Activity 2: Observation Tool To Evaluate Student-Teaching: TH TH TH

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Activity 2: Observation Tool to Evaluate Student-Teaching

Respected Cooperating Teacher, you are requested to please give your feedback on the student-
teacher teaching in the classroom. Please observe the activities of the student-teacher summed up
in the following categories as mentioned in the observation checklist.
The feedback you provide on the student-teacher teaching is measured at the following
scale: Good, Satisfactory, Poor. Please observe the student-teacher on the lesson he / she has
prepared and provide your valuable feedback on the following tool.
Name of Cooperating Teacher: Muhammad Irfan

Student-teacher Name: Usama Jahangir

Class level observed: 8th 9th 10th Subject: Math, Computer and Physics
Date of the class observed: 01-01-2023 Class time & duration: 40 minutes per period
Lesson topic of the class observed: All
School Name & City/Dist.: Al Aqsa Public school Jettha Bhuttha

Contact No. of Cooperating Teacher/School: 0302-2589515

Teacher’s Personal Affect Observation Poor Satisfactory Good

1. Vocal Delivery 
2. Eye Contact 
3. Gestures / Facial Expressions 
4. Body Movement 
5. Word Selection is according to students’ mental 
6. Acceptance of students’ Ideas 
Classroom Management Observation: Teacher Poor Satisfactory Good
Movement and Verbal Involvement
1. Teacher asks questions from students in the class 
2. Teacher responds to the questions of the students 
3. Teacher focuses on less active students 
Teacher’s Observation during giving a task / activity Poor Satisfactory Good
1. Teacher clearly instructs the task 
2. Students understand the task 
3. Teacher answers the questions relating to the task 
4. Students perform the task as desired 
Student Engagement Observation: Verbal Poor Satisfactory Good
1. Teacher directs the questions to all students 
2. There are only few students who respond 
3. There is no difference in how the students are 
called upon
Feedback of the Lesson Planning Poor Satisfactory Good
1. Teaching techniques and materials used are 
2. Teaching techniques and materials used are 
3. The materials and teaching techniques help address 
different learning styles
4. Lesson plans creates interest in the students 
5. Lesson plan allocates time for different activities 
Feedback on Teaching Poor Satisfactory Good
1. The teacher had command on the content 
2. The ideas were expressed appropriately 
3. Explanation of the topic was given where needed 
4. Relevant examples were shared when needed 
5. Questions of students were answered properly 
6. The teacher summarized the lesson 
7. Feedback from students was taken in terms of 
questioning / answering
8. Homework related to the classwork was assigned 
9. Teacher had the basic assessment plan of the topic 

Student-teacher sign: _

Cooperating –Teacher Sign:

Date: 15-01-2023

Stamp of School:

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