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Document 1
Document 1
I-Ping Chiang
National Taipei University
E-Mail: [email protected]
Chia-Yi Lin
National Taipei University
E-Mail: [email protected]
Chih-Hui Huang
National Taipei University
E-Mail: [email protected]
Due to the competitiveness of the e-commerce environment and the emerging
usage of mobile devices, companies have found a new e-marketing strategy, that is,
online-to-offline (O2O) marketing, to integrate both channels more efficiently. The
rapid rise of the O2O market in recent years has changed the way people consume and
become an important issue. However, there are still very few studies focusing on O2O
marketing issues. Hence, the purpose of this study is to develop an analytic model to
explore how consumers adopt O2O commerce models.
In this study, we collect 1,267 samples of valid Taiwan-based internet users who
intended to adopt multi-channel retailing, using a web survey of consumers through
InsightXplorer’s CyberPanel. We use EFA and CFA to confirm search factors
(information availability, search convenience, enjoyment, media richness and
tangibility) and purchase factors (service quality, price and promotion, purchase
convenience, risk perception, immediacy and product quantity) in keeping with past
research. We also conduct a multinomial logit model to analyze the relationships among
search factors, purchase factors, and adopting multi-channel purchasing behavior. The
results indicate that the main reason consumers choose to purchase through physical
channels is that they could provide better sales service quality and have a lower
shopping risk, however, if consumers care about prices and promotions, they tend to
Contemporary Management Research 168
lean towards the Mobile path. At the close of this paper, in-depth discussions and
conclusions are provided to inform further research and future practices.
Nowadays, the rapid development of the Internet and mobile technologies has
driven e-business to make a breakthrough. More and more traditional retailers are
developing virtual online channels (Chen, Wang, & Jiang, 2016). Since the rise in
electronic and mobile commerce in recent years, consumers tend to adopt multiple
channels for researching and purchasing products and services. Nielsen (2014) reports
that 96% of Web users in Taiwan shop online, while among them, those who search for
and purchase products through mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) has increased
from 24% to 32%. eMarketer (2018) mentions that mobile phones with better location
tracking and identity graphs are better tools for judging the full impact of online media.
These O2O capabilities have made advertisers able to refine goals, change creative
activities, and rethink their media mixes. Demand for O2O measurements has increased
in most industries over these past 2 years.
Consumers have enhanced their cross-channel shopping behavior by applying
more functions through mobile devices. According to TNS (2013), 24% of people used
a smartphone or tablet to search for information on products at home, 21% used mobile
devices to compare prices in stores, 16% viewed product information, 16% used
coupons, and 15% used mobile commerce to purchase products. ComScore (2013)
investigates 3,000 consumers, 44% of which report that they prefer to patronize stores
that provide online ordering and in-store pickup. Stores that adopt the online-to-offline
(O2O) marketing model attract consumers to visit the store and purchase products.
Therefore, understanding the O2O marketing model is crucial. In this study, we
introduce a model for finding how to efficiently mix marketing resources on offline and
online channels to create a successful O2O marketing strategy. Based on the description
above, the research purposes of this study are to (a) draw conclusions from past
literature to establish O2O adoption behaviors and factors to confirm these factors
through factor analysis, (b) establish a measurement model of O2O adoption behaviors
and factors, and then explore the relationship between O2O adoption behavior and
factors, (c) explore the relationship between the transfer behavior of each channel and
the factors of transfer consideration, and (d) propose references and suggestions for
researchers and marketing personnel related to O2O in the future.
Contemporary Management Research 169
Online-to-Offline Marketing
The O2O marketing model is also known as the online and offline integration
model. Alex Rampell, the chief executive officer and founder of TrialPay, states that
the key to O2O marketing is locating consumers online and bringing them into real-
world stores (TechCrunch, 2010). The model is a combination of a payment model and
foot traffic generator for merchants (and a discovery mechanism for consumers) that
enables offline purchasing. For example, an online channel can’t provide an actual
restaurant experience and is only used to trade goods unilaterally. In contrast, an offline
channel can’t provide people with information on store locations or promotions.
