Symbaroum Equipment 3.1

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Alchemical Elixirs

The exchange of knowledge between alchemists in Ambria and Davokar causes ever more elixirs to
become available to the Ambrians. Some drugs can only be purchased on the black market in places
like Thistle Hold, since they are illegal or at least so inappropriate that selling (or buying) them will
attract attention from the authorities and witchhunters. Among these are all the elixirs that give
corruption; both Ambrians and barbarians handle the trade in such decoctions discreetly.

Finding a specific elixir on the black market in Ambria requires a Cunning test by someone with the
boon Contacts (treasure hunter or some similar specialization).

Alchemical Elixir Cost

Sleeping drops 8 thaler
Truth serum
Moderate 6 thaler
Strong 9 thaler
Weak 4 thaler
Moderate 6 thaler
Strong 8 thaler
Lightning dust
Weak 4 thaler
Moderate 6 thaler
Strong 8 thaler
Boom stone
Weak 2 thaler
Moderate 4 thaler
Strong 8 thaler
Acid orb
Weak 2 thaler
Moderate 4 thaler
Strong 6 thaler
Impure Wrathbrew 1D6+5 thaler *

Alchemical Elixir Cost

Weak 1 thaler
Moderate 2 thaler
Strong 3 thaler
Antidote Candle
Weak 6 thaler
Moderate 9 thaler
Concentrated Magic 1 thaler
Choking Spores 2 thaler
Drone Dew 4 thaler
Elemental Essence 2 thaler
Elixir of Life 12 thaler
Eye Drops 2 thaler
Fire Dye 1 thaler
Flash Powder 1 thaler
Ghost Candle 2 thaler
Herbal Cure 1 thaler
Holy Water 2 thaler
Homing Arrow 2 thaler
Homunculus 2 thaler *
Weak 2 thaler
Moderate 4 thaler
Strong 6 thaler
Poison Candle
Weak 8 thaler
Moderate 12 thaler
Protective Oil 2 thaler
Purple Sap
Weak 4 thaler
Moderate 8 thaler
Strong 12 thaler
Revealing Light 2 thaler
Shadow Tint 3 thaler *
Smoke Bomb 2 thaler
Spirit Friend 12 thaler
Spore Bomb 3 thaler
Stun Bolt 1 thaler
Thorn Beasties 4 thaler *
Thunder Ball 3 thaler
Transforming Draught *
Weak 2 thaler *
Moderate 4 thaler *
Strong 6 thaler *
Twilight Tincture 12 thaler
War Paint 2 thaler
Way Bread 1 thaler
Wild Chew 1 thaler
Wraith Dust 2 thaler

* Black markets only

Acid Orb
The alkaline liquid of the Acid Orb is contained within a spherical flask of acid resistant porcelain.
The flask is thrown at a single target with a success test, like a throwing weapon, and if it hits, the
target suffers its corrosive effect. The strength of the acid is determined by the maker’s Alchemy
level: 1D6 for 1D4 turns for novice, 1D8 for 1D6 turns for adept, and 1D10 for 1D8 turns for

Antidote Candle
When lit, this candle emits fumes that work as an antidote on all around it. A weak antidote candle
affects every poisoned creature in the vicinity and reduces the effect of ongoing poisons by one
level – a strong poison becomes moderate, a moderate weak and a weak is neutralized. A moderate
antidote candle does the same, but with a two level reduction: a strong poison becomes weak while
moderate and weak ones are neutralized. Note that this does not affect damage already suffered.

Boom Stone
The Boom Stone is best described as a smaller, weaker, more primitive version of the alchemical
Thunder Ball. Unstable substances are formed into a paste and placed inside a hollow sandstone
roughly the size of a fist. It is thrown at a single target with a success test, like a throwing weapon,
and deals explosive damage upon impact, ignoring Armor. The amount of damage is determined by
the maker’s Alchemy level: 1D4 for novice, 1D6 for adept, and 1D8 for master.

Choking Spores
Choking Spores are produced from Davokar’s lichens and mushrooms. The elixir is used
specifically with the Strangler ability.

