Aba Quemaduras
Aba Quemaduras
Aba Quemaduras
This Clinical Practice Guideline addresses early mobilization and rehabilitation (EMR) of critically ill adult burn
patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) setting. We defined EMR as any systematic or protocolized intervention
that could include muscle activation, active exercises in bed, active resistance exercises, active side-to-side
turning, or mobilization to sitting at the bedside, standing, or walking, including mobilization using assistance
with hoists or tilt tables, which was initiated within at least 14 days of injury, while the patient was still in an
ICU setting. After developing relevant PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcomes) questions,
a comprehensive literature search was conducted with the help of a professional medical librarian. Available
literature was reviewed and systematically evaluated. Recommendations were formulated through the consensus
of a multidisciplinary committee, which included burn nurses, physicians, and rehabilitation therapists, based on
the available scientific evidence. No recommendation could be formed on the use of EMR to reduce the duration
of mechanical ventilation in the burn ICU, but we conditionally recommend the use of EMR to reduce ICU-
acquired weakness in critically ill burn patients. No recommendation could be made regarding EMR’s effects on the
development of hospital-acquired pressure injuries or disruption or damage to the skin grafts and skin substitutes.
We conditionally recommend the use of EMR to reduce delirium in critically ill burn patients in the ICU.
American Burn Association Clinical Practice literature, on the use of early rehabilitation and mobilization
Guideline Ad hoc Committee interventions in critically ill burn patients. In this CPG, the
In October 2020, the Board of Trustees of the American Burn term “early” refers to the first 14 days postburn injury, while
Association (ABA) created an ad hoc committee to develop the patient is critically ill and in an intensive care unit (ICU)
and maintain current clinical practice guidelines for burn setting. While positioning, passive stretching, and splinting
care. The committee members were selected from the ABA’s are fundamental standards of early burn rehabilitation care,
membership and include providers from many burn care sub- these were not the interventions of interest in this CPG.
specialties. This committee includes all the listed authors for Rather, we were interested in the use of any systematic or
this clinical practice guideline. protocolized interventions that could include muscle activa-
tion, active exercises in bed, active resistance exercises, active
side-to-side turning, or mobilization to sitting at the bedside,
standing, or walking, including mobilization using assistance
The purpose of this Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) is to with hoists or tilt tables.
make recommendations, based on the available scientific We recognized that while early mobilization and rehabil-
itation (EMR) has been extensively studied in the non-burn
From the *Ross Tilley Burn Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, ICU population,1 the literature on this topic involving crit-
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; †Burns and Trauma, MedStar
Washington Hospital Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA;
ically ill burn patients would be limited. We recognized the
Regions Hospital Burn Center, St. Paul, Minneapolis, USA; ||Arizona Burn importance of carefully considering whether EMR practices in
Center, Glendale, Arizona, USA; $University of Utah Health Burn Center, non-burn ICU patients could be translated to the specialized
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; ¶Shriners Hospital for Children, Northern
California, University of California at Davis, Sacramento, California, burn population which has unique analgesia, sedation, and
USA; **Firefighters Burn Institute Regional Burn Center, University surgical needs during the acute critical illness phase of treat-
of California at Davis, Sacramento, California, USA; ††Regional Burn ment. We also wished to review any specific safety concerns
Center at Harborview, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA;
University of Michigan Trauma Burn Center; ||||Loyola Burn Center, related to EMR of critically ill burn patients.
Maywood, Illinois, USA; $$Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada; ¶¶McGill Un iversity, Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Address correspondence to Robert Cartotto, MD FRCS(C), 2075 Bayview Ave.
