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498, AUGUST 10, 2006 445 determined the offense to be service-connected, then the offending soldier
shall be tried by a court martial, and with the further exception that, where
Gonzales vs. Abaya
the President, in the interest of justice, directs before arraignment that any
G.R. No. 164007. August 10, 2006.* such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil court.—Section 1 of R.A.
LT. (SG) EUGENE GONZALES, LT. (SG) ANDY TORRATO, LT. (SG) No. 7055 reads: SEC. 1. Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
ANTONIO TRILLANES IV, CPT. GARY ALEJANO, LT. (SG) JAMES and other persons subject to military law, including members of the
LAYUG, CPT. GERARDO GAMBALA, CPT. NICANOR FAELDON, LT. Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Units, who commit crimes or offenses
(SG) MANUEL CABOCHAN, ENS. ARMAND PONTEJOS, LT. (JG) penalized under the Revised Penal Code, other special penal laws, or local
ARTURO PASCUA, and 1LT. JONNEL SANGGALANG, government ordinances, regardless of whether or not civilians are co-
petitioners, vs. GEN. NARCISO ABAYA, in his capacity as Chief of Staff accused, victims, or offended parties, which may be natural or juridical
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and B. GEN. MARIANO M. persons, shall be tried by the proper civil court, except when the
SARMIENTO, JR., in his capacity as the Judge Advocate General of the offense, as determined before arraignment by the civil court, is
Judge Advocate General’s Office (JAGO), respondents. service-connected, in which case, the offense shall be tried by
Armed Forces of the Philippines; Articles of War (Commonwealth Act court-martial, Provided, That the President of the Philippines may, in
No. 408); Courts Martial; Words and Phrases; Pursuant to Article 1 (a) of the interest of justice, order or direct at any time before arraignment that
the Articles of War, the term “officer” is “construed to refer to a any such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil courts. As used in
commissioned officer.”—There is no dispute that petitioners, being officers this Section, service-connected crimes or offenses shall be limited
of the AFP, are subject to military law. Pursuant to Article 1 (a) of to those defined in Articles 54 to 70, Articles 72 to 92, and Articles
Commonwealth Act No. 408, as amended, otherwise known as the Articles 95 to 97 of Commonwealth Act No. 408, as amended. In imposing the
of War, the term “officer” is “construed to refer to a commissioned officer.” penalty for such crimes or offenses, the court-martial may take into
Article 2 provides: Art. 2. Persons Subject to Military Law.—The following consideration the penalty prescribed therefor in the Revised Penal Code,
persons are subject to these articles and shall be understood as included in other special laws, or local government ordinances. Section 1 of R.A. No.
the term “any person subject to military law” or “persons subject to military 7055, quoted above, is clear and unambiguous. First, it lays down
law,” whenever used in these articles: (a) All officers and soldiers in the the general rule that members of the AFP and other persons subject to
active service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines or of the military law, including members of the Citizens Armed Forces
Philippine Constabulary, all members of the reserve force, from the dates Geographical Units, who commit crimes or offenses penalized under the
of their call to active duty and while on such active duty; all trainees Revised Penal Code (like coup d’etat), other special penal laws, or local
undergoing military instructions; and all other persons lawfully called, ordinances shall be tried by the proper civil court. Next, it provides
drafted, or ordered into, or to duty or for training in the said service, from the exception to the general rule, i.e., where the civil court, before
the dates they are required by the terms of the call, draft, or order to obey arraignment, has determined the offense to be service-connected, then
the same. the offending soldier shall be tried by a court martial. Lastly, the
Courts; Jurisdictions; Republic Act No. 7055; Coup D’etat; Section 1 of law states an exception to the exception, i.e., where the President of the
R.A. No. 7055 lays down the general rule that members of the AFP and other Philippines, in the interest of justice, directs before arraignment that any
persons subject to military law who commit crimes such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil court.
_______________ 447
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 447
446 Gonzales vs. Abaya
446 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Jurisdictions; Republic Act No. 7055; The delineation of jurisdiction
by R.A. No. 7055 is necessary to preserve the peculiar nature of military
Gonzales vs. Abaya justice system over military personnel charged with service-connected
or offenses penalized under the Revised Penal Code (like coup d’etat), offenses—the military justice system is disciplinary in nature, aimed at
other special penal laws, or local ordinances shall be tried by the proper achieving the highest form of discipline in order to ensure the highest degree
civil court, except that, where the civil court, before arraignment, has of military efficiency.—Such delineation of jurisdiction by R.A. No. 7055 is
necessary to preserve the peculiar nature of military justice system over service-connected, but rather absorbed and in furtherance of the alleged
military personnel charged with service-connected offenses. The military crime of coup d’etat,” hence, triable by said court (RTC). The RTC, in
justice system is disciplinary in nature, aimed at achieving the highest making such declaration, practically amended the law which expressly
form of discipline in order to ensure the highest degree of military vests in the court martial the jurisdiction over “service-connected crimes or
efficiency. Military law is established not merely to enforce discipline in offenses.” What the law has conferred the court should not take away. It is
times of war, but also to preserve the tranquility and security of the State only the Constitution or the law that bestows jurisdiction on the court,
in time of peace; for there is nothing more dangerous to the public peace tribunal, body or officer over the subject matter or nature of an action
and safety than a licentious and undisciplined military body. The which can do so. And it is only through a constitutional amendment or
administration of military justice has been universally practiced. Since legislative enactment that such act can be done. The first and fundamental
time immemorial, all the armies in almost all countries of the world look duty of the courts is merely to apply the law “as they find it, not as they
upon the power of military law and its administration as the most effective like it to be.” Evidently, such declaration by the RTC constitutes grave
means of enforcing discipline. For this reason, the court martial has abuse of discretion tantamount to lack or excess of jurisdiction and is,
become invariably an indispensable part of any organized armed forces, it therefore, void.
being the most potent agency in enforcing discipline both in peace and in Prohibition; In a petition for prohibition, only legal issues affecting the
war. jurisdiction of the tribunal, board or officer involved may be resolved on the
Armed Forces of the Philippines; Articles of War (C.A. No. 408): The basis of the undisputed facts; Prohibition is the remedy to prevent inferior
offense for violation of Article 96 of the Articles of War is service- courts, corporations, boards, or persons from usurping or exercising a
connected.—We hold that the offense for violation of Article 96 of the jurisdiction or power with which they have not been vested by law.—With
Articles of War is service-connected. This is expressly provided in Section respect to the issue of prescription raised by petitioners in their
1 (second paragraph) of R.A. No. 7055. It bears stressing that the charge Supplemental Petition, suffice it to say that we cannot entertain the same.
against the petitioners concerns the alleged violation of their solemn The contending parties are at loggerheads as to (a) who among the
oath as officers to defend the Constitution and the duly-constituted petitioners were actually arraigned, and (b) the dates of their
authorities. Such violation allegedly caused dishonor and disrespect to arraignment. These are matters involving questions of fact, not within
the military profession. In short, the charge has a bearing on our power of review, as we are not a trier of facts. In a petition for
their professional conduct or behavior as military officers. Equally prohibition, such as the one at bar, only legal issues affecting the
indicative of the “service-connected” nature of the offense is the penalty jurisdiction of the tribunal, board or officer involved may be resolved on
prescribed for the same—dismissal from the service—imposable only by the basis of the undisputed facts. Clearly, the instant petition for
the military court. Such penalty is purely disciplinary in character, prohibition must fail. The office of prohibition is to prevent the
evidently intended to cleanse the military profession of misfits and to 449
preserve the stringent standard of military discipline. VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 449
Gonzales vs. Abaya
448 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED unlawful and oppressive exercise of authority and is directed against
Gonzales vs. Abaya proceedings that are done without or in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave
Articles of War; Courts Martial; Jurisdictions; The trial court, in abuse of discretion, there being no appeal or other plain, speedy, and
making the declaration that the charges against the accused before the court adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. Stated differently,
martial for violation of Article 96 are not service-connected, practically prohibition is the remedy to prevent inferior courts, corporations, boards,
amended the law which expressly vests in the court martial the jurisdiction or persons from usurping or exercising a jurisdiction or power with which
over “service-connected crimes or offenses”—such declaration by the they have not been vested by law.
Regional Trial Court constitutes grave abuse of discretion tantamount to
lack or excess of jurisdiction and is, therefore, void.—There is no merit in CALLEJO, SR., J., Concurring Opinion:
petitioners’ argument that they can no longer be charged before the court
martial for violation of Article 96 of the Articles of War because the same Criminal Law; Armed Forces of the Philippines; Coup d’etat; Words
has been declared by the RTC in its Order of February 11, 2004 as “not and Phrases; Case law has it that common crimes committed in furtherance
of a political crime, such as rebellion, are therein absorbed; A political crime immemorial have exercised this right, and we at once paralyze all efforts
is one directly aimed against the political order as well as such common to secure proper discipline in the military service, and have little left but a
crimes as may be committed to achieve a political purpose; Coup d’etat is a voluntary organization, without cohesive force.”
political crime because the purpose of the plotters is to seize or diminish Articles of War; Officers and enlisted personnel committing punitive
State power.—Case law has it that common crimes committed in acts under the Articles of War may be prosecuted and convicted if found
furtherance of a political crime, such as rebellion, are therein absorbed. A guilty of such acts independently of, and separately from, any charges filed
political crime is one directly aimed against the political order as well as in the civilian courts for the same or similar acts which are penalized under
such common crimes as may be committed to achieve a political purpose. the Revised Penal Code, under special penal laws or ordinances, and
The decisive factor is the intent or motive. Coup d’etat is a political crime prescinding from the outcome thereof.—It bears stressing that for
because the purpose of the plotters is to seize or diminish State power. If a determining how best the AFP shall attend to the business of fighting or
crime usually regarded as common, like murder, is perpetrated to achieve preparing to fight rests with Congress and with the President. Both
a political purpose, then said common crime is stripped of its common Congress and this Court have found that the special character of the
complexion, inasmuch as, being part and parcel of the crime of rebellion, military requires civilian authorities to accord military commanders some
the former acquires the political character of the latter. Such common flexibility in dealing with matters that affect internal discipline and
offenses assume the political complexion of the main crime of which they morale. In construing a statute that touches on such matters, therefore,
are mere ingredients, and, consequently, cannot be punished separately courts must be careful not to circumscribe the authority of military
from the principal offense, or complexed with the same to justify the commanders to an extent never intended by Congress. Under these and
imposition of the graver penalty. many similar cases reviewing legislative and executive control of the
Same; Same; Articles of War; The service-connected punitive acts military, the sentencing scheme at issue in this case, and the manner in
defined and penalized under the Articles of War are sui generis offenses not which it was created, are constitutionally unassailable. Officers and
absorbed by rebellion perpetrated, inter alia, by the officers and enlisted enlisted personnel committing punitive acts under the Articles of War may
personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) or coup d’etat, and be prosecuted and convicted if found guilty of such acts independently of,
this is so because such acts or omissions are merely violations of military and separately from, any charges filed in the civilian courts for the same
discipline, designed to secure a higher efficiency in the military service; in or similar acts which are penalized under the
other words, they are purely disciplinary in their nature, and have exclusive 451
regard to the special character and relation of the AFP officers and enlisted VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 451
Gonzales vs. Abaya
Revised Penal Code, under special penal laws or ordinances; and
