2005 Warith Et Al. Evaluation of Permeability of Tire Shreds Under Vertical Loading
2005 Warith Et Al. Evaluation of Permeability of Tire Shreds Under Vertical Loading
2005 Warith Et Al. Evaluation of Permeability of Tire Shreds Under Vertical Loading
ABSTRACT: A concern in the use of tire shreds as drainage media in landfill leachate collection systems is the impact of compression strains on
the permeability of the waste material, as earlier work has reported that these materials experience large (25 to 50 %) axial strains when subjected
to vertical loading. This study examines the changes in permeability of a tire shred sample after being subjected to 30 to 50 % axial strain from
average vertical stresses of 75 to 330 kPa. The maximum vertical stress of 330 kPa approximated 40 m of waste overburden. A constant-head
permeability apparatus was fabricated to measure the permeability of the tire shred sample under different axial strains. Further, the fabricated
assembly was capable of measuring permeability of the sample at various sample locations at a given strain level. Experimental results showed that
despite experiencing large axial strains, the average permeability of the tire shred sample consistently remained two to three orders of magnitude
higher than the design performance criterion of 0.01 cm/s for landfill drainage layers, suggesting that the compressible nature of tire shreds will not
interfere in their use as a leachate collection drainage layer in municipal solid waste landfills.
Introduction the clogging of tire shreds. Bead metal wires protruding from tire
shreds can however scratch or puncture the geotextile separator
An environmentally acceptable method for disposal of scrap tires
or the geosynthetic liner of the containment system. Two options
is an important issue in North America, as over 280 million scrap
have been suggested to minimize the tearing of geotextiles by the
tires are generated annually [1]. Major applications of scrap tires
protruding bead wires [14,16]. One option is to place a soil layer, a
include their use as lightweight fills for retaining walls and embank-
minimum of a 150 mm thick, between the tire shreds and geosyn-
ments constructed on weak ground and in roadbed construction [2–
thetic material. The other more laborious option is the removal of
10]. Tire shreds (scrap tires cut into 30 to 300 mm pieces) have also
the bead wires prior to shredding the scrap tires. Yet another major
been used as an alternative to crushed stones (gravel) as drainage
concern of using tire shreds as a leachate collection drainage layer
media in landfill leachate collection systems [11,12]. Tire shreds
in landfills is their substantial compressibility under loads imposed
have a hydraulic conductivity of approximately 3 × 10−2 cm/s [13],
by the overburden of waste material. The overburden pressure and
indicating that they are well suited for use as drainage material in
resulting compression of tire shreds is significant since the leachate
landfill leachate collection systems. Tire shreds can be compacted
drainage material is located at the base of the waste mass. Axial
to dry densities of 5.9–6.7 kN/m3 at relatively low compactive
strains of approximately 25 % have been reported for 75 mm tire
efforts: increase in compactive effort, however, does not improve
shreds under the low vertical stress of 48 kPa. Much larger axial
the dry density of the tire shreds [14]. Tests have also shown that
strains of approximately 50 % occur under the higher vertical stress
compaction does not break the tire shreds into smaller sizes. Typical
of 483 kPa [17]. The large compressions of tire shreds under waste
drainage layer thickness of 300 to 450 mm can be achieved by
loading may decrease the hydraulic conductivity (permeability),
compacting the tire shreds in one or two lifts. Unlike gravels and
hampering their function as a drainage medium. The present study
crushed stones, tire shreds are uniformly graded, increasing their
therefore examines the permeability of tire shreds when subjected
susceptibility to clogging due to infiltration of fine particles and
to large axial strains of 30 to 50 %. Compressing the tire shreds to
biofilm growth under ambient anaerobic conditions [14,15]. Warith
average vertical stresses of 75 to 330 kPa attained this range of axial
et al. [14] propose the placement of a geotextile separator over the
strains. The maximum vertical stress of 330 kPa approximated 40 m
tire shreds and the recirculation of landfill leachate to minimize
of waste overburden height (bulk unit weight = 9 to 10 kN/m3 ).
Manuscript received May 21, 2003; accepted for publication July 23, 2004;
published Jan. 2005. Experimental Approach and Results
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
2 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON. Tire shreds from a shredding facility in Ontario were used in
3 Project Manager, Golder Associates Ltd., Ottawa, ON. the study. The grain size distribution curve (Fig. 1) of the tire
4 Visiting Professor, Ryerson University and Associate Professor, Department shred sample was typical of uniformly graded material with sizes
of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India. ranging from 20 to 75 mm. Typical grain size distribution curves of
C 2005 by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
100 the tire shred sample at various axial strains. Schematic diagrams
90 GW- well graded gravel of the testing assembly are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. Figure 2
Percent finer by weight
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
(With known
40 Axial strain = 30 %
Axial strain = 35 % 12
Height above sample base, cm
Axial strain = 40 %
30 10
Axial strain = 45 %
Axial strain = 50 % 8
20 6
15 4
10 2
5 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Average Vertical Stress, kPa
Permeability coefficient, cm/sec FIG. 5—Variation in average permeability with average vertical stress.
FIG. 4—Variation in permeability with sample depth.
38 cm, respectively, above the sample base (Fig. 4). The jumps in
permeability values are perhaps due to nonuniform compressions
within the upper zone, at the lower axial strains (i.e., 30 and 35 %).
The permeability values measured at the five locations were aver-
aged at each strain application.
Figure 5 presents variations in average permeability as a function 10
of average vertical stress acting on the tire shred sample. The aver-
age permeability of the tire shred sample decreases from 10 cm/s 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
to 0.7 cm/s with an increase in average vertical stress from 75 to
Average vertical stress, kPa
330 kPa. Figure 6 shows that average vertical stresses of 75 and
330 kPa cause axial strains of 30 and 50 %, respectively. More FIG. 6—Variation in average vertical stress versus axial strain.
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