Concentrated Magic
A dose of mystical essence, which gives a mystic a second chance to succeed with a Resolute test
the next time he or she attempts to use a mystical power.

Drone Dew
Drone Dew is a liquid elixir made from drone spores, also containing accelerants.
A person who ingests a dose of the elixir immediately falls asleep if he or she does not pass a
Strong test, and stays asleep for an hour or until suffering any damage. If the test is passed, the
person is instead dazed, with the effect that he or she is limited to one action per turn and cannot use
any active abilities for an hour.

Eye Drops
These drops will immediately return the gift of sight to a temporarily blinded creature.

Elemental Essence
When applying a dose of elemental essence, either one weapon, four throwing weapons or all the
arrows/bolts in a quiver deal +1 elemental damage for the duration of a scene. The alchemist must
choose which element to prepare: fire, cold, acid or lightning.

Elixir of Life
Consuming an Elixir of Life gives the drinker regenerative powers that heal 1D6 points of
Toughness during 1D6 turns, on the character's initiative. Sadly the character also suffers 1
temporary corruption for each turn the elixir is in effect.

Fire Dye
Fire dye consists of salts that change the color of any fire they are cast into. If the colors are
ascribed a specific meaning known to the user and an allied observer it can be used for signaling
over long distances. They are also used for entertainment among the wealthy, and by charlatans to
impress commoners.

Flash Powder
A finely grained powder that emits a blinding light when thrown. Flash Powder is used with the
novice level of the ability Pyrotechnics.

Ghost Candle
The fumes from this candle make invisible things at a location or in a room visible.

Herbal Cure
An herbal cure consists of an alchemical poultice coupled with bandages. It smells vile but heals 1
point of Toughness. The herbal cure has greater effect if used by a character with the Medicus

Holy Water
Holy water, instilled with the light of Prios, can heal wounds and sooth souls. It works as a Herbal
Cure with +1 on the effect test (meaning +2 Toughness if used without the ability Medicus), and it
also removes 1 point of temporary corruption.

Homing Arrow
The alchemist marinates an arrow in homing essences, thereby creating an arrow that flies past
other combatants, i.e. it does not require clear line of sight. However, the archer must see some part
of the target and must roll a normal attack test in order to successfully hit.

A seed is planted and one day later a miniature servant sprouts from the ground. The homunculus is
small as a child, has no abilities and all attribute values are 7 (+3). It serves its maker loyally then
withers away after a month; all it leaves behind is a pile of dirt. Creating a homunculus is a true
violation of the natural order, meaning that the one using the seed suffers 1D6 temporary

Lightning Dust
Lightning Dust consists of unstable substances encased within the thin shell of the alum nut. It is
thrown at a target and when it breaks, the dust explodes in a blinding flash of light. The target
makes a Quick test. If the test is successful nothing happens, but if it is not, the victim is blinded for
a number of turns. How long the victim is blinded is determined by the maker’s Alchemy level: 1
turn for novice, 1D4 turns for adept, and 1D6 for master.

The Mistball is small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand, and consists of dried leaves wrapped
around a dazing powder made from drone spores. It is thrown at a single target which makes a
Strong test. If the test is successful nothing happens, but if it is not, the victim is dazed and gains a
penalty to all success tests for 1D4 turns. The penalty's value is determined by the maker’s Alchemy
level: –1 for novice, –3 for adept, and –5 for master.

Poison (Weak): A weak poison deals 1D4 damage each turn for 2 turns.
Poison (Moderate): A moderate poison deals 1D6 damage each turn for 2 turns.
Poison (Strong): A strong poison deals 1D8 damage each turn for 2 turns.

Poison Candle
A seemingly ordinary candle that emits poisonous fumes when lit; revealed with a passed
[Vigilant←alchemist’s Discreet]. The poison is airborne and affects everyone in the room or in the
vicinity. The candle must burn for 1D4 turns before the poison is released, so the assassin can light
it and leave the room before it takes effect. A weak poison candle deals 1D4 damage per turn, a
moderate 1D6 damage per turn.

