HS FPN02 000000stlec - B

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Name : HS-FPN02-000000STLEC Rev : B Release : 2018/06/20 07:08 AM

Hydro Technical Standard HS-FPN02-000000STLEC

Engineering Procurement Specification Revision: Date: Page:
 Fastener: Pin B 29.05.2018 1/5

Responsible department: Written by: Checked by: Approved by:

HEN – Global Engineering R.Makwana J.Mukherjee Sylvain Gaudion
Derived from: Replaces: Established date: Language:
- - 28/03/2012 English

Parallel Pin – ISO 2338

Material: Steel
Property Class: Hardness 125 HV30 to 245 HV30 (chapter 3)
Surface Protection: Oiled (chapter 5)

1 Generality

 The values indicated in this instruction are based in the Standard ISO 2338:1998;

 For supply, the supplier must consider the last edition of the standard;

 Additional requirements can be indicated in the purchase order.

2 Correspondent Standard

 DIN 7
 GB/T 119.1 (China)

3 Mechanical Properties

 Hardness: 125 HV30 to 245 HV30.

We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third
parties without express authorization is strictly forbidden. Copyright 2018 by GE.
Name : HS-FPN02-000000STLEC Rev : B Release : 2018/06/20 07:08 AM
Hydro Technical Standard HS-FPN02-000000STLEC
Engineering Procurement Specification Revision: Date: Page:
 Fastener: Pin B 29.05.2018 2/5

4 Dimension and Component Codification

All dimensions are in mm

d (mm) h8 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,5 2 2,5 3 4 5

c nom. 0,12 0,16 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,5 0,63 0,8
For other dimensions, refer latest version of ISO 2338.
Tolerance on dia h8.

d (mm) 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,5 2 2,5 3 4 5

l (mm) HS-FPN02-xxxxxxSTL (replace the "xxxxxx" by the code below)

2 (006020) (008020)
3 (006030) (008030)
4 (006040) (008040) (010040) (012040) (015040)
5 (006050) (008050) (010050) (012050) (015050)
6 (006060) (008060) (010060) (012060) (015060) (020060) (025060)
8 (008080) (010080) (012080) (015080) (020080) (025080) 030080 040080
10 (010100) (012100) (015100) (020100) (025100) 030100 040100 050100
12 (012120) (015120) (020120) (025120) 030120 040120 050120
14 (015140) (020140) (025140) (030140) (040140) (050140)
16 (015160) (020160) (025160) 030160 040160 050160
18 (020180) (025180) (030180) (040180) (050180)
20 (020200) (025200) 030200 040200 050200
22 (025220) (030220) (040220) (050220)
24 (025240) (030240) (040240) (050240)
26 (030260) (040260) (050260)
28 (030280) (040280) (050280)
30 030300 040300 050300
32 (040320) (050320)
35 040350 050350
40 040400 050400
45 050450
50 050500

See remarks in next page.


Name : HS-FPN02-000000STLEC Rev : B Release : 2018/06/20 07:08 AM
Hydro Technical Standard HS-FPN02-000000STLEC
Engineering Procurement Specification Revision: Date: Page:
 Fastener: Pin B 29.05.2018 3/5

d (mm)
6 8 10 12 16 20 25 30 40 50
c nom. 1,2 1,6 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 5 6,3 8

d (mm) 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 30 40 50

l (mm) HS-FPN02-xxxxxxSTL (replace the "xxxxxx" by the code below)

12 060120
14 (060140) (080140)
16 060160 080160
18 (060180) (080180) (100180)
20 060200 080200 100200
22 (060220) (080220) (100220) (120220)
24 (060240) (080240) (100240) (120240)
26 (060260) (080260) (100260) (120260) (160260)
28 (060280) (080280) (100280) (120280) (160280)
30 060300 080300 100300 120300 160300
32 (060320) (080320) (100320) (120320) (160320)
35 060350 080350 100350 120350 160350 (200350)
40 060400 080400 100400 120400 160400 200400
45 060450 080450 100450 120450 160450 200450
50 060500 080500 100500 120500 160500 200500 250500
55 060550 080550 100550 120550 160550 200550 250550
60 060600 080600 100600 120600 160600 200600 250600 300600
65 (080650) (100650) (120650) (160650) (200650) (250650) (300650)
70 080700 100700 120700 160700 200700 250700 300700
75 (080750) (100750) (120750) (160750) (200750) (250750) (300750)
80 080800 100800 120800 160800 200800 250800 300800 (400800)
85 (100850) (120850) (160850) (200850) (250850) (300850) (400850)
90 100900 120900 160900 200900 250900 300900 (400900)
95 (100950) (120950) (160950) (200950) (250950) (300950) (400950) (500950)
100 120A00 160A00 200A00 250A00 300A00 (400A00) (500A00)
120 120A20 160A20 200A20 250A20 300A20 (400A20) (500A20)
140 (120A40) 160A40 200A40 250A40 300A40 (400A40) (500A40)
160 160A60 200A60 250A60 300A60 (400A60) (500A60)
180 (160A80) 200A80 250A80 300A80 (400A80) (500A80)
200 200B00 250B00 300B00 (400B00) (500B00)
1) Values in brackets are considered as NON-PREFERRED dimension. Avoid these values.
2) Explanation about the codification, please see the chapter 7.


Name : HS-FPN02-000000STLEC Rev : B Release : 2018/06/20 07:08 AM
Hydro Technical Standard HS-FPN02-000000STLEC
Engineering Procurement Specification Revision: Date: Page:
 Fastener: Pin B 29.05.2018 4/5

5 Surface Protection
Oiled protected.

6 Delivery Conditions

6.1 Identification

The component or its package must be identified with the following information:

 Manufacturer name (or symbol);

 Material description and codification;

 Number of purchase order and certificate;

 Quantity of parts.

 Grade & Size

6.2 Certificate

 The components must be supplied with the test certification according to EN10204 - 2.2.

Inspection Documents as per EN 10204 : 2005

Standard marking 2.2

Certification Test report

Not specific
Type of inspection no testing/evaluation of testing results of the delivery batch/parts of the
delivery itself
Test result on the basis of non-specific tests (= from current series
Content of the certification
manufacturing records and not from tests on parts of the delivery batch)
Terms of delivery According to the terms of the order

Confirmation certification by The manufacturer


Name : HS-FPN02-000000STLEC Rev : B Release : 2018/06/20 07:08 AM
Hydro Technical Standard HS-FPN02-000000STLEC
Engineering Procurement Specification Revision: Date: Page:
 Fastener: Pin B 29.05.2018 5/5

7 Material description and codification

The following description is given by specific International Standard (ISO 2338) and the codification is
according Hydro Numbering System – HG-LS-2-N-P-001. This document is storage in Hydro Power
Management System.

Example: A parallel pin with nominal diameter d=6 mm, nominal length l=30mm and steel material with oiled
surface is designated as follows:

Description: Parallel pin ISO 2338 – 6h8 x 30 – Steel

Codification: H S – F P N 0 2 – 0 6 0 3 0 0 S T L

Oiled (see chapter 5)

Material property class: Steel

(see chapter 3)

Length: 30 mm

Diameter size: 6 mm

Standard identification: ISO 2338

Sub group identification: Pin

Group identification: Fastener

Hydro Region Code: Global

Identification: Hydro Technical Standard


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