Applied Linguistic - Dewi Peronika Silitonga
Applied Linguistic - Dewi Peronika Silitonga
Applied Linguistic - Dewi Peronika Silitonga
Nim: 210911020130
Task: Report the Public Lecturer
The Report
Commitee Chair
Multidimensional Engagement
Indicators of Engagement
What is the Task- based Language Teaching (TBLT)
Example of task:
Student A: Shopper
Find out which items you can buy and tick them on your list.
1. Orange
2. Egg
3. Flavor
4. Powder Milk
5. Biscuit
6. Jus
Learning activities are organized around tasks instead of sequenced around language
items (structural, functional, situational/ topical, lexical, etc.) (Long, 2015)
Task were organized by their types and complexity 9 what personal resources are
needed ) ( Robinson, 2011)
Focus of attention
Different information
Learner‟s own language
Expected result at completion
Mutual understanding/ meaning ( Lambert, 2020)
By doing task, learner could learn the structure of the language naturally and meaningfully
(Long, 2016)
Explicit knowledge vs. Implicit Knowledge
Weak vs. strong interface theory
Intentional Learning vs. Incidental Learning
Rule based
Loosely organized system
Isolated aspects of knowledge
Focus on accuracy
Tacit, comprehensive and well organized knowledge
Intuitively sense the right and wrong
Focus on fluency
Learners are engaged in a real life interaction relevant to their needs and encourage the
development of real- life skills.
Situational vs. Needs analysis
Elaborative clauses - CE
Negotiation moves - CE
Disagreement - CE
Recasts – CE, SE
Completing peer utterance – CE, SE
Turn counts – BE
Word counts – BE
Time on task – BE,SE
Back – channeling‟s – EE,SE
Task engagement
Thematic Findings
Because since the first lesson we feel like learn something. There are many things that we
did not know before, and then we learned it. Therefore, we gradually become more serious
in doing the task, because we knew that we would learn something. Interview transcript
no#3 Respondent #14 male
I will not get bored when I am involved actively, particularly in doing task like this.
Interview transcript no #2 Respondent # 6 male
Thematic findings
I will not get bored when I am involved actively, particularly in doing task like this.
Interview transcript no #2 Respondent #6 male
Yes, more I participate in this activity, interview transcript no #2 Respondent #10 male
Thematic Finding
3. Topic attachment and engagement 3.1 Interest to talk about the topics
3.2 Familiarity with the topics
It is easier to talk when you know the topic. And we can make long talk from the topic.
Interview transcript no#2 Respondent #6 male
Yeah. Definitely, I when make I like the topic. I will have something to talk about. So that
we can see what is like living in other countries. Interview transcript no # 4 Respondent
#18 male.
I like to talk about delivery route, because it is interesting. We are challenged to give and
receive direction and it is like real. Because we have to make choices whet ere to turn left
or right, it allow us to think, and it is really challenging. Therefore we are interested to
learn. Interview transcript no#3 Respondent #14
Thematic Findings
It depends; I don‟t think it will be the same. Sometimes when we talk to partner of
different gender, we feel shy. We cannot just talk about everything, especially when we did
not know each other. Interview transcript no #3 Respondent #11 female.
Yeah, the partner will definitely give influence on your work; however it is not about
gender, but about the person. Interview transcript no #4 Respondent
Thematic Findings
Because my speaking is not so good. It is quite difficult for me to recognize what word
should I use, and difficult to arrange it for talk. Interview transcript no #4 Respondent #16
The need of a method to encourage learners to speak and interact meaningfully and
contextually in English with their peers
The focus toward learner‟s engagement which in turn facilitates learning.
Engagement can be observed in their classroom students‟ activities
TBLT encourage students to speak and challenge their to perform their best.