450 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED prescinding from the outcome thereof.
Gonzales vs. Abaya Same; The Articles of War is the organic law of the AFP and, in
The service-connected punitive acts defined and penalized under the keeping with the history of military law, its primary function is to enforce
Articles of War are sui generis offenses not absorbed by rebellion “the highest form of discipline in order to ensure the highest degree of
perpetrated, inter alia, by the officers and enlisted personnel of the Armed military efficiency.”—The Articles of War is the organic law of the AFP and,
Forces of the Philippines (AFP) or coup d’etat. This is so because such acts in keeping with the history of military law, its primary function is to
or omissions are merely violations of military discipline, designed to secure enforce “the highest form of discipline in order to ensure the highest degree
a higher efficiency in the military service; in other words, they are purely of military efficiency.” The following commentary is enlightening: History
disciplinary in their nature, and have exclusive regard to the special points out the fact that nations have always engaged in wars. For that
character and relation of the AFP officers and enlisted personnel. Laws purpose, bodies of men have been organized into armed forces under a
providing for the discipline as well as the organization of the AFP are commander-in-chief who, through his subordinate commanders, enforces
essential to the efficiency for the military service in case their services the highest form of discipline in order to ensure the highest degree of
should ever be required. “Deprive the executive branch of the government military efficiency. Victory in battle is the ultimate aim of every military
of the power to enforce proper military regulations by fine and commander, and he knows that victory cannot be attained, no matter how
imprisonment, and that, too, by its own courts-martial, which from time superior his forces may be, in men and materials, if discipline among the
rank-and-file is found wanting. For, “if an Army is to be anything but an defined and penalized under the Revised Penal Code against the same
uncontrolled mob, discipline is required and must be en-forced.” For this accused based on the same set of delictual acts.—I wish to emphasize,
reason, in order to set an effective means of enforcing discipline, all however, a caveat: not all service-connected punitive acts under the
organized armies of the world have promulgated sets of rules and Articles of War may be prosecuted before the courts-martial independently
regulations and later, laws as embodied in the articles of war, which define of a crime defined and penalized under the Revised Penal Code against the
the duties of military personnel and distinguish infractions of military law same accused based on the same set of delictual acts. Congress may
and impose appropriate punishment for violation thereof. criminalize a service-connected punitive offense under the Articles of War.
Same; It is said that conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman A review of the deliberations in the Senate or the Report of the Conference
is a uniquely military offense.—It is said that conduct unbecoming an Committee of Senate Bill 1500 will readily show that coup d’etat was
officer and a gentleman is a uniquely military offense. In order to constitute incorporated in the Revised Penal Code in Article 134-A precisely to
the said offense, the misconduct must offend so seriously against the law, criminalize “mutiny” under Article 67 of the Articles of War and to penalize
justice, morality or decorum as to expose to disgrace, socially or as a man, the punitive act of mutiny, under the Articles of War as coup d’etat. Article
the offender, and at the same time must be of such a nature or committed 67 of the Articles of War reads: Art. 67. Mutiny or Sedition.—Any person
under such circumstances as to bring dishonor or disrepute upon the subject to military law who attempts to create or who begins, excites,
military profession which he represents. The article proscribing conduct causes, or joins in any mutiny or sedition in any company, party, post,
unbecoming an officer and a gentleman has been held to be wholly camp, detachment, guard, or other command shall suffer death or such
independent of other definitions of offenses, and the same course of conduct other punish-
may constitute an offense elsewhere provided for and may also warrant a 453
conviction under this provision; it is not subject to preemption by other VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 453
punitive articles.
Gonzales vs. Abaya
ment as a court-martial may direct. Without Article 134-A in the
452 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Revised Penal Code, the mutineers would be charged for mutiny under
Gonzales vs. Abaya Article 67 of the Articles of War.
Same; Courts Martial; The administration of military justice under
the Articles of War has been exclusively vested in courts-martial whether as TINGA, J., Separate Concurring and Dissenting Opinion:
General Courts-Martial, Special Courts-Martial or Summary Courts-
Martial.—The administration of military justice under the Articles of War Armed Forces of the Philippines; Articles of War (Commonwealth Act
has been exclusively vested in courts-martial whether as General Courts- No. 408); Courts Martial; Regardless of the accurate legal character of
Martial, Special Courts-Martial or Summary Courts-Martial. Courts- courts-martial, it should go without saying that the authority of the
martial pertain to the executive department and are, in fact, simply President to discipline military personnel through that process is still
instrumentalities of the executive power, provided by Congress for the subject to a level of circumscription.—Regardless of the accurate legal
President as Commanderin-Chief to aid him in properly commanding the character of courts-martial, it should go without saying that the authority
army and navy, and enforcing discipline therein. As enunciated by the of the President to discipline military personnel through that process is
United States Supreme Court, “the military is, by necessity, a specialized still subject to a level of circumscription. Without such concession, the
society separate from civilian society. It has, again by necessity, developed President could very well impose such draconian measures of military
laws and traditions of its own during its long history. The differences punishment, such as death by firing squad for overweight soldiers. The
between the military and civilian communities result from the fact that it Court has indeed, on occasion, recognized limitations and regulations over
is the primary business of armies and navies to fight or ready to fight wars courts-martial. In Olaguer v. Military Commission, 150 SCRA 144 (1987),
should the occasion arise.” Further, the US Supreme Court quite succinctly the Court reasserted that military tribunals cannot try and exercise
stated that “the military constitutes a specialized community governed by jurisdiction over civilians for as long as the civil courts are open and
a separate discipline from that of the civilian.” functioning. The authority of the Supreme Court to review decisions of the
Same; Same; Not all service-connected punitive acts under the Articles court-martial was affirmed in Ognir v. Director of Prisons, 80 Phil. 401
of War may be prosecuted before the courts-martial independently of a crime (1948), and should be recognized in light of the judicial power of the
Supreme Court under the 1987 Constitution, which extends to determining 7055 reads “An Act Strengthening Civilian Supremacy Over the
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the Military By Returning to the Civil Courts the Jurisdiction Over
part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government. And finally, Certain Offenses Involving Members of the Armed Forces of the
there are the series of rulings on the subject of double jeopardy, which I Philippines, Other Persons Subject to Military Law, and the Members of
shall soon discuss further. the Philippine National Police, Repealing for the Purpose Certain
Presidency; Commander-in-Chief Clause; While even without an Presidential Decrees.” In the Philippines, the conferment of civil
enabling law, the President would have the power to impose court-martial jurisdiction over members of the military charged with non-service
proceedings under the aegis of the Commander-in-Chief clause, yet if there connected offenses is predicated on the constitutional principle of civilian
is an enabling law passed, such as Commonwealth Act No. 408, then the supremacy over the military. As Senator Wigberto Tañada remarked in his
President is bound to exercise the power to prescribe court-martial sponsorship remarks over Senate Bill No. 1468, eventually enacted as RA
proceedings only within the limits imposed by the law.—Most strikingly, 7055, “[A]s long as the civil courts in the land remain open and are
the “Articles of War” presently in use emanates not from executive fiat, but regularly functioning, military tribunals cannot try and exercise
from a law passed by the National Assembly known as Commonwealth Act jurisdiction over military men
No. 408. As such, the determination of what acts or offenses are punishable 455
by court-martial was in actuality made not by the President, but by the VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 455
legislature. As such, the Articles of War are utterly susceptible to legisla-
Gonzales vs. Abaya
for criminal offenses committed by them and which are properly
454 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED cognizable by the civil courts. To have it otherwise would be a violation of
Gonzales vs. Abaya the aforementioned constitutional provisions on the supremacy of civilian
tive amendment, augmentation, or even revocation. I do not doubt authority over the military and the integrity and independence of the
that without an enabling law, the President would have the power to judiciary, as well as the due process and equalprotection clauses of the
impose court-martial proceedings under the aegis of the Commander-in- Constitution.” The title of the law alone is already indicative of the
Chief clause. Yet if there is an enabling law passed, such as law’s general intent to exclude from the jurisdiction of the General
Commonwealth Act No. 408, then the President is bound to exercise the Court-martial “certain offenses” which would now be tried by the
power to prescribe court-martial proceedings only within the limits civil courts. Section 1 operationalizes such intent, asserting as a general
imposed by the law. These precepts should not preclude the President from rule that members of the AFP “who commits crimes penalized under the
mandating other forms of military discipline, but if the choice is to subject Revised Penal Code, other special penal laws, or local government
the soldier concerned to court-martial, then such proceedings should ensue ordinances x x x shall be tried by the proper civil court x x x.” Notably, the
within the boundaries determined by the legislature under Commonwealth majority does concede the general rule.
Act No. 408. Courts Martial; The civilian court is required to still make a
Courts Martial; While court-martial under military law may be sui determination, independent of that of the court-martial, that the acts
generis, it is not supra legem.—While court-martial under military law may charged constitute a service-connected offense.—There are two possible
be sui generis, it is not supra legem. The power to try by court-martial is scenarios that may arise after a soldier commits a crime which is
established, defined and limited by statute, even if it arises as a punishable under both the Revised Penal Code and under Commonwealth
consequence of the power of the President as Com-mander-in-Chief. Act No. 408. In one, the soldier is charged only with violation of the Articles
Courts; Jurisdictions; R.A. No. 7055; The title of the law alone—“An of War and tried by the court-martial. In this situation wherein no criminal
Act Strengthening Civilian Supremacy Over the Military By Returning to case is filed against the soldier, the court-martial continues unimpeded. In
the Civil Courts the Jurisdiction Over Certain Offenses Involving Members the other, the soldier is charged with both violation of the Articles of War
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Other Persons Subject to Military (triable by court-martial) and a criminal offense involving the same act
Law, and the Members of the Philippine National Police, Repealing for the (triable by the civilian court). Here, a different set of rules operates. RA
Purpose Certain Presidential Decrees”—is already indicative of the law’s 7055 comes into application in such a case. Section 1 of RA 7055 clearly
general intent to exclude from the jurisdiction of the General Court-martial reposes on the trial court, and not the court-martial, the duty to determine
“certain offenses” which would now be tried by civil courts.—The title of RA whether the charges in the information are service-connected. If the
civilian court makes a determination that the acts involved are not Articles 95 to 97 of Commonwealth Act No. 408, as amended,” discarding
service-connected, then the court-martial will generally have no the phrase “shall be limited to” immediately preceding the words “those
jurisdiction. In this particular role, the trial court is merely guided defined.” Such phraseology makes it clear that “service-connected crimes
in its determination by Articles of War 54 to 70, 72 to 92, and 95 to or offenses” are equivalent to “Articles 54 to 70, Articles 72 to 92, and
97, the specific articles to which the determination of service- Articles 95 to 97.” Yet Section 1 is hardly styled in that fashion. Instead, it
connected offenses according to RA 7055 is limited. The importance precisely reads, “x x x service-connected crimes or offenses shall be
of the trial court’s function of determination cannot be dismissed lightly. limited to those defined in Articles 54 to 70 x x x.”
Since the law mandates that the trial court make such a determination, it 457
necessarily follows that the court has to ascertain on its own whether the VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 457
offenses charged do fall within the Articles of War. It would not bind the
Gonzales vs. Abaya
Same; Republic Act No. 7055; The general purpose of RA 7055 is to
456 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED deprive the court-martial of jurisdiction to try cases which are properly
