Teachers Book
Teachers Book
Teachers Book
Teacher’s Book
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ISBN 978-1-4715-8094-9
01OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Contents.qxp_01OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Contents 12/5/18 4:15 PM Page 3
Introduction to the Teacher .............................................................................................................. p. 4
Module 1 ........................................................................................................................................ p. 8
Module 2 ........................................................................................................................................ p. 25
Module 3 ........................................................................................................................................ p. 41
Module 4 ........................................................................................................................................ p. 56
Module 5 ......................................................................................................................................... p. 73
Module 6 ......................................................................................................................................... p. 90
02OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Intro.qxp_02OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Intro 12/5/18 4:16 PM Page 4
• Synonyms, opposites, paraphrasing, and giving confident enough to then perform the task on their own.
definitions. Examples: C Listening & Reading
– present the word strong by giving a synonym: You may ask Ss to read and listen for a variety of purposes:
‘powerful’ . • Listening for detail: Ss listen for specific information
– present the word strong by giving its opposite: after they have listened for gist. (See Student’s Book,
‘weak’ . Module 1, p. 12, Ex. 3)
– present the word weekend by paraphrasing it: • Listening & Reading for gist: Ask Ss to read or listen
‘Saturday and Sunday’ . to get the gist of the dialogue or text being dealt with.
– present the word famous for by giving its (See Student’s Book, Module 1, p. 5, Ex. 2. Tell Ss that
definition: ‘very well-known (person or thing)’ . in order to complete this task successfully, they do not
• Example. Examples place vocabulary into context and need to understand every single detail in the text.)
consequently make understanding easier. For instance, • Reading for detail: Ask Ss to read for specific
introduce the words city and town by referring to a city information. (See Student’s Book, Module 4, p. 54-55,
and a town in the Ss’ country: “Rome is a city, but Exs 3 & 4. Ss will have to read to the text in order to do
Parma is a town.” the tasks. They are looking for specific details in the text
• Sketching. Draw a simple sketch of the word or words and not for general information.)
you want to explain on the board. For instance:
D Speaking
• Speaking activities are initially controlled, allowing for
guided practice. (See Student’s Book, Module 2, p. 29,
short Ex. 2 where Ss use the same structures to make
• Ss are then led to free speaking activities. (See
• Student’s Book, Module 2, p. 29, Ex. 3 where Ss are
Flashcards. Flashcards made out of magazine or invited to make decisions, provided with the necessary
newspaper pictures, photographs, ready-made lexical items and structures.)
drawings, and any other visual material may also serve
as vocabulary teaching tools. E Writing
• Use of L1. In a monolingual class, you may explain All writing tasks in On Screen Pre-Intermediate B1 have
vocabulary in the Ss’ native language. This method, been carefully designed to closely guide Ss to produce a
though, should be employed in moderation. successful piece of writing.
• Use of Dictionary. In a multilingual class, Ss may
• Always read the rubric and model text provided and
occasionally refer to a bilingual dictionary.
deal with the tasks that follow in detail. Ss will then
The choice of technique depends on the type of word or have acquired the necessary language to deal with the
expression. For example, you may find it easier to describe final writing task. (See Student’s Book, Module 1,
an action verb through miming than through a synonym or pp. 14-15.)
definition. • Make sure that Ss understand that they are writing for a
purpose. Go through the writing task in detail so that
Ss are fully aware of why they are writing and who they
Note: Check these words sections can be treated as
are writing to. (See Student’s Book, Module 2, p. 31,
follows: Go through the list of words after Ss have read
Ex. 9. Ss are asked to write a story.)
the text and ask Ss to explain the words using the
• Make sure Ss follow the detailed plan they are provided
context they appear in. Ss can give examples,
with. (See Student’s Book, Module 1, p. 15.)
mime/draw the meaning, or look up the meaning in
• It would be well-advised to actually complete the task
their dictionaries.
orally in class before assigning it as written homework.
Ss will then feel more confident with producing a
B Choral & Individual repetition complete piece of writing on their own.
Repetition will ensure that Ss are thoroughly familiar with the
F Assigning homework
sound and pronunciation of the lexical items and structures
being taught and confident in their ability to reproduce them. When assigning writing tasks, prepare Ss as well as
Always ask Ss to repeat chorally before you ask them to possible in advance. This will help them avoid errors and get
repeat individually. Repeating chorally will help Ss feel maximum benefit from the task.
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03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 8
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 9
1 Module
Module Objectives Suggested Answer Key
Read the title of the module Living together and ask Ss to Odval has got dark hair and rosy cheeks. She is warm
suggest what they think the module will be about (the and friendly and happy to have guests.
module is about people around the world, stages of life, Koyati is tall and slim. He is also hardworking and
appearance, character and families.) Go through the polite.
objectives’ list to stimulate Ss’ interest in the module. Pui-Litan has got pale skin. She is brave, courageous
and peaceful.
Answer Key I think that this means that you don’t have to have a lot
of possessions and wealth to be happy. I think that if
A 1 dark 3 friendly
you make the most of what you have, then you can be
2 rosy 4 happy
very happy indeed.
B 5 nomadic 7 slim
6 colourful 8 polite
Background information
C 9 pale 7 courageous Mongolia is a country in Central Asia. It is bordered
6 facial 8 peaceful by Russia and China. The capital city is Ulan Bator
and the population is 2.9 million people. The people
2 To listen for specific information are called Mongols.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and match the Russia (also called the Russian Federation) is a large
descriptions A-C to the pictures 1-3. country in Eurasia. It is the largest country in the
• Check Ss’ answers. world. The capital city is Moscow and it has a
population of 143 million people.
Answer Key China (also called The Republic of China) is a large
1 B 2 C 3 A country in Asia. It is the most populous country in the
world with a population of 1.3 billion people. The
capital city is Beijing. The language is Chinese and
3 a) To identify specific vocabulary
the currency is the yuan.
• Ask Ss to write the headings: appearance and The Maasai are a people from Kenya and northern
character in their notebooks and then give them Tanzania in southeast Africa. There are around
time to skim the texts again and write down 841,000 Maasai people. They are a semi-nomadic
relevant vocabulary items from the texts under people and they are easily recognised by their bright
the headings. Ss work in closed pairs. traditional dress.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. Eastern Africa is a region on the continent of Africa
Answer Key that includes the countries of Tanzania, Kenya,
Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi as well as the islands
Appearance: dark hair, rosy cheeks, tall, slim, pale skin,
of Mauritius and the Seychelles.
facial tattoos
The Atayal is a tribe from central and northern Taiwan,
Character: warm, friendly, happy, hardworking, polite,
an island in East Asia. It is the second largest native
brave, courageous, peaceful
tribe in the country and has an advanced culture.
Northern Taiwan is a region in Taiwan which is an
b) To practise new vocabulary by island in East Asia off the coast of China. The capital city
describing people is Taipei and it is a territory of the Republic of China.
• Ss work in pairs and use the vocabulary from
Ex. 3a to describe the people in the pictures.
• Ask some Ss to describe the people to the
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 10
Module 1
1a Reading
• Check Ss’ answers around the class and ask Ss to
justify their answers with examples from the text.
Suggested Answer Key
1 a) To introduce key vocabulary and 1 A (whole text)
practise it in context 2 D (I am thrilled to get close to the Hadza people.)
• Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their 3 B (They wander the land taking food from it
books and give them time to look up the whenever they need ...)
meanings of the words given. 4 D (They are generous and easy-going people ...)
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences and 5 A (They don’t seem to have any worries.)
then check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
Suggested Answer Key explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss
bows: a weapon that shoots arrows to use their dictionaries and look them up.
lean: without fat Suggested Answer Key
curly: having curls
elder (n): an older member of a community
attached: liking very much
filled with (phr): being full of sth
native: belonging to an area
baboon (n): a large ape
gather: collect together
pick up (phr v): to lift sth up in your hand
crops: food grown to eat
bow (n): a weapon which you shoot arrows from
generous: giving things to others
set off (phr v): to begin a journey
wander: walk freely around an area
lean (adj): without fat
1 lean 4 crops 7 gather fit (adj): in good physical shape
2 curly 5 native 8 attached curly (adj): having curls
3 wander, bows 6 generous hang (v): to be suspended
skin belt (phr): a belt made from animal skin
b) To introduce the topic; to predict hunt (v): to track and kill animals for food
content native language (phr): a language spoken by the
people who live in a particular area
Elicit what the sentences tell us about the Hadza
homeland (n): where a person was born and grew up
people from various Ss around the class.
interpreter (n): a person who translates from one
Suggested Answer Key language to another to help two people who don’t
They tell us about the appearance and character of speak the same language communicate
these people and how they live. niece (n): your brother or sister’s daughter is your niece
extreme (adj): very great in degree or intensity
c) To read for specific information heat (n): hot temperatures
soil (n): the ground
• Give Ss time to read the text and find the
poor (adj): not rich; lacking
answer to the question. Ask Ss to skim through
short supply (phr): when there is not much/many of
the text rather than read it in detail.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
bug (n): insect
Suggested Answer Key keep track of time (phr): to note the passing of the
The first tribes of people in Africa were hunter- minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc
gatherers who lived day-to-day and the Hadza tribe is meaning (n): significance
the last tribe who still live this way. live off (phr v): rely on to provide with food, water etc
nature (n): the natural world
2 To read for specific information provide (v): to give sb sth they need
hunter-gatherer (phr): a person who hunts and
• Read out the Study Skills box to help Ss do the gathers fruit, berries etc to live
task. Ask Ss to read question 1 and the possible in person (phr): face-to-face
answers. gather (v): collect
• Give them time to read the text again and choose berry (n): a small fruit that grows in bunches on a plant
the correct answer for the question giving reasons. or a bush
• Give Ss time to answer the rest of questions.
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1 Module
generous (adj): give their time/money/possessions Para D: return = go back (verb), gathered = collected
freely to another (verb), possessions = things (noun)
easy-going (adj): relaxed and carefree Para E: worries = troubles (noun), attached to = fond
dive in (phr): to put your hands into sth quickly and of (adj), wonder = ask myself (verb), are over = finish
eagerly (phr verb)
possession (n): a personal belonging
free from belongings (phr): without possessions 5 a) To describe a picture
responsibilities (n): duties
be better off (phr): be in a better position Ask questions about the picture: What does it
worry (n): trouble or problem show? What is the weather like? What is the man
attached to (phr): to have a special bond with sb/sth like? What is he wearing/holding/doing? Elicit
arrival (n): the act of coming to a place answers, then allow Ss some time to prepare their
departure (n): the act of leaving a place answers. Ask various Ss around the class to
effect (n): a change one thing causes to another describe it.
wonder (v): think about Suggested Answer Key
matter of time (phr): sth that is certain to happen in
In the picture there is a Hadza tribe member with a bow
the future
and arrow ready to shoot. The tribe member is a man
be over (phr): come to an end/finish
and he looks quite old. There are trees and bushes in
the background. It seems it is a warm day.
3 To consolidate information in a text
• Give Ss time to answer the questions. b) To compare two peoples/
• Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to lifestyles
paraphrase the information in their own words.
• Draw this table on the board. Elicit answers
• Check Ss’ answers around the class
from Ss and write them on the board.
Suggested Answer Key
The Hadza
1 It is very hot, there is little water and the soil is no You
good for growing crops. There are also lots of
houses/flats no houses, no
insects. LIVE IN in villages/ permanent
2 They live day to day and do not have permanent
farms/cities settlements
homes. Also, I think that their way of living must be
have no
quite dangerous and that is why they don’t become POSSESSIONS
possessions possessions
attached to people or things.
WORK go to work don’t work
3 Life is very difficult for them and they may not be
able to survive this way for much longer. don’t go to
SCHOOL go to school
FOOD buy food hunt for food
4 a) & b) To consolidate new vocabulary
through synonymous words/phrases not share their share
possessions everything
• Read the words/phrases in the list and give Ss
time to match them to the words in bold in the • Ask Ss to use the completed table to prepare
text. Ss can work in closed pairs. their answers. Point out that Ss should use
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class words like but, whereas to express contrast.
and elicit what part of speech each word/phrase • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
in bold is.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key People in my country live modern lives with lots of
Para A: set off = leave (phrasal verb) possessions, but the Hadza live in a traditional way with
Para B: quite = fairly (adverb), lean = thin (adjective), little or no possessions. In my country, people live in
fit = healthy (adjective) houses in villages, towns and cities, but the Hadza do
Para C: homeland = native land (noun), not have houses or permanent settlements. In my
short = little (adjective), provides = gives (verb), country, people go to work and children go to school,
in person = face-to-face (prepositional phrase) whereas the Hadza do not have jobs or schools. In my
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 12
Module 1
country, people get their food from the supermarket
and store it in cupboards and fridges in their homes.
The Hadza hunt for their food on a daily basis and do
1b Vocabulary
not store food. The people in my country do not share 1 To consolidate vocabulary from a text
their possessions or food, but the Hadza share
everything. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
To consolidate information in a text Answer Key
Ask various Ss to tell the class four things they have 1 elder 5 meaning 9 picks up
learnt from the text. 2 close 6 crops 10 please
3 keep 7 plan
Suggested Answer Key
4 sharing 8 person
I learnt that they are one of the last tribes who live as
people in the past did. I learnt that they live day to day
and do not have permanent homes. I learnt that they 2 To consolidate vocabulary from a text
don’t become attached to people or things and that • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
their way of life may not be able to survive for much • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 13
1 Module
adulthood: start a family, retire, get married, get a 2 Lucy is a child. She is short and thin. She has got
promotion, get a job dark, frizzy, shoulder-length hair.
3 Peter is middle-aged. He is tall and overweight. He
A person normally crawls in infancy.
is bald with a beard.
A person normally goes to school and learns to read
4 John is a teenager. He is of average height and well-
and write in childhood.
built. He has got short brown hair.
A person normally goes to school, gets a part-time job
in adolescence.
A person normally graduates, gets a job, gets married, 7 To consolidate new vocabulary
starts a family, gets a promotion and retires in • Explain the task.
adulthood. • Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the task.
• Monitor the activity around the class.
5 To present new vocabulary Suggested Answer Key
• Go through the list of words and explain/elicit A: This person is short and plump with short brown
meaning. hair and freckles.
• Allow Ss time to do the task in pairs. B: It’s John.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. Explain any
unknown vocabulary.
8 To present new vocabulary
Answer Key
• Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books
child, young man or woman, and give them time to look up the meanings of the
age middle-aged, old, in his/her adjectives.
late/early twenties • Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
complexion tanned, dark, pale Ss’ answers.
height tall, short, of average height Answer Key
skinny, plump, overweight, thin, 1 responsible 7 rude
slim, athletic, well-built 2 messy 8 arrogant
face oval, round, long 3 shy 9 vain
4 truthful 10 polite
lips full, thin
5 sensible 11 bossy
eyes brown, big, small, hazel 6 sociable 12 anxious
nose big, flat, hooked
curly, short, straight, long, wavy, 9 To present/practise new vocabulary
bald, frizzy, fair, dark, shoulder-length
• Give Ss time to complete the task, check Ss’
special wrinkles, freckles, glasses, beard, answers and then elicit sentences from Ss around
features moustache the class.
• Point out that when we describe negative qualities
we use mild language (e.g. at times, I can be etc.)
6 To practise new vocabulary Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the first picture. Ask questions 1 a 2 f 3 e 4 d 5 b 6 c
and elicit answers (e.g. How old do you think Laura
Suggested Answer Key
is? Is she tall/plump? What complexion has she
got? What is her hair like? etc). I’m hardworking and generous. I can be rude at times.
• Allow Ss some time to prepare their answers for the
rest of the people. 10 To listen for specific information (multiple
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. matching)
Suggested Answer Key • Explain the task and ask Ss to read the names 1-5
1 Laura is in her early twenties and she is tall and slim. and the character adjectives a-h.
She has got long straight blonde hair and a pale • Play the recording.
complexion. • Ss listen and complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 14
Module 1
Answer Key 13 To practise word formation (-ing/-ed
1 a 2 c 3 f 4 h 5 b participles)
• Read the table aloud to Ss and explain any points
11 a) To present new vocabulary/revise family they are unsure of, providing extra examples if
relationship words necessary.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. Ss should justify
• Check Ss’ answers.
their answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
mum – dad aunt – uncle
1 annoyed (feeling) 4 interested (feeling)
sister – brother daughter – son
2 confused (feeling) 5 shocking (what like)
grandma – grandpa niece – nephew
3 amusing (what like) 6 boring (what like)
mother-in-law – father-in-law
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 15
1 Module
4 present perfect continuous – I • Ss complete the task in pairs.
5 present simple – A • Monitor the activity around the class.
6 present continuous – D • Ask some pairs to report back to the class.
7 present perfect – J Suggested Answer Key
8 present simple – B A: What do you usually do in your free time?
9 present simple – C B: I usually read a book or watch a DVD. Sometimes,
10 present continuous – H I play a sport or go for a walk. How about you?
A: I usually go to the cinema or go bowling at the
2 To practise present tenses weekend. etc
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete
it. Ss compare answers in pairs. 5 To practise adverbs of frequency
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit justifications. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
1 is graduating, have just received (fixed future more information.
arrangement & recently completed action)
Answer Key
2 Have you seen, I’ve been looking (recently
1 yet 3 just 5 already
completed action & an action that started in the
2 never 4 right now 6 for
past and continues to the present)
3 Does Sally live, is looking (permanent state & an
6 To practise the present perfect and the
action happening now)
present perfect continuous
4 leaves, are always rushing (a timetable & a complaint)
5 is Amy doing, walks, is going (an action happening • Explain the task. Choose two Ss to read out the
now, a habit/routine & an action happening now) example.
6 are you meeting, always meet (a fixed future • Ss complete the task in closed pairs.
arrangement & a habit/routine) • Monitor the activity around the class.
• Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of
the class.
3 To practise the present simple and the
present continuous Answer Key
2 A: You look excited. What have you been doing?
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete
B: I’ve been preparing for the event.
A: What have you done so far?
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
B: I’ve ordered the food and sent the invitations,
• Ss should justify their answers.
but I haven’t decorated the house yet.
Answer Key 3 A: You look exhausted. What have you been
1 a enjoy (like/permanent state) doing?
b am enjoying (having a good time/action B: I’ve been doing my chores.
happening now) A: What have you done so far?
B: I’ve watered the flowers and mopped the floor,
2 a is appearing (acting/a fixed future arrangement) but I haven’t walked the dog yet.
b appears (seems/a permanent state)
3 a see (understand/permanent state) 7 To present/revise comparative/superlative
b is seeing (meeting/fixed future arrangement) forms
4 a is thinking (considering/action happening now) • Explain the task and elicit the comparative/
b don’t think (don’t believe/permanent state) superlative forms in the text, then elicit how we
form comparative/superlative forms.
5 a tastes (has the flavour of/permanent state)
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
b is tasting (testing/action happening now)
more information.
Answer Key
4 To practise adverbs of frequency using
Comparative forms – taller, more patient
personal examples
Superlative forms – the tallest, the least patient, the
• Explain the task and read out the table explaining/ most hardworking
eliciting the meanings of any unknown words.
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Module 1
We compare two people or things by using the My mum is outgoing and my dad is not as helpful as my
comparative form (+ than). mum, but he is the most generous person in my family.
My brother is the laziest person I know. My sister is
We compare more than two people or things by using
more confident, than my brother. My grandparents live
the comparative form (+ than) and the superlative form
with us. My grandma speaks more slowly than my
(+ of).
grandpa. My grandpa is the most polite person in the
We show that two things are the same or not the same
by using (not) as + adjective + as.
What about your family? Write back.
• Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1. Yours,
8 To practise comparative/superlative forms
Explain the task, give Ss time to complete it and then
check their answers around the class.
Answer Key 1d Listening skills
1 the least
2 the most intelligent, as good as 1 To prepare for a listening task
3 more patient than, kinder • Read aloud questions a & b.
4 slower, later, faster than • Ask Ss to read questions 1 and 2.
5 more outgoing than, the most easy-going of • Focus their attention on the underlined words.
• Elicit answers from Ss.
9 To practise key word transformations
Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
a two people b friends
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
2 To prepare for a listening task
1 the funniest person 4 first time I’ve been
2 haven’t seen Alice for 5 has been learning • Explain the task and give Ss time to read the script and
3 isn’t as patient as Russian for do the task. Ask Ss to pay attention to the underlined
words in both questions 1 and 2 and the script.
10 To practise comparisons with adjectives • Point out that the script contains all the main ideas
and adverbs in questions so Ss need to be careful with their
choices (e.g. hospital).
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
My mum is more outgoing than my dad. 1 A 2 C
I can run more quickly than my sister.
My dad is not as helpful as my mum. 3 a) To introduce new vocabulary and
My cousin is more serious than his brother. prepare for a listening task
My grandma speaks more slowly than my grandpa.
• Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their
My dad is the most generous person in my family.
books and give them time to look up the
My sister is more confident than my brother.
meanings of the words/phrases given.
My brother is the laziest person I know.
• Elicit what the book can be about.
My grandpa is the most polite person in the family.
Suggested Answer Key
11 To write an email nuclear family: two parents and two children
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it extended family: large family with lots of relations
using their answers in Ex. 10. live long lives: to survive a long time
• Ask various Ss to read their email to the class. have company: having another person or people with
Suggested Answer Key you
younger generation: children and teens
Dear Jane,
chores to do: housework and jobs around the house
I hope you’re well. You asked about my family, so
that need doing
here’s what they’re like!
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1 Module
cooperation: working together 6 a) To present/practise exclamations
peace and quiet: without noise • Go through the theory box with Ss and explain
complain: to state your dissatisfaction with a situation how we form exclamations.
close relationships: when people like and trust each • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
other very much for more information.
hurt feelings: when sb becomes upset because of sth • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
sb else does Ss should justify their choices.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
I think the book is about family relationships. 1 How 3 What 5 What
2 What 4 How
b) To listen for specific information
(multiple choice) b) To listen for confirmation and practise
• Read out the Study Skills box and explain the exclamations
task. Then ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and • Play the recording for Ss to check their answers,
the possible answers and underline the key words. then play the recording again with pauses for Ss
• Play the recording. to listen and repeat.
• Ss listen and complete the task. Ss need to pay • Check Ss’ intonation.
attention to the underlined words.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 B 1e Speaking skills
4 To talk about the advantages and 1 To predict the content of a dialogue
disadvantages of living in a large family and to take • Ask Ss to read the first and last exchanges in the
notes from an audio recording dialogue and guess what it is about.
• Play the recording again. Ss listen and make notes. • Then give Ss time to read the whole dialogue and
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class using their notes check if their guesses were correct.
as well as their own ideas. Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key I think the dialogue is about a couple, who the speakers
The advantages of living in an extended family are that know, who is having a baby.
you always have company and you can get advice from
your grandparents who have lots of experience. There is 2 To complete an open cloze
lots of cooperation and you can enjoy spending time with • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
your family and there is always someone to listen to you. Ask Ss to pay attention to the words before/after
The disadvantages are that it is often quite noisy living in each gap as these will help them do the tasks.
a house full of people and you may not have any quiet • Ask Ss to read the completed dialogue to see if it
time or time alone. makes sense.
Answer Key
5 To express a personal opinion
1 be 5 better 9 make
Give Ss time to form an opinion and then ask various 2 about 6 when 10 yourself
Ss around the class to report back to the class. 3 being 7 to
Suggested Answer Key 4 all 8 or
Yes, I would like to be part of an extended family because I
think it would be nice to have lots of relatives to spend 3 a) To listen for confirmation
time with and share experiences with. /No, I wouldn’t like • Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
to be part of an extended family because I think it would answers.
be too noisy to live in a house full of people all the time. • Elicit the style of the dialogue and ask for reasons.
Refer Ss to the back of the book (style) for details.
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Module 1
Answer Key B: That’s true. They have a family tie to them so they
It is informal. (short forms (e.g She’s), everyday care more about them.
language (That’s correct), phrasal verbs (e.g. hang out A: Also, I think it would help parents financially
with) because they wouldn’t have to pay the
grandparents for looking after the children.
B: That’s correct. On the other hand, grandparents
b) To role play a dialogue
may spoil their grandchildren and let them have
Ss take roles and act out the dialogue in pairs. whatever they want. Don’t you agree?
A: True, but grandparents may be quite old and they
4 To identify functional language may not have the strength to take care of active
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the Useful B: Of course, but I think grandparents can offer
language table and read the dialogue again and valuable advice to the younger generation.
complete the task. A: That’s true. Anyway, I think it may work for some
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. families and not for others.
Answer Key B: I totally agree.
Ask for opinions: Don’t you agree?
Express opinions: In my opinion 6 To compare pictures
Agree: That’s correct, Certainly, That’s true • Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and explain the
Disagree: Not really task.
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to make notes for each photo under these
Don’t you agree? = Isn’t that right? headings: people - looks - clothes - feelings. Ask Ss
In my opinion = If you ask me… to describe each picture using their notes.
That’s correct = That’s right. • Ss use their notes to compare the pictures. Point
Certainly = Of course. out that Ss should use the linkers given to express
That’s true = True similarity/contrast.
Not really. = No, I don’t think so. • Ss complete the task in pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then elicit
a variety of statements from Ss around the class
5 To discuss a given topic and follow a model comparing and contrasting the pictures.
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in
pairs. Write this diagram on the board. Ask Ss to The photographs show two families. Photograph A
follow it. shows two parents with one child whereas picture B
shows a family with grandparents, parents and two
A B children. Both families look very happy. Being an only
Express opinion; Agree. Expand on the child means the girl doesn’t have to share her things or
give first reason reason given. room with her brother or sister. On the other hand,
having brothers and sisters means they have someone
Give second reason Agree. Expand on it.
to talk to and hang out with. They have to share things,
Reply. Give Ask A if he/she agrees.
a negative reason Agree; Add a counter
Agree. Come to argument.
a conclusion Agree with A.
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 19
1 Module
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 an essay for my teacher on working mothers full verb forms: e.g. they can buy, means, may miss
2 formal out on
3 longer sentences, formal linking words/phrases formal linkers: As a result, To begin with, On the other
hand etc.
2 To read a model essay and match longer, more complex sentences: e.g. Secondly,
paragraphs to content working mother ... pursue a career.
more advanced vocabulary: e.g. pursue a career,
• Give Ss time to read the model and match the beneficial etc.
contents 1-5 to each paragraph A-E. no imperatives
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 4 To practise linking words/phrases
1 B 2 A 3 C 4 E 5 D Elicit suitable alternatives from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
3 a) To identify and analyse topic sentences/
supporting sentences in a model essay To begin with = To start with
For example = Therefore
• Go through the theory box with Ss. As a result = In this way
• Ask Ss to find the topic/supporting sentences, Secondly = In addition
then the linking words. For instance = For example
Answer Key On the other hand = Alternatively
Therefore = As a result
Para B: To begin with, going to work means that
In conclusion = All in all
mothers can provide more income for the family. – Yes
– example – For example, they can buy better food and
clothing for their children. (For example) 5 To practise linking words/phrases
Para C: Secondly, working mothers are excellent role • Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it.
models for children. Yes – example – For instance, they • Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss justify their
demonstrate how to take care of children, the house answers.
and pursue a career. (For instance)
Para D: On the other hand, working long hours means Answer Key
that mothers spend a lot of time away from home. – Yes 1 First of all (list points) 4 However (contrast)
– results – Therefore, they may miss out on quality time 2 For example (example) 5 such as (example)
with their children. (Therefore) 3 As a result (result) 6 In this way (result)
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 20
Module 1
3 I strongly believe that eye contact is very important Suggested Answer Key
in a conversation. Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some people
4 As far as I am concerned, everyone needs a close think a nuclear family is the best option but I strongly
friend. believe that an extended family has a lot more to offer.
To start with, in an extended family you rarely feel
8 a) To analyse a rubric lonely. For example, you can spend your free time
together instead of by yourself. Therefore, you can
Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which are the key
share your interests and experiences.
words and ask Ss to underline them.
Secondly, family members can provide support to each
Suggested Answer Key other. For instance, you can help each other with your
Key words: teacher, essay, ‘It is good to be part of an problems.
extended family.’ opinion with reasons to support your On the other hand, in a big family you may need to
point of view, 120-160 words share a room. As a result, you may lack privacy.
All in all, I believe that although you may want time to
yourself sometimes, being part of a large family has
b) To match viewpoints to supporting
many benefits. You will always have someone to
support you and you will never feel alone.
• Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it.
Extra activity
• Check Ss’ answers.
Photocopy the model above and omit the underlined
Answer Key linkers. Ss complete the task.
1 c 2 a 3 b
To form main body paragraphs linking Language Knowledge 1
• Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. 1 a) To prepare for a sentence
• Check Ss’ answers. transformation task
Suggested Answer Key Ask two Ss to read the two sentences and then
To start with, in an extended family you rarely feel elicit the grammar structure that the second
lonely. For example, you can spend your free time sentence tests.
together instead of by yourself. Therefore, you can Answer Key
share your interests and experiences.
The comparative form
Secondly, family members can provide support to each
other. For instance, you can help each other with your
problems. b) To prepare for a sentence
On the other hand, you may need to share a room. As a transformation task
result, you may lack privacy. Elicit the correct answer. Ss should justify their
9 To write an opinion essay Answer Key
• Refer Ss to the Writing Bank 1 for a model, useful C (A, D aren’t in the comparative; B is in the
language and writing tips. comparative but when used to complete the
• Give Ss time to complete the task using the useful second sentence the sentence doesn’t mean the
language box and their answers from Ex. 8. same as the first sentence)
• Remind Ss to follow the plan, to not use short verb
forms and to use appropriate linkers.
2 To practise sentence transformations
• Remind Ss to follow the plan and check their first
draft against the Checklist amending accordingly if • Go through the box with Ss.
necessary. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ justify their answers.
answers in the next lesson.
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1 Module
Answer Key NOUN NOUN
2 much (negative)
reliability rely (un)reliable (un)reliably
3 tall as (as+adj+as)
4 have got boss bossy
5 on his (by oneself=on one’s own) noise noisy noisily
6 does (inversion) forget forgetful
7 many places as (as ... as)
wave wavy
8 prefer (like sth more than sth else=prefer sth to sth
else) bore bored boringly
9 close (close to=near)
10 first time (this is the (first) time + present perfect)
6 To consolidate grammar structures
03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1.qxp_03OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 1 12/5/18 4:17 PM Page 22
Module 1
native language (phr): the first language that you dear (adj): loved or liked very much
learn in the country where you were born next (adj): the first one after the present one
talk (n): a conversation state (v): to formally say or write a piece of information
form (n): the way sth is or appears to be or your opinion
size (n): how big or small sth is communicate (v): to exchange information or make
be in good shape (phr): to be in a good physical conversation with other people
condition express yourself (phr): to show your feelings
dimension (n): an aspect of a situation show (v): to let sb see sth
forget (v): to fail to remember look (v): to appear or seem
leave (v): to go away from sb or sth see (v): to be able to use your eyes
miss sb (v): to feel sad about sb you love and is not grow (v): to increase in amount, size, number or strength
with you view (v): to think about sb or sth in a particular way
lose (v): to be unable to find sth come (v): to move towards sb or sth
recent (adj): having happened or started a short time ago hold on (phr v): to wait for a short time
late (adj): (of age) near the end of a period of time keep on (phr v): to continue doing sth without stopping
last (adj): most recent or nearest to the present time get on well (with sb) (phr): to like and be friendly with sb
past (adj): previous
empty (adj): having nothing inside
loose (adj): not fastened very tightly
open (adj): not closed
Language Focus 1
free time (phr): the time when you are not working
nervous (adj): worried and anxious 1 To consolidate vocabulary from the module
angry (adj): very annoyed • Explain the task.
disappointed (adj): unhappy because sth that you • Ss complete the task. Refer Ss to the Word List.
hoped for did not happen • Check Ss’ answers.
bored (adj): unhappy because sth is not interesting or
Answer Key
because you have nothing to do
build up (phr v): to increase gradually 1 slim 3 slender 5 plump
trouble (n): a problem or difficulty 2 thin 4 overweight 6 well-built
worry (n): a problem that makes you feel unhappy and
anxious 2 To match adjectives to their antonyms
pain (n): a feeling of physical suffering caused by an injury
• Explain the task.
fear (n): the feeling you get when you are afraid or
• Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Ss can use
worried that sth bad is going to happen
their dictionaries to check.
reaction (n): sth that you feel or do because of sth that
• Check Ss’ answers.
has happened to you
answer (n): a reaction to a question Answer Key
response (n): sth that is done as a reaction to sth that 1 j 3 g 5 c 7 b 9 e
has happened to you 2 h 4 a 6 i 8 d 10 f
reply (n): an answer
intelligent life (phr): creatures that can think and
3 To practise sentence transformations
wonder (v): to ask yourself • Explain the task.
worry (v): to be anxious about sb or sth • Ss complete the task in closed pairs.
question (v): to express doubts about sth • Check Ss’ answers.
think (v): to have an opinion or an idea; to use your Answer Key
1 less 3 first time 5 as
pass (v): to go past sb or sth
2 has got 4 to
spend time (phr): to use time doing a particular thing
waste time (phr): to not make good use of your time
fill (v): to make sth full 4 To practise vocabulary and grammar
close relationship (phr): a strong emotional connection • Explain the task.
near (adj): not far away • Ss complete the task.
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1 Module
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit the irregular nouns.
Revise how we form the plural form of regular The Mosuo Tribe is a small ethnic group of around
nouns. Say/Write nouns on the board. 40,000 people who live in the Yunnan and Sichuan
• Ss say the word in the plural Provinces of China near the Tibetan border. Their
e.g. box – boxes culture is characterised by large extended families.
bus – buses
tent – tents
potato – potatoes
leaf – leaves etc Progress Check 1
Answer Key
1 people 9 herds 1 To read for specific information (multiple
2 manage (to; succeed in) 10 Living (in-staying at) choice)
3 some (any + negative/ 11 make (create) • Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible
interrogative) 12 pull answers.
4 world 13 men (irregular) • Give Ss time to read the text and choose the
5 Temperatures 14 taking (take care of) correct answer for each question.
6 low 15 wolves • Check Ss’ answers.
7 kilometres 16 women (irregular)
8 across 17 those Answer Key
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 B
(Ss’ own translations)
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Module 1
3 To practise choosing the correct response 8 To write an essay
• Explain the task. • Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Bank 1
• Ss complete the task. for a model, a plan and useful language.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Give Ss time to plan and complete their work and
then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b answers in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
4 To practise vocabulary from the module
Everyone needs friends. Friends are always there for us,
• Explain the task. whether the times are good or bad, and accept us as
• Ss complete the task. we are. However, there are many different kinds of
• Check Ss’ answers. friends. I believe good friends help us become better
Answer Key people.
To start with, a good friend will listen without criticising.
1 reliable 5 elder 9 impatient
Therefore, they give us the support we need as well as
2 curly 6 bossy 10 track
any advice we need in a truthful but sensitive way.
3 wrinkles 7 grumpy
Secondly, a good friend can inspire us to be the best
4 sensitive 8 early
we can be. In this way, we can achieve things we
wanted to do.
5 To consolidate grammar from the module On the other hand, not all friends are a positive
• Explain the task. influence on us. For example, some friends may agree
• Ss complete the task. with us even when we are wrong because they don’t
• Check Ss’ answers. want to hurt our feelings. As a result, we may make a
wrong decision and we may get hurt.
Answer Key
In conclusion, I strongly believe that good friends play
1 works 6 appears an important role in our lives. Friends who are truthful,
2 already 7 looks supportive and fun to be with help us become a better
3 starts 8 funniest person.
4 than 9 is thinking
5 Is Sarah coming 10 has been working Check your progress
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit
6 To practise sentence transformations according to how competent they feel for each of the listed
• Explain the task. activities.
• Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 short as 4 as
2 more than 5 far from
3 the noisiest person
04OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 2.qxp_04OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 2 12/5/18 4:27 PM Page 25
Survival 2 Module
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of accidents & notes, to narrate an experience
disasters, natural phenomena and space exploration.
2d Listening skills 28
Module page 21
Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to listen for specific
Vocabulary: Accidents & disasters (house collapses, fire information (multiple matching), to narrate a travel
breaks out, evacuated from homes, river burst its banks, experience, to listen for specific information (T/F
rocks and mud bury homes, tanker sinks, spilling oil) statements), to learn and practise word stress and weak
2a Reading 22-23 Vocabulary: Noun (debris); Adjective (terrifying); Phrases
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for (get stung by a bee, get bitten by mosquitoes, get caught in
specific information (multiple choice), to narrate an event, to a terrible storm, see a dangerous animal, have a bad
describe an imaginary experience accident, get food poisoning, get caught in a natural
Vocabulary: Nouns (crew, explosion, plot, survival, landing, disaster, get badly sunburnt, tsunami struck, loud roar, froze
lift-off, bang, trail, oxygen tank, meteor, command module, in fear, huge wall of black water, pushed underwater, floating
lunar module, lifeboat, adapter, carbon dioxide, inside hotel lobby, grabbed onto a staircase, standing on
catastrophe, obstacle); Verbs (flash, re-enter, schedule, rooftops, upside down cars, broken wrist)
explode, depend, conserve, build, reduce, consider); Phrasal
verbs (carry out, deal with); Adjectives (doomed, leaking, 2e Speaking skills 29
enclosed, superstitious); Phrases (manned mission, no time Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to role play, to
to lose, cope with, splash down, go down in history, in ask about a bad experience, to narrate a bad experience, to
charge of); Prep (despite) express interest, to express shock/belief, to describe a
2b Vocabulary 24-25
Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk 2f Writing 30-31
about natural phenomena, to describe the weather, to learn Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model,
vocabulary for accidents, disasters and space exploration, to to practise setting the scene, to practise using adjectives
listen for specific information (multiple matching), to practise and adverbs, to write a story
phrasal verbs with PUT, to practise forming nouns from verbs
and to practise prepositional phrases Language Knowledge 2 32-33
Vocabulary: Natural phenomena: Clothes/Footwear/
Lesson Objectives: To complete an open cloze, to practise
Accessories (sandals, gloves, cap); Good weather (hot, mild,
sentence transformations, to practise key word
warm, sunny, dry); Disasters (flood, hurricane, tsunami,
transformations, to practise vocabulary and grammar from
tornado, earthquake); Bad weather (foggy, cloudy, frosty,
the module
stormy, rainy, windy, cold, snowy, chilly, thunder); Disasters
(earthquake, tornado, volcanic eruption, flood, drought,
Language Focus 2 34
tsunami); Accidents (train crash, car crash, factory fire, oil
spill, building collapse, drowning, plane crash, gas leak, food Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the
poisoning, shipwreck); Space exploration (planet, star, solar module, to practise sentence transformations, to practise
system, atmosphere, moons, asteroids, telescope, satellite, phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases, to complete a
spacecraft, robot, evidence of life) cloze text
04OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 2.qxp_04OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 2 12/5/18 4:27 PM Page 26
Module 2
Module Objectives 3 Many houses were under the mud which was slowly
moving down the mountain taking everything along
Read the title of the module Survival and ask Ss to suggest
with it. People were crying and looking for their
what they think the module will be about (the module is
missing family members. It was very upsetting. I felt
about accidents, disasters, natural phenomena, the weather
helpless to do anything.
and space exploration.) Go through the objectives list to
stimulate Ss’ interest in the module. 4 The sea was filled with black oil and it was washing
up on the beach. I could see a tanker on its side and
the oil coming from a hole in the side of it. I felt
1 To introduce new vocabulary
shocked to see how much oil there was and I felt
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and the news very sorry that the coastline and all the wildlife there
headlines underneath each one and give Ss time to would be affected by this disaster.
use the words provided to complete them.
