Toan 12 Hinh Hoc

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so G1Ao owe vA oAo T~o

BOG1A.oovcvA o A.O T"'O

Tl!ANVJ.N H"-O(T.Sngdl6 blln C,.D<ra1Author)

NGUYtN MONG HY (0.U bif■ Oiitt'A ulhor)



Ngu'O'i (ijch (Tnn,lattd by): Ng11yln Vi n Nho

Ngulrihit,,, dinh (R..-iotdby): PhanOoi nTho,i

NHA. xuAT BAN GIA.O ovc Vitf NAM


+ Khai niem ve
khoi da difn
The co~cept of solid polyhedra
❖ Khoi da di9n deu
Re~ular solid polyhedra
+ The tich khoi da di9n
Volumes of solid polyhedra

M(lt kh6i mu6i an

A block of salt

Trong tht;rc t€ chung ta thucrng g~p nhfrng v~t the kh6ng gian dugc
gim h1µ1
ooi cac da giac nhu vien g~ch, kh6i l~p phuan g, kim ti! thap Ai Qp, tinh
the cua m◊t s6 hqp cha'.t hoa hQC nhu mu6i an, phen chua ... Nhung
v~t the
d6 duqc gQi la nhung kh6i da di¢n. Ve m~t toan hQC, vi¢c dinh
chinh xac kh6i da di¢n kh6ng don gian. Trong chuan g nay ta chi
thi¢u khai ni¢m ve kh6i da di¢n, kh6i da di¢n deu va dua ra c6ng
tmh the tich cua m◊t s6 kh6i da di¢n quen thu◊c.
In reality , we often encoun ter spatial object s that are bound
ed by
polygons, such as tiles, cubes, pyramids of Egypt, crysta ls of
chemical compounds like salt, alum ... These object s are
polyhedra. Mathematically, it is complicated to give a precise definit
of a polyhedron. In this chapter we only introdu ce the concep
t of
polyhedra, regular polyhedra and provide the formula for calcula ting
volume of some fami liar polyhedra.


~ 1 Nhac l~i d!nh nghia hlnh tang lf"1 va h1nh chops. .

Rest ate the definition of prisms and pyramid


cac m~t
Qua n sat kh6i rubic trong h1nh I. I, ta thiy
Khi do ta
ngoai cua no t~o thanh mQt hlnh I~p phuong.
l~p phuong.
noi kh6i rubic co hlnh dang Ia mt'.)t kh6i
phAn khOng
Nhu v~y co the xem kh6i l~p phuong la
gian duqc gim h~n boi mQt hinh l~p phuo ng, hlnhke ca
l~p phuong Ay.
we see that
Observing the Rubik 's Cube in Figure l. 1,
the Rubik ' s
its oute r surface forms a cube . Then we say
a solid cube is
Cube has the shape of a solid cube . Thus
a cube and
considered a regio n of space enclosed by
containing the cube .
duqc gim Hinh Figure 1. 1
Tuong tl!, kh6i lang lf"1 la phAn khong gian
h~ boi mQt hlnh lang tf"1 ke ca
hlnh Hing tf1:l iy, kh6i
chop la phAn khong gian duqc gim h~ boi m()t h1nh
chop ke ca hlnh chop Ay, kh6i chop Cl;Jt la phAn khOng
ke ca hlnh
gian duqc gim h~ boi mQt hlnh chop Cl;Jt
chop Cl;Jt ay.
osed by a prism and cont aini ng the pris m, a
Similarly, a solid prism is a region of space encl a
a pyramid and cont aini ng the pyra mid and
solid pyramid is a region of space bounded by pyra mid and
e bounded by a trun cate d
solid truncated pyramid is a region of spac
containing the truncated pyramid.
theo ten cua hlnh lang t11_1 hay hinh chop gim
Ten cua kh6i lang tf1:l hay kh6i chop duqc d~t tf1:1
giac ABC DEF .A 'B'C 'D'E 'F' ta co kh6 i lang
h~ no. Chin g h~ ung vai hlnh fang t[l;l ll:lc tu
chop tu giac deu S.ABCD ta co kh6 i chop
ll;Jc giac ABC DEF .A'B 'C'D 'E'F ', ung vm hinh
giac deu S.ABCD (h.1.2). For
after the prism or the pyra mid limi ting it.
1l1e solid prism or solid pyramid is named
ABCDEF.A 'B'C 'D'E 'F', we have the solid
example, with respect to the hexagonal prism we
with the regu lar squa re pyra mid S.ABCD,
hexagona l prism ABCDEF.A 'B'C 'D'E 'F ', and
(Figure 1.2).
have the solid regular square pyramid S.ABCD

E s
Ba I
'F' I
,,J-- --f: \
B' C' A B

Hinh Figure 1. 2

Ta ciing gQi dinh, c.µ1h, m~t. m~t ~n. m~t day, c.µlh ~n. c.µ111 day ... cua m¢t hinh !ling tf"1
(hlnh ch6p, hay hlnh chop c1,1t) theo thu tl! la dinh, c.µ1h, m~t. m~t ~n. m~t day. qmh ~n.
c.µlh day ... cua kh6i tang tri.i (kh6i chop, hay kh6i chop q1t) tucmg ung.
The vertices, edges, faces, lateral faces, bases, lateral edges base edges, etc. of a prism (a
pyramid, or a truncated pyramid) are also called the vertices, edges, faces, lateral faces,
bases, lateral edges, base edges, etc. of a solid prism (a solid pyramid, or a solid truncated
pyramid), respectively.
Di~m kh6ng thu¢c kh6i lang tr1,1 dtr<;tc gQi la die'm ngoai cua k.h6i lang tll:l, diem thu<'.)c kh6i
lang tri.i nhung kh6ng thul')c hlnh lang t11;1 ung vm k.h6i lang tr1,1 do du<JC gQi la die'm trong
cua kh6i lang trl,l. Di~m trong hay diem ngoai ciia k.h6i ch6p, k.hoi chop c1,1t cung dtr<JC djnh
nghia tucmg l\!.
The point which is not in the solid prism is called the outer point of the prisms, the point
which is in the solid prism but not in the prism with respect to the solid prism is called the
inner point of the solid prism. Inner points or outer points of the solid pyramid, solid
truncated pyramid are also defined similarly.
Vi d~ Example

Hinh Figure 1.3

Kim ti, thap a Ai Qp la kl quan duy nha'.t
trong bay ki quan cua the' gim c6 d~i con
l~i de'n ngay nay, chung c6 hlnh dang la
nhii'ng kh6i ch6p tu giac deu.
Of the seven wonders of the ancient world,
the Egyptian pyramids are the only one
that remain intact and have the shape of
regular square pyramids.


1. Khai nitm ve hinh da dif n The concept of polyhedra

E s

,, 'E'
l,! _ - 'D'
,, ,, \
\ A
A \

Hinh Figure 1. 4

K• h, s.ABCDE (h.1 .4 ).
e ten cac m~t cua hinh lang tru ABCDE. A'B'C'D'E' va hinh c ~: s.ABCDE (f.1.4).
Name ~e faces of the prism ABCDEA'B 'C'D'E' and the pyr~~ deu la nhiing hinh khong
~uan sat cac ~ lang ln;l, hinh chop n6i o tren !~ th_AY ~h~J chit :
gian duqc tao ooi. mot s6 hiiu han da giac Oic da giac tty co u atial shapes fom1ed by a
Observing the prism's and pyr~ds abo~e we see that they are sp
finjte number of polygons. The properties of the pol_ygo!1s are: co diem chung, h<Xjc chi c6
\ a) Hai da gitic phan bi¢t chl c6 the ho<JC khong
1110)' share
im mot
,,,, · chi c6 m¢t C<Jnh chung.
· dinh chung, hoiic · commOil 1•err,·c·es or
m: Two distinct polygons may not have Gil)

Im one vertex or one edge. ' . h cua dung hai da giac.

!Iii b) M6i c<Jnh cua da gitic nao ciing I~ C<Jllh '
c,:, ; gcommon edge of the two
im Either edge of the two polygons IS also
Ill! polygons. . aJso called polyhedra.
Ngum ta con g9i cac hinh do la cac hinh da ~1¢n. Thos_e_ sha~,~ e dudc tao boi m¢t so' hiiu
N6i mQt each t6ng quat hinh da diefn (g9i tat la_1a di~~) la ht~e' ·. la.mot miit cua hlnh
hqn cac da giac thod miin hai tinh chat tren. Moi ~a giac nhu . gr dlnh. ca~h cua hlnh
da di¢n. Cac dinh, qnh cua cac da giac tfy theo thu tl! duqc g<;>I a C C , •

da di¢n (h.1 .5). fi 5 h t) ·5 the shape formed

General!y speaking, a polyhedral ~lwf:e (called po~yhedr~n or o;ac'h of those polygons
by a fimte number of polygons sattsfymg the two properties above. all d
vertices and edges of those po1ygons are c e
is said to be a face of the polyhedron. The
the vertices and edges of a polyhedron (f.1.5).

, - - , - - - - . - - - Dinh - - - -......,. .------7 1


---C<Jn h- ---,~1

'------- Mijt - - - -
Hinh Figure 1.5 Faces

2. Khai niem ve khoi da dien The concept of solid polyhedra

. ? Kh6l da di¢~ la phdn khong gian duqc gioi h<Jn boi m¢t hinh da di~n. kl cd
Iii!: hinh da di¢n do.
!ill A solid polyhedron is a region of space enclosed by a polyhedro n and
ll!l: containing the polyhedron

Nhiing diem kh6ng thu(>c kh6i da di~n dugc g<;>i la diem ngoai cua kh6i da di¢n. Nhiing
diem thu(>c kh6i da di¢n nhung khong thuQc hlnh da di¢n gi6i hiµi kh6i da di¢n 4y duc;,c gQi
la diem trong cua kh6i da di¢n. T~p hqp cac diem trong dugc gQi la mien trong, ~p hgp cac
diem ngoai duqc gQi la mien ngoai cua kh6i da di¢n.
Points that do not lie in a solid polyhedron are called the outer points of the solid
polyhedron . Points that Jie inside the solid polyhedron but not on the polyhedron enclosing
the solid polyhedron are said to be the inner points of the solid polyhedron . The set of inner
points is called the inner region and the set of outer points is called the outer region of the
solid polyhedron .
M6i kh6i da di!n du~. xac .dµih boi h~~ da .di~n ung v?i n6. Ta ciing gQi dinh, ciµih, m~t,
diem trong, ditm ngoat. .. cua mQt kh61 da d1¢n theo thu tJ! la dinh, canh, mat, diem trong,
diem ngoai ... cua hinh da di¢n tucmg ung. . ·
Every solid polyhedron is d~termined by the ~espective polyhedron . The vertices, edges.
faces, inner points, outer pomts, etc. of a sohd polyhedron are also called the vertices,
edges, faces, inner points, outer points, etc ... of the correspond ing polyhedro n.

M6i hlnh da di¢n chia cac diem con l~ cua khOng gian thailh hai mien khOng giao nhau la
mien trong va mien ngoai cua hlnh da di¢n, trong d6 chi c6 mien ngoai la chua hoan toan
m¢t duang thing nao d!y.
Every polyhedron divides the remaining points of the space into two disjoint regions which
are the inner region and the outer region of the polyhedron. Of the two regions, the outer
one contains some entire line.

Mien ngoai
Omer region
Dilm trong---.
Inner point

Dilm ngoai ~ M
Outer point
Hinh Figure 1.6

Vi d1;t Example
- Cac hlnh dum day la nhung kh6i da di¢n :
The shapes below are solid polyhedra:

Hinh Figure 1. 7
- Cac hlnh dum day khOng phai la nhung kh6i da di¢n :
The shapes below are not solid polyhedra:

a) b) c)
Hinh Figure 1.B

- Nhung vien kim cucmg c6 hlnh d~g la nhOng kh6i da di¢n :
Diamond pieces have the shape of solid polyhedra:

Hinh Figure 1. 9

~3 Giai thfch ~ sao hlnh 1.8c khOng phai la m<)t kh6i da di~n ?
Explain why Figure 1.8c is not a solid polyhedron.


1. Phep dai hinh trong khong gian Rigid transformations in the space
Phep bi€n hlnh va phep dm hlnh trong khOng gian duc;,c d!nh nghla tucmg 11! nhu trong ~ phfutg.
Transformations and rigid transformations in the space are defined similarly like in the plane.

~ :.·: c:n:
l,, ,_ !_1'
,_ 1:_i,,, :, _
:,,,,,:,_i, · 1;;;;.~1:a;;;,;;~;p:C:h1nh niu
"f::::t~;:f;::~7 nO bdo
A transformation in the space is called the rigid transformation if it
preserves the distance between two arbitrary points.

Vi d~ Example
Trong khOng gian, cac phep bi€n hlnh sau dfty la nhung
phep dcri hlnh :

In space, the following transformations are rigid

transformations: M M'
a) Phep tf.nh tien theo vectu la phep bi€n hlnh bi€n v,
m6i diim M thanh dii m M' sao cho MM' == v (h.1.lOa). Hinh Figure 1. 10a)
Translation according to vector v, that is the
transformation changing every point M into point M'
such that MM' == v (f.1 . lOa)

b) Phip do1 xfmg qua ~ phdng (P). la phep bi€n hlnh M
bi!n m6i diem thuc'.)c (P) thanh chinh n6, bit'n m6i diem
M khOng thuc'.)c (P) thanh diem M' sao cho (P) la m~t
phAng tnmg tfl!c cua MM' (h.l.lOb).
Reflection across the plane (P) , that is the
transformation changing every point in (P ) into itself,
changing every point M which is not in ( P) into point
M ' such that (P) is the perpendicular bisector plane of M'
MM' (f.l.lOb).
Hinh Figure 1.10b)
Nt'u phep d6i xung qua ~ phAng (P) bit'n hlnh (H) thaJ1h
chinh n6 thi (P) dugc g9i la nu;'it pluing do, xung cua (H). . .
If the reflection across the plane (P ) changes figure ( H ) into itself, then ( P ) 1s said to be the
reflective plane of (H) . . __ . ,
c) Phep Mi xfmg tam 0, la phep bit'n hlnh bit'n diem O thanh chinh n6, b1€n m01 diem M
khac O thanh diem M' sao cho Ola trung diem cua MM' (h.1 .1 la). .
Reflection across the center 0 , that is the transformation changing_the poi~t 0 _into itself:
changing every point M different from O into point M' such that O 1s the midpoint of MM
Neu phep d6i xung tAm O bien hinh (H) thanh chfnh n6 thi O dugc g9i la tam doi xung cua (H).
If the reflection across the center O changes figure (H ) into itself, then O is called the
reflective center of (H).
M' A

0 M

a) b)
Hinh Figure 1.11

d) Phep doi xfmg qua duung thdng A (hay phep d6i xung qua t11;1c A), la phep bien hlnh
bien m9i diem thu◊c ducmg thing A thanh chinh n6, bien m6i diem M khOng thu(>c A thanh
diem M' sao cho A la ducmg trung tfl!c cua MM' (h.1.11 b ).
Reflection through the straight line A (or reflection through the axis A), is the
transformation which changes every point in the straight line A into itself, changes every
point M which is not in A into point M' such that A is the perpendicular bisector of MM'
(f. l.llb).
Neu phep d6i xung qua ducmg thing A bien hlnh (H) thanh chinh n6 thl A goi la true do1
xung cua (H). . .
If the reflection through the straight line A changes figure (H) into itself then IJ. is called the
axis of symmetry of (H) .

Nh(jn xet Comments

• Tiu,c h~¢n lien ~ie'p ~a~ phep doi hinh se dugc m¢t phep doi hlnh.
ConsecutI:~l~ dom~ ng1d t~ansformations, a rigid transformation will be received.
• (H) th:.-a...
• Phep dm hinh b1en da d1¢n (H) thanh da di¢n (H'), bien dinh • canh
• c.anh , m~t tucmg ung
d1nh, , cua• (H'). . , m~t
a CUa
· i:UUI

A rigid transfo~ation c~anges polyhedron (H) into polyhedron (H'), changes vertices,
edge, face of (H) mto vertices, edge, face of (H') , respectively.

2. Hai hinh bing nhau Two congruent shapes

™ Hai hinh duqc g9i la bang nhau neu co m9t phep d<'ti hlnh biln hinh nay
i tlulnh hinh kia.
~I' Two shapes are said to be congruent if there exists a rigid transformation
\1\ changing this one into the other.