Therefore, a complementary model that companies to attract additional consumers to
physical stores is necessary. The Online Economy (2012) indicates that since the
increase of social networking sites and location-based services, consumers now obtain
preferential information on products through both channels and then purchase products
from physical stores. Business Insider (2011) surveys four available methods for O2O
models: the traditional online store, location-based services, social commerce, and
group purchasing. In addition, the O2O marketing model has become a critical topic in
channel integration (Business Insider, 2011). Consumers consider various factors for
adopting the most appropriate channel to execute their transactions. For instance, if
consumers seek to find information quickly, they will select online stores, often using
mobiles device to do so. In contrast, if consumers want to try on a product, they will
visit a physical store. Therefore, we speculate that understanding the factors leading to
consumers' searching and purchasing, as well as those of subsequent behaviors is crucial.
Moreover, marketers must mix their marketing resources on offline and online/mobile
channels to effectively and efficiently attract target consumers.
following hypothesis:
H1: Consumers who care about information availability are more likely to search for
goods through an online channel.
2. Search Convenience
Many consumers will select channels that can quickly provide product information
(Verhoef et al., 2007). Gupta, Su, and Walter (2004) argue that online channels could
offer quicker outcomes in searching for product information. In addition, Bang, Lee,
Han, Hwang and Ahn (2013) state that mobile devices enable one to search for
information anytime and anywhere. Several studies have also indicated that searching
convenience affects channel choice for consumers (Kacen, Hess, & Kevin, 2013;
Schröder & Zaharia, 2008; Verhoef, Neslin, & Vroomen, 2007). Thus, we propose the
following hypothesis:
H2: Consumers who care about search convenience are more likely to search for goods
through an online channel.
3. Search Enjoyment
Forsythe, Liu, Shannon, and Gardner (2006) determine that many consumers are
highly concerned about enjoying the search process. Consumers require hedonic
elements from the shopping experience (Schröder & Zaharia, 2008). Several scholars
have determined that such consumers use channels that provide enjoyable shopping
experiences. Consumers who prefer to search for goods in stores do so because they
experience more shopping pleasure and have more face-to-face interactions with sales
staff than they do online (Jones, 1999; Rohm & Swaminathan, 2004; Konuş, Verhoef,
& Neslin, 2008; Levin, Levin, & Weller, 2005; Schröder & Zaharia, 2008). Thus, we
propose the following hypothesis:
H3: Consumers who care about search enjoyment are more likely to search for goods
through an offline channel.
4. Tangibility
Shin (2007) indicates that consumers who did not purchase goods through an online
channel behave in such a way because they cannot assess the actual quality of products
while purchasing, remaining uncertain about the goods. Consumers tend to examine
physical products at stores to reduce uncertainty (Jiang & Balasubramanian, 2014). In
addition, numerous studies have indicated that tangibility is crucial in O2O marketing
(Kacen et al., 2013; Levin et al., 2005; Yu, Niehm, & Russell, 2011). Thus, we propose
the following hypothesis:
Contemporary Management Research 171
H4: Consumers who care about product tangibility are more likely to search for goods
through an offline channel.
5. Media Richness
Media richness enables marketing channels to convey information to consumers
and help them make decisions (Maity & Dass, 2014). Relevant literature has reported
that media richness affects the way people search for information. Brunelle (2009)
indicates that consumers who have been affected by media richness changed their
intentions and adopted e-commerce to search for information. Maity and Dass (2014)
state that offline, online, and mobile channels provide different degrees of media
richness. If consumers want to acquire in-depth information or timely feedback, they
could ask a salesperson in a physical store. As such, we speculate that media richness
affects the search channel choice for consumers. Thus, we propose the following
H5: Consumers who care about media richness are more likely to search for goods
through an offline channel.
2. Product Variety
Contemporary Management Research 172
Keeney (1999) argues that if stores provide more product variety, more potential
consumers could purchase products there. Verhoef et al. (2007) indicate that if stores
provide assorted products (e.g., popular or new products), consumers might change
their purchase channel in response. In addition, numerous studies have shown that e-
retailing can provide a wide assortment of products and abundant information. These
benefits are often discussed in the context of superior e-merchandizing motivating
people to shop online (Clemes, Gan, & Zhang, 2013; Evanschitzky, Iyer, Hesse, &
Ahlert, 2004), Thus, we propose the following hypothesis:
H7: Consumers who care about product variety are more likely to make purchases
through an online channel.