• Check Ss’ answers. Words of wisdom
Answer Key Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to
1 COLLAPSES 3 BURSTS 5 SINKS discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their
2 BREAKS OUT 4 BURY opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class.
Suggested Answer Key
2 To listen for specific information I think this quotation makes a good point – that life
• Play the recording. Ss listen and match the without hope is no life at all. If a person has no hope then
descriptions to the events. they are not looking to the future and to things becoming
• Check Ss’ answers. better. Also, if they are in an accident or a disaster and
they give up hope, then they will not survive. Many
Answer Key
people have survived terrible disasters against the odds
Speaker 1 – house fire Speaker 3 – flood simply because they didn’t give up hope.
Speaker 2 – oil spill
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2 Module
leaking: releasing a small steady amount of liquid or landing (n): the act of coming down to the ground
gas through a hole lift-off (n): the act of taking off from the ground
landing: the action of coming to the ground after bang (n): a loud noise
being in the air flash (v: to turn on and off (of a light)
carbon dioxide: a gas trail (n): visible signs of movement of sth
oxygen tank (n): a container filled with oxygen
1 manned 3 leaking 5 carbon dioxide leaking (adj): releasing
2 lift-off 4 meteor 6 re-enter, landing meteor(n): a large lump of space rock
no time to lose (phr): used when referring to sth that
b) To listen and read for gist must be done immediately
command module (n): the part of a spacecraft that has
• Elicit what Ss know, if anything, about Apollo 13
the controls in it
and what the sentences tell us about Apollo 13.
lunar module (n): the part of a spacecraft that lands on
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check.
the Moon
Suggested Answer Key lifeboat (n): a small boat on a ship used for escape
I know that Apollo 13 was a mission to the Moon. The when the main vessel is in danger or is sinking
sentences tell us that it didn’t land on the Moon enclosed (adj): surrounded on all sides
because there were some problems, but it made it cope with disaster (phr): to manage to survive an
safely back to Earth. accident or very dangerous situation
The author’s purpose is to describe the events carbon dioxide (n): a type of gas
surrounding the mission to the Moon. re-enter (v): to go into sth again
splash down (phr): the action of a spacecraft landing
(always in water)
3 To read for specific information (multiple
adapter (n): sth that changes sth so it can be used in a
different way
• Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible go down in history (phr): be remembered through time
answers and underline the key words.
• Give them time to read the text again and choose Background information
the correct answers for the questions. The Moon is the Earth’s natural satellite. It is a large
• Check Ss’ answers around the class and ask Ss to barren rock that orbits the Earth and its gravity
justify their answers with examples from the text. affects the Earth’s tides. It formed 4.5 billion years
Suggested Answer Key ago and it is 384,400 km away from the Earth. Men
1 B (whole text) first set foot on the Moon in 1969.
2 A (Was it doomed from the beginning? ... minor Apollo 13 was the 7th manned mission to the Moon. It
problems on lift-off ...) launched on 11th April 1970, but a moon landing was
3 C (... they knew there was no time to lose ...) aborted when an oxygen tank exploded two days into
4 A (... by moving from the command module into the mission. It successfully returned to Earth on 17th
the lunar module ... Now, though, they were April. The crew consisted of Commander Jim Lovell,
using it as a kind of lifeboat ... the three men Command Module pilot Jack Swigert and Lunar
could survive in the lunar module ...) Module Pilot Fred Haise.
5 B (whole text) Houston is the largest city in Texas, USA. It is the
home of NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
Administration) Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss
where the Mission Control Center is located. It is the
to use their dictionaries and look them up.
centre for human spaceflight training, research and
Suggested Answer Key flight control.
crew (n): the staff onboard a vessel or ship
manned mission (phr): a journey to space with a crew
of people onboard 4 To consolidate information in a text
explosion (n): a sudden violent burst of energy
plot (n): storyline • Give Ss time to answer the questions.
survival (n): the state of living through a difficult situation • Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to
doomed (adj): destined to fail paraphrase the information in their own words.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
04OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 2.qxp_04OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 2 12/5/18 4:27 PM Page 28
Module 2
Suggested Answer Key To consolidate information in a text;
1 They used the lunar module to save oxygen and empathy
made an adaptor to reduce the carbon dioxide Read the rubric aloud and ask Ss to consider how
levels. They survived inside the lunar module and things would have been from the point of view of one of
then switched to the command module for the the scientists at Houston. Ask various Ss to tell the
splash down. (…by moving from the command class.
module into the lunar module … With its own power
supply, oxygen and water, the three men could Suggested Answer Key
survive in the lunar module and return to Earth… the The lift-off had some minor problems but nothing
crew managed to put together an adaptor that serious. Then, two days later, a short circuit caused an
reduced the carbon dioxide to a safe level…the oxygen tank to explode. The crew contacted us and
module wasn’t strong enough to re-enter Earth’s told us they had a problem. They acted quickly. They
atmosphere so the crew had to transfer back into moved into the lunar module so they didn’t run out of
the damaged command module…the crew of oxygen or power and used it as a lifeboat. They had to
Apollo 13 slashed down safely in the South Pacific come up with a solution to keep the carbon dioxide
Ocean on April 17th) levels down and then switch back to the command
2 NASA believes the mission was a success because module for landing, but everything was fine. They
the astronauts handled the situation well thanks to proved that their training helped them to deal with
their training. (NASA still considers the mission a problems in space. We are very proud of them.
success. The Apollo 13 disaster was proof that their
highly-trained astronauts could deal with anything
To personalise the topic
that could go wrong.)
• Explain the task and give Ss some time to write a
3 The astronauts were unlucky because they
few sentences.
had a short circuit which caused them a lot of
• Ask various Ss around the class to share their
problems and they didn’t get to land on the moon. /
answers with the rest of the class.
The astronauts were lucky because they avoided a
disaster and made it back safely to Earth. Suggested Answer Key
I was very shocked and quite nervous when I heard the
5 To consolidate new vocabulary through explosion. I thought a meteor had hit the spacecraft. It
synonymous words/phrases turned out to be a short circuit which had caused an
oxygen tank to explode. We had to act quickly and
• Read the words/phrases in the list and give Ss time
come up with a solution to survive because we were
to match them to the words in bold in the text.
running out of oxygen and power. We decided to move
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class and
into the lunar module which had its own oxygen, water
elicit what part of speech each word/phrase is.
and power supply. We knew we could survive in there
Answer Key and return to Earth. We just had to reduce the carbon
Para A: in charge of = responsible for, scheduled = dioxide levels because there were three of us and the
arranged, superstitious = believing in good/bad luck, module was only designed for two. We managed that
despite = although and we made it back to Earth safely. We were very
Para B: catastrophe = disaster, carrying out = doing, relieved.
explode = blow up, depended = relied • As an extension take the roles of reporter and one
Para C: conserve = save, built = made, reduced = of the astronauts. Prepare questions based on the
lowered text, then act out an interview.
Para D: obstacle = difficulty, go down in history =
be remembered in the future, considers = regards, Possible questions
deal with = manage - When did ‘Apollo 13’ start its journey?
- When did the problem begin?
- What exactly happened?
- What caused the problem?
- What did you do?
- How did you deal with the problem?
- How did you feel?
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2 Module
2 b Vocabulary
b) To talk about seasonal weather
Ask Ss to use words from 4a to describe weather
conditions in their country in different seasons.
1 To consolidate vocabulary from a text
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
In my country, it is hot and sunny in summer, cool and
• Check Ss’ answers.
cloudy in spring and rainy and chilly in autumn.
Answer Key
1 manned 5 routine 9 relief 5 To practise vocabulary; to personalise a
2 odds 6 oxygen 10 highly- topic; to use audio material to stimulate the
3 minor 7 power trained imagination
4 face 8 carbon
Go through the questions. Play the recording. Elicit
answers from Ss around the class.
2 To consolidate vocabulary from a text
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in
I think it’s winter. I can hear the wind. It’s raining hard.
closed pairs.
It’s freezing cold.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 6 To present/practise new vocabulary
1 true 3 faced 5 exploded
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
2 charge 4 routine 6 lose
• Ask Ss to check their answers by looking up the
words in the Word List at the back of the book.
3 To consolidate vocabulary from a text
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
1 pouring 4 freezing cold
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 thick 5 soaking, heavy
Answer Key 3 rays 6 heavily, snowflakes
1 against all the odds
2 Much to everyone’s relief 7 To present new vocabulary
3 has gone down in history
• Ask Ss to copy and complete the table in their
4 go wrong
• Check Ss’ answers on the board.
4 a) To introduce a vocabulary area
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to complete the mindmap with the
words in the list. Natural disasters Accidents
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. Explain any train crash, car crash, factory
unknown vocabulary. fire, oil spill, building collapse,
tornado, volcanic
drowning, plane crash, gas
Answer Key eruption, flood,
leak, food poisoning,
1 sandals (1-3 in any order) drought, tsunami
2 gloves (1-3 in any order)
3 cap (1-3 in any order)
4 sunny (4-5 in any order) 8 To consolidate new vocabulary
5 mild (4-5 in any order)
• Explain the task.
6 tsunami (6-7 in any order)
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
7 tornado (6-7 in any order)
• Check Ss’ answers.
8 snowy (8-9 in any order)
9 frosty (8-9 in any order) Answer Key
1 survived 4 escaped 7 broke
2 injured 5 scratched 8 bumped
3 rescued 6 twisted
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Module 2
9 To listen for specific information (multiple 12 To practise prepositional phrases
matching) • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Explain the task and play the recording. • Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix II.
• Ss listen and complete the task. • Remind Ss to add these phrases to the
• Check Ss’ answers. Prepositions section in their notebooks.
Answer Key Answer Key
NEWS REPORT 1 – a plane crash 1 from 3 with 5 of
NEWS REPORT 2 – rescuing a drowning boy 2 from 4 about 6 on
NEWS REPORT 3 – a house fire
13 To practise word formation (nouns from verbs)
10 a) To present/practise new vocabulary in • Read the table aloud to Ss and explain any points they
context are unsure of providing extra examples if necessary.
• Give Ss time to read the text and complete the • Give Ss time to complete the task.
task. • Check Ss’ answers. Remind Ss to add these words
• Check Ss’ answers. in their notebooks in the Word Formation section.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 planet 4 moons 7 evidence 1 discovery 3 information
2 system 5 telescope 2 treatment 4 eruption
3 atmosphere 6 robot
Background information
b) ICT To write a short text about a planet
The Sun is the star in our solar system. It is 1,392,684
• Explain the task and give Ss time to look up km around and it consists of hot plasma of mainly
information on the Internet and write a short hydrogen and helium gases and magnetic fields. The
text about another planet. surface temperature is approximately 5505°C. Light
• Ask various Ss to read their text to the class. travels from the Sun to Earth in 8 minutes and 19
seconds. Energy from the Sun supports all life on Earth.
Suggested Answer Key
The Rover Curiosity is a robot about the size of a car
Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It gets its that is currently exploring Mars. It was launched in
name from the Roman goddess of love. It is also known November 2011 and its mission is to investigate the
as the ‘morning star’ or the ‘evening star’ because we Martian climate and geology. The mission was initially
can see it best from Earth just before sunrise and just for two years, but has now been extended indefinitely.
after sunset. It is similar in size to Earth, but it has got a
heavy atmosphere which is 96% carbon dioxide and so
the surface is always covered in thick clouds. It is very
hot with a surface temperature of 462°C. The surface is
dry desert and any oceans which may have existed
dried up millions of years ago because of the heat.
2c Grammar in use
1 To present/revise past tenses
11 To present/practise phrasal verbs
• Direct Ss’ attention to the news article and elicit the
• Explain the task. style and then elicit the verb forms 1-6 in bold.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Then give Ss time to match the verb forms 1-6 to
• Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix I. the uses A-F.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the
Grammar Reference section for more information.
1 off 3 through 5 on
Revise formation of these tenses
2 out 4 up with
Answer Key
The style is formal.
1 past simple – A
2 past continuous – D
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2 Module
3 past continuous – C 5 a) To compare the past simple and the
4 past perfect – F present perfect
5 past simple – B • Ask Ss to read the table and refer them to the
6 past perfect continuous – E Grammar Reference section for more
• Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1. information.
• Elicit when we use each tense.
2 To practise the past simple and the past Suggested Answer Key
continuous We use the past simple for a completed action at a
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete specific time in the past.
the task. We use the present perfect for an action that started in
• Check Ss’ answers. the past and continues to the present.
Answer Key
b) To practise the past simple and the
1 caused, lost, crashed
present perfect
2 Did you hear, was walking
3 was landing, caught, Did everyone get • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
4 were you doing, was reading, was cooking • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
3 To practise past tenses 1 hasn’t rained 4 haven’t flown
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete 2 happened 5 did the fire start
the task. 3 Did you hear
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 6 To practise past tenses
1 had spent • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
2 was waiting task.
3 was snowing, was howling • Check Ss’ answers.
4 were looking, were trying Answer Key
5 had been talking, hadn’t seen
1 went 8 had crossed
6 was walking, noticed
2 had been walking 9 had seen
7 had been trying, managed
3 were eating 10 knew
4 smelt 11 were
4 To practise the past perfect and the past 5 climbed 12 felt
perfect continuous 6 saw 13 rained
• Explain the task and read out the example. 7 was coming 14 had saved/saved
• Ss complete the task. (Ss’ own translations)
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 7 a) To present/practise used to/ would/be
2 He had been sweeping water from his house. used to
3 Tom had left the map at home. • Ask Ss to read the theory and refer them to the
4 He had been waiting for the police for an hour. Grammar Reference for more information.
5 It had been raining all week. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it,
6 A tree had fallen on him. then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Background information
1 go 3 are getting used to
Gdynia is a city and port in the north of Poland on 2 would spend 4 lived
the south coast of the Baltic Sea. It is 136 km2 and it
has a population of around 250,000 people.
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Module 2
b) To practise used to/would/be used to • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check
using personal examples Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
Explain the task, give Ss time to complete it and Suggested Answer Key
then check their answers around the class. Hi Sally,
Suggested Answer Key Hope you are well. You’ll never guess what happened
I used to play in the snow and I used to read books. to me!
I didn’t use to watch documentaries. I was on a hiking trip last week and I was walking my
dog, Mandy, along the cliffs when I made a stupid
mistake. I was texting a friend and I wandered too close
8 To practise key word transformations to the edge and I slipped and fell down the cliff.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. I fell onto a rock and I twisted my ankle badly. Mandy
• Check Ss’ answers. started barking loudly and some passers-by heard and
called 999. A rescue team came and took me to
Suggested Answer Key
hospital. Mandy is my hero. I’m better now, but I will
1 took the ship an hour 4 didn’t stop raining hard never text while walking along the cliffs again.
2 hasn’t snowed for 5 was the first time Write back and tell me all your news.
3 had been driving for Amy
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2 Module
b) To listen for specific information • Ss listen and complete the task then check Ss’
(multiple matching) answers.
• Read out the Study Skills box and explain the Answer Key
task then ask Ss to read the statements A-H. 1 T 3 F 5 F 7 F 9 T
• Play the recording and Ss listen and complete 2 T 4 F 6 F 8 F 10 F
the task. Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 5 To give a summary of a listening script
1 E 2 G 3 F 4 D 5 C Ask Ss to use the recording they listened to and their
answers in Ex. 4b to give a summary of Toby’s
3 To narrate a travel experience experience to the class.
Elicit answers from Ss around the class. Suggested Answer Key
Toby Brown went to Thailand with his family when a
Suggested Answer Key
tsunami struck. He was pushed under the water, but he
About five years ago, I went on a boat from Crete to and his brother survived by staying on top of the water
Santorini. We set off very early in the morning and we and floating inside the entrance to the hotel and climbing
ate a lovely buffet breakfast on the boat. Then the up the stairs to the top of the building. They found their
weather turned bad and the ship started to sway very parents at the hospital. Their mother had a broken wrist
violently from one side to the other. I got seasick and so and their dad was with her. They were very lucky.
did all the other passengers. We wished we hadn’t
eaten the breakfast. The journey was a total nightmare.
6 a) To practise word stress and weak
4 a) To introduce new vocabulary and
prepare for a listening task • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen
and repeat chorally and/or individually.
• Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their
• Check Ss’ intonation.
books and give them time to look up the
meanings of the words/phrases given.
• Elicit what they think happened to Toby. b) To identify stressed syllables and weak
Suggested Answer Key
Play the recording again for Ss to mark the stressed
tsunami struck: a big tidal wave hit the land
syllables and weak vowels, then ask Ss to repeat
loud roar: a very loud noise
chorally and/or individually and check Ss’ intonation.
froze in fear: unable to move because of fear
terrifying: very frightening Answer Key
huge wall of black water: large mass of dark water • • • • • • • • • •
pushed underwater: forced under the surface of the about rainy attack perhaps rescue
water by sth
floating inside hotel lobby: staying on top of the
water inside the entrance to the hotel
grabbed onto a staircase: got hold of the stairs
standing on rooftops: people stood up on top of
2e Speaking skills
houses and buildings 1 a) To identify situational language for
debris: broken pieces of buildings expressing interest, shock and disbelief
upside down cars: vehicles turned 180° vertically
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
broken wrist: when a bone above the hand is broken
chorally and/or individually.
Suggested Answer Key • Then elicit which phrases express interest,
I think Toby survived the tsunami. shock or disbelief from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
b) To listen for specific information A shock/disbelief
(multiple matching) C shock/disbelief
• Ask Ss to read the statements 1-10 and then D shock/disbelief & interest
play the recording. F interest
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Module 2
b) To complete a dialogue and listen for B: Well, I limped back to the campsite, but then in the
confirmation night a bear came and stole my food from outside
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it the tent.
using the phrases in Ex. 1a. A: You’re kidding!
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check their B: No, I’m not. To make matters worse, the next night
answers. Elicit what went wrong on the trip and it rained and the tent got flooded.
the style of the dialogue. A: Unbelievable! That’s too bad!
Answer Key
4 a) To make notes on a picture
1 E 3 D 5 A 7 B
2 F 4 G 6 C • Direct Ss’ attention to the picture and give them
time to make notes under the headings in their
Suggested Answer Key notebooks.
They got lost and they got stung by wasps. They didn’t • Check Ss’ answers on the board.
sleep much and the next day it was raining, so they Suggested Answer Key
went home.
The dialogue is informal. It has short forms and time: morning
everyday language. place: outside in a garden in front of sb’s house
people: firefighters
clothes: protective clothing
2 To role play a dialogue actions: putting out the fire with water hoses
Ss take roles and act out the dialogue in pairs. feelings: glad no one was hurt
2 Module
Answer Key Answer Key
1 young people who read the magazine The narrator expressed his emotions, through the use
2 Tom of adjectives and idioms. Examples include: ‘... felt
3 past tenses strangely afraid ...’, ‘Tom froze in fear’, ‘... so relieved
4 an alligator and a mobile phone ...’
5 B
c) To summarise a story and practise
2 a) To identify the person linkers
• Give Ss time to read the model and complete • Ss work in pairs and summarise the story using
the task. the sentences in Ex. 3a and the linkers
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. provided.
• Elicit what person the story is written in: first (I, • Monitor the activity around the class and then
we) or third (he/she/they) ask some Ss to summarise the story for the
Answer Key class.
1 was shining 4 was staring Suggested Answer Key
2 started 5 didn’t know Tom and Matthew set out on a camping trip. First, the
3 grabbed 6 had never felt canoe capsized. Then, they fell into the river. Next, the
water swept them down the river. After that, they got
It is a third-person narrative.
back into the canoe. Suddenly, Tom saw an alligator
staring at them. After a short while, Tom phoned the
b) To match paragraphs to content; to canoe hire shop. Finally, a helicopter came to rescue
identify main ideas them.
• Give Ss time to match the contents 1-4 to each
paragraph A-D. 4 To learn how to set the scene in a story
• Check Ss’ answers.
Ask Ss to read the tip and then elicit how the writer
Answer Key sets the scene in the model.
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D
Answer Key
He describes the weather, the people and their
3 a) To order events in a story and identify
the climax event
• Explain that the climax event is the most
5 a) To analyse setting of a scene
important event in a story.
• Give Ss time to read the model and complete Give Ss time to read the paragraph and then elicit
the task. answers to the questions from Ss around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit the climax event. Answer Key
Answer Key 1 One Tuesday morning last spring at the train station.
A 2 C 5 E 6 G 3 2 It was pouring with rain.
B 7 D 1 F 4 H 8 3 John
4 really annoyed
The climax event is the alligator staring at them.
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Module 2
6 a) To practise adjectives 1 a short story, people in my college
• Explain the task. Read the tip. Give Ss time to 2 ‘As Jack and Tom put up their tent, they didn’t
complete it. notice the big sign.’
• Check Ss’ answers. 3 I will write in the third-person and I will use past
Answer Key
1 dark 3 sharp 5 terrified
2 loud 4 huge 6 venomous b) To listen for ideas
Play the recording and ask Ss to make notes under
b) To identify adjectives that describe the headings in their notebooks as they listen. Play
nouns in a model the recording twice if necessary.
Elicit which adjectives are used to describe the Suggested Answer Key
nouns given. time: night
Answer Key place: forest
amazing canoeing trip people: Jack and Tom
rushing water events: put up tent, went to sleep, woken up by noise,
huge alligator made a fire,
climax event: heard loud roar, bear was staring at
them, hid in tent, called forest rangers
7 To identify adverbs used to describe verbs ending: ranger rescued them
in a model feelings: relieved
• Elicit how adverbs are formed. Refer Ss to the
Grammar Reference section for more details. c) To write a story
• Elicit which adverbs are used to describe the verbs
given. • Refer Ss to the Writing Bank 2 for a model,
useful language and writing tips.
Answer Key • Give Ss time to complete the task using the
flowing unbelievably fast Useful Language box and their answers from
said calmly Exs. 9a & b.
• Remind Ss to follow the plan and to use
appropriate linkers.
8 To practise using adverbs
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 angrily 3 heavily 5 quietly As Jack and Tom put up their tent, they didn’t notice
2 Luckily 4 carefully the big sign. It was dark and they had been hiking all
day. They were so tired, they climbed into their sleeping
9 a) To analyse a rubric bags and went to sleep.
In the night they were woken by strange noises outside
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and underline the key
their tent. Jack grabbed his torch and bravely stuck his
head out of the tent. He could hear an animal, but he
• Give Ss time to answer the questions and then
couldn’t see anything. He decided to make a fire.
check Ss’ answers.
Next, they heard a loud roar. They froze in fear. A huge
Answer Key bear was staring at them. They hid in their tent. They
Key words: short story, competition, must begin with didn’t know what to do. Then Tom remembered his
‘As Jack and Tom put up their tent, they didn’t notice mobile phone and called the forest rangers. Very soon a
the big sign.’ 120-160 words, must include a bear, a fire ranger came and rescued them.
“You were very lucky. The bears like this area. That’s
why we have the ‘No Camping’ sign,” the ranger said.
They had never felt so relieved in their lives.
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2 Module
Language Knowledge 2 Answer Key
1 D By the time = when
2 D so (much) that (implied)
1 a) To prepare for an open cloze task
3 C present continuous – fixed arrangement in the
Ask Ss to read the gapped sentences and then near future
elicit the part of speech missing from each one. 4 C even though + clause
despite + noun/-ing for us
Answer Key
5 B used to (past habit)
1 preposition 3 pronoun 6 C present perfect continuous with since
2 conjunction 4 verb 7 A hate it when (set phrase)
8 D comparative (more) + than
b) To identify correct word 9 B longer past action interrupted by another past
Elicit the correct answers. action
10 C next indicates a fixed future arrangement
Answer Key 11 D everyone + verb form in the singular
1 from 2 because 3 him 4 put 12 A lucky to do sth
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Module 2
meet (v): to be in the same place as sb and start 2 To practise phrases with go and get
talking to them • Explain the task.
find (v): to discover after a careful search • Ss complete the task.
discover (v): to find out • Ask Ss to check their answers in their dictionaries.
look (v): to direct your eyes in a particular direction • Explain that Ss need to learn such collocations by
think (v): to believe; to imagine heart.
expect (v): to think that sth will happen
wait (v): to not do sth until sb arrives Answer Key
lose time (phr): to waste time 1 go 3 go 5 get 7 get 9 go
pass (v): to go past sth 2 get 4 go 6 get 8 go 10 get
miss (v): to fail to take advantage of sth
fail (v): to not succeed in sth
3 To practise phrases with lose and miss
tidy (v): to make a place neat
clean (v): to remove dirt from sth • Explain the task.
clear (v): to free the air from pollution • Ss complete the task.
freshen (v): to make sth cleaner or more attractive • Ask Ss to check their answers in their dictionaries.
contact (n): communicating or meeting with sb Answer Key
keep in touch (phr): to remain in contact with sb
1 lose 4 lose 7 miss 10 miss
control (n): the power to make sb sth do what you
2 miss 5 miss 8 lose
want them to do
3 lose 6 miss 9 lose
power (n): the ability or right to control people or
use (v): to employ sth for a certain purpose 4 To practise sentence transformations
go (v): to move or travel somewhere • Explain the task.
play (v): to spend time doing fun things as with toys or • Ss complete the task.
games • Check Ss’ answers.
work (v): (of a machine) to operate
steady (adj): sensible and reliable Answer Key
safe (adj): not dangerous 1 worst 4 on saving
secure (adj): well-protected 2 as dangerous 5 any
sure (adj): certain 3 before
feel (v): to perceive a sense
consider (v): to think of sb sth in a particular way or to 5 To practise phrasal verbs and prepositional
have a particular opinion phrases
regard (v): to have an opinion about sb/sth
hold (v): to have in my hands or arms • Explain the task.
get caught (phr): to be affected by sth bad • Ss complete the task.
get stuck (phr): to not be able to move from a place • Check Ss’ answers.
fix (v): to join sth to sth else firmly • Ask Ss to add these words in the Word Formation
section in their notebooks
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2 Module
Answer Key 4 C (Eric explained how a tornado forms… I had
1 to see 6 getting 11 on 16 their never been particularly interested in weather
2 was 7 when 12 still 17 ever before, but Eric’s face lit up when he talked
3 heard 8 with 13 around about tornadoes and he just made it all so
4 in 9 down 14 in fascinating and easy to understand.)
5 about 10 whole 15 At 5 C (It’s obvious that Larry and Eric love what they
do and really want others to enjoy their tours.
Despite the fact that we got incredibly close to
Background information the storms, I never felt in danger.)
New York City is a large city in the state of New
York in the USA. It is the most populous city in the 2 To answer comprehension questions on a
country and it has a lot of influence on commerce, text
finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology,
• Give Ss time to answer the questions.
education, and entertainment. It is also a large
• Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to
harbour and has lots of famous landmarks.
paraphrase the information in their own words.
Jamaica is an island country in the Caribbean Sea.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
It has a population of 2.8 million people and the
capital city is Kingston. Answer Key
Hurricane Sandy was a devastating hurricane that 1 The writer saw a super-cell storm, a lightning storm
happened in 2012. It developed from a tropical wave and three tornadoes on the tour. He was
and it hit Jamaica on 24th October, Cuba on 25th disappointed with the super-cell storm, but he was
October and the USA on 29th October. It killed 286 excited by the lightning storm. He was very excited
people in total and caused around $68 billion of by the tornadoes.
damage. 2 When two different kinds of air meet with different
temperatures and water content then a tornado can
form. The winds from different directions form a
Progress Check 2 funnel; which spins faster and faster until it hits the
ground and forms a tornado.
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Module 2
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 nightmare 6 twisted Huge storm clouds started to appear in the sky as we
2 rescued 7 collapsed set out. We were travelling to visit my aunt who lived in
3 evacuate 8 survived the countryside and we were looking forward to seeing
4 pouring 9 put off her.
5 boiling 10 heat Soon it started to rain heavily so we had to drive very
slowly because we could hardly see the road in front of
5 To consolidate grammar from the module us. The other cars on the motorway were driving slowly,
• Explain the task. Just then, thick smoke started to come out of the
• Ss complete the task. engine and the car stopped. We put on the hazard
• Check Ss’ answers. lights and managed to roll into the emergency lane. We
Answer Key were very upset and scared. We didn’t want to be
stranded in the middle of a storm on the motorway.
1 had forgotten/forgot 6 had been jogging
Luckily, I had brought my mobile phone and we called a
2 was driving 7 had never seen
breakdown service.
3 had just moved 8 fell off, broke
They arrived quickly and took us all the way to my
4 Was it raining 9 had put out
aunt’s house. We were very glad to be safe and sound.
5 had been snowing
Check your progress
6 To practise sentence transformations
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit
• Explain the task. according to how competent they feel for each of the listed
• Ss complete the task. activities.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 used to be 4 was
2 had his/an 5 I had
3 had never seen
7 To write a story
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Bank 2
for a model, a plan and useful language.
• Give Ss time to plan and complete their work and
then check Ss’ answers.
• Alternatively assign the task as HW and check Ss’
answers in the next lesson.
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Work 3 Module
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of jobs, work, word transformations, to make predictions and talk about
education, job qualities and requirements. future plans/ intentions
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Module 3
Module Objectives Suggested Answer Key
Read the title of the module Work and ask Ss to suggest 1 T They will work at home on their computer and
what they think the module will be about (the module is have video conferences.
about jobs of the future, work, education and job qualities.) 2 T I think robots and computers will do them.
Go through the objectives list to stimulate Ss’ interest in the 3 T They will do all the factory jobs and most of the
module. manual jobs, too.
4 F People will have more free time because they
will have all the gadgets to do the housework.
1 a) To introduce new vocabulary
5 T They will be more productive.
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures A-D and the
jobs in the list and give Ss time to match them. Words of wisdom
• Elicit answers.
Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to
Answer Key discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their
A vertical farmer C cyber manager opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class.
B nano-nurse D virtual security guard Suggested Answer Key
I think that this means that people can do amazing things
b) To predict the duties in a job of the whether they are a top scientist or a humble farmer. The
future job is just a job, but the person doing the job is the one
Elicit what duties people in the jobs in Ex. 1a might who can influence how things are done. They can come
do from various Ss around the class. up with new ideas to make the job better as well as new
ways of doing things to become more productive.
Suggested Answer Key
A vertical farmer will look after plants growing in a
A nano-nurse will assist robot surgeons and look after
3a Reading
A cyber manager will supervise teams of robot street 1 To introduce key vocabulary from a text and
sweepers and window cleaners. match jobs to duties
A virtual security guard will protect online identities
• Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their
from social media hackers.
books and give them time to look up the meanings
of the words in bold.
2 To complete job descriptions • Give Ss time to match the sentences to the jobs. Ss
• Direct Ss to the four texts and the words in the work in closed pairs.
rubric and give Ss time to use the words to • Check Ss’ answers.
complete the texts. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
operate = to perform surgery
Answer Key take orders = to write down what food people in a
The first three job adverts are formal in tone while the restaurant want to eat and ask the kitchen to make it
fourth is more informal. This can be determined by the patrol = to move around a place and guard it
language used and sentence structure. fight = to combat
defuse = to deactivate
1 shift 4 CV 7 9-5 put out = to extinguish
2 applicant 5 training 8 staff rescue = to save
3 full-time 6 salary take (sb’s) temperature = to use a thermometer to
find out what sb’s body temperature is
3 To make predictions about the future
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to read the statements and decide if 1 surgeons 5 firefighters
they think they are true or false. 2 waiters 6 lifeguards
• Ss compare answers with their partner and give 3 police officers 7 nurses
reasons. 4 bomb disposal experts
• Ask some pairs to tell the class.
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3 Module
2 To listen for gist dessert (n): a sweet dish at the end of a meal
• Ask Ss to read the questions. Direct Ss to the sci-fi film (n): a film about fictional future events
pictures and ask them to guess the answers. tip (n): a gift of money to thank sb for their services
• Play the recording. Ss listen, read and check if their recharge batteries (phr): to re-energise yourself
guesses were correct. fight crime (phr): to combat illegal activities
ex-army (adj): having once been in the armed forces
Suggested Answer Key pocket-sized (adj): fitting in a pocket
I think robots could do the jobs of firefighters, nurses, defuse (v): to disarm an explosive device
waiters and police officers. bomb disposal expert (n): sb who is skilled at
disarming explosive devices
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss 3 To read for specific information (multiple
to use their dictionaries and look them up. matching)
Suggested Answer Key • Read out the Study Skills box. Read aloud
revolution (n): an important change question 1 and ask Ss to underline the key words
take over (phr v): to get control of sth (robot, see, streets).
get into trouble (phr): to encounter difficulties • Ask Ss to scan the texts to find which text answers
rescue (v): to save sb from a dangerous situation the question (D), and underline the words that give
remote-controlled (adj): controlled from a distance by out the answer (patrolling your neighbourhood).
radio signals • Point out that the information is paraphrased.
race (v): to move very fast • Ss in closed pairs do the rest of the task.
human (n): a person • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
drag (v): to pull along the ground Suggested Answer Key
shore (n): where the sea meets the land
keep afloat (phr): to stay on top of water 1 D
navy (n): armed forces who fight at sea on ships 2 B (Even ... patient)
battle (v): to fight your way through sth 3 C (another ... entertainment)
flame (n): bright hot stream of gas from sth on fire 4 C (they only work ... batteries)
surgeon (n): a doctor who performs surgery 5 B (fleet of robots ... clean ones)
shake (v): to move from side to side 6 A (you will be glad)
operate on (phr): to perform surgery on 7 D (pocket-sized)
patient (n): a person in receiving medical treatment 8 B (emailing ... country)
from a doctor 9 A (races ... swimmer)
surgery (n): medical treatment involving cutting the 10 A (never gives up)
body open The author’s intention is to give information and
steady (adj): stable and not moving describe life with robots.
pulse (n): heartbeat
temperature (n): how hot or cold sth is
4 a) To consolidate information in a text
medical history (phr): a record of all the medical
treatment sb has had • Give Ss time to answer the questions.
specialist (n): a doctor who is very knowledgeable in • Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to try to
one area paraphrase the information in their own words.
corridor (n): a long passage in a building • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
fleet (n): a team Suggested Answer Key
hard at work (phr): working hard
1 Some robots will perform surgeries and robotic
replace (v): when one thing acts in the place of another
nurses will take patients’ pulses and temperatures
staff (n): the people who work for an organisation
and email their medical history to specialists. Other
save (v): to help sb escape harm or danger
robots will collect dirty laundry and deliver clean
take an order (phr): to take a request for food in a
sheets and give food.
2 Robot police will patrol the streets and go into
steak (n): a large flat piece of beef
situations that are too dangerous for people. Police
provide (v): to give sb sth they ask for
will use ‘throwbots’ to see what is there. Other
entertainment (n): activities that give people pleasure
robots will defuse bombs.
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Module 3
3 Robots can save people from drowning at sea until C Robotic waiters show you to your table and take
the lifeboat can save them. Robots can fight fires your order. Robotic chefs cook your meal and other
that are too dangerous for human firefighters and robots provide entertainment.
put them out. D Throwbot can be thrown around a corner to see
what is there and the Packbot and the Talon can
b) (Ss’ own translations)
defuse a bomb.
5 a) To consolidate new vocabulary through ICT To expand the topic and conduct
synonymous words/phrases further study
• Allow Ss sometime to do the task. • Ask Ss to research on the Internet in groups of four,
• Ss in closed pairs compare their answers. and find out more information about robots in the
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class. future and present it to the class.
• Ask various Ss to share their research with the rest
Answer Key
of the class
pick you up = go and get you handing out = giving
give up = stop trying get on with = continue Suggested Answer Key
put out = stop sth burning head for = go to There will be household robots to do all manner of
wake up = stop sleeping check out = see domestic jobs. There is already a robot called Roomba that
hoovers the floor by itself and smart appliances like fridges
b) To consolidate new vocabulary through that can order food at the supermarket when it runs out.
antonyms There will be robot companions to help elderly people in
their homes and carry their bags. Also, robots will replace
• Allow Ss sometime to do the task. people in a number of jobs such as drivers and pilots as
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class. planes and trucks can be controlled by computers. There
Answer Key are already pilotless planes called drones.
drag ≠ push hard at work ≠ relaxing
amazingly ≠ unsurprisingly delicious ≠ disgusting To describe an imaginary scenario
afloat ≠ sinking risky ≠ safe based on information in a text
steadiest ≠ shakiest defuse ≠ explode
• Explain the task and give Ss some time to prepare
their answers.
6 To consolidate vocabulary from a text • Ask various Ss around the class to share their
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. answers with the rest of the class.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key I think robotic lifeguards will change the lives of the
1 take 5 technological 9 get people they save and their families by saving them. I
2 defuse 6 give 10 take think robotic firefighters will change the lives of human
3 main 7 recharge firefighters because they will go into the very dangerous
4 police 8 take fires instead of them. I think Throwbots, Packbots and
Talon will save police officers’ lives. I think robotic
To consolidate information in a text surgeons will save lives and robotic nurses will make
Ask various Ss to tell the class two things about each less work for human nurses. I think robotic waiters will
robot they have read about in the text. put human waiters out of work.
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3 Module
Answer Key 6 To present and practise topic-related
1 defuse 4 patrol 7 race vocabulary in context
2 take 5 save 8 put out • Explain the task.
3 drag 6 take • Give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
2 To consolidate vocabulary from a text Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 1 graduated 4 requires 7 Tuition
• Ss can use their dictionaries. 2 educated 5 failed, resit 8 enrol
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 3 holds 6 compulsory
Answer Key
1 surgery 4 problem 7 seaside 7 a) To present new vocabulary
2 operation 5 pick up 8 shore • Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their
3 trouble 6 pick books and give them time to look up the
meanings of the adjectives.
3 To present and practise topic-related • Give Ss time to complete the task and then
vocabulary in context check Ss’ answers.
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Module 3
To present/practise new vocabulary in
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3 Module
4 To present the future continuous and the 8 To practise future tenses
future perfect Explain the task, give Ss time to complete it and then
• Read out the sentences and elicit the uses of the check their answers.
tenses and how they are formed. Suggested Answer Key
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for 1 have typed 4 goes
more information. 2 will you finish 5 have emailed/email
Answer Key 3 will ask 6 will work
This time next week I’ll be working at the holiday
9 To practise key word transformations
camp. (an action which will be in progress at a stated
future time) The future continuous is formed with will + • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
be + -ing form of the main verb. • Check Ss’ answers.
By the time we get to the office, Tom will have left. (an Answer Key
action which will have finished before another action at 1 soon as I finish 4 isn’t going to work
a stated future time) The future perfect is formed with 2 will have arrived 5 leave until Brian comes
will + have + past participle of the main verb. 3 will be working
• Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1.
10 To practise future tenses using personal
5 To practise the future continuous and the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in
future perfect
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Monitor the activity around the class and then elicit
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers. answers from various Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 will be flying (This time tomorrow) 1 I am going to go on holiday.
2 will have moved (by June) 2 I will probably go shopping.
3 will be having (At 1 o’clock tomorrow afternoon) 3 I will be taking the bus home.
