Alfiler - Breeding-Systems-in-Farm-Animals
Alfiler - Breeding-Systems-in-Farm-Animals
Alfiler - Breeding-Systems-in-Farm-Animals
Systems of Breeding in Farm Animals
Mariel Alfiler
1. To learn the nature and degree of inheritance of economically important traits; and
2. To learn how to compute for expected performance of crossbreeds (EPC) and
percent heterosis.
Procedure A
1. To determine the expected performance of crossbreeds, use the formula below:
EPC = Mean of Parental Purebreds (1+H)
Where H is the heterosis value of a trait in decimal form
Note: For EPC output, consider the following data and procedure.
Traits % Heterosis
Birth weight 2 – 10
Weaning weight 5 – 15
Post-weaning rate of gain 4 – 10
Post-weaning efficiency of gains 0–6
Percent retail cuts 0–5
Age at puberty 5 - 15
Traits Plan
Birth weight (kg) 45.79 – 46.77 – 45.39 – 44.93 – 43.55 – 44.52 –
49.39 50.43 48.95 48.45 46.97 48. 01
Weaning weight (kg) 261.97 270.37 276.15 278.25 – 284.02 292.42
– 286.92 – 296.12 – 302.45 304.75 – –
311.07 320.27
Post-weaning rate of 0.69- 0.76 – 0.62 – 0.87 – 0.73 – 0.80 –
gain (kg) 0.73 0.81 0.65 0.92 0.77 0.85
Retail cuts (%) 43.45- 45.7 – 42.5 – 47.85 – 44.65 – 46.9 –
45.62 47.98 44.62 50.24 46. 88 49.24
1. Which of the crossbreds have the highest?
a. Birth weight _______A x S___________
b. Weaning weight _____S x C________________
c. Post-weaning rate of gain _____H x S_________________
d. Percent retail cuts ________H x S______________
Chicken Swine
% H for: % H for:
Egg production __26_____ Litter size at birth ____15.06____
Egg weight ____50__ Litter weight at weaning ___16.93____
Fertility _____14.48____ ADG ___29.67____
Hatchability __10.30__
Note: Please show your detailed computations and solutions for this exercise.
ADSC-UPLB. 2005. Laboratory Manual in Animal Science II: Introduction to Livestock and
Poultry Production