Protective Oil
The alchemical oil protects against elemental damage by providing +1 additional Armor against one
of the elements for the duration of a scene. The alchemist must choose which of the elements that
the oil shields against: fire, cold, acid or lightning.

Purple Sap
The Purple Sap is made from a decoction of a purple Lily of the Valley, a flower whose cleansing
properties and resistance to corruption were discovered by the witches of Davokar long ago.
Purchasing the elixir is expensive, because the ingredient is so rare and few alchemists are skilled
enough to brew it. The elixir has no effect on permanent corruption or on blight-marks which have
already appeared on the user.
Weak: A novice alchemist can brew a potion which immediately removes 1D4 temporary
corruption from the user’s soul.
Moderate: When made by an adept, the elixir immediately removes 1D6 temporary corruption.
Strong: The master’s version removes 1D8 temporary corruption.

Revealing Light
A wax candle that when lit makes living creatures (not undead or abominations) glow softly in the
dark, making it harder to stay hidden (a second chance to fail tests for sneaking up on someone, or a
second chance to pass tests to discover someone sneaking). This affects everyone in the room or the
vicinity, including the one who lit the candle.

Shadow Tint
This horribly sickening elixir was once used by mystics wanting to hide just how close they were to
becoming thoroughly corrupt, making it a welcomed addition to all sorcerers’ collections of
mystical decoctions. Whomever manages to force down the sludge, distorts his or her shadow for a
whole scene, making it appear as if the value in total corruption is 1D8 points lower.

Sleeping Drops
The sleeping drops consist of a syrup-like liquid which can easily be mixed with another beverage
without significantly affecting its taste. Brewing it is a time-consuming process, so difficult that
only a master alchemist can manage it. But many of them would never even attempt it, as the
powerful elixir will not only induce sleep, but corrupt its victim. Those who ingest the sleeping
drops will inevitably pass out the next turn. With a successful Strong test, the person wakes up after
1D4 turns, so woozy that he or she can only perform a single action for the next 1D8 turns. If the
test fails, the person is fast asleep for an entire scene (or an hour, if the exact time is relevant). The
sleeping individual can be woken up before then, but will not be able to act, speak, or even walk.
Regardless of whether the test succeeds or fails, the victim suffers 1D6 corruption – enough to
blight-mark the feeble-minded.

Smoke Bomb
The smoke bomb is a ceramic vessel that emits dense alchemical smoke when crushed, and it is
used with the adept level of the ability Pyrotechnics. The smoke fills a room or covers a group of
people engaged in melee combat.

Spirit Friend
The miraculous drug called Spirit Friend is cooked in a cauldron, but it is not the liquid that is
bottled, but the vapors. The gray-white smoke is captured in small ceramic jars and inhaled when
needed. Spirit Friend gives the user level I in the trait Spirit Form. The effect lasts for 1D4 turns, to
the price of as many points in temporary corruption.

Spore Bomb
The spore bomb is used together with the Strangler ability.

Stun Bolt
The alchemist covers a crossbow bolt in a fast acting muscle relaxant; anyone hit by the bolt must
pass a [Strong –Damage] test or fall to the ground. The monstrous trait Robust gives +2 in Strong
per level when rolling this test.

Thorn Beasties
A handful of seeds are thrown to the ground and one turn later 1D4 thorn beasties appear to serve
the user. The thorn beasties are small, vaguely humanoid creatures made of thorns; they do not
speak but squeak and crack as twigs that are bent and rubbed together. The beasties live during a
single scene before drying up to look like thorny witch dolls.
The summoning of the thorn beasties is a clear violation of the natural order, meaning that the one
using the seeds suffers 1D6 temporary corruption.

Thorn Beasty
Manner Rustling and crackling
Race Creeper
Traits Natural Weapon (I),
Poisonous (I)
Cunning 10 (0), Discreet 13 (–3),
Persuasive 7 (+3), Quick 15 (–5),
Resolute 10 (0), Strong 9 (+1), Vigilant
11 (-1)
Abilities None
Weapons Razor sharp thorns 3, plus
Accurate 12 1D4 poison for 1D4 turns
Armor None
Defense –5
Toughness 10 Pain 5
Equipment None
Shadow Same as the mystic
Tactics: Moves lightning fast with jerky
motions towards the appointed goal or

Thunder Ball
An alchemical load that is thrown and detonates amidst a sudden, loud flash, used with the master
level of the ability Pyrotechnics.