4 will have worked (By next May) 4 I am studying until 8 pm.
5 will not have finished (by 3 o’clock) 5 I will have earned a degree.
6 I think in 50 years the world will be quite similar to
6 To practise future tenses today except there will be electric cars and less
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. pollution.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss justify their
answers. 11 To consolidate future tenses
Answer Key Explain the task and allow Ss time to write the text
1 will have finished (by the end of today) using future tenses.
2 are going to stay (already decided) (Ss’ own answers)
3 will get (prediction based on what we think)
4 Will you come (future action), will be presenting
(action happening at a certain time in the future)
5 will join (on the spot decision) 3d Listening skills
7 To present time clauses
1 To prepare for a listening task (Yes/No
• Ask Ss to read the examples and then elicit statements)
answers to the questions.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for • Read the example. Ask Ss to pay attention to the
more information. underlined words.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
Answer Key
• Ss should underline the key words.
The present simple follows a time adverb. • Check Ss’ answers.
A future tense can follow ‘when’ in a question.
• Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1.
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Module 3
Answer Key Answer Key
1 b (experience, working, foreign countries, would 1 No 3 No 5 Yes
like to, has worked, before) 2 Yes 4 Yes 6 No
2 b (has the skills, professional, pastime, very good
at) d) To consolidate comprehension of a
3 b (helps out, visit, works) listening script
Elicit an answer to the question.
2 a) To introduce new vocabulary and
prepare for a listening task Suggested Answer Key
Read the Study Skills box aloud and then refer Ss It matches his work experience and his qualifications.
to the Word List at the back of their books and give
them time to look up the meanings of the words/ 3 a) To prepare for a listening task (note
phrases given. taking)
Suggested Answer Key Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books
CV = curriculum vitae (summary of qualifications & and give them time to look up the meanings of the
experience) words/phrases given.
guarantee = certain to cause sth to happen Suggested Answer Key
banking = the business activity of banks
fill = take up
experience = knowledge or skill in a job
key positions = important posts
computing = relating to computers
train = show sb how to do sth
finance = activity of managing money
applicants = people applying for the vacancy
skills = abilities
good attitude = positive outlook
IT = Information Technology
personality = character
computer repair shop = a business that repairs
willingness = eagerness
pick up = learn
right grades = sufficient scores in exams
bear in mind = consider
department = a section in an organisation
wages = pay
full training = the process of learning all the necessary
working environment = where sb works
skills for a new job
tip = a gift of money for a job sb has done for you
interview = a question and answer session with an
treat customers = behave towards people who buy
applicant to decide if they are suitable for a job
goods or services
application form = a piece of paper that you fill in with
relevant information when applying for a job
b) To listen for specific information hold interviews = conduct question and answer
Ask Ss to read the sentence stubs and then play sessions with applicants to decide if they are suitable
the recording for Ss to complete them. Check Ss’ for a job
Answer Key b) To listen for specific information (Note
1 CV taking)
2 finance • Read the Study Skills box aloud and then ask
3 computer repair shop Ss to read the advert.
• Ss work in closed pairs and decide what type of
c) To listen for specific information word is missing from each gap.
(Yes/No statements) • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask Ss to read the statements 1-6 and underline Suggested Answer Key
the key words. 1 noun 3 adjective 5 noun
• Play the recording twice. 2 noun 4 noun 6 number
• Ss listen and complete the task.
• Play the recording twice.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Ss listen and complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board.
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3 Module
Answer Key b) To listen for confirmation
1 shopping 3 strong 5 tips Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers.
2 experience 4 evenings 6 27th Elicit the style of the dialogue.
• The speaker’s intention is to advertise jobs. Answer Key
The dialogue is formal. (full verb forms (e.g. you are
4 To express a personal opinion interested), advanced vocabulary (e.g. I am looking
Give Ss time to form an opinion and then ask various forward to hearing ...), longer sentences (e.g. Well, I am
Ss around the class to report back to the class. ... the summer)
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen • Explain the task and give Ss time to read the advert
and repeat chorally and/or individually. and then complete the task in pairs using the useful
• Check Ss’ intonation. language provided.
• Draw this diagram on the board for Ss to follow.
b) To practise echo questions
Explain the task and elicit answers from Ss around Greet B. Offer seat. Explain
the class. Ask reason B is interested reason.
Answer Key in post. Answer giving
1 He’s a what? Ask about B’s previous details.
2 She teaches English where?/She teaches what in experience. Describe your
Tahiti? Ask about B’s responsibilities
3 He works until what time? responsibilities. at work.
4 They earn how much an hour? Ask about what B thinks Describe your
makes him/her suitable character
for post. qualities.
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Module 3
B: I am cheerful and patient as well as energetic and 8 I have attached a copy of …
creative and I like working with children. 9 I look forward to hearing from you.
A: I see. Well, I’ll let you know by next Friday. Thank 10 Yours sincerely
you for coming.
B: Thank you. I am looking forward to hearing from 4 To suggest alternative opening/ closing
you. remarks
• Ask Ss to find the opening/closing remarks in
Peter’s email. (I am writing ... position; I look
3f Writing •
forward .... you).
Elicit suitable alternatives from Ss around the class.
Answer Key
6 To practise vocabulary for a letter of
1 I am writing with regards to the advertisement for
summer waiting staff which appeared in the
Bridgetown Herald on Thursday. Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’
2 I would like to apply for this position. answers.
3 I found it enjoyable … Answer Key
4 My employer was impressed by …
1 cooperative 3 quick 5 hardworking
5 my ability to communicate well with …
2 patient 4 popular 6 efficient
6 I am also fluent in Spanish and German.
7 I would be very grateful if you would consider my
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3 Module
7 To analyse a rubric Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which are the key Dear Sir/Madam,
words and ask Ss to underline them and then I am writing with regard to the advertisement for
answer the questions. catering staff which appeared on your website. I would
• Check Ss’ answers. like to apply for this position.
I am 18 years old and have recently finished my A levels
Suggested Answer Key in Maths, ICT and Business Studies. I expect to get high
Key words: advertisement, website, like to apply, grades and I will be starting at university in September.
catering staff, free weekends 20th June to 5th Previously, I have worked as a waiter at a local hotel
September, serve food at family celebrations & serving dinner to guests. I found it very enjoyable.
business dinners, previous experience desirable, not I consider myself to be hardworking, reliable and
essential, email applying for the job, 120-160 words cheerful. I also work well in a team and I am the captain
1 someone from the catering company of the school football team.
2 formal I have attached a reference from my previous employer.
3 Dear Sir/Madam, Yours faithfully I am available for interview any weekday evening. I look
4 Para 1 – reason for writing & where I saw the advert, forward to hearing from you.
Para 2 – age, current job or studies & qualifications, Yours faithfully,
Para 3 – previous experience, Para 4 – relevant George Middleton
qualities & skills, Para 5 – closing comments, CV,
reference & availability
8 To complete a CV
Language Knowledge 3
• Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. 1 a) To prepare for a word formation task
• Elicit various answers from Ss around the class.
Ask Ss to read the sentences 1-10 and then elicit
Suggested Answer Key the part of speech that each sentence asks for.
George Middleton, 16 King Street, Preston, 01772 Answer Key
278163, Contact Information: GMiddleton @
1 adjective 5 adjective 9 adjective
2 noun 6 noun 10 noun
Personal Information: 20/7/1997, Preston,
3 noun 7 noun
Lancashire, single
4 adjective 8 adjective
Academic Qualifications: A levels in Maths, ICT and
Business Studies.
Work Experience: I have worked as a waiter at a local b) To prepare for a word formation task/
hotel serving dinner to guests. practise word formation
Personal Skills: hardworking, reliable, cheerful, team Go through the list of suffixes and elicit which ones
player are used to make adjectives and which are used to
Interests: I play football and I am the captain of the make nouns from Ss around the class.
school football team.
References: Mr Smith, Manager, The Doric Hotel, Answer Key
Preston nouns – -ment, -or, -er, -sion, -y
adjectives – -ly, -ing, -able, -ed, -ive
9 To write an email applying for a job • Give Ss time to complete the sentences with the
• Refer Ss to Writing Bank 3 for a model, useful correct nouns and adjectives and suffixes. Ss
language and writing tips. should identify if the gap asks for a noun/ adjective
• Give Ss time to complete the task using the useful and then select one of the suffixes in the list.
language box and their answers from Exs. 7 & 8. • Check Ss’ answers on the board.
• Remind Ss to follow the plan, to not use short forms Answer Key
and to use appropriate useful language.
1 demanding 5 competitive 9 friendly
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 difficulty 6 employment 10 actor
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
3 permission 7 banker
answers in the next lesson.
4 pleased 8 desirable
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Module 3
2 a) To complete a word formation task I definitely agree with you that I need to evaluate my
• Read the Study Skills box aloud and then give skills and consider all my options, before making a
Ss time to complete the task. decision. I have already made an appointment with the
• Check Ss’ answers around the class and elicit school’s career guidance counsellor to discuss more
the style of the text. job options for me.
I will let you know as soon as I make my final decision.
Answer Key Thanks again for the valuable advice.
1 decision 5 government Best,
2 construction 6 counsellor John
3 designer 7 suitable
4 expensive 8 appealing 3 To practise sentence transformations
The text is written in an informal style (short verb • Give Ss time to complete the task.
forms: don’t let; everyday language: a few tips; • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
addressing the reader directly: you).
Answer Key
1 on 4 about to get/getting
b) To personalise the topic; to use
2 for two 5 about learning
information given in different genre
3 near/close to
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Elicit appropriate opening/closing remarks.
4 To consolidate grammar structures
Refer Ss to Writing Bank 8 for details.
• Ask various Ss to read out their emails to the • Explain the task.
class. • Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
Dear John,
Thanks for your email. I’m sorry that you can’t decide 1 C present simple after time word (as soon as)
what career to follow. Deciding what career to choose 2 B present perfect with since
is an important decision and I have a few ideas that 3 A past action
might help. 4 B As long as = Provided/If + present simple
First, you should evaluate your skills. For example, if 5 D superlative (most + adjective with more than two
you are good at fixing or making things, then a career in syllables)
carpentry or car repair may be your thing. Secondly you 6 D Future perfect continuous with by
could go on a course and learn a special skill. These 7 C present simple with every
can be expensive, but you can find out what 8 A present perfect (actions that started in the past
government programmes are available to help pay for and continues up to the present)
them. Finally, you could talk to your school’s career 9 D present continuous (developing situation)
guidance counsellor to help you decide which jobs 10 C past simple with ago
would suit you. Don’t rush into your decision and 11 B prediction based on what we think
consider all your options. 12 A past simple with last (month)
Let me know how you get on. Good luck! 13 D expresses duration
5 To expand on vocabulary
c) To practise writing emails • Explain the task.
• Tell Ss to exchange mails. • Ss complete the task in closed pairs.
• Allow time to write their answers. • Check Ss’ answers. Explain any unknown
• Ask various Ss to read their emails in class. Vocabulary.
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3 Module
be hard at work (phr): to be very busy doing your job understand (v): to know the meaning of what sb is
full (adj): having no empty space telling you
fast (adj): moving or capable of moving at high speed leave a tip (phr): to give a small amount of additional
strong (adj): having enough power to move heavy money to a waiter
things note (n): a piece of paper money
speak (to sb) (v): to have a conversation with sb coin (n): a piece of metal, usually flat and round, used
connect (v): to join two telephone lines so that two as money
people can speak cash (n): money in the form of coins or notes rather
contact (v): to talk to sb on the telephone than cheques
talk (to/with sb about sth) (v): to discuss sth with sb take a rest (phr): to stop doing work or an activity so
save (v): to collect objects so that I can use them later as to spend time relaxing or sleeping
collect (v): to get sth from a place make a stop (phr): to pause for a short time
keep (v): to have sth in your possession somewhere during a journey
hold (v): to take or keep sth in your hands take a break (phr): to stop working for a period of time
else (adv): besides or in addition to sb or sth (usually in order to rest or eat
after: someone/anyone/no one/everyone/something/ pause (n): a short time during which sb stops speaking
anything/nothing/everything else) or doing sth before starting again
different (adj): not the same correct (adj): proper for a particular situation
from one … to another (phr): leaving one place to go sth is suitable for sb (phr): sth is right for a particular
to a different one person
the other (pron): the second of two people or things proper (adj): right
change (v): to make sth become different good (adj): of high quality
replace (v): to do sth instead of sb else
remove (v): to take sth away from a place
take (sb somewhere) (v): to go with sb somewhere
take advantage of sth (phr): to make the most of an
Language Focus 3
carry (v): to move sth while holding and supporting it 1 To learn collocations
wait (for sb) (v): to stay in a place until sb arrives • Explain the task.
have (v): to own sth • Ss complete the task.
pain (n): the physical feeling caused by a disease or • Check Ss’ answers. Ss should memorise these
injury collocations
get yourself into trouble (phr): to start having
Answer Key
get into difficulty (phr): to start experiencing a difficult 1 clean 4 clear 7 clear 10 clear
situation 2 clean 5 clean 8 clean
have difficulty (in) doing sth (phr): to not be able to 3 clear 6 clear 9 clear
do sth easily
problem (n): sth that is difficult to deal with 2 To distinguish between vocabulary items
show sb to sth (phr): to lead sb somewhere similar in meaning
lead (v): to take sb somewhere by going in front of
• Explain the task.
them while they follow
• Ss complete the task.
point (v): to show sb where to look by moving your
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
walk sb (v): to go somewhere with sb in order to Answer Key
accompany them 1 duty 2 job 3 work 4 task
central (adj): in the middle of an area or an object
middle (adj): nearest the centre
3 To practise sentence transformations
main course (phr): the main part of a meal
chief (adj): the most important • Explain the task.
feel (v): to experience a particular emotion • Ss complete the task.
find (v): to discover or get sth that you have been • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
searching for
realise (v): to suddenly begin to understand sth
05OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 3.qxp_05OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 3 12/5/18 4:29 PM Page 54
Module 3
Answer Key
Background information
1 first time 3 learn a lot 5 far from
2 has been 4 your Confucius was an ancient Chinese philosopher and
teacher from the 5th century BC. He lived from 551-
4 To practise phrasal verbs and prepositional 479 BC and the principles of his philosophy were
phrases mutual respect, good morals, justice and sincerity.
• Explain the task. He had many followers and his beliefs were
• Ss complete the task. developed into a system called Confucianism which
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. is still followed today by many Chinese people.
Answer Key
1 for
2 in
3 on
4 over
5 out
6 for
7 out
8 on with Progress Check 3
5 To practise word formation 1 To read for specific information (multiple
• Explain the task. choice)
• Ss complete the task. • Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. answers.
Answer Key • Give Ss time to read the text and choose the
1 manager 4 responsibility correct answer for each question.
2 friendly 5 cheerful • Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
3 professionals 6 risky Answer Key
(Ss’ own translations) 1 A (ℓ 2-3) 3 B (ℓ 19-20) 5 A (general)
2 D (ℓ 14-15) 4 A (ℓ 30-32)
Grammar in Focus
2 To answer comprehension questions on a
To consolidate grammar structures from
the module
• Give Ss time to answer the questions.
• Explain the task.
• Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to
• Ss complete the task.
paraphrase the information in their own words.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class and ask for
Answer Key justifications from the text.
1 will never have to (refers to future) Answer Key
2 wrote (over 2,000 years)
1 When his parents died he opened his library to
3 ago (past)
honour them. He wanted to encourage people to
4 is not (present)
learn. (... this library for the poor ... Hernando
5 in (set phrase)
launched his Reading Club 2000 over a decade ago
6 me (I know)
to honour his parents, who had recently died.)
7 have sent (since)
2 It is completely free and open all the time to anyone
8 for (apply for)
and readers bring their own books to add to the
9 went (last month)
collection. (The library is open all day and all night,
10 in (in the end, finally)
seven days a week. Any passer-by who wants a
11 any (determiner, interrogative)
book just walks up and takes whatever he or she
12 to get (how + to -inf)
wants. It’s all free, they don’t need a library card and
there are no late fees if you don’t return the books
within two weeks.)
05OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 3.qxp_05OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 3 12/5/18 4:29 PM Page 55
3 Module
6 To listen for specific information (Yes/No
Background information statements)
Manila is the capital and the second largest city in • Ask Ss to read the statements 1-5.
the Philippines in Southeast Asia. It has a population • Play the recording. Ss listen and mark the
of 1.6 million people and it is the most densely statements accordingly.
populated city in the world. It is also a commercial, • Check Ss’ answers.
historic and cultural centre.
Answer Key
The Philippines or the Republic of the Philippines is a
sovereign island country in Southeast Asia. It is made 1 No 2 No 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 No
up of over 7,000 islands and has a population of over
99 million people. The capital city is Manila and the 7 To write a letter applying for a job
country is prone to typhoons and earthquakes.
• Explain the task and refer Ss to Writing Bank 3 for
a model, a plan and useful language.
• Give Ss time to plan and complete their work and
3 To practise choosing the correct response then check Ss’ answers.
• Explain the task. • Alternatively assign the task as HW and check Ss’
• Ss complete the task. answers in the next lesson.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key Dear Sir/Madam,
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a I am writing with regard to the position as a part-time
sales assistant which I saw advertised in the Herald.
I would like to apply for this job.
4 To practise vocabulary from the module I am 18 years old and am studying for ‘A’ levels in
• Explain the task. English, History and ICT at Newton College.
• Ss complete the task. I have worked as a sales assistant for the last two
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. summers at the Surf Shop. I found it very enjoyable
and I especially liked meeting people.
Answer Key
I consider myself to be hardworking, reliable and
1 salary 5 challenging punctual. I am also friendly and cheerful.
2 applicant 6 experience I have attached my CV as well as a reference from my
3 promotion 7 qualifications previous employer. I am available for an interview any
4 retires 8 reliable weekday evening. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
5 To consolidate grammar from the module Phoebe Geller
• Explain the task.
Check your progress
• Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit
justify their answers. according to how competent they feel for each of the listed
Answer Key
1 am meeting (fixed arrangement)
2 is looking (happening now)
3 will have been working (by the end)
4 will have completed (by next month)
5 will find (prediction based on what we think)
6 is going to move (future intention)
7 will be studying (this time next year)
8 finishes (present simple with time word-after)
9 will call (on the spot decision; promise)
10 will be flying (this time next month)
06OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 4.qxp_06OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 4 12/5/18 4:30 PM Page 56
Module 4 Entertainment
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of the arts, art & crafts, 4d Listening skills 60
TV shows, books & films, theatre & performances.
Lesson Objectives: To brainstorm for vocabulary, to talk
Module page 53 about a film you saw, to listen for specific information
(multiple choice), to give an opinion on a film, to listen for
Vocabulary: Past participles (directed, painted, written,
specific information (multiple matching), to talk about your
sculpted, designed); Nouns (oil painting, famous building,
reading habits, to pronounce /ai/, /Oi/
science-fiction film, classic novel, sculpture)
Vocabulary: Nouns (dwarves, dragon, adventures); Verb
(spoil); Phrasal verbs (calm down, get on with, get into, pick
4a Reading 54-55
out); Adjectives (boring, gripping, predictable, moving,
Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to read for specific interesting, educational, exciting, scary, funny, relaxing,
information (missing sentences), to act out an interview, to impressed, imaginary); Phrases (adapted from, based on, set
talk about an artist’s work out on a journey, battle scenes, edge of my seat, make up
Vocabulary: Nouns (career, fur, portrait, outline, advertising their mind, stressed out, take my mind off, can’t stand, get
agency, creation, advertising campaign, environmental lost in, pass the time)
organisation, Hyperrealist movement, masterpiece, canvas,
design, scales); Verbs (stroke, promote, research, transfer, 4e Speaking skills 61
exhibit, bother); Phrasal verb (carry on); Adjective (realistic);
Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to complete a
Adverb (surprisingly); Phrases (bring to life, public
dialogue, to role play, to ask about a performance, to
awareness, endangered species, stay still, shower away,
describe a performance, to recommend, to compare
handheld gadget, true-to-life)
4b Vocabulary 56-57 4f Writing 62-63
Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to
Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model,
talk about art & crafts, to learn vocabulary for TV shows,
to practise adjectives, to recommend, to write a review
theatre & performances and professions related to the arts,
to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to Language Knowledge 4 64-65
practise phrasal verbs with GET, to practise forming
compound nouns and to practise prepositional phrases Lesson Objectives: To complete a multiple choice cloze, to
Vocabulary: Art &crafts (digital photography, pottery, practise vocabulary and grammar from the module
painting watercolours, drawing, wood carving, ice sculpting,
knitting, jewellery making); TV shows (awards, characters, Language Focus 4 66
cast, set, hits, season, critics, series, episode, plotlines); Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the
Theatre & Performances (stage, rehearsals, costumes, module, to practise phrasal verbs & prepositional phrases,
interval, act, audience); Professions related to the arts to practise sentence transformations, to practise word
(juggler, living statue, trapeze artist, opera singer, mime formation, to complete a cloze text
artist, stand-up comedian, street magician)
Progress Check 4 67-68
4c Grammar in use 58-59
Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information (T/F/DS
Lesson Objectives: To learn the passive, to change from statements), to practise responses, to practise vocabulary
the active to the passive, to learn the causative, to learn and grammar from the module, to listen for specific
reflexive/emphatic pronouns, to practise key word information (gap filling), to write a review
transformations, to write a quiz
06OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 4.qxp_06OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 4 12/5/18 4:30 PM Page 57
4 Module
Module Objectives
Background information
Read the title of the module Entertainment and ask Ss to
Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, painter,
suggest what they think the module will be about (the module
architect and poet in the Renaissance period. He
is about the arts, art & crafts, TV shows, books, films, theatre &
lived from 1475 to 1564. He is considered to be one
performances and professions related to the arts.) Go through
of the greatest artists of all time. His two most
the objectives list to stimulate Ss’ interest in the module.
famous works are the sculptures Pietá and David.
Avatar was a science-fiction film from 2009. It took
1 To introduce new vocabulary almost 10 years to make and was written, directed
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and the and co-produced by James Cameron, It starred Sam
sentences underneath each one and give Ss time to Worthington, Zoe Saldana, and Sigourney Weaver. It
use the words provided to complete them. is set in the 22nd century on the planet of Pandora. It
• Check Ss’ answers. used cutting-edge technology and was the first film
to make $2 billion.
Answer Key
James Cameron is a Canadian film director, film
1 sculpted 3 painted 5 designed producer and screenwriter. He was born in 1954. He
2 directed 4 written is best known for the films The Terminator, Aliens,
The Abyss, Titanic and Avatar. He has won many
2 To identify art forms awards including three Oscars.
Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch post-Impressionist
Elicit which art form each picture shows from Ss
painter. He lived from 1853-1890. He was
around the class.
unappreciated when he was alive, but he is now one
Answer Key of the most well-known and most appreciated artists
1 ‘David’ is a sculpture. of all time. He produced more than 2,100 works of art
2 ‘Avatar’ is a science-fiction film. and his most famous works are The Starry Night,
3 ‘Café Terrace at Night’ is an oil painting. Sunflowers and Bedroom in Arles.
4 ‘Moby Dick’ is a classic novel. Moby Dick was a novel written in 1851 by Herman
5 The Burj Al Arab hotel is a famous building. Melville about a sea captain and his pursuit of a great
white whale called Moby Dick. It is narrated by a
crewmember and although it was not appreciated
3 To talk about your favourite books and films
when it was written it is now considered to be a great
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs about their favourite books American novel.
and films. Herman Melville was an American novelist. He lived
• Monitor the activity and then ask various Ss around from 1819-1891 and his most famous work is Moby
the class to tell the rest of the class. Dick. Before he started writing he had worked as a
schoolteacher and a seaman and later he worked as
Suggested Answer Key
a customs inspector. He did not see much success in
My favourite books are the ‘Percy Jackson’ books by his lifetime and his works were only appreciated
Rick Riordan. I like the films, too, but they are not as some time after his death.
good as the books. ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning
Thief’ was directed by Chris Columbus and ‘Percy
Jackson: Sea of Monsters’ was directed by Thor
Freudenthal. My favourite film is ‘Inception’. It was
directed by Christopher Nolan.
Words of wisdom
4a Reading
Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to 1 To introduce the topic of the text
discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit Ss’ guesses as
opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class. to what they show.
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
I think that this means that art is good for the soul. It The pictures show various animals = an elephant, a
can help us to escape from or forget the difficulties of tiger and a duck.
our everyday lives and make us feel relieved.
06OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 4.qxp_06OnScreen Pre_Int B1 Ts POL Mod 4 12/5/18 4:30 PM Page 58
Module 4
2 a) To introduce key vocabulary from a text Hyperrealist movement (n): an art movement in which
Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books the artwork is very life-like
and give them time to look up the meanings of the realistic (adj): life-like
words/phrases given. surprisingly (adv): unexpectedly
stay still (phr): to not move
Suggested Answer Key exhibit (v): to put on display
Hyperrealist: a style of art that creates extremely life- masterpiece (n): a great work of art
like works of art shower away (phr): to wash sth away under a shower
portraits: pictures/paintings of faces bother (v): to concern
career: job that sb does for most of their life canvas (n): a piece of thick fabric stretched over a
public awareness: the action of making the general frame that artists paint on
public aware of sth handheld gadget (phr): a small electronic device
endangered species: a plant or animal that is in design (n): a plan of how to make sth
danger of dying out true-to-life (phr): life-like
still: not moving scales (n): small flat pieces of hard skin that cover
exhibited: on display to the public some animals’ bodies (e.g. fish)
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4 Module
2 He does a lot of research and works out how he can A: How long does it take to create a hand-imal?
do it on a hand. (“I researched each animal to see B: Three to four hours.
how I could transfer it to a hand,”) A: Who do you use as models?
3 The models have problems not moving for a long B: My son and my daughter.
time so he uses his children. (it’s difficult to get A: How do you feel when they wash the art away?
models to stay still that long. That’s why Guido B: It doesn’t bother me. I can start fresh.
mostly uses his son and daughter)
4 He doesn’t worry because he knows he has a fresh ICT To expand on the topic; to develop
canvas every day. (“At least I start each day with a research skills
fresh canvas,”)
Explain the task and give Ss time to research using the
Internet and find information about Guido Daniele. Ask
5 To consolidate new vocabulary various Ss to present their information to the class.
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Then Suggested Answer Key
check Ss’ answers. He was born in Calabria in Italy in 1950. He attended the
Answer Key Brera School of Arts and studied sculpture. After that he
attended the Tankas School in India. He has been a
1 raise 3 combination 5 alive
Hyperrealist illustrator for many years, but developed his
2 outline 4 promote 6 stroked
body painting technique in 1990 and his work has
appeared in many advertisements and exhibitions.
6 To consolidate new vocabulary through
synonymous words/phrases
To consolidate information in a text
• Read the words/phrases in the list and give Ss time
Give Ss some time to do the task. Check Ss’ answers.
to match them to words in the text.
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key I’m impressed that the animals look so realistic. I’m also
Para A: same as = exactly like impressed at the attention to detail he puts into his works.
Para B: well-known = famous, studied = researched,
persuaded = encouraged
Para C: motionless = still
Para D: displayed = exhibited, thought of as =
considered, worry = bother, new = fresh
4b Vocabulary
1 To consolidate vocabulary from a text
To consolidate information in a text • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
through an imaginary situation • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Ask Ss to take the roles of a radio presenter and
Answer Key
Guido Daniele and prepare questions and answers
based on the text. Tell Ss to ask questions about 1 movement 5 still
how Guido started; his first hand-imals, his style, 2 outline 6 stroking
time he needs to create a hand-imal, his models, 3 masterpieces 7 researching
etc. 4 design 8 promote
• Ask various Ss to tell the class.
Suggested Answer Key 2 To consolidate vocabulary from a text; to
A: How did you start making hand-imals? learn collocations
B: An advertising agency saw some of my work and • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
asked me to help them promote their phones. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
A: What was the first hand-imal you created?
Answer Key
B: It was a cheetah.
A: Have you worked on other advertising campaigns? 1 closer 5 still
B: Yes and I have helped raise awareness for the WWF. 2 advertising 6 endangered
A: What style of art are your paintings? 3 awareness 7 gadgets
B: They are Hyperrealist. 4 life 8 bring
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Module 4
3 To learn collocations
Background information
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Impressionism is an art movement that started in
Paris, France in the 19th century. It gets its name
Answer Key
from a painting by Claude Monet called ‘Impression,
1 real 4 real 7 true Sunrise’. This style of painting is characterised by
2 real 5 real 8 real showing the changing quality of light at different
3 real 6 true times of the day and unusual visual angles. The
most famous Impressionist painters are Claude
4 a) To introduce a vocabulary area Monet, É douard Manet and Camille Pissarro.
Paris is the capital city of France. It has a population
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures 1-8 and read the
of around 12 million people. It has a long rich history
items A-H.
with many famous landmarks and it has a big
• Give Ss time to match them and then check Ss’
influence on entertainment, media, science, fashion
and the arts.
Answer Key Ohio is a state in the Midwestern United States. The
A 4 C 5 E 2 G 6 state capital is Columbus and it has a population of
B 7 D 8 F 1 H 3 11.5 million people. The main industries are trade,
transport and utilities.
b) To distinguish between art and crafts
Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of the 7 To present new vocabulary
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
Suggested Answer Key • Have Ss tell their answers to their partner and then
A, C, D are art. ask some Ss to tell the class.
B, E, F, G & H are crafts. Answer Key
1 b 3 e 5 a 7 c
5 To present/practise vocabulary related to 2 f 4 g 6 d
TV shows
A living statue dresses up and keeps still on the street.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. A trapeze artist performs stunts on a swing in a circus.
Tell Ss they may look up the words in the Word List An opera singer performs in a drama set to classical
at the back of the book if necessary. music.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. A mime artist only uses movements and facial
Answer Key expressions to perform.
1 series 5 hits 9 critics A stand-up comedian tells jokes on stage.
2 set 6 plotlines 10 awards A street magician performs magic tricks in the open air.
3 episode 7 characters
4 cast 8 season 8 a) To listen for specific information
(multiple matching)
6 To present/practice vocabulary related to Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task.
theatre/performances Check Ss’ answers.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Answer Key
Tell Ss they may look up the words in the Word List Peter – living statue
at the back of the book if necessary. Sandra – trapeze artist
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Mike – stand-up comedian
Answer Key
1 stage 4 costumes b) To consolidate information in a
2 audience, act 5 interval listening script and express an opinion
3 rehearsals Give Ss time to prepare their answers and then ask
various Ss to share their answers with the class.
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4 Module
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
I think being a trapeze artist is more exciting because it My favourite TV show is ‘Criminal Minds’. It is a police
is dangerous. The thrill of the audience’s reaction must crime drama that follows a team of FBI agents from the
be fantastic. Behavioural Analysis Unit who profile killers and then
track them down and arrest them. The main characters
9 To present/practise new vocabulary in are Hotchner, Morgan, Reid, JJ and Rossi. It is full of
context action with well developed characters and interesting
Give Ss time to read the adverts and complete the
task. Check Ss’ answers and elicit what each advert is Background information
Swan Lake is a famous ballet by Tchaikovsky. It
Answer Key was written in 1875-76 and the story is based on
1 performance 4 worth 7 regret Russian folk tales. It tells the story of a princess who
2 effects 5 edge 8 box office is turned into a swan. It is very popular and it is still
3 must-see 6 talented performed today.
Marvel Comics is an American publisher of comic
A = a ballet performance B = a comic art convention books. Some of their most famous characters are
Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron
10 To practise prepositional phrases Man, Hulk, Captain America and Thor.
DC Comics is an American publisher of comic
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
books. Some of their most famous characters are
• Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix II.
Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman,
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
the Justice League and Green Arrow. DC Comics
Answer Key and Marvel Comics are long-time competitors.
1 on 2 for 3 on 4 in 5 of Emma Thompson is a British actress and
screenwriter. She was born in 1959 and she is best
known for her roles in Howard’s End, Sense and
11 To practise word formation (compound
Sensibility, Love Actually and Nanny McPhee. She
has won many awards including two Oscars, two
• Read the table aloud to Ss and explain any points Golden Globes, three BAFTAs and an Emmy.
they are unsure of providing extra examples if Nanny McPhee is a successful 2005 fantasy film
necessary. starring Emma Thompson and Colin Firth. Thompson
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ plays a magical nanny who helps a single-parent
answers around the class. family with seven children and no mother.
Answer Key EastEnders is a British soap opera set in the East
End of London. It was first broadcast in 1985 and it
1 make-up 3 box office 5 soap opera
follows the daily lives of the people who live in the
2 bestseller 4 headphones
area of Albert Square in the fictional borough of
Walford. There are four episodes a week and it is
12 To present/practise phrasal verbs with GET one of the UK’s highest-rated programmes.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix I. Check
Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 off 2 back 3 over 4 back 5 on
4c Grammar in use
1 To present the passive voice
13 To consolidate new vocabulary • Direct Ss’ attention to the quiz and give Ss time to
• Give Ss time to write a short text about their complete it.
favourite TV show including the points in the rubric. • Then elicit the tenses of the passive forms in bold.
• Remind Ss to use vocabulary from pp. 56-57. • Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the Grammar
• Ask various Ss to read their paragraph to the class. Reference section for more information.
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Module 4
Answer Key 5 A play is put on at the end of term by our school.
1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 6 ‘Jane Eyre’ was written by Charlotte Brontë.
7 Walt Disney will always be remembered for his
1 past simple (past simple of the verb ‘to be’ + past amazing creativity.
participle of main verb) 8 The musical ‘Cats’ has been seen by more than 50
2 present perfect simple (present perfect of the verb million people around the world.
‘to be’ + past participle of main verb) 9 Sculptures by Antoni Gaudí can be seen in
3 present simple (present simple of the verb ‘to be’ + Barcelona.
the past participle of main verb)
4 modal (modal + be + past participle of main verb) Background information
Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch post-Impressionist
2 To present how to change from the active painter. He lived from 1853-1890. He produced more
to the passive than 2,100 works of art and his most famous works
are The Starry Night, Sunflowers and Bedroom in
Ask Ss to read the sentences and then elicit how a
passive sentence differs from an active one.
Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance
Suggested Answer Key painter, sculptor, architect, musician,
An active sentence emphasises the person who does mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist and
the action, while a passive sentence emphasises the more, but he is best known as a painter. He lived
action. from 1452-1519 and his most famous works include
the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and Vitruvian Man.
• Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1. Claude Monet was a French painter and the founding
member of the Impressionist Movement which gets its
3 To practise the passive name from a painting of his called Impression,
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete Sunrise. He lived from 1840-1926 and his most
the task. famous works are Water Lilies and Haystacks.
• Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the Grammar Walt Disney was an American animator, producer,
Reference section on p. GR11 for more director and businessman. He co-founded Walt Disney
information. Productions. He lived from 1901-1966. He created
Mickey Mouse and won a record 26 Oscars. He also
Answer Key gave his name to theme parks around the world
1 is 2 was 3 being 4 be 5 be including Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resort.
Jack Nicholson is an American actor, film director and
producer. He was born in 1937 and he is best known
4 To present with/by with the passive
for his roles in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,
• Ask Ss to read the examples and then explain the Chinatown, Terms of Endearment, A Few Good Men
task and give Ss time to complete the task. and The Departed. He has won many awards
Answer Key including three Oscars, six Golden Globes and four
1 with 2 by 3 with 4 with 5 by
Steven Spielberg is an American film director,
screenwriter and producer. He was born in 1946 and
5 To practise changing from the active to the he is considered to be one of the most influential
passive filmmakers in the history of cinema. Some of his
• Explain the task and read out the example. most famous films include: Close Encounters of the
• Ss do the task. Check Ss’ answers around the Third Kind, E.T., Jaws, Jurassic Park, Lincoln,
class. Raiders of the Lost Ark, Saving Private Ryan and
Schindler's List. He has won many awards including
Answer Key four Oscars.
2 The music for the school play will be written by The Mona Lisa is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. It
Harry. was painted between 1503 and 1506 and it is
3 Tom was offered the lead role in the film./The lead believed to be of a noblewoman called Lisa
role in the film was offered to Tom. Gheradini. It is in The Louvre Museum in Paris and it
4 Tickets for the concert are being sold now (at the is said to be the most famous painting in the world.
box office).
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4 Module
Rome is the capital city of Italy. It was founded in Cats is a musical composed by Andrew Lloyd
753 BC and it is an ancient city with a rich history. It Webber and produced by Cameron Mackintosh. It
has a population of 4.2 million people. It is a popular ran for 21 years in London and 18 years in New
tourist destination and it is home to the Colosseum, York. It has won many awards and has been
the Castel Sant’Angelo, St Peter’s Basilica, the Trevi translated into 20 languages and has also been
Fountain and the Roman Forum. made into a film.
London is the capital city of England and the UK. It Antoni Gaudí is a Spanish architect. He lived from
is a leading financial centre as well as a cultural 1852-1926. His most famous works are the Sagrada
centre. It has a population of 15 million people. It is a Famìlia, Casa Milà, Casa Batló and Park Güell in
popular tourist destination and it is home to the Barcelona.
Tower of London, the Palace of Westminster, Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain and it
Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and the has a population of 1.6 million people. It is a cultural
London Eye. centre and a tourist destination with many famous
Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter and sculptor. landmarks including the Sagrada Famìlia, Casa Milà,
He lived from 1881-1973 and he was one of the most Casa Batló, Park Güell and the Palau de la Mùsica
influential artists of the 20th century. He co-founded Catalan.
the Cubist Movement and co-invented collage. His
most famous works include Les Demoiselles
d'Avignon, Guernica and The Weeping Woman. 6 To practise the passive
Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso. It was painted
• Explain the task and read out the example. Then
in 1937 and it represents the bombing of the village of
give Ss time to complete it.
Guernica in northern Spain by German and Italian
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
warplanes during the Spanish Civil War. It is on display
at the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid. Answer Key
The Thinker is a bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin. 2 The exhibition was called off yesterday due to (the)
It is of a seated man with his chin resting on his hand. rain.
It was originally part of a larger sculpture called The 3 The gallery robbers have still not been caught.
Gates of Hell from 1880. There are 28 castings of the 4 A boy has been/was burnt by fireworks.
sculpture in different sizes and materials today, but 5 A sculpture was removed from Leeds Art Gallery
the most famous one is in the Rodin Museum in Paris. yesterday.
The Statue of Liberty is a large statue of a female
figure that represents the Roman goddess of freedom.
7 ICT To describe a process using the
It is on Liberty Island in New York Harbour, New York,
USA. It was designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
and it was a gift from the French people in 1886. • Explain the task and give Ss time to research using
Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was a French sculptor. the Internet for how glass is made.
He is best known for designing the Statue of Liberty. • Give Ss time to write the process using the
He lived from 1834-1904. passive. Ask various Ss around the class to read
Ann Roth is an American costume designer for films out their answers.
and theatre. She was born in 1931 and she has Suggested Answer Key
worked on The English Patient, The Reader, The
Hours, Mildred Pierce and Mamma Mia! She has won Glass is made by melting sand, or silicon dioxide. Other
many awards. ingredients are added in small amounts, such as
Mamma Mia! is a hit musical and a successful film sodium carbonate. The furnace is heated to around
based on the songs of the successful Swedish pop 1700°C. The mixture is poured onto a bed of liquid
band ABBA. metal to form sheets. If the glass is being used to make
Charlotte Brontë was an English novelist. She lived a container or bottle, it is pressed or blown.
from 1816-1865. Her most famous novel is Jane Eyre
which is a standard text in English Literature. 8 To present the causative
Jane Eyre is a novel by Charlotte Brontë. It was • Ask Ss to read the sentences, then elicit an answer
published in 1847. It tells the story of a governess who to the question.
falls in love with her employer, Mr Rochester. • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
more information.