3. Purchase Convenience
Verhoef et al. (2007) determine that many consumers prefer to purchase goods
through channels which provide highly efficient purchasing processes. In addition,
Schröder and Zaharia (2008) indicate that convenience orientation characterizes
consumers who regard shopping as a rational problem-solving process. Acquiring a
sought-after product with minimal investment in time and physical or mental effort is
crucial to consumers. Gupta et al. (2004) indicates that when consumers want to search
for and purchase products, they consider whether considerable effort or time will be
taken when purchasing those products. For instance, if consumers search for products
at a physical store, they expend much time and effort. In addition, if consumers can’t
find an appropriate product (when prices are exceedingly high or the products do not
have favorable attributes), they must expend additional time and effort searching. Lee,
Han, Hwang, and Ahn (2013) state that the advantage of mobile devices is that
information can be searched for and products can be purchased anytime and anywhere.
Several studies have shown that purchase convenience is a crucial factor in the
purchasing process (Chocarro, Cortiñas, & Villanueva, 2013; Kwon & Jain, 2009;
Schröder & Zaharia, 2008). Thus, we propose the following hypothesis:
H8: Consumers who care about purchase convenience are more likely to make
purchases through an online channel.
of control over personal information, for example, consumers seldom purchase from
online stores that use their personal information without permission. Several studies
have indicated that online purchase risk affects the channel choice of consumers
(Clemes et al., 2013; Liu & Forsythe, 2011; Schröder & Zaharia, 2008). Thus, we
propose the following hypothesis:
H9: Consumers who care about online purchase risk are more likely to make purchases
through an offline channel.
6. Immediate Possession
Several studies suggest that direct marketers can reduce consumer resistance to
catalogues or making Internet purchases by reducing the delivery time. Thus,
consumers might decide to use offline stores rather than online stores to gain immediate
possession of products (Balasubramanian, 1998; Rohm & Swaminathan, 2004). Alba et
al. (1997) states that brick and mortar retailers provide instantaneous possession of
products, whereas purchasing through online retailers incurs a time delay. Numerous
studies have indicated that if consumers can receive products immediately, they will
change the purchase channel to do so (Chiang, Zhang, & Zhou, 2006; Kacen et al., 2013;
Noble, Griffith & Weinberger, 2005; Rohm & Swaminathan, 2004). Thus, we propose
the following hypothesis:
H11: Consumers who care about immediate possession are more likely to make
purchases through an offline channel.
Contemporary Management Research 174
This study follows four research steps for examining how O2O marketing
functions. First, based on the literature, we developed a questionnaire to measure O2O
marketing adoption behavior. Second, samples were collected using InsightXplorer’s
Web survey system. Third, the key factors for O2O marketing adoption behavior were
extracted using factor analysis. Fourth, we used a multinomial logit model to analyze
search and purchasing behaviors offline, online, and on mobile channels. Fifth, the
study compared the differences in search and purchasing behaviors between two
products, computers and restaurant food. Sixth, the study measured the cross-channel
consumer change channel factor. The research frame is presented in Figure 1.
Contemporary Management Research 175
Questionnaire Design
We conducted a pre-test and formal two-stage online questionnaire distribution
through the InsightXplorer survey and CyberPanel systems. In the pre-test stage, pre-
test questionnaires were issued based on the literature reviewed and expert interviews
which measure O2O marketing model adoption behavior. The important factors to be
considered are "factors for the search process" including information availability, search
convenience, search enjoyment, tangibility, and media richness. There are a total of 18
metrics. The O2O marketing model adopts behavioral "factors for the purchasing
process" including price and promotion, product variety, purchase convenience, online
purchase risk, sales service quality, and immediate possession, with a total of 25
indicators. The scale of the survey questionnaire is based on Likert's 6-point scale. The
relationship between the adoption mode and the adoption behavior of the O2O
marketing model is measured. The scale is expressed in six levels (from 1 to 6 points,
with 1 indicating strongly disagree and 6 indicating strongly agree) to avoid the
centralizing tendency of the answers of the respondents.
This study focuses on consumers’ decisions whether or not to use the internet and
mobile networks to purchase products. In the collection of formal questionnaires, since
the product category most commonly used in the O2O marketing model is restaurant
meal coupons, we asked consumers whether they had searched for and purchased meals
through the internet in the past year. Then, we asked about the methods the respondents
used for searching and the reasons why they used such methods. Finally, we asked the
respondents about the methods available for them to buy restaurant-meal coupons and
why they considered these methods.