Transforming Draught
This is a powerful mutagen which transforms the body of the user in a monstrous way. During a
scene the user is twisted into a bestial half-creature and has a second chance to fail all Persuasive
tests until the effect wears off. The draught gives the user a monstrous trait for the rest of the scene;
the level of the trait is decided by the strength of the elixir. In addition, each dose consumed deals
temporary corruption, also determined by the strength of the elixir. Of course, the physical
transformation and the corrupting effect is reason enough for the elixir to be banned and only
available on Ambria’s black market.
The following monstrous traits can be acquired, decided by the alchemist when brewing the elixir:
Armored, Natural Weapon and Wings.
Weak: The draught gives the selected trait at level I, to the cost of 1D4 temporary corruption.
Moderate: The draught gives the selected trait at level II, to the cost of 1D6 temporary corruption.
Strong: The draught gives the selected trait at level III, to the cost of 1D8 temporary corruption.

Truth Serum
It takes an adept alchemist to create a potent truth serum. Those who (more or less reluctantly)
inhale this powder, or drink a solution of it, are robbed of their mental clarity, giving them –5 to
Resolute as they try to resist interrogations where the other person uses Persuasive or the Telepathic
Interrogation ritual. With a successful Strong test, the modifier becomes –3. If the serum was made
by a true master alchemist, the modifier becomes –8, or –5 after a successful Strong test. The effect
lasts for an entire scene.
Twilight Tincture
This is an extract of dried stems and leaves from the extremely rare Twilight Thistle. Up until
recently the rareness of the herb (on occasion, one or a couple of stems can be found among other
offerings in the ruins of Davokar, rather than an actual growing site) coupled with its moderate
medical effect made it not very sought-after; it seems to have an effect on certain types of eczema
and possibly also on senility if consumed. However, with the aging of the queen mother has come
an increased demand from the court. Of course, the tale of how Lasifor Nightpitch bought the land
on which Thistle Hold is built for an armful of Twilight Thistles gave the herb a hefty boost in
popularity among fortune hunters. Lately, the twilight tincture has found another group of users, and
a new area of use: it has proven capable of disguising a number of symptoms gained from being
undead. Desperate unfortunates – some of them alchemists – searched for ways to hide their death
marks, and someone discovered that the twilight tincture (consumed, not smeared on the skin)
temporarily made an undead body come to life: the skin regained its redness, the body temperature
rose, and the smell of the breath improved dramatically. The effect lasts for a week per passed
[Strong –permanent corruption] test. If the test fails, the effect lingers for one more day before
dissipating completely. On thoroughly corrupt creatures the effect only lasts for a day per dose, no
test is made.

War Paint
Mystically charged paints can help a warrior in combat. War paint adds +1 to either Quick or Strong
during an entire scene, and the warrior decides which attribute to boost when the paint is applied.

One loaf of this rich waybread corresponds to a week’s food supply for one person.

Wild Chew
The red chewing resin called Wild Chew is a strong stimulant that makes the chewer more alert, less
cautious and much more aggressive. One dose of Wild Chew moves 2 points in Discreet, Cunning
and Resolute to Quick and Strong for the rest of the scene. During the upcoming scene, the user
feels weak and has –2 on all attributes. With time, Wild Chew is highly addictive and severe
withdrawal symptoms will occur unless the user consumes one dose each week, with the risk of
permanent madness or death. No known drugs can counteract this.

Wraith Dust
The wraith dust forces an incorporeal being (a creature with the monstrous trait Spirit Form) to take
physical form for the duration of a scene. The dust must be thrown with a [Accurate←Defense]
test; if hit the spirit takes damage as living creatures do.