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Module 4
Answer Key Answer Key
Paul is having his portrait painted. 1 is being organised by 4 will be booked
2 is having her 5 are not allowed
Suggested Answer Key
3 have been sold
We form the causative with the verb have + object +
past participle of the main verb. We can also use ‘get’
instead of ‘have’. 13 To write a quiz
• Explain the task and give Ss time to write a quiz
• Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1.
using the passive similar to the one in Ex. 1.
• Ask Ss to swap their quiz with their partner and try
9 To practise the causative to complete it.
• Explain the task and read out the example. • Ask various Ss to share their quiz with the class.
• Give Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss’ • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
answers. answers in the next lesson.
4 Module
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
I enjoy watching comedy films because they are funny. 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C
I also enjoy watching psychological drama films
The dialogue is informal (short verb forms; everyday
because they are exciting and gripping.
I don’t enjoy watching police drama films because they
are predictable.
3 To express an opinion
c) To talk about a film you saw recently Elicit answers from Ss around the class with reasons.
Remind Ss to use pauses or pause fillers as they
Ask various Ss around the class to answer the
questions and tell the rest of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
The last film I saw at the cinema was ‘Gravity’. It Uh... I would like to see this film. It sounds interesting
was a science-fiction film. I didn’t really enjoy it and ... er exciting.
because it was predictable, although the special
effects were amazing. 4 a) To introduce new vocabulary and
prepare for a listening task
2 a) To introduce new vocabulary and Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books
prepare for a listening task and give them time to look up the meanings of the
Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books words/phrases given.
and give them time to look up the meanings of the Suggested Answer Key
words/phrases given. Then elicit Ss’ guesses as to
stressed out: very anxious
what the film is about.
calm me down: help me to relax
Answer Key take my mind off: distract me from sth
adapted from: changed from one format to another get on with: continue with sth
based on: developed from can’t stand: hate
impressed: have admiration for sth get into: become involved in
imaginary: not real get lost in: become enthralled in
set out on a journey: set off to a place pass the time: spend time
dwarves: little people pick out: select
dragon: a mythical creature with wings
b) To listen for specific information
adventures: exciting series of events
(multiple matching)
spoil: ruin
battle scenes: fighting in a film/book • Ask Ss to read the sentences A-H and underline
edge of my seat: very excited/interested the key words.
make up their mind: decide • Play the recording twice.
• Ss listen and complete the task.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. Play the recording again
I think the film is about an adventure with mythical with pauses for Ss to check their answers.
Answer Key
1 D 2 B 3 C 4 E 5 G
b) To listen for specific information
(multiple choice)
5 To identify with a speaker
• Explain the task then ask Ss to read the
questions 1-5 and the possible answers and Elicit which speaker various Ss around the class feel
underline the key words. they are like and ask them to tell their partner giving
• Play the recording twice. reasons for their opinion.
• Ss listen and complete the task. Play the Suggested Answer Key
recording again with pauses for Ss to check
their answers. I am most like Speaker 3 because I love reading, but I
• Check Ss’ answers. don’t have enough spare time to read as much as I’d
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Module 4
6 To practise the pronunciation of \aI\, \OI\ Suggested Answer Key
• Play the recording. Ss listen and identify the word He thought the performance was absolutely fantastic.
with the different sound in each list. The dialogue is informal. (contracted verb forms: I’ve
• Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to listen heard; everyday language: Oh, wow! etc)
and repeat chorally and/or individually.
Answer Key b) To role play a dialogue
\aI\ say \OI\ buy Ss take roles and act out the dialogue in pairs.
1 To introduce the topic and read for gist • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the
Ask Ss to read the poster and then elicit whether they
would like to go to the performance or not, with
reasons. Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key A: Hi Tom. Did you have a nice weekend?
B: Great, thank you. I went to see Stomp.
Yes, I would like to go to this performance because it
A: Oh, wow! I’ve heard they’re brilliant. How was it?
looks exciting and very entertaining.
B: It was absolutely fantastic! It was by far the best
show I’ve ever seen.
2 a) To complete a dialogue and listen for A: Oh really? What was so special about it?
confirmation B: Well, the music was amazing and the tap dancing
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. was fantastic. They also used everyday objects as
Ask Ss to pay attention to the words instruments. It was really entertaining.
before/after each gap as they will help them do A: So you’d recommend it?
the task. B: Oh, yes! It was a bit expensive, but it was worth
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check their every penny.
answers. Elicit what Richard thought of the A: It sounds excellent, Tom. Maybe I’ll go and see it.
performance and the style of the dialogue. B: You should. It’s on until the 22nd December. You
won’t regret it!
Answer Key
1 you 3 ever 5 who 7 in
2 How 4 was 6 but 8 it
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4 Module
4 To describe pictures Answer Key
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and give them 1 a book review for an English learner’s website
time to describe them in pairs and answer the 2 present tenses
question. Ss should talk about people, place, what 3 a, d, e, f, g
is happening, what people are doing, feelings. Key words to be underlined
• Monitor the activity around the class and then elicit
English learners, website, asking, reviews, favourite books,
a variety of statements from Ss around the class
write review, what book is about, general comments, plot,
describing the pictures.
characters, why recommend it, 120-160 words
Suggested Answer Key
The first picture shows an exhibition at a museum or 2 a) To read a model review for gist
science centre. There are people of all ages including a
• Go through the types of books and elicit what
group of children.
each is about. Ss can give examples if they like.
The second picture shows a group of teens watching a
• Ss can check in the Word List.
film at the cinema and eating popcorn.
• Give Ss time to read the model and complete
The people at the museum/science centre are enjoying
the task.
looking at the exhibits and learning about history/
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
The people at the cinema are enjoying being Answer Key
entertained by the film they are watching. The book is a spy novel/thriller.
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Module 4
5 a) To practise the language of
Background information recommending a book
James Bond is a fictional character from a series of Give Ss time to read the paragraphs and complete
novels by Ian Fleming. He was created in 1953 and them, then elicit answers from Ss around the class.
appeared in twelve novels and two short stories. He
Answer Key
is a British Secret Service Agent and he has
appeared in a total of 26 films as well as television, 1 you are looking for
radio, comic strip and video game formats. 2 thoroughly recommend
William Boyd is a British novelist and screenwriter. 3 won’t disappoint
He was born in 1952 and he has written many 4 make sure
novels and screenplays including the latest James 5 couldn’t put it down
Bond novel Solo published in 2013. 6 In my opinion
West Africa is a large region in Africa that includes 7 well worth reading
the countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, 8 this book’s for you
Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory
Coast, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra b) To write a recommendation
Leone and Togo.
• Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it.
The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of fantasy
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
novels by C. S. Lewis. They were written between
1949 and 1954 and are considered classics of Suggested Answer Key
children’s literature. They have been adapted for Ender’s Game is the best book I have read so far this year.
radio, television, the stage and film. It is well worth reading and I thoroughly recommend it.
The Avengers is a 2012 superhero film based on
the Marvel Comics heroes including Iron Man,
6 To analyse a rubric and prepare for a
Captain America, Thor, Hulk and others. It was
writing task
directed by Joss Whedon and it had an all-star cast
including Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris • Ask Ss to read the rubric and then underline the key
Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo. words.
Josh Whedon is an American screenwriter, • Give Ss time to answer the questions and then
producer, director and comic book writer. He was check Ss’ answers.
born in 1964 and he has created many well-known
Answer Key
TV series including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly
and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He has also written and Key words: school English magazine, book reviews,
directed many successful films including The write your review, describing the plot, giving comments
Avengers. and why you recommend it (120-160 words)
1 a book review, readers of the school English
b) To identify adjectives in a model 2 present tenses
3 Ender’s Game – Para 1 – name, type, author of
• Ask Ss to look through the model again and find
book, Para 2 – setting, main points of plot, Para 3 –
the adjectives that describe the nouns in the list.
comments about character, plot, etc, Para 4 – my
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Answer Key 4 title: Ender’s Game
intriguing adventures author: Orson Scott Card
British secret service agent type: science-fiction
civil war plot: set in the future, after a series of attacks by
dangerous villains hostile aliens, young boy Andrew ‘Ender’ Wiggin
evil soldier enters a military training programme for child
gripping, predictable plot geniuses to train to become soldiers
interesting character comments: plot is exciting, character is interesting,
sensitive person book describes exciting war games in zero gravity
inspiring book and explores how it is for Ender growing up in a
great read community of young soldiers and how he copes
with loneliness and pressure to do well.
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4 Module
recommendation: This book will keep you on the Answer Key
edge of your seat from the beginning to the end. D
Definitely a must-read!
Module 4
The Street Art Festival in Istanbul takes place every year 6 To expand on vocabulary
to celebrate street art. Turkish street artists decorate • Explain the task.
abandoned buildings and other outdoor spaces with • Ss complete the task in closed pairs.
graffiti and street art. It was founded by the artist and • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
graphic designer Pertev Emre Tastaban in 2007.
Answer Key
b) To compare two festivals 1 C 4 A 7 B 10 D
2 B 5 B 8 A 11 B
• Ss make notes under the headings in Ex. 4a for 3 C 6 D 9 B 12 D
the Sarasota Chalk Festival. Then they compare
the festivals. rehearsal (n): a practice of a play or other work for later
public performance
Suggested Answer Key
stand (v): to be in an upright position
Name: Sarasota Chalk Festival keep (v): to have sth in your possession
Place: Sarasota wait (for sb) (v): to stay in a place until sb arrives or
Reason: to celebrate street art does sth
Activities: artists draw 3D chalk drawings; 2D creation stay (v): to remain in a place rather than leave
on pavements & walls; musicians; dancers; acrobat; issue (n): a single copy of a magazine or a newspaper
street performers come (v): to move towards you or arrive at the place
• Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the where you are
class. Ss should use appropriate words to link appear (in) (v): to be shown or written in a magazine, a
ideas (similar: both, and, as well etc – opposing: book, etc
but, however, etc) show (v): to let sb see sth
enter (v): to go or come into a place
Suggested Answer Key identity (n): who a person is
Both festivals celebrate street art and are open to the remain (v): to continue to be in the same state or
public. Both festivals make the cities more attractive. condition
The Sarasota Festival has music, dancing and other keep a secret (phr): to not tell anyone about sth that
performers, but the one in Istanbul doesn’t. you know
hold (v): to take or keep sth in your hands
5 To consolidate grammar structures look like sth (phr): to have an appearance similar to sth
• Explain the task. it seems that (phr): it appears to be true that
• Ss complete the task. consider (sb/sth) (v): to regard sb as having a
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should specified quality
justify their answers. think (sb to be sth) (v): to have a specific opinion
Answer Key about sb
recognise (v): to know sb because you have seen or
1 D (since: period in time)
heard them before
2 C (reason)
be known as sth (phr): to be famous because of sth
3 D (every penny = all the pennies)
cofounder (n): a person who establishes sth, such as
4 D (passive voice - by)
an organisation, together with sb else
5 A (present perfect + yet - interrogative)
movement (n): a group of people working together to
6 B (emphasis on person = on his own)
advance their shared artistic ideas
7 C (set phrase)
understand (v): to know the meaning of what sb is
8 A (superlative - set phrase)
telling you
9 D (set phrase)
famous (adj): widely known
10 A (causative)
pose (v): to sit or stand in a particular position in order
11 B (enough + noun)
to be photographed or painted
12 B (a few = not many with Cn)
frozen (adj): unable to move because of extreme shock
13 B (of + material - passive)
or horror
14 B (passive)
still (adj): not moving
15 C (reflexive = on their own)
standing (adj): being in an upright position
fixed (adj): firmly fastened to a particular position
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4 Module
consist of sth (phr v): to be formed from two or more 4 To practise word formation
things or people • Explain the task.
contain (v): to have sth inside • Ss complete the task. Ask Ss to identify the part of
include (v): to contain sth as part of sth else speech each gap asks for.
involve (v): to have sth as a necessary part or result • Check Ss’ answers on the board. Remind Ss
last (v): to continue for a particular length of time accurate spelling is necessary.
bring up (phr v): to start to talk about a particular subject
give up (phr v): to stop doing sth that you do regularly Answer Key
create (v): to make sth exist that did not exist before 1 successful 4 organisation 7 favourite
sth opens up an opportunity (phr): sth makes an 2 different 5 awareness 8 wonderful
opportunity available or possible 3 realistic 6 creation
opportunity (n): a chance to do sth
entry (n): the right to enter a place, building, etc Grammar in Focus
open (adj): not closed
free (adj): not costing any money To consolidate grammar structures from
unpaid (adj): done or taken without payment the module
available (adj): easy or possible to get or use sth • Explain the task.
crowded (adj): too full of people • Ss complete the task.
full (of sth) (adj): having or containing a lot of sth • Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should
busy (adj): having a lot of things to do justify their answers.
packed (with sth) (adj): having a lot of a particular
type of thing Answer Key
1 by (passive)
2 which/that (relative)
Language Focus 4 3
plays (review present tense)
her (refers to stone)
5 as (set phrase)
1 To expand on vocabulary 6 is destroyed (passive)
• Explain the task. 7 It (subject of sentence)
• Ss complete the task. 8 will keep (set phrase)
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 9 to (glued to)
10 miss (set phrase)
Answer Key
1 sketch 2 draw 3 paint Background information
Alfonso Cuarón is a Mexican film director. He was
2 To practise phrasal verbs and prepositional
born in 1961 and he is best known for directing the
films A Little Princess, Children of Men and Gravity.
• Explain the task. He has won many awards.
• Ss complete the task. Sandra Bullock is an American actress and
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. producer. She was born in 1964 and some of her
Answer Key best known roles are in the films Speed, The Net,
Miss Congeniality, The Lake House and Gravity. She
1 for 3 to 5 with 7 off
has won many awards including an Oscar.
2 to 4 of 6 with
George Clooney is an American actor, film director,
producer and screenwriter. He was born in 1961 and
3 To practise sentence transformations some of his best known roles are in the films
• Explain the task. Ocean’s Eleven, Syriana, Michael Clayton, Up In The
• Ss complete the task. Air and The Descendants. He has won many awards
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. including two Oscars.
Answer Key
1 must buy 3 young enough 5 during
2 was given 4 love 6 learn
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Module 4
Progress Check 4 Answer Key
1 has just had his new novel published
2 will have their work exhibited at the gallery
1 To read for specific information (T/F/DS
3 will have our photograph taken by a famous
• Ask Ss to read the statements 1-8. 4 had his portrait painted by Arcimboldo
• Give Ss time to read the text and mark each 5 had two of his paintings sold by his brother/had his
statement according to what they read in the text. brother sell two of his paintings
• Check Ss’ answers and ask them to give
justifications for their choices.
6 To listen for specific information (gap filling)
Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the gapped text.
1 T (ℓ. 3-4) 5 F (ℓ.16-17) • Play the recording. Ss listen and fill in the missing
2 DS 6 DS information. Ask Ss to identify what each gap asks
3 F (ℓ. 12-13) 7 F (ℓ. 31-34) for (noun, adjective, number, etc).
4 F (ℓ. 19-20) 8 DS • Check Ss’ answers on the board.
Answer Key
2 To consolidate situational language
1 comic 5 November
• Explain the task and give Ss time to choose the 2 adventure 6 112
correct response for each item. 3 special effects 7 cinemas
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 4 gripping 8 6.50
Answer Key
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 7 To write a review
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Bank 4
3 To practise vocabulary from the module for a model, a plan and useful language.
• Give Ss time to plan and complete their work and
• Explain the task. then check Ss’ answers.
• Ss complete the task. • Alternatively assign the task as HW and check Ss’
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. answers in the next lesson.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 predictable 5 novel 9 bestseller Thor: The Dark World is an action adventure film
2 awards 6 masterpiece 10 plotline directed by Alan Taylor. It stars Chris Hemsworth, Tom
3 horror 7 episode Hiddleston and Natalie Portman as characters from the
4 audience 8 still Marvel comics.
The story continues the big screen adventures of Thor
4 To practise the passive from the first Thor film and The Avengers.
• Explain the task. It is a blockbuster film filled with fantastic action and
• Ss complete the task. amazing special effects, but what makes this film more
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should enjoyable than other films of its genre is that it has an
justify their answers. interesting and gripping plot and plenty of funny
moments. Also, the acting is very good.
Answer Key This is a highly entertaining film that is well worth
1 were written (ago) 4 can be bought seeing. If you are a fan of Marvel comics and their
2 is held (every) 5 is being directed heroes then this film will not disappoint you.
3 will be opened (next) at the moment)
Check your progress
5 To practise the causative Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit
according to how competent they feel for each of the listed
• Explain the task.
• Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
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Module 5
Module Objectives
Read the title of the module Can you help? and ask Ss to 5a Reading
suggest what they think the module will be about (the
module is about global issues, the environment and 1 To introduce the topic
international organisations.) Go through the objectives list to Ask Ss to read the advert and the extract from the song
stimulate Ss’ interest in the module. and elicit what Ss think Earth Hour is. You can also
play the recording of the song for Ss to check if their
1 To introduce new vocabulary guesses were correct.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally Suggested Answer Key
and/or individually. I think Earth Hour is when people around the world turn
• Direct Ss’ attention to the issues in the pictures A-F off their lights for an hour to raise awareness about
and give Ss time to match them to the types of protecting the environment.
issues in the rubric.
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 a) To introduce key vocabulary from a text
Answer Key
Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books
social problems: poverty, homelessness, and give them time to look up the meanings of the
unemployment words given.
environmental problems: endangered species,
landfills full of rubbish, pollution Suggested Answer Key
power cut: when the electricity supply ceases
2 To complete newspaper extracts
complete darkness: without any light
• Direct Ss to the two texts and the words in the light pollution: when there is too much light in the
rubric and give Ss time to use the words to atmosphere
complete the texts. streetlights shine: when lights on the streets give light
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. security lights flash on and off: when lights on
Answer Key buildings to deter burglars turn on and off many times
wasting energy: using too much energy unnecessarily
1 accommodation 3 household waste
affects wildlife: has an effect on animals
2 volunteers 4 packaging
get confused: to become unsure
A: homelessness sleep patterns get disrupted: when sb’s usual
B: landfills full of rubbish sleeping routine is disturbed
dim streetlights: to make the streetlights shine less
3 To personalise the topic brightly
switch off unnecessary lighting: to turn off lights that
Elicit which problem(s) is/are the most serious in Ss’ are not needed
country. low-energy bulbs: light bulbs that use less energy
Suggested Answer Key
In my country, unemployment and pollution are the b) To listen and read for gist
most serious problems. • Ask Ss to guess what the text is about based on
the phrases in Ex. 2a.
Words of wisdom • Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check
Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to if their guesses were correct.
discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their
Suggested Answer Key
opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class.
I think the text is about how much light we use
Suggested Answer Key unnecessarily, what the effects are, and what we can
I think that this means that because we live on the Earth do about it.
and this is our home, whatever we do to it, we do it to
ourselves. So, if we look after the Earth and help solve
the problems it faces, we actually look after ourselves
and take care of us.
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5 Module
shop front (phr): the part of a shop facing the street
Background information office block (n): a large building with offices
Los Angeles (LA) is the largest city in California, in security lights (n): special motion-sensing lights
the USA. The population is 3.8 million people in the outside a building to deter burglars
city and around 16 million people in the region. It is a flash on and off (phr): to turn on and off repeatedly
centre for business, trade, entertainment, culture, stray (adj): having wandered away from home
media, fashion, sports and technology. It is also wander (v): to roam aimlessly
home to Hollywood where many films and TV waste (v): to use sth up needlessly
programmes are produced. affect (v): to have an effect on sth
The Milky Way is the galaxy which our solar system wildlife (n): plants and animals in nature
is in. It is a spiral galaxy that contains 100-400 billion ecosystem (n): all the plants and animals in an area
stars and planets. It is 100,000 to 120,000 light hatch (v): to be born from an egg
years across and at the centre of it, there is thought baby turtle (phr): a young type of reptile
to be a supermassive black hole. horizon (n): where the land meets the sky
seafront (n): the roads and buildings in a seaside town
that face the sea
3 To identify the main idea in paragraphs insect (n): a class of small creature usually with six
(matching headings) legs and sometimes with wings
swarm (v): to gather in great numbers
• Read out the Study Skills box and ask Ss to read feed (v): to give food to self or others
the headings A-F. reproduce (v): to have babies
• Give Ss time to read the text and choose the decline (v): to go down in number
correct heading for each paragraph. creep in (phr v): to move in somewhere slowly
• Check Ss’ answers around the class and elicit sleep patterns (phr): the times a creature rests
which words helped them to decide on their disrupt (v): to prevent sth from continuing normally
answers. lack (n): the absence of sth
• You can do paragraph 1 together with Ss and then depression (n): a feeling of great sadness
Ss do the rest of the task on their own. heart disease (n): a disease that causes heart attacks
Answer Key and damage to the heart
cancer (n): a very serious illness where the cells in the
1 E (silvery cloud in the sky, the Milky Way, usually
body change and grow abnormally
hidden because of the city’s lights)
dim (adj): not bright
2 B (Streetlights shine onto empty roads and car
lighting (n): the way sth is lit and the amount of light
parks; shop fronts and office blocks are lit up
switch off (phr v): to stop sth electrical from working
after everyone has gone home ...)
low-energy bulbs (phr): light bulbs that use less
3 F (seriously affects wildlife and the ecosystem)
electricity than others
4 C (our sleep patterns get disrupted… lack of sleep)
marvel (v): to be amazed at sth
5 A (Fortunately, many towns and cities are starting
starry (adj): full of stars
to dim streetlights and switch off unnecessary
lighting ... All of this will help ...)
4 To consolidate information in a text
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss • Give Ss time to answer the questions.
to use their dictionaries and look them up. • Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to
paraphrase the information in their own words.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
power cut (n): when the electricity supply stops
Suggested Answer Key
resident (n): a person who lives in a place
emergency services (n): the police, fire and 1 Light pollution is when there is too much artificial
ambulance services light at night.
in a panic (phr): having a strong feeling of anxiety 2 It affects people and animals by interfering with
giant (adj): huge natural cycles of sleep and activity and causes
silvery (adj): having a silver colour confusion and exhaustion.
authorities (n): the governing powers 3 We can dim lights that we need and switch off
spot (v): to notice lights that we don’t need.
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Module 5
5 To consolidate prepositional phrases To consolidate information in a text
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences. • Ask Ss to write the headings into their notebooks
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. and read the text again and make notes.
Answer Key • Then ask various Ss to use their notes to present
the issue to the class.
1 by 3 of 5 to 7 at
2 on 4 in 6 through 8 at Suggested Answer Key
Problem: light pollution, too much artificial light at
6 To consolidate new vocabulary through night
synonyms Effects on Wildlife: animals get confused by bright
lights and they get exhausted; this affects their
• Ask Ss to find the words in bold in the text and to
read the words in the list and give Ss time to match
Effects on People: our sleep patterns get disrupted,
them. Ss work in closed pairs.
we get tired, lack of sleep can lead to serious illnesses
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Solutions: dim streetlights and switch off unnecessary
Answer Key lighting, raise awareness through Earth Hour
complete = absolute (adj) Light pollution is the problem of too much artificial light
residents = locals (noun) at night. It affects wildlife because animals get
giant = huge (adj) confused by bright lights and they get exhausted. This
probably = possibly (adv) affects their reproduction. It also affects people
stray = abandoned (adj) because our sleep patterns get disrupted and we get
exhausted = tired (adj) tired. Lack of sleep can lead to serious illnesses. Some
decline = drop (verb) solutions are to dim streetlights and switch off lights we
creeps in = enters (verb) do not need as well as raise awareness of the issue
disrupted = disturbed (verb) through Earth Hour.
dim = make less bright (verb)
switch off = turn off (phr verb) ICT To develop research skills
marvelled = admired (verb)
• Explain the task and give Ss some time to research
on the Internet and find another song about Mother
7 To consolidate new vocabulary through Earth.
antonyms • Ask various Ss around the class to share their
• Ask Ss to read the words in the list and give Ss time songs with the rest of the class.
to match them. Suggested Answer Key
• Tell Ss to check their answers in the Word List at
Earth Song Lyrics by Michael Jackson
the back of their books.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. What about sunrise
What about rain
Answer Key
What about all the things
1 d 3 g 5 b 7 f That you said we were to gain ...
2 e 4 h 6 c 8 a What about killing fields
Is there a time
8 To understand the author’s purpose What about all the things
Read the rubric aloud and elicit answers from various That you said was yours and mine ...
Ss around the class. Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Suggested Answer Key Did you ever stop to notice
The author’s purpose is to highlight a problem that not This crying Earth this weeping shores?
many people may know about and give information What have we done to the world
about what effects it has and what we can do to help Look what we've done
solve the problem. I think he/she has been very What about all the peace
successful. That you pledge your only son ...
What about flowering fields
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5 Module
Is there a time 5 Security lights also cause a lot of light pollution.
What about all the dreams 6 When office blocks turn their lights off at night it
That you said was yours and mine ... helps birds.
Did you ever stop to notice 7 The lights from seafront hotels affect turtles in
All the children dead from war some areas.
Did you ever stop to notice 8 Too much light at night can affect your sleep
This crying Earth this weeping shores patterns.
I used to dream 9 Heart disease is a serious side effect of lack of sleep.
I used to glance beyond the stars 10 I love to look at starry skies at night.
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far 3 a) To present and practise topic-related
The main idea is to respect and care for our planet. vocabulary in context
• Ask Ss to read the news headlines and
complete them with the words in the list.
5b Vocabulary •
Ask Ss to check their answers in the Word List
at the back of their books.
Check Ss’ answers around the class.
1 To consolidate vocabulary from a text Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 1 LAYER 5 SPILL
• Ask Ss to check their answers in the Word List at 2 WARMING 6 GASES
the back of their books. 3 FUELS 7 CONSERVATION
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 4 SMOG
Answer Key
1 seriously 5 flashing Background information
2 stray, wandered 6 swarming Antarctica is the most southerly continent on Earth,
3 declining 7 spot home to the South Pole and surrounded by the
4 switch off 8 affects Southern Ocean. It is 14 million km2 and it is the
coldest, driest, and windiest continent. 98% of it is
covered in ice that is at least 1.9 km thick.
2 a) To consolidate vocabulary from a text
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are organic compounds
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. that are obtained from methane, propane and
• Check Ss’ answers. ethane gases. They used to be in almost all aerosol
Answer Key sprays, but now they have been replaced by safer
HFCs (hydrocarbons) because of the harm they do
1 emergency 6 office to the ozone layer.
2 complete 7 seafront
3 light 8 sleep
4 car 9 heart • As an extension, ask Ss to collect newspaper
5 security 10 starry headlines related to the environment and
present them to the class explaining what
problem each is about.
b) To practise vocabulary
• Ask Ss to use the phrases from Ex. 2a to write b) To present and practise topic-related
sentences. vocabulary in context
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Explain the task.
Suggested Answer Key • Give Ss time to complete it in closed pairs.
1 The emergency services respond to accidents and • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key
2 You need complete darkness to see all the stars at
night. 1 save 4 prevent 7 raise
3 Light pollution is a big problem these days. 2 fine 5 ban
4 Many car parks leave lights on at night. 3 reduce 6 invest
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Module 5
c) To match solutions to problems b) To consolidate new vocabulary
• Give Ss time to match the solutions 1-7 in • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Ex. 3b to the problems 1-7 in Ex 2a.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
WWF works on environmental issues.
Answer Key Save the Children, Oxfam, the World Health Organisation
1 headline 2 5 headline 4 and the United Nations work on social issues.
2 headline 5 6 headline 3
• As an extension, ask Ss to work in groups. Each
3 headline 6 7 headline 7
group chooses an organisation and collects
4 headline 1
information under the headings where/when
started, who started it, aim/purpose, activities.
4 To listen for gist (multiple matching) • Ss present the information to the class.
• Explain the task and ask Ss to match the solutions
(A-F) to the speakers (1-5). c) To personalise the topic
• Play the recording twice if necessary.
Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask
• Ss listen and complete the task.
various Ss to tell the rest of the class their answers.
• Check Ss’ answers. You can play the recording
with pauses for Ss to check their answers. (Ss’ own answers)
Answer Key
7 To practise prepositional phrases
1 C 2 A 3 F 4 E
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix II.
5 To present and practise topic-related
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
vocabulary in context
Answer Key
• Explain the task.
• Give Ss time to complete it. 1 on 2 from 3 in 4 in 5 at
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key 8 To practise word formation (forming
adjectives from nouns or verbs)
1 Collect 6 appliances
2 running 7 packaging • Read the theory aloud to Ss and explain any points
3 bulbs 8 recycled they are unsure of providing extra examples if
4 solar 9 Mend necessary.
5 Switch off 10 swapping • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board.
water: 1, 2
energy: 3, 4, 5, 6 Answer Key
other resources: 7, 8, 9, 10 1 national 4 colourful
2 famous 5 natural
• As an extension, ask Ss to collect more information
3 understandable 6 sunny
about how to be environmentally friendly and
present it to the class.
9 To present/practise phrasal verbs with TURN
6 a) To present new vocabulary • Explain the task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
• Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix I. Check
Ss’ answers.
Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 destruction 3 communities 5 peace
1 out 2 into 3 down 4 down 5 off
2 risk 4 healthcare
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5 Module
2 To practise said and told
Background information
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete
Utah is a state in the USA. The state capital is Salt it.
Lake City and the population is 20.9 million people. It • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
is a business centre for transport, information
technology and mining. It is also a major tourist Answer Key
destination for outdoor recreation. 1 said 3 told 5 said
2 said 4 said
• Ask two Ss to read the joke aloud. Explain when Answer Key
direct/reported speech are used. 1 Jamie said (that) he worked at a homeless shelter
• Direct Ss’ attention to the table and then give every weekend.
them time to answer the questions. 2 Lucy said (that) her class had been planting trees all
• Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the morning the day before.
Grammar Reference section for more 3 John said (that) he had taken his old laptop to the
information. recycling centre.
4 Gary told me (that) they were picking up litter that
Answer Key
1 We introduce reported statements with the verbs 5 Our boss told us (that) the company would reduce
‘say’ or ‘tell’. its pollution by the end of next year.
2 The tenses change according to the table (e.g. 6 Alec said (that) Paula had joined WWF the month
present simple to past simple, present continuous before.
to past continuous, etc). 7 Our teacher said to us (that) they cut down 30
3 Pronouns and possessive adjectives change million trees every day.
according to the meaning. 8 Harry told us (that) he had never seen a sea turtle.
4 We use quotation marks in direct speech.
5 We use ‘said’ sb (to sb else) to introduce direct
speech. We use ‘said’ (that) or ‘told’ sb to introduce 4 a) To present reported questions/
reported speech. commands
• Ask Ss to read the table and then elicit answers
b) Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ to the questions.
L1. • Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the
Grammar Reference section for more
c) To identify reported speech and convert information.
it to direct speech
Answer Key
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to read 1 We report a question that starts with a question
the joke and complete it. word by using the same question word.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 2 We report a yes/no question by using if/whether.
Answer Key 3 Tenses change in reported questions in the same
way as in reported statements. However, they are
Reported speech: You said that my new car had a
used in the affirmative not interrogative form.
two-year guarantee. You also told me that you would
4 We report a positive/negative command with tell +
replace anything that broke.
sb+ (not) to-infinitive.
Direct speech: “Your new car has a two-year
guarantee. We/I will replace anything that breaks,” said
b) Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’
the salesman.
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Module 5
c) To practise reported questions/ Answer Key
commands 1 asked if Tom was 3 whether they could
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 2 told me not to leave 4 when he was visiting
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key 8 To practise reported speech
1 Pat asked Sam if/whether they could swim in the • Explain the task and divide the class into groups of
river. three.
2 Mum told me to turn off the light. • Ss act out dialogues in pairs and then ask the third
3 Jack asked if/whether I was/we were going to the group members to report the conversation.
zoo. Suggested Answer Key
4 She asked me what time it started.
SA: Have you joined an environmental group?
5 He told me not to use my car.
SB: Yes. I’m a member of WWF.
6 John asked me why I had thrown it away.
SC: Sam asked John if he had joined an environmental
group. John said he had and he was a member of
5 To present/practise reporting verbs WWF etc.
• Go through the table with Ss and then give them
time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers and then refer Ss to the
Grammar Reference section for more information. 5d Listening skills
Answer Key
1 To prepare for a listening task (multiple
1 Gary invited me to the meeting.
2 Fran warned me to be careful when getting rid of
used batteries. Direct Ss to the photograph and elicit what it shows.
3 Carrie apologised for shouting at me. Suggested Answer Key
4 Liam complained that people still hunted
I think it shows a road with a cycle lane and a zebra
endangered species.
crossing. A cyclist is riding his bicycle along the cycle
5 Our teacher allowed us to do a project on air
lane while some people are crossing the road.
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5 Module
fine: a punishment when sb has to pay money b) To listen for specific information
enforce the law: to make sure people obey the law (multiple matching)
pedestrians: people on foot • Ask Ss to read the sentences A-E and underline
swerve: change direction to avoid hitting sth the key words.
• Play the recording twice.
b) To listen for specific information • Ss listen and complete the task.
(multiple choice) • Check Ss’ answers and elicit the style of the
• Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible discussion.
answers and then play the recording twice. Ask Ss Answer Key
to choose the correct answer for each question. 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 E
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit the style of the
c) To consolidate comprehension of a
Answer Key listening script
1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B Elicit answers to the question from various Ss.
It is formal. (full verb forms; more advanced vocabulary, Suggested Answer Key
etc) Speaker 1 makes compost.
Speaker 2 uses a reusable mug for their daily coffee.
3 To discuss the content of a listening Speaker 3 buys products with less packaging and
script recycles and reuses things.
Read the rubric aloud and ask Ss to discuss in pairs and Speaker 4 buys clothes from charity shops.
then elicit answers from various Ss around the class.
5 ICT To make a presentation on reducing
Suggested Answer Key
Sarah suggests more drivers ride their bikes to work.
She suggests having more cycle lanes and having more • Give Ss time to do some research on the Internet
traffic wardens who can give fines to illegally parked and collect information about other ways of
cars. She also suggests educating cyclists, drivers and reducing waste and to prepare a presentation. Refer
pedestrians about cycle lanes and how to use them. Ss to the Speaking Bank at the end of the book.
I think her suggestions could help to reduce town • Ask various Ss to give their presentations to the
centre traffic if people used their bikes more, but they class. Ss should follow the order as it is explained
probably won’t. in the Speaking Bank. Ask them to use the phrases
in their presentations.
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Module 5
To sum up, we can recycle, compost and reuse things. Suggested Answer Key
We can use reusable shopping bags and avoid excess One solution is ... = It would be a good idea to ...
packaging. We can also use rechargeable batteries give You’re right. = I agree with you.
away things we don’t need anymore or buy used items. I totally agree with you. = You’re right.
I’d be glad to answer any questions. Well, the way I see it ... = But don’t you think ...
Thank you for your time. For example = For instance
You’re totally right. = I totally agree with you.
6 To present homophones
3 a) To act out a dialogue using prompts
• Read the theory box aloud and then give Ss time to
match the homophones. • Explain the task and give Ss time to read the
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen and prompts and then complete the task in pairs
repeat chorally and/or individually. using the useful language provided. Draw this
• Check Ss’ intonation. diagram for Ss to follow.
Answer Key
Draw B’s attention to Suggest one
1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d
a report. Explain what it says. solution.
Agree. Make another Mention an
suggestion giving an example/result.
5 Module
To sum up, there are many ways to reduce heavy traffic 2 To read a model essay and match
and eliminate congestion in the streets. If there is a paragraphs to content
significant improvement in the public transport system • Give Ss time to read the model and match the
and people are encouraged to use their bicycles, then descriptions 1-4 to each paragraph A-D.
everyone can enjoy cleaner air in the city. Unless we • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
implement those changes, we will not be able to
discuss about the benefits to people and businesses. Answer Key
1 B 2 C 3 A 4 D
4 a) To complete a cloze text
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete 3 To analyse the content of an essay
the text with the phrases provided. • Ask Ss to read the model again and then copy the
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check their table into their notebooks and then give them time
answers. to complete the task.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers on the board.
1 a diver 4 taking photographs Answer Key
2 wetsuit 5 amazed
3 is looking Solution Example Result
employ park catch hunters hunters stop killing
b) To describe a picture rangers & impose fines endangered species
• Ss describe the picture in pairs using the stop people no demand for
phrases provided and following the example in buying products from
awareness of
Ex. 4a. products from endangered species
what not to
• Monitor the activity around the class and then endangered so no need to hunt
ask some Ss to describe the picture aloud for species them
the class.
Suggested Answer Key 4 To practise linkers
The picture shows a man who is swimming in the sea Direct Ss to the underlined linkers in the model and then
with a dolphin. The man is wearing a wetsuit and a elicit suitable alternatives from Ss around the class.
mask and snorkel. He is touching the dolphin. The sea
Suggested Answer Key
is a lovely blue-green colour. There’s an island in the
background. The man seems to be very happy to be so One solution is … = We can …
close to such a beautiful creature. If we do this, … = By doing this …
Another solution is to … = It would be a great idea to …
For example = For instance
As a result = In this way
5f Writing To sum up = All in all
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Module 5
Answer Key and services, public transport would be a better
A 321 B 312 option for more people and they would leave their
cars at home;
encourage people to cycle into work – cycling is the
b) To match paragraphs to the problem cleanest form of transport and there would be fewer
Give Ss time to complete the task and then check cars so the air would be cleaner.
Ss’ answers.
Answer Key b) To listen for specific information
3 Play the recording. Ss listen and make notes and
then tell the class what examples/results the
speakers give to support their solutions.
c) To practise writing an introduction and a
conclusion Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Improve public transport – more buses and trams –
• Ask one or two Ss to read their answers aloud. more people use public transport and leave their cars at
home – less traffic on the roads
Suggested Answer Key
Carpool – many people share one car – less traffic on
Water pollution is a problem in many towns and cities. the roads
What can we do to solve this problem? Stop driving into the city centre altogether – cycle into
All in all, there are a number of things we can do. If we work – people healthier, air cleaner
reduce the amount of chemicals we put down the sink
and we save and reuse water at home and at work, then
8 To write an essay
we can reduce water pollution.
• Refer Ss to Writing Bank 5 for a model, useful
language and writing tips.
7 a) To analyse a rubric
• Give Ss time to complete the task using the useful
• Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which are the language box and their answers from Exs 6 & 7.
key words and ask Ss to underline them and • Remind Ss to follow the plan, not to use short forms
then answer the questions. and to use appropriate useful language.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
answers in the next lesson.