Gonzales vs. Abaya cognizable before the civilian courts.—Again, the general purpose of RA
civilian court that the defendants are charged with the same 7055 is to deprive the court-martial of jurisdiction to try cases which
acts before the court-martial under Articles of War 54 to 70, 72 to are properly cognizable before the civilian courts. Hence, if a soldier is
92, and 95 to 97. The civilian court is required to still make a charged with violation of any of the articles other than those referred to in
determination, independent of that of the court-martial, that the Section 1, the court-martial is deprived of jurisdiction under RA 7055 if
acts charged constitute a service-connected offense. such violation also constitutes a crime or offense under our penal laws.
Same; Statutory Construction; Full significance should be accorded Section 1, by citing those aforementioned articles, carves an exception to
the legislative tasking of the civil court, not the military court, to determine the general rule, yet at the same time, qualifies this exception as subject
whether the offense before it is service-connected or not—determination to the determination of the trial court. Hence, if the trial court so
clearly implies a function of adjudication on the part of the trial court, and determines that the “service-connected” exception does not apply, the
not a mechanical application of a standard predetermined by some other general rule depriving the court-martial jurisdiction over the offense
body; The majority shows little respect for the plain language of the law.— should continue to operate.
Full significance should be accorded the legislative tasking of the civil Same; Same; Admittedly, RA 7055 effectively curtails the ability of the
court, not the military court, to determine whether the offense before it is military leadership to discipline the soldiers under their command through
service-connected or not. Indeed, determination clearly implies a function the court-martial process, and this is accomplished though not by shielding
of adjudication on the part of the trial court, and not a mechanical errant soldiers from the criminal processes, but instead through the opposite
application of a standard pre-determined by some other body. The word route, by entrusting to the civilian courts the authority and sufficient
“determination” implies deliberation and is, in normal legal contemplation, discretion to impose substantive justice on such soldiers, conformably with
equivalent to “the decision of a court of justice.” The Court in EPZA v. the constitutional principle of civilian supremacy over the military.—
Dulay, 149 SCRA 305 (1987), declared as unconstitutional a presidential Admittedly, RA 7055 effectively curtails the ability of the military
decree that deprived the courts the function of determining the value of leadership to discipline the soldiers under their command through the
just compensation in eminent domain cases. In doing so, the Court court-martial process. This is accomplished though not by shielding errant
declared, “the determination of ‘just compensation’ in eminent domain soldiers from the criminal processes, but instead through the opposite
cases is a judicial function.” The majority shows little respect for the plain route, by entrusting to the civilian courts the authority and sufficient
language of the law. As earlier noted, they believe that the determination discretion to impose substantive justice on such soldiers, conformably with
reposed in the civilian court is limited to a facial examination of the the constitutional principle of civilian supremacy over the military. It must
military charge sheet to ascertain whether the defendants have been be noted that the acquisition of exclusive jurisdiction by the court-martial
charged before the court-martial with the violation of Articles of War 54 to to try soldiers for acts punishable under penal laws is a double-edged sword
70, 72 to 92, and 95 to 97. Their position could have been sustained had of mischief. It can be utilized by a military leadership with an
Section 1 read, “As used in this Section, service-connected crimes or unquenchable thirst to punish its soldiers, a procedure which is facilitated
offenses are those defined in Articles 54 to 70, Articles 72 to 92, and due to the relatively lighter evidentiary requirements under military
justice. It can also be utilized by a military leadership greatly sympathetic differing natures of both tribunals. The rule was pronounced by the
to one of their “mistahs” under fire, since the ability to inflict the lightest Philippine Supreme Court as far
and most disproportionate of punishments falls within the wide range of 459
discretion in the punishment accorded by law to courts-martial. VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 459
Gonzales vs. Abaya
458 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED back as 1903, in U.S. v. Colley, 3 Phil. 58 (1903). Therein, the
Gonzales vs. Abaya defendant was sentenced to death by a court-martial after murdering a
Either premise is undesirable, and precisely RA 7055 was enacted to fellow soldier, but the sentence could not be carried out after the reviewing
ensure that the civilian courts have all the opportunity to acquire authority of the Army concluded that the military authorities were without
jurisdiction over military persons who commit crimes, and to assure the power to carry into execution the sentence. He then was charged with the
trial courts all the discretion necessary to determine whether it should same offense before a civilian court. In ruling that the criminal case should
assume jurisdiction if the exception provided under Section 1 of the law is be dismissed, the Court ruled that the criminal trial was barred by double
invoked. jeopardy. The Court pronounced: “So here there is but one offense, that
Same; If the act constituting the offense triable before the civilian against the United States, and when the Government chooses the tribunal
courts and the court-martial are the same, then the defendants may be tried in which to try an offender, when the trial takes place in that tribunal, and
only either before the civilian courts or the court-martial, and not in both when the accused is convicted and sentenced, he can not again be put in
tribunals, and this is precisely why the exceptions under Section 1 of RA jeopardy in another court of the same sovereignty. x x x It follows that the
7055 were provided for—to prevent the anomaly of the defendants being defendant having been once in jeopardy can not be tried again for the
subjected to two different trials of equally punitive value for the same act.— offense of which he was formerly convicted.” A similar situation obtained
It is thus not enough that petitioners have been charged with violating an in U.S. v. Tubig, 3 Phil. 244 (1904), decided some months later, and a
Article of War referred to in Section 1 to authorize their court-martial to similar judgment of acquittal was mandated by the Court on the ground of
proceed, since the same act that constitutes the violation of an Article of double jeopardy. The doctrine has survived past the American occupation.
War is also alleged in the complaint for coup d’etat now pending in the In 1954, the Court was again confronted with the issue whether a sentence
civilian courts. In order that the court-martial proceedings against passed by a military court barred further prosecution of the same offense
petitioners could ensue, it is indisputably necessary that the RTC Order in a civilian court. The Court, in Crisologo v. People, 94 Phil. 477 (1954),
determining that the charges before the court-martial are not service- squarely ruled that double jeopardy indeed barred such prosecution.
connected is directly nullified or reconsidered with the needed effect of Republic Act No. 7055; It is misplaced to apply the doctrine of
terminating the criminal case for coup d’etat against them. If the act absorption of crimes to the determination of service-connected offenses made
constituting the offense triable before the civilian courts and the court- by the civilian court pursuant to Section 1 of RA 7055.—This aspect is no
martial are the same, then the defendants may be tried only either before longer material to my own disposition of the petition, yet I think it is
the civilian courts or the court-martial, and not in both tribunals. This is misplaced to apply the doctrine of absorption of crimes to the
precisely why the exceptions under Section 1 of RA 7055 were determination of service-connected offenses made by the civilian court
provided for—to prevent the anomaly of the defendants being pursuant to Section 1 of RA 7055. The function of such determination by
subjected to two different trials of equally punitive value for the the trial court under RA 7055 is wholly different from that utilized by the
same act. It is well worth noting that the Senate deliberations on RA 7055 trial court in ascertaining whether crime A is absorbed by crime B in the
indicate a strong concern on the part of the legislators over the situation classic criminal law context. The latter is material to the trial court in
wherein violations of the Articles of War also stand as violations of the reaching conclusions as to which crimes may be considered against the
Revised Penal Code. accused and which penalties may apply as to them. However, the purpose
Same; Double Jeopardy; It is very well-settled that double jeopardy of the determination under RA 7055 is merely for establishing whether the
attaches if one is tried by both a military court and a civilian court over the acts for which the accused stand charged before the courts-martial are
same act, notwithstanding the differing natures of both tribunals.—It is indeed service-connected offenses cognizable exclusively before the
very well-settled that double jeopardy attaches if one is tried by both a military courts, or non-service connected offenses cognizable exclusively
military court and a civilian court over the same act, notwithstanding the before the
460 Gonzales vs. Abaya
Gonzales vs. Abaya SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, J.:
civilian courts. The determining factor is whether the act is
“serviceconnected,” not whether one act is absorbed into the other. For our resolution is the Petition for Prohibition (with prayer for a
Articles of War; Courts Martial; I am prepared to conclude that courts- temporary restraining order) filed by the above-named members of the
martial retain the jurisdiction to try violations of Article 96 of Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), herein petitioners, against the AFP
Commonwealth Act No. 408, or conduct unbecoming of an officer, even if Chief of Staff and the Judge Advocate General, respondents.
the RTC determines that the acts constituting such violation are not service- The facts are:
connected; Civilian courts are utterly incapable of penalizing military On July 26, 2003, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo received
officers with the penalty of discharge from the service, since the penalty is intelligence reports that some members of the AFP, with high-powered
administrative in character and imposable only by the military chain of weapons, had abandoned their designated places of assignment. Their aim
command.—Yet more pertinent to my position is the penalty prescribed by was to destabilize the government. The President then directed the AFP
Article 96 for “conduct unbecoming.” The penalty is dismissal from service, and the Philippine National Police (PNP) to track and arrest them.
a penalty which is administrative in character, and beyond the jurisdiction On July 27, 2003 at around 1:00 a.m., more than 300 heavily armed
of the civilian court to impose. Notably, of all the Articles of War referred junior officers and enlisted men of the AFP—mostly from the elite units of
to in Section 1 of RA 7055, it is only Article 96 that provides for dismissal the Army’s Scout Rangers and the Navy’s Special Warfare Group—entered
from service as the exclusive penalty. All the other articles so mentioned the premises of the Oakwood Premier Luxury Apartments on Ayala
allow for the penalty of death, imprisonment, or a punishment “as a court- Avenue, Makati City. They disarmed the security guards and planted
martial may so direct” which could very well constitute any deprivation of explosive devices around the building.
life or liberty. While these other articles prescribes a penalty which is penal Led by Navy Lt. (SG) Antonio Trillanes IV, the troops sported red
in nature, it is only Article 96 which provides for a penalty which is armbands emblazoned with the emblem of the “Magdalo” faction of
administrative in character. As a result, I am prepared to conclude that the Katipunan.1 The troops then, through broadcast media, announced
courts-martial retain the jurisdiction to try violations of Article 96 of their grievances against the administration of President Gloria Macapagal
Commonwealth Act No. 408, or conduct unbecoming of an officer, even if Arroyo, such as the graft and corruption in the military, the illegal sale of
the RTC determines that the acts constituting such violation are not arms and ammunition to the “enemies” of the State, and the bombings in
service-connected. The intent of RA 7055 is to restore to civilian courts Davao City intended to acquire more military assistance from the US
jurisdiction over offenses which are properly cognizable by them to the government. They declared their withdrawal of support from their
exclusion of courts-martial. Such intent could obviously not extend to those Commander-in-Chief and demanded that she resign as President of the
offenses which the civilian courts do not have jurisdiction to try and Republic.
punish. Civilian courts are utterly incapable of penalizing military officers _______________
with the penalty of discharge from the service, since the penalty is
administrative in character and imposable only by the military chain of
1 A group which spearheaded the Revolution of 1896 against Spain.
command. 462
SPECIAL CIVIL ACTION in the Supreme Court. Prohibition. Gonzales vs. Abaya
They also called for the resignation of her cabinet members and the top
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. brass of the AFP and PNP.
Roberto Rafael J. Pulido for petitioners. About noontime of the same day, President Arroyo issued Proclamation
The Solicitor General for respondents. No. 427 declaring a state of rebellion, followed by General Order No. 4
461 directing the AFP and PNP to take all necessary measures to suppress the
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 461