D~c bi¢t, hai da di¢n duc;,c g<_>i la bAng nhau n€u c6 mc'.)t phep dm hlnh bie'n da di¢n nay
thanh da <lien kia.
In particul~. two polyhedron are said to be congruent if there exists a rigid transformation
changing this one into the other.
Vi di!, Example
Phep tµih tie'n theo vecta v bi€n da di¢n (H) thanh da di¢n (H'), phep d6i xung tAm O bi€n
da di¢n (H') thanh da di¢n (H"). Do d6 phep dm hlnh c6 duc;,c bAng each th11c hi¢n lien ti€p
hai phep bie'n hlnh tren bie'n (H) thanh (H'"). Tir d6 suy ra cac da di¢n (H), (H') va (H'')
bAng nhau (h.1.12).
The translation according to vector v changes polyhedron (H) into polyhedron (H') , the
reflection across the center O changes polyhedron (H') into polyhedron (H''). So, the rigid
transformations received by consecutively doing the two above transformations changed
(H) into (H''). It follows that polyhedrons (H), (H') and (H'') are congruent (f.1.12).



Hinh Figure 1. 12

~4 Cho hlnh hc'.)p ABCDA'B'C'D'. Chung minh rAng hai lang t:nJ ABDA'B'D' va BCD.B'C'D'
bAng nhau.
Given that ABCD.A'B'C 'D ' is a cuboid. Prove that the two prisms ABDA'B'D ' and
BCD.B'C'D' are congruent.


Ne'u kh6i da di¢n (H) la hqp cua hai kh6i da di¢n (H1), (H2 ) sao cho (H1) va (H2 ) khOng
c6 chung ditm trong nao thl ta n6i c6 the chia duc;,c kh6i da di¢n (H) thanh hai kh6i da dien
(H1) va (H2 ), hay c6 the Hip ghep hai kh6i da di¢n (H1) va (H2 ) vm nhau di duoc kh6i
da di¢n (H) (h.1.13).
If the solid polyhedron (HJ is a combination of two solid polyhedrons (H 1) and (H 2) such
that (H,J and (H2J share no common inner point, then we say it is possible to divide the
so]jd polyhedron (HJ into two solid polyhedrons (H,) and (H1 ), or to put together two solid
polyhedrons (H,J and (H2) to obtain the soUd polyhedron (H) (f. 1.13).

(H) (H1)
Hinh Figure 1.13

Vi di!, Example

Xet kh6i l~p phuang ABCD A 'B'C'D'. M~t phang (P) di qua BDD'B' dt kb6i l~p phucmg d6
theo mQt thiet di¢n la hlnh chii ~ t BDD'B'. Tuitt di¢n nay chia cac diem con l~i cua kb6i
l~p phuang ra lam hai phan. M6i phan cung vm h1nh chii ~ t BDD'B' ~o thanh mQt kh6i
Iang trl,l, nhu v~y ta c6 hai kh6i Iang trl;l : ABDA'B'D' va BCD.B'C'D'. Khi d6 ta n6i m~t
phang (P) chia kh6i l~p phuang ABCD.A'B'C'D' thanh hai kh6i lruig ll1;l ABDA'B'D' va

Consider a solid cube ABCDA'B'C'D'. The plane (P) across BDD'B' intercepts the solid
cube at a cross-section which is the rectangle BDD'B'. This cross-section divides the
remaining parts of the solid cube into two parts. Each part combined with rectangle BDD'B'
fonn a solid prism such that we have two prisms ABD.A 'B'D' and BCD.B'C'D'. Then the
plane (P ) is said to divide solid cube ABCD.A'B'C'D ' into two solid prisms ABD.A'B'D ' and
BCD.B'C'D '.

Tuang tt,1 nhu tren ta c6 tht chia titp kh6i Iang trl;l ABDA'B'D' thanh ba kb6i tu dien :
ADBB', ADB'D' va AA'B'D' (h.l.14). .

Similarly, we can continue to divide solid prisms ABD.A'B'D' into three solid tetrahedron:
ADBB', ADB'D' and AA'B'D' (f. l.14).

B. - - - -~C

A D'

-;(A B


D' \
,... __

,'B' ', .._ ._
- - - ~D'
Hinh Figure 1. 14

Um theo qua trinh ngu<;JC Jiµ ta c6 tht ghep kh6i Jang tt\l BCD.B'C'D' va cac kh6i tu di¢n
ADBB', ADB'D', AA'B'D'v& nhau di dtr<JC kh6i l~p phucmg ABCDA'B'C'D '.
By doing conversely, we can obtain solid prisms BCD.B'C'D ' and solid tetrahedrons
ADBB', ADB'D ', AA 'B'D ' to obtain the solid cube ABCDA 'B'CD'.
Nhtjn xet Comments
M(>t kh6i da di¢n bat kl luOn c6 the phan chia dtr<;JC thanh nhfmg kh6i tu di¢n.
An arbitrary solid polyhedron can always be divided into solid tetrahedrons.


l. Chung minh dmg m(>t da di¢n c6 cac m~t Ia nhfmg tam giac thl t6ng s6 cac m~t cua n6 phai
la m(>t s6 chan. Cho vi du.
Given a polyhedron who.s e faces are triangles. prove that the total number of its faces must
be an even number. Give an example.
2. Chung minh rAng m(lt da di¢n ma m6i dinh cua n6 deu la dinh chung cua m(lt s6 le m~t thl
t6ng s6 cac dinh cua n6 phai la m(lt s6 chan. Cho vi d~.
Given a polyhedron with each of its vertex as the common vertex of an odd number of
faces, prove that the total number of its vertices must be an even number. Give an example.
3. Olia m¢t kh6i l~p phucmg thanh nam khoi tu di¢n.
Divide a solid cube into five solid tetrahedrons.
4. Chia m¢t kh6i l~p phucmg thanh sau khoi tu di¢n bAng nhau.
Divide a solid cube into six solid tetrahedrons which are congruent.


llfnh nghiD dD di~n 'VD khoi dD di~n

l>elinition ol D polyhedron zmd D ~olid polyhedron

d dau chtrcmg, chung ta mm chi trlnh bay SO" hI<JC ve cac khai ni¢m da di¢n va khoi da
di¢n. Bay gia ta se trlnh bay m¢t each chinh xac hem nhfmg khai ni¢m d6.
At the beginning of the chapter, we made a brief presentation on the concepts of
polyhedrons and soljd polyhedrons. Now we will present these concepts more accurately.
Khai niem da dien va khoi da dien c6 thi duac hi~u theo nhieu each khac nhau. Da dien va

kh6i da dien VUa dU<JC trinh bay trong chucmg I dt_Ia vao dµih nghia sau day. .
Concepts of polyhedrons and solid polyhedrons can be understood in several different
ways. The polyhedrons and solid polyhedrons presented in chapter I are based on the
following definition.

Dinh nghia Definition

H~'nh da diefn (g9i tat la da di¢n) la hinh duf!c u;w bm mqt stf hil'u h~n cac da giac, gqi la
cac mat cua hinh da di¢n, thod man cac tinh chat sau :
A polyhedron shape (a polyhedron f or short) is a shape created by a finite number of
polygons called f aces of a polyhedron, satisfying the f ollowing properties:

a) Hai ~t phdn bieft chi co the' hoij.c kh6ng giao nhau hoij.c co m<)t dinh chung, hoij.c co
mqt qmh chung.
Two distinct faces may be non-intersecting or share a vertex or an edge.
b) M6i qmh thu<)c m<)t ~t la qmh chung cua dung hai ~t.
Each edge on a face is the one exactly two faces share
c) Cho hai ~t S va S', lu6n t6n t<;ii mQt diiy cac ~t S0, S1, ••• , S,. sao cho S0 trung voi S, S,.
trung voi S' va bat ki hai ~t S;, si+I nao ( 0 ~ i ~ n -1) ciing deu co mqt cqnh chung.
Given tw o fa ces S and S', there always exists a sequence of f aces S0 , S 1, •• • , S,. such that So
coincides with S , Sncoincides with S' and any two f aces S,, S;+J ( 0 =:; i ~ n -1) share an edge.
Cac dinh, clµlh cua m~t theo thu tl! duqc g9i la cac dinh, c<;inh cua hlnh da di¢n.
The vertices and edges of a face are also called the vertices and edges of a polyhedron,
respective} y.

Vi dlJ Example
H1nh (H) trong hlnh 1.15 la hlnh ~o bcri hai hlnh l~p phucmg
chi chung nhau m()t dinh. Khi d6 (H) khOng thoa man tfnh
ch~t c) nen n6 khOng phai la m()t hlnh da di¢n.
The shape (H ) in Figure 1.15 is created by two cubes sharing
a single vertex. Then, since (H) doesn't satisfy the property c), I
it is not a polyhedron. I
Tir dµih nghia tren, ngm:ri ta chung minh duqc dµih Ii sau g9i /
la dµih Ii Gio6c-dan (Jordan) trong khOng gian. I
Based on the definition above, the following theorem called
Jordan theorem in the space was proved.
Hinh Figure 1. 15

Dinh Ii Theorem
M6i da diefn chia cac die'm con /qi cua kh6ng gian thanh hai mien sao cho:
E very polyhedron divides remaining points of the space into two regions such that:
a) Hai diem thuqc cung mqt mien luon co the no'i voi nhau bdng mQt duang gap khuc ruim
hoan toan trong mien do.
T wo points of the same region can always be joined with a zigzag line lying entirely in the
b) M9i duimg gap khuc no'i hai diem thuqc hai mien khac nhau deu co diem chung voi da di?n.
Every zig:ag line joining two points in two distinct regions shares a point with the
c) C6 m<)t va chi mQt mien chua hoan toan mQt
duang th&ng nao day.
Th ere exists 011e and only one region
contai11ing some entire line.
Mitn chua hoan toan m()t duong thAng nao My
duqc g9i la mien ngoai cua da di¢n, mien con l.µ
duqc g9i la mien trong cua da di¢n. Ditm thu()c
mitn ngoai g9i la diem ngoai, di~m thu()c mitn
trong g9i la diem trong cua da di¢n.
The region containing some entire line is
called the outer region of the polyhedron and
the remaining region is called the inner region (H)
of the polyhedron. A point in the outer region Hinh Figure 1. 16
is cal led outer point, a point in the inner region
is ca1led inner point of the polyhedron.

Trong hlnh 1.16, A la diem trong, B, C, D la diem ngoai cua hlnh da di¢n (H). Mi~n ngoai
cua (H) chua duong thang d.
In Figure l. 16, A is the inner point, B , C , D are outer points of polyhedron ( H) . The outer
region of (H) contains the straight lined.

IJjnh nghia Definition

Da di¢n cung vui mien trong cua no duqc g9i la m9t kh61 da difn.
A polyhedron, together with its inner region, is said to be a solid polyhedron.
Trong thl!c W, chung ta thuong gap nhung vAt the c6 hlnh dang la nhung kh6i eta di¢n. Tu
nhung c<>ng trlnh vi ~ nhu kim ti! ·thap Ai Qp, nhung toa nha cao tang hi¢n ~ d~n nh~g v~t
the nho nhu tinh the cua cac hc;,p chit : duong, mu6i, th~h anh... deu la nhung kh61 eta di~n. Do
d6, vi¢c nghien cuu cac kh6i da di¢n kh<>ng nhung lam phong phu them cac kie'n ~~c ve hlnh
hQC ma con g6p ph&t gifil quy~t nhieu bai toan th\tC tien, ph1._1c V1._l cu¢c s6ng con ngum.
In reality, we often see objects in shapes of solid polyhedra. From the great works like the
pyramids of Egypt, the modern high-rise buildings to small objects like crystals of the
compounds: sugar, salt, quartz ..., they are solid polyhedra. So, the research on solid
polyhedron not only enriches the knowledge of geometry, but also contributes to solve
many practical problems, serve human life.




Kho1 da di¢n (H) duqc g9i la kh61 da di¢n l6i ne'u doq.n thdng no1 hai diim
bat ki cua (H) luon thu9c (H). Khi do da di¢n xac djnh (H) duqc g9i Iii da
di¢n 16i (h.1 .17).
A solid polyhedron (H ) is said to be a convex solid polyhedron if the line
segment joining any two points of (H) is always contained in (H) . Th en,
the polyhedron (H) defined is called the convex polyhedron (f l .17).

Hinh Figure 1. 17

Vi d~ Example
Cac kh6i H\ng tn_l tam giac, kh6i h◊p, kh6i tu di¢n la
nhiing kh6i da di¢n 16i.
Solid triangular prisms, solid parallelepipeds and solid
tetrahedrons are convex solid polyhedra.
Nguen ta chung minh du<JC rAng m◊t kh6i da di¢n la
kh6i da di¢n 16i khi va chi khi mien trong cua n6 luOn
n!m ve m◊t phfa d6i vm m6i m~t phdng chua m◊t m~t Hinh Figure 1.18
cua n6 (h.1.18).
It is proved that a solid polyhedron is a convex solid polyhedron if and only if its inner
region always lies on one side of every plane containing its face (f.1. 18).

~1 Tun vi d1:1 ve kh6i da di¢n 16i va kh6i da di¢n khOng 16i trong thlJc ti.
Find an example for a convex solid polyhedron and a solid non-convex polyhedron in real life.

II. KH6I DA D}tN otu

Quan sat kh6i tu di¢n deu (h.1. l 9a), ta thiy cac
m~t cua n6 la nhiing tam giac deu, mOi dinh cua n6
la dinh chung cua dung ba m~t. D6i vm kh6i l~p
phucmg (h. l. l 9b), ta thfy cac m~t cua n6 la nhung
hlnh vuOng, m6i dinh cua n6 la dinh chung cua
dung ba m~t. Nhung kh6i da di¢n n6i tren du<JC
g9i la nhung kh6i da di¢n deu.
Observing the solid regular tetrahedron (f.1 .19a),
we find that its faces are regular triangles and a) b)
each of its vertex is a common vertex of exactly Hinh Figure 1.19
three faces. Regarding the solid cube ( f.1.19b ),
we find its faces are squares and each of its
vertices is a common vertex of exactly three
faces. Solid polyhedra above are said to be
regular solid polyhedra.

Dinh nghia Definition

Khoi da di¢n deu la kho'i da dif n l6i c6 tinh chat sau day :
A regular solid polyhedron is a convex solid polyhedron with properties
as follows:
a) M6i ~t cua n6 la mqt da giac dlu p qmh.
Each of its faces is a regular polygon with p edges.
b) M6i dinh cua n6 la dinh chung cua dung q rrz4t.
Each of its vertices is the common vertex of exactly q f aces.
KMi da di¢n diu nhu v~ dU{lC g9i la kho'i da di¢n deu l()(!i {p ; q).
Such regular solid polyhedra are called regular solid polyhedra of type {p ;q}.

Tu djnh nghia tren ta thly cac m~t cua khoi da di¢n cteu la nhilng da giac deu bang nhau.
From the definition above, we find faces of a regular solid polyhedron are regular polygons
which are congruent.


Ngum ta chung minh duoc dinh lf sau :

The following theorem i~ pr~ved:

Bfnh Ii Theorem
;~j Chi c6 niim IO{li klufi da diefn diu. D6 la l()f:li { 3 ; 3}, l()f:li (4 ; 3}, lo{li { 3 ; 4 I,
I ;;;;j~ ;;: t::J/;;etyJ~/~;:g~':IJ::~:;;?{~~ton.These are type
lo<;ii { 5 ; 3 } vd lo<;ii { 3 ; 5 }.

Tuy theo s6 m~t cua chung, nam loai kh6i da dien deu ke
tren theo thu tl! dugc gQi la cac
kh6i ~ di¢n deu, kh6i l~p phuang, kh6i bat di¢n cieu (hay kh6i tam m~t dtu), kh6i mum hai
m~t deu va kh6i hai mucri m~t deu (h.1.20).
Depending on their numbers of faces, five types of regular solid polyhedron above are
called solid regular tetrahedrons, solid cubes, solid regular octahedrons (or solid
pclyhedra with eight regular faces), solid regular dodecahedrons and solid regular
1cosahedrons, respectively (f. l .20).


J----- -

Hinh Figure 1. 20

~ 2 ™m s6 dinh, s6 c~ cua kh6i bat di¢n deu.

Counting the number of vertices and edges of a solid regular octahedron.