Key words: class discussion, heavy traffic in the city
centre, teacher, essay, solutions to the problems, 120- Suggested Answer Key
160 words Heavy traffic is a problem in many city centres around
1 I have to write an essay providing solutions to a the world. What can we do to solve this problem?
problem. I will write it in formal style. One solution is to improve public transport. For
2 Para 1 – state problem, Para 2 – 1st solution and example, they could have more buses and trams. This
example, Para 3 – 2nd solution and example, Para 4 way, more people may use public transport and leave
– summary of solutions their cars at home. As a result, there would be less
3 Heavy traffic is a problem in many city centres traffic on the roads.
around the world. What can we do to solve this Another solution is for people to carpool. For example,
problem?/ All in all, there are a number of things we many people could share one car. In this way there
can do. If we encourage people to carpool, improve would be less traffic on the roads.
the public transport system and encourage people All in all, there are a number of things we can do. If we
to cycle to work, then we can reduce traffic in city encourage people to carpool and improve the public
centres. transport system, then we can reduce traffic in city
4 reduce the cost of public transport – if it was more centres.
economical to take the train then more people
would use public transport and therefore there
would be fewer cars on the roads; encourage
people to carpool – by sharing car journeys there
would be fewer cars on the roads; improve the
public transport system – by offering more routes
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5 Module
Language Knowledge 5 healthy place should be a priority, so we can live happy
and long lives.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
1 a) To complete a multiple choice cloze George (class B2)
• Ask Ss to read the text and choose the correct
word for each gap 1-10 from the options A-D for c) To consolidate new vocabulary and
each one. Ask Ss to pay attention to the words letter writing
before/after each gap as they will help Ss • Tell Ss to exchange letters.
complete the task. Ask Ss to read the • Explain the task and allow Ss time to write a
completed text to see if it makes sense. response.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 C (deal with, cope with) Dear George,
2 B Thank you for your letter and congratulations on the
3 B initiative your class would like to take. I am very happy to
4 C give permission to your class to run a school recycling
5 B (decide on; prefer sth to sth else) scheme. I totally agree with you that the benefits of
6 B recycling are great and it will definitely be welcomed by
7 D the local council as well. I suggest we have a school
8 C assembly to discuss this matter and listen to other
9 B students’ suggestions. I will contact the local council to
10 A (many/lots of + Cn – much/plenty of + Un) ask them to provide us with a recycling bin.
The author’s intention is to introduce the concept of the The Headmaster
three Rs, which are Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.
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Module 5
3 To practise key word transformations replace (sth with sth else) (v): to remove sth from its
• Give Ss time to complete the task by forming a place and put a new thing there
sentence that has the same meaning as the first in (a) panic (phr): having a sudden strong feeling of
sentence using the word in bold provided. nervousness that makes you unable to think clearly
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. stress (n): continuous feelings of worry about your
work or personal life that prevent you from relaxing
Answer Key fear (n): the feeling you get when you are afraid or
1 invited me to 4 reminded me to take worried that sth bad will happen
2 what he could do 5 if I was going terror (n): a strong feeling of fear
3 whether I would help him streetlight (n): a light on top of a long pole on a street
or road
dead (adj): no longer alive
4 To consolidate grammar structures from
empty (adj): having nothing inside
the module
clear (adj): very obvious
• Explain the task. blank (adj): having spaces to be filled in with
• Ss complete the task in closed pairs. information
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. light pollution (phr): artificial night skylight (as from city
Answer Key lights) that interferes with astronomical observations
and affects ecosystems
1 C (indirect questions)
upset (v): to make sb worried, unhappy or angry
2 A (see + -ing form incomplete action)
change (v): to make sth different
3 A (passive future form)
touch (v): to have an effect on sth, especially by
4 B (passive) (D needs an object if it were the correct
changing or influencing them
affect (v): to have an influence on sth
5 C (causative past tense – yesterday)
nest (v): (of an animal) to build a place to lay their eggs
6 C (admit to + -ing form)
get lost (phr): to be unable to find your way to a place
7 C (past tense – yesterday)
seafront (n): the part of a town where the shops,
8 B (passive future tense)
houses, etc are next to the beach
9 D (causative – actions suggest was completed
disorganised (adj): badly planned and without order
earlier today)
get confused (phr): to be unable to think clearly or to
10 A (passive future – by/next month
understand sth
11 C (past participle – causative
mixed (adj): consisting of different things
12 B (reflexive – on his own)
lack (of sth) (n): the fact that sth is not available or that
13 B (past actions that happened before another past
there is not enough of sth
action – A could be correct if it was ‘she
need (n): a situation in which sth is necessary
little (adj): small in size or amount
short (adj): happening or continuing for only a little
5 To consolidate vocabulary from the module time
• Explain the task. illegal (adj): forbidden by the law
• Ss complete the task. species (n): a plant or animal group whose members
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. have similar general features
lead (to sth) (v): to cause sth to happen
Answer Key result (in sth) (v): to make sth happen
1 B 4 D 7 A 10 D 13 A take to sth (phr v): to start liking sth
2 C 5 C 8 B 11 C 14 C end (v): to reach a final point
3 B 6 D 9 D 12 B become endangered (phr): (of a species) to begin
being at risk of no longer existing
develop (v): to start having sth new and better
take place (phr): (of an event) to happen
vary (v): to change from one condition, form or state to
take part in sth (phr): to be involved in an activity with
other people
revise (v): to reconsider and change sth in light of
role (n): the way in which sb is involved in sth
further evidence
position (n): a general situation
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5 Module
clean-up (n): the process of removing pollution or
waste from a place
Language Focus 5
campaign (n): an organised series of actions planned
to achieve a particular aim 1 To expand on vocabulary and distinguish
prepare (v): to make sth ready for use between similar vocabulary items
produce (v): to cause a particular result or effect • Explain the task.
attend (v): to look after sb • Ss complete the task.
improve (v): to make sth better • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
duty (n): a moral or legal obligation
reduce (v): to make smaller or less in degree, amount Answer Key
or size 1 affected 4 leads 7 lack
impact (n): the influence that an event, situation, etc 2 caused 5 shortage
has on sth or sb 3 result 6 need
keep (v): to continue to maintain
guard (v): to watch a place carefully 2 To practise sentence transformations
support (v): to approve of an idea, organisation or a
• Explain the task.
person and help them to be successful
• Ss complete the task.
protect (v): to keep sb or sth safe from harm, damage
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
or illness
meet (v): to go to a place where sb will be at a Answer Key
particular time 1 far from 4 of us
note (v): to notice or pay careful attention to sth 2 join the clean-up 5 would join us/me
find (v): to discover, see or get sth that you have been 3 allowed to
searching for
come up with (phr v): to think of sth such as an idea or
a plan 3 To practise phrasal verbs and prepositional
disrupt (v): to prevent sth from continuing in its usual phrases
way by creating problems • Explain the task.
pattern (n): the regular way in which sth happens, • Ss complete the task.
develops or is done • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
hold (v): to make sth stay in a particular state
Answer Key
keep sb awake (phr): to not let sb sleep
stay (v): to remain in the same place 1 on 3 of 5 at
maintain (v): to make sth continue in the same way 2 in 4 off 6 down
have an effect on (phr): to cause sb or sth to change
because of an event or action 4 To practise word formation
end (n): a point that marks the limit of sth
• Explain the task.
result (n): sth that happens or exists because of sth
• Ss complete the task. Accurate spelling is necessary.
that happened before
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
conclusion (n): the end or final part of sth
increase awareness (phr): to improve people's Answer Key
understanding of a particular subject or situation 1 government 5 destruction
conservation (n): the careful use of energy, water and 2 seriously 6 resident
other resources, so that they are not wasted or lost 3 education 7 necessary
slow down (phr v): to make sth become less active or 4 natural 8 Security
global warming (phr): a general increase in world Grammar in Focus
advance (v): to progress and become better or more To consolidate grammar structures from
developed the module
grow (v): to increase in amount, size, number or • Explain the task.
strength, etc • Ss complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
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Module 5
Answer Key tourists like me join in the conservation effort… We
1 was estimated (passive – past 1889) gently placed them on the sand, stepped back and
2 took (past action) watched as they crawled slowly into the sea.)
3 there
4 which Background information
5 occupy (permanent state)
6 have recently published (present perfect with Puerto Vallarta is a resort city in the state of Jalisco
recently) in Mexico on the Pacific Coast. It has a population of
7 for (purpose) around 255,000 and it is a popular tourist destination.
8 that (reported speech) Mexico is a country in North America. It has a
9 be created (passive infinitive without to) population of 118 million and the capital city is
10 will take (future prediction) Mexico City. The people speak Spanish and the
country is known for its oil and silver production.
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5 Module
6 To listen for specific information (multiple Another solution is to save and reuse water at home
matching) and at work. For example, we can turn off taps when
• Ask Ss to read the statements A-F. we are not using them and reuse bathwater in the
• Play the recording twice. Ss listen and match the garden. If we do this, we can reduce the amount of
speakers to the statements accordingly. dirty water that ends up in the seas and rivers.
• Check Ss’ answers. All in all, there are a number of things we can do. If we
reduce the amount of chemicals we put down the sink
Answer Key and we save and reuse water at home and at work then
1 D 2 E 3 A 4 C we can reduce water use and pollution.
7 To write an essay
Check your progress
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit
• Explain the task and refer Ss to Writing Bank 5 for
according to how competent they feel for each of the listed
a model, a plan and useful language.
• Give Ss time to plan and complete their work and
then check Ss’ answers.
• Alternatively assign the task as HW and check Ss’
answers in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
Water use and pollution are problems in many towns
and cities. What can we do to solve these problems?
One solution is to reduce the amount of chemicals we
put down the sink. In particular we can use
environmentally-friendly cleaning products. By doing
this, rivers and seas will be less polluted.
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6 Module
Module Objectives 3 To personalise a topic
Read the title of the module Don’t be afraid! and ask Ss to • Ask Ss to talk in pairs about which situations make
suggest what they think the module will be about (the them feel the most uncomfortable.
module is about fears and phobias and feelings.) Go through • Ask some pairs to tell the class.
the objectives list to stimulate Ss’ interest in the module. Suggested Answer Key
I feel uncomfortable at great heights. I feel a bit scared
1 To introduce the topic and new vocabulary that I will fall. I also feel uncomfortable near bugs. I
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures A-E and the think they will bite or sting me.
graph and give Ss time to match them.
• Elicit answers. Words of wisdom
Answer Key Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to
discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their
A – closed spaces
opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class.
B – storms
C – flying Suggested Answer Key
D – open water I think this means that we shouldn’t be afraid of
E – animals/bugs anything in life because we only fear what we don’t
understand. Therefore, if we try to understand things,
2 a) To introduce new vocabulary in context we will no longer be afraid of them.
Give Ss time to choose the correct words and then
ask Ss to check their answers by looking up the
meanings of the words in the Word List at the back
of the book. 6a Reading
Answer Key
1 To introduce the topic
1 sick, shake 3 sweat 5 attacks
Direct Ss to the dictionary entry and the title and the
2 bite, freeze 4 hide
picture of the text and then elicit an answer to the
Suggested Answer Key question.
unhealthy: not well Answer Key
sick: poorly
Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders.
shake: to move from side to side
move: to change position
sting: to insert a sharp point with poison into the skin 2 a) To introduce key vocabulary from a text
bite: to insert the teeth into the skin • Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their
stop: to cease books and give them time to look up the
freeze: to suddenly stop meanings of the words given.
sweat: to perspire • Give Ss time to complete the sentences with the
wet: covered in water words and then check Ss’ answers.
hide: to conceal oneself
disappear: to vanish from sight Suggested Answer Key
attack: an instance of physical violence creepy = scary
blow: a strike arachnid = a small creature, such as a spider, with
eight legs and a body formed of two parts
b) To match sentences to pictures venom = poison produced by animals and insects
harm = to cause injury
Elicit which sentences match which pictures from treatment = a particular method of medical care
Ss around the class. nutritious = providing healthy minerals and vitamins
Answer Key for the body
suffer = to experience sth bad or unpleasant
1 A 2 E 3 C 4 B 5 D
sweat = to produce a salty liquid through your skin
when hot or afraid
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Module 6
Answer Key play a part (phr): to have a role/part in sth
1 arachnid 3 venom, harm 5 creepy rainforest (n): a large tropical forest
2 suffer, sweat 4 nutritious 6 treatment tarantula (n): a large hairy spider
nutritious treat (phr): a tasty snack
deep-fried (adj): being fried in lots of oil
b) To understand the author’s purpose and
reduce (v): to lessen
to listen and read for gist; to identify style
pest controller (phr): keeping the number of creatures
• Read the rubric aloud and elicit the author’s that cause damage down
purpose from the choices given. mosquito (n): a small winged insect that bites people
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find and drinks their blood
out. cockroach (n): a large brown insect
• Elicit the style of the text. fly (n): a small black winged insect
Answer Key moth (n): a winged insect that is attracted to light
exposure therapy (phr): a type of therapy that
author’s purpose: b
reduces sb’s fear of sth by slowly exposing them to it
The text is informal (short verb forms: they can’t crawl
over a period of time until they become less afraid of it
up, everyday language: stand on end, addresses the
confident (adj): having confidence
reader directly: you see).
treatment (n): therapy
shake (v): to move from side to side
3 To read for gist comprehension (matching
sweat (v): to perspire
headings to paragraphs)
scuttle (v): to run quickly with short steps
• Ask Ss to read the headings A-E and then read the
text again and choose the correct heading for each
4 To consolidate information in a text
paragraph (1-4).
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should • Give Ss time to answer the questions.
justify their choices. • Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to
paraphrase the information in their own words.
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
1 D (one of the most common phobias)
2 B (maybe ... ugly appearance ... or because they Suggested Answer Key
suddenly appear) 1 Some people get so scared that their hair stands
3 E (perfect pest controllers, eating creepy- up. Others shout out and go away. (Does your hair
crawlies... in our homes) stand on end? Do you scream and run away?)
4 A (there is hope) 2 This phobia is unreasonable because very few
spiders are actually dangerous to people. (…
Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
arachnophobia is irrational… fewer than 1% can
explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss
harm humans.)
to use their dictionaries and look them up.
3 People in the Amazon Rainforest and Cambodia see
Suggested Answer Key spiders as healthy food or a delicious snack. (… in
scream (v): to shout loudly in fear the Amazon Rainforest... grilled tarantula is a tasty
run away (phr v): to leave quickly and nutritious treat … in Cambodia, deep-fried
fear (n): unpleasant feeling that you are in danger spider is a popular street snack.)
common (adj): usual 4 Someone might try this type of therapy to overcome
suffer from (phr): to be badly affected by sth a fear because it affects their life a lot. (If fear of
eight-legged (adj): having eight legs spiders badly affects someone’s life, they should try
at all costs (phr): under any circumstances ‘exposure therapy.’)
block (v): to stop entry
plughole (n): the opening in a shower or bath to let the 5 To consolidate vocabulary through
water out synonymous words/phrases
crawl (v): to move slowly and low to the ground • Ask Ss to find the words in bold in the text and to
irrational (adj): without logic read the words/phrases in the list and give Ss time
venom (n): poison to match them.
harm (v): to cause damage/pain • Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.
startle (v): to surprise/shock
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6 Module
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
Para 1: scream = shout, phobias = fears, at all costs = I learnt that it is the most common phobia. I learnt that
under any circumstances, blocking = closing in Cambodia, people eat deep-fried spiders. I also
Para 2: hated = disliked, irrational = unreasonable, learnt that exposure therapy is a way to overcome
startle = scare arachnophobia.
Para 3: snacks = treats, reduce = lower, trapping =
catching ICT To expand the topic and conduct
Para 4: confident = fearless, hold = carry, fear = be further study
afraid of, terrified = very scared
• Ask Ss to research on the Internet and find out
more information about arachnids and present it to
6 To consolidate new vocabulary the class.
• Give Ss time to complete the phrases and check • Ask various Ss to share their research with the rest
Ss’ answers. of the class. Ss can prepare a Powerpoint
• Then give Ss time to use them in sentences of their presentation.
own based on the text. Elicit sentences from Suggested Answer Key
various Ss around the class.
Arachnids include spiders, scorpions, daddy longlegs,
Answer Key mites, and ticks. Arachnids are invertebrates. This
1 common 5 creepy 9 bar means they have no backbones. The body has a fused
2 ugly 6 snack 10 therapy head and thorax, an abdomen and usually four pairs of
3 Rainforest 7 pest appendages which can include fangs in spiders.
4 deep-fried 8 treat Arachnids live nearly everywhere on Earth. They live in
grassy fields, wet swamps, hot, sandy deserts, cool,
Suggested Answer Key
dark caves, tropical rain forests and mountains.
1 Fear of spiders is a common phobia.
2 The fear may come from their ugly appearance.
To consolidate information in a text
3 In the Amazon Rainforest, they eat grilled tarantula.
4 People eat deep-fried spider in Cambodia as a snack. • Explain the task and give Ss some time to write a
5 Spiders eat other creepy-crawlies. few sentences.
6 Deep-fried spiders are a street snack in Cambodia. • Ask various Ss around the class to share their
7 Spiders are natural pest controllers. answers with the rest of the class.
8 In the Amazon Rainforest, grilled tarantula is a Suggested Answer Key
nutritious treat.
9 Thinking of a spider as a chocolate bar may help It can help them to understand why they are afraid of
someone with arachnophobia. spiders and to learn that they are not so scary after all.
10 Exposure therapy is one type of treatment for It can also help them by explaining a kind of therapy
arachnophobia. that is used to cure people of their phobia. Perhaps
they will consider it, too.
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Module 6
2 To consolidate vocabulary from a text Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 1 c (people’s legs, push through them all)
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 2 a (legs, eyes, long grass, where they live, spray
Answer Key 3 d (fifteenth floor, couldn’t get past the fifth floor, so
1 stood 3 fear 5 shaking far above the ground)
2 costs 4 treatments 6 Sweat 4 b (doctor, needle, knife)
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6 Module
3 to be scared stiff = śmiertelnie się bać, zdrętwieć ze Answer Key
strachu 1 out 3 on
4 to jump out of one’s skin = omal nie wyskoczyć ze 2 away 4 up with
5 one’s hair stands on end = włosy na głowie stają dęba
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Module 6
4 To practise modals Explain how the present infinitive is formed (if the
• Read out the sentences and give Ss time to rewrite main verb in the first sentence is in the present
them using the correct modals. simple/future, we form its infinitive using the base
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. form of the verb (e.g. works ➝ work).
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
Suggested Answer Key more information.
1 may/might/could be afraid of the dark. Answer Key
2 should/ought to seek professional help.
3 can hold a spider in his hand. We use may//might to express possibility.
4 must provide a medical certificate. We use must to express a positive assumption.
5 mustn’t touch the snakes. We use can’t to express a negative assumption.
6 don’t have to join the therapy group.
7 have to wear a helmet. 8 To practise deductions
8 can touch it if you feel ready. Explain the task, give Ss time to complete it. Ask Ss to
underline the main verb in each sentence (has, isn’t, is,
5 To present/revise a/an - the is, isn’t). Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Ask Ss to read the text and then discuss the Answer Key
answers to the questions in pairs. 1 Paul may have a fear of heights.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section to 2 Sally can’t be scared of mice.
check their answers. 3 Chris may/might be tired.
• Elicit any similar rules in Ss’ L1. 4 James must be worried about flying.
Answer Key 5 Anna can’t be afraid of meeting new people.
jobs: a/an
proper nouns: – 9 To practise key word transformations
something mentioned for the first time: a/an • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
something mentioned before: the • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
nouns that are unique: the
names of continents: – Answer Key
countries: – 1 may/might be afraid
cities: – 2 don’t have to see
mountain ranges: the 3 must be nervous about
rivers: the 4 must have
meals: – 5 mustn’t swim
sports: –
musical instruments: the 10 To practise making deductions based on
Ss’ own answers visual input material
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in
6 To practise a/an - the pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then elicit
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
answers from various Ss around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
She may/might be on holiday.
1 –, – 4 The, –, – 7 –, the
She must be at a zoo.
2–, a, – 5 the, a 8 A, The, a
She can’t be nervous.
3 The, – 6 the, the
She must be happy.
She may/might be on her own.
7 To present deductions
• Ask Ss to read the examples and then elicit
answers to the questions. Point out that these
verbs are followed by an infinitive without to.
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6 Module
Answer Key
Background information
1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T
Chester is a city in Cheshire, England. It is a historic city
with a population of over 120,000 people. It dates from
2 To listen for specific information (multiple
Roman times and has a number of medieval buildings.
• Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible
answers for each one. Ss underline the key words.
6d Listening skills •
Play the recording twice.
Ss listen and complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. You can play the
1 a) To introduce new vocabulary and recording with pauses for Ss to check their answers.
prepare for a listening task
Answer Key
• Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their
books and give them time to look up the 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C
meanings of the words/phrases given. The dialogue is formal. Use of advanced vocabulary
• Elicit what kind of phobia the listening task will and longer sentences.
be about.
Suggested Answer Key 3 To consolidate information
social phobia: a fear of social situations or large • Ask Ss to discuss the question in closed pairs.
groups of people • Ask various Ss to tell the class.
anxious: nervous
panic attack: a feeling of very strong anxiety that Suggested Answer Key
comes on quickly I learnt that people with social anxiety feel that people
tremble: shake are looking at them and judging them and that it can
faint: light-headed cause anxiety and panic attacks. One way to overcome
painfully shy: very nervous in front of others this phobia is to imagine that you are at a social event
make judgements: reach decisions about people and you feel happy and relaxed. Then, when you get
low self-esteem: poor self image there you will feel like that and forget your anxiety. You
the centre of attention: the person everyone talks can also focus on other people and not on your
about/looks at feelings. If you stop avoiding social situations, little by
affect: influence little you’ll get used to being with people.
halls of residence: student accommodation
student counsellor: a person who advises students 4 To prepare for a listening task (multiple
focus on: concentrate on matching)
concentrate on: pay attention to
Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books
in public: in front of other people
and give them time to look up the meanings of the
beat my phobia: overcome my fear
words/phrases given.
hypnotherapy: type of treatment during which people
seem to be asleep but they can see, hear and respond Suggested Answer Key
to things trekking: hiking
I think the recording is about the phobia of speaking in hot and humid: when there is a high temperature and
public. lots of moisture in the air
alligator: large wild reptile of the crocodile family
go through with it: carry sth out
b) To listen for specific information (T/F
bungee jump: jumping from a height on an elastic rope
persuade: convince
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then play the special occasion: special event
recording and ask Ss to decide in closed pairs if poison: toxic substance
each one is true or false. live to tell the tale: survive to tell the story
• Check Ss’ answers. give up: quit
proud of myself: have pride in self
come down with: become ill
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Module 6
5 a) To listen for specific information Answer Key
(multiple matching) 1 counselling 3 comfortable 5 environment
• Ask Ss to read the statements A-F and 2 library 4 temperature 6 laboratory
underline the key words.
Play the recording twice.
Ss listen and match the speakers 1-5 to the
6e Speaking skills
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. You can 1 To complete an open cloze
play the recording with pauses for Ss to check
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in
their answers.
closed pairs. Ask Ss to pay attention to the words
Answer Key before/after each gap as they will help them decide
1 F 2 C 3 B 4 E 5 A on the missing words.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check
their answers.
b) To consolidate comprehension of a
listening script Answer Key
Elicit answers to the questions from Ss around the 1 of 3 about 5 help 7 your
class. 2 hear 4 and 6 for 8 give
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6 Module
Express concern.
Explain what is 6f Writing
Show sympathy. Give advice. wrong.
Explain this 1 To analyse a rubric
Give another piece of
advice. didn’t help. • Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which are the key
Respond. words and ask Ss to underline them.
Give another piece of
• Give Ss time to answer the questions and then
advice. Respond.
check Ss’ answers.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask Answer Key
some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the Key words: extract, email, English-speaking friend,
class. Jake, afraid of dogs, What can I do? write an email
Suggested Answer Key giving advice, 120-160 words
1 an email giving advice to my friend, Jake
A: You don’t look very happy. Are you OK?
2 informal, he is my friend
B: I have to give a presentation tomorrow and I’m
3. b, c
4 watching dogs from a distance, take a friend’s dog
A: Oh no. I’m sorry to hear that. You must be really
for a walk, talk to a professional
nervous. Why don’t you imagine yourself giving a
great speech? That might help to relax you.
B: I’ve tried that before. It didn’t really help. 2 To read a model essay and match
A: What about if you take deep breaths, don’t worry paragraphs to content
about getting it perfect and just relax and be • Give Ss time to read the model and match the
yourself? contents 1-3 to each paragraph A-C.
B: That’s not a bad idea. • Check Ss’ answers.
A: I’m sure if you go over your notes then get an early
Answer Key
night that will help, too.
B: Good idea! I’ll give it a try. A 2 B 3 C 1
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Module 6
b) To practise functional language 7 To practise error correction
Give Ss time to complete the task and then check • Explain the task and give Ss time to find the
Ss’ answers. grammar and spelling mistakes. Ss work in closed
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
The best thing to do is to = You should
If I were you = Perhaps you could also Answer Key
You could = Why don’t you…? grammar mistakes = an advice (some advice), will to
This way = If you do this get better (will get better), If I am you (If I were you), to
Then = By doing this buying him (to buy him)
spelling mistakes = sory (sorry), litle (little) harmles
5 To identify & practise opening/closing (harmless), sea (see), usefull (useful)
Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ 8 To analyse a rubric
answers around the class. • Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which the key words
are. Ask Ss to underline them and then answer the
Suggested Answer Key
It must be awful to be afraid of dogs, but I think I can • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
help you get over it. = I’m so sorry to hear that you are
so afraid of dogs, but I think I can help. Suggested Answer Key
I really hope these ideas are useful. Let me know how Key words: email, English-speaking friend, Angie, I get
you get on. = I hope I’ve been of some help. Write and nervous, afraid, meet new people. Write an email,
tell me how you get on. giving her, advice
1 an email to my friend, Angie
6 a) To match problems to advice; to make 2 to give advice
connections 3 120-160
4 3 – (1) reason for writing, (2) advice, (3) closing
• Explain the task and read out the example. comments
• Ask Ss to read the advice and the problems and 5 I’m sorry to hear that you are afraid of meeting new
match them. people. It must be awful for you, but I think I can
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. help. / I hope I’ve been of some help. Write and tell
Answer Key me how you get on.
1 c 2 b 3 a 4 d
9 a) To match advice to results; to make
connections between ideas
b) To practise giving advice
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Give Ss time to make sentences as in the example
• Elicit various answers from Ss around the class.
and elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
1 b 2 a 3 c
If I were you, I’d try meditating or doing yoga. By doing
this, it will help you to study and relax.
You should speak to a psychologist. This way, they will b) To practise giving advice
help you get over your fear of these creatures. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
It would be a good idea to try to breathe deeply and following the example.
look your audience in the eye. Then, their approving • Check Ss’ answer around the class.
nods will give you the encouragement you need from
them. Suggested Answer Key
If I were you, I’d imagine myself at the barbecue feeling
relaxed and confident. This way, you’ll enjoy the
barbecue as you’re already expecting to.
Why don’t you ask a friend to go with you? If you do
this, you won’t have to face your fear alone.
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6 Module
Also, it would be a good idea to focus on other people b) To identify meaning
instead of your feelings. If you follow this advice, you will Direct Ss’ attention to the underlined words in the
hopefully forget your anxiety and start enjoying yourself. notices and then elicit which one best matches the
sentence in Ex. 1. Ask Ss to say which words
10 To write an email of advice helped them decide on their answer.
• Refer Ss to Writing Bank 6 for a model, useful Answer Key
language and writing tips. B – (mustn’t, be sure, mobile off)
• Give Ss time to complete the task using the useful
language box and their answers from Exs 8 & 9.
• Remind Ss to follow the plan and to use 3 To identify meaning (multiple matching)
appropriate useful language. • Read the Study Skills box aloud and then explain
• Check Ss’ answers. the task. Give Ss time to read the notices A-H and
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ the meanings 1-5 and complete it. Ask Ss to
answers in the next lesson. underline the key words in both sentences and
Suggested Answer Key notices.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Dear Angie,
I’m sorry to hear that you are afraid of meeting new Answer Key
people. It must be awful for you, but I think I can help. 1 A 2 C 3 F 4 E 5 G
If I were you, I’d imagine myself at the barbecue feeling
Key words to be underlined
relaxed and confident. This way, you’ll enjoy the
barbecue as you’re already expecting to. Why don’t you 1 mustn’t feed, animals
ask a friend to go with you? If you do this, you won’t A giving food, penguins, not allowed
have to face your fear alone. Also, it would be a good 2 can eat there
idea to focus on other people instead of your feelings. If C picnic area
you follow this advice, you will hopefully forget your 3 children, accompanied, adults
anxiety and start enjoying yourself. F no kids without parents
I hope I’ve been of some help. Write and tell me how 4 cannot photograph animals
you get on. E not use cameras, zoo
Best wishes, 5 not make loud sounds there
Jane G quiet zone – noise
Language Knowledge 6 4
To complete a multiple choice cloze task
Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete
it. Ask Ss to pay attention to the words before/after
1 To prepare for a multiple matching task; to each gap as they will help them do the task. Ask Ss
identify meaning to read the completed text to see if it makes sense.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Ask Ss to read the sentence and look at the underlined
words, then choose what the sentence means from the Answer Key
two options. 1 D 3 B 5 A 7 B
Answer Key 2 A 4 C 6 A 8 C
5 To consolidate grammar structures from
the module
2 a) To identify similarities
• Explain the task.
Ask Ss to read the two notices and elicit how they
• Ss complete the task.
are related.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
They both refer to mobile phones.
1 D past participle – how they feel
2 C conditional type 1 (if + present simple, – will)
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Module 6
3 A tell sb (that) reply to sth (v): to say, write or do sth as an answer to
4 C had to = (past tense of must) sth else
5 B incomplete action respond to treatment (phr): to react well to a
6 A possibility particular medical cure
7 A (make sb + inf without to; the other options react to sth (v): to become ill when you eat a particular
require to -inf) food or take a particular drug
8 B passive voice answer (v): to do sth as a reaction to criticism or an
9 C reported speech – “ I have no fear of snakes”, attack
he said. ridiculous (adj): very silly and unreasonable
10 A will + inf without to neatness (n): the condition of liking things carefully
11 C passive voice arranged and tidy
12 C have to (strong advice) lose control (phr): to not be able to remain calm when
13 B ashamed is followed by of you are feeling upset or angry
14 D sequence of tenses miss (v): to be too late for sth
avoid (v): to prevent sth bad from happening
6 To consolidate vocabulary from the module drop (v): to let sth fall
faint (v): to suddenly become unconscious for a short
• Explain the task. time
• Ss complete the task in closed pairs. panic attack (phr): a sudden very strong feeling of
• Check Ss’ answers. being afraid or worried
Answer Key hit (n): an act in which sth that is aimed at sth else
reaches it and damages it
1 A 4 D 7 B 10 D 13 D
strike (n): a military attack
2 D 5 B 8 C 11 D 14 B
fit (n): a sudden strong emotion that you cannot control
3 B 6 A 9 B 12 A
therapeutic (adj): helping to treat an illness
make sb anxious (phr): to cause sb to worry technique (n): a method of doing sth
do sth (v): to perform an action or activity effect (n): the way in which an event or action changes
feel anxious about sth (phr): to experience sb or sth
nervousness about sth that might happen result (n): the answer produced by a scientific study or
lead (v): to take sb somewhere by going in front of test
them while they follow cure (n): a medicine or medical treatment
alarm (n): a feeling of fear or worry because sth bad or take a deep breath (phr): to take a lot of air into your
dangerous might happen lungs at one time
be in danger (phr): to be in a situation in which harm, rich (in sth) (adj): containing a lot of sth
damage or destruction is possible strong (adj): having enough power to move heavy
in panic (phr): having a strong feeling of fear or worry things
that sth bad might happen full (adj): containing the greatest amount of sth that is
fear (of sth) (n): the feeling you get when you are afraid possible
of sth take a risk (phr): to decide to do sth even though you
get over sth (phr v): to find a way to solve or deal with know it may have bad results
a difficult problem catch (v): to use your hands to grasp and hold onto sb
overcome sth (v): to succeed in dealing with a problem or sth
or difficulty stand (v): to be in an upright position
win sth (v): to be the best in a competition, game, etc get (v): to gain possession of sth
defeat (v): to win against sb in a game, competition, conquer a fear (phr): to manage to overcome the
etc feeling of being afraid of sth
feel (v): to be aware of sth that affects you physically, regain control of sth (phr): to get back your lost ability
such as pain to manage things
experience (v): to be affected by an event or situation win (w): not to lose
taste (v): to sense the flavour of sth you are eating or beat sb (v): to defeat sb
drinking obtain (sth from sb) (v): to get sth that you want or
face sth (v): to deal with or accept a difficult situation need from sb
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6 Module
hold your breath (phr): to breathe in and not let the air There’s some milk in the fridge. There are some
out again for some time bananas on the table. Is there any butter? Are there
keep (v): to have sth in your possession any apples? There isn’t any/is no cheese. There aren’t
store (v): to keep sth in a particular place any/are no cherries.
control (v): to cause sb to do what you want Every student is here. = All the students are here. Elicit
long-standing (adj): lasting or existing for a long time which words we use with countable nouns (nouns we
local (adj): relating to a particular area, city or town can count) and uncountable nouns (nouns we cannot
open (adj): not closed count) and in which form (affirmative/negative/
social (adj): relating to people or society in general interrogative).
public speaking (phr): the act or skill of speaking to a some – C plural/Un affirmative
usually large group of people any – C plural/Un interrogative
confuse (v): to mistake sth for sth else C plural/Un negative
regular (adj): happening or done very often no – C plural/Un negative (=not any)
natural (adj): usual or expected every – C singular n
daily (adj): happening, done, used or existing every day Explain that we use these words one/body, where,
ordinary (adj): not different or special thing together with some, any, no, every to form
compounds. Elicit which are used to refer to people
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Module 6
Answer Key 3 To practise choosing the correct response
1 of 7 found • Explain the task.
2 much 8 better • Ss complete the task.
3 are 9 will make up • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
4 would/could 10 Getting
5 served 11 yourself Answer Key
6 A 12 did 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b
6 Module
7 To practise sentence transformations Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task. Dear Jane,
• Ss complete the task. I’m sorry to hear that you are afraid of flying. It must be
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. awful for you, but I think I can help.
If I were you, I’d try to face my fear and do some
Answer Key Internet research about flying. If you do this, you will
1 must be learn about how safe it is. Also, it would be a good idea
2 have to to try relaxation techniques such as meditation and
3 to pay concentrate on your breathing. By doing this, you will
4 can’t/mustn’t hopefully forget your anxiety and feel relaxed. Finally,
5 may/might not come why don’t you see a doctor and ask him for some anti-
anxiety medication. This way, you will feel relaxed and
calm and able to enjoy the flight.
8 To listen for specific information (T/F/DS I hope my advice helps you. Let me know what
statements) happens.
• Ask Ss to read the statements 1-6. Lisa
• Play the recording twice. Ss listen and mark the Check your progress
statements accordingly. Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit by
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. ticking the boxes according to how competent they feel for
Answer Key each of the listed activities.
1 DS 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F
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7 Module
Module Objectives You should drink fresh orange juice/take vitamin C to
look younger
Read the title of the module Health & Food and ask Ss to
You should have a vaccination to protect yourself against
suggest what they think the module will be about (the
illness/the flu.
module is about health & fitness, food & drinks, symptoms &
treatments and illnesses.) Go through the objectives list to
Words of wisdom
stimulate Ss’ interest in the module.
Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to
discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their
1 a) To introduce the topic and present new
opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class.
vocabulary in context
• Direct Ss’ attention to the texts A-E and the Suggested Answer Key
words in the list and give Ss time to use the I think that this means that if you have good health, then
words to complete the texts. it is worth more than any amount of money. I agree with
• Check Ss’ answers. this because if we aren’t healthy, we cannot enjoy life.
Health is priceless.
Answer Key
1 vitamin 3 immune 5 symptoms
2 digestion 4 diet 6 calories
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Module 7
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and tension (n): being stretched to stiffness
explain/elicit the meanings of the words or ask muscle (n): a body tissue that can contract and
Ss to use their dictionaries and look them up. produce movement
nerve (n): each of the many thin parts that control
Suggested Answer Key
movements and feelings
study (n): a careful examination or analysis of a subject volunteer (n): sb who does work without getting paid
tip (n): a piece of advice to do it
striking (adj): attracting attention stick to (phr v): to keep doing what you said you
health benefit (phr): a good or helpful effect on the would do
overall condition of the body and mind
beetroot (n): the small, round, dark red root of a plant
eaten cooked as a vegetable b) To introduce the topic of the text
nitrates (n): chemicals found in certain food Ask Ss to guess which sentences 1-5 match which
blood vessel (n): a small tube that carries blood to actions a-e.
different parts of the body
Suggested Answer Key
juicy (adj): (of fruit/vegetables) containing a lot of liquid
burst with (phr): have very much of sth 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 e 5 a
antioxidant (n): a substance in some foods that cleans
the body c) To listen and read for gist
risk (n): the possibility that sth bad or unpleasant will
Play the recording. Ss listen and check if their
guesses in Ex. 2b were correct. Elicit the style of
cancer (n): a very serious disease
the text.
stock up on (phr v): to buy a lot of sth in order to keep
it for when you need to use it later Suggested Answer Key
goodies (pl n): foods considered very good to eat The text is informal (short verb forms: e.g. you’ll feel
in an instant (phr): immediately calmer, everyday language: e.g. next time ... slow
expand (v): to make sth become larger down addressing reader directly e.g. when you eat)
lung capacity (phr): the amount of air that you are able
to breathe in each of the two organs in your chest
3 To read for specific information (multiple
heart rate (phr): the number of heartbeats per minute
turn out (phr v): to be shown or be found to be
endorphins (n): chemical produced in the body • Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible
boost (v): to cause sth to improve or become more answers. Ss underline the key words.
successful • Give them time to read the text again and choose
ageing (phr): the series of actions that happen naturally the correct answers for the questions.
and result in growing older • Check Ss’ answers around the class and ask Ss to
indigestion (n): pain in the stomach caused by justify their answers with examples from the text.
difficulty in breaking down food Suggested Answer Key
gobble down (phr v): to eat quickly and impolitely
1 B (Juicy tomatoes are bursting with an antioxidant
chew (v): to use your teeth to cut food into small pieces
which reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease.)
before you swallow it
2 C (Surprisingly, this is even better when you
enzyme (n): a chemical substance in the body that
breathe through a straw! If you practise this
helps natural processes (such as digestion) to take place
simple exercise every day, you’ll really expand
saliva (n): digestive juices in the mouth to help break
your lung capacity.)
down food
3 B (Just the act of smiling sends a message to the
digestion (n): the series of actions that happen
brain that you’re happy and the body then
naturally and result in breaking down the food in the
releases beneficial endorphins. These help to
reduce stress, boost the immune system and
process (n): a series of actions that lead to a result
even slow down the ageing process!)
absorb (v): to take sth in
4 B (Keeping a healthy weight can help you to avoid
nutrients (n): substances that help us grow
serious diseases such as heart disease and
diabetes (n): a serious disease in which the body
cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood
5 A (Telling a lie can increase your heart rate)
tell a lie (phr): to say sth untrue
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7 Module
4 a) To consolidate information in a text 7 To personalise the topic
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences. • Ss ask in pairs about which tips they follow.