Cronbach’s α was used to measure the reliability of the questionnaire. The
Cronbach’s α of each dimension is presented as follows: 0.90 for information
availability, 0.89 for search convenience, 0.81 for media richness, 0.88 for enjoyment,
0.86 for tangibility, 0.83 for sales service quality, 0.84 for purchase convenience, 0.90
for online purchase risk, 0.83 for price and promotion, 0.80 for product variety, and
0.76 for immediate possession. All Cronbach’s α values of our questionnaire were
higher than 0.7, indicating high internal consistency.
Factor Analysis
In the formal stage, Smart PLS is used for reliability analysis and validity analysis,
and Limdep 10 is used for the Multinomial Logit Model. The factors of O2O adoption
behavior were extracted using EFA. The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure of sampling
Contemporary Management Research 177
adequacy was calculated (KMO = 0.961), and Bartlett’s test of sphericity verified that
the items were related (chi squared = 22985.336, d.f. = 1128, Sig. < 0.05). Therefore,
factor analysis was suitable for this study.
The results of EFA revealed five factors as the search factors of O2O marketing
adoption behavior: information availability, search convenience, media richness,
enjoyment, and tangibility. The measurement factor loading of these factors is between
0.606 to 0.887. The number of total Variance Explained is 76.740%. The results of EFA
revealed six factors as the search factors of O2O marketing adoption behavior: price
and promotion, product variety, purchase convenience, online purchase risk, sales
service quality, and immediate possession. The measurement factor loading of these
factors is between 0.479 to 0.811. The number of total Variance Explained is 70.406%.
These data show that the EFA analysis results are sufficient.
In agreement with Brunelle (2009), Shim, Eastlick, Lotz, and Warrington (2001),
To, Liao & Lin (2007), and Verhoef et al. (2007), our results confirm that these five
factors are search factors. The results of EFA revealed six factors as the purchase factors
of O2O marketing adoption behavior: sales service quality, purchase convenience,
online purchase risk, price and promotion, product variety, and immediate possession
(Table 3). In agreement with Kleijnen, de Ruyter, and Wetzels (2007), Noble et al.
(2005), and Verhoef et al. (2007), our results confirm that these six factors are purchase
We also used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to test the reliability of the
questionnaires. The overall Cronbach’s α coefficient in the questionnaire analysis for
this research was 0.777. The Cronbach’s α of all items exceeded 0.7, which is an
excellent level (Cooper & Schindler, 2003). Validity analysis results for the 11 variables
are listed as follows: information availability (composite reliability [CR] = 0.89,
average variance extracted [AVE] = 0.68), search convenience (CR = 0.91, AVE = 0.79),
media richness (CR = 0.92, AVE = 0.75), search enjoyment (CR = 0.94, AVE = 0.81),
tangibility (CR = 0.96, AVE = 0.89), sales service quality (CR = 0.71, AVE = 0.51),
purchase convenience (CR = 0.89, AVE = 0.68), online purchase risk (CR = 0.91, AVE
= 0.62), price and promotion (CR = 0.93, AVE = 0.76), product variety (CR = 0.94,
AVE = 0.83), and immediate possession (CR = 0.92, AVE =0.79). The completely
standardized factor loading of all items exceeded 0.5, the CR surpassed 0.7, and the
AVE surpassed 0.5 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981).
Contemporary Management Research 178
2. Purchase behavior
Table 2 shows the results for purchase behavior. An analysis of purchase
behavior (offline vs. online) revealed that product variety (coefficient = 0.426, Z =
3.110, p < .01), purchase convenience (coefficient = 0.374, Z = 3.270, p < .01), and
price and promotion (coefficient = 0.923, Z = 7.450, p < .01) significantly influence
consumers to purchase online and that sales service quality (coefficient = −0.850, Z =
−5.280, p < .01) and online purchase risk (coefficient = −0.970, Z = −7.640, p < 0.01)
influence consumers to purchase offline. A second analysis of purchase behavior
(offline vs. mobile) revealed that sales service quality (coefficient = −0.702, Z = −2.140,
p < .05) and online purchase risk (coefficient = −1.038, Z = −5.820, p < .01)
significantly influence consumers to purchase offline and that purchase convenience
(coefficient = 0.686, Z = 2.840, p < .01) and price and promotion (coefficient = 0.780,
Z = 2.780, p < .01) significantly influence consumers to purchase using mobile devices.
