Wortchatz Thema: Passion & Work
Wortchatz Thema: Passion & Work
Wortchatz Thema: Passion & Work
die Hingabe = the dedication, commitment
sich (akk) festlegen = to commit to oneself
(#etw (akk) festlegen = to determine smthg)
die Leidenschaft = the passion
leidenschoflich = passionate
etw (akk) interessant finden = Interesse an etw (dat) zeigen
schwärmen = to daydream, enthuse (talk with enthousiasm)
das Getriebe = the drive (in the context of willpower..)
die Bereitschaft = the willingness
getrieben (adj) = driven
die harte Nuss = the hard nut (sb with strong character)
(#hartnäckig (adj) = stubborn)
jdm (dat) etw (akk) einflüstern = to whisper/influence sb with sthg
(#etw (dat) eingeflustert sein = sthg be filled (Ex : die Raum ist eingeflustert = the room is
(#einflüstern = to whisper)
zielgerichtet (adj) = targeted
die Mühe = the effort
der Geduld = the Patience
das Gespür = the intuition
begabt (adj) = talented
der Streber = the nerd
schlau (adj) = clever, sharp
gescheit = clever, smart
(#scheitern = to fail, fall (figurative))
(#gescheitert = failed, falled (figurative))
klug (adj) = wise (Ex : Erfahrungen machen klug)
das Verlangen = the demand
der Bedarf = the need, demand
(der Wärmebedarf = the heat demand)
(der strombedarf = Electricity demand)
verlangen = fordern = gebieten = to demand
(#fördern = ermutigen = to encourage)
(#auffordern = to request, invite, ask (to do smthg))
(#anbieten = to offer)
das Gebot = the bid (en encher), the offer (rare)
(der Angebot = the offer (wie lauft Ihr Angebor ? = what is your offer ?))
hochstes Gebot = highest bid
erstes Gebot = first commandment (first divine rule)
oberstes Gebot = top priority
begeben = to issue (distribute)
(#begeben = to negociate)
anbieten = to offer
(#gebieten = to demand)
der Angebot = the offer (wie lauft Ihr Angebor ? = what is your offer ?)
(das Gebot = the offer (rare), the bid (en encher))
die Belohnung = the reward
ehren = to honour = honorer
das Ehrenwort = the word of honour
geehrt = honoured (geehrter Herr, geehrte Frau)
aufnehmen = to include, to take, to receive (News)
Etw/jdn (akk) annehmen = to accept smthg/sb
erlangen = to obtain
Bezogen = obtained, purchased
erlernen = to acquire (Knowledge, skill)
(die Kunst = the art, skill)
aneignen = to acquire
besitzen = to own
etw (akk) einholen = gather smthg
abholen = to collect
aufbewahren = to store, save, keep
auswendig lernen = memorise by heart
jdm (dat) etw (akk) beibringen = to teach smthg to sb
Einfluss nehmen = to make impact
die Hinsicht = the regard, the way
henausvordern = to challenge
bewältigen = to master
heherrschen = to master
treiben - to float
tauchen = to immerse
erwischen = to catch (litteral)
jdn (akk) einholen = to catch up with sb (litteral or figural)
fangen = to catch (litteral)
die Fortschritte = the progress
fortseschritten = well advanced
Go for it
etw auf die Sprünge helfen = to give smthg a helping hand
die Sprünge = the jump
Alles Gut ! = all the best, good luck
unternehmen = übernehmen = to undertake (take action)
sich (dat) vornehmen = to undertake
sich (dat) etw (akk) vornehmen = to plan/get to work on smthg
sich (dat) jdn (akk) vornehmen = to take sb to task
(vornehmen = to make { Änderungen(changes) / Vorausplanung(advance planning) /
Kontrollen(inspections) / Reparatur(repair) } )
etw ( ) anpacken = to tackle smthg
zu etw ( ) neigen = to tend, Switch
sich (dat) etw (akk) vorstellen = to imagine / envisage smthg
nach etw ( ) streben = zu etw ( ) greifen = to grasp at smthg
etw (akk) übersteigen = to surpass smthg (Ex : Erwatungen übersteigen = to surpass
auffordern = to request, invite, ask (to do smthg)
(#fordern = verlangen = to demand)
(#fördern = ermutigen = to encourage)
die Anregung = the suggestion
der Antrag = the application, request
beantragen = apply to smthg, request