Cac hlnh da di¢n dtu la nhihl.g hinh c6 ve dyp can d6i, hai hoa. Cac nha loan hQC c6 d~i
xem chung la nhihl.g hinh If tuang. Ve dyp cua chung ciing lam nhitu ho~ si quan tam.
U-6-na-d<> Da Vin-xi (Leonardo da Vinci) ho~ si thien tai ngum 1-ta-li-a da timg ve kha
nhieu hlnh da di¢n trong d6 c6 cac hinh da di¢n deu. Dum dfty la hlnh mum hai m~t dtu va
hlnh hai mucri m~t deu do Ong ve (h.1.21).
Regular polyhedra are shapes that have the beauty of proportion and harmony. The ancient
mathematicians considered them the ideal forms. Their beauty draws the interest of many
artists. Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian genius artist, drew many polyhedra, including regular
polyhedra. Here are the regular dodecahedron and regular icosahedron that he painted

Hinh Figure 1.21

Bang tom tit cua nim lofi khoi da diin deu
Summary Table of five types of solid right polyhedra
Lo.;ii Ten g9i S6 dinh S6 c.;inh S6 m~t
Type Name Number Number Number
of vertices of edges of faces
{3 ; 3} Tu di¢n deu regular tetrahedron 4 6 4
{4; 3} L~p phucmg cube 8 12 6
{3; 4} Bat di~n deu regular octahedron 6 12 8
{5 ; 3} Mum hai m~t deu regular odecahedron 20 30 12
{3 ; 5} Hai mum mat deu regular icosahedron 12 30 20

Vi di!, Example
Chung minh rAng Prove that
a) Trung diem cac c.;tnh cua m¢t tu di~n deu la cac dinh cua m¢t hlnh bat di¢n deu.
Midpoints of edges of a regular tetrahedron are vertices of a regular octahedron.
b) Tam cac m~t cua m¢t hlnh l~p phuong la cac dinh cua m¢t hlnh bat di¢n deu.
Centers of faces of a cube are vertices of a regular octahedron.

quii Solution

a) Cho tu di¢n deu ABCD, qmh bAng a. G9i /, J, E, F, M va N lin luqt la trung diem cua
cac c.;inh AC, BD, AB, BC, CD va DA (h.1.22a).
Let ABCD be a regular tetrahedron with the length of each edge a. Given that I, J, E, F, M
and N are the midpoints of edges AC, BD, AB, BC, CD and DA, respectively (f. I .22a).

~3 Chung minh rAng tam tarn giac IEF, /FM, /MN, /NE, JEF, JFM, JMN va JNE la nhiing
tarn giac deu c.;tnh bAng ; ·

Prove that eight triangles JEF, /FM, /MN, /NE, JEF, JFM, JMN and JNE regular
triangles with the length of each side a • .
Tam tarn giac deu n6i tren t.;io thrulh m¢t da di¢n c6 cac dinh la/, J, E, F, M, N ma m6i dinh
la dinh chung cua dung b6n tarn giac deu. Do d6 da di~n ay la da di¢n deu lo~i {3 ; 4}, tuc
la hinh bat di¢n deu.
Eight regular triangles above make a polyhedron with vertices /, J , E , F, M , N each of
which is the common vertex of exactly four right triangles. So, the polyhedron is a regular
polyhedron of type 13;4} , that means a regular octahedron.

Hinh Figure 1.22


b) Cho hlnh l~p phuong ABCD A 'B'C'D' c6 c~ bAng a (h. l .22b).
Given that ABCDA'B'C'D ' is the cube with the length of each edge a (f.l.22b).

~4 Chung minh rAng AB'CD' la m◊t tu di¢n deu. Tmh cac c~ cua n6 theo a.
Prove that AB'CD' is a regular tetrahedron. Compute its edges according to a.
G9i /, J, E, F, M va N Ian luc:1t la tam cua cac mat ABCD, A'B'C'D', ABB'A', BCC'B', CDD'C'
va DAA 'D' cua hlnh lap phu~g. De y rAng sau diem tren ciing lan lu(Jt la trung diem cua cac
c~ AC, B'D', AB', i•c, CD' va D'A cua tu di¢n deu AB'CD' nen theo cau a) sau diem d6 la
cac dinh cua hlnh bat di¢n deu.
Let/, J, E , F , Mand N be the centers of faces ABCD, A 'B'C'D', ABB'A', BCC'B', CDD'C'
and DAA'D ' of the cube, respectively. Note that the six points above are also the midpoints
of edges AC, B'D ', AB', B'C, CD' and D'A of the regular tetrahedron AB'CD', respectively,
so, according to the question a), the six points are vertices of a regular octahedron.


1. CAt bia theo mau dum day (h.1.23), gap theo ducmg ke, r6i dan cac mep leµ de dugc cac
hlnh tu di~n deu, hlnh l~p phucmg va hinh bat di¢n deu.
Cut the cardboard in the form below (f.1.23), fold along the line, then glue the edges
together to get a regular tetrahedron, cube and regular octahedron.

Hinh Figure 1.23

2. Cho hlnh l~p phucmg (H). G9i (H') la hlnh bat di~n deu c6 cac dinh la tam cac m~t cua (H).
Tmh ti s6 di~n tfch toan phan ciia (H) va (H').
Given the cube (HJ . Let (H') be the regular octahedron whose vertices are centers of faces
of (H) . Compute the ratio of surface areas of (H) and (H').
3. Chung minh rAng tam ciia cac m~t cua hlnh tu di~n deu la cac dinh ciia m<)t hlnh tu di~n deu.
Prove that centers of faces of a regular tetrahedron are vertices of a regular tetrahedron.
4. Cho hinh bat di~n deu ABCDEF (h.1.24).
Let ABCDEF be the regular octahedron (f.1 .24). A
Chung minh rAng Prove that
a) Cac dolpl thfutg AF, BD va CE dOi m◊t vu6ng g6c vm
nhau va cit nhau ~i trung diem m6i ducmg. D
Line segments AF, BD and CE are perpendicular to
each other in pairs and intersect mutually at the
midpoint of each of line segments.
b) ABFD, AEFC va BCDE la nhiing hinh vu6ng.
ABFD. AEFC and BCDE are squares.
Hinh Figure 1.24

18 28-HINH HOC 12-(SN)

ljinh dzi di¢n deu
fiegulZll' polyhedrzi
CAu chuy¢n v~ cac hlnh da di¢n deu mang nhieu tinh huyen tho;µ. Nguen ta khOng bitt
du<JC ai la ngum dau tien da tun ra chung. Trong m(,t cu(,c khai qu~t, ngum ta da tlm th!y
m(,t thu d6 chcri ciiatre em c6 hlnh hai mucri m*t deu vm nien d;µ each chung ta khoang
2500 nam. Cac nha toan h9c c6 d~i Hi L~p thu(,c truong phai Pla-tOng v,_a trucrc d6 nua la
truong phai Py-ta-go (th€ ki IV trucrc COng nguyen) da timg nghien cuu ve cac hinh da di¢n
n6i chung va cac hlnh da dien deu n6i rieng. Cac nha toan h<;>c then b4y gio coi nam lo~
hlnh da di¢n deu la nhung hlnh li tuoog. Nguen ta coi b6n lo~i da di¢n deu de dlJilg la tu
di¢n, hinh l~p phmmg, hinh bat di¢n deu va hlnh hai mucri m~t deu, theo thu t1! tu(JI1g tnmg
cho hia, d4t, khOng khi va nucrc, d6 la b6n ye'u t6 ca ban (theo quan ni¢m ciia then b!y gio)
~o nen m9i v~t. Con hlnh mum hai m~t deu tu(JI1g tnmg cho toan the vii lll;l.
There are many legends about regular polyhedra. It is not known who first found them.
During an excavation, a kind of toy for children shaped of a right icosahedron was found,
which dates back about 2500 years from our time. The ancient Greek mathematicians of
Platon school and before that Pythagorean school (fourth century BC) studied the
polyhedra in general and regular polyhedra in particular. The mathematicians of the time
considered five types of polyhedra as ideal shapes. They considered four types of polyhedra
which are easy to construct such as the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron and regular
icosahedron as the symbols of fire, earth, air and water, respectively, which are the four
basic elements created all things (understood at that time). And it was symbolized the
regular icosahedron with the entire universe.

Laa Fire E>~t Earth

KhOng khl Air Nuac Water Vu tn,1 Universe

Sau ~ay n~'!m ta con tlm t~ff'y cac h~nh da di~n deu xu!t hi¢n trong tl! nhien du& dang tinh
the cua nh1eu hqp chat. Chang,h~n ,tmh the. .,cua. cac chat
, sodium sulphantimonia· te, muu1
. .,c au,
chr. om~ a1um c 6 d.~ng _tuan~ ung la kh61 tu d1¢n, khOi l~p phuang, kh6i bat <lien deu. Con
ha110~1 hinh da d1¢n deu phuc ~p han la hlnh mum hai mat deu va h~nh h · . · "
i<. h_jA k.h , . I a1 mum mat ~u.
x~,:at ~n trong ung xuang cua m()t s6 vi sinh v~t bitn vi du : circogonia icosahedra va
c1rcorrhegma dodecahedra. ·
Later it was found that regular polyhedr_a appear in n_ature_in the form of crystals of many
compound. For ~xample, crystals ~f sodmm sulphant1momate, salt, chonn e al um can take
the forms of sohd tetrahedron, sohd ~ube, solid regular octahedron, respectively. Besides,
there are two regular polyhedra which are more complicated than regular icosahedrons

, A A' ,,..? , ? ,_.I A


The tich ~ua m¢t kh6i da di¢n hieu theo nghia thong thuong la s6 do d¢ Ion ph~ kh6ng gian m~ n~
chie'm ch6. Tu xa xua con ngum da fun each do the tich cua cac kh6i v~t chat trong hf nhien. 061 v6i
nhung v~t the long, nhu .kh6i nuac trong m¢t cai ~ chua, ngucri. ta c6 the dung nhung cai thimg c6 kich
thuac nho hon de dong. D6i vm nhung v~t rAn c6 kich thuac nho ngucri. ta co th~ tha chung vao m¢t cai
thung d6 dAy nuoc r6i do luqng nuac trao ra... Tuy nhien trong thiJc t€ c6 nhieu v~t the kh6ng the do
dugc bfuig nhung each tren. Ch.Ang hlµl de do the tich cua kim hf thap Ai Qp ta khOng the nhung n6 vao
nuoc hay chia nho no ra dugc. Vi v~y ngucri. ta tim each thie't l~p nhung cOng thuc tinh the tich cua m¢t
s6 kh6i da di¢n don gian khi bie't kich thuoc cua chung, r6i nr do tim each tfnh the tich cua cac kh6i da
di¢n phuc ~P hon.
TI1e volume of a solid polyhedron is nonnally understood as the measure of magnitude of the region of
space it occupies. From time immemorial people had tried to measure volumes of material solids in
nature. For fluid bodies, such as water volume in a tank, one can use the bucket with smaller size to
measure. For solids with small size one can drop them into a bucket filled with water and then measure
the amount of water flowing out ... But in fact there are many objects that cannot be measured by the
ways above. For example, to measure the volume of the Egyptian pyramid, we cannot dip it into water
or split it into smaller parts. So they sought how to establish formulas for volumes of simple polyhedrons
when knowing their sizes, and then found ways to calculate volumes of more complicated polyhedrons.
1. KHAI NitM v:t THE Tieu KHOI DA D~N
Ngum ta chung minh duqc rang: c6 the d~t tucmg ung cho m8i kh6i da di¢n (H) m◊t s6
ducmg duy nhit "'cH) thoa man cac ti'nh ch~t sau :
It is proved that each solid polyhedron (H) can be set corresponding to a unique positive
number "cH) satisfying properties as follows :
a) Neu (H) la kh6i l~p phucmg c6 ci;lnh bang I thi "'cH) = 1.
If (H) is a solid cube with edge length of I, then '1c H) = 1.
b) Neu hai kh6i da di¢n (H1) va (H2) bang nhau thi V <Hi) = '1cH )"

If two solid polyhedrons (H1 ) and (H,) are congruent then V

- ' (H1)
= V:(H2)"
c) Neu kh6i da di¢n (H) duqc phan chia thanh hai kh6i da di¢n (H1) va (H ) thl
"'cH) =V(H1) + '1<H2)"
If the solid polyhedron (H) 1s divided into two solid polyhedrons (H ) and (H ),
1 2
then V(ll) =V<Hi ) + ~H )'

S6 ducmg "cH) n6i tren duqc g9i la thl tich cua kh6i da di¢n (H). S6 d6 ciing duoc goi la
the tfch ~~a hinh da di¢n gim h.µi kh6i da di¢n (H). . .
The posit1ve number VU{) above is called the volume of solid polyhedron (H) . The number
is s~ d} o bhe the vol,ume of !he polyhedron bounding the solid polyhedron (H ).
Kh':'l 1':1P P u?"g co c.µih bang 1 ~U(Jc g9i la kh6'i lq,p phucmg dcm vi.
Sobd ~ube ~It~ len.g~ of :dge l__Is called the unit solid cube. ·
Bay g1e1 ta.. se xet. the tich cua
. kh61 h6p
• chfr nhat
. co
' ba kic h th , l'
uoc a a, b , c.
~ow w~ are gomg to consider the volume of the solid rectangular parallel · d 'th h
d1mens1ons a, b, c. epipe WI t ree
Vi df!.. Tfnh the tfch cua kh6i h6p chfr nhat c6 ba kich thuo la nh- ~
E le Compute th 1· · c ung su nguyen ducmg
_xamp_ · . . ~ vo ume of a solid rectangular parallelepiped whose ~hree
d unens1ons are positive integers.


0)( ((( (0
(H0 } (Hi}
Hinh Figure 1.25

G9i (H0 ) Ut kh6i l~p phuong don vj.

Let (Ho) be a solid unit cube.
- G9i (Hi) la kh6i h¢p chu nh~t c6 ba kich thuoc a= 5, b = 1, c = 1.
Let (Hi) be a solid rectangular parallelepiped with the three dimensi ons a =5, b = l, c = 1.
~1 C6 thi chia (Hi) thanh bao nhieu kh6i l~p phuong bang (Ho) ?
How many solid cubes congruent to (Ho) can (H ) be divided into?
Khi d6 ta c6 Then we have \'(H,) =5.\'(H0 ) =5.
- G<;>i (H2 ) la kh6i h¢p chu nh~t c6 ba kich thuac a= 5, b =4, c = 1.
Given that (H2 ) is the solid rectangular parallelepiped with the three dimensions a= 5, b
= 4,
C = 1.

~2 C6 the chia (H2) thanh bao nhieu kh6i h¢p chu nh~t bftng (Hi)?
How many solid rectangular parallelepipeds congruent to (H ) can (H ) be divided into?
1 2
Khi d6 ta c6 Then we have \'(H ) =4.V(H,) = 4.5 =20.
- G<;>i (H) la kh6i h◊p chu nh~t c6 ba kich thuac a =5, b =4, c =3.
Let (H) be the solid rectangular parallelepiped with the three dimensions a= 5, b =4, c =3.
~3 C6 the chia (H) thanh bao nhieu kh6i h¢p chu nh~t bang (H )?
How many solid rectangular parallelepipeds congruent to (H ) can (H) be divided into?
Khi d6 ta c6 Then we have \'(H) =3.\'(H ) = 3.4.5 =60 (h.1.25) (f.1.25) .
L~p lu~ tuong tq nhu tren, ta suy ra : the tich cua kh6i h¢p chu nh~t (H) c6 ba kfch thuac
la nhung s6 nguyen duong a, b, c la V(H) = abc.
With similar arguments, we deduce: the volume of solid rectangular parallelepiped
whose three dimensions are positive integers a, b, c is V(H ) = abc.
Ngum ta cht'rng minh duqc rfmg cOng thuc tren ciing dung d6i vm hlnh h¢p chu nh~t c6
kich thuac la nhung s6 duong. Ta c6 dinh If sau :
It is proved that the above formula is also true for rectangular cuboids whose the three
dimensions are positive numbers . We have the following theorem :
Dinh Ii Theorem
. ? Thi tich cua m9t kho'i h9p chii nh<jt bang tich ba kich thu(Jc cua n6.
IIIJ The volume of a solid rectangular parallelepiped is equal
to the product of
fo: its three dimensions.

Ne·u ta xem kh6i h◊p chu nh~t ABCDA'B 'C'D' nhu la kh6i !Ang 1n:l c6 day la h1nh chii' nh~t
A'B'C'D' va duong cao AA' th1 tu djnh If trfn suy ra the tfch cua n6 bang di¢n tfch day nhan
vm chieu cao. Ta c6 the chtmg minh du<;JC rang dieu d6 cung dung d6i vm m◊t kh6i IAng 1n:l
bat Id (h. l .26).
If ·we consider the solid rectangular parallelepiped ABCD.A'B'C'D ' as a solid prism whose
base is the rectangle A'B'C'D ' and whose height is AA '. then it follows from the above
theorem that its volume is equal to the area of the base multiplying by the height. We can
prove this statement still holds true- for any solid prism (f. I .26).