• Remind Ss to use two to three words. • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key I eat lots of red foods, especially red peppers and
1 relax blood vessels 4 indigestion tomatoes. I also chew my food properly and I try to
2 deep breaths 5 tell a lie always tell the truth.
3 happy
To consolidate information in a text
b) To identify reference in the text Draw the table in the Suggested Answer Key on the
Explain the task. Ask Ss to look for words before board. Ss make notes under the first two colums. Ask
each gap that the underlined words could refer to. various Ss to tell the class what they knew and what
Point out that reference words refer to other parts they learnt from the text.
of the text and writers use them to structure their
texts and link ideas. Allow Ss some time to do the WHAT WHAT WHAT I WANT
task. Ss work in closed pairs. Elicit what each I KNEW LEARNT TO LEARN
pronoun refers to from various Ss around the class. • health • smiling is good
benefits of red for us
Answer Key
foods • chewing food
which: nitrates • important to properly helps us
this: feeling calmer breathe slowly avoid indigestion
this: breathing through a straw & deeply • telling lies is bad
These: endorphins for our health
This: beginning the digestion process
their: volunteers Suggested Answer Key
I know about the health benefits of red foods. I also
5 To consolidate new vocabulary through knew it is important for good health to breathe slowly
synonymous words/phrases and deeply. I learnt that smiling is good for us and that
• Read the words/phrases in the list and give Ss time chewing food properly helps us avoid indigestion. I also
to match them to the words in bold in the text. learnt that telling lies is bad for our health.
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class and
elicit what part of speech each word/phrase is. ICT To expand the topic and
conduct further study
Answer Key
striking = attractive beneficial = helpful • Ask Ss to think about what else they would like to
bursting with = full of promote = encourage learn about the topic and make notes in the third
stock up on = buy a lot of stressed out = anxious column of the table in the Suggested Answer Key in
in an instant = immediately stick to = continue the previous exercise.
• Ask Ss to research on the Internet and find out more
information about the topic and present it to the class.
6 To skim the text for specific vocabulary • Ask various Ss to share their research with the rest
• Explain the task and give Ss time to find the items of the class.
listed. Ss, in closed pairs, compare their lists.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Having a hobby reduces stress and boosts self-esteem
Answer Key and creativity. Having a hobby helps us relax. Also if we
foods: red pepper, orange, beetroot, tomatoes sleep more, our cells can regenerate and our bodies
diseases/conditions: cancer, heart disease, stress, can repair any minor damage. It also boosts our
indigestion, diabetes immune system which is good for our health. Taking
parts of the body: lung, brain, mouth, muscles, nerves regular holidays also help us to de-stress, lower our
blood pressure and avoid a heart attack.
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Module 7
7 b Vocabulary
To practise new vocabulary
Explain the task and read out the example.
Give Ss time to complete it and elicit sentences
1 To consolidate vocabulary from a text from Ss around the class.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
According to the Mediterranean diet, we can eat dairy
Answer Key products like butter, cheese and yoghurt daily. We can
1 benefits, system 4 deeply, reduce also eat olive oil daily. We can eat fruit like grapes,
2 Chewing, digest 5 slows down olives, watermelon and cherries daily, too. According
3 absorb 6 Telling, increase to the Mediterranean diet, we can eat red meat like
lamb and beef monthly. According to the
Mediterranean diet, we can eat sweets like ice cream,
2 To consolidate vocabulary from a text apple pie and cake weekly. We can also eat poultry like
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. chicken and turkey and fish and seafood like tuna,
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. lobster, salmon, prawns and trout weekly.
Answer Key
1 blood 4 diseases 7 process 5 To listen for specific information (multiple
2 juicy 5 pressure 8 loss matching)
3 heart 6 lung • Explain the task and ask Ss to read the sentences
3 To consolidate vocabulary from a text • Play the recording twice if necessary.
• Ss listen and match the speakers to the sentences.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 C 2 D 3 B
1 Vitamins 3 endorphin 5 digestion
2 antioxidants 4 Nutrients
6 To talk about eating habits
4 a) To introduce a vocabulary area • Explain the task and read out the example.
• Ask Ss to use the table to talk with a partner about
• Ask Ss to look at the diagram and copy the their eating habits.
categories into their notebooks. Then give Ss • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
time to write each food/drink under the correct some pairs to report back to the class.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. Answer Key
A: Do you like poultry?
Suggested Answer Key
B: No, I can’t stand it. What about you?
red meat: lamb, beef A: I like chicken. It’s delicious. etc
dairy products: butter, cheese, yoghurt
fruit: grapes, olives, watermelon, cherries
Background information
legumes & nuts: almonds
vegetables: broccoli, beetroot, cabbage, potatoes, The Mediterranean diet was introduced in 1993. It
tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, onions, peas was based on the dietary traditions of Crete; Greece
bread, pasta, rice, couscous, other grains & and southern Italy circa 1960. The ‘poor’ diet of the
potatoes: bread, spaghetti people of the southern Mediterranean, which
fish & seafood: tuna, lobster, salmon, prawns, trout consists mostly of fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts,
poultry: birds (such as chickens and ducks) that are on grains, fish, olive oil, proved to lead to lifelong good
farms for their eggs and meat health.
eggs: eggs
sweets: ice cream, apple pie, cake
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7 Module
7 a) To practise new vocabulary Mary has got insomnia
• Explain the task. Brian has got a food allergy.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. Explain Harry has got a twisted ankle.
any unknown words.
9 To present new vocabulary
Answer Key
1 potatoes 3 chicken 5 vegetables • Give Ss time to complete the task.
2 eggs 4 fish • Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books
to check their answers.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
b) To consolidate new vocabulary
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to work in closed pairs and complete the
task. 1 treated 6 maintain
• Monitor the activity around the class. 2 prescription 7 keeps, prevents
3 cures 8 includes
Suggested Answer Key 4 appointment 9 lose, builds
A: I like grilled chicken more than fried chicken. 5 improves 10 burn
B: Really? I prefer roast chicken. etc
10 To practise prepositional phrases
8 a) To present new vocabulary • Give Ss time to complete the task.
Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books • Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix II.
and give them time to look up the meanings of the • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
words/phrases. Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 from 2 to 3 with 4 in 5 for
sore throat: pain in the throat because of infection
high temperature: a higher than normal body 11 To practise word formation (forming
temperature caused by disease abstract nouns from adjectives)
muscles ache: when the body tissue is sore
a bad cough: when your throat makes a harsh noise • Read the table aloud to Ss and explain any points
hurts: causes pain they are unsure of providing extra examples if
breathe: to move air into and out of the lungs necessary.
vomited: be sick • Give Ss time to complete the task. Point out correct
itchy: irritated and makes you want to scratch spelling is required.
sneeze: when you suddenly expel air from the mouth • Check Ss’ answers on the board.
exhausted: very tired Answer Key
swells: become larger 1 strength 3 patience 5 wisdom
itches: producing an unpleasant feeling on the skin that 2 Tiredness 4 illness 6 Obesity
makes you want to scratch
rash: a group of red spots on the skin caused by an
illness or a reaction to sth 12 To present/practise phrasal verbs with CUT
tripped over: fell down • Explain the task.
swollen: having become larger • Give Ss time to complete the task.
bruised: damaged from contact • Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix I.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
b) To practise new vocabulary Answer Key
Give Ss time to complete the task, and then elicit 1 down on 3 up
sentences from Ss around the class. 2 out 4 down on
Answer Key
Josh has got a chest infection.
Meg has got food poisoning.
Phil has got hay fever.
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Module 7
7 c Grammar in use
would not have needed
1 To present/revise conditionals f will tone
3 To practise conditionals
b) To practise wishes
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete
• Explain the task and read out the example.
the task.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit the types of
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
2 I wish/If only I could cook.
a will not/won’t be
I wish/If only I stopped eating ready-made meals.
b would not have
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7 Module
3 I wish/ If only I had eaten breakfast. 9 To practise infinitive/-ing forms
I wish/If only I weren’t starving now. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
4 I wish/If only I had trained more. • Elicit how the sentences differ in meaning. Ss can
I wish/If only I hadn’t lost the race. check in the Grammar Reference section.
5 I wish /If only I hadn’t drunk coffee after dinner.
I wish/If only I had slept well. Answer Key
6 I wish/If only I weren’t on a diet. 1 to buy (don’t forget), buying (recall)
I wish/If only I could have desserts 2 running (ceased completely), to drink (took a break)
3 to tell (sorry), asking (wished he hadn’t)
6 To practise wishes using personal
examples 10 To practise key word transformations
Allow Ss some time to prepare their answers. Elicit • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
answers from Ss around the class. • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
I wish/If only I had gone to bed early last night. 1 too old to get 4 it hadn’t been
I wish/If only I didn’t have so much schoolwork. 2 unless you eat 5 I had more
I wish/If only I had more free time. 3 I were you
I wish/If only I hadn’t stayed up so late last night.
11 To write a problem and give advice using
7 To present the infinitive/-ing form conditionals/wishes
Give Ss time to complete the rules. Refer Ss to the • Explain the task and ask Ss to think of a problem
Grammar Reference section. Check Ss’ answers and similar to those in the text on p.106 and write it
elicit examples from the text on p. 106. down using a wish.
Answer Key • Ss exchange papers with a partner and then write
the advice they think is appropriate using
1 -ing 6 infinitive without to conditionals.
2 -ing 7 infinitive without to • Ask various pairs to read the problem and the
3 to-infinitive 8 -ing advice to the class.
4 -ing 9 -ing
5 to-infinitive 10 to-infinitive Suggested Answer Key
I wish/If only I didn’t feel so tired all the time. What can I
Examples: to -inf: want to be, to make, likely to be, to
get rid,
If I were you, I would get to bed earlier. Taking a vitamin
inf without to: can’t lose, why not join, can I eat, make
supplement would be a good idea, too.
this happen, will soon become, would make, could be
connected, would have done,
-ing form: love exercising
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Module 7
let down: to disappoint sb by failing to do what you 3 a) To prepare for a listening task and
agreed to introduce new vocabulary
one-to-one attention: the focus on one person at a • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
time words/ phrases in the Word List at the back of
work out: to exercise in order to improve the strength their books.
and appearance of the body • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
personal trainer: a person whose job is to help people
decide what type of exercise is best for them and show Suggested Answer Key
them how to do it hormones: natural chemicals in the body
class level: the degree of ability in a group of students fed naturally: to be given food which does not contain
overdo: to do sth more than necessary any chemical substances
pull a muscle: strain a muscle nutritious: (of food) full of the natural substances that
push themselves: try very hard the body needs to stay healthy and grow properly
aerobics sessions: periods of aerobics exercise in a chemicals: artificial substances
class pesticides: chemicals that kill insects
convince: to make sb believe that sth is true artificial fertiliser: a man-made chemical substance to
make plants grow well
b) To listen for specific information demand: the number of people who want sth
(multiple choice) price comes down: the amount of money you need to
pay for sth decreases
• Explain the task, then ask Ss to read the bacteria: very small organisms that live in the air, earth,
questions 1-6 and the possible answers. water, plants and animals, which can often cause a
• Play the recording twice. disease
• Ss listen and complete the task. go off: go bad
• Check Ss’ answers. expertise: special skill or knowledge that you get from
• You can play the recording again with pauses experience, training or study
for Ss to check their answers.
Answer Key b) To listen for specific information
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C (multiple matching)
• Explain the task then ask Ss to read the
2 a) To identify specific information statements 1-6.
Play the recording again. Ss listen and then tell their • Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete
partner about the pros of group exercise according the task.
to the speaker. • Check Ss’ answers.
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7 Module
5 a) To present question tags 2 a) To complete an open cloze in the form
• Ask Ss to read the examples and then elicit how of a dialogue
we form question tags. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Explain that the arrows indicate a rising or falling • Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
intonation depending on whether we know the answers.
answer to the question or not. • Elicit the tone of the dialogue.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
Answer Key
for more information.
1 on 5 about 7 lot 10 do
Answer Key 2 to 6 any 8 likely 11 yourself
We form question tags with the auxiliary verb or modal 3 now 4 do 9 there 12 for
verb of the main sentence and the appropriate subject
The dialogue is informal (short verb forms: Don’t you,
pronoun. When the sentence is positive, the question
everyday language: e.g. Thanks for the advice)
tag is negative and when the sentence is negative the
question tag is positive.
b) To identify pause fillers
b) To practise questions tags; to practise Explain/Elicit what pause fillers are: meaningless
the intonation words or sounds that mark a pause or hesitation in
speech (e.g. Er ... Um ... Well) and elicit the ones in
• Give Ss time to complete the question tags. the dialogue.
Check Ss’ answers on the board. Alternatively,
play the recording. Ss listen and check while Answer Key
ticking according to the intonation they hear. Umm, well, Err
• Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to
listen and repeat chorally and/or individually. 3 a) To role play a dialogue
Answer Key Ss take roles and act out the dialogue in pairs.
Module 7
respond to advice B: How about yoga?
I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. = Do you really A: I think that would be boring. Also, it might not be
think that would work? easy to find a yoga class in the village.
I suppose you’re right. = Great idea! B: It might be a good idea to take up table tennis.
A: That’s something she could easily do.
5 To discuss a given topic and follow a model B: Well, have you thought about running?
dialogue A: I suppose that would be a good idea. She could run
around the lake.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in B: Also, now that she lives by a lake, she could go
closed pairs. Draw this diagram on the board for Ss swimming. It doesn’t cost anything.
to follow. A: That’s possible. She could also go kayaking. That
would be something new and exciting for her.
B: Yes, but wouldn’t it be expensive to buy a kayak and
Set the problem. Give your all the equipment?
Ask for advice. advice. A: I suppose you’re right. What do you think about
Respond expressing Agree but running? She could do it on her own and enjoy the
concern. mention an scenery and the fresh air.
Respond expressing advantage. B: Good idea. It’s great to exercise outdoors. I think
concern. Suggest that would be the best choice for her.
Agree with B. Thank B. solution.
7 To listen to a model answer
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask Play the recoding. Ss listen and say what the speakers
some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the decided on.
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key They decide on running because she could do it on her
A: I want to lose some weight. What do you think I own and enjoy the scenery and the fresh air. Also, it’s
should do? great to exercise outdoors.
B: Well, why don’t you join a gym?
A: I don’t know about that. Isn’t it rather expensive?
B: Yes, it can be, but you would have access to all the
fitness equipment and exercise advice from a trainer
to help you so you would lose weight and get fit in a
7f Writing
safe way.
1 To analyse a rubric
A: Do you really think that would work? Doesn’t it get
overcrowded at peak times? • Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which the key words
B: I agree there are disadvantages, but you could go in are and ask Ss to underline them.
the morning before college. • Give Ss time to answer the questions and then
A: I suppose you’re right. Thanks for the advice! check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
6 To role play a dialogue making decisions Key words: teacher, asked, write an essay, pros and
• Explain the task. Ask Ss to identify the sports in the cons of energy drinks, 120-160 words
pictures. 1 a pros and cons essay
• Ss complete the task in pairs. Point out Ss should 2 formal
discus all the sports and make their partner actively 3 no, separate paragraphs
participate in the dialogue. 4 a topic sentence
• Monitor the activity around the class and then elicit
what decision various pairs made. 2 To read a model essay and match
Suggested Answer Key paragraphs to content
A: Anna wants to take up a sport. Do you have any ideas? • Give Ss time to read the model and match the
B: How about football? contents 1-4 to each paragraph A-D.
A: I’m not sure she would enjoy it. • Check Ss’ answers.
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7 Module
Answer Key introduce examples/justifications: Therefore, This
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B means that, This can cause, As a result
Suggested Answer Key
3 To deconstruct a model essay To begin with: Firstly
• Ask Ss to copy and complete the table in their Therefore: As a result
notebooks. Secondly: Furthermore
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. This means that: This way
On the other hand: However
Answer Key
For one thing: To start with
Arguments for Justifications/Examples This can cause: This may lead to
1 give an energy people can exercise for In addition: Also
boost longer As a result: Consequently
help the body perform better All things considered: All in all
2 contain vitamins
I believe: I think
and minerals
Arguments against Justifications/Examples
6 To present clauses of concession
1 high amounts of can cause weight gain &
Ask Ss to read the examples and then elicit how we
sugar & caffeine health problems
use the linkers in the list. Refer Ss to the Grammar
2 can be addictive lead to headaches & mood
Reference for details.
Answer Key
We use although + clause, despite/in spite of +
4 To identify and substitute topic sentences noun/-ing form/the fact that to show concession and
in a model essay admit something is true.
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Module 7
3 In the first place, losing weight is easier if you Suggested Answer Key
combine diet with exercise. This means that you More people nowadays are joining an exercise class.
lose weight quicker and in a healthier way. Obviously, exercising is good for you, but is an exercise
class the right choice?
b) To practise writing topic sentences There are a number of advantages to exercising in a
group. Firstly, it motivates people to attend. This way,
• Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it.
there is less excuse to stay home. Secondly, you can
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
meet new people. For example, you can chat and
Suggested Answer Key dance with others in the class.
1 There are a number of benefits to taking a vitamin On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to
supplement. group exercise classes. To start with, you get less
2 There are also some disadvantages to joining a gym. individual attention. As a result, the instructor might
3 There are a number of benefits to combining diet miss some mistakes you make. In addition to this, there
and exercise. are people at different fitness levels. Consequently, not
everyone may be able to follow the class pace.
All in all, there are both pros and cons to exercising in
9 a) To analyse a rubric
groups. I think exercise classes are fun and a great way
Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which are the key to meet new people, but everyone should decide for
words and ask Ss to underline them and then check themselves.
Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Key words: teacher, asked you, write an essay, pros Language Knowledge 7
and cons of exercising in groups, write your essay, 120-
160 words 1 To complete a multiple choice cloze
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the text
b) To make connections; to match and complete the task. Ask Ss to read the
arguments to justifications completed text to see if it makes sense.
• Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit which are for and Answer Key
which are against.
1 D 3 A 5 B 7 A 9 D
Answer Key 2 B 4 C 6 B 8 B 10 B
1 a 2 d 3 c 4 b
2 To complete an open cloze
For: motivates people to attend, can meet new people
Against: less individual attention, people at different • Give Ss time to read the text and complete the
fitness levels task. Ask Ss to pay attention to words before/after
each gap to help them do the task. Ss should read
the completed text to see if it makes sense.
10 To write a for-and-against essay
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Refer Ss to the Writing Bank on p. 147 (WB7) for a
model, useful language and writing tips. Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task using the useful 1 lose (collocation) 5 all (phrase)
language box and their answers from Ex. 9. 2 few (few+Cn) 6 of (part of)
• Remind Ss to follow the plan, to not use short forms 3 ago (past simple af) 7 than (comparative: better)
and to use appropriate linkers. 4 such (such as) 8 best (superlative: the)
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ 3 To practise sentence transformations
answers in the next lesson.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
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7 Module
Answer Key heart disease (phr): a medical condition which
1 a few 3 likes 5 buys/ prevents your heart from working normally
2 good at 4 as good can buy disorder (n): an illness of the mind or body
sickness (n): the condition of being ill
illness (n): a disease of the mind or body, or the
4 To consolidate grammar structures from
condition of being ill
the module
benefit (v): to be helped by sth
• Explain the task. split (v): to divide sth into separate parts and share it
• Ss complete the task. between two or more people
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. share (v): to experience or use sth with others
part with sth (phr v): to give sth to sb although you
Answer Key
want to keep it
1 C (conditional type 3) divide (v): to separate sth into two or more parts
2 A (superlative (the) according to (prep): as shown by sth or stated by sb
3 D (some + (plural noun) – every + (noun in state (v): to formally say or write a piece of information
singular) – lots (lots of) – any or your opinion
(negative/interrogative) keep (v): to continue having or holding sth
4 D (-ing form as subject of sentence) base (sth on sth else) (v): to use sth as the thing from
5 A (general truth) which sth else is developed
6 C (make sb + inf without to send a message (phr): to cause a piece of information
7 B (action that finished before another action in the to go to a place
past bring (v): to take sth or sb to the place where you are
8 A (neither + verb in singular affirmative) now
9 D (reported speech (told sb) direct (sb to do sth) (v): to tell sb what they should do
10 B (ought + to -rest of modals given don’t take to) forward (sth to sb) (v): to send letters, parcels, etc to
11 A (passive voice (by her yoga teacher) sb when they have moved to a new address
12 A (little = not much (adv) want (v): to have a desire for sth
13 A (reflexive (same S & O in a sentence) fit into sth (v): to be the right size
wish (v): to want sth to be true although you know it's
5 To consolidate vocabulary from the module unlikely
• Explain the task. hope (v): to want sth to happen or to be true and you
• Ss complete the task. believe it is likely
• Check Ss’ answers. long (to do sth/for sth) (v): to want sth very much
catch your breath (phr): to begin to breathe normally
Answer Key again after running or making an effort
1 B 4 B 7 B 10 C 13 B hold your breath (phr): to not breathe out and try not
2 A 5 A 8 D 11 A to make a sound because you do not want to be
3 D 6 A 9 A 12 C noticed
get (v): to receive sth that sb gives you
establish (v): to make sth start to exist or happen
take a deep breath (phr): to take a lot of air into your
normally (adv): in the usual way
lungs at one time
regularly (adv): frequently
simple (adj): not difficult or complicated
commonly (adv): usually
typical (adj): having the usual features or qualities of a
typically (adv): in a way that shows sb's usual features
particular thing
fatty (adj): containing a lot of fat
main (adj): more important
carry a warning (phr): (of packaging) to have a label
routine (adj): happening as a normal part of a process
informing you about possible dangers or problems in
miss (v): to not be able to do sth although you want to
the future
lose (v): to stop having sth
health risk (phr): sth likely to harm people's health
avoid (v): to stay away from sb or not use sth
chance (n): the possibility that sth will happen
keep sb away (phr v): to prevent sb from going
danger (n): the possibility that sb or sth will be harmed,
somewhere or near sth
destroyed or killed
lose weight (phr): to be less heavy than you were
threat (n): the possibility that sth bad or harmful can
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Module 7
drop (v): to let sth fall 4 To practise word formation
reduce (v): to make sth smaller in size, amount, degree • Explain the task.
or importance • Ss complete the task. Point out correct spelling is
proper (adj): right; suitable required.
healthy (adj): physically strong • Check Ss’ answers on the board.
fit (adj): healthy and strong, especially as a result of
exercise Answer Key
correct (adj): suitable and right for a particular situation 1 musician 5 consumption
keep in shape (phr): to be in good physical condition 2 famous 6 instructions
figure (n): the shape of the human body or a person 3 shortages 7 sight
form (n): the shape or appearance of sth 4 civilians 8 difficulty
build (n): the size and shape of a person's body
Grammar in Focus
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7 Module
Progress Check 7 Answer Key
1 If I were you, I’d
2 I’m not too sure about that
1 To read for main ideas (matching headings
3 You don’t have to be
to paragraphs)
4 It’s well worth it
• Ask Ss to read the headings A-D. 5 OK, I think I will
• Give Ss time to read the text and choose the
correct heading for each paragraph.
4 To practise vocabulary from the module
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers.
• Explain the task.
Answer Key • Ss complete the task.
1 B (how long ... 9 hours) • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
2 C (affecting health, bad eyes, eye strain,
Answer Key
weightgain, stop socialising/exercising, anxious,
impatient, depressed) 1 deep 6 twisted
3 E (Internet – free camps, switching off) 2 digest 7 Itchy
4 A (take breaks, take up a hobby) 3 protect 8 dairy
4 allergy 9 prevents
5 scrambled 10 poisoning
2 To answer comprehension questions based
on a text
5 To consolidate grammar from the module
• Give Ss time to read the text again carefully and
answers the questions. • Explain the task.
• Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to • Ss complete the task.
paraphrase the answers. • Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
• Check Ss’ answers. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 would drink (conditional type 2)
1 It can affect our health by giving us a bad back or 2 won’t go (conditional type 1)
tired eyes and it can affect our social life because 3 had (wish for present)
we don’t spend time with our friends anymore. 4 had trained (conditional type 3)
(Apart from physical problems like bad backs, eye 5 hadn’t eaten (regret – past)
strain and weight gain, some addicts stop
socialising and exercising to spend more time 6 To practise infinitive/-ing forms
• Explain the task.
2 They help people by providing sports activities,
• Ss complete the task.
counselling and hobby workshops to get them away
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
from computers and the Internet. (…that include
physical activity, counselling sessions and Answer Key
workshops for hobbies…) 1 to lose (expect + to - inf)
3 It tells them not to let it dominate their lives and to 2 Finding (as subject)
make sure that they turn the computer off for part of 3 to change (too ... to)
the day. (…advises its employees against letting 4 ordering (fancy + -ing form)
technology take over their lives and recommends 5 getting (be used to + -ing form)
switching off for part of every day.)
7 To practise sentence transformations
3 To complete a dialogue
• Explain the task.
• Explain the task. • Ss complete the task.
• Ss complete the task. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 to playing 3 hard to 5 eat out
2 safer 4 more than
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Module 7
8 To listen for specific information (Yes/No There are a number of advantages to eating fast food.
statements) Firstly, it is cheap. For example, you can get a full meal
• Ask Ss to read the statements 1-6. and a drink for little money. This helps people on a low
• Play the recording twice. Ss listen and mark the income. Secondly, it is convenient. For example, if you
statements accordingly. don’t want to cook, you can buy a hot meal quickly and
• Check Ss’ answers. easily.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to
Answer Key fast food. To start with, it is unhealthy. Consequently,
1 NO 3 YES 5 NO you can gain weight which can lead to serious illnesses
2 NO 4 NO 6 YES later such as heart disease and diabetes. In addition,
the ingredients are not good quality. This is because
the ingredients are bought cheaply.
9 To write an essay
All in all, there are both pros and cons to eating fast
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Bank 7 food. People should have a balanced diet and not eat
for a model, a plan and useful language. fast food too often..
• Give Ss time to plan and complete their work and
then check Ss’ answers. Ss can get ideas from the Check your progress
recording in Ex. 8.
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit
• Alternatively assign the task as HW and check Ss’
according to how competent they feel for each of the listed
answers in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
More people nowadays are eating fast food. However,
is this a good thing or not?
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Module 8
Module Objectives
Background information
Read the title of the module Amazing Journeys and ask Ss
to suggest what they think the module will be about (the Kauai is a Hawaiian island. It is 169 km wide and it is
module is about travel, holiday activities, accommodation, home to the Waimea Canyon State Park. It has a
getting around and holiday situations.) Go through the population of around 67,000 and the largest town is
objectives list to stimulate Ss’ interest in the module. Kapa‘a.
Hawaii is a state in the USA. It is made up of
hundreds of islands. Hawaii is also the name of the
1 To introduce the topic and new vocabulary
largest island, but it is often called The Big Island.
• Direct Ss’ attention to the texts and the words There are many volcanoes in Hawaii. The capital is
above each one and give Ss time to use the words Honolulu and the population is 1.4 million people.
provided to complete them. The people are of Polynesian ancestry.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the
Answer Key planet. It stretches from the Arctic to the Antarctic
over 165.25 million km2 and it separates Asia and
1 Stay 7 Sleep Australia from the Americas.
2 meets 8 Join Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey. It has a
3 local 9 experience population of 14 million people and it dates back to
4 Explore 10 sandy 660 BC. It used to be called Constantinople and was
5 shop 11 home the capital of the Roman Empire, the Byzantine
6 enjoy 12 accommodation Empire, the Latin Empire and the Ottoman Empire.
Today it is a popular tourist destination.
2 To talk abut holiday destinations Sweden is a Scandinavian country in Northern
Elicit a variety of answer from Ss around the class. Europe. The capital city is Stockholm and the
population is 9.6 million people. The language is
Suggested Answer Key Swedish and the currency is the Swedish krona.
I’d like to visit Crete, enjoy the sandy beaches and see The Northern Lights is a natural phenomenon that
the archaeological sites. takes place in the sky in the Arctic region. It is a display
of colourful lights (usually green) caused by electrically
3 To write an advert charged particles attracted by the Earth’s magnetic field
crashing into atoms in the high altitude atmosphere.
• Ask Ss to think about a place in their country and write Crete is a Greek Island in the Mediterranean Sea. It is
a short advert about it similar to the ones in Ex. 1. the largest of all the Greek islands and the capital and
• Give Ss time to complete the task in closed pairs. largest city is Heraklion. The population is around
• Ask various Ss around the class to read their advert 623,000 people. It is important to the economy and
to the class. the cultural heritage of Greece and has a number of
Suggested Answer Key archaeological sites.
The Mediterranean Sea is a large sea almost
See all the amazing sights of London!
completely surrounded by land in the Mediterranean
Enjoy the culture capital of Europe. Visit amazing
region. It covers an area of 2.5 million km2 and has an
museums, go shopping on Oxford Street and see a
average depth of about 1,500 m.
play in the West End.
The Minoan civilisation existed in the Bronze Age
from around 2700-1420 BC on the island of Crete in
Words of wisdom
Greece. It was named after the mythical King Minos
Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to from the legend of the labyrinth. It was a highly
discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their organised and wealthy civilisation of traders,
opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class. merchants, artisans and farmers.
Suggested Answer Key
I think this quotation means that places are only foreign
to the people that visit them. To the people that live
there they are home. Therefore we should respect other
people’s countries and cultures because we are the
strangers there.
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8 Module
b) To match descriptions to pictures
Knossos is a Bronze Age archaeological site near
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and say what they
Heraklion in Crete dating back to 1900 BC. It is a
can see in them. (e.g. Picture A: a river, boats, B: an
palace complex with workrooms, living quarters and
ancient city C: a lake, garden, plants etc, D: a forest,
storerooms around a central square with surviving
a light show). Ss, then do the task. Check Ss’
murals covering an area of 5 km by 3 km. It was the
ceremonial and political centre of Minoan civilisation.
The site was discovered in 1878 by Minos Suggested Answer Key
Kalokairinos and was excavated up to 1970. Now it is 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B
a popular tourist attraction.
Phaistos is a Bronze Age archaeological site in
central Crete dating back to 1850 BC. It is a palace 2 To predict the content of a text and listen
complex and surrounding city. It covers an area of and read for gist
8,400 m2 and it was ruled by Knossos during the time • Direct Ss to the pictures and the sentences in
of the Minoan civilisation. It was first excavated by Ex 1a again and elicit what they tell us about the
Federico Halbherr in 1874. Now it is a popular tourist places and what people can see there.
attraction. • Play the recording. Ss listen and/or read and check.
Suggested Answer Key
Picture A tells us that you can take an overnight trip
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Module 8
Answer Key peaceful (adj): without noise
1 D
(exhausted by night-time) physically active (phr): always busy doing physical
2 B
(off the beaten track) activities
3 C
(take things at my own pace) cross-country skiing (phr): travelling long distances
4 A
(business meeting) over snow on skis
5 C
(I’ve never been passionate about gardens, but husky sledging (n): travelling on a sled pulled by dogs
… took my breath away) stay awake (phr): to not take a sleep
6 B (no way I was going back without something to Aurora Borealis (n): aka the Northern Lights; a special
remind me) light display caused by atmospheric changes only
visible in the Arctic Circle
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and light pollution (phr): too much artificial light in the
explain/elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss night sky above big cities, which prevents the view of
to use their dictionaries and look them up. stars
Suggested Answer Key make noises (phr): to make loud unpleasant sounds
bang (n): a sudden very loud noise
overnight boat trip (phr): a trip on a ship during the
clap (n): a sudden loud noise like that made by thunder
in the distance (phr): at a point that is far away
passenger (n): sb who is travelling in a vehicle but is
create (v): to make sth new
not driving it or working on it
board (v): to get on a boat/ship/train
mouth-watering meal (phr): food that looks or smells 4 a) To consolidate new vocabulary through
extremely good synonymous words/phrases
on deck (phr): on the outside top level of a ship that • Read the words/phrases in the list and give Ss
you can walk or sit on time to match them to the words in bold in the
dine in style (phr): to eat dinner in a very comfortable, text.
impressive and expensive way • Elicit answers from various Ss around the class
float (v): to stay on top of the water and elicit what part of speech each word/phrase
crew (n): all the people who work on a ship or plane is.
entertain (v): to amuse people
desert (n): a wide barren area of land Answer Key
ruins (n): the remains of an old building Para A: boarded = get on, mouth-watering = delicious,
carve out of (phr): to cut sth out of sth entertained = amused, definitely = certainly
off the beaten track (phr): far away from the places Para B: magnificent = impressive, off the beaten
that people usually visit track = not known to many people, remind = call to
site (n): a specific area mind
stall (n): a table or a small shop with an open front Para C: elegant = stylish, separated = divided,
where goods are sold peaceful = quiet
remind (v): to make you think of sth you know Para D: exhausted = tired, really = very, find out =
unique (adj): very good and special discover
passionate about (phr): have strong feelings about
take my breath away (phr): shock/surprise you b) Check Ss’ translations.
maze (n): a complex system of corridors/paths
pavilion (n): an elaborate building in a garden
elegant (adj): attractive ICT To give a presentation on
pond (n): a small man-made area of water a holiday destination in my country
bridge (n): a structure over a river, road or railway to • Explain the task. Ask Ss to collect information
allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the about: place – location – places to visit – what
other special about them – activities. Give Ss time to
guide (n): a person whose job is to show tourists prepare their presentation. Refer Ss to p. 177 (SB1).
around a place of interest Invite Ss to use this language in their presentations
wander around (phr): to walk slowly around an area, and then ask various Ss to give their presentation to
without a clear direction or purpose the class.
take things at my own pace (phr): to go as slowly as • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
you like give their presentation in the next lesson.
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Suggested Answer Key
China (also called The Republic of China) is a large
Good morning. Let me start by saying that our world is full
country in Asia. It is the most populous country in the
of amazing places to visit. The focus of this presentation
world with a population of 1.3 billion people. The
is to present one of the most popular holiday destinations
capital city is Beijing. The language is Chinese and
in Greece, the island of Zakynthos. It has plenty to offer
the currency is the yuan.
tourists in terms of architecture and natural beauty.
Shanghai is the largest city in China and has a
Zakynthos belongs to the Ionian islands region and is the
population of 24 million people. It is also a large port.
third largest of the Ionian islands. Many people go there
It is a financial centre, a transport hub and a tourist
especially to visit Navagio Beach or Shipwreck Beach. It
took its name in 1983, when the alleged smuggler ship
Finland is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe.
‘Panagiotis’ was wrecked on the beach. The area is
The capital city is Helsinki and the population is 5.4
defined by its sheer limestone cliffs, white sand beaches
million people. The language is Finnish and the
and clear blue water, which attracts thousands of tourists
currency is the euro. It is known for its good education
yearly. The strip of beach is accessed only by boat, hence
system, its strong economy and excellent quality of life.
regular tours are organised from the nearby towns. I’d be
glad to answer any questions ... Thank you for your time.
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Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 lie 4 taking 7 try Ann
2 shopping 5 practise 8 go stay in: small family-run B&B in Simi
3 writes 6 enjoy 9 prefer transport: mopeds
activities: swam in the sea & sunbathed
5 To present/practise new vocabulary eat out: local fish restaurants
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in
stay in: hotel in Rome
closed pairs.
transport: public transport
• Then ask Ss to check their answers in the Word
activities: visited museums & ancient sites
List at the back of their books.
eat out: takeaway
Answer Key Peter didn’t enjoy his holiday
1 plane 3 villa 5 fishmonger’s
2 limo 4 café b) To personalise the topic
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
6 To act out dialogues in pairs following the example.
• Explain the task and read out the examples. • Monitor the activity around the class.
• Ss complete the task in closed pairs. • Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask of the class.
some pairs to report back to the class. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key A: Where did you go on holiday last year?
3 A: You look fed up. B: I went to Barcelona.
B: I am. My flight is delayed by two hours. A: How did you get there?
A: Oh dear! I’m sorry. B: I went by plane.
4 A: What’s wrong? You look annoyed/angry. A: Where did you stay?
B: I am. My hotel room is dirty. B: I stayed in a hotel.
A: Oh dear! A: What did you see/do?
5 A: You look exhausted. B: I visited all the sights and museums.
B: I am. I’ve been travelling all day. A: Where did you eat?
A: Oh dear! B: I ate at traditional Spanish restaurants.
6 A: You look relieved/pleased.
B: I am. The airline found my lost luggage! 8 To present/practise new vocabulary
A: Lucky you!
Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’
7 A: You look disappointed.
answers around the class.
B: I am. It rained all week at the holiday resort.
A: Oh dear! I’m sorry. Answer Key
8 A: What’s wrong? You look upset. 1 books 5 pass 9 station
B: I am. I forgot to put sun cream on and I got 2 trip 6 return 10 desk
sunburnt. 3 tourist 7 embark
A: Oh dear! 4 seat 8 control
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10 To present/practise new vocabulary b) To present clauses
• Explain the task. • Direct Ss’ attention to the words in bold in the
• Give Ss time to complete the task in closed pairs. texts and elicit what each word refers to from Ss
• Check Ss’ answers. around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the
Answer Key
Grammar Reference section for more
1 close 4 crowded 7 heavy information.
2 job 5 traffic 8 polluted
3 peaceful 6 late 9 unspoilt Answer Key
who: people where: places
11 To practise word formation (verbs from whose: people/possession which: objects
adjectives and nouns) when: time
• Read the table aloud to Ss and explain any points • Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1.
they are unsure of providing extra examples if
necessary. 2 To practise clauses
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete
• Check Ss’ answers on the board.
the task.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
1 advertise 3 characterised Answer Key
2 darkened 4 thicken
1 who 5 whose 9 whose
2 where 6 where 10 when
12 To practise prepositional phrases 3 which 7 when
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 4 who 8 which
• Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix II.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class 3 To present defining/non-defining relative
Answer Key clauses
1 on 2 at 3 at 4 in 5 of 6 at • Go through the theory box and explain the task.
Ask Ss to read the first example. Elicit which word
the relative clause defines (people). Elicit how the
sentence changes in meaning without the relative
8c Grammar in use clause. Repeat the same with the second example.
Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the
1 a) To identify text types
Grammar Reference section for more information.
Elicit what type of text each one is from Ss around
the class. Then elicit which are formal/informal with Answer Key
reasons. A 1 F 2 T 3 T
B 1 F 2 T 3 T
Answer Key
The first text is a note. The second text is a postcard • Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1.
and the third text is an email.
4 a) To practise defining/non-defining
Suggested Answer Key
relative clauses
The note and postcard are informal. They contain short
verb forms (e.g. There’s) and everyday language (e.g. I • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
can’t believe it). The email is formal. It contains full verb task.
forms (e.g. I am writing), formal language (e.g. in order • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
to) and a formal greeting and ending. Answer Key
1 where 4 who 7 when
2 which 5 whose 8 who
3 when 6 whose
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Module 8
b) To identify defining/non-defining relative Suggested Answer Key
clauses 2 Andrew lives in London where there are a lot of parks.
Ss do the task in closed pairs. Check Ss’ answers 3 John lives in Moscow which is the capital of Russia.
around the class. 4 Alexander, who is a photographer, travels a lot.
5 We stayed in a hotel which was 200 years old.
Answer Key 6 Julia is the woman who contacted the embassy
1 D when she lost her passport.
2 The Louvre, which is a museum in Paris, is visited 7 This is the travel agency where you can book your
by many tourists every year. ND holiday.