rebellion then taking place in Makati City. She then called the soldiers to Of the original 321 accused in Criminal Case No. 03-2784, only 243
surrender their weapons at five o’clock in the afternoon of that same day. (including petitioners herein) filed with the RTC, Branch 148 an Omnibus
In order to avoid a bloody confrontation, the government sent Motion praying that the said trial court assume jurisdiction over all the
negotiators to dialogue with the soldiers. The aim was to persuade them to charges filed with the military tribunal. They invoked Republic Act (R.A.)
peacefully return to the fold of the law. After several hours of negotiation, No. 7055.5
the government panel succeeded in convincing them to lay down their arms _______________
and defuse the explosives placed around the premises of the Oakwood
Apartments. Eventually, they returned to their barracks. 2 As defined and penalized under Article 134-A of the Revised Penal

A total of 321 soldiers, including petitioners herein, surrendered to the Code, as amended.
authorities. 3 Now Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals.

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) investigated the incident 4 Entitled “An Act for Making Further and More Effectual Provision for

and recommended that the military personnel involved be charged the National Defense by Establishing a System of Military Justice for
with coup d’etat defined and penalized under Article 134-A of the Revised Persons Subject to Military Law.”
Penal Code, as amended. On July 31, 2003, the Chief State Prosecutor of 5 Entitled “An Act Strengthening Civilian Supremacy Over The

the Department of Justice (DOJ) recommended the filing of the Military By Returning To The Civil Courts The Jurisdiction Over
corresponding Information against them. 464
Meanwhile, on August 2, 2003, pursuant to Article 70 of the Articles of 464 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
War, respondent General Narciso Abaya, then AFP Chief of Staff, ordered
Gonzales vs. Abaya
the arrest and detention of the soldiers involved in the Oakwood incident
On September 15, 2003, petitioners filed with the Judge Advocate
and directed the AFP to conduct its own separate investigation.
General’s Office (JAGO) a motion praying for the suspension of its
proceedings until after the RTC shall have resolved their motion to assume
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 463 jurisdiction.
Gonzales vs. Abaya On October 29, 2003, the Pre-Trial Investigation Panel submitted its
On August 5, 2003, the DOJ filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Initial Report to the AFP Chief of Staff recommending that the military
Makati City an Information for coup d’etat2 against those soldiers, personnel involved in the Oakwood incident be charged before a general
docketed as Criminal Case No. 03-2784 and eventually raffled off to Branch court martial with violations of Articles 63, 64, 67, 96, and 97 of the Articles
61, presided by Judge Romeo F. Barza.3 Subsequently, this case was of War.
consolidated with Criminal Case No. 03-2678, involving the other accused, Meanwhile, on November 11, 2003, the DOJ, after conducting a
pending before Branch 148 of the RTC, Makati City, presided by Judge reinvestigation, found probable cause against only 31 (petitioners
Oscar B. Pimentel. included) of the 321 accused in Criminal Case No. 03-2784. Accordingly,
On August 13, 2003, the RTC directed the DOJ to conduct a the prosecution filed with the RTC an Amended Information.6
reinvestigation of Criminal Case No. 03-2784. In an Order dated November 14, 2003, the RTC admitted the Amended
On the same date, respondent Chief of Staff issued Letter Order No. Information and dropped the charge of coup d’etat against the 290 accused.
625 creating a Pre-Trial Investigation Panel tasked to determine the Subsequently, or on December 12, 2003, the Pre-Trial Investigation
propriety of filing with the military tribunal charges for violations of Panel submitted its Final Pre-Trial Investigation Report7 to the JAGO,
Commonwealth Act No. 408,4 (otherwise known as “The Articles of War”), recommending that, following the “doctrine of absorption,” those charged
as amended, against the same military personnel. Specifically, the charges with coup d’etat before the RTC should not be charged before the military
are: (a) violation of Article 63 for disrespect toward the President, the tribunal for violation of the Articles of War.
Secretary of National Defense, etc., (b) violation of Article 64 for disrespect For its part, the RTC, on February 11, 2004, issued an Order8 stating
toward a superior officer, (c) violation of Article 67 for mutiny or sedition, that “all charges before the court martial against the accused…are hereby
(d) violation of Article 96 for conduct unbecoming an officer and a declared not service-connected, but rather absorbed and in furtherance
gentleman, and (e) violation of Article 97 for conduct prejudicial to good of the alleged crime of
order and military discipline. _______________
Certain Offenses Involving Members Of The Armed Forces Of The 466 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Philippines, Other Persons Subject To Military Law, And The Members Of
Gonzales vs. Abaya
The Philippine National Police, Repealing For The Purpose Certain
charged before the General Court Martial has prescribed. Petitioners
Presidential Decrees.”
6 Rollo, pp. 176-179.
alleged therein that during the pendency of their original petition,
7 Id., pp. 370-380.
respondents proceeded with the Pre-Trial Investigation for purposes of
8 Id., pp. 207-209.
charging them with violation of Article 96 (conduct unbecoming an officer
and a gentleman) of the Articles of War; that the Pre-Trial Investigation
Panel then referred the case to the General Court Martial; that “almost
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 465 two years since the Oakwood incident on July 27, 2003, only petitioner Lt.
Gonzales vs. Abaya (SG) Antonio Trillanes was arraigned, and this was done under
coup d’etat.” The trial court then proceeded to hear petitioners’ applications questionable circumstances”;10 that in the hearing of July 26, 2005, herein
for bail. petitioners moved for the dismissal of the case on the ground that they
In the meantime, Colonel Julius A. Magno, in his capacity as officer-in- were not arraigned within the prescribed period of two (2) years from the
charge of the JAGO, reviewed the findings of the Pre-Trial Investigation date of the commission of the alleged of-fense, in violation of Article 38 of
Panel. He recommended that 29 of the officers involved in the Oakwood the Articles of War;11 that “the offense charged prescribed on July 25,
incident, including petitioners, be prosecuted before a general court 2005”;12 that the General Court Martial ruled, however, that “the
martial for violation of Article 96 (conduct unbecoming an officer and a prescriptive period shall end only at 12:00 midnight of July 26,
gentleman) of the Articles of War. 2005”;13 that “(a)s midnight of July 26, 2005 was approaching and it was
On June 17, 2004, Colonel Magno’s recommendation was approved by becoming apparent that the accused could not be arraigned, the
the AFP top brass. The AFP Judge Advocate General then directed prosecution suddenly changed its position and asserted that 23 of the
petitioners to submit their answer to the charge. Instead of complying, they accused have already been arraigned”;14 and that petitioners moved for a
filed with this Court the instant Petition for Prohibition praying that reconsideration
respondents be ordered to desist from charging them with violation of _______________
Article 96 of the Articles of War in relation to the Oakwood incident.9
Petitioners maintain that since the RTC has made a determination in Par. 4, Supplemental Petition, p. 4.

its Order of February 11, 2004 that the offense for violation of Article 96 Article 38 of the Articles of War partly provides:

(conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman) of the Articles of War is “Article 38. As to Time.—Except for desertion or murder committed in time
not service-connected, but is absorbed in the crime of coup d’etat, the of war, or for mutiny, no person subject to military law shall be liable to be
military tribunal cannot compel them to submit to its jurisdiction. tried or punished by a court-martial for any crime or offense committed
The Solicitor General, representing the respondents, counters that R.A. more than two years before the arraignment of such person: x x x.”
No. 7055 specifies which offenses covered by the Articles of War are service- 12 Pars. 8, 18, Supplemental Petition, pp. 5, 10.

connected. These are violations of Articles 54 to 70, 72 to 92, and 95 to 97. 13 Par. 9, id.