Every morning and evening, the wrathguards on Karvosti share a keg of Wrathbrew. They drink in
silence, with somber expressions on their faces. Then they all give the nearest person a firm nod – a
ritual which reminds them of their shared burden and responsibility. If one ingests it regularly, the
elixir will take effect after a couple of months: +2 to Strong, –2 to Vigilant, but also +2 to all
Resolute tests made when trying to resist mental influence, fear, or pressure. Those who leave the
guard before the elixir has taken effect will suffer no long-term damage. The rest are not so lucky.
Nothing will happen as long as they keep drinking Wrathbrew, but if they stop, they must make a
Strong test at the end of each year. Failing the test means that the elixir has taken its toll on their
bodies, and their Strong value is reduced by –1. When the Strong value reaches 0, the person will
die. Pure Wrathbrew is only made by the Huldra and her aides, and it is not for sale. However, since
the recipe was first developed, a few people have managed to learn its secrets. In some corners of
Thistle Hold and Yndaros, barbarian alchemists sometimes appear with small amounts of
Blackbrew. One must have the Contacts boon (drug-makers or equivalent) and pass a Cunning test
in order to find a seller, who will only sell a month’s consumption of Wrathbrew, at the staggering
price of 1D6+5 thaler per daily dose. Furthermore, as this infusion is less pure than the Huldra’s,
those who drink it will suffer 1D4 temporary corruption.

Lesser Artifacts
With the renaissance of artifact crafting, lesser artifacts have become available for purchase. These
items are not necessarily more potent than alchemical elixirs, but are often of a more permanent
kind. If a lesser artifact is of a disposable character (like all elixirs are), it will also require that the
user has a certain ability. Some lesser artifacts are tightly linked to a mystical tradition or a mystical
power and of little use in more general terms, but many of them can be used by anyone and are sure
to be a welcomed addition to the tools and equipment of any treasure hunter venturing into

Artifact Cost
Animal Mask 10 thaler
Bark Mask 10 thaler
Burial Shroud 10 thaler
Death Mask 10 thaler
Healing Spider 4 thaler
Iron Crown 10 thaler
Lucky Coin 8 thaler
Marlit Cape 4 thaler
Meeting Stone 2 thaler
Mind Prism 10 thaler
Mystical Focus 12 thaler
Order Medallion 2 thaler
Pest Mask 8 thaler
Ritual Codex 4 thaler
Ritual Focus 8 thaler
Ritual Seal 12 thaler
Ruler’s Ring 10 thaler
Rune Staff 12 thaler
Soul Stone 12 thaler
Spark Stone 10 thaler
Spell Seal
Novice 8 thaler
Adept 12 thaler
Spell Scroll
Novice 2 thaler
Adept 4 thaler
Master 6 thaler
Staff Foot 10 thaler
Staff Head 10 thaler
Sun Mask 10 thaler
Toad Guard 1 thaler
Transcendental 12 thaler
Witch Braid 8 thaler

Animal Mask
Blood wading witches tend to identify with the beasts of the wild, a sentiment embodied by the
wearing of animal masks. Every animal mask with mystical properties symbolizes an animal and
gives a +1 bonus on an attribute associated with that animal – Discreet, Quick, Cunning, Strong or

Bark Mask
Green weaving witches often cover their faces with a mask of bark, as a symbol of their connection
to nature. Many of these masks are infused with power and provide one re-roll per scene on a test
related to plants and anything growing, for example Thorn Cloak and Entangling Vines. The re-roll
may be used for tests to activate such powers or to resist the effect of such powers.

Burial Shroud
The spiritualists among the witches often wear a shroud over their head when contacting the spirits
of the dead, since this makes the spirits calmer and allows for a deeper connection. A mystic using
such an artifact gains a +1 bonus to Resolute in all tests when dealing with spirits – both when
trying to control them (as in the power Tormenting Spirits) and when trying to resist the effect of
monstrous traits used by spirits, involving the Resolute attribute.