3 D 8 The man whose camera was stolen has gone to the
4 Simon, who booked our tickets, works in Dubai police.
International Airport. ND
5 Ann, whose cottage is in Cornwall, is now in Los
6 To present clauses of purpose
Angeles. ND
6 Tina, whose father is a travel agent, has brought us • Read out the theory box and refer Ss to the
the tickets. ND Grammar Reference section for more information.
7 D • Ask Ss to read out the examples in the table and
8 Peter, who has been a tour guide here for many then elicit similar structures in the texts on p. 122
years, will show you around. ND from Ss around the class.
Answer Key
Background information to buy, so that we can, in order to
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain and it has • Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1.
a population of 1.6 million people. It is a cultural centre
and a tourist destination with many famous landmarks
7 To practise clauses of purpose
including the Sagrada Famìlia, Casa Milà, Casa Batló,
Park Güell and the Palau de la Música Catalan. Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it, then
Dubai is an emirate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) check Ss’ answers around the class.
in the Persian Gulf. It is also the name of the main city. Suggested Answer Key
It has a population of 2.1 million people. Dubai, the
1 We must take our hiking boots so that we can climb
city, is a major business centre and transport hub.
the mountain.
Cornwall is a county at the southwest peninsular of
2 Ben is looking for an Internet café to write a quick
England. It covers an area of 3.563 km2 and has a
email to his friend.
population of 536,000. The only city is Truro. It is a
3 I am writing to you in order to inform you that my
popular tourist destination because of its beautiful
stay in your hotel was not enjoyable.
beaches and unspoilt countryside.
4 Carry this bag carefully so as not to break the vase.
Los Angeles (LA) is the largest city in California in
5 Sarah joined the guided tour to find out more about
the USA. The population is 3.8 million people in the
the place.
city and around 16 million people in the region. It is a
6 Leave the number of the hotel with me in case I
centre for business, trade, entertainment, culture,
need you.
media, fashion, sports and technology. It is also
home to Hollywood where many films and TV
programmes are produced. 8 To present clauses of result
• Read out the theory box and refer Ss to the
Grammar Reference section for more information.
5 To practise defining/non-defining relative • Ask Ss to read out the examples in the table and
clauses then elicit a similar structure in the texts on p. 122.
• Explain the task and read out the example. Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check such a beautiful city
Ss’ answers.
• Elicit similarities and/or differences in Ss’ L1.
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9 To practise clauses of result Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. A mall (shops, shopping, large)
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. B market (traditional, street market)
C museum (statues, paintings, history)
Answer Key
1 such a lot of 3 such 5 such a • Then give Ss time to read the script and decide on
2 little 4 so many 6 such a the correct answer to the question.
Answer Key
10 To practise clauses of result and purpose B is the correct answer
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 2 To listen for specific information (multiple
Answer Key
1 Jane got up early so that she could catch the first ferry. • Read out the Study Skills box and explain the task
2 There is little water in the desert so few animals live then ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and look at
there. the picture options for each one. Ss identify what
3 Ann is going to Egypt in order to see the Pyramids. each picture shows.
4 It was such an interesting tour that I went back the • Play the recording twice.
next day. • Ss listen and complete the task.
5 We took sea sickness tablets so we wouldn’t get ill • Check Ss’ answers.
on the cruise. Answer Key
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A
11 To practise relative clauses using personal
examples 3 To introduce new vocabulary and prepare
Explain the task and read out the example, then elicit for a listening task
sentences from Ss around the class. Refer Ss to the Word List at the back of their books
Suggested Answer Key and give them time to look up the meanings of the
My friend Peter, whose dad is a pilot, hates flying. words/phrases given.
My favourite holiday destination is Nerha which is in Spain. Suggested Answer Key
The town where I live is quite small. winter break: a short holiday during winter
I went on holiday with my friend Petra and her family lifetime: the period of sb's life
when I was twelve. overnight stay: staying in a place during the night
dog sledding: travelling on the snow on a special
Background information vehicle pulled by dogs
snowmobiling: travelling on the snow on a small
The Louvre is a large museum in Paris. It is also a
motor vehicle
historic monument having been the Louvre Palace
chairlift ride: travelling on a chair-like vehicle, hanging
dating from the 12th century. It houses around 35,000
from a wire, which takes skiers up to a mountain
exhibits and attracts over 9 million visitors every year.
direct flight: a flight from one place to another without
complimentary: given free to people
in-flight meal: a meal provided during a plane journey
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Module 8
airport taxes: an amount of money that passengers A: Yes, and we can stay in the famous Ice Hotel!
have to pay before the departure of their flight B: Okay then. It sounds fantastic.
hire: an arrangement in which you pay a sum of money
to borrow sth for a short time 6 To present subject/object questions
thermal clothes: clothing made from special material
to keep you warm in very cold weather Read the examples aloud and explain/elicit how
subject and object questions differ.
Answer Key
7 a) To practise subject/object questions
1 number 3 number 5 noun
2 noun 4 noun Explain the task and elicit answers from Ss around
the class.
Answer Key
b) To practise intonation in subject/object
1 3 3 1, 421 5 taxes questions
2 skiing 4 breakfast
• Play the recording for Ss to check their
answers. Play the recording again with pauses
5 To consolidate information in a listening for Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually.
• Ss talk in pairs and try to persuade each other to go
on the holiday in the advert in Ex. 4. Write on the
board the underlined phrases in the dialogue below.
Ask Ss to use them in the dialogues.
8e Speaking skills
• Monitor the activity around the class. 1 To read for gist
• Ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of
the class. • Ask Ss to read the first exchange and then elicit
what they think the dialogue is about.
Suggested Answer Key • Then give Ss time to read the whole dialogue and
A: Let’s go to Lapland to see the Northern Lights. check if their guesses were correct.
B: I don’t think so.
Answer Key
A: Why not?
B: It would be boring. The dialogue is about someone asking for more
A: You’re wrong. This company offers a holiday that information about a holiday they are thinking of
includes dog sledding, skiing and snowmobiling as booking.
well as a chance to see the Northern Lights.
B: Really? I bet it’s expensive, though. 2 a) To complete a dialogue
A: Well, yes, it is, but it’s a once in a lifetime
Give Ss time to complete the dialogue with the
opportunity and the price includes flights,
words in the list. Ss work in closed pairs.
accommodation, meals, transfers airport taxes and
thermal clothing hire.
B: Really?
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8 Module
Answer Key A B
1 in 5 from 9 me Greet B. Offer Greet A. Say what
2 like 6 too 10 some assistance. you’ve interested
3 or 7 as in. Ask for help.
Offer to help. Ask for
4 What 8 thought
possible destinations. Express preference.
Ask which B would Express
b) To listen for confirmation prefer (city break - uncertainly. Ask if A
Play the recording. Ss listen and check their countryside). can suggest
answers. Ask if B prefers sth something.
quiet or busy. Express your
3 To role play a dialogue Suggest a place, giving preference.
Ss take roles and act out the dialogue in pairs. reasons. Say you don’t really
Suggest another place, like this.
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Module 8
Suggested Answer Key b) To identify adjectives and replace them
A: Well picture A shows a quiet place. It looks like a with synonymous ones
fishing village. It seems peaceful. Give Ss time to find and underline the adjectives in
B: Yes, it probably has clean air and friendly the model. Then elicit synonyms for them from Ss
people. Picture B on the other hand is a big city. around the class.
I think it is Paris. It must have an exciting
nightlife and crowded streets, like all big cities Suggested Answer Key
have. great: fantastic busy: hectic
A Yes, they are very different places. In place A glad: happy crowded: packed
there is probably not much to do except go for special: important easy: simple
long walks whereas in place B you could see well known: famous nice: wonderful
interesting sights and stay in luxury famous: well known peaceful: quiet
accommodation. fascinating: interesting beautiful: attractive
B: Yes, I think in place A there isn’t much to do. I’d
like to visit place B. What about you?
A I agree. Place A is too quiet for me. Background information
Kew Gardens (the Royal Botanic Gardens) is 300
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8 Module
6 a)
To prepare for a writing task
Ask Ss to read the rubric in Ex. 1 again.
Language Knowledge 8
• Give Ss time to answer the questions.
1 To complete a multiple choice cloze task
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the gapped text and then choose
Description: It has lots of shops, a beach, nice cafés the correct word from the options A-D for each gap.
and restaurants and a busy nightlife with theatre shows Ask Ss to look at the words before/after each gap.
and cabaret entertainment. It is a place with something These will help Ss do the task. Ask Ss to read the
for everyone so you never get bored and you can do completed text to see if it makes sense.
something different each time you visit. • Check Ss’ answers.
Why is it important to you? I grew up not far from there
Answer Key
and I used to go regularly with my parents and with my
friends as I got older. I spent many summers on the 1 B 3 A 5 B 7 C
beach and many winter evenings ice skating with friends. 2 C 4 A 6 D 8 A
How can you get to it? it is easily reached by train,
bus, coach or car. 2 To practise sentence transformations
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
b) To write an informal letter • Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should
• Refer Ss to the Writing Bank 8 for a model, justify their answers.
useful language and writing tips. Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task using the
1 I went (past simple - stated action in the past)
useful language box and their answers from Ex.
2 I would (conditional type 2)
3 unless you (conditional type 1: if not = unless)
• Remind Ss to follow the plan and to use
4 many (used in negative sentences with Cn)
informal style.
5 cheap enough (adj + enough)
• Check Ss’ answers.
6 rather than (preference)
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check
Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
3 To complete an open cloze task
Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Ask Ss to look at
Dear Mario,
the words before/after each gap. These will help Ss
How are you? I’d be glad to help you with your project.
do the task. Ask Ss to read the completed text to
There are many places in my country that I’d
see if it makes sense.
recommend, but one that many people would enjoy
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
visiting is Blackpool. It’s probably the most well-known
seaside town in England. It’s got lots of shops, a huge Answer Key
beach, nice cafés and restaurants and a busy nightlife 1 that/which 4 only 7 can
with theatre shows and cabaret entertainment. It’s a 2 because 5 famous 8 throughout
place with something for everyone so you never get 3 all 6 well
bored and you can do something different each time
you visit.
It’s very special to me because I grew up not far from Background information
there. I used to go regularly with my parents and with Poland is a large country in Central Europe. The
my friends as I got older, so it has a lot of special capital city is Warsaw and the population is 38.5
memories for me. I spent many summers on the beach million people. The people speak Polish and the
and many winter evenings ice skating with friends. currency is the zloty. It is known for its many
I hope this helps you. Talk to you soon. Say hi to your UNESCO World Heritage Sites and its achievement
family from me. in human development.
Best wishes, Aspen is a ski resort town in Colorado, USA. It is
John named after the trees that grow in the area. It is a
university town and a popular tourist resort. The
population is around 6,600.
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Module 8
ticket (n): a printed piece of paper which shows that
Colorado is a state in the western United States. you have paid to enter a cinema, travel on a bus, plane,
The state capital is Denver and the population is 5.2 etc
million people. It is home to the Colorado River and travel (n): the activity of travelling
the Southern Rocky Mountains. It is known for its view (n): the whole area that you can see from
natural beauty including mountains, forests, somewhere, especially when it is very beautiful or
canyons, plains and rivers. impressive
sight (n): the physical ability to see
scene (n): a view of a place as you see it or as it
4 To consolidate grammar structures from
appears in a picture
the module
picture (n): a drawing, painting, photograph, etc
• Explain the task. energetic (adj): having or involving a lot of energy
• Ss complete the task. active (adj): busy doing things, especially physical
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. activities
full (adj): containing as much or as many things or
Answer Key
people as possible
1 C (future perfect with by) busy time (phr): a period of time which is full work or
2 D (conditional Type) other activities
3 A (which is used for objects) take some time off (phr): to have a holiday from work
4 A (such + adj + Un) for a particular length of time
5 B (so + adv) take sb out (phr v): to take sb as your guest to a
6 C (present continuous fixed future arrangement) restaurant, cinema, club, etc
7 D (set phrase) take sth away (phr v): to buy food in a restaurant and
8 C (passive with by) eat it at home
9 C (so + little) take sth apart (phr v): to separate sth into its different
10 C (need to/ought to make + object + inf without parts
to) archaeological site (phr): the piece of land where sth
11 C (by + reflexive pronoun) important happened or a monument is located
12 B (as soon as (time word) + present simple) location (n): the position of sth
13 A (in case + present simple) place (n): an area, town, building, etc
take an opportunity to do sth (phr): to use a chance
5 To consolidate vocabulary from the module or an occasion to do sth that you want to do
• Explain the task. sb/sth will only take a moment (phr): sth or sb will be
• Ss complete the task. very quick
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. occasion (n): an opportunity or reason for doing sth or
for sth to happen
Answer Key every minute (of sth) (phr): all of a period of time
1 C 4 D 7 A 10 D 13 A save (v): to keep or store sth so that you can use it in
2 A 5 B 8 C 11 A 14 D the future
3 A 6 B 9 A 12 A keep (v): to have sth in your possession
book (v): to make arrangements to stay in a place, eat
pay (v): to give sb money for sth you buy or for a
in a restaurant, go to a theatre, etc at a particular time in
the future
give (v): to provide sth for sb
register (v): to put information, especially your name,
spend (v): to use money to pay for goods or services
into an official list or record
hand (v): to put sth into sb's hand from your own hand
provide (v): to give sb/sth what they need
business class (phr): travelling conditions on an
serve (v): to give sb food or drink as part of a meal or in
aircraft that are more expensive than economy class
a restaurant, bar, etc
economy class (phr): the cheapest type of seats in a
supply (v): to provide sth that is wanted or needed,
often in large quantities and over a long period of time
seat (n): a piece of furniture or part of a train, plane, etc
deliver (v): to take goods, letters, packages, etc to a
that has been designed for sb to sit on
particular place or person
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8 Module
rent (n): the money that sb pays regularly to use a • Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to add these words in
room, house, etc that belongs to sb else their collocations sections in their notebook.
cost (n): the amount of money needed to buy, do or
Answer Key
make sth
fee (n): an amount of money paid to a professional 1 go 3 do 5 go
person for their work 2 play 4 do 6 play
get the best price for sth (phr): to pay as less money
as possible for a service or sth you buy b) To talk about sports
travel (v): to go from one place to another, or to several
Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the
places, especially ones that are far away
tour (v): to visit several parts of a country or area
wander (v): to walk slowly across or around an area, Suggested Answer Key
usually without a clear direction or purpose I like playing football the most.
move (v): to change from one place or position to
3 To practise sentence transformations
guided tour (phr): a short journey around a building or
place with a person who tells you about what you are • Explain the task.
seeing • Ss complete the task.
conduct (v): to do sth in an organised way • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
control (v): to cause sth to act or function in a certain Answer Key
1 includes 3 Do you want 5 would
direct (v): to control or be in charge of an activity,
2 many hotels 4 anything book
organization, etc
be located (of a building) (v): to be in a particular
position or place 4 To practise phrasal verbs and prepositional
place (v): to put sth somewhere phrases
put (v): to place in a specified position • Explain the task.
seat myself (phr): to sit down somewhere • Ss complete the task.
chief (adj): the most important • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
primary (adj): the most basic or essential
head (n): sb who is in charge of a group or organisation Answer Key
main road (phr): a large and important road 1 in 2 on 3 at 4 off 5 in
connecting major towns or cities
5 To practise word formation
Language Focus 8 Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Ss
should read the text and identify the type of word
missing (adj, n etc). Then check Ss’ answers on the
1 To consolidate vocabulary from the module board. Point out accurate spelling is necessary.
• Explain the task. Answer Key
• Ss complete the task. 1 different 4 international 7 realistic
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss can check 2 financially 5 difficulties 8 fully
in the Word List. 3 construction 6 rewarding
Answer Key
1 ancient 3 historical 5 economic Grammar in Focus
2 historic 4 cheap 6 economical To consolidate grammar structures from
the module
2 a) To practise phrases related to sports • Explain the task.
with go, do and play • Ss complete the task.
• Explain the task. • Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
• Ss complete the task.
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Module 8
Answer Key
1 to (purpose) Background information
2 many (+ Cn) Finland is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe.
3 to (set phrase) The capital city is Helsinki and the population is 5.4
4 more (companion with than) million people. The language is Finnish and the
5 has been used (passive with by) currency is the euro. It is known for its good education
6 since (present perfect) system, its strong economy and excellent quality of life.
7 which (refers to place) Thailand is an Asian country in Southeast Asia. The
8 change (collocation) capital city is Bangkok and the population is 66
9 no (shouldn’t be any) million people. The language is Thai and the
10 biggest (superlative with of) currency is the Baht. It is known for its natural
11 any (phrase) beauty, its many historical sites and its cuisine.
12 largest (superlative with in) Qatar is a sovereign Arab emirate in the Persian
Gulf. The capital city is Doha and it has a population
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8 Module
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 Have you seen the postcard which I received Dear Monica,
yesterday? How are you? I’d be glad to help you with your project.
2 The hotel where John stayed was excellent. There are many popular places to visit in my country, but
3 That’s the woman whose luggage was stolen. the place that people visit the most is London. It’s the
4 We met a man who was a tour guide. capital city and people come from all over the world to see
5 Ann will always remember the time when she lived its famous landmarks and tourist attractions. It’s got lots of
in Moscow. museums and shops as well as a busy nightlife with
theatres, restaurants and other kinds of entertainment.
6 To practise sentence transformations London is a place with something for everyone so visitors
never get bored. There is so much to see and do that
• Explain the task. they can do something different each time they visit.
• Ss complete the task. I hope this helps you. Talk to you soon. Say hi to your
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. family from me.
Answer Key Best wishes,
1 not to be 3 includes 5 many days
2 are you flying 4 would go to
Check your progress
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit according
7 To listen for specific information (note
to how competent they feel for each of the listed activities.
• Ask Ss to read the gapped text.
• Play the recording twice. Ss listen and fill in the
missing information in the gaps (1-6).
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 countryside 4 Equipment
2 7 5 accommodation
3 instructors 6 more information
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Culture key
• Read through the rubric aloud and the sample • Ss can do research either in class or for homework.
question and answer. • Ss report what they have learnt to the rest of the
• Ss in pairs do the task. class.
• Go around the class monitoring. Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key In Italy 92.5% of the population are white Italians. Of
A: How does it make trade easier? the other ethnic groups that exist, 54% are other
B: It creates a global marketplace. How does the Europeans, 22% African, 16% Asian, and 8% are from
Internet affect globalisation? the Americas and Oceania.
A: It allows information to flow and cultures to spread.
How does it affect travel?
B: It makes travel easier. What else does it affect?
A: It affects the jobs we do, the food we eat, the
2 CLIL: Science
clothes we wear and the music we listen to. etc 1 To introduce the topic
• Ask the Ss the question.
4 To develop research skills • Elicit answers from the class.
• Explain the task. • Give Ss time to read the text, then check Ss’
• Ss can do research either in class or for homework. answers.
• Give Ss time to share what they have learnt with the
rest of the group and prepare their paragraph.
• Have some groups read out their paragraphs.
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Culture key
Answer Key
Crescent, full and gibbous are phases of the moon.
Waxing is when the moon seems to be getting bigger
2 Culture Spot
each night, and waning is when the moon seems to be 1 To read for specific information
getting smaller each night.
• Elicit answers from the class.
• Allow Ss to read the text, then check their answers.
2 To read for specific information
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
The summer solstice is around 21st June and is the
the sentences.
longest day with the most daylight. It is connected to
• Ss listen to the complete text to check their
Stonehenge because people believe it was built to
celebrate the summer solstice.
Answer Key
1 source of light 4 it revolves on its axis 2 To research and report on a topic
2 reflects light 5 see the Moon from Earth
• Ss can do research either in class or for homework.
3 the Earth and the Sun 6 full moon
• Give Ss time to share what they have learnt with the
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and rest of the class.
explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss
Suggested Answer Key
to use their dictionaries to look them up.
In Sweden, Midsummer is a very important celebration.
It is celebrated on the Friday and Saturday nearest to
3 To consolidate information from the text the summer solstice. People sing and dance and wear
• Choose two Ss to read the example. traditional dress. They decorate their homes with
• Ss in closed pairs do the task. greenery and they light bonfires.
• Go around the class monitoring.
Suggested Answer Key
B: The Sun is a light source because it is a star. Why
does the Moon’s appearance change?
3 CLIL: History
A: Because we can see different amounts of reflected
1 To introduce the topic
light on its surface. What are the phases of the
Moon? • Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
B: They are the new, the crescent, the gibbous and the • Elicit answers from the class.
full moon. When can’t we see the Moon?
Answer Key
A: When it’s a new moon. What is a waxing moon?
B: When the moon seems to be getting bigger. What is I think these children are in a tunnel. They are pushing and
a waning moon? etc pulling carts. The carts look heavy and full of something.
• Ss can do research either in class or for homework. • Elicit answers from the class, without confirming or
• Give Ss time to prepare their presentations. denying anything at this stage.
• Have each group make their presentation to the • Give Ss time to read the text, then ask the class
class. how the text answers the question.
The shape of the Earth’s orbit is an oval shape called an Children worked on farms, as servants in houses, on
ellipse. The speed of the orbit is 108,000 km/h. The the streets, in factories and in coal mines.
Earth travels 940 million km in one orbit. The Earth
completes one orbit every 365.242199 days. 3 To read for general meaning
The Earth is tilted 23.4°. When the northern hemisphere • Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
is tilted toward the Sun, it experiences summer. Six the task.
months later, when it is tilted away from the Sun, it • Check Ss' answers.
experiences winter.
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Culture key
Answer Key Answer Key
1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A The man is a milkman.
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss 2 To extend the topic
to use their dictionaries to look them up. • Give Ss time to prepare their descriptions. Ss
should talk about: type of job; job description;
4 To develop critical thinking skills clothes – what happens nowadays
• Ask some Ss to share their description with the rest
• Ask Ss to read the text and make notes under the
of the class.
headings: work-school, holidays.
• Ss make notes under the same headings for Suggested Answer Key
children nowadays. In Venice in Italy, a traditional job is a gondolier. They
• Ss use their notes to do the task. take people for rides along the canals on their
Suggested Answer Key gondolas. They wear a traditional uniform. In the past
gondolas were the only means of transport. These days
In Victorian times, many children did not go to school
they are more of a tourist attraction.
and never learnt to read or write. Their whole lives
would be spent earning low wages doing dangerous
jobs. They never had enough to eat. In Victorian times,
many children had nothing except the clothes they
wore. Nowadays, most children have lots of clothes
4 CLIL: Art & Design
and often have a room of their own. Most children go to
school and they don’t work. They usually go on holiday 1 To introduce the topic
with their families. • Elicit answers from the class.
• Give Ss time to read the text, then ask Ss if their
5 ICT To develop research skills answers were correct.
• Explain the task. Answer Key
• Ss can do research either in class or for homework. stone, metal, wood, chocolate, butter, ice or flowers
• Give Ss time to share what they have learnt with the
rest of the group and prepare their presentation.
2 To read for specific information
• Have each group make their presentation to the
class. • Explain the task.
• Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
Suggested Answer Key
the sentences.
Poor children in Victorian times didn’t have very good • Check Ss’ answers.
clothing at all, and sometimes no shoes. They didn’t
have much to eat, either. They worked very hard at Answer Key
difficult jobs. They didn’t get holidays, and certainly 1 stone, metal or wood
didn’t have the money to go abroad. Some lived in 2 the same qualities
workhouses, which were often cramped and unhealthy. 3 in museums and art galleries, as well as on the
Schooling was quite rare. If they committed small streets, in parks, on a hillside or elsewhere
crimes, they were heavily punished – sometimes even 4 carving, casting, modelling and assembling
with death. 5 is poured into a shape and left to cool down
6 shape into a form
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
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Culture key
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
I learnt that sculptures often depict the human body. I I can see oil, natural gas, coal, wind power and solar
learnt that some sculptures can be made from pouring power. Oil, natural gas and coal are non-renewable and
a melted material into a cast and that others can be wind power and solar power are renewable.
made by assembling things together. I learned that
some sculptures are temporary. 2 a & b) To complete an open cloze task
• Ss read the text again and do the task.
4 To research and report on a topic • Ask Ss to pay attention to the words
• Ss can do research either in class or for homework. before/after each gap as these will help them do
• Ask some Ss to present their findings to the rest of the task.
the class. • Ss listen to the complete text to check their
Suggested Answer Key
The 20-metre tall steel ‘Angel of the North’ by Antony Answer Key
Gormley is on a hill 4 km outside Gateshead in 1 from 4 in 7 are 10 off
northeast England. 2 be 5 and 8 as
3 them 6 be 9 will
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
4 Culture Spot explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss
to use their dictionaries to look them up.
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Culture key
• Save hot water by taking showers instead of baths. Answer Key
• Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A
• Fix all dripping taps and draughty windows.
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and
explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss
to use their dictionaries to look them up.
5 Culture Spot A: You can distract yourself from what is worrying you
by hanging out with your friends.
B: That’s true. You can also go to the gym or go for a
run because exercise helps lift your mood.
1 To read for specific information
A: Yes. Also, by eating nuts, broccoli, yoghurt, whole
• Elicit answers from the class. grains and berries you can improve your mood.
• Allow Ss to read and listen to the text, then check B: That’s right, and you should avoid caffeine because
their answer. it puts you in a bad mood. etc
Answer Key
Charles F Brush invented the first wind turbine. 4 To write an email giving advice; to
personalise the topic
6 CLIL: PSHE broccoli, yoghurt, whole grains and berries you can
improve your mood. Avoid caffeine as it can make you
1 To introduce the topic Hope this helps. Write back and let me know how it
• Elicit answers from the class. goes.
• Give Ss time to read the text, then ask Ss if their Yours,
answers were correct. Lucy
Answer Key
This person feels anxious. Stressful situations can make
someone feel like this. They can deal with it by talking
to someone, doing exercise, eating well and laughing.
6 Culture Spot
1 To read for general information
2 To read for general meaning • Elicit answers from the class.
• Give Ss time to complete the task in closed pairs. • Allow Ss to read and listen to the text, then check
• Check Ss' answers. the answer.
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Culture key
Answer Key 3 To consolidate information from the text
The title means keep calm and don’t get upset. • Give Ss a few minutes to write questions.
• Ss ask and answer questions with their partner.
2 To personalise the topic Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task. A: What happens when we swallow food?
• Give Ss a few minutes to write their sentences. B: It passes through the oesophagus, the stomach, the
• Ask Ss to read their sentences to the rest of the small intestine and the large intestine. Where does
class. the food get broken down?
Suggested Answer Key A: It gets broken down in the mouth, and the stomach.
Where does food get absorbed?
A typical characteristic of the Italian people is that they
B: In the small intestine. What happens to excess
have no problem showing their emotions. Also, some
say they have a hot temper and they get angry easily.
A: It is absorbed into the body in the large intestine,
Unlike English people, Greek people have no problem
in showing their anger. A typical English person copes
really well in stressful situations; on the contrary a 4 To prepare a presentation based on a
Greek person finds it hard to contain their anger and picture.
usually expresses it with a loud voice. Greek people are • Explain the task.
very warm and use a lot of gestures when they are • Give Ss time to prepare their presentation. Ss work
talking. On the other hand, English people tend to keep in groups. Alternatively, they can do it at home.
their distance. • Ask some Ss to explain the digestive process to the
Suggested Answer Key
7 CLIL: Science The digestive system consists of the oesophagus, the
stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine.
Digestion starts in the mouth where the food is broken
1 To introduce the topic
down into small pieces, then it passes down the
• Ask the Ss to label the picture. Ss work in closed oesophagus and into the stomach. The pancreas
pairs. produces the digestive enzymes that break down large
• Give Ss time to read or listen to the text, then check molecules into small molecules. Digestive enzymes
Ss’ answers. absorb food into the bloodstream through the small
Answer Key intestine. Excess water is absorbed into the body and
undigested food such as fibre passes out of the body.
1 oesophagus 3 stomach 5 large intestine
2 liver 4 pancreas 6 small intestine
To read for specific information
Give Ss time to read the text again and do the task.
7 Culture Spot
• Check Ss' answers around the class. 1 To read for general information
Answer Key • Elicit answers from the class.
1 molecules 6 bile/the liver • Allow Ss to read and listen to the text, then check
2 the oesophagus 7 digestive enzymes the answers
3 the stomach 8 minerals, vitamins Answer Key
4 the bloodstream and water
The full English breakfast, fish and chips, roast beef
5 fibre
with Yorkshire pudding and soup are traditional British
• Refer Ss to the Check these words box and dishes. Only soup is particularly healthy.
explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss
to use their dictionaries to look them up.
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Culture key
2 To develop research skills; to compare Suggested Answer Key
dishes Location: in southwest England
• Explain the task. What is it: the largest area of granite in Britain – 625
• Ss can do research either in class or for homework. square kilometres.
• Have some Ss make their presentations to the class. How was it formed: 300 million years ago, by magma
cooling under the earth
Suggested Answer Key What it used to be: a place with mines and quarries
Traditional Spanish dishes are very healthy because What it is now: a tourist attraction
they usually include a lot of fresh vegetables such as Dartmoor is in southwest England. It is the largest area of
peppers and tomatoes, fresh fish and a little olive oil. granite in Britain. It was formed 300 million years ago by
Examples of healthy dishes are Spanish omelette, magma cooling under the earth. It used to be a place with
baked cod, gazpacho and of course, tapas. mines and quarries. Nowadays, it is a tourist attraction.
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Bank key
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Bank key
Answer Key 3 To practise providing relevant personal
1 cold 3 warm 5 calm information for a formal letter applying for a job
2 scared 4 huge • Explain the task and give Ss time to write their
4 To practise using adverbs • Ask various Ss to read out their answers to the
Give Ss time to complete the task individually and then
check Ss’ answers around the class. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key I am 17 years old and I am a student at the VI
Gymnasium. I am currently studying for my IGCSEs in
1 frantically 3 desperately
English, Maths, Physics, Biology, ICT and Geography.
2 quickly 4 deeply
I have been working as a waiter for the last two
summers in a local café. I found it very enjoyable and I
5 To write an alternative ending for a story especially liked meeting people.
• Give Ss time to write an alternative ending I consider myself to be hardworking, and reliable. I am
paragraph for the story. also friendly and sociable.
• Ask various Ss around the class to share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Writing Bank 4
The firefighter helped me out, but then really shouted at
me for being so irresponsible. I was relieved to be 1 To identify paragraph content and tenses in
alright, but very embarrassed and upset. a review
Give Ss time to read the model and elicit what each
Writing Bank 3 paragraph is about and what tenses the writer has used.
Answer Key
A – name, type, director & stars of the film
1 To identify formal/informal style B – brief summary of the plot
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the letter C – comments on characters, special effects & plot
and compete it. D – writer’s opinion & recommendation
• Check Ss’ answers. The writer uses present tenses.
Answer Key
1 e 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 f 6 c 2 To substitute adjectives
• Give Ss time to replace the adjectives in bold with
2 To practise formal style suitable ones from the list.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the
passage and rewrite it in formal style. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read out 1 star-studded 6 more enjoyable
their answers to the class. 2 brave 7 fast
Suggested Answer Key 3 fantastic 8 gripping
4 well-developed 9 entertaining
I am writing in response to your advertisement in
5 stunning
yesterday’s edition of the Morning Post and would like
to apply for the position.
Despite my lack of experience, I feel I would be well- 3 a) To identify adjective-noun collocations
suited for this position. I consider myself to be relating to book/film reviews
hardworking and friendly. I look forward to hearing from Read the rubric aloud and elicit answers from Ss
you to arrange an interview. around the class.
Answer Key
1 sad 2 slow 3 simplistic 4 cute
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Bank key
b) To practise adjective-noun collocations Another solution is to reduce the amount of smoke and
relating to book/film reviews fumes released into the air by factories. = Another
Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class helpful solution would be to cut down on the amount of
until all collocations have been used. pollution from factories that gets into the air.
Elicit how the writer recommends the film and then 1 To start with we could 4 For instance
elicit a variety of phrases from Ss around the class. 2 In this way 5 Consequently
3 Secondly, we could 6 To conclude
Suggested Answer Key
This is a highly entertaining film that is well worth 4 To brainstorm for ideas and write an essay
• Ask Ss to read the rubric.
Suggested Answer Key • Copy the table on the board and elicit suggestions
This is a great film. from Ss around the class to complete it.
It’s a must-see. • Give Ss time to write their essay using the table on
Don’t miss it. the board.
It is well worth seeing. • Alternatively, ask Ss to copy the table into their
It is bound to be a box-office hit. notebooks and assign the task as HW and check
Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
1 To identify the paragraph content of an create places create they will be protected
essay for them to live national from poachers & able
& breed safely parks to live without threat
Give Ss time to read the model and elicit what each
paragraph is about from various Ss. Solution 2 example expected result
take measures punish those their habitats will not
Answer Key
to protect who destroy disappear
A – states the problem them their habitats
B – suggests the first possible solution
C – suggests a second possible solution Suggested Answer
D – summarises and states opinion
There are many endangered species on the planet
these days and unless we do something soon to help
2 To identify and substitute the topic them there will be even more. What can we do to make
sentences in a model the Earth a safer place for animals?
• Elicit which are the topic sentences in the essay One solution is to create places for them to live and
and then give Ss time to think of suitable breed safely. For example, we can create national
alternatives. parks. By doing this, they will be protected from
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. poachers and able to live without threat.
Another solution is to take measures to protect them.
Suggested Answer Key
For example, we can punish those who destroy their
One solution is to stop using cars so much. = One habitats. This way, their habitats will not disappear.
possible solution is to use cars less. All in all, there are steps that can be taken to make the
Earth a safer place for animals such as creating national
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Bank key
parks and punishing people who destroy natural Suggested Answer Key
habitats. In my view, these simple changes would help 1 This way, you will eat less sugar and be healthier.
a lot of animals to survive. 2 This way, you will get a healthy eating plan to help
you lose weight safely.
Writing Bank 6 3 Then you can organise your time and revise
4 This way you can have fun at the same time and
meet new people.
1 To identify paragraph content in an email of
Give Ss time to read the model and elicit what each
paragraph is about.
Writing Bank 7
Answer Key
1 To identify paragraph content in an essay
A – sympathy for problem & reason for writing
Give Ss time to read the model and elicit what each
B – advice with possible results
paragraph is about.
C – closing remarks and hope that everything will be
alright Answer Key
A – introduce the topic
2 a) To identify expressions for giving advice B – advantages of joining a gym
and expressing results C – disadvantages of joining a gym
D – summary & opinion
Refer Ss to the model and elicit the function of each
expression in bold.
2 To suggest alternatives for the topic
Answer Key
Giving advice: It would be a good idea to…, If I were
• Give Ss time to think of suitable alternative topic
you, I would …, Perhaps the best thing you can do is…
Expressing results: By doing this…, Then …, If you do
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
b) To practise expressions for giving There are a number of advantages to joining a gym. =
advice and expressing results through There are some arguments for joining a gym.
substitution On the other hand there are disadvantages to joining a
gym. = However, there are arguments against joining a
• Give Ss time to replace each expression with a
suitable alternative from the Useful Language
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 3 To substitute linking words with suitable
Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to replace the linking words in bold in
It would be a good idea to… = Why don’t you…?
the essay with suitable alternatives from the Useful
By doing this… = If you do this …
Language box.
If I were you, I would … = Another thing you can do
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
is …
Then … = This way … Suggested Answer Key
Perhaps the best thing you can do is … = It would be a 1 To start with 6 This way
good idea to … 2 As a result 7 Also
If you do this … = If you follow this advice 3 In addition 8 This means that
4 For instance 9 In conclusion
3 To practise expressing results 5 However
• Give Ss time to write suitable sentences of their
own for each of the pieces of advice.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
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Bank key
To practise writing supporting sentences
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Writing Bank 9
• Ask various Ss around the class to read the
1 To recognise and understand an
sentences aloud.
instructional text
Suggested Answer Key Give Ss time to read the instructional text and then
1 To start with, reaching and maintaining a healthy check Ss’ answers.
weight has many health benefits.
Answer Key
2 Firstly, this diet does not contain the vitamins and
minerals that are only in meat. The text is about assembling a bike.
3 In the first place, it motivates you as you don’t want The text has parts, tools and instructions sections.
to let the team down. The instructions are in order and bullet points are used
to make them clearer.
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Dr Porrit: I’m sorry that you had that bad experience, NEWS REPORT 2
Ayisha. Definitely, we don’t want friends who are going to be James Marshall became a local hero today when he bravely
untruthful with us. Obviously, I don’t know the details of jumped into the icy sea and rescued a fourteen-year old
your situation. However, a good friend knows that boy. Ryan Hill fell from the pier into the water and tried to
sometimes, it can be better to wait and tell you something in keep afloat. The waves were like mountain high. Marshall
a way that is kind of diplomatic. It’s tricky – there’s no doubt dived in straight away. The boy’s parents were shocked
about it! Yes, Abbie, do you have something to add? when they learnt what happened, but extremely grateful to
Abbie: What about a sense of humour? My best friend is Mr Marshall.
very funny. Even if we have an argument, we always find a
way to make it up later. Whatever has happened, I can’t stay
A gas leak caused a fire in Horwich this morning, but one
angry with her when she starts telling me jokes.
father’s quick thinking saved his family of six from the
Dr Porrit: Yes, I’m very glad you’ve brought that up. You
burning house. Mr Kevin Brown managed to get his family
have to be able to laugh with your friends. I don’t think I’d
out and switch off the gas while calling the emergency
want a friend who is serious all the time. As we’ve said at the
services. The local fire chief said that the gas could have
beginning – if you surround yourself with fun, positive
caused an explosion and damaged a number of homes in
people, then you will become like that yourself and probably
the area. As it was, Mr Brown’s quick response to the
attract even more friends!
emergency meant that there was minimal damage and no
Module 2 – Survival
2c – Exercise 10a (p. 27)
Exercise 2 (p. 21)
Amy: Hi Mia, it’s Amy.
Joanne: I was driving home and suddenly I came across a
Mia: Amy! How was your hiking trip?
bank of thick smoke. I could hardly see anything. Then I
Amy: Well, not too great actually. I had a little bit of an
heard the emergency services and I saw the flashing lights.
It turned out, a number of homes were on fire and the
Mia: Oh no! What happened?
firefighters were battling to control the flames. The police
Amy: Well, I was walking along the cliffs with Mandy my dog
diverted traffic and I made it home, but I was very worried in
when I made a stupid mistake.
case anyone was killed or injured.
Mia: What?
Brian: It really was a terrible sight to see. Most of the
Amy: Well, I started texting my friend, but I wandered too
shoreline was totally black and there were lots of huge
close to the cliff edge. The grass there was wet and before I
seabirds lying injured and dying on the sand. I could see
knew it, I had slipped over and started sliding down the cliff.
hundreds of dead fish, too. There were many volunteers
Mia: Oh my goodness! Did I hear right? You fell down the
walking up and down the beach looking for animals they
could save, but things didn’t look good. You could still see
Amy: Well, yes, but fortunately it wasn’t so steep so I just
the ship lying on its side on the water.
fell a short way onto a rock. As I fell though I twisted my
Sandra: I saw it on the news, but I didn’t expect it to be as
ankle badly, so I couldn’t climb back up.
bad as they were making out so I set off to visit my aunt and
Mia: Ooh, that’s so scary! So what happened after that?
see if she needed any help. The river often breaks its banks
Amy: Mandy started barking loudly and some passers-by
when it rains heavily, but a few sandbags are usually
heard and called 999 and after a short while a rescue team
enough. I only got within 2 km of the village because all the
arrived. They used a ladder to reach me and a stretcher and
roads were closed. Fortunately, my aunt was OK but the
then took me to hospital.
roads were under water for days.