The law provides that violations of these Articles are properly cognizable 14 Par. 10, id. Petitioners stated, under this footnote, that the “(r)ulings

by the court martial. As the charge against petitioners is violation of Article before the General Court Martial were done orally; unavailability of the
96 which, under R.A. No. 7055 is a service-connected offense, then it falls TSN for the July 26, 2005 hearing.”
under the jurisdiction of the court martial. 467
Subsequently, petitioners filed with this Court a Supplemental Petition VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 467
raising the additional issue that the offense
Gonzales vs. Abaya
but it was denied by the general court martial in its Order dated September
14, 2005.15
9Id., pp. 14-15.
In his Comment, the Solicitor General prays that the Supplemental
Petition be denied for lack of merit. He alleges that “contrary to
petitioners’ pretensions, all the accused were duly arraigned on As used in this Section, service-connected crimes or offenses
July 13 and 18, 2005.”16 The “(r)ecords show that in the hearing on July shall be limited to those defined in Articles 54 to 70, Articles 72 to
13, 2005, all the 29 accused were present” and, “(o)n that day, Military 92, and Articles 95 to 97 of Commonwealth Act No. 408, as amended.
Prosecutor Captain Karen Ong Jags read the Charges and Specifications In imposing the penalty for such crimes or offenses, the court-martial
from the Charge Sheet in open court (pp. 64, TSN, July 13, 2005).”17 may take into consideration the penalty prescribed therefor in the Revised
The sole question for our resolution is whether the petitioners are Penal Code, other special laws, or local government ordinances.
entitled to the writ of prohibition. Section 1 of R.A. No. 7055, quoted above, is clear and unambiguous. First,
There is no dispute that petitioners, being officers of the AFP, are it lays down the general rule that members of the AFP and other persons
subject to military law. Pursuant to Article 1 (a) of Commonwealth Act No. subject to military law, including members of the Citizens Armed Forces
408, as amended, otherwise known as the Articles of War, the term “officer” Geographical Units, who commit crimes or offenses penalized under the
is “construed to refer to a commissioned officer.” Article 2 provides: Revised Penal Code (like coup d’etat), other special penal laws, or local
Art. 2. Persons Subject to Military Law.—The following persons are subject ordinances shall be tried by the proper civil court. Next, it provides
to these articles and shall be understood as included in the term “any the exception to the general rule, i.e., where the civil court, before
person subject to military law” or “persons subject to military law,” arraignment, has determined the offense to be service-connected, then
whenever used in these articles: the offending soldier shall be tried by a court martial. Lastly, the
(a) All officers and soldiers in the active service of the Armed law states an exception to the exception, i.e., where the President of the
Forces of the Philippines or of the Philippine Constabulary, all Philippines, in the interest of justice, directs before arraignment that any
members of the reserve force, from the dates of their call to active duty and such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil court.
while on such active duty; all trainees undergoing military instructions; 469
and all other persons lawfully called, drafted, or ordered into, or to duty or VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 469
for training in the said service, from the dates they are required by the
Gonzales vs. Abaya
terms of the call, draft, or order to obey the same.
The second paragraph of the same provision further identifies the
Upon the other hand, Section 1 of R.A. No. 7055 reads:
“service-connected crimes or offenses” as “limited to those defined
in Articles 54 to 70, Articles 72 to 92, and Articles 95 to 97” of the
Articles of War. Violations of these specified Articles are triable by court
15 Par. 14, id.
martial. This delineates the jurisdiction between the civil courts and the
16 Comment, p. 10.
17 Id., p. 18. court martial over crimes or offenses committed by military personnel.
Such delineation of jurisdiction by R.A. No. 7055 is necessary to
preserve the peculiar nature of military justice system over military
468 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED personnel charged with service-connected offenses. The military justice
Gonzales vs. Abaya system is disciplinary in nature, aimed at achieving the highest form of
SEC. 1. Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and other persons discipline in order to ensure the highest degree of military
subject to military law, including members of the Citizens Armed Forces efficiency.18 Military law is established not merely to enforce discipline in
Geographical Units, who commit crimes or offenses penalized under the times of war, but also to preserve the tranquility and security of the State
Revised Penal Code, other special penal laws, or local government in time of peace; for there is nothing more dangerous to the public peace
ordinances, regardless of whether or not civilians are co-accused, victims, and safety than a licentious and undisciplined military body.19 The
or offended parties, which may be natural or juridical persons, shall be administration of military justice has been universally practiced. Since
tried by the proper civil court, except when the offense, as time immemorial, all the armies in almost all countries of the world look
determined before arraignment by the civil court, is service- upon the power of military law and its administration as the most effective
connected, in which case, the offense shall be tried by court- means of enforcing discipline. For this reason, the court martial has
martial, Provided, That the President of the Philippines may, in the become invariably an indispensable part of any organized armed forces, it
interest of justice, order or direct at any time before arraignment that any being the most potent agency in enforcing discipline both in peace and in
such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil courts. war.20
Here, petitioners are charged for violation of Article 96 (conduct 21 Commonwealth Act No. 408, as amended by Republic Act No. 242

unbecoming an officer and a gentleman) of the Articles of War before the (approved on June 12, 1948).
court martial, thus: 471
“All persons subject to military law, did on or about 27 July 2003 at VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 471
Oakwood Hotel, Makati City, Metro Manila, willfully, un-
Gonzales vs. Abaya
Obviously, there is no merit in petitioners’ argument that they can no
longer be charged before the court martial for violation of Article 96 of the
18 Gloria, PHILIPPINE MILITARY LAW Annotated, revised edition, p.
Articles of War because the same has been declared by the RTC in its Order
of February 11, 2004 as “not service-connected, but rather absorbed and in
furtherance of the alleged crime of coup d’etat,” hence, triable by said court
Id., pp. 4-5.
(RTC). The RTC, in making such declaration, practically amended the law
which expressly vests in the court martial the jurisdiction over “service-
470 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED connected crimes or offenses.” What the law has conferred the court should
Gonzales vs. Abaya not take away. It is only the Constitution or the law that bestows
lawfully and feloniously violate their solemn oath as officers to jurisdiction on the court, tribunal, body or officer over the subject matter
defend the Constitution, the law and the duly-constituted or nature of an action which can do so.22 And it is only through a
authorities and abused their constitutional duty to protect the constitutional amendment or legislative enactment that such act can be
people and the State by, among others, attempting to oust the done. The first and fundamental duty of the courts is merely to apply the
incumbent duly-elected and legitimate President by force and violence, law “as they find it, not as they like it to be.”23 Evidently, such declaration
seriously disturbing the peace and tranquility of the people and the nation by the RTC constitutes grave abuse of discretion tantamount to lack or
they are sworn to protect, thereby causing dishonor and disrespect to excess of jurisdiction and is, therefore, void.
the military profession, conduct unbecoming an officer and a In Navales v. Abaya,24 this Court, through Mr. Justice Romeo J. Callejo,
gentleman, in violation of AW 96 of the Articles of War. Sr., held:
CONTRARY TO LAW.” (Underscoring ours) “We agree with the respondents that the sweeping declaration made by the
Article 96 of the Articles of War21 provides: RTC (Branch 148) in the dispositive portion of its Order dated February
“ART. 96. Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Gentleman.—Any officer, 11, 2004 that all charges before the court-martial against the accused were
member of the Nurse Corps, cadet, flying cadet, or probationary second not service-connected, but absorbed and in furtherance of the crime of coup
lieutenant, who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a d’etat, cannot be given effect. x x x, such declaration was made without or
gentleman shall be dismissed from the service.” (Underscoring ours) in excess of jurisdiction; hence, a nullity.
We hold that the offense for violation of Article 96 of the Articles of War is _______________
service-connected. This is expressly provided in Section 1 (second
paragraph) of R.A. No. 7055. It bears stressing that the charge against the 22 Arnado v.Buban, A.M. No. MTJ-04-1543, May 31, 2004, 430 SCRA
petitioners concerns the alleged violation of their solemn oath as 382, 386; Republic v. Estipular, G.R. No. 136588, July 20, 2000, 336 SCRA
officers to defend the Constitution and the duly-constituted authorities. 333, 340.
Such violation allegedly caused dishonor and disrespect to the 23 Resins, Inc. v. Auditor General, G.R. No. 17888, October 29, 1968, 25

military profession. In short, the charge has a bearing on SCRA 754.

their professional conduct or behavior as military officers. Equally 24 G.R. Nos. 162318 and 162341, October 25, 2004, 441 SCRA 393, 409-

indicative of the “service-connected” nature of the offense is the penalty 421.