A' B' A' B'

Hinh Figure 1.26

Dinh Ii Theorem
~ Thi tich kho'i liing tr~ co diefn tich day B va chieu cao h la

iThe volume of a solid prisms with the area of base B and the height h is


D6i vm kh6i ch6p, ngucri ta chung minh duqc djnh li sau :
For solid pyramids, the following theorem is proved:

Dinh Ii Theorem
·111 Thi tich kho'i chop co dief n tich day B va chieu cao h la
~!I The volume ofa solid pyramid with the area ofbase B and the height h is

Ta ding g9i thi tfch cac kh6i da dien kh6i tang tru khp.• h - d- - ·
, ~ hlnh dad. h' . ,' ,
. ' ul C op a n 6 l <Hren Ian luot la the
tich c"c 1~n. 1nh Iang tn,i, h1nh ch6p xac djnh chung. ·
The volumes of the solid polyhedra, the solid prisms and th
e so1·d
1 pyramt'd s above are also
c alle d the voIumes of the polyhedra the prisms and th
respectively. ' e pyrarn1'd s d etemumng
· ·

r ~4 K~ tl! thap Ke-6p iJ Ai qp (h. l .27) duqc xay dtµtg vao khoang 2500 nam truck,~ng nguy~
Kim fl! thap nay la m¢t kh6i ch6p tu giac dtu c6 chieu cao 147 m, ccµm day dai 230 m. Hay
tinh tM tich cua n6.
Th~ Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt (f. I .27) was built in about 2500 BC. pyrami~ is a
sohd regular square pyramid with the height 147m. the length of base edge -30rn.
Calculate its volume.

Hinh Figure 1.27

Vi d~ Example
Cho hinh lang tfl.l tam giac ABC.A'B'C'. GQi Eva Flan luqt la trung di~m cua cac ~ AA'
va BB'. Duong thfuig CE cit duong thfuig C'A' t.µ £'. Duong thfuig CF cit duong thang C'B'
~ F'. GQi V la the tfch kh6i lang tfl.l ABC A 'B'C'.
Let ABC.A'B'C' be a triangular prism. Given that E and Fare the midpoints of edges AA'
and BB', respectively. The straight line CE intersects the straight line C'A' at £ '. The
straight line CF intersects the straight line C'B' at F'. Let V be the volume of solid prism
ABC.A 'B'C'.
a) Tinh the tfch kh6i chop C ABFE theo V.
Compute the volume of the solid pyramid C.ABFE according to V.
b) GQi kh6i da dien (H) la phful con l~i cua kh6i lang tfl.l ABC A 'B'C' sau khi cit bo di kh6i
chop C ABFE. Tfnh ti s6 the tfch cua (H) va cua kh6i chop C.C'E'F'.
Let the solid polyhedron (HJ be the remainer of the solid prism ABC.A'B'C' after the solid
pyramid C.ABFE was cut out. Compute the ratio of the volume of (H) and the volume of
solid pyramid C.C'E'F'.
qilii Sofution
a) Hinh ch6p C.A'B'C' va hinh lang tfl.l ABC.A'B'C' co day va duong cao bAng nhau nen
=.!_ V. Tir d6 suy ra Ve ·ABB'A' =V _ .!.3 V =~3 V.
V.e A'B'e'
· 3
The pyramid C.A 'B'C' and the prism ABC.A 'B'C' have the base and the height which are

congruent, so Vc.A 'B'C' ={ V. From this we deduce Vc.ABB'A' =V -1 ¾

V = V.

Do EF la duong trung binh cua hinh binh hanh ABB'A' nen di¢n tfch ABFE bAng mia di¢n
1 1
2 3
tfch ABB:-4 '. Do d6 Ve.ABFE = Ve.ABB' A' = V (h.1.28).
Since EF is the midline of the parallelogram ABB'A', the area of ABFE is equal to a half of

the area of ABB'A '. Hence Vc.ABFE =½Ve.ABB' A, =}V (f. l .28).

E' ----- C'

Hinh Figure 1. 28
b) Ap dt,mg cau a) ta c6 Applying the question a) we receive
1 2
¼H) = VABC.A'B'C' -Vc.ABFE = V - V =] V.
Vi EA' song song va bAng _!_ CC' nen theo dinh Ii'. Ta-let, A' la trung diem cua E'C'. Tuang
2 .
ti!, B' la trung diem cua F'C'. Do d6 di¢n tich tam giac C'E'F' gap b6n Ian di¢n tich tam
giac A'B'C'. Tu d6 suy ra Vc.E'F'C' = 4Vc.A'B'C' = V.
Because EA ' is parallel to and equal to _.!_ CC', according to Thales theorem, A' is the
midpoint of E'C'. Similarly, B' is the midpoint of F 'C'. So, the area of the triangle C'E'F' _is
four times as large as the area of the triangle A 'B'C '. It follows from this,
Vc.E'F'C' = 4Vc.A'B'C' = 3 V
Do d6 Therefore
¼H) 1
= -·
Vc.E'F'C' 2


1. Tinh the tich kh6i tu di¢n deu ccµm a.

Compute the volume of a solid regular tetrahedron with the edge a.
2. Tinh the tfch kh6i bat di¢n deu ccµm a.
Calculate the volume of a solid regular octahedron with the edge a.
3. Cho hlnh h◊p ABCD.A'B'C'D'. Tinh ti s6 the tich cua kh6i h(,p d6 va the tich cua kh6i tu
di¢n ACB'D'.
Given that ABCD.A'B'C'D' is a cuboid. Compute the ratio of the volume of this solid
parallelepiped and the volume of solid tetrahedron ACB'D'.
4. Cho hlnh chop SABC. Tren cac do<;UI thfuig SA, SB, SC Ian luat liy ba diem
A', B', C' khac vm S. Choog minh rAng .
Let S.ABC be a pyramid. In the line segment SA , SB, SC, take three points A ', B', C',
respectively, each of which is different from S. Prove that:
Vs.A'B'C' _ SA' SB' SC'
Vs.ABC - SA . SB . SC .

s. Om tam giac ABC vuong can b A va AB = a. T~n duang thling qua C v~ vuon~ g6c v~ m~t
phling (ABC) la'y di~m D sao cho CD = a. M~t phang qua C vuoog g6c vm BD, cAt BD ~ F va
cit AD tai £. T'mh th~ tfch kh6i tu di~n CDEF theo a. . . .
Given that the triangle ABC is a right isosceles at A and AB = a. In the straight line passmg
through C and perpendicular to the plane (ABC), we take the point D such that CD = a. The plane
passing through C and perpendicular to BD, intersects BD at F and intersects AD at E. Compute
the volume of the solid tetrahedron CDEF according to a. •
6. Oto hai duong thling cheo nhau d va 4·. Do~ thling AB co d◊ dai Cf ~ tren d, ~~ thang CD
co d() dai b truc;,t tren d'. Chung minh rang kh6i tu di¢n ABCD co tht tich khOng dO~. . .
Let two straight lines d and d' be the skew lines. The line segment AB of le~gth a 1s sliding on d,
the line segment CD of length b is sliding on d'. Prove that the volume of solid tetrahedron ABCD
is constant.
1. Ok dinh, c~, m~t ciia m('>t da di¢n phai thoa man nhiing tinh chat nao ?
What properties must vertices, edges and faces of a polyhedron satisfy?
2. Tun m('>t hlnh ~o ooi cac da giac nhlDlg khOng phai la m()t da di¢n.
Find a shape formed by polygons but not a polyhedron.
3. The nao la m('>t kh6i da di~n 16i ? Tun vf dl;l trong tht!c te mo ta m()t kh6i da di¢n 16i, m()t kh6i da
di~n khong 16i.
What is a convex solid polyhedron? Give an example in reality to describe a convex solid
polyhedron, a non-convex solid polyhedron.
4. Cho hinh Uing lrl;l va hinh chop c6 di¢n tfch day va chieu cao bang nhau. T'mh ti s6 the tfch ciia chung.
Given that a prism and a pyramid have congruent areas of bases and heights. Compute the
ratio of their volumes.
S. Cho hlnh chop tam giac O ABC c6 ba c~ OA, OB, OC doi m()t vuOng g6c vm nhau va OA = a,
OB = b, OC = c. Hay tinh duang cao OH ciia hlnh chop.
Given a triangular pyramid O.ABC whose edges OA , OB, OC are perpendicular to each
other in pairs and OA = a, OB= b, OC = c. Calculate the height OH of the pyramid.
6. Cho hlnh chop tam giac deu SABC co c~ AB bang a. Cac c~ hen SA, SB, SC ~o vm day m(>t
g6c &. GQi D la giao diem cua SA vm m~t phAng qua BC va vu6ng g6c vm SA.
Given that S.ABC is a regular triangular pyramid with length of edge AB equal to a. Lateral
edges SA , SB, SC together with the base form an angle of 6ff. Let D be the intersection
point of SA with the plane containing BC and perpendicular to SA.
a) T'mh ti s6 the tfch ciia hai kh6i chop SDBC va SABC.
Calculate the ratio of the volume of two solid pyramids S.DBC and S.ABC.
b) T'mh the tich ciia kh6i ch6p SDBC. Evaluate the volume of solid pyramid SDBC.
7. Cho hlnh ch6p tam giac SABC co AB= 5a, BC= 6a, CA = 7a. Cac m~t hen SAB, SBC, SCA ~o
vai day m('>t g6c 60° T'mh the tich cua kh6i chop d6.
Let S.ABC be a regular triangular pyramid with AB = 5a, BC = 6a, CA = 7a. The lateral
faces SAB, SBC, SCA together with the base form an angle of &. Compute the volume of
this solid pyramid.
8. Cho hlnh chop SABCD c6 day ABCD Ia hlnh chit nh~t. SA vu6ng g6c vai day va AB= a, AD =b,
SA = c. Uy cac di~m B', D' theo thu 11! thu()c SB, SD sao cho AB' vuOng g6c vm SB, AD' vu6ng
g6c vm SD. M~t phAng (ABV) dt SC~ C'. T'mh the tich kh6i ch6p S.AB'CV'.
Given that the regular quadrilateral pyramid SABCD has the rectangular base ABCD, SA is
perpendicular to the base and AB = a, AD = b, SA = c. Take points B', D' on SB and SD,
respectively, such that AB' is perpendicular to SB and AD' is perpendicular to SD. The plane
(ABV) intersects SC at C '. Compute the volume of solid pyramid SAB'C'D'.
9. Ch?~ ch6p ~ ¢ac deu SABC,D, ~y la hlnh ~Ong c~ a, c~ heJ?- ~o vm day m()t g6c 60°.
GQ1 M Ia trung diem SC. M~t phang di qua AM va song song vm BD, cat SB tai Eva cru: SD tai F.
Tfrth the tich kh6i ch6p S.AEMF. . ·
Given regular quadrilateral pyramid S.ABCD with a square with length of side a as its base
and each of its lateral ~dges making the angle of 60° with the base. Let M be the midpoint
of SC. The plane passing through AM and parallel to BD intersects SB at E and SD at F.
Compute the volume of the solid pyramid S.AEMF.

10. Cho h1nh lruig t11;1 dung tam giac ABC.A 'B'C' c6 tat ca cac c~h deu bfulg a.
Given a right triangular prism ABC .A 'B'C' has all edge lengths equal to a.
a) Tinh thi tich kh6i tu dien A 'BB'C.
Compute the volume of the solid tetrahedron A 'BB'C.
b) M~t phfuig di qua A'B' va tr<;mg tfun tam giac ABC, cat AC va BC Ian hrqt t,p Eva F.
Tfnh the tfch hinh ch6p C.A'B'FE. .
The plane passing through A 'B' and centroid of the triangle ABC intersects AC and BC at E
and F, respectively. Compute the volume of pyramid C.A 'B'FE.
11. Cho hinh h()p ABCD.A'B'C'D'. G9i Eva F theo thu tl! la trung diem ciia cac c.µih BB' va
DD'. M~t phfuig (CEF) chia kh6i h()p tren lam hai kh6i da di¢n. Tfnh ti s6 the tfch ciia hai
kh6i da <lien d6.
Let ABCD .A 'B'C'D' be a cuboid. Given that E and Fare the midpoints of edges BB' and
DD', respectively. The plane (CEF) splits this solid parallelepiped into two solid
polyhedrons. Compute the ratio of the volume of the two solid polyhedrons.
12. Cho hlnh l~p phmmg ABCD.A'B'C'D' qnh a. Gqi M la trung diem ciia A'B', N la trung
diem ciia BC.
Let ABCD.A'B'C'D' be the cube with length of edge a. Given that Mis the midpoint of A'B',
N is the midpoint of BC.
a) Tfnh the tfch kh6i tu di¢n ADMN. Compute the volume of solid tetrahedron ADMN.
b) M~t phAng (DMN) chia kh6i l~p phmmg da cho thanh hai kh6i da di~n. G9i (H) la kh6i
da di¢n chua dinh A, (H") la kh6i da di¢n con l,p.
The plane (DMN) splits the given solid cube into two solid polyhedrons. Say (H) to be the
solid polyhedron containing vertice A, (H') to be the remaining solid polyhedron.
Tfnh ti s6 Compute the ratio -2!]_ •

1. Trong cac m¢nh de sau, m¢nh de nao dung ?

Of the following statements, which is true?
(A) S6 dinh va s6 m~t ciia m()t hlnh da di¢n lu6n bang nhau ;
The number of vertices and the number of faces of a polyhedron are always equal;
(B) T6n t,p hlnh da di~n c6 s6 dinh va s6 m~t bang nhau ;
There exists a polyhedron with equaJ number of vertices and faces;
(C) T6n t,p m()t hlnh da di~n c6 s6 ccµm bang s6 dinh ;
There exists a polyhedron with equal number of edges and vertices;
(D) T6n t<;ti m<')t hlnh da di¢n c6 s6 c.µili va m~t bang nhau.
There exists a polyhedron with equal number of edges and faces.
2. Trong cac m~nh de sau, m¢nh de nao dung ?
Of the following statements, which is true?
S6 cac dinh ho~c s6 cac m~t ciia bat kl h1nh da di¢n nao ciing :
The number of vert!ces or the number of faces of an arbitrary polyhedron is
(A) um h<m ho~c b~g 4; (A) Greater than or equal to 4; (B) Lon h<m 4 ; (B) Greater than 4;
(C) um h<m ho~c ?ang 5; (C) G~eater t~an or equal to 5; (D) Lon hem 5. (D) Greater than 5.
3. Trong cac m¢!111 ~e sau, ~¢nh de nao dung ? Of the following statements, which is true?
S6 cac c.µih cua hm~ da d1¢n luOn luOn: The number of edges of a polyhedron is:
(A) Lon han ho~c bruig 6; (A) Greater than or equal to 6; (B) Lon hem 6; (B) Greater than 6 ;
(C) Lon han 7; (C) Greater than 7; (D) Lon hon ho~c bang 8. (D) Greater than or equal to 8.