Mia: Oh my goodness! That’s quite an adventure.
Amy: I know. Nothing like that has ever happened to me
2b – Exercise 9 (p. 25)
before. I’m very lucky that it wasn’t worse. And I’m so
NEWS REPORT 1 grateful to Mandy. She’s my hero!
In the latest news, ten people have died and 150 have been Mia: You’re right. And how’s your ankle?
injured, 50 of them seriously as Flight 625 from Boston Amy: Oh, much better now, thank you. I definitely won’t text
crash landed on route to Chicago at 7 am this morning. while walking along the cliffs again though!
Initial reports suspect engine failure. Here’s John Bishop Mia: No, you’d better not!
reporting live from Chicago.
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2d – Exercise 2b (p. 28) Toby: Yes, that’s right. I was a teenager at the time. It was
the holiday of a lifetime for my parents and us to celebrate
Speaker 1
my brother’s 18th birthday.
My friend Jane and I had decided to set out early to climb
Radio Presenter: So tell us what happened on the morning
the volcano to avoid the heat. It was cloudy so I didn’t put
of 26th December, Toby.
any sunscreen on. By mid morning, though, the sun was out
Toby: Well, it was the first morning of our holiday and we
and it was boiling hot. We had a great time, but when we got
were relaxing around the beautiful pool in our hotel, when
back to our hotel, my face and arms were bright red! I had
suddenly there was a loud roar like an aeroplane engine.
never got so badly sunburnt before and it hurt for days. It
Immediately afterwards, I froze in fear as a huge wall of
just shows that you need to put sunscreen on whatever the
black water came rushing towards us!
Radio Presenter: It sounds terrifying! So what happened
Speaker 2 next?
On a trip to the mountains one day last summer, I decided Toby: Well, the wave picked me up and pushed me
to go for a walk. My friend Bob told me to take my mobile underwater, but when my head came back up to the
phone with me, but I didn’t. When I got back, however, I surface, amazingly I saw my brother next to me. I grabbed
couldn’t see my friends anywhere! It was a horrible feeling to his hand and we held onto each other.
get separated from them like that and I really wished I had Radio Presenter: So you got separated from your parents?
listened to my friend! Eventually, I heard Bob shouting at Toby: Yes, unfortunately. It all happened so fast. There were
me. I was so relieved! people in the water everywhere, screaming and shouting,
but Tim and I soon found ourselves floating inside our hotel
Speaker 3
lobby. We grabbed onto a staircase, pulled ourselves out of
Carl and I went on an afternoon jungle trek. It was hot so I’d
the water and climbed up to the top floor of the hotel. We
put on a pair of shorts, a T-shirt and some hiking boots. We
were safe but we were very worried about Mum and Dad.
had a great time, but as we turned back, it was getting dark
Looking out over the hotel pool and street area, we could
and before long, mosquitoes were biting me all over my
see people holding onto trees and standing on rooftops.
arms and legs! It was horrible! When I got back home, I was
There was also a lot of debris.
covered in itchy bites. Next time I’ll definitely wear long
Radio Presenter: How long did you wait there?
trousers and put plenty of insect repellent on!
Toby: For about 6 hours. Eventually, we saw that the water
Speaker 4 had gone back to the sea and we went back down to the
On a recent trip to an island, we had a barbecue lunch on street. We started looking for my parents and we couldn’t
the beach. I thought the chicken didn’t taste right, but I believe what we saw. There were trees and upside down
didn’t think any more about it until I woke up that night cars lying in the roads and injured people everywhere. We
feeling sick and with stomach ache. I felt really unwell. I made our way to the police station, but they didn’t have any
found out a few days later at college that I hadn’t been as ill information. Finally, a local man suggested that we check
as some others. Some had got food poisoning from the the local hospital. Outside, there was a list of names of
barbecue and two girls even got taken to hospital! people in the hospital and, to our relief, Mum’s name was on
there. We rushed into the hospital and quickly found her.
Speaker 5
She had a broken wrist and a few cuts but apart from that
Last summer I went on a boat trip to see dolphins with my
she was OK. And the best news was that Dad was with her.
friends. It's a tradition with us – every holiday we have an
They had managed to stay together, like Tim and I.
outing where we do something we've never done before.
Radio Presenter: So your family were very lucky.
The captain took us a few miles out to sea. I heard someone
Toby: Oh, extremely. As you know, though, many weren’t
say she’d seen a dolphin so I jumped in the water. The
so lucky. Altogether, 226,000 people lost their lives that day
captain screamed – it was a shark! You can imagine my
as the tsunami swept through South East Asia. It was a
shock. I quickly got back on the boat. That was the fastest I
terrible terrible tragedy. I’ll never forget that day of course,
had ever swum!
but it has taught me to appreciate my life more and live each
day as if it was my last.
Exercise 4b (p. 28)
Radio Presenter: Well, thank you so much for coming on
Radio Presenter: Welcome back, listeners. This is 98.6FM the show, Toby. Next up, we’ve got Sue Granger, who was
and next on the show we have Toby Brown who’s here to also caught …
tell us all about his experience of getting caught in a
tsunami. Toby, you were on holiday in Thailand when the
tsunami struck, weren’t you?
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2e – Exercise 5 (p. 29) few extra days’ holiday at my parents’ house. I rebooked my
flight and flew when the airport had reopened.
It seems to be during the day perhaps it is the morning.
There are two firefighters outside in a garden in front of Speaker 4
someone’s house. They are wearing protective clothing and We could hear the wind howling outside all night long, but
they are putting out the fire with water hoses. I think they nothing prepared us for what we saw in the morning! Two
may feel glad no one was hurt. trees had blown over in the garden and crashed into the
garden shed. The shed was totally destroyed! It took us
2f – Exercise 9b (p. 31) ages to tidy up the mess.
As Jack and Tom put up their tent, they didn’t notice the big
sign. It was dark and they had been hiking through the
forest all day. They were so tired, they just climbed into their Module 3 – Work
sleeping bags and went straight to sleep.
In the middle of the night they were woken by strange 3b – Exercises 8a & 8b (p. 41)
noises outside their tent. Jack turned on his torch and Tom: I enjoy my work and I’ve been doing it for the last 20
bravely stuck his head out of the tent to look. He could hear years. I think when you are responsible for the education of
an animal in the trees, but he couldn’t see anything. He children then you have to be patient and teach things at the
decided to make a fire. correct pace for the students to fully understand them.
Next, they heard a loud roar. Tom and Jack froze in fear. A Ann: I love my job. Yes, it’s demanding and lots of work and
huge bear was staring at them. They hid inside their tent. responsibility, but I love getting up every morning and going
The bear sniffed around and then lay down next to the to work because each day presents new and exciting
campfire. They didn’t know what to do. Then Tom challenges. Some days I have to run all over the city for my
remembered he had his mobile phone so he called the boss and others I am in the office. It’s the perfect job for me
forest rangers and very soon a ranger came and rescued because I like to be busy all the time.
them. Bill: My job is steady and routine but I enjoy that. I like to
“You were very lucky, the bear didn’t attack! They like this start and finish at the same time every day. I have a full in-
area. That’s why we have the ‘No Camping’ sign,” the tray in the morning and a full out-tray in the afternoon. I can
ranger said. They had never felt so relieved in their lives. type and answer the phone at the same time and my filing
system means I always know where everything is. I am very
Progress Check 2 – Exercise 3 (p. 36) happy in my work.
Speaker 1
I had checked the weather on TV that morning and the 3d – Exercises 2b & 2c (p. 44)
forecast was for a bright, sunny day. So, Jackie and I A: Hi, I’m Andy, welcome to Speedy Recruitment
packed a picnic and set off up Treetops Hill for a lovely Company, how can I help you?
relaxing day out. Just as we had started eating our B: Hello, my name’s John and I’m looking for a job. Here,
sandwiches, however, there was a loud clap of thunder and I’ve brought my CV for you to look at.
it started to pour with rain. We hurried down the hill, but by A: That’s great, thanks. I can’t guarantee we can find you
the time we had got on the bus, we were soaking wet and something, but I’ll see what I can do. What sort of job are
shivering with cold. That’s the last time I’ll go out without a you looking for?
raincoat, whatever the weather forecast! B: Something in banking if that’s possible.
Speaker 2 A: How much experience do you have?
When we were organising my sister’s graduation dinner, I B: Well, none really. I only finished my A Levels last month.
was a little bit worried. We had decided to have an outdoor I got As in maths and computing. But I’ve always been
barbecue, you see, and I knew it would be a disaster if it interested in finance and I really think I have the skills to
rained. Well, on the day everything was perfect! It was a do well at it.
beautiful, warm day and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. My A: OK, well that will definitely be a problem, banks only
sister loved it and everyone had a wonderful time. want people with past experience so there’s no point in
applying to them. Is there anything else you’re interested
Speaker 3 in?
They had been forecasting the snow all week and it had B: Oh no, that’s such a shame. I guess I could try doing
been snowing all night, so it was no surprise when I found something in IT. I helped out at a friend’s computer
out that all flights out of the city had been cancelled. There repair shop last summer and really enjoyed it.
was nothing I could do about it, so I just decided to enjoy a
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A: That sounds perfect. You said you got an ‘A’ in Kelly: Well, I was really excited when I read that you can
computing for your A Level? start learning to play a new musical instrument on the
B: That’s right. course. I’ve been playing the piano for 5 years, but I’d like to
A: OK, well you have the right grades and experience for study music at university when I leave school. It will really
that then. Actually, there’s a small business in the city help my application if I can play another instrument, too.
centre that wants someone to work in their IT Interviewer: I see. Well, if your application is successful, we
department. They need someone to start next Monday offer beginners’ lessons in five different instruments: the
and they would give you full training. Would you be able piano, the flute, the drums, the classical guitar and the
to go for an interview tomorrow? electric guitar.
B: That would be great, thank you! Kelly: That’s really great. I’d love to learn how to play the
Exercise 3b (p. 44) Interviewer: Have you passed any piano exams, Kelly?
Are you hardworking and enthusiastic? Do you want a full- Kelly: Yes, I have. I’ve just finished grade 4 which I passed
time job – or just to earn some extra money at the with a distinction.
weekends? A new Family Pizza restaurant is opening in the Interviewer: That’s wonderful. Congratulations!
Springfield Shopping Centre very soon and we are looking Kelly: Thank you. I’ve also played the piano in several
for staff to fill some key positions. school concerts. I really enjoyed that.
First of all, we need waiters and waitresses. We are going to Interviewer: That’s excellent. At the end of all of our
train successful applicants in how to serve our pizzas, so summer courses, we always put on a concert and invite
experience is not necessary. What's most important is a people from the community.
good attitude, a friendly personality and a willingness to Kelly: That sounds like a lot of fun.
learn. Interviewer: Yes, it is. Every student participates. Now,
We also need kitchen staff, who will be responsible for have you got any questions about the course, Kelly?
washing dishes and glasses, as well as sweeping and Kelly: Well, I read a lot of information on your website, but I
mopping up after the restaurant closes and putting out the do have one question … I’m just wondering if the school
rubbish. It's easy work to pick up, but bear in mind that you arranges any trips to local tourist attractions. If I get on the
have to be strong because it can be tiring. course, I’d really like to see some things while I’m in
Finally, we need pizza chefs with at least six months England.
experience in a pizza restaurant. These positions are full- Interviewer: Yes, we organise a large variety of trips
time only and chefs will have to work at least three evenings actually. We even organise weekend camping and activity
a week. In return, we offer attractive wages and a great trips.
working environment. Kelly: That sounds wonderful.
We also offer waiters, waitresses and kitchen staff good Interviewer: Well, if you don’t have any more questions,
wages. In addition to wages, waiters and waitresses can that’s all for now, Kelly. There are a lot of people applying
expect tips if they treat their customers well. for the course, but I’ll try to let you know if you’ve been
If any of these jobs sound like something you might be successful by Friday. It was nice to meet you.
interested in, go to familypizza.co.uk and fill in an Kelly: It was nice to meet you, too. Thank you for your time.
application form online by the 14th May at the latest. We Interviewer: You’re welcome.
intend to hold interviews on Saturday 27th May. So don't
delay – apply today! Module 4 – Work
Progress Check 3 – Exercise 6 (p. 52) 4b – Exercise 8a (p. 57)
Interviewer: Hello … Kelly, isn’t it? Peter: It’s difficult to stand still for so many hours in my
Kelly: Yes, that’s right. costume and even harder when the weather is bad, but I
Interviewer: Please take a seat, Kelly. Did you get here enjoy what I do. I don’t make a lot of money, but I like to
easily? Some people have a problem finding our building! watch the world go by.
Kelly: Yes thank you. I printed out the map you sent me, Sandra: I train for five hours a day and then I perform in the
which was really easy to follow. evenings. It’s very demanding, but very exciting. I love the
Interviewer: OK, that’s good. Now, I understand that you’re atmosphere of the circus and the amazement of the
interested in applying for our 4-week free summer music audience when I swing through the air.
course. Can you tell me why you’re interested in the course, Mike: I only work at the weekends in the evenings and I
Kelly? travel a lot performing in different comedy clubs and
venues. I have to keep my jokes topical and up to date so
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I’m always writing new material. It’s a good life, but I There are quite a few available.
sometimes get lonely. Then select the ‘create account’ or ‘get started’ option.
After that you’ll have to fill in some details like an email
4d – Exercise 2b (p. 60) address, a username and a password and then your new
Radio Presenter: Good afternoon and welcome to our blog address will appear.
weekly review spot. Today we’ve got some young people in Next, select the ‘create blog’ option. You will then be sent
the studio to tell us all about the latest films they saw. First an email to confirm your new blog address.
up … Kirsty. Kirsty, what film are you going to tell us about? The next step is to read the email. On it will be a link that will
Kirsty: The Hobbit, which of course is a fantasy film connect you to the blogging website you have chosen.
adapted from the classic book by J.R.R. Tolkien. I was so Finally, click ‘activate blog’ to set up your account. A
excited to see this film. Most people I know wanted to see it section for tags will appear and you will have to choose
because they loved The Lord of the Rings, which was a words that you want to associate with your blog.
series of fantasy films – based on books by the same So there it is. It’s so simple that anyone can do it. So get
author, of course. But for me it was because I loved the started and get blogging. Good luck!
book of The Hobbit. It’s quite difficult to read, but it’s one of
my favourite novels. 4e – Exercise 5 (p. 61)
Radio Presenter: Wow, I’m impressed, Kirsty! Tolkien’s The first picture shows an exhibition at a museum or
books are extremely long! So tell us a little about the film. science centre. There are people of all ages including a
Kirsty: Well, it’s about an imaginary small person who lives group of children. The second picture shows a group of
underground, called a hobbit. He’s a young hobbit called young people watching a film at the cinema and eating
Bilbo Baggins, who sets out on a journey to Lonely popcorn. The people are enjoying looking at the exhibits
Mountain with some dwarves. The dwarves want to get and learning about history and technology. The people at
back their stolen mountain home from a dragon called the cinema seem to be enjoying what they are watching.
Smaug. It’s a wonderful story full of many adventures, but I
won’t say anything more about what happens because I will Progress Check 4 – Exercise 6 (p. 68)
spoil it for you! Thor: The Dark World is the latest film based on a Marvel
Radio Presenter: Sure! Now, Kirsty, some Tolkien fans comic. It is an action adventure film that continues the big
were really looking forward to seeing this film, but they left screen adventures of Thor who we saw in both the first Thor
feeling unhappy. They loved The Lord of the Rings but they film and Avengers Assemble. Not surprisingly, it is a
found The Hobbit quite long and dull – just lots of walking, blockbuster film filled with fantastic action and amazing
talking and fighting! What do you think about this? special effects, but what makes this film more enjoyable
Kirsty: It’s funny that you say that. I don’t agree at all. I than other films of its genre is that it has an interesting and
found it gripping. All the adventures and battle scenes really gripping plot and plenty of funny moments. Starring Chris
kept me on the edge of my seat. Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Natalie Portman, it is a
Radio Presenter: OK, that’s interesting … it sounds like our highly entertaining film that is well worth seeing. It is out in
listeners will need to make up their own minds! So was there cinemas across the country on the 21st November. The
anything that you weren’t keen on? running time is 112 minutes and if you go to an Odeon
Kirsty: Hmm … let me think. It’s difficult because I liked the cinema, tickets are only £6.50.
film so much! Oh yes … I remember that it had a slow start.
In fact, the film lasts over two and a half hours – I think it
could have been a bit shorter. Apart from that, it’s a Module 5 – Can you help?
fantastic film with likeable characters. I definitely
5b – Exercise 4 (p. 73)
recommend it!
Radio Presenter: OK, thanks Kirsty. Now we have Paul, Speaker 1
who’s going to tell us all about a film he’s just seen. Paul, The figures are so depressing. We’re losing between 46 and
welcome! (fade out) 58 million square miles of forest every year and that’s the
same as losing 36 football fields every minute. It has to stop.
Exercise 4a (p. 60) One thing we can do is to make things more electronic.
Instead of sending things through the post, we can email
Today on the show, we’re going to tell you how to create
them and that will save lots of paper. I’ve really reduced the
your own blog. It’s not difficult and it only takes a few
amount I print out at work, which the boss is very pleased
minutes. Okay. Are you ready? Let’s start.
First, go online and find a website that offers free blogging.
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find things. Another way I reduce waste is to avoid buying Progress Check 5 – Exercise 6 (p. 84)
anything disposable like paper plates, plastic bags and
Speaker 1
batteries. In my house, it’s just reduce, recycle and reuse.
I love to have a hot bath when I get home in the evening
Speaker 4 from work. I could relax in the hot water and get really clean.
About ten years ago, when I got my office job, I stopped I hadn’t thought about it before but I have realised recently
buying clothes from charity shops because there was a lot that having a bath uses much more water than having a
of pressure to look good. What I didn’t realise until recently shower. So now I have a shower each day instead of a bath.
was that charity shops have changed a lot in the last few I feel really clean and it uses less water which makes me feel
years. I go there regularly now and pick up some great good about helping the environment.
bargains. I get to wear great clothes and I also feel good
Speaker 2
about helping a charity.
I really love gardening and I spend lots of time making my
lawn and flowers look beautiful. Each night in the summer I
5e – Exercise 4a (p. 77) spend time watering the flowers with the hose pipe and
The picture shows some divers around a colourful coral reef. putting the sprinkler onto the lawn to keep it looking green in
He is wearing a wetsuit and using breathing equipment. He the hot weather. My wife told me that we should be trying to
is looking at a giant sea turtle. He is taking photographs with use less water and bought me a watering can. My flowers
an underwater camera. He must be feeling really amazed to and lawn still look beautiful but I can easily control how
see such a beautiful creature. much water I am using.
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everywhere so they can’t come near me. It’s ridiculous, I myself at a social event feeling happy and relaxed. By the
know, but I can’t help it. time you get to the event, you’re expecting to feel happy
Mark: I had a great job offer from this company. But even and you forget your anxiety. She also told me to try focusing
before I got to the interview, I knew I was never going to on other people at the event, thinking about things like what
accept it. The offices were on the fifteenth floor of the they’re wearing, instead of concentrating on my feelings.
building. I managed to get in the lift but couldn’t get past the The most important advice she gave me, though, was to
fifth floor, and had to go down again. There was no way I stop avoiding social situations, because they could just
could work, knowing that I was so far above the ground. I make the fear worse. After that, little by little, I got used to
was ashamed even to call and explain why I missed the being with a few people, then more people and eventually I
interview. was even able to give a speech in public. That’s when I
Bob: My phobia nearly killed me. I was very sick but I knew I’d beaten my phobia.
couldn’t bring myself to go to the doctor. I thought he would Interviewer: That’s great, Abby. So what other help is there
need to do a test; perhaps with a needle, or maybe a knife. for people who suffer from social phobia?
And even if he didn’t, I thought I might see that happening to Abby Yeats: Well, hypnotherapy can be useful. That works
someone else. So I stayed at home and hoped I’d get very well for some people. There’s a lot more about that in
better. But I got much worse. Luckily, my friend took me to my book.
hospital. I was still terrified, but too weak to resist. Interviewer: Thanks Abby and just one more reminder for
our listeners; Abby’s book, No Fear! is out now at all good
6d – Exercises 1b & 2 (p. 92) bookshops. I’ll be back after the break with our regular look
Interviewer: On this morning’s show we have Abby Yeats, at all things high-tech …
who’s written a book on social phobia called No Fear! Abby,
can you tell us a little about what social phobia is? Exercise 5a (p. 92)
Abby Yeats: Well, the majority of us get a little anxious Speaker 1
when we meet new people or go for job interviews, but We went trekking in the Everglades National Park and it was
those who suffer from social phobia get so anxious that it one of the worst experiences of my life. It was so hot and
sometimes leads to panic attacks – their hearts beat faster, humid - and the mosquitoes! I don’t think there’s one part of
they start to tremble and in extreme cases they might feel me that wasn’t bitten. Yes, we saw some bears and
dizzy or faint. In the past, those with social phobia were alligators as we were hiking but that was more frightening
called ‘painfully shy’ and weren’t taken very seriously. I than exciting. No, sleeping in a tent is not my idea of fun. It
know because I suffered from social phobia when I was was my first and last time without a doubt.
younger. Nowadays, though, the problem is more accepted.
Speaker 2
Interviewer: But what are people with social phobia really
I didn’t think I’d go through with it, but I’m braver than I
afraid of? I mean I have a fear of flying, but that’s because
thought! My friends had all done a bungee jump before and
I’m terrified of crashing. What’s so scary about social
they persuaded me to try it too. I was standing on the edge
of the bridge with my heart beating and my hands sweating.
Abby Yeats: People who suffer from social phobia believe
Looking down, I started to feel dizzy but at that moment I
that other people will be watching them and making
just decided to do it and I jumped. It was an amazing
judgments about them - even making fun of them. Sufferers
feeling, but maybe once is enough!
often have low self-esteem and so they think that other
people are better than them. Those with social phobia Speaker 3
always avoid being the centre of attention. I went to visit a friend of mine in Japan last summer and we
Interviewer: How did it affect you? decided to go to a blowfish restaurant. Now, the Japanese
Abby Yeats: I spent most of my teenage years hiding in my like to eat blowfish on special occasions but if it isn’t cut
bedroom. I didn’t go out with friends, I’d stay at home when and cooked properly, it has a poison that kills you! I knew
we had to do something in front of the class and forget that I didn’t want to risk it, so I ordered some noodles
about meeting new people – there was no way I could ever instead. My friend really enjoyed his blowfish and lived to tell
do that. the tale.
Interviewer: So how did you get better?
Speaker 4
Abby Yeats: Well, when I went to university, I had to face
I’d always wanted to run a marathon so I was very excited
my fear. I lived in halls of residence with other people and I
when the day finally arrived. I’d been training for months,
had to speak in seminars. It wasn’t easy at all, and in the
but it was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.
end I decided to see a student counsellor. She helped me a
About half way through I almost gave up, but I kept going
lot. One of the most helpful tips she gave me was to imagine
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and I’m so glad I did. I was among the last to finish, but I felt about it. Nowadays, I still eat at my desk, but it’s usually just
very proud of myself afterwards! a few nuts that I keep in my drawer. The good thing is that
I’ve already lost two kilos.
Speaker 5
Number 23, a huge empty building on the corner of my Speaker 2
street was a place no one dared enter. Well, one night a few Well, the main problem in our diets is saturated fat. It mainly
years ago, my friends and I decided to explore it. There comes from animal products and it’s just not good for us.
wasn’t thunder and lightning outside but it was a cold, rainy Nowadays, when I fry anything I only use olive oil – nothing
and dark night. I thought I’d be terrified but, to be honest, it else. It’s much healthier and I even believe it tastes better.
was just boring. We didn’t see anything and I came down Breakfast is a slice of toast with a little honey spread on it
with a cold the next day from being out in the cold and rain. and it’s absolutely delicious!
Speaker 3
Progress Check 6 – Exercise 8 (p. 100)
I made the decision about five years ago. We saw a film in
Good morning, today I’m going to be giving some advice to school about how chickens were raised for food. The
those of our listeners who are afraid of flying. conditions they lived in were awful! I actually felt ill while I
Many people suffer from a fear of flying, which may have a was watching it. Anyway, since then, I haven’t eaten or
negative effect on their lives and prevent them from seeing bought any meat. I prefer fish. It’s tasty and healthy. We
the world. However, there are a number of things that usually have it on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
someone who is terrified of flying can do to overcome their
fear. These include facing the facts, using relaxation 7d – Exercises 1b & 2a (p. 108)
techniques and taking medication.
Interviewer: (Female 35 years old) Eileen Lynch is an
The first step when trying to combat any fear is to face it. If
aerobics instructor in a newly-opened health and fitness
you take a good look at the statistics, you will soon
centre. Eileen, your group exercise classes are very popular,
understand that it is much safer to travel on a plane than to
I believe. What’s your secret?
travel in a car. You should try to realise that your fear is
Eileen: (Female 25 years old) I don’t really do anything that
irrational and use a rational approach to combat it. Think
special. The good thing about group exercise is that it
about what you are scared of exactly and learn the answers
motivates you to attend. As part of a group, people don’t
to your questions such as how fast the plane travels, what
want to let the others down by not coming. There is less
turbulence is and what the safety procedures are. If you
excuse for being lazy and staying at home!
understand what happens when we fly and what to expect,
Interviewer: I see. On the other hand, some people say
such as that your ears may pop due to a change in air
there is less one-to-one attention in a group. They prefer to
pressure, then your fear of the unknown will be reduced.
work out with a personal trainer instead. There is no
Secondly, you should try relaxation techniques such as
difference in the cost, but they feel a trainer always notices
meditation before you get on the plane. Imagine you are on
when they are doing something wrong. Is that ever a
a plane and instead of letting panic take control, stop those
problem in your classes?
thoughts and think about something else. Concentrate on
Eileen: Not so much. I make sure the people who have
your breathing, count slowly and think of something
done lots of aerobics sit at the back. They’re fine exercising
pleasant. Instead of worrying about something that may go
on their own and I can keep a closer eye on beginners in the
wrong, you can think of what you will do when you arrive at
front. That makes it easier to correct them!
your destination.
Interviewer: Right. Another problem some people mention
Finally, if you are still very anxious, then you could see a
about group exercise is that you have to follow the class
doctor and ask him to prescribe some anti-anxiety
level. I mean, the exercises are not designed individually for
medication at least for the first flight. You may find after this
each person. Couldn’t a beginner end up overdoing it on a
you don’t need it the next time. Good luck! We’ll be right
difficult exercise? Say, hurt himself by pulling a muscle or
back after this short break.
Eileen: In fact, I always tell my students to do only what
Module 7 – Health & Food they feel they can. I make people slow down if I see they are
pushing themselves too hard!
7b – Exercise 5 (p. 104) Interviewer: So how many people attend your classes?
Speaker 1 Eileen: Usually between twenty and twenty-five students.
I work in an office and I used to eat as I was working. I And that’s the second good thing about group aerobics
wasn’t really hungry – it was just a bad habit. Well I started sessions. They’re not just about keeping fit. They’re great
putting on a lot of weight and I knew I had to do something for getting to know people and making new friends. Lessons
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are more enjoyable too. You can chat together and dance to A: I’m not sure she would enjoy it.
the music. B: How about yoga?
Interviewer: You’ve convinced me! It sounds fantastic! A: I think that would be boring. Also it might not be easy to
Now, I’m certain our listeners would like to know how they find a yoga class in the village.
go about joining one of these fun classes … B: It might be a good idea to take up table tennis.
A: That’s something she could easily do.
Exercises 3b & 4 (p. 108) B: Well, have you thought about running?
Mark: Don't you think it's time for us to start eating organic A: Yes, I suppose that would be a good idea. She could run
food, Anna? I watched a documentary about it, and I think around the lake.
it's worth thinking about. B: Also, now that she lives by a lake, she could go
Anna: I don't know, Mark. I don't know much about organic swimming. It doesn’t cost anything.
food. All I know is that it's very expensive! I usually take one A: That’s possible. She could also go kayaking. That would
look at the organic section in the supermarket, then move be something new and exciting for her.
on. B: Yes, but wouldn’t it be expensive to buy a kayak and all
Mark: Well, it costs more to produce, of course. But when the equipment?
you think about how much you benefit, it isn't as expensive A: Yes, I suppose you’re right. What do you think about
as it seems. running? She could do it on her own and enjoy the
Anna: What do you mean? scenery and the fresh air.
Mark: Well, take meat, for example. Most animals are given B: Good idea. It’s great to exercise outdoors. I think that
hormones so that they grow faster. Organic animals are fed would be the best choice for her.
naturally and grow naturally, so their meat must be better for
you, mustn't it? Progress Check 7 – Exercise 8 (p. 116)
Anna: I suppose so. What about organic fruit and Ron: Hey Jack. My friends and I are going to Burger & Bun
vegetables? Are they more nutritious too? later. Do you want to come?
Mark: Oh, yes. What's more, they don't come to you Jack: Sorry, Ron, I’m studying for a test tonight and anyway
covered in chemicals like pesticides and artificial fertilisers. I don’t eat fast food.
Anna: Well, that's good. We should try to live in an Ron: Why not?
environmentally friendly way, I think. The fewer chemicals Jack: Well for one thing, fast food makes you fat. Did you
used by farmers, the better. know that if you have a burger, fries and a drink, you’ll have
Mark: Right! Also, if we all demand organic food, everyone to exercise for seven hours to burn off all the calories? And
will start growing it. So the environment would benefit – and all that extra weight can cause serious illnesses when you
the price will come down, too. get older like heart disease and diabetes.
Anna: I don't mind paying more if it's worth it. Did they Ron: That might be true, but fast food is really cheap. A lot
mention any disadvantages to organic food in the of people can’t afford to go to expensive restaurants, and if
documentary – apart from the price? they go to a fast food restaurant they can save money.
Mark: The biggest problem is that it doesn’t last very long. That’s why a lot of teenagers like me go there. We can have
Because it doesn't have chemicals in it to kill bacteria, something to eat and hang out with our friends.
organic food goes off a lot faster. Jack: That’s another point. A lot of fast food is sold to
Anna: Does that mean that I’d have to buy new food every teenagers and the ingredients are not good quality. To sell
day? fast food cheaply, the ingredients must be bought cheaply
Mark: No, no, it's not that fast. Fruit and vegetables can last and we have no idea where they’ve come from. Teenagers
a week, I'm pretty sure. should find the time to eat a proper homemade meal with
Anna: You know, I think I'm ready to give organic food a try. their family. That’s a lot healthier than anything they’ll get at
But only if you come and help me with the shopping. I'll Burger & Bun.
need your expertise. Ron: You’re right about homemade food, but it’s not always
Mark: I can't really say no now, can I? Not after everything that easy. How many people sit down to eat a meal with
I've said. their family these days? Not many and that’s because
Anna: Not really. Don't worry – it won't take long! everyone’s busy all the time. Fast food though is convenient
and quick. You can buy it when you want it and it’s ready in
7e – Exercise 7 (p. 109) seconds.
A: Anna wants to take up a sport. Do you have any ideas? Jack: We’re not going to disagree about eating fast food are
B: How about football? we?
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Ron: I agree with you to some extent, but I think that eating Woman: Well, it was in the way there so I moved it to
fast food occasionally as part of a balanced diet isn’t so bad. your bedroom.
Jack: You may be right, but we shouldn’t eat it too often! Man: Okay. Well I’ll have to bring it downstairs again
Ron: Just tonight then and I might even have a salad! now. I’ll put it next to the sofa if you don’t mind.
Woman: No, that’s fine.
Module 8 – Amazing Journeys 5 Man: Here’s some money so you can buy a magazine
to read on the train or a music CD to listen to if you
8b – Exercise 7a (p. 120) prefer.
A: Hi Peter. How are you? Woman: Thanks, but I think I’ll get a thriller to read
B: Hi Ann, fine thanks. You’re looking well. instead or otherwise I might fall asleep and miss my stop.
A: Thanks. I’ve just got back from the Greek island of Simi. Man: That sounds like a good idea.
B: Really? How did you get there?
A: By boat. Exercise 4b (p. 124)
B: How was it?
If you love winter, then why not have a winter break in
A: Oh, we had a lovely time. We stayed in a small family-run
Lapland this year? Arctic Travel can offer you the holiday of
B&B by the beach and we hired mopeds to ride around
a lifetime in Abisko in Sweden.
the island. We swam in the sea and sunbathed on the
This incredible winter holiday includes three nights at the
beaches and we ate at local fish restaurants every night.
famous Icehotel as well as a further overnight stay at Abisko
It was perfect.
Mountain Station. You will have the chance to go dog
B: It sounds like it. I wish I could say the same for my
sledging, skiing and snowmobiling as well as the unique
opportunity to take a chairlift ride to the Aurora Sky Station
A: Why what happened?
to see the Northern Lights.
B: Well, we flew to Rome. The hotel we stayed in was nice.
This amazing trip costs just £1,421 and the price includes
We went sightseeing by public transport. We visited as
return direct flights between London and Kiruna (with
many museums and ancient sites as we could, but there
complimentary in-flight meal and drinks); luxury
were such long queues everywhere it was very tiring.
accommodation, breakfast and a 3-course evening meal
The food was great though. We ate out at great Italian
every day, all transfers and airport taxes as well as the hire
restaurants. We enjoyed it a lot.
of thermal clothing and boots to use while staying at the
A: That’s great.
8d – Exercise 2 (p. 124) Progress Check 8 – Exercise 7 (p. 132)
1 Man: Will you drive there? For everyone who feels the need to jump out of an
Woman: No, I like driving, but I thought it’d be too
aeroplane, Freefall International is proud to present
tiring. I’d much rather fly, but I couldn’t afford it this
skydiving courses in a wide variety of locations in the
time. Never mind I’m sure I’ll enjoy the train ride.
beautiful UK countryside. Not only can you choose the
Man: I’m sure you will. I love travelling on the train.
course that’s nearest to you, you can also choose how long
2 Woman: Oh, that looks like a lovely hotel. Is that where you want to stay. Freefall International has one, three and
you’re staying? seven-day courses to suit just about everyone.
Man: I wish it was. It costs far too much. I thought If you’re just starting out, our instructors will make the jump
about camping, but I just couldn’t face it so I found a with you as you build the confidence to take that first leap all
bed and breakfast place which is nice and affordable. on your own. The more experienced jumpers will benefit from
Woman: Sounds great. the advice of our experts on the ground and in the sky.
Freefall International makes sure you have all the equipment
3 Man: I hope it’ll be sunny where you’re going - it’s you need at no extra cost; the only thing you need to pay for
pouring down here.
is transport to and from the drop site and somewhere to stay.
Woman: It’ll be fine, but I’m worried that my flight
Freefall International recommends only the best
might not be able to take off. It said on the radio that
accommodation including first-class hotels, reasonably-
the rain will stop, but there will be strong winds.
priced B&Bs and for those on a budget, campsites. More
Man: Why don’t you check on the Internet what the
information about accommodation and prices for all our
latest forecast is?
courses are available on our website (freefallint.co.uk) where
4 Man: Where have you put my suitcase? I left it by the places can be booked. Please note that places are limited,
front door ready to go. so book early to avoid disappointment.
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Cumulative Evaluation
Student’s Self Assessment Forms
Go through Module 1 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about appearance & character
• describe a person’s physical characteristics
• talk about families
• describe a typical weekend in your free time
• compare numbers in a family
• ask for express opinion/(dis)agreement
• talk about your plans for this weekend
• compare pictures
• read for specific information
• listen for specific information
• predict content of a recording
• practise information in exclamations
• form -ing/-ed participles
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a short text describing an experience
• write an informal email (about my family)
• use formal style
• identify topic/supporting sentences
• use linkers to join sentences
• express opinion
• write an opinion essay
Go through Module 2 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about accidents and disasters
• talk about natural phenomena
• talk about space exploration
• narrate a travel experience
• ask about an experience – express interest/shock/disbelief
• listen for specific information
• read for specific information
• identify word stress & weak vowels
• describe a picture
• form nouns from verbs
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write sentences describing your feelings
• write an informal email about an experience you had
• analyse a rubric
• identify order of events in a story
• set the scene in a story
• use adjectives/adverbs
• write a story
Go through Module 3 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about jobs of the future
• predict content of a text
• talk about work
• talk about education
• talk about job qualities & requirements
• listen for specific information
• practise echo questions
• form nouns from verbs/nouns
• have a job interview
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a few sentences making predictions
• analyse a rubric
• identify beginnings/endings in emails
• identify formal/informal language
• write a CV
• write an email applying for a job
Go through Module 4 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about the arts
• predict content of a text
• read for specific information
• talk about theatre, performances & events
• talk about art & crafts & jobs related to the arts
• form compound nouns
• describe a process using the passive
• identify /ÅI/ /OI/
• listen for gist/specific information
• describe a performance
• compare pictures
• compare festivals
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a short biography
• write a short text about your favourite TV show
• write a quiz about culture
• analyse a rubric
• use appropriate adjectives to describe films/books
• recommend a film/book
• brainstorm for ideas
• write a book review
• write an article about a festival
Go through Module 5 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about global issues
• predict content
• identify the author’s purpose
• make notes & present an issue
• talk about the environment
• form adjectives from nouns or verbs
• report a person’s words
• listen for gist/specific information
• identify homophones
• make suggestions – agree/disagree
• describe pictures
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a summary of a text
• write an essay providing solutions
• analyse a rubric
• use formal style
• use linkers to join ideas
• identify paragraph structure
Go through Module 6 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about fears & phobias
• identify the main idea in a paragraph
• read for specific information
• identify the author’s purpose
• describe feelings
• form negative adjectives
• make deductions
• express concern/show sympathy
• give advice
• listen for specific information/gist
• identify sounds not pronounced (elision)
• describe a picture
• talk about body language
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write sentences giving advice
• analyse a rubric
• identify paragraph content
• link sentences
• practise opening/closing remarks
• identify and correct mistakes in a text
• write an email of advice
Go through Module 7 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about health & fitness
• talk about symptoms & treatment
• predict content of text from key words
• read for specific information
• form abstract nouns from adjectives
• talk about possible, unreal or imaginary situations
• make wishes
• listen for specific information/gist
• ask for opinion
• intonation in question words
• ask for/give advice
• make decisions
• express concession
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write sentences giving advice
• analyse a rubric
• identify content of paragraphs
• practise topic/supporting sentences
• link ideas
• write a for-and-against essay
Go through Module 8 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about travel
• talk about holiday activities
• predict content of text
• read for specific information
• make a presentation
• talk about city life/country life
• form verbs from adjectives & nouns
• express purpose/result
• listen for specific information
• listen for detail
• ask for/give information/express preference
• compare photographs
• intonation in subject/object questions
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a paragraph about a tourist attraction
• analyse a rubric
• identify content of paragraphs
• practise opening/closing remarks
• use descriptive language
• identify informal/formal style
• write an informal letter