Toronto, ON, Canada M4N 3M5. Email: [email protected] This CPG will be of most use to nurses, physicians, and reha-
© American Burn Association 2022. All rights reserved. For permissions, please bilitation therapists who provide care to critically ill patients
e-mail: [email protected]. in the burn-ICU. The teamwork between burn nurses and
https://doi.org/10.1093/jbcr/irac008 rehabilitation therapists is highly important; mobilization
Journal of Burn Care & Research
2 Cartotto et al January/February 2023
interventions must be fit into the busy hour-to-hour ICU care included RCTs1, 10, 12 and had low overall confidence in the
plan, and nurses frequently are asked to assist the therapists literature.10
with mobilization. Mobilization should also be one of the Nonetheless, many professional societies and organizations
items on the checklist during daily burn team rounds in the have published clinical practice guidelines that recommend
burn ICU. As such, this CPG will be of interest to members of early mobilization of ICU patients.15–19 Finally, while early
the burn team who participate in these daily rounds. mobilization of patients in the ICU is generally considered to
be safe and feasible,20 one systematic review had low certainty
Clinical Problem and Scientific Background in the scientific evidence on the risk of adverse events.10
We would anticipate that the problem of prolonged bedrest
Critically ill patients in the ICU are subjected to prolonged
and immobilization leading to ICUAW, prolonged ventilatory
bedrest and immobilization. This results from the severe na-
support, and PICS would be especially problematic among
ture of critical illness itself, sedation and analgesia medications,
burn patients in the ICU. Many factors act together to cause
and the use of invasive monitors and devices. Consequently,
progressive weakness and deconditioning in critically ill burn
the cardiovascular system becomes deconditioned, skeletal
patients: The hypermetabolic response after a major burn
whom the recommendations apply, Intervention: the thera- in an ICU setting, 2) There had to be a defined EMR in-
peutic or diagnostic intervention of interest, Comparator: The tervention, 3) There had to be a comparator (eg, no early
alternative approach to the intervention (used in the control rehabilitation/mobilization, “standard” or “traditional” reha-
group), Outcome: The outcome(s) of interest for the clinical bilitation/mobilization, or late rehabilitation/mobilization),
problem). The authors developed the following four clinically and 4) At least one of the predefined PICO outcomes had to
important questions surrounding the topic of EMR in the have been measured and reported. Following an independent
burn ICU: review, the three reviewers (R.C., L.J., and J.R.) met virtually
and reached a consensus on June 10, 2020, on which articles
1. Among critically ill burn patients in an intensive care set-
to finally include.
ting, does EMR, compared with nonstandardized or late
Three articles31–33 met these criteria and have been included
mobilization and rehabilitation, (a) shorten the duration
in this clinical practice guideline (Table 1). Two articles34, 35
of MV and (b) reduce the development of ICUAW?
were dropped because although a clear early rehabilitation in-
2. Among critically ill burn patients in an intensive care set-
tervention, comparator, and outcome were described, their
ting, does EMR, compared with nonstandardized or late
study populations contained burn and trauma patients with
would not be early enough to affect the selected outcome Deng et al31 retrospectively assessed the effects of enhanced
measures. early mobilization among adult patients with burns ≥50%
We identified only three low to very low quality37 interven- TBSA admitted to a burn ICU within 7 days of injury and
tional studies that evaluated the effects of EMR in critically ill who survived. The “mobilization training” regimen included
burn patients31–33 on our outcomes of interest for this ques- a staged program starting with active range of motion (ROM)
tion (Tables 1 and 2). The study by Baytieh and Li32 retrospec- progressing to transfer to sitting training, then tilt table training,
tively compared burn-ICU patients mobilized early, before the then standing, and ultimately assisted in progressing to in-
start of any surgical interventions to patients mobilized later, dependent ambulation. This was compared with a historical
and after the start of surgery. The group mobilized early had “passive training” cohort who only received anti-contracture
a significantly shorter time from the burn to the day of unas- positioning and passive ROM exercises. The enhanced mobility
sisted walking (“independent mobilization”) compared with the training did not result in any difference in the days of MV, or
patients mobilized later (19.5 vs 42.1 days). While this differ- the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and BI measured