Death Mask
The necromancers’ aspiration to dominate death has led to the use of hideous death masks that have
been infused with power. A death mask gives a +1 bonus on tests for all powers and rituals affecting
the intersection between life and death, for instance the power Revenant Strike and the ritual Raise

Healing Spider
A small spider figurine which is placed on an open wound, where it quickly covers itself and the
wound in a web that heals 1d12 Toughness over the course of a day. The spider cannot heal damage
from poison or other internal injuries. When done, the spider creeps up from the wound to be reused
on new ones. The one treated by the healing spider suffers one point in temporary corruption.

Iron Crown
Demonologists often wear a crown of rusty iron when tearing at the world’s fabric. These crowns
give a +1 bonus when manipulating the world, as with the mystical powers Exorcize and Teleport,
or the ritual Summon Daemon.

Lucky Coin
A gold coin instilled with energies of good fortune. The coin is carried in a pocket and gives a +1
bonus to one success test, once per scene. Whoever toys with such energies is at risk of suffering
from the opposite effect; if the outcome of a test modified by the coin is 20, the carrier will have
bad luck for the rest of the scene – all success tests have a second chance to fail.

Marlit Cape
The skin of a marlit, a reptile known for its sneaky hunting style, is treated with preserving
alchemical preparations so that it keeps its camouflaging properties after the death of the beast. The
wearer has a +1 bonus to Discreet when sneaking and hiding.

Meeting Stone
A stone is loaded with an invitation to a specific person, who upon receiving and touching the
artifact instinctively knows where the stone’s owner is waiting. Only a mystic (with at least one
mystical power) can activate a meeting stone.

Mind Prism
The illusionists of Ordo Magica often use a prism to describe how the perception of reality may be
broken down and understood. Some of these crystals are filled with so much suggestive energies
that they provide a +1 bonus to all tests related to the creation of illusions.

Mystical Focus
A tradition-specific focus gives a +1 bonus on all tests related to all powers of the tradition, but
limited to one use per scene. The bonus may be used together with other lesser artifacts that also
provide a bonus to success tests for the mystical power in question. A mystical focus is bound to the
user as other, higher artifacts – that is, by spending an experience point or by willingly accepting
one point in permanent corruption.

Order Medallion
The medallions of Ordo Magica are given to novices and stay with the wizards for their entire
career. When the wizard reaches adept level, the medallion transforms to symbolize this step; the
same thing happens when reaching master level.
Some chapters have made the order medallion mandatory and have also bound certain functions to
it, such as the ability to open doors which are closed to outsiders/novices/adepts and to activate the
chapter’s magic circle.

Pest Mask
In a world full of contagions and poisons it is no wonder that many methods – effective or only
superstitious – have been developed to resist such phenomena. The Confessors of the Sun Church,
for instance, carry pest masks to protect themselves. They allow the wearer to use their Resolute
instead of Strong on tests to resist sicknesses and poisons.

Ritual Codex
A ritual is penned down in a codex so that another ritualist can perform it without having previously
learned the ritual. The codex can only be used once.

Ritual Focus
A tradition-specific object which gives a +1 bonus on success tests for all rituals belonging to the
tradition. See examples to the right.

Ritual Seal
The artifact crafter binds a ritual to a seal; when broken, the effect of the ritual is triggered. The
creator of the seal need not know the ritual, but must be in the company of one who does when it is
created (or have access to a ritual codex explaining the ritual; the codex is destroyed with this act).
He or she who breaks the seal suffers from temporary corruption as usual.

Ruler’s Ring
Prominent mind-warping wizards often carry a gold ring on a finger, around the wrist or upper arm,
or on the head in the form of a headband. To them, this represents the noble endeavor of the ruler.
These rings are often instilled with the ability to dominate all living beings. If so, the gold ring gives
a +1 bonus to all test involving powers and rituals of Wizardry affecting the will of the target, for
example the use of, and resistance to, Bend Will and Telepathic Interrogation.

Rune Staff
The hallmark of the staff mage is his or her personal staff, carved with the runes of the elements. In
the hand of its owner, the staff count as a quatterstaff with the precise quality and emits a protective
aura (Armor +1), and is also the instrument through which the mage wields his or her powers.

