue from domestic sources.
However, any conclusion to be derived from these results should bear in mind
the limitations of the analysis, in particular the fact that this is based on past data and,
consequently, the future evolution of some structural factors (for example,
demographic rends) and their impact on public finances are not taken into account.
Preliminary Granger causality tests, offer two main results. First, the deficit is
not independent of fiscal pressure or the size of the public sector. Second, we find
only very weak evidence, if any, that revenues G-cause expenditures. However, these
results may be biased in that they do not consider the possibility of the existence of
long-run relationships among the variables involved. Once we consider this
possibility and develop the causality analysis with cointegrated variables, we find no
evidence of public expenditures G-causing public revenues in the long run and long-
run G-causality from revenues to public expenditure.
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