Antrag auf etw ( ) stellen = to apply for smthg, request smthg
Auf Antrag = upon request
der Auftrag = the order, mission, assignment
das Auftragen = the application
sich (nom) mit etw (akk) beauftragen = jdn (nom) etw (akk) bei sich (dat) Auftrg geben = Sb
requests smthg to oneself (sich)
jdm (dat) etw (akk) abtreben = to assign smthg to sb
Beispielweise (adv) = for example
anstiften = inciter (angestiftet = incité)
beauftragen = to instruct
leiten = to manage, guide
(der Leiter = the head, director, conductor, leader, manager)
die Leitung = the management, control, supervision
Manipulation of work
auftragen = to apply, put
die Anwendung = the Application
anwenden = to apply, use
zur Anwendung bringen = apply, use
jdn/etw (akk) einsetzen = to apply, use
(#sich (akk) fur jdn/etw (akk) einsetzen = to stand up sb/sthg, to advocate/promote sb/sthg)
der Einsatz = the application, use, usage
gebrauchen = to use
das Gebrauch the use
in Anspruch nehmen = to use
(#der Anspruch = the claim )
gelten = to apply, stand, hold true
geschaffen = to create
geschäften = created
(#das Geschöpf = the creature)
die Kunst = the art, skill (Ex : das Verstehen ist eine Kunst = understanding is an art)
ausstopfen = to fill
nähen = to sew
nahen = to approach
anrühren = to touch (figurative : food, money..)
das Kramen = the rummaging (search for smthg)
etw (akk) aus etw (dat) kramen = to fish smthg out of smthg
Etw (akk) abnehmen = to take smth off
etw (akk) aufstellen = to set up smthg, establish smthg
etw (akk) einstellen = to set up smthg, adjust smthg
etw (akk) umstellen = etw (akk) anpassen = to adjust smthg
(#sich (akk) etw (akk) anpassen = to conform to smthg (Ex : sich en Erwartungen anderer
anpassen = to conform to the expectations of others)
(#sich (akk) an etw (akk) anpassen = to adapt to sthg (Ex : sich an die neue Umgebung
anpassen = to adapt to the new surroundings))
vornehmen = to make { Änderungen(changes) / Vorausplanung(advance planning)
/Kontrollen(inspections) / Reparatur(repair) }
verschieben = to switch
betreiben = to operate, conduct, ingage in
der Betrieb = the operation, running (Ex : Maschine/Shop im Betrieb = machine/shop in
Sorgfältig = careful
berechten = ausrechnen = to calculate
ausgerechnet (adj) = calculated
(#ausgerechnet (adv) = of all things)
die Einheit = the unit (in chimestry), the entity ()الكيان, the unity
circa (adv) = about = à peu prés
erweitern = to expand
der Zusatz = the addition
zusätzlich (adj/adv) = additional, further
zügig (adj/adv) = rapid/ly
jdn (akk) ausreichen = sb be enough (no need for more)
mitmachen = to participate
etw (akk) su etw (dat) beitragen = to contibute sthg to sthg
mit anpacken = to land a hand
der Kinderkram = the kid’s stuff, kids’ play
der Kram = the stuff, junk
die Ausrustung = the equipment, kit
der Stoff = the material
die Gestaltung = the design, composition
der Gegenstand = the object, item
das Stück = the piece
die Nachahmung = the conterfeit, imitation
das Glasröhrchen = the glass tube
der Kittel = the lab coat, doctor coat
der Vorgang = the process, procedure
die Anlage = the system
die Bewärung = the preservation
der Wärmebedarf = the heat demand
der strombedarf = Electricity demand
der Stromnetz = the power supply
der Strom = the electricity
der Anschluss = the connection, line (in electricity and plombry)
der Schlauch = the tube (tuyau dur), the hose (tuyau flexible) (for water)
austreten = to escape, leak out (for liquid or gas)
Time laps
die Schicht = der Schichtdienst = the shift
die tatigkeit = the occupation
der Tagesablauf = the routine
die Tagesordnung = the Agenda
tagsüber (adv) = during the day
jdm (dat) zur Verfügung stehen = sb be available
(#jdm (dat) etw (akk) zur Verfügung stellen = supply sb with smthg)
verlegen = verschieben = to relocate, reschedule
die Auszeit = the time out, pause (in a match) , the hiatus (from work)