prescribed for the same—dismissal from the service—imposable only by 472
the military court. Such penalty is purely disciplinary in character, 472 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
evidently intended to cleanse the military profession of misfits and to
Gonzales vs. Abaya
preserve the stringent standard of military discipline.
The second paragraph of the above provision (referring to Section 1 of R.A. Art. 79. Forcing a Safeguard.
No. 7055) explicitly specifies what are considered “ser-vice-connected Art. 80. Captured Property to be Secured for Public
crimes or offenses” under Commonwealth Act No. 408, as amended, also
known as the Articles of War, to wit: Service.
Articles 54 to 70: Art. 81. Dealing in Captured or Abandoned Property.
Art. 54. Fraudulent Enlistment. Art. 82. Relieving, Corresponding With, or Aiding the
Art. 55. Officer Making Unlawful Enlistment. Enemy.
Art. 56. False Muster. Art. 83. Spies.
Art. 57. False Returns. Art. 84. Military Property.–Willful or Negligent Loss,
Art. 58. Certain Acts to Constitute Desertion. Dam-
Art. 59. Desertion. age or Wrongful Disposition.
Art. 60. Advising or Aiding Another to Desert. Art. 85. Waste or Unlawful Disposition of Military
Art. 61. Entertaining a Deserter. Property
Art. 62. Absence Without Leave. Issued to Soldiers.
Art. 63. Disrespect Toward the President, Vice-President, Art. 86. Drunk on Duty.
Congress of the Philippines, or Secretary of National Art. 87. Misbehavior of Sentinel.
Defense. Art. 88. Personal Interest in Sale of Provisions.
Art. 64. Disrespect Toward Superior Officer. Art. 88-A. Unlawful Influencing Action of Court.
Art. 65. Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Superior Officer. Art. 89. Intimidation of Persons Bringing Provisions.
Art. 66. Insubordinate Conduct Toward Non-Commissioned Art. 90. Good Order to be Maintained and Wrongs
Officer. Redressed.
Art. 67. Mutiny or Sedition. Art. 91. Provoking Speeches or Gestures.
Art. 68. Failure to Suppress Mutiny or Sedition. Art. 92. Dueling.
Art. 69. Quarrels; Frays; Disorders. Articles 95 to 97:
Art. 70. Arrest or Confinement. Art. 95. Frauds Against the Government.
Articles 72 to 92: Art. 96. Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and
Art. 72. Refusal to Receive and Keep Prisoners. Gentleman.
Art. 73. Report of Prisoners Received. Art. 97. General Article.
Further, Section 1 of Rep. Act No. 7055 vests on the military courts the
Art. 74. Releasing Prisoner Without Authority. jurisdiction over the foregoing offenses. x x x.
Art. 75. Delivery of Offenders to Civil Authorities. It is clear from the foregoing that Rep. Act No. 7055 did not divest the
Art. 76. Misbehavior Before the Enemy. military courts of jurisdiction to try cases involving violations of Articles
Art. 77. Subordinates Compelling Commander to Surrender. 54 to 70, Articles 72 to 92, and Articles 95 to 97 of the Articles of War as
Art. 78. Improper Use of Countersign. these are considered “service-connected crimes or offenses.” In fact, it
473 mandates that these shall be tried by the court-martial.”
Moreover, the observation made by Mr. Justice Antonio T. Carpio during
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 473 the deliberation of this case is worth quoting, thus:
2006 474
Gonzales vs. Abaya Gonzales vs. Abaya
“The trial court aggravated its error when it justified its ruling by holding President’s control, and thus civilian supremacy, over the military. At the
that the charge of Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman is apex of this disciplinary system is the President who exercises review
‘absorbed and in furtherance to the alleged crime of coup d’etat.’ Firstly, powers over decisions of courts-martial (citing Article 50 of the Articles of
the doctrine of ‘absorption of crimes’ is peculiar to criminal law and War; quoted provisions omitted).
generally applies to crimes punished by the same statute,25 unlike here xxx
where different statutes are involved. Secondly, the doctrine applies only While the Court had intervened before in courts-martial or similar
if the trial court has jurisdiction over both offenses. Here, Section 1 of R.A. proceedings, it did so sparingly and only to release a military personnel
7055 deprives civil courts of jurisdiction over service-connected offenses, illegally detained (Ognir v. Director of Prisons, 80 Phil. 401 [1948] or to
including Article 96 of the Articles of War. Thus, the doctrine of absorption correct objectionable procedures (Yamashita v. Styer, 75 Phil. 563 [1945]).
of crimes is not applicable to this case. The Court has never suppressed court-martial proceedings on the ground
Military law is sui generis (Calley v. Callaway, 519 F.2d 184 [1975]), that the offense charged ‘is absorbed and in furtherance of’ another
applicable only to military personnel because the military constitutes an criminal charge pending with the civil courts. The Court may now do so
armed organization requiring a system of discipline separate from that of only if the offense charged is not one of the service-connected offenses
civilians (see Orloff v. Willoughby, 345 U.S. 83 [1953]). Military personnel specified in Section 1 of RA 7055. Such is not the situation in the present
carry high-powered arms and other lethal weapons not allowed to civilians. case.”
History, experience, and the nature of a military organization dictate that With respect to the issue of prescription raised by petitioners in their
military personnel must be subjected to a separate disciplinary system not Supplemental Petition, suffice it to say that we cannot entertain the same.
applicable to unarmed civilians or unarmed government personnel. The contending parties are at loggerheads as to (a) who among the
A civilian government employee reassigned to another place by his petitioners were actually arraigned, and (b) the dates of their
superior may question his reassignment by asking a temporary restraining arraignment. These are matters involving questions of fact, not within
order or injunction from a civil court. However, a soldier cannot go to a civil our power of review, as we are not a trier of facts. In a petition for
court and ask for a restraining or injunction if his military commander prohibition, such as the one at bar, only legal issues affecting the
reassigns him to another area of military operations. If this is allowed, jurisdiction of the tribunal, board or officer involved may be resolved on
military discipline will collapse. the basis of the undisputed facts.26
xxx Clearly, the instant petition for prohibition must fail. The office of
This Court has recognized that courts-martial are instrumentalities of prohibition is to prevent the unlawful and oppressive exercise of authority
the Executive to enable the President, as Commander-in-Chief, to and is directed against proceedings that are done without or in excess of
effectively command, control, and discipline the armed forces (see Ruffy v. jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion, there being no appeal or
Chief of Staff, 75 Phil. 875 [1946], citing Winthrop’s Military Law and other plain,
Precedents, 2nd edition, p. 49). In short, courts-martial form part of the _______________
disciplinary system that ensures the
_______________ 26 Mafinco Trading Corp. v. Ople, No. L-37790, March 25, 1976, 70
SCRA 139, 160-161.
25 E.g., Murder (Article 248) and Robbery (Articles 294-295) absorbed 476
by Rebellion (Article 134) of the Revised Penal Code (People v. 476 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Hernandez, 99 Phil. 515 [1956]; Illegal Possession of Marijuana (Section 8,
Gonzales vs. Abaya
Republic Act No. 6425) absorbed by Illegal Sale of Marijuana (Section 4,
speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.27 Stated
Republic Act No. 6425) (People v. De Jesus, 229 Phil. 518; 145 SCRA
differently, prohibition is the remedy to prevent inferior courts,
521 [1986]).
corporations, boards, or persons from usurping or exercising a jurisdiction
or power with which they have not been vested by law.28
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 475

In fine, this Court holds that herein respondents have the authority in attempting to oust the incumbent duly-elected and legitimate president by
convening a court martial and in charging petitioners with violation of force and violence, seriously disturbing the peace and tranquility of the
Article 96 of the Articles of War. people and the nation they are sworn to protect, thereby causing dishonor
WHEREFORE, the instant petition for prohibition is DISMISSED. and disrespect to the military profession, conduct unbecoming an officer
SO ORDERED. and a gentleman, in violation of AW 96 of the Articles of War.
Panganiban (C.J.), Puno, Quisumbing, Carpio, Austria- CONTRARY TO LAW.”
Martinez, Corona, Carpio-Morales, Chico-Nazario, Garcia and Velasco, Article 96 of the Articles of War defines the punitive act of conduct
Jr., JJ., concur. unbecoming an officer and a gentleman as follows:
Ynares-Santiago, J., I join separate (concurring/dissenting) “Art. 96. Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Gentle-man.—Any
opinion of J. Tinga. officer, cadet, flying cadet, or probationary second lieutenant, who is
Callejo, Sr., Please see my concurring opinion. convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be
Azcuna, J., I concur in the separate opinion of Justice Tinga. dismissed from the service.”
Tinga, J., Pls. see separate (concurring/dissenting) opinion. Case law has it that common crimes committed in furtherance of a political
CONCURRING OPINION crime, such as rebellion, are therein absorbed. A political crime is one
directly aimed against the political order as well as such common crimes
CALLEJO, SR., J.: as may be committed to achieve a political purpose. The decisive factor
I concur with the encompassing ponencia of Madame Justice Angelina 478 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Sandoval-Gutierrez ordering the dismissal of Gonzales vs. Abaya
_______________ is the intent or motive. Coup d’etat is a political crime because the purpose
of the plotters is to seize or diminish State power. If a crime usually
27 Section 2, Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as regarded as common, like murder, is perpetrated to achieve a political
amended; Vergara v. Rugue, No. L-32984, August 26, 1977, 78 SCRA 312. purpose, then said common crime is stripped of its common complexion,
28 Matuguina Integrated Wood Products, Inc. v. Court of Ap-peals, G.R.
inasmuch as, being part and parcel of the crime of rebellion, the former
No. 98310, October 24, 1996, 263 SCRA 490. acquires the political character of the latter.1 Such common offenses
477 assume the political complexion of the main crime of which they are mere
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 477 ingredients, and, consequently, cannot be punished separately from the
Gonzales vs. Abaya principal offense, or complexed with the same to justify the imposition of
the petition. However, I find it necessary to elucidate on my opinion the graver penalty.2
relative to the submission of petitioners that the punitive act for conduct In Ponce Enrile v. Amin,3 the court ruled that the principle of
unbecoming an officer and a gentleman defined in Article 96 of the Articles absorption of common crimes by the political crime applies to crimes
of War is absorbed by coup d’etat, a political felony, especially in light of defined and penalized by special laws, such as Presidential Decree No.
the opinion of the Pre-Trial Investigation Panel that the punitive act as 1829, otherwise known as Obstruction of Justice. However, in Baylosis v.
well as these service-connected punitive acts defined in Articles 63, 64, 96 Chavez, Jr.,4 the Court ruled that the rulings of this Court in People v.
and 97 of the Articles of War, are indeed absorbed by coup d’etat. Hernandez,5 Ponce Enrile v. Amin6 and Enrile v. Salazar,7 do not apply to
The charge against petitioners reads: crimes which, by statutory fiat, are sui generis.
Violation of Article 96 Indeed, the service-connected punitive acts defined and penalized
under the Articles of War are sui generis offenses not absorbed by rebellion
“All persons subject to military law, did on or about 27 July 2003 at perpetrated, inter alia, by the officers and enlisted personnel of the Armed
Oakwood Hotel, Makati City, Makati, Metro Manila, willfully, unlawfully Forces of the Philippines (AFP) or coup d’etat. This is so because such acts
and feloniously violate their solemn oath as officers to defend the or omissions are merely violations of military discipline, designed to secure
Constitution, the law and the duly-constituted authorities and abuse their a higher efficiency in the military service; in other words, they are purely
constitutional duty to protect the people and the State by, among others, disciplinary in their nature, and have exclusive regard to the special
character and relation of the AFP officers and enlisted personnel. Laws 8 Michigan v. Wagner, 77 N.W. 422.
providing for the discipline 9 Loving v. U.S., 517 U.S. 748, 778, 116 S.Ct. 1737 (1966).
_______________ 480
1 People v. Hernandez, 99 Phil. 515, 536 (1956).
Gonzales vs. Abaya
2 Id., at p. 541.
3 G.R. No. 93335, September 13, 1990, 189 SCRA 573, 580-581. turn, had been superseded by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Our
4 G.R. No. 95136, October 3, 1991, 202 SCRA 405, 416.
Articles of War has since been amended by Republic Act Nos. 242 and 516.
5 Supra note 1.
The Articles of War is the organic law of the AFP and, in keeping with
6 Supra note 3.
the history of military law, its primary function is to enforce “the highest
7 G.R. No. 92163, June 5, 1990, 186 SCRA 217.
form of discipline in order to ensure the highest degree of military
efficiency.” The following commentary is enlightening:
“History points out the fact that nations have always engaged in wars. For
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 479 that purpose, bodies of men have been organized into armed forces under
Gonzales vs. Abaya a commander-in-chief who, through his subordinate commanders, enforces
as well as the organization of the AFP are essential to the efficiency for the the highest form of discipline in order to ensure the highest degree of
military service in case their services should ever be required. “Deprive the military efficiency.
executive branch of the government of the power to enforce proper military Victory in battle is the ultimate aim of every military commander, and
regulations by fine and imprisonment, and that, too, by its own courts- he knows that victory cannot be attained, no matter how superior his forces
martial, which from time immemorial have exercised this right, and we at may be, in men and materials, if discipline among the rank-and-file is
once paralyze all efforts to secure proper discipline in the military service, found wanting. For, “if an Army is to be anything but an uncontrolled mob,
and have little left but a voluntary organization, without cohesive force.”8 discipline is required and must be enforced.” For this reason, in order to
It bears stressing that for determining how best the AFP shall attend set an effective means of enforcing discipline, all organized armies of the
to the business of fighting or preparing to fight rests with Congress and world have promulgated sets of rules and regulations and later, laws as
with the President. Both Congress and this Court have found that the embodied in the articles of war, which define the duties of military
special character of the military requires civilian authorities to accord personnel and distinguish infractions of military law and impose
military commanders some flexibility in dealing with matters that affect appropriate punishment for violation thereof.”10
internal discipline and morale. In construing a statute that touches on such Every officer, before he enters in the duties of his office, subscribes to these
matters, therefore, courts must be careful not to circumscribe the authority articles and places himself within the powers of courts-martial to pass on
of military commanders to an extent never intended by Congress. Under any offense which he may have committed in contravention thereof.11
these and many similar cases reviewing legislative and executive control It is said that conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman is a
of the military, the sentencing scheme at issue in this case, and the manner uniquely military offense.12 In order to constitute the said offense, the
in which it was created, are constitutionally un-assailable.9 misconduct must offend so seriously against the law, justice, morality or
Officers and enlisted personnel committing punitive acts under the decorum as to expose to disgrace,
Articles of War may be prosecuted and convicted if found guilty of such acts _______________
independently of, and separately from, any charges filed in the civilian
courts for the same or similar acts which are penalized under the Revised 10 Gloria, PHILIPPINE MILITARY LAW ANNOTATED, p. 3.
Penal Code, under special penal laws or ordinances; and prescinding from 11 Carter v. Roberto, 177 U.S. 497 (1900).
the outcome thereof. 12 U.S. v. Weldon, 7 M.J. 938 (1979).