ence in outcome suggests a positive benefit to early mobiliza- within one week of burn ICU discharge compared with passive
tion and possibly less ICUAW, there were several limitations that training. However, patients in the mobility training group spent
lower our confidence in this finding. Patients mobilized earlier significantly fewer days confined to strict bed rest, fewer days in
had significantly smaller total burn size than those mobilized the burn ICU, and fewer days in hospital compared with the
later. The extent of lower extremity burns was not described patients who received only passive training. While there was a
which is important since that center’s approach was to not mo- statistically insignificant trend toward a shorter duration of MV
bilize until 5 days post grafting of legs. Similarly, the number of in the mobility training group, we do not know if ventilator
patients on ventilators in each group was not disclosed. These weaning protocols were equally applied to either group or the
variables may have affected the time to walk. Details of the in- number of patients with tracheostomies in each group; both
tervention (“assisted walking”) were missing and included no variables could affect the duration of MV. While the shorter
description of the administering personnel, or the duration, dis- duration of ICU and hospital length of stay (LOS) suggest less
tance, or frequency of walking. Finally, in the early mobilization impairment of overall function, these are at best surrogate meas-
group, the length of ICU stay was only 4.1 days. Thus, patients ures of the overall functional capability, strength, and cognitive
may have been able to walk sooner simply by virtue of being out function. Furthermore, while the groups appeared reasonably
of the ICU and not encumbered by monitors, invasive devices, well-matched at baseline, the number of deaths, number of
or affected by the greater anxiolysis and analgesia that is pro- patients requiring MV, and measures of organ dysfunction at
vided to patients in an ICU compared with a ward. The out- admission were not disclosed for each group, possibly masking
come of independent mobilization was not quantified beyond differences in illness severity which might have affected ICU
the day it started. There was no description of the “dose” (dis- and hospital LOS. Also, the measurement of the FIM and BI
tance, speed or duration, or frequency per day). This study also just prior to ICU discharge may not reflect later functional
looked at a variety of nutritional factors. One interesting finding status post hospital discharge, and the FIM and BI were not
was that there was a significant correlation between diarrhea and measured in all subjects. Thus, we cannot confidently make any
the time to independently ambulate, suggesting that diarrhea is conclusions as to the effects (if any) of early mobilization on the
potentially a barrier to mobilizing burn-ICU patients, especially duration of mechanical rehabilitation or ICUAW and later the
those where a fecal diversion device is in use to manage diarrhea. overall physical functioning, from this study.
Table 1. Descriptions of included studies
PICO-Relevant Outcome
Authors Design Total Size Sample Measure Intervention Results
Baytieh et Case–con- 35 Adults • Days to independent •Early mobilization (inter- • Days from burn to independent
al32 trol • Early mobiliza- mobilization (“walking vention) was assisted walking mobilization were less in the early
tion (N = 18, age without assistance”). prior to the start of burn sur- mobilization group (19.5 +/− 18.4)
Volume 44, Number 1
42.8 +/− 19 yrs., • Other outcomes: diarrhea gery (mobilized at 2.3 +/− 1 than in the late mobilization group
% TBSA burn episodes, ICU LOS, an- days postburn). (42.1 +/− 36, P = .033).
24.8 +/− 11.5). tibiotic administration, •Late mobilization (compar- • The ICU length of stay was shorter
Journal of Burn Care & Research
• Late mobilization time to enteral feeding, ator) was assisted walking in the early mobilization group than
(N = 17, age 40.2 first surgery, serum al- after the start of burn surgery in the late mobilization group (4.1
+/− 14.7 yrs, % bumin, white cell count. (mobilized at 13 +/− 8.3 days +/− 3.9 days vs 10.8 +/− 7.3 days;
TBSA burn 39.5 postburn). P = .002).
+/− 20.8. [P = • Significant correlations were
.028 vs early]). identified between longer time to
independent mobilization and diar-
rhea and between shorter time to in-
dependent mobilization and higher
serum albumin.
Deng et al31 Case–con- 73 Adults • Barthel Index (BI) •Mobility training (interven- • Ventilator-dependent days were 2.7
trol • Mobility training • Functional independence tion) included daily active +/− 6.7 for mobility training and
cohort (early mo- measure (FIM) (both ROM, progressive HOB 5.5 +/− 7.6 for passive training (dif-
bilization group) assessed by blinded rehab elevation, transfer to sit- ference ns).