4. Trong cac m¢nh de sau, m¢nh de nao sai? Of the foll owing statements , which is false?
(A) Kh6i tu di¢n la kh6i da di¢n l6i ; A solid tetrahedron is a convex solid pol yhedron;
(B) Kh6i hQp la kh6i da di¢n l6i; A solid parallelepip ed is a convex solid pol yhedron;
(C) Lip ghep hai kh6i hQp se duqc mQt kh6i da di¢n l6i; .
Putting two solid parallelepip eds together, we would receive a convex sohd polyhedron ;
(D) Kh6i lang lrl,l tam giac la kh6i da di¢n l6i.
A solid triangular prism is a convex solid polyhedron .
5. Trong cac m¢nh de sau, m¢nh de nao sai? Of the following statements, which is f~lse? ,
(A) Hai kh6i ch6p c6 di¢n tfch day va chleu cao ttrang ung bang nhau thl c6 the ttch bang
If two solid pyramids have the same area of base and their respective heights are equal,
then they have the same volume.
(B) Hai kh6i hQp chu nh~t c6 di¢n tfch toan phan bang nhau thl c6 the tfch bang nhau.
If two solid rectangular parallelepipeds have the same surface area, then they have the same
(C) Hai kh6i lang lrl,l c6 di~n tfch day va chleu cao ttrang ung bang nhau thl c6 the tfch
bang nhau.
If two solid prisms have the same area of base and their respective heights are equal, then
they have the same volume.
(D) Hai kh6i l~p phtrang co di~n tfch toan phan bang nhau thl co the tfch bang nhau.
If two solid cubes have the same surface area, then they have the same volume.
6. Cho hlnh chop S.ABC. G9i A' va B' Ian ltrqt la trung diem cua SA va SB. Khi d6 ti s6 the tfch
cua hai kh6i ch6p SA 'B'C va S.ABC b!ng :
Let S.ABC be a pyramid. Given that A' and B' are the midpoints of SA and SB, respectivel y.
Then, the ratio of volumes of two solid pyramids S.A 'B'C and S.ABC is equal to:
(A) - · (B) - · (C)- · (D) -·
2' 3' 4' 8
7. Cho hlnh ch6p S.ABCD. G9i A', B', C', D' theo thu tl! la trung diem cua SA, SB, SC, SD. Ti
s6 the tich cua hai kh6i chop S.A'B'C'D' va S.ABCD bang:
Let SABCD be a pyramid. Given that A', B', C', D ' are midpoints of SA , SB, SC, SD ,
respectively . The ratio of volumes of two solid pyramids S.A 'B'C'D' and SABCD is equal to:
1 I I I
(A) - ; (B) - ; (C)- ; (D) - ·
2 4 8 16
8. The tfch cua kh6i lang lrl,l tam giac deu co tit ca cac c.µih bang a la :
The volume of a regular solid triangular prism of which all edges equal a is:

(A) ~ a3 ; (B) ~ a3 ; (C) ~ a3 ; (D) 1 a 3.
Cho hlnh hQp ABCD.A'B 'C'D'. Ti s6 the tfch cua kh6i tu ditn ACB'D' va kh6i hOp
ABCDA'B 'C'D'bang : . .
Let ABCD.A'B 'C'D' be a cuboid. The ratio of volumes of solid tetrahedron ACB'D ' and
solid parallelepip ed ABCD.A'B 'C'D' is equal to:

(A) ½; (B) ½; (C) : ; (D) .!..

10. Cho hlnh hQp ABCD.A'B 'C'D', g9i Ola giao diem cuaAC va BD.
Ti s6 the tich cua kh6i ch6p O A 'B'C'D' va kh6i hQp ABCD .A 'B'C'D' bang :
Given a cuboid ABCDA'B 'C'D'. Let O be the intersection point of AC and BD . The ratio of
volumes of solid pyramid O.A'B'C'D ' and solid parallelepip ed ABCD.A 'B'C'D ' is equal to:
1 I I I
(A) - ; (B) - ; (C) - ; (D) - .
2 3 4 6







❖ M(lt tron xoay

Surface of revolution
❖ M(lt n6n tron xoay, m(lt try tron xoay
Conical surface of revolution, surface of circular cylinder
❖ M(it c4u


Lam d6 g6m tr~n ban xoay

Making portery on a turntable




Xung ,quanh chung ta c6 nhieu v~t th~ ma m~t ngoai c6 hinh d~g la nhiing m~t _tr~n xo~y
nhu binh hoa, n6n la, cai bat (chen) an cmn, cai c6c (li) u6ng nucrc, mQt s6 chi tlet may
(h.2.1). ·. Nha c6 ban xoay vm SI! kheo leo cua dOi ban tay, ngum thq g6m c6 the ~o nen
nhiing v~t d1,mg c6 d~g tron xoay bAilg dit set. Dl!a vao SI! quay tron cua tf\lC may ti~n.
ngum thq ca khJ c6 th~ t~o nen nhiing chi tiet may bAilg kim lo~i c6 d~g tron xoay. V~y
cac m~t tron xoay duqc hlnh thanh nhu the nao ? Sau dAy chung ta se fun hiiu nhiing tinh
chit hlnh hc;>c cua m~t tron xoay.

Around us there are many objects with their outer surfaces having the shape of surfaces of
revolution such as vases, conical hats, bowls, glasses, some parts of machines (f.2.1) ...
Thanks to the turntables, with the dexterity of hands, the potter can make pottery wares in
the form of revolution. Based on the rotating shaft of the lathe, a mechanic can make metal
machine parts in the form of revolution. So how are surfaces of revolution formed? Here we
will explore the geometric properties of surfaces of revolution.

Hinh Figure 2. 1

Trong khOng gian cho m~t phaitg (P) chua duang thaitg fl va

m()t duang €. Khi quay m~t phaitg (P) quanh fl m¢t g6c 360°
thi m6i di~m M tren duang {5 v~ch ra m◊t duang trcm c6 tArn 0
thu<)c fl va nAm tren mi)t phaitg vuOng g6c vm fl . Nhu v~y khi
quay m~t phaitg (P) quanh duang thing fl thl duang € se ~o
ntn m¢t hlnh duqc g9i la mijt tron xoay (h.2.2).

In space, let (P) be the plane containing the line fl and a curve C.
When rotating the plane (P) 360° about /1, each point M on the
curve € makes a circle which has the center O in /1 and lies in the
plane perpendicular to /1. Thus when rotating the plane (P) about
the line /1, the curve fff will create a shape called the swface of
revolution (f.2.2).
Duang {5 duqc g9i la duimg sinh cua m~t trcm xoay d6. Duang
thang fl duqc gQi la frl!,C cua mi)t trcm xoay.
The curve € is said to be the generator line of the surface of
revolution. The line /1 is called the axis of the surface of

~1 Hay ntu ten m¢t s6 d6 v~t ma m~t ngoai c6 hlnh d~g la cac m~t
trcm xoay.
Name a few things of which the outer surface has the shape of
surfaces of revolution.


1. Oinh nghia Definition
Trong tn{lt phdng (P) cho hai duimg thdng d va .1 cat
nhau t<;1i dilm O va t{IO thanh goc p voi 0° < p < 90°.
Khi quay tn{lt phdng (P) xung quanh .1 thi duimg thdng
d sinh ra mqt mijt tron xoay duqc g9i la mijt non tron
xoay dlnh O. N guiJi ta thuimg g9i t&t mijt non tron xoay
la mijt non. Duimg thdng .1 g9i la trl!,C, duimg thdng d
1!1: g9i la duimg sinh va goc 2P g9i la goc u dinh cua mijt
n6n d6 ( h.2.3).
1!il Let d and L1 be the lines in the plane (P) so that they
llli intersect at the point O and make an angle /3, where
1111 0° < /3 < 90°. When the plane (P) is rotated about 11 ,
jili the line d generates a surface of revolution called the
11,li conical swface of revolution with vertex O. Conical
!:il surface of revolution is often shortened to the conical
i:I: surface. The line 11 is called the axis, the lined is said
,i, 1,:_ 1,, :_ to be the generator line and the angle 2P is said to be
the vertical angle of the conical surface (f.2 .3 ). Hinh Figure 2.3

, h ,
H m non tro' n xoay va
khoi non tron xoay Cone and solid con
) Cho tam giac OIM vuOng t~i / (h.2.4). Kh1. .,
quay tam g1ac
~6 xung quanh qnh g6c vu6ng Of thl duan
g ga:p khu~ [!M l
t~o thanh m(>t hlnh duqc gQi la hinh non tron 0
xoay' gQl tat la
hinh non.
Given that the trian gle OIM is right at I
(f.2.4). Whe n the
trian gle is rotated about the leg side Of, the
zigzag line OM/
creates a shape called circular cone or cone for
Hlnh tron tAm I sinh boi cac diem thu()c c~
IM khi IM quay
quanh lfl:lc 01 duqc gQi la m<Jt day cua hlnh
n6n, diem O gQi
la dinh cua hlnh n6n. D() dai doiµi 01 gQi
la chie'u cao cua
hlnh n6n, d6 ciing la khoa ng each tu O den
m~t phfuig day.
D() dai doiµi OM gQi la d() dai duang sinh cua
hlnh n6n. Ph4n
m~t tron xoay duqc sinh ra boi cac diem
tr~n c~ OM khi Hinh Figure 2.4
quay quan h lfl:lc 01 gQi la m<Jt xung quanh cua
hlnh n6n d6.
The circle with center/ formed by the poin
ts on the line IM when IM is rotated about
01 axis is calle d the base of the cone and poin the
t O is called the vertex of the cone . The
length of segm ent 01 is calle d the height
of the cone , that is, the distance from O to
base . The length of segment OM is said to the
be the length of the generator Line of the cone
The part of the surface of revolution generated .
by the points on the line OM when rotating
about the axis OJ is said to be the curved surfa
ce of the cone.
b) Khoi non tron xoay la ph~n kh6ng gian duqc
gim hiµi boi m(>t hlnh n6n tron xoay ke ca
hlnh n6n d6. Ngu m ta con gQi tilt kh6i n6n tron
xoay la khoi non. Nhiing diem khOng thu()c
kh6i n6n duqc gQi la nhiing diem ngoai cua
kh6i n6n . Nhiing diem thu(>c kh6i n6n nhun
kh6n g thu(>c hlnh n6n ung vm kh6i n6n Ify g
duqc gQi la nhiing diem trong cua kh6 i n6n.
gQi dinh , m~t day, duan g sinh cua m(>t hlnh Ta
n6n theo thu n, la dinh, nu;it day, duang sinh
cua kh6i n6n tucmg ung.
A solid cirrn lar cone is a region of space boun
ded by a cone and containing the cone. It is
called solid cone for short. Points not belongin
g to the solid cone are said to be outer points
of solid cone . Points belongin g to the solid
cone but not to the cone corresponding to
solid cone are said to be inner points of the the
solid cone . The vertex , base and generator line
of a cone are called the vertex, base and gene
rator line of the solid cone, respectively .
3. Di,n tich xung quanh cua hinh non trim xoay
The curved surface area of a cone
a) M(>t hlnh ch6p duqc gQi la nqi tie'p m(>t hlnh
n6n neu day cua hlnh ch6p la da giac n(>i
tiep duan g tron day cua hlnh non va dinh cua
hlnh chop la dinh cua hlnh n6n. Khi d6 ta con
n6i hlnh non ngo<;Zi tie'p hlnh chop . Ta c6 dµtll
nghla sau :
A pyramid is said to be insc ribed in a cone if
the base of the pyramid is a poly gon inscribed
in the base circle of the cone and the vertex
of the pyramid is the vertex of the cone. Then
we also say that the cone circums cribe s the pyra
mid. We have the following definition:
I\\Di¢n tich xung quanh cua hinh non trim xoay
la gi<Ji h<;Zn cua di¢n tich xung
II\ quanh cua hinh chop de'u nqi tiep h'inh
non do khi sti C<;Znh day tiing Len vo h<;Zn.
Ill The curved swface area of a cone is the limit of the
il pyramid inscribed in the cone as the number of sides curv ed surface area of the regular
of the base increases infinitely.
b) Cong thuc tinh di¢n tich xung quanh cua
hinh non
Formula f or calculating the curved swfa ce area
of a cone .
GQi p la chu vi day cua hlnh ch6p deu n()i tiep
hlnh n6n va q la khoang each tu dinh O tm
m()t c~ day cua hlnh chop deu d6 thl di~n
tfch xung quanh cua hlnh ch6p deu la
Let p be the perimete r of the base of a regu
lar pyramid inscribed a cone and q is the
distance from verte x O to a side of the base
of the regular pyramid , then the curved surfa
area (CSA) of regular pyramid is: Sxq = 1 pq. 1
(h.2.5) CSA= pq. (f. 2.5)
2 2
Khi cho s6 c;µm day cua h}nh chop deu tang len v6 hcµ1 th} p c6 0
gim hcµ1 la d◊ dai ducmg tron day ban kinh r cua hinh n6n, q c6
gim h~ la d(l dai ducmg sinh I cua hinh n6n. Khi d6 ta tinh duc;,c
di¢n tich xung quanh cua hinh n6n theo c6ng thuc :
If the number of sides of the base of the regular pyramid
increases infinitely, then the limit of p is the length of the base
circle with radius of r of the cone, the limit of q is the length of
the generator line/ of the cone. Then the curved surface area of
the cone can be calculated by the formula :

\ Sxq =1rrl \ \ CSA =,rrl \

V~y : Di~n tich xung quanh cua hinh non trim xoay bang mqt nua Hinh Figure 2.5
tich cua dq dai duang tron day va dq dai duang sinh.
Thus, the curved swface area of a cone is half the product of the length of base circle and
the length of the generator line.
Nguen ta gQi t6ng di~n tich xung quanh va di~n tich day la di¢n tich toan phdn cua hlnh non.
The sum of the curved surface area and the area of the base is called the surface area of
the cone.
r:r Chu j. Di¢n tich xung quanh, di~n tich toan phan cua hinh non tron xoay ding
la di~n tfch
xung quanh, di~n tich toan phan cua kh6i non duc;,c gim h;µi bcri hinh non do.
Note. The curved surface area, the surface area of a cone is also the curved surface area, the
total surface area of the solid cone bounded by the cone.
Neu ciit m~t xung quanh cua hinh n6n tron xoay theo m◊t ducrng sinh r6i trai ra tren m◊t
ml)t phkg thi ta se duqc m◊t hinh qu~t co ban kinh bflng d◊ dhl ducrng sinh cua hinh non va
m◊t cung tron c6 d◊ dai Mng chu vi ducrng tron day cua hinh non. Ta co the
xem di~n tich
hinh qu~t nay la di¢n tich xung quanh cua hinh non. (h.2.6)
If the curved surface of a cone is cut along a generator line and spread out on a plane, then
we will get a sector with the radius equal to the length of the generator line of the cone and
an arc with the length equal to the perimeter of the base circle of the cone. We can consider
the area of this sector as the curved surface area of the cone. (f.2.6).

Hinh Figure 2.6

4. Thi tich khoi non tron xoay The volume of a solid cone
a) Mu6n tfnh the tfch kh6i non trcm xoay ta d\fa vao dinh nghia sau dAy :
To cal~ulate the volume of a solid cone, we rely on the following definition:
\\\ Thi tich cua kh6'i non trim xoay la gim ~n cua thl tich kho'i chop deu noi tie'p khoi
m non do khi so qznh day tang Len VO h{ln. .
\,_\,' \,_ The volume of a solid cone is the limit of the volume of rhe regular solid pyramid
inscribed in solid cone as the number of the base increases infinitely .
31\·HINH HOC 12(SN)

i C6ng thuc tinh thi tich kho'i non tron xoay
e fonnula for calculating the volume of a solid cone.
kh6 i
Ta biet rang the tich cua kh6i chop bang _!_ tich cua di¢n tich da giac day va chifo cao cua
3 ,. h' de
chop do (chieu cao nay cung la chieu cao cua kh6i non). Khi cho s6 c.µtl\ day c~a ~ c, op , u
tang ltn v6 h~ thl. cli¢n tich da giac day cua kh6i chop deu do co giro hlµl la cli¢n tich runh tron
sa u:
day cua kh6i non tron xoay. Do do ta tinh daqc the tich cua kh6i non tron xoay nhu
We know that the volume of a solid pyramid is equal to _!_ of the product of the area of the
polygon and the height of the solid pyramid (this height is also the height o~ the solid cone).
the number of sides of the base of the regular solid pyramid increases infinitely, then the
has the limit equal to the area of the base crrcle
of the base polygon of the regular solid pyramid
of the solid cone. Therefore, the volume of a solid cone can be calculated as follows:
Gc_>i V la the tich cua kh6i non tron xoay co di¢n tich day B va chieu cao h, ta co c6ng thuc
Let V be the volume of a solid cone with the area of base B and the height h. We have
the formula:

\ v~½nh \
Nhu v~y, neu ban kinh day bang r thl B = 1rr , khi do : V =.!._ 1rr2 h.
Therefore, if the radius of the base equals r, then B = 1rr , and : V =.!.. 1rr2 h.
5. Vi du Example
Trong kh6ng gian cho tam giac vu6ng 0/M vu6ng tiµ/, goc WM=
30° va ciµih /M = a.
Khi quay tam giac 0/M quanh c._mh g6c vu6ng 0/ thl duang ga'.p khuc OM/ ~o thanh m◊t
hlnh non trcm xoay.
In space, let 0/M be a right triangle at/, in which the angle WMis equal to 3(f and side IM = a.
As triangle 0/M is rotated about the leg side 0/, the zigzag line OM/ creates a cone.
a) Tfnh di~n tfch xung quanh cua hlnh non tron xoay d6.
Comput e the curved surface area of the cone.
b) Tfnh the tfch cua kh6i n6n tron xoay duqc t<;to ntn bcri hlnh n6n tron xoay n6i tren.
Comput e the volume of a solid cone which is created by the cone above.
qiai Solution 0
a) Hinh n6n tron xoay duqc t<;to ntn co ban kinh day la a va co
d(> dai duang sinh OM = 2a.
The created cone has the radius of base a and the length of the
generat or line OM= 2a.
V~y di¢n tfch xung quanh cua hlnh n6n la:
So the curved surface area of the cone is:
Sxq =:rrl = :ra.2a =2:ra (h.2.7) I
2 J --
CSA = :rrl = :ra.2a = 2:ra (f.2.7).
b) Kh6i n6n tron xoay c6 chieu cao h =OJ= a✓?, va c6 di~n tfch
hinh tron day la :ra . Hinh Figure 2. 7
The solid cone has the height h = OJ = a✓3 and the area of the
. ] . 2
base circ e 1s :ra .
V~y kh6i n6n tron xoay c6 th~ tfch la: So the volume of the solid cone is:

V =!:ra2.a✓3 = 1[a3✓3.
3 3
38-HINH HOC 12·(SN)


~2 Citt m~t xung quanh cua m◊t hinh non tron xoay dQC theo ~()t ~UC1_!1g ,s~ r6i tr~i ra tren
m~t phing ta duqc m()t nua hlnh tron ban kinh R. Hoi hinh non do co ban kinh r cua duong
tron day va g6c odinh cua hlnh n6n bfuig bao nhieu?
Cutting the curved surface of a cone along a generator line, then spreading it o~t on a plane
we will get a half-circle with radius R. What are the radius of r of the base crrcle and the
vertical angle of the cone?