Soul Stone
A Soul Stone is the item required to perform the ritual with the same name.
Spark Stone
The power of a Pyromancer is increased by this glowing amber. The spark stone is a weaker version
of the renowned Sun Stones that the master pyromancers of old could craft from summoned fire
spirits. Nowadays, the fire wizards have to make do with lesser artifacts, far from as powerful but
still a great help to those whose skills relate to fire and burning. All powers with fire effects gain a
+1 bonus to the effect die when used by someone with a spark stone in hand or on top of his or her

Spell Scroll
Artifact crafters in Ordo Magica can bind a mystical power at the novice, adept or master level
(depending on the level of the artifact) to a scroll. The power may then be activated by someone
else who has Wizardry at a level equal to or higher than the level of the power, or someone who has
the ability Loremaster at adept level. Whoever activates the scroll suffers temporary corruption as
usual and the scroll is spent upon activation.

Spell Seal
An artifact crafter has bound a mystical power at the novice or adept level (depending on the level
of the artifact) to a seal; when the seal is broken, the power is activated. Whoever breaks the seal
suffers temporary corruption as usual and the seal is spent when broken.

Staff Foot
A staff foot forged with strengthening spells can give the staff of a staff mage extra power when
used as a weapon. The artifact is attached to the staff and gives a +1 bonus on the effect tests of all
melee or ranged attacks, and on all powers which directly use the staff as a weapon. Even if this
artifact most often is attached to a rune staff, it may be attached to an ordinary wooden staff with
the same effect.

Staff Head
A special ornament at the top of the staff mage’s staff can provide extra focus. The staff head –
often a beautiful stone encased in meteoric iron – gives a +1 bonus to all success tests that do not
directly involve the staff as a weapon, as for instance Blood Storm and Sphere.

Sun Mask
The sun masks of the theurgs bestow spiritual warmth to the cold-hearted and spread light where no
other light can reach. Worn by a theurg, they can also assist in combat against undead and
abominations. The mask radiates light around the wearer as if it is a torch; also, all powers with
holy or banishing effects have a +1 bonus to effect tests.

Toad Guard
A figurine in the form of a toad acts as an alarm. The user – who has to know at least one mystical
power – whispers a triggering condition to the figurine; the trigger has to be of a physical nature and
must occur close to the toad guard, for example that “someone passes through the grove” or “the
door is opened from outside.” If activated, the toad will wake everyone with a loud croaking.

Transcendental Weapon
These weapons were forged to allow a wielder to strike from a distance. Only mystics (defined as
someone who has learned at least one mystical power) know how to use such an artifact.
The attack is rolled as if in melee combat but may hit distant targets and requires a clear line of
sight, just as ranged attacks. Active abilities may be used, but at one level lower: a master may use
the adept level of the ability through the transcendental weapon; an adept may use the novice level.
A novice cannot use the ability together with a transcendental weapon.
Witch Braid
This braid is made from three types of hair or fur and keeps death at bay, giving a +1 bonus to
Strong during death tests. Non-player characters with the braid get to make death tests, with the +1

Traps come in two types, mechanical and alchemical. Mechanical ones can be handled by untrained
users, but for the sake of speed and security training in the ability Trapper is recommended. When it
comes to alchemical mines, Trapper or the ability Pyrotechnics is a requirement for use.

Trap Cost
Alchemical Mine
Weak 2 thaler
Moderate 4 thaler
Strong 8 thaler
Mechanical Trap
Weak 1 thaler
Moderate 2 thaler
Strong 3 thaler

Alchemical Mine
Alchemical mines are crafted by an alchemist who possesses the ability Trapper and/or
Pyrotechnics. When triggered, they spray flammable substances over the wretched targets and deal
fire damage for a number of turns. To scrape off the flammables requires an active action and a
passed [Quick←Cunning] test, the latter being the mine-maker’s attribute value (the average
alchemist can be assumed to have Cunning 13 (–3)). An alternative is to dive into water, which
smothers the fire for as long as you stay there. Allies trying to help the burning target may make
separate tests in order to scrape off the substances.
Weak: The explosion deals 1D8 damage, after which the substance keeps burning for 1D4 turns,
dealing 1D4 damage per turn.
Moderate: The explosion deals 1D10 damage, after which the substance keeps burning for 1D6
turns, dealing 1D6 damage per turn.
Strong: The explosion deals 1D12 damage, after which the substance keeps burning during 1D8
turns, dealing 1D8 damage per turn.