N = 24, age 38.9 therapist 7 days prior to ting training b.i.d., tilt table • Total BI was 51.3 +/− 31.5 (N =
+/− 9.4 yrs., % BICU discharge). training b.i.d., standing to 19) for mobility training vs 55.9 +/−
TBSA burn 65.3 • Ventilator-dependent progressive ambulation. 28.8 (N = 17) for passive training
+/− 10.1, 58% days. •Passive training (com- (difference ns)
with INHI. • Other outcomes: PROM, parator) included anti- • Total FIM was 81.3 +/− 29.5 (N =
• Passive training LOS (BICU, hospital), contracture positioning and 19) for mobility training vs 83 +/−
cohort (control) days of strict bed rest, b.i.d. passive ROM. 24.8 (N = 14) for passive training
N = 49, age 40.8 days of rehab. (difference ns).
+/− 10.8 yrs, % • Cognitive FIM was 30.5 +/− 3.9 (N
TBSA burn 70.9 = 19) for mobility training vs 33.5
+/− 12.4, 47% +/− 3.7 (N = 14) for passive training
with INHI. (P < .001).
• The mobility training group also ex-
perienced significantly shorter BICU
LOS and hospital LOS.
Cartotto et al 5
Table 1. Continued
PICO-Relevant Outcome
Authors Design Total Size Sample Measure Intervention Results
Gille et al Case–con- 80 Adults • Continued ventilation •
Protocol for early sponta- •
Median continued ventilation hours
trol • Protocol group hours after admission. neous breathing included after admission was 4.8 (4–22.5)
(group A) N = • Total ventilator days. 1) extubation < 6 h post hr in the protocol group vs 378
38, median age • Other outcomes: admission when possible, (8.5–681.5) hr in the controls (P =
58.5 (45–67.8), perioperative ventilation, 2) avoiding “routine in- .0003).
median % TBSA pneumonia, sepsis, fluid tubation,” 3) early post- •
Median total ventilator days was 3
burn 31 (18.9– input volume first 24 hr, operative extubation, (1–5.8) days in the protocol group
46), 18.4% with urine output first 24 hr, 4) “intensive” chest vs 18.5 (0.5–30.5) in the controls (P
INHI. fluid balance over 1–3 physiotherapy including = .001).
• Historical control days, fluid balance 1–7 expectorants, and 5)
group (group B) days, SOFA score. early active mobilization
N = 42, median (mobilized to chair or
age 56 (46.3– walking if possible).
70.8), median % •
Historical control (com-
TBSA burn 30 parator) protocol not
(25–44.8), 35.7% described.
with INHI.
BICU, Burn ICU; b.i.d, twice a day; HOB, head of bed;ICU, intensive care unit; INHI, Inhalation Injury; LOS, length of stay; PICO, Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcomes; PROM, passive range of motion;
ROM, range of motion; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment.
January/February 2023
Journal of Burn Care & Research
early spontaneous breathing in adults with burns and an ab-
breviated burn severity index ≥7 who were admitted to the
ICU. However, one element of their intervention included
“early active mobilization,” which appears to have been mo-
bilization starting on postburn day 1 to a chair or walking.
The protocol also included early extubation after burn center
admission, avoidance of “routine intubation,” early postop-
erative extubation, and aggressive chest physiotherapy in-
cluding the use of expectorants. Compared with historical
controls, patients in the protocol group experienced signifi-
Two studies have evaluated EMR among mixed trauma and
effect of early rehabilitation and mobilization on improving duration of MV or ventilator-free days. Heterogeneity in the
(increasing) ventilator-free days. However, it should be noted intervention and control approaches as well as in the study
that the physical therapy interventions differed considerably population are important factors to consider and are likely re-
between these three studies; one used lower extremity elec- sponsible for the disparity in findings for this outcome.