1. l>jnh nghia Definition

'' Trang mijt phdng (P) cho hai du<1ng thdng ~ va I song sa,ng

~ ~;;·;:J,T:~1~?Ff;J;~:£2~1~7r~
,.,. trim xoay la rru;it tr'!,. Du<1ng thdng ~ gqi la tr'!,C, duong thiing
1111 / la duang sinh var la ban kinh cua rru;it tr'! do (h.2.8). I

1111 Given in the plane (P) the two parallel straight lines and

~ ....r
l with the distance r between them. As the plane (P) is ... ,
rotated about ~ . the straight line I generates a surface of
revolution which is said to be the surface of circular
cylinder. The surface of circular cylinder is called the Hinh Figure 2.8
surface of cylinder for short. The straight line L1 is said to
be the axis, the straight line I is the generator line and r is
the radius of the swface of cylinder (f2 .8 ).

2. Hinh tr1;1 trcm xoay va khoi tr1;1 tron xoay

Circular cylinders and solid circular cylinders
a) Ta hay xet hinh chu nh~t ABCD. Khi quay hlnh d6 xung quanh
duong thing chua m◊t c~, ching h~ c~ AB, thi ducmg gap khuc
ADCB ~o thailh mc)t hinh duqc g9i la hinh tr'! trim xoay hay con duqc
gqi cit la hinh tr'! (h.2.9).
Examine the rectangle ABCD. As this shape is rotated about the
straight line containing a side, for example the side AB, the zigzag
line ADCB creates a shape called the circular cylinder, or the
cylinder for short (f.2.9)
Khi quay quanh AB, hai c~nh AD va BC se v~ch ra hai hlnh tron bAng
nhau gQi la hai day cua hlnh ln;l, ban kinh cua chung g9i la ban kinh
cua hlnh ln;l. D◊ dai do~ CD gQi la de) dai du<1ng sinh cua hlnh tru,
phan m~t tron xoay duqc sinh ra bm cac diem tren c ~ CD khi qu~y Hinh Figure 2.9
quanh AB gqi la rru;it xung quanh cua hlnh ln;l. Khoang each AB giua
hai m~t phing song song chua hai day la chie'u ·cao cua hinh tr'!.
When rotating a~out AB, the t-:Vo si~es ~D and BC are drawing two equal circles called two
bases of the _c ylinder and thetr rad1~s 1s called t~e radius of the cylinder. The length of
segment CD 1s called the generator /me of the cylmder and the part of surface of revoluf
generated _by points on_the side CD when rotating about AB is said to be the cuned surf~~:
of the cylinder. The distance AB between two parallel planes containing two bases is the
height of the cylinder.

b) Kho'i tr'! trim xoay la phan khong gian dugc gioi
h<;tn bm mc)t h'inh lf1:1 tron xoay ke ca hlnh lf1:1 d6.
Kh6i lf1:1 tron xoay con dugc g9i cit la kho'i tr'!.
Nhiing diem khong thuc)c kh6i lf1:l dugc gQi la
nhiing diem ngoai ciia kh6i tf1:1. Nhiing diem thuc)c
kh6i t11:1 nhung khOng thu◊c h'inh tfl:) g9i la nhiing
diem trong ciia khoi t11:1. Ta g9i m~t day, chieu cao,
ducmg sinh, ban kinh ciia m6t h'inh tru theo thu tu Ok chi tiet may c6 d~g hlnh lr1:I
la mt;'it day, chie'u cao, du~g sinh, ban kinh cu; Parts of a machine with cylindrical shapes
khoi tfl:) tuang lillg.
Solid circular cylinder is a region of space bounded by a circular cylinder and containing
the cylinder. Solid circular cylinder is called a solid cylinder for short. Points lying outside
a solid cylinder are called outer points of the solid cylinder. Points lying inside a solid
cylinder but not on the cylinder are called inner points of the solid cylinder. The base, the
height, the generator line and the radius of a cylinder are called the base, the height, the
generator line, and the radius of the corresponding solid cylinder, respectively.
3. Di~n tich xung quanh cua hinh tr1;1 tron xoay
The curved surface area of circular cylinder
a) M¢t hlnh Hing 111:1 g9i la nqi tiep mc)t hlnh 1f1:1 neu hai day ciia hlnh Hing 111:1 nc)i tiep hai duong
tron day ciia hlnh lf1:1. Khi do ta con n6i hlnh 111:1 ngogi tiep hlnh lang lf1:l. Ta c6 dµlh nghla sau :
A prism is said to be inscribed in a cylinder if the two bases of the prism are inscribed in
the two base circles of the cylinder. Then we also say that the cylinder circumscribes the
prism. We have the following definition:
iiDi¢n tich xung quanh cua hinh trl!, tron xoay la gi6i hgn cua di¢n tich xung quanh
cua hinh fang trl!, de'u nqi tiep hinh trl!, d6 khi so' qmh day tang Len vo h<;in.

The curved su,face area of a circular cylinder is the limit of the curved surface
abrea ~fa regul~'./:r_is,n inscribed in the cylinder when the number of sides of the

ase increases tnJ1111te1y.

b) Cong thuc tinh di¢n tich xung quanh cua hinh trl!,
Formula fo r calculating the curved surface area of cylinder
G9i p la chu vi day ciia h'inh lang trl,l deu n¢i tiep h'inh 111:1 va h
la chieu cao ciia hmh lang 111:1 d6 th'i di~n tfch xung quanh ciia
hinh Jang lf1:1 deu la :
Let p be the perimeter of base of a regular prism inscribed in a
cylinder and /z be the height of the prism, the curved surface I
area of the regular prism is: I
Sxq = ph (h.2.10) CSA = ph (f.2. 10). I -----
Khi cho so c.µih day ciia h'inh lang t11:1 deu tang len vo h.µi thi p I

c6 gi6i h.µi la chu vi hlnh tron day ban kinh r ciia hmh tf1:1, chieu ------- --
cao h bang d9 dai ducmg sinh / ciia h'inh lf1:1. Khi d6 ta tfnh duoc
di~n tfch xung quanh cua hlnh t11:1 theo cong thuc : . Hinh Figure 2.10
When letting the number of sides of the base of the regular prism increase infinitely, p has
the limit which is the perimeter of the base circle with the radius r of the cylinder, and the
height h equals the length of the generator line / of the cylinder. Then we compute the
curved surface area of the cylinder according to the formula:
I Sxq = 2trrl I J CSA= 2,rr/ I
V~y : Di¢n tfch xung quanh cua hinh tr'! tron xoay b&ng tich cua d9 dai duang tron day ra
d<) dai duang sinh.
Therefore: The curved surface area of circular cylinder equals the product of the length of
the hase circle and the length of the generator line.

Ngum ta g9i t6ng di¢n tich xung quanh va di¢n tfch cua hai day la di¢n tich toan phan cua
hlnh tru.
The su~ of the curved surface area and the area of two bases is called the total swface
area of the cylinder.
Chu j. Di¢n tfch xung quanh, di¢n tfch toan phan cua hlnh t11;1 trcm xoay ciing la di~n tich
xung quanh, di¢n tfch toan phiin cua kh6i 111;1 duqc gim hcp1 bcri hlnh t11;1 d6.
Note. The curved surface area, the surface total area of a circular cylinder are also the
curved surface area, the total surface area of the solid cylinder bounded by the cyli~der.
Ne'u cat m~t xung quanh cua hlnh lfl;l theo m(?t duong sinh, r6i trai ra tren_m◊t m~t ~h~g ~ ta
se duc;,c m<)t hlnh chii' nh~t c6 m◊t clplh bang duong sinh I va m◊t clplh bang chu Y1 cua ducmg
tron day. D◊ dai duong sinh I bang chieu cao h cua hlnh t11;1. Khi d6 di~n tfch hlnh chii' nh~t
bang di~n tfch xung quanh cua hlnh t11;1. (h.2.11)
If cutting the curved surface of a cylinder along a generator line, then spreading it out on a
plane, we will get a rectangle with one side equal to the generator line I and another side
equal to the perimeter of the base circle. The length of the generator line l is equal to the
height h of the cylinder. Then the area of the rectangle equals the curved surface area of the
cylinder. (f.2.11)

Hinh Figure 2. 11

4. Th~ tich khoi tr1:,1 tron xoay The volume of a solid circular cylinder
a) Mu6n tinh the tfch kh6i tn:1 tron xoay ta dl;la vao djnh nghia sau day :
To compute the volume of a solid circular cylinder we re ly on the following definition:
m Thi tich cua khoi trife trim xoay la gim h{ln cua thl tich khoi liing trlfc, deu n<)i tie'p khoi
ill trife d6 khi so' c<Jnh day tang fen v6 hqn.
Ill The volume of a solid circular cylinder is the limit of the volume of the solid
ii regular prism inscribed in the solid cylinder as the number of sides of the base
{ increases infinitely .
b) Cong thuc tinh the' tich kh61 trlfc, tron xoay
Formula/or calculating the volume of solid circular cylinder
Ta bi~t rang the tich cua kh6i lang tr1:1 bang tfch cua di¢n tfch da giac day va chieu cao cua
kh6i lang t11;1 d6. Khi cho s6 C(;lnh day cua kh6i Jang lI1;l deu tang Jen vO han thl dien tfch
cua da giac day cua kh6i lang t[l:1 deu c6 gim h(;ln la di¢n tfch cua hlnh tron d~y cua kh6i tru
tron xoay. Do d6 ta tfnh duqc the tfch cua kh6i t[l:1 tron xoay nhu sau : .
We have known that the volume of a solid prism equals the product of the area of the base
polygon and the height of the solid prism. When letting the number of sides of base of the
solid reg_ul~r pri~m i_ncrease infinitely, t~e area of polygon base of the solid regular prism
has the hm1t which 1s the area of base circle of the solid circular cylinder. So we compute
the volume of the solid circular cylinder as follows:
GQi V la the tfch cua kh6i t[l:1 trc>n xoay c6 di¢n tich day B va chieu cao h, ta c6 cOng thuc :
Let v be the volume of a solid circular cylinder which has the area of base Band the he ight h,
we have the formul a:
I V=Bh
r Nhu v~y, neu ban kfnh day bing r thl B =trr 2 , khi d6: V =trr 2h.
Thus, if radius of the base equals r then B = 1rr 2 , and then: V = m· 2h .
~3 Cho hlnh l~p phuong ABCD.A'B'C'D' cc:1nh a. Tfnh di¢n tich xung quanh cua hlnh trl;I va tM
tich cua kh6i tI1;1 c6 hai day la hai hlnh trcm ngo~i tiep hai hlnh vuong ABCD va A 'B'C'D'.
Given the cube ABCD.A 'B'C'D ' with side a. Compute the curved surface area of the
cylinder and the volume of the solid cylinder whose two bases are two circles
circumscribing two squares ABCD and A 'B'C'D '.
5. Vi di} Example
Trong kh(mg gian, cho hlnh vu(mg ABCD qnh a. G9i I va H Ian lugt Ia trung ditm cua
cac c~h AB va CD. Khi quay hinh vuong d6 xung quanh tn;1c IH ta duqc m(>t hinh tfl;l
trcm xoay.
In space, let ABCD be a square with side a. Given that / and H are midpoints of sides
AB and CD, respectively. When rotating the square about the axis IH we get a circular
a) Tinh di¢n tich xung quanh cua hlnh t11:1 tron xoay d6.
Compute the curved surface area of the circular cylinder.
b) Tinh tht tich cua kh6i t11:1 tron xoay duqc gim h~ bcri hlnh lf1:1 n6i tren.
Compute the volume of the solid circular cylinder bounded by the cylinder aforementioned.
qiJi Sofution
a) Hinh t11:1 tron xoay c6 ban kinh day r = va duang sinh / = a. Do d6 di~n tich xung
quanh cua hinh t11:1 la :

The circular cylinder has the base radius of r = and the generator line / = a. So, the
curved surface area of the cylinder is:
Sxq =2trrl =21rf ·a= tra 2 (h.2.12) CSA = 2trrl =2,r; •a= tra 2 (f.2.12).
b) Thi tich cua kh6i tI1;1 trcm xoay duqc tinh theo c6ng thuc :
The volume of the solid circular cylinder is calculated by the formula:

V =;rr h =,,{fra= >a

2 3

Hinh Figure 2. 12


1. Cho ducrng tron tam o ban kinh r n!m tren m~t phAng (P). Tu _nh~g di~~ M th~◊c du?'1g
tron nay t~ ke nhii'ng ducrng th!ng vu6ng g6c vcri (P). Chung _nu?h r~ng n}lt.mgvducmg_ thang
nhu v~y nam tren mc)t m~t trv tron xoay. Hay xac djnh t11;1c va ban ldnh cua ml;}t trv do.
Given the circle with the center O and the radius of r which lies on the plane (P). From a
point M on this circle we draw straight lines perpendicular l<;> (P). Prove that such l~ es lie on
a surface of circular cylinder. Detennine the axis and the radms of the,_smJace of cylinder.•.
2. Trong m6i trucrng hqp sau day, hay gc;>i ten cac hinh tron xoay ho~c kh61 tron xoay sinh ra lx1i:
In each of cases, name the shapes of revolution~ or so~ds of revo!ution generated by:
a) Ba qnh cua hlnh chu nh~t khi quay quanh duang thang chua c~ thu tu.
Three sides of a rectangle as rotating about the straight lj_ne ,conta,mm~ the fourth.
b) Ba cl;lnh cua m(>t tam giac can kh1 quay quanh tl1_lc d61 xung cua no.
Three sides of an isosceles triangle as rotating about its axis of symme!I)'.
C) M◊t tam giac vu6ng ke ca cac diem trong cua tam giac vu6ng d6 kh1 quay quanh duang
thAng chua m(>t cl;lnh goc vu6ng. .
A right triangle including inner points of the right triangle when rotating about the straight
line containing one leg side. ,
d) M6t hinh chu nhat ke ca cac diim trong cua h1nh chii' nh~t do khi quay quanh ducmg
thAng ·chua m¢t cC;tnh:
A rectangle including inner points of the rectangle when rotating about the straight line
containing one of sides.
3. Cho hlnh n6n tron xoay co duang cao h =20 cm, ban kinh day r =25 cm.
A given cone has the height h = 20cm, the base radius of r = 25cm.
a) Tfnh di¢n tfch xung quanh cua hlnh n6n da cho.
Compute the curved surface area of the given cone.
b) Tfnh thi tfch cua kh6i non duqc tC;lo tfianh bm hlnh non do.
Compute the volume of the solid cone created by the cone.
c) MQt thiet di¢n di qua dinh cua hlnh n6n co khoang each tu tam cua day den m~t phAng
chua thiet di¢n la 12 cm. Tfnh di¢n tfch thiet di¢n do.
A cross-section passing through the vertex of a cone has a distance of 12 cm from the center
of the base to the plane containing the crossvsection. Compute the area of the cross-section.
4. Trong kh6ng gian cho hai diem A, B c6 djnh va c6 d¢ dai AB= 20 cm. G9i d la m()t duong
th~g thay d6i lu6n_lu6n di qua Ava each B m()t khoang bang 10 cm. Chung to rang ducrng
thang d luem lu6n nam tren m(>t m~t non, hay xac dinh t11_1c va goc adinh cua m~t non do.
The two fix points in space A, Bare given so that the length AB= 20 cm. Let d be a varying straight
line but always pass through A and d is from B a distance of 10 cm. ~ow that the straight line d is
always on a conical surface, then determine the axis and vertical angle of the conical surface.
5. M¢t hlnh tn_l co ban kfnh day r = 5 cm va co khoang each giii'a hai day bang 7 cm.
A cyJinde~ has _the base radius of r = 5 cm and has the distance between the two bases equal 7 cm.
a) Tinh d1¢n trch xung quanh cua hlnh tq1 va the tfch cua kh6i tru ducrc tao nen.
Compute the curved surface area of the cylinder and the volume ·of the s~lid cylinder which
is cr~ated ~y the fylinder. •
bi Cat_ kh6~ tl1_l bm m()t m~t phang song song v6i trvc va each trvc 3 cm. Hay tfnh dien tich
cua thiet d1¢n duqc tC;lo nen. ·
Cutting the solid cylinder by a plane parallel to the axis and 3 cm distant from the ax ·
c~mpute t_he ar~a o{ the g~nerated e;ross-section. is,
6. Caanhtm2a()t hT1?hnhnd~~ b3!1gh mc;,t m~tanhphan~ qu,a tn_lc cua no ta duc;,c thiet di¢n la m6t tam giac deu
c. . 1 lyil tic xung qu va the tfch cua hlnh non do. .
01tting a ~on~ by a plane containing its axis we get a cross-section which is an equilateral
tnangle with side 2a. Compute the curved surface area and the volume of the cone.
, h , b,: k'nh >- h' , ~
7. M◊t hm t11_1 co <10 1 r V<1 c 1eu cao h = r-..13.