At this point, it is well to have a basic understanding of the Articles of 481

War under Commonwealth Act No. 408, which was essentially copied from VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 481
that of the United States, which, in
Gonzales vs. Abaya

socially or as a man, the offender, and at the same time must be of such a A review of the deliberations in the Senate or the Report of the
nature or committed under such circumstances as to bring dishonor or Conference Committee of Senate Bill 1500 will readily show that coup
disrepute upon the military profession which he represents.13 The article d’etat was incorporated in the Revised Penal Code in Article 134-A
proscribing conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman has been held precisely to criminalize “mutiny” under Article 67 of the Articles of War
to be wholly independent of other definitions of offenses, and the same and to penalize the punitive act of mutiny, under the Articles of War
course of conduct may constitute an offense elsewhere provided for and as coup d’etat. Article 67 of the Articles of War reads:
may also warrant a conviction under this provision; it is not subject to Art. 67. Mutiny or Sedition.—Any person subject to military law who
preemption by other punitive articles.14 attempts to create or who begins, excites, causes, or joins in any mutiny or
The administration of military justice under the Articles of War has sedition in any company, party, post, camp, detachment, guard, or other
been exclusively vested in courts-martial whether as General Courts- command shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial
Martial, Special Courts-Martial or Summary Courts-Martial.15 Courts- may direct.
martial pertain to the executive department and are, in fact, simply Without Article 134-A in the Revised Penal Code, the mutineers would be
instrumentalities of the executive power, provided by Congress for the charged for mutiny under Article 67 of the Articles of War:
President as Commander-in-Chief to aid him in properly commanding the Senator Lina. Yes, Mr. President.
army and navy, and enforcing discipline therein.16 Senator Enrile. Then we added Article 134-A which deals with the new
As enunciated by the United States Supreme Court, “the military is, by crime of coup d’etat.
necessity, a specialized society separate from civilian society. It has, again Senator Enrile. – and we defined how this newly characterized and defined
by necessity, developed laws and traditions of its own during its long crime would be committed in Article 134-A?
history. The differences between the military and civilian communities Senator Lina. Yes, Mr. President.
result from the fact that it is the primary business of armies and navies to Senator Enrile. And, in fact, we made a distinction between the penalty of
fight or ready to fight wars should the occasion arise.”17 Further, the US the crimes defined under Article 134 of the Revised Penal Code and the
Supreme Court quite succinctly stated that “the military constitutes a crime defined under Article 134-A, is this correct, Mr.
specialized community governed by a separate discipline from that of the President? Senator Lina. Yes, Mr. President.
civilian.”18 483
_______________ VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 483
Gonzales vs. Abaya
13 Parker v. Levy, 417 U.S. 733 (1974).
Senator Enrile. In fact, we distinguished between the conspiracy and
14 U.S. v. Taylor, 23 M.J. 341 (1987).
15 Article 3, ARTICLES OF WAR. proposal to commit the crime of rebellion from the conspiracy and
16 Supra note 14, p.17, citing Winthrop, Military Law and Precedents
proposal to commit coup d’ etat?
Senator Lina. Yes, Mr. President.
(2nd ed.), 49.
17 U.S. ex rel. Toth v. Quarles, 350 U.S. 11 (1955).
Senator Enrile. So that, for all intents and purposes, therefore, we are
18 Orloff v. Willoughby, 345 U.S. 83 (1953)
defining a new crime under this proposed measure—
Senator Lina. Yes, Mr. President.
Senator Enrile.—which is coup d’etat. We are, in effect, bringing into the
482 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Revised Penal Code, a crime that was penalized under the Articles of
Gonzales vs. Abaya War as far as military participants are concerned and call it with its
I wish to emphasize, however, a caveat: not all service-connected punitive name “coup d’etat”?
acts under the Articles of War may be prosecuted before the courts-martial Senator Lina. Yes, Mr. President. That is the . . .
independently of a crime defined and penalized under the Revised Penal Senator Enrile. Because without this criminalization of coup d’etat under
Code against the same accused based on the same set of delictual acts. the Revised Penal Code, people in the active service would be charged
Congress may criminalize a service-connected punitive offense under the with mutiny?
Articles of War. Senator Lina. Yes, Mr. President. Especially when they are inside the camp,
when the rank-and-file go up to arms or insubordination or against the
orders of their superiors, they would be charged under the Articles of Instead, my position hinges on the peculiar nature of Article 96 of the
War. Articles of War, the violation of which petitioners stand accused of before
Senator Enrile. In fact, one of the distinguishing features of a coup d’etat as the court-martial. Not only does Article 96 embody a rule uniquely
defined here is, apart from the overt acts of taking a swift attack with military in nature, it also prescribes a penalty wholly
violence, intimidation, threat, strategy, or stealth against the duly- administrative in character which the civilian courts are
constituted authorities or an installation, et cetera, the primary incapable of rendering. For that reason alone, I agree that
ingredient of this would be the seizure or diminution of state power. petitioners may stand civilian trial for coup d’etat and court-martial for
Senator Lina. Yes, that is the objective, Mr. President. violation of Article 96.
Senator Enrile. On the other hand, in the case of rebellion as defined under 485
Article 134, it does not necessarily mean a seizure of State power or VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 485
diminution of State power, but all that is needed would be to deprive
Gonzales vs. Abaya
the Chief Executive or the legislature of any of its powers.
Still, I acknowledge that I would have voted to grant the petition had
Senator Lina. That is correct, Mr. President.
petitioners faced other charges, instead of the sole Article 96 charge, before
Senator Enrile. So that, there is a basis to consider a clear and definable
the court-martial in connection with the Oakwood mutiny. I submit that
distinction between the crime of coup d’etat and the crime of rebellion
RA 7055 precisely authorizes the civil court to independently determine
as defined under Article 135?
whether the offense subject of the information before it is actually service-
connected. If the trial court does determine, before arraignment, that the
484 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED offense is service-connected, it follows that, as a rule, the military court
Gonzales vs. Abaya will not have jurisdiction over the acts constituting the offense.
Senator Lina. Yes, Mr. President. Restatement of Relevant Facts
Senator Enrile. I just want to put that into the Record. The following facts I consider relevant.
Thus, officers and enlisted personnel of the AFP charged of coup d’etat can On 5 August 2003, just a little over a week after the socalled Oakwood
no longer be charged with mutiny under Article 67 of the Articles of War mutiny, the Department of Justice filed an Information with the Regional
before courts-martial for the same delictual or punitive act. Trial Court (RTC) of Makati against 321 military personnel, including
I vote to DISMISS the petition. petitioners, for violation of Article 134-A of the Revised Penal Code which
SEPARATE OPINION is the crime of coup d’etat. After the case was docketed as Criminal Case
(Concurring and Dissenting) No. 03-2784, the RTC directed the DOJ to conduct a reinvestigation of the
said case. On the same day that the order for re-investigation was issued,
TINGA, J.: the AFP Chief of Staff created a Pre-Trial Investigation Panel against the
same persons to determine the propriety of filing charges with a military
My concurrence to the dismissal of the petition is limited to a much tribunal against petitioners, along with 300 or so other soldiers, for
narrower ground than that offered by the majority opinion, which, with violation of the Articles of War, again in connection with the Oakwood
due respect, I am unable to fully join and thus impelled to mostly dissent mutiny. Thus, 243 of the accused before the RTC, including petitioners,
from. The broad propositions adopted by the majority render inutile filed a motion with the trial court praying that the court assume
Republic Act No. 7055, (RA 7055) that generally restored civil jurisdiction jurisdiction over all the charges filed with the military tribunal, following
over offenses involving members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines RA 7055.1
(AFP). This law stands as a key implement in the restoration of civilian After re-investigation, the DOJ found probable cause for the crime
supremacy over the military, a precept that was reinvigorated with the of coup d’etat against only 31 of the original 321 accused. The DOJ then
restoration of civil democracy in 1986. The rationale that sustains the filed a motion for dismissal of the
majority position stands athwart to that important constitutional principle _______________
as effectuated through RA 7055.
1Rollo, pp. 107-115.
486 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the trial court be excluded from the court-martial proceedings. The
rationale that the Panel offered was the assumption of civilian jurisdiction
Gonzales vs. Abaya
by the RTC based on RA 7055 and its belief that the charges against the
charge of coup d’etat against the 290 others, which motion was granted by
31 it was investigating were absorbed by the crime of coup d’etat, which
the RTC in an Order dated 14 November 2003. Petitioners were among the
was already within the jurisdiction of the RTC to try and decide.
31 who still faced the charge of coup d’etat before the RTC.
It was on 11 February 2004 that the RTC issued an Order (RTC Order)
Notwithstanding the dismissal of the charge of coup d’etat against the
stating that “all charges before the court-martial against the accused are
290 soldiers, they were still charged before the General Court Martial for
hereby declared not service-connected, but rather absorbed and in
violation of Articles 63, 64, 67, 96 and 97 of the Articles of War.2 Among
furtherance of the alleged crime of coup d’etat.” Note that as of then, only
the charges faced by these soldiers was for “mutiny,” punishable under
31 officers remained within the jurisdiction of the RTC. If there are any
Article 63. Only those soldiers the charge of coup d’etat against
relevant subjects of the RTC Order, it is these 31, including petitioners,
whom was dismissed were subjected to the charge of Articles of
and not the 290 others the case for coup d’etat against whom had already
War violations before the court-martial. Some of these 290 soldiers
been dismissed.
challenged the jurisdiction of the court-martial in a petition for prohibition
Thus, as things stood as of 11 February 2004, only 31 officers, including
before this Court, which was denied in Navales v. Abaya3 in 2004.
petitioners, were still within the jurisdiction of the RTC, as they remained
charged with coup d’etat. None of the 31 were facing any charge before the
court-martial, the investigation against them by the AFP Pre-Trial
See id., at pp. 186-206.
Investigation Panel had already been concluded by then. On the other
G.R. No. 162318 & 162341, 25 October 2004, 441 SCRA 393. The
hand, the 290 other soldiers, including the Navales petitioners, were no
author of this opinion was a member of the Court that unanimously
longer facing any criminal cases before the RTC, but were instead facing
decided Navales, which used a similar rationale in dismissing the petitions
court-martial charges. This symmetry is deliberate, cognizant as the DOJ
therein to that now employed by the majority. Even at present, the author
and the AFP were of the general principle, embodied in RA 7055, that