Mechanical Trap
Mechanical traps come in many designs, but the basic version consists of two jagged semi-circles
that slam shut when triggered. A passed [Strong←Cunning] test is required to get free, the latter
being the trap-makers attribute value (the average trap-maker can be assumed to have Cunning 13
(–3)). Each attempt to break free counts as an active action.
Weak: The trap deals 1D8 damage.
Moderate: The trap deals 1D10 damage.
Strong: The trap deals 1D12 damage.

Tools of the Trade

Tool Cost
Artifact 10 thaler
Bestiary 10 thaler
Cartographer’s 10 thaler
Cheating Kit 10 thaler
Climbing Gear 10 thaler
Disguise Kit 10 thaler
Excavation Tools 10 thaler
Field Laboratory 10 thaler
Field Library 10 thaler
Field Smithy 10 thaler
Field Surgeon’s 10 thaler
Instrument Kit
Forgery Kit 10 thaler
Poison Manual 10 thaler
Trapper’s Manual 10 thaler

Artifact Catalogue
This well-thumbed copy compiling all the troll smith Xavaundo’s knowledge was recorded by
Master Balinda of Ordo Magica and gives a +1 bonus to success tests with Artifact Crafting.

A richly illustrated catalogue of the dangers of the world, including marginal notes from previous
owners regarding the best ways to avoid monsters – or how to combat them effectively. The bestiary
gives a +1 bonus to success tests with Beast Lore.

Cartographer’s Instruments
Writing utensils, parchment, compass, ruler and a sextant are the base instruments of a trained
cartographer. Using these tools gives a +1 bonus on all success tests when trying to draw accurate

Cheating Kit
Weighted dice, marked cards and game pieces give the player character a +1 bonus on all success
tests when gambling (see the boon Cheat on page 52 for risks on cheating at games).

Climbing Gear
A collection of ropes, buckles, hooks and tools used for climbing in difficult terrain. Climbing gear
gives a +1 bonus to all success tests for climbing.

Disguise Kit
Make-up, wigs and wax for altering facial features is included in the kit, together with an array of
basic clothes of local significance. The kit gives a +1 bonus on all success tests when trying to fool
someone with a disguise.

Excavation Tools
A couple of shovels, a small skewer, a strainer and a bucket, together with brushes, a knotted
measuring line and a loupe. Excavation tools give a +1 bonus to finding treasures in the ruins of the

Field Laboratory
Burner, retort stand, pipettes, mortar and other instruments needed by an alchemist. The field
laboratory gives a +1 bonus to all success tests with Alchemy.

Field Library
Half a dozen reference books along with a dozen scrolls on more specialized topics. The field
library gives a +1 bonus to all success tests with Loremaster.
Field Smithy
The portable field smithy is a must for all traveling blacksmiths. It consists of a collection of tools, a
field furnace with a water bath and a small anvil. Anyone using the smithy gains a +1 bonus to
success tests with Blacksmith.

Field Surgeon’s Instrument Kit

The kit of a field surgeon contains tools to burn, cut and treat wounds and diseases, and gives a +1
bonus on all success tests with the ability Medicus.

Forgery Kit
Aside from a loupe, paper, parchment and a collection of pens and ink, this package includes
stamps, seals and pre-printed stationery from a long list of organizations, trading houses and similar.
The kit gives the user a +1 bonus on all success tests when trying to fool someone with a forged

Poison Manual
A manual on the use of poisons, richly illustrated with examples on what to do, and not do, in order
to successfully brew decoctions and elixirs. Anyone using the manual gains a +1 bonus on all
success tests with Poisioner.

Trapper’s Manual
A used copy of the famous ogre Crueljaw’s lustful tome that contains a lengthy record of traps, from
simple mare snares and needle-traps in box lids to massive contraptions suited for a king’s burial
mound. The book gives a +1 bonus to all success tests with Trapper.

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