A cylinder is ~ven with the radius of rand the height h = r ✓ 3

a) Tfnh di¢n trch xung quanh va di¢n tfch toan phfu cua hinh t~.
Compute the curved surface area and surface area of the cylind~r
b) Tmh the tfch kh6i t1¥ tC;to nen bai hlnh tl1_l da cho. .
Compute the volume of the solid cylinder created by the given cylinder.

g thfu-ig AB
tre n ha i dm 'm g ·t:ro n da y sao ch o g6 c gi ua du on
Mn ltrqt n ~
c) Ch o ha i di~m A va B du on g th in g AB va t11Jc ciia hln
h tn,l.
kh oa ng ea ch giii'a
va_~ c cu a hlnh trl;I ba ng
30 °. Tfnh tween the straight
ng on tw o ba se cir cle s su ch th at the an gl e be straight
~i ve n tw o po in ts A an
d B lyi
ua ls 30 °. Ca lcu lat e th e distance be tw ee n th e
the cy lin de r eq
10 e AB an d th e ax is ofthe cylinder.
gii i'a hai da y la
lm e AB an d th e ax is of nh tro n (0 ; r) va (0 '; r). Khoiing ea ch
y la ha i hi
8. M(>t hi nh tTl;l c6 ha i da nh tron (0 ; r).
di nh la O 'v a co da y la hl di sta nc e between
00' = r.Ji M(>t hln h no n c6
e tw o cir cle s (0 ; r) an d (0 '; r). Th e
se s which ar
A cy lin de r has tw o ba (0 ; r) .
A co ne ha s ve rte x 0' an d the ba se cir cle cu a hi nh non,
tw o ba se s is 00 ' = h cii a hl nh t:Tl;l va s Ia di¢n tfch xu ng qu an h
xu ng qu an 2
a) G9 i S1 Ia di ¢n tic h
S1 ·
- t in h t1• s6, -
ea of the
r an d Si be the cu rv ed su rface ar
rfa ce ar ea of the cy lin de
Le t S1 be th e cu rv ed su
co ne, co mp ut e th e ra tio S2
h hai
kh 6i t:Tl;l th an h ha i ph itn, ha y tfnh ti s6 th e tic
a hi nh no n ch ia
b) M ~t xu ng qu an h cu ut e the
ph im do . tes th e so lid cy lin de r in to tw o pa rts . Co mp
the co ne separa
Th e cu rv ed su rfa ce of
e two parts. vu on g ca n co c ~
ra tio of th e vo lu me of th m~t ph in g di qu a tfl}c ta dugc m(}t tam gi ac
9. CAt hi nh no n din h S bcr
ht isosceles
hu ye n ba ng a h . e pa ss in g th ro ug h th e ax is so as to ha ve a rig
with a plan
Cu t the co ne vertex S
po th en us e equals a h . tfch cu a kh 6i no n tm mg un g.
tri an gl e of which the hy th e
qu an h, di~n tfch da y va an d the vo lu me of th e
a) Ti nh di~n tfch xu ng th e ar ea of the ba se
rfa ce area,
Co mp ut e the cu rv ed su m~t
so lid co ne . hl nh no n sa o ch o m~ t ph in g (SBC) 1.:to va.i
a du on g tron da y
b) Ch o da y cu ng BC cu gi ac SBC.
m( }t g6 c 60°. Tfnh di¢n tfch tam th the
ph in g ch ua da y hl nh no n
th e co ne su ch th at th e pl an e (SBC) m ak es wi
e ba se circle of e tri an gl e SBC.
Le t BC be a ch or d of th co ne an an gl e of 60 °. Co mp ut e th e ar ea of th ha i c ~
se of th e ¢t hlnh vu on g AB CD co
pl an e co nt ain in g the ba ca o cil ng ba ng r. M
r va c6 ch ieu AD kh 6n g phiii Ia
10. Ch o hl nh trl;I c6 ban ki nh cu a ha i du on g tro n da y, co n c:;mh BC va ph in g
AB va CD Ian lu qt la ca
c da y cu
cu a hl nh vu 6n g d6 va co sin cu a g6 c giii'a m~t
l. Tfnh di¢n tich
du on g sin h cu a hl nh trl;
t phAng day. sq ua re AB CD ha s tw o
ch ua hlnh vu 6n g va m~ o th e he ig ht of r. A
e radius of r an d als ly, bu t th e sid es BC an
d AD are
A gi ve n cy lin de r ha s th ba se cir cle s, tes pe cti ve
or ds of tw o an d co sin e of
AB an d CD which ar e ch e cy lin de r. Co mp ut e th e ar ea of th e sq ua re
to rs of th
no t str aig ht-lin e ge ne ra nt ain in g th e sq ua re an d th e ba se plane
an es co
th e angle be tw ee n pl

Jl!bk-ms @ 2tE!!.£&i

§2. M~T CAU


Hinh Figure 2. 13

Trong dcri s6ng hang ngay chi.Ing ta thuong thay hlnh anh cua m~t cau th6ng qua hlnh anh ~
m~t cua qua bong ban, cua vien bi, cua m6 hlnh qua d!a cau, cua qua bong chuyen (h.2. I 3),
V.V••• Sau dAy chung ta se tun hieu, nghien CU'U nhung tinh chat hlnh h<;>c cua m~t cau.
In everyday life we often see pictures of the sphere through the surface image of ping-pong
balls, marbles, models of the globe or balls (f.2.13). Here, we will study the geometric
properties of the sphere.

I- M~T cAu v A cAc KHAI NI¢M LitN QUAN DEN M~T cAu
1. M,t c,u Sphere
!:! T (lp h<Jp nhung di!m M trong kh6ng gian each die'm O co' dfnh m¢t khodng kh6ng
!Ii doi bdng r (r > 0) du<1c g9i la m(lt cdu tam O ban kinh r (h.2 .14).
j!j The set ofpoints Min space with the constant distance r (r> OJ from a fixed point O
iii is called a sphere with center O and radius r (f.2.14).

Ngucri ta thuong ki hi¢u m~t du tAm O ban kinh r la S(O; r)

hay vi€t tilt la (S). Nhu v~y ta c6 m~t cau S(O ; r)
={MIOM =r}.
A sphere with center O and radius r is often denoted by
S(O ; r), or (S) for short. Thus we have the sphere S(O ; r)
={MIOM = r }. I
- N€u hai diem C, D nAm tren m~t cau S(O ; r) thl doan •
thfulg CD (h.2. l 5a) dugc g9i la day cung cua m~t du d6..
Jf two points C , D lie on the sphere S(O ; r ), then the line Hinh Fig ure 2. 14

segment CD (f.2. I 5a) is said to be the chord of the sphere.


- Day cung AB di qua tam O duqc g9i la m◊t duimg kinh cua m~t du. Khi d6 d◊ dai ducrng
kinh bftng 2r (h.2.1 Sb).
Chord AB passing through the center O is called the diameter of the sphere. Then the length
of diameter equals 2r (f.2.15b).


a) b)
Hinh Figure 2. 15

M¢t m~t du duqc xac djnh neu biet tfun va ban kfnh cua n6 ho~c biet m¢t duang kinh cua
m~t du d6.
A sphere is defined if its center and radius or a diameter of the sphere is known.
2. E>i,m nam trong va nam ngoai m~t cau. Khoi cau
Points lying inside or outside of the sphere. Solid sphere
Cho m~t cftu tfun O ban kfnh r va A la m()t diem bit kl trong khc'mg gian.
Given a sphere with center O and radius r and let A be an arbitrary point in space.
- Neu OA = r thl ta n6i diem A nam tren m~t cau S(O; r).
If OA = r then the point A is said to be on the sphere S(O ; r) .
- Neu OA < r thl ta n6i diem A nam trong m~t du S(O; r).
If OA < r then the point A is said to be inside of the sphere S(O ; r) .
- Neu OA > r thl ta n6i diem A ndm ngoai m~t du S(O; r).
l_f OA > r then the paint A is said to be outside of the sphere S(O ; r).
WI T<Jp h<!JJ cac diem thu<)c mij,t C(i'u S(O; r) cung vifi cac dilm nam trong mij,t ca.'u do
illi dur;c g9i la kh61 cciu hoij,c hinh cdu tam O ban kinh r.
!!!! The set of points on the sphere S( 0 ; r) and the inner points of the sphere is called
1W the solid sphere or the sphere with center O and radius R.

3. Bi,u diin mijt cau Representing a sphere

Nguai ta thuang dung phep chieu vuong g6c len m~t ph~g de
bieu dien m~t cau. Khi d6 hlnh bieu dien cua m~t du la m¢t
hlnh tron.
The orthogonal projection onto a plane is often used to
represent a sphere. Then the representative shape of the sphere
is a circle.
Mu6n cho hlnh bieu dien cua m~t du duqc tll!c quan ngum ta
thuang ve them hlnh bieu dien cua m9t so duang tron ntun tren
m~t du d6 (h.2.16). Hinh Figure 2.16
In order to visualise the representative shape of a sphere, the representative shapes of some
circles on the sphere are often added (f.2.16).
4. £>11ang kinh tuyen va vi tuyen cua mijt cau
Meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude of a sphere
Ta c6 th~ xem m~t du nhu la m~t tron xoay du(Jc t~o nen bcri m()t nira duang tron quay
quanh t11;1c chua duang kinh cua ni':ra duang tron d6. Khi d6 giao tuyen ciia m~t du vm cac
nfra m~t phlng c6 ba la tl1;lC ciia m~t cau dU(JC g9i la kinh tuyen ciia m~t cau, giao tuyen
(neu c6) cua m~t du vm cac m~t ph~g vu6ng g6c vm tl1;lc dU(JC g9i la vf tuyln cua m~t
cau. Hai giao di~m cua m~t cau vm lfl:lC dUCJC g9i la hai ClfC cua m~t cau (h.2.17).

We can consider a sphere as a surface of revolution created by a semicir~le rotating about
the axis containing diameter of the semicircle. Then the line of intersection of th~ s_phere
and the half-plane with the edge as the axis of the sphere is said to be the mend,an of
longitude of the sphere and the line of intersection (if any) of the sphe re and _planes
perpendicula r to the axis is called the parallel of latitude of the sphere. Two pomts of
intersection of the sphere and the axis are called two poles of the sphere (f.2. 17).

,,,- -----,---
+o - - .........
Vf tuyen Parallel of latitude
- .,,. I
---__J_--- r I
I /
I /
'B ,,
Kinh tuyen Meridian of longitude

Hinh Figure 2. 17

~1 Tim t~p hqp tam cac m~t cau luOn luOn di qua hai diem c6 dµtll A va B cho truac.
Find the set of centers of spheres always passing through two given fixed points A and B.


Cho m~t cau S(O ; r) va m~t phiag (P). G9i H la hlnh chi€u vuOng g6c ciia O len m~t
phing (P). Khi d6 h = OH la khoang each tu O tm m~t phiag (P).
Given the sphere S(O ; r) and the plane (P). Let H be the orthogonal projection of O onto
the plane (P ). Then h = OH is the distance from Oto the plane (P).
Ta c6 ba trucmg hqp sau :
We have the three following cases:
1. Trllbng hqp h > r Case h > r \
Ne'u M la m(,t diem bit ki tren m~t phing (P) thl I
OM ~ OH. Tu d6 suy ra OM> r . V~y m9i diem lo:
M thu(,c m~t phAng (P) deu nam ngoai mat cau. I
,' I

Do d6 nu;It ph&ng (P) khong co dilm chu~g v6'i
m(Jt cdu (h.2.18).
If M is an arbitrary point on the plane (P ), then
OM 2'.'. OH. We infer that OM > r . Thus, every
point M on the plane (P ) is outside of the sphere.
So the plane (P) has no points in common with Hinh Figure 2. 18
the sphere (f. 2.18).

2. Trllc:sng hqp h = r Case h = r
Trong trucmg hgp nay diem H thu()c m~t du S(O ; r). Khi d6 vm mQi diem M th u◊c m~t
phkg (P) nhung khac vm H ta lu{m luon c6 :
In this case, the point H belongs to the sphere S(O ; r). Then for every point Mon the plane
(P ) but different from H, we always have :
OM> OH = r nen so OM> r.
Nhu v~y H la diem chung duy nhat cua m~t du S(O ; r) va m~t phAng (P). Khi do ta n6i
mgt phling (P) tilp xuc voi mqt cau S(O; r) t<;ti H (h.2.19). . .
Therefore, His the only common point of the sphere S(O ; r) and the plane (P) . Then It ts
said that the plane (P) is exteriorly tangent to the sphere S(O ;r) at H (f.2.19).

'' I
II ,'

Hinh Figure 2. 19

Diem H g9i la tilp diem cua m~t du S(O; r) va m~t phAng (P), m~t phAng (P) g9i la mqt
phling tiep xuc hay tiep diefn cua m~t cau. V~y ta c6 :
The point H is said to be the point of tangency of the sphere S(0 ; r) and the plane (P ). The
plane (P) is called the tangent plane or the plane of tangency of the sphere. Thus we have:


, :, ,',,,
::1 :,,'
:' _! ft::::s;:~:~n
sphere S(O ; r) at a point His that (P ) is perpendicular to the radius of OH at the
point H.

3. Trlldng hqp h < r Case h < r

Trong trucmg hgp nay mqt phling ciit mqt cau theo duang trcm tAm H, ban kinh
r' = ,,Jr 2 - h 2 (h.2.20).
In thjs case, the plane intersects the sphere at a circle with the center H and the radius of
J 2 2
r ' = r - h (f.2.20).

Hinh Figure 2.20

~ t v~y. g9i M Ia m()t di~m thu¢c giao tuyen ctia m~t phfutg (P) vm m~t cau S(O ; r). Xet tam
giac vuOng OMH ta c6 MH = ✓r 2 -h 2 , do d6 M thu()c duong trcm tAm H nfun trong m~t

phfutg (P) va c6 ban kinh r' = ✓r 2 - h2 .

In fact, let M be a point on the line of intersection of the plane (P) with the sphere S(O : r ).
Considering the right triangle OMH, we have MH = ✓r 2 - h 2 , so M is on the circle lying

on the plane (P) with the center H and radius of r ' = ✓r 2 - h .

D~c bieft khi h = 0 thl tAm o ctia m~t cau thu()c m~t phAng (P). Ta c6 giao tuyen cua ~~,t
phang (P) va m~t du S(O; r) la dm:mg trcm tAm O ban k.inh r . Duong tron nay duqc gQt la
du&ng trim Ian (h.2.21)
In particular, when h = 0, the center O of the sphere is on the plane (P) . We have the line
of intersection of the plane (P) and the sphere S(O ; r) is the circle with the center O and
radius of r. This circle is said to be the great circle (f.2.21)

Duung tron liln Great circle

Hinh Figure 2.21

M~t phing di qua tAm O ctia m~t cau gc;,i la mijt phcing kinh cua m~t du d6.
The plane passing through the center O of a sphere is said to be the diametral plane of
the sphere.