submits that Navales was correctly decided, considering the following
jurisdiction over acts by soldiers which constitute both a crime under the
declaration made by the Court therein: “There was no factual and legal
penal laws and a triable offense under the Articles of War is exercised
basis for the RTC (Branch 148) to rule that violations of Articles 63, 64, 67,
exclusively by either the civilian court or the court-martial, depending on
96, and 97 of the Articles of War were committed in furtherance of coup
the circumstances as dictated under Section 1 of RA 7055.
d’etat and, as such, absorbed by the latter crime. It bears stressing that,
It was in June of 2004 that this symmetry was shattered. It appears
after a reinvestigation, the Panel of Prosecutors found no probable
that at that point, the AFP reconsidered its earlier
cause for coup d’etat against the petitioners and recommended the
dismissal of the case against them. The trial court approved the
recommendation and dismissed the case as against the 488 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
petitioners. There is, as yet, no evidence on record that the petitioners Gonzales vs. Abaya
committed the violations of Articles 63, 64, 96, and 97 of the Articles of War decision not to try the 31 officers before the court-martial. There appears
in furtherance of coup d’etat” Navales v. Abaya, id., at 417. Nonetheless, per record, a letter dated 17 June 2004, captioned “Disposition Form,”
the author acknowledges that several passages in Navales are not signed by a certain De Los Reyes, and recommending that the 31 be
consistent with the views expressed in this Opinion which now embodies charged as well before the court-martial for violation of Article 96 of the
the author’s present thinking, arrived at after considerable reevaluation of Articles of War and that pre-trial investigation be reconducted for that
the legal issues involved. purpose.4 This recommendation was approved by then AFP Chief of Staff
487 Narciso Abaya. It was this decision to reinitiate court-martial proceedings
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 487 against the 31 that impelled the present petition for prohibition.
As stated earlier, I believe that ultimately, petitioners may still be
Gonzales vs. Abaya
charged with violation of Article 96 of the Articles of War, notwithstanding
On the other hand, on 9 December 2003, the Pre-Trial Investigation Panel
the pending case for coup d’etat before the RTC against them. My reason
recommended that the 31 officers facing the charge of coup d’etat before
for such view lies in the wholly administrative nature of Article 96 and the
sole penalty prescribed therein, dismissal from service, which is beyond the military actor is tried and convicted before both civilian and
jurisdiction of civilian courts to impose. Yet I arrive at such view without military courts for the same acts? I respectfully submit that all
any denigration of the RTC Order, which proceeds from fundamentally these questions should generally be answered in the affirmative.
correct premises and which, to my mind, bears the effect of precluding any Jurisdictions of Courts-Martial In
further charges before the court-martial against petitioners in relation to the Philippines Fundamentally Statutory
the Oakwood mutiny. Unfortunately, the majority gives undue short shrift I begin with the constitutional and statutory parameters of courts-martial
to the RTC Order and the predicament confronting the present petitioners, in the Philippines.
who are now facing not only trial before the civilian court for the crime 490
of coup d’etat, but also court-martial proceedings for acts which if not
identical to those charged in the criminal case are at least integrally 490 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
related. I respectfully submit that RA 7055 was precisely designed to Gonzales vs. Abaya
generally prevent such anomaly, but that the majority fails to give fruition It is settled, in cases such as Ruffy v. Chief of Staff,5 that court-martial
to such legislative intent. proceedings are executive in character, deriving as they do from the
Instead, the majority has laid down a general rule that if authority of the President as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed
members of the military are charged before military tribunals with forces.6 Indeed, the authority of the President to discipline members of the
violation of Articles of War 54 armed forces stands as one of the hallmarks of the commander-in-chief
_______________ powers. Obedience to the President and the chain-of-command are integral
to a professional and effective military, and the proper juridical philosophy
4 Rollo, pp. 266-267. is to accede as much deference as possible to this prerogative of the
489 President.
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 489 However, in Marcos v. Chief of Staff,7 decided five (5) years after Ruffy,
the Court ruled that the word “court” as used in the Constitution included
Gonzales vs. Abaya
the General Court-Martial, citing Winthrop’s Military Law and
to 70, 72 to 92, and 95 to 97, then the court-martial proceedings Precedents, which noted that “courts-martial are [in] the strictest sense
would progress unhampered even if the acts which constitute the courts of justice.”8 Indeed, it would be foolhardy to ignore, with semantics
violation of the Articles of War also constitute offenses under the as expedient, the adjudicative characteristics of courts-martial and their
Revised Penal Code. The court-martial proceedings would also ability to inflict punishment constituting deprivation of liberty, or even life.
ensue even if the said personnel are also charged for the same A court-martial is still a court of law and justice,9 although it is not a part
acts with a criminal case before the civilian court, and even if the of the judicial sys-
civilian court determines that the acts are not service-connected. _______________
Most critically, this view would allow the defendant to be tried and
convicted by both the military and civilian courts for the same 5 75 Phil. 875 (1946).
acts, despite the consistent jurisprudential rule that double 6 See also e.g., S/Sgt. Santiago v. Lt. Col. Alikpala, et al., 134 Phil. 309,
jeopardy applies even as between court-martial and criminal 318; 25 SCRA 356, 365 (1968).
trials. I cannot agree to these general propositions, excepting 7 89 Phil. 246 (1951).
when the defendants happen to be charged before the court- 8 Id., at pp. 248-249.
martial for violation of Article 96 of the Articles of War. 9 CLARO C. GLORIA, PHILIPPINE MILITARY LAW, p. 18 (1956),
There are three fundamental questions that are consequently citing WINTHROP, MILITARY LAW AND PRECEDENTS, 2nd Ed., p. 54.
raised. First, can Congress by law limit the jurisdiction of military “As a court of law, it is bound, like any court, by the fundamental principles
tribunals and court-martials? Second, does RA 7055 effectively of law, and in the absence of a special provision on the subject in the
deprive military courts jurisdiction over violations of Articles of military code, it observes in general the rules of evidence as adopted in the
War 54 to 70, 72 to 92, and 95 to 97 if the civilian court determines civil courts. As a court of justice, it is required, by the terms of its statutory
that the offenses charged do not constitute service-connected oath, to adjudicate between the Philippines and the accused “without
offenses? And third, does it constitute double jeopardy if the same
partiality, favor, or affection,” and according, not only to the laws and I do not doubt that without an enabling law, the President would have
customs of the service, but to its “conscience, i.e., its the power to impose court-martial proceedings under the aegis of the
491 Commander-in-Chief clause. Yet if there is an enabling law passed, such
VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 491 as Commonwealth Act No. 408, then the President is bound to exercise the
power to prescribe court-martial proceedings only within the limits
Gonzales vs. Abaya
imposed by the law. These precepts should not preclude the President from
tem and judicial processes, but remains to be a specialized part of the over-
mandating other forms of military discipline, but if the choice is to subject
all mechanism by which military discipline is preserved.10
the soldier concerned to court-martial, then such proceedings should ensue
Regardless of the accurate legal character of courts-martial, it should
within the boundaries determined by the legislature under Commonwealth
go without saying that the authority of the President to discipline military
Act No. 408.
personnel through that process is still subject to a level of circumscription.
American jurisprudence is actually quite emphatic that the jurisdiction
Without such concession, the President could very well impose such
of a court-martial is established by statute, and a court-martial has no
draconian measures of military punishment, such as death by firing squad
jurisdiction beyond what is given by statute. “[A] court-martial [is] a
for overweight soldiers. The Court has indeed, on occasion, recognized
special statutory tribunal, with limited powers.”14 To quote from Corpus
limitations and regulations over courts-martial. In Olaguer v. Military
Juris Secundum:
Commission,11 the Court reasserted that military tribunals cannot try and
The jurisdiction of a court-martial is premised on an authorized
exercise jurisdiction over civilians for as long as the civil courts are open
convening authority, court membership in accordance with the
and functioning.12 The authority of the Supreme Court to review decisions
law, and power derived from congressional act to try the person
of the court-martial was affirmed in Ognir v. Director of Prisons,13 and
and the offense charged.15 Thus, in order for a court-martial to
should be recognized in light of the judicial power of the Supreme Court
have jurisdiction, it must be convened and constituted in
under the 1987 Constitution, which extends to determining grave abuse of
accordance with law;16 and a court-martial has no jurisdiction
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any
beyond what is given it by statute.17 General court-martial jurisdiction
branch or instrumentality of the Government. And finally, there are the
is not restricted territorially to the limits of a particular state or district.
series of rulings on the subject of double jeopardy, which I shall soon
discuss further.
Most strikingly, the “Articles of War” presently in use emanates not 14 Collins v. McDonald, 258 US 416, 417.
from executive fiat, but from a law passed by the National Assembly known 15 NCMR - U.S. v. Moody, 10 M.J. 845.
as Commonwealth Act No. 408. As such, the determination of what acts or 16 ACMR - U.S. v. Wilson, 27 M.J. 555.
offenses are punishable by court-martial was in actuality made not by the 17 In re Wilson, D.C.Va., 33 F.2d 214.
sense of substantial right and justice unaffected by technicalities. In VOL. 498, AUGUST 10, 2006 493
the strictest sense courts-martial are courts of justice.” Gonzales vs. Abaya
10 Magno v. De Villa, G.R. No. 92606, 26 July 1991, 199 SCRA 663, 673, The long continued practice of military authorities in exercising court-
citing Chief Justice Teehankee in Vargas v. RADM Kilcline, et al. martial jurisdiction may aid in the interpretation of statutes conferring
11 GR. Nos. L-54558 & L-69882, 22 May 1987, 150 SCRA 144. such jurisdiction; but the authority of a Secretary of an armed forces
12 Id., at p. 165. department to issue regulations does not permit extension of the
13 80 Phil. 401 (1948). jurisdictions of courts-martial of the armed force controlled by
492 that department beyond the limits fixed by Congress,18 and
492 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED regulations issued or approved by the President even though not
objected to by Congress may not extend the jurisdiction of courts-
Gonzales vs. Abaya
martial beyond that conferred by statute.19
President, but by the legislature. As such, the Articles of War are utterly
susceptible to legislative amendment, augmentation, or even revocation.
The language of statutes granting jurisdiction to courtsmartial to try
persons for offenses must be construed to conform as near as may be to the
constitutional guarantees that protect the rights


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