trical muscle stimulation (EMS),52 one added cycling exercises The outcome of ICUAW has also been evaluated in many
with a bedside cycling ergometer,41 and one used a variety RCTs involving non-burn patients in the ICU, using nu-
of early passive and active ROM exercises, with progressive merous outcome measures including the Medical Research
mobilization to ambulation.38 Also, the comparators used in Council Sum Score (MRC-SS),38, 39, 42, 45, 46, 52 proportion
the control groups were heterogeneous; one approach was to developing ICUAW,38, 40, 45, 50 time needed to walk,38, 45,
“not use EMS” but with no other detail provided,52 one used 46
Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT),40, 41, 46, 55 SF-36 phys-
early “standardized” physiotherapy and mobilization without ical function (SF-36 PF) score,40, 42, 46, 48, 54 BI,38, 56 Physical
cycling exercises,41 and one used “standard care” provided Function in the ICU Test (PFIT),40, 42, 45 Timed Up and Go
later in the hospital stay.38 Another systematic review12 that in- (TUG) test,40, 49 distance walked without assistance,38 and the
cluded many of these studies38–40, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 54 was unable to ability to walk independently.38, 41 Several systematic reviews
non-burn ICU patients. The timing of the intervention must non-protocolized mobilizing schedule or mobilizing after
be carefully considered; systematic early mobilization appears 7 days post-injury. The outcome of interest was the devel-
to be effective when compared with late mobilization in opment of a hospital-acquired pressure injury (HAPI) of any
improving physical function (measured by SF-36 PF, propor- stage (I–IV) in the first 3 weeks postburn injury. We selected
tion of patients reaching independence, and time needed to 7 days as opposed to 14 days as the cutoff to initiate EMR
walk), but not when compared with “standard” early mobi- because we believe that commencement of EMR after 7 days,
lization.1 The composition and “dose” of the intervention while still relatively “early,” would likely not be early enough
need to be considered as does the nature and timing of the to affect the development of a HAPI.
comparator. The difference in the timing of the intervention Pressure injuries, also referred to as “pressure sores,” “pres-
and comparator may be as important as when the intervention sure ulcers,” or “bedsores” occur when external pressure on
starts after ICU admission.1 the skin, and less frequently shear on the skin, causes ischemic
Recommendation: breakdown of the skin and underlying soft tissues to create a
wound or ulcer. When pressure injuries occur in hospitalized
(a) Duration of MV:
patients, they are referred to as HAPIs. HAPIs are reportable
critically ill patients concentrates on comparisons of different burn patients with skin grafts was reviewed. All of the studies
intervals of patient turning or alternative patient positioning described involved some form of early mobilization, but some
approaches. A Cochran systematic review found that the effect described mixed patient populations, some did not involve
on HAPI development of two-hourly vs three-hourly vs four- patients in the ICU setting, and some did not have a compar-
hourly turning schedules was uncertain, as was the effect of ator group. Still, these studies offer insight and direction for
30° vs 90° tilt positioning, again due to low confidence in the future studies and may be of value in understanding the effects
literature quality.63 In summary, there is uncertainty, mainly of early mobilization on skin grafts and skin substitutes in the
from a distinct lack of scientific studies, on the effect of EMR burn population.
on the development of HAPIs in critically ill burn patients.63 Clark et al34 conducted a retrospective case–control study
*The four studies used to conduct this meta-analysis on the of 2176 patients of which 10% were burns (% TBSA burn
outcome of HAPI development were not specifically identified and inhalation injury not reported), and 75% were blunt
in the text and no Forest plot was shown. Hence, details of the trauma, with no sub-analysis of the burn patients. The authors
individual RCTs cannot be provided and remain uncertain. identified no change in complication rate in the “musculo-
Recommendation: skeletal/integumentary” category with the initiation of a
treated in the ICU. Thirty-one adults with small TBSA burns Rationale and Considerations: There does not appear to be
(3.59% in EAG and 4.07% in ST) were randomized to ambu- any evidence that mobilization causes harm to skin grafts and
late within 24 hours of surgery (EAG) or remain on bedrest skin substitutes in burn patients outside of an ICU setting,
postoperatively for 5 days (ST). There was no difference in the but the effect of early mobilization on this outcome in crit-
number of patients with graft loss in either group. In those ically ill burn patients in the ICU has not been specifically
patients who had graft loss, however, the standard group had examined.