~2 a) Hay xac dinh duang trcm giao tuyen ctia m~t cau S(O ; r) va m~t phing (a) biet rang
khoang each tu tAm O den ( a) Mng !... ·
Determine the intersected circle of the sphere S(O ; r) and the plane (a), given that the
distance from the center O to ( a) equals - •

b) Cho m~t cau S(O; r), hai m~t phfuig (a) va (/1) c6 khoang each den tAm O cua m~t cau da
cho Ianluqt la a va b (0 <a< b < r). Hay so sanh hai ban kinh cua cac duang tron giao tuyen.
Given the sphere S(O ; r ), two planes ( a) and (/J) of which the distances to the center o of
the given sphere are a and b (0 < a < b < r), respectively. Compare two radii of the
intersected circles.

Cho mat du S(0 ; r) va duong thAng i\.
Given the sphere S(O ; r ) and the straight line i\.
Gc;,i H la hlnh chieu vuOng g6c cua tAm O tren L\ va d = OH la khoang each tir o tm L\.
Let H be the orthogonal projection of the center O onto L\ and d = OH be the distance from
0 to L\.

Tue111g tJ! nhu trong trUang hqp m~t du va m~t phfulg, ta c6 ba trUang hqp sau dAy :
Like the case of a sphere and a plane, we have the three following cases:
1. Neu d > r thl A khong d.t m~t cau S(O; r) (h.2.22), vl vm m~i diem M thu()c A ta deu
c6 OM> r va nhu v~y m9i diem M thu()c A deu nam ngoai m~t cAu.
If d > r, then A does not intersect the sphere S(O ; r) (f.2.22), since for every point Mon ti
we have OM > r, and therefore, every point Mon A lies outside of the sphere.

Hinh Figure 2. 22

2. Neu d = r thi diem H thuoc mat cau S(O ; r). Khi d6 vm m9i diem M thuQc A nhung
khac vm H ta luon luon c6 OM> OH= r nen OM> r. Nhu v~y H la diem chung duy nhat
cua m~t cau S(O; r) va duang thfulg A. Khi d6 ta n6i duang thfulg A tiep xuc vm m~t du
S(O ; r) ~i H. Diem H g9i la dilm tiep xuc (ho~c tiep diim) cua A va m~t cau. Duang
thfulg A g9i la tiep tuyen cua m~t du. V~y ta c6:
If d = r, then the point H is on the sphere S(O ; r). Then for every point M on A but
different from H, we always have OM > OH = r, so OM > r. Thus H is the only common
point of the sphere S(O ; r) and the straight line A. Then we say that the straight line A is
tangent to the sphere S(O ; r) at H. The point His said to be the touching point (or the point
of tangency) of A and the sphere. The straight line A is called the tangent line of the sphere.
Thus we have:

Hinh Figura 2.23

3. Neu d < r th1 duang thing A dt m~t du S(O; r) t~i hai di~m M, N phful bi~t. Hai diem
d~ chfnh ~a giao diim cua duang thing A v6i duang tron giao tuyen cua m~t ~fiu S(O; r)
va m~t phang (0, A) (h.2.24).
If d < r , then the straight line A intersects the sphere S(O ; r) at two distinct points M, N.
The two points are points of intersection of the straight line A with the intersected circle of
the sphere S(O ; r) and the plane (0 , A) (f.2.24).

Hinh Figure 2.24
D!c bi¢t, khi d = 0 thl duang thfulg 11 di qua tam O va m~t cliu tiµ hai diem A, B. Khi
do AB ~a duang kinh cua m~t cau (h.2.15b).
In part:Icular, if d = 0, then the straight line 11 passes through the center O and intersects
the sphere at two points A , B. Then AB is the diameter of the sphere (f.2.15b).
Nhtjn xet. Comments.
Ngum ta chung minh duc;,c clog It is proved that:
a) Qua m¢t diem A nAm tren m~t cliu S(O; r) c6 v6 s6 tiep tuyen cua m~t cliu d6. Tit cac
tiep tuyen nay deu vu6ng g6c vm ban kinh OA cua m~t cau ~i A va deu nAm tren m~t
phang tiep xuc vm m~t cliu tiµ diem A d6 (h.2.25).
Through a point A on the sphere S(O ; r), there are an infinite number of the tangent lines
to the sphere. All these tangent lines are perpendicular to the radius OA of the sphere at A
and lie on the tangent plane to the sphere at the point A (f.2.25).
b) Qua m()t diem A nAm ngoai m~t cau S(O; r) c6 v6 s6 tiep tuyen vm m~t cau da cho. Cac
tiep tuyen nay ~o thanh m(')t m~t n6n dinh A. Khi d6 d◊ dai cac do;µi thfulg ke tu A den cac
tiep diem dcfo bAng nhau (h.2.26).
Through a point A out of the sphere S(O ; r), there are an infinite number of the tangent
lines to the given sphere. These tangent lines generate a conical surface with vertex A . Then
the lengths of line segments connecting A to points of tangency are equal (f.2.26).

Hinh Figure 2.25 Hinh Figure 2.26

r:,=- Chu j. Ngucri ta n6i mijt ca'u n9i tiep hinh da diefn neu m~t cliu d6 tiep xuc vm tit ca cac
mat cua hinh da di¢n, con n6i mt;it ca'u ngo9i tiep hinh da diefn neu tit ca cac dinh cua hlnh
da·dien deu nam tren m~t cau.
Note.· It is said that a sphere inscribes a polyhedron if the sphere is tangent to all faces of
the polyhedron, and that a sphere circumscribes a polyhedron if all vertices of the
polyhedron are on the sphere.
Khi m~t cau n◊i tiep (ngo~i tiep) htnh da di¢n, ngum ta cung n6i hlnh da di¢n ngo{Ji tiep
(n9i tiep) m~t cau.
Whe n a sphere inscribes (circumscribes) a polyhedron, il is also said that the polyhedron
circumscribes (or inscribes) the sphere.

~ 3 Cho hlnh l~p phuang ABCD.A'B'C'D' c6 ccµm bang a. Hay xac dtnh tam va ban kinh m~~ cau:
Given the cube ABCD.A'B'C'D' with side length a. Determine the center and the radius of
the sphere:
a) Di qua 8 dinh cua hinh l~p phuang
Passing through 8 vertices of the cube.
b) Tiep xuc vm 12 qnh cua hlnh l~p phuang.
Tangent to 12 sides of the cube.
c) Tiep xuc vai 6 m~t cua hlnh l~p phuang.
Tangent to 6 faces of the cube.

Dung phuang phap gim h,;m ngum ta ch1111g minh duc;,c cac cong thuc ve- tinh di¢n tich cua
m~t cau va the tfch cua kh6i cau nhu sau :
By using the method of limit, formulas for computing the surface area of a sphere and the
volume of a solid sphere are proved below:
M~t cau ban kinh r c6 di¢n tfch la :
A sphere with radius of r has the surface area calculated by:

S = 4;rr2

Kh6i cau ban kinh r c6 the tich la :

A solid sphere with radius of r has the volume calculated by:

IV =; u' I
rJr> Chuj Note
a) Di¢n tfch S cua m~t cau ban kinh r bang b6n Ian di¢n tich hlnh trcm Ian cua m~t du do.
The surface area S of a sphere with the radius of r is four times as large as the area of a
great circle of the sphere.
b) The tfch V cua kh6i cau ban kinh r bang the tfch kh6i chop c6 di¢n tich day bang di~n
tfch m~t cau va c6 chieu cao bang ban kfnh cua kh6i cau d6.
The volume V of a solid sphere with the radius of r is equal to the volume of a solid
pyramid whose area of the base is equal to the surface area of the sphere and whose height
is equal to the rad ius of the solid sphere.

~4 Cho hlnh l~p phuang ngo<;ti tiep m~t cau ban kfnh r cho truac. Hay tinh the tfch cua hlnh l~p
phuang d6.
Let a cube circumscribe a sphere with given radius of r. Compute the volume of the cube.


1. TI~. t~p h<JP tat ca cac diem M trong khOng gian luOn luOn nhln doiµi thing AB c6 djnh
dum m<)t g6c vuong.
~ind th e set of all points in M in space to which the line segment AB is always subtended a
nght angle.
2. Cho hlnh chop tu giac deu SABCD co tAt ca cac canh deu bang a. Hay xac djnh tam va ban
~~~~~hlnh~~ . .
Given the regular polygon pyramid SABCD of which all sides are equal to a. Determine
the center and the radius of the sphere circumscribing the pyramid.
3. Tim ~p h<JP tam cac m~t cau luOn luOn chua m<)t ducmg tron c6 dµm cho trUOC.
Find the set of centers of spheres which always contains a given fixed circle.
4. Tim ~p h<JP tAm nhung m~t du luOn cimg tiep xuc vm ba clµlh cua m◊t tam giac cho trUOC.
Find the set of centers of spheres which is always tangent to the three sides of a given triangle.
5. Tu m◊t diim M nam ngoai m~t cau S(O ; r) take hai ducmg thing cAt m~t du Ian htc;,t ~i A,
B va C, D.
From the point M outside the sphere S(O ; r) , we draw two straight lines intersecting a
sphere at A , Band C . D , respectively.
a) Chung minh rang MA.MB= MC.MD. Prove that MA .MB= MC.MD.
b) GQi MO = d. T'mh MA.MB theo r va d. Let MO = d. Compute MAMB in terms of rand d.
6. 010 m~t clu S(O; r) tiep XUC v6i mat phing (P) tl(li /. Gqi M la mQt diem na.m tren m~t du
nhtmg khOng phai la diem d6i xung ~6i / qua tam 0. Tu M take hai tiep tuyen cua m~t cau
cat (P) ~ A va B. Chung minh rang AMB = AfB.
Let the sphere S(O ; r ) be tangent to the plane (P ) at/. Given that M is a point on the sphere
but not the point of symmetry of/ across the center 0. From M, we draw two tangent lines
- -
of the sphere intersecting (P) at A and B. Prove that AMB = AIB.
7. Cho hlnh h◊p chit nh~t ABCDA 'B'C'D' c6 AA'= a, AB= b, AD = c.
Let ABCDA 'B'C'D' be a cuboid with AA'= a, AB= b, AD= c.
a) Hay xac dµih tam va ban kinh cua m~t du di qua 8 dinh ctia hlnh h¢p do.
Determine the center and the radius of the sphere passing through 8 vertices of the cuboid.
b) Tfnh ban kinh ctia ducmg trcm la giao tuyen cua m~t phing (ABCD) v& m~t du tren.
Compute the radius of the circle as the line of intersection of the plane (ABCD) with the sphere.
8. Chung minh rang neu c6 m¢t m~t cau tiep xuc v6i 6 cl(lnh cua m<)t hlnh ru di~n thl t6ng d◊
dai cua cac c~p clµlh d6i di~n cua tu di¢n bang nhau.
Prove that if there exists a sphere tangent to 6 sides of a tetrahedron, then the total lengths
of pairs of opposite sides of the tetrahedron are equal.
9. Cho m◊t diim A c6 dµih va m<)t ducmg thing a c6 dµm khOng di qua A. Gqi O la m¢t diem
thay d6i tren a. Chung minb rang cac m~t du tam O ban kinh r = OA luOn luOn di qua m¢t
ducmg tron co dµih .
Let A be a fixed point and a fixed straight line a which doesn't pass through A . Given that
o is a moving point on a. Prove that spheres with the same center O and the radius of r =
OA always pass through a fixed circle.
10. Cho hlnh chop SABC c6 b6n dinh deu nam tren m<)t m~t cau, SA= a, SB= b, SC= c va ba
canh SA, SB, SC dOi m¢t vuOng g6c. Tinh di¢n tfch m~t cau va the tfch kh6i cau duoc tao
bm mat du d6. . .
Let SABC. be the pyramid of which 4 vertices are on a sphere, SA = a, SB = b, SC = c and
each pair of three sides SA , SB, SC is perpendicular. Compute the surface area of the sphere
and the volume of the solid sphere created by the sphere.

Mi1t111 HOC 1215N)
ONT ~PC Hu ., - 0
1. Cho ba di~m A , B. C dmg thu(>c m◊t m~-t du va cho bift ACB = 90 . Tron g cac khftng
dinh. sau khimg d~nh nao la dung ?
Given that three points A . B. C are on a same spher e and ACB = 90°. Whic h of the
follm.~ing s~tements is _1;11e1 B C nam tren m~t cfiu.
a) Ducmg tron q~a. ba diem ' . t. A B c are on the spher e.
The circle conta mmg three. pom_ts 1:u d. -a cho AB is a diam
b ) AB ra m 6· t d an kinh cua ma Ca
i,. eter of the given spher e.
~ dtrang kfnh. cua m~t cfiu.• AB is not a diam eter of the spher
~) ~ ~g;~~ ~acu 1
a dtrang trcm giao tuyen ~o ooi m~t cau va m~t ph!ng (ABC).
} B · d. eter of the intersected circle creat ed by the spher

e and the plane (ABC ).

2. Ch~ ~; d;:: ABCD c6 qnh AD vu6~g g6~ vm m~t ph!ng \ABC
canh BC. ·aiet AB = AD = a] tfnh di~n heh xung quanh va ) ~a c ~ BD,_vu~ng g6c v(tj
the heh cua kh61 non duqc ~o
thanh khi quay duang gap khuc BDA quanh ccµih AB.
Let ABCD be the tetrah edron such that the edge AD is perpe
ndicu lar to the plane (ABC)
and the edge BD is perpe ndicu lar to the edge BC. Given AB=
AD= a , comp ute th~ curved
surface area and the volum e of the solid cone create d when
rotati ng the zigza g straig ht line
BDA about the edge AB.
3. Chung minh rang hlnh ch6p c6 tat ca cac ccµih ben bang nhau
n◊i tiep duqc trong m◊t m~t du.
Prove that the pyram id of which all latera l edges are equal
is inscribed in a spher e.
4. IBnh chop S.ABC c6 m9t m~t cau tiep xuc vai cac qnh ben
SA , SB, SC va tiep xuc vm ba AB, BC, CA t~i trung diem cua m8i ccµlh . Chun g minh
rang hlnh ch6p d6 la hinh chop
tam giac deu.
The pyram id SABC receives a spher e tange nt to latera l edges I
SA , SB , SC and tange nt to
three edges AB , BC, CA at the midp oint of each of the edges
. Prove that the pyram id is a
regul ar triang ular pyram id.
5. Cho tu di~n deu ABCD qnh a. G9i H la hlnh chieu vuong
g6c cua dinh A xu6n g m~t phing
(BCD ) .
Given a regul ar tetrah edron ABCD with the length of edge
proje ction of the vertex A onto the plane (BCD ).
a. Let H be the orthogonal
a) Chun g minh H la tfun duang tron ngocµ tiep tam giac BCD.
Tinh d9 dai do~ AH.
Prove that H is the cente r of the circle circ umsc ribing the
triang le BCD . Comp ute the length
of the segm ent AH.
b) Tinh di~n tfch xung quanh va the tfch cua kh6i t11;1 c6 duan
BCD va chieu cao AH. g tron day ngocµ tiep tam giac
Comp ute the curve d surfac e area and the volum e of the solid
circu mscri bing the triang le BCD and the heigh t AH. cylin der with the base circle
6. Cho h'inh vuong ABCD c~nh a. Tu tam O cua hlnh vuong
dtµ1g duan g th~g ~ vu6ng g6c
vm m~t ph!ng (ABCD) . Tren ti lay diem S sao cho OS= a·
Xac dinh tfun va ban kinh mat
. .
du ngo~i tiep hlnh chop S.ABCD. Tinh di~n tfch cua m~t cau
va the tich cua kh6i cau duoc
t~o nen bcri m~t du d6.
Let ABCD be the square with edge length a. From the cente
r O of the square, construct the
straight line /1 perpendicular to the plane (,4BCD ). A point S
is taken on ti such that OS = a . .
Determine the center and the radius of the sphere circum scribi 2
ng the pyram id SABC D. Compute
the surface area of the sphere and the volume of the solid spher
e created by the spher e.
7. Cho hlnh trl;l c6 ban kinh day r, t11:1c 00' = 2r va m~t cau duan
g kfuh 00'.
Given a cylinder with the base radius of r , the axis 00' = 2r and
a sphere with the diame ter 00'.
a) Hay so sanh di¢n tich m~t cau va di¢n tich xung quanh cua
hlnh tru d6.
Comp are the surfac e area of the sphere and the curve d surfa
ce area of the cylin der.
b) Hay so sanh the tich kh6i tr\l va the ti'.ch kh6i du duqc ~o nen
ooi hlnh tru va mat cau da cho.
Compare the volum e of the solid cylin der and the volum
e of the solid sph~r e create d by
g ive n cylin der and sphere.

50 4B·HINH HOC 12·(SN)

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