a higher percentage of loss of the graft (EAG 1.0%, STG 7.7%;
Question 4. Among critically ill burn patients in an inten-
P = .0376). Although this study looks at small burns in non-
sive care setting, does EMR, compared to nonstandardized
critically ill patients, it offers some support for early mobiliza-
or late mobilization and rehabilitation, reduce the preva-
tion without significant graft failure.
lence of delirium?
Franczyk et al68 retrospectively evaluated adherence of
skin grafts applied in conjunction with sub-atmospheric pres- For this question, we defined EMR as any physical or oc-
sure wound therapy (SAWT) for patients who received gait cupational therapy that involves muscle activation or mo-
training on post-operative day (POD) #2 as part of a standard bilization from recumbent or semi-recumbent position to
group (9.9 vs 15.0%, P = .02). The intervention reduced the and the percent of ICU days spent delirious decreased by 17%
likelihood of developing delirium (OR 0.6; 95% CI: 0.39 to (50% [IQR 30–64.3] vs 33.3% [IQR 18.8–50]; P = .003).
0.92), and the total number of days of delirium was signif- Multivariable regression found that the ABCDE was associ-
icantly lower in the intervention group (105 vs 161 days; ated with significantly less delirium (OR 0.55; 95% CI: 0.33
P = .02) as was the total number of episodes of delirium (62 to 0.93; P = .03).
episodes vs 90 in the usual-care group; P = .03). The ABCDE bundle was revised to the ABCDEF bundle in
The effects of mobility on the development of delirium in 2014. The new bundle included: Assess, Prevent, and Manage
the ICU have been studied. Schweickert et al38 sought to ex- Pain; Both SATs and SBTs; Choice of Analgesia and Sedation;
amine the efficacy of combining daily interruption of sedation Delirium: Assess, Prevent, and Manage; Early Mobility and
with physical and occupational therapy on functional outcomes Exercise; and Family Engagement and Empowerment.89
in patients receiving MV to assess both functional outcomes A multicenter, cohort study90 enrolled 15,226 ICU patients
and ICU-associated delirium. Mechanically ventilated patients and looked at the results of the bundle with respect to “com-
were randomly assigned to either an enhanced exercise and plete performance,” which was defined as a patient-day in
mobilization intervention or standard of care. The inter- which every eligible element of the bundle was performed,
not new, survey data suggest wide variation in the application may not want patients with fresh lower extremity skin grafts
of this intervention. Among critically ill burn patients, a survey to be mobilized for at least 3 to 5 days postoperatively.30 Burn
of six high-volume burn centers in the United States reported patients are frequently more heavily sedated due to pain from
substantial variability in the frequency, intensity, and duration extensive wounds, relative to non-burn patients in the ICU.
of various isometric, isotonic, aerobic, and resistive exercises.30 Thus, medical clearance to mobilize a burn patient in the
While mobilization out of bed was used as a type of exercise ICU is of utmost importance and must involve good dialog
in all six burn centers, only four centers reported ambulating between the medical/surgical, rehabilitation, and nursing
intubated patients.30 A 2021 survey of 63 burn rehabilitation staff. Most importantly, the success of implementing an EMR
therapists and nurses from multiple North American burn program in the burn ICU rests upon developing a realistic and
centers found that 54% mobilize ventilated patients out of bed, practical protocol, having adequate resources for education,
and 50% mobilize patients on vasopressor support. The pres- training, and implementation, advocates who support the in-
ence of vascular catheters, mode of ventilation, mental status, tervention, and a unit “milieu” or “culture,” which recognizes
and vital signs were the most important precautionary factors the importance and limitations of the intervention.94
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