A third analysis of purchase behavior (online vs. mobile) revealed that no factor
significantly influenced consumers to purchase using any specific channel.
Contemporary Management Research 180
The overall hypothesis test results regarding purchase behavior showed that
consumers placing greater priority on sales service quality were more likely to purchase
offline; thus, H6 was verified. Consumers placing greater priority on product variety
were more likely to purchase online; thus, H7 was verified. Consumers placing greater
priority on purchase convenience were more likely to purchase online and by using
mobile devices; thus, H8 was partially verified. Consumers placing greater priority on
online purchase risk were more likely to purchase offline, supporting H9. Consumers
placing greater priority on price and promotion were more likely to purchase online and
by using mobile devices, partially supporting H10. Finally, consumers prioritizing
immediate possession were not likely to purchase using any channel; thus, H11 was not
Table 2 Results for Purchasing Behavior
Construct Coefficient Z value |z|>Z*
Constant -0.603 -1.010 0.311
Sales service quality -0.850** -5.280 0.000
Product variety 0.426** 3.110 0.002
Offline VS Online Purchase convenience 0.374** 3.270 0.001
Online purchase risk -0.970** -7.640 0.000
Price and promotion 0.923** 7.450 0.000
Immediate possession -0.014 -0.080 0.932
Constant -4.203** -3.260 0.001
Sales service quality -0.702* -2.140 0.032
Product variety -0.023 -0.090 0.932
Offline VS Mobile Purchase convenience 0.686** 2.840 0.005
Online purchase risk -1.038** -5.820 0.000
Price and promotion 0.780** 2.780 0.006
Immediate possession 0.488 1.470 0.141
Constant -3.600** -2.680 0.007
Sales service quality 0.149 0.450 0.652
Product variety -0.449 -1.610 0.107
Online VS Mobile Purchase convenience 0.312 1.250 0.210
Online purchase risk -0.068 -0.400 0.689
Price and promotion -0.144 -0.510 0.611
Immediate possession 0.502 1.490 0.137
Table 3 shows the results of the multinomial logit model for restaurant search
Contemporary Management Research 181
behavior. The first analysis of restaurant search behavior (offline vs. online) revealed
that search convenience (coefficient = 0.651, Z = 3.310, p < .01) significantly influences
consumers to search online, whereas tangibility (coefficient = −0.914, Z = −9.060, p
< .01) significantly influences consumers to search offline. The second analysis of
restaurant search behavior (offline vs. mobile) revealed that search convenience
(coefficient = 1.045, Z = 4.580, p < 0.01) significantly influences consumers to search
using mobile devices, and tangibility (coefficient = −0.830, Z = −4.570, p < .01)
significantly influences consumers to search offline. Finally, the third analysis of
restaurant search behavior (online vs. mobile) revealed that search convenience
(coefficient = 0.394, Z = 2.340, p < 0.01) significantly influences consumers to search
using mobile devices.
Table 4 shows the first analysis of restaurant purchase behavior (offline vs. online)
revealed that product variety, purchase convenience, and price and promotion
significantly influence consumers to purchase online. However, sales service quality
Contemporary Management Research 182
and online purchase risk significantly influence consumers to purchase offline. The
second analysis of restaurant purchase behavior (offline vs. mobile) revealed that price
and promotion and immediate possession significantly influence consumers to purchase
using mobile devices. Moreover, consumers placing greater priority on online purchase
risk are more likely to purchase offline. The final analysis comparing online and mobile
channels revealed that consumers do not consider any factor for purchasing using any
and H15 were not verified. Purchase convenience does significantly influence
consumers to not cross channels to purchase products offline.
mobile channels. Moreover, payment through the offline channel enables discovering
whether consumers are concerned about the aforementioned factors; as such consumers
consequently had a tendency to buy discount coupons. As could be seen via the online
and mobile channels, performance in this regard is preferred; in this case, the distributor
should continue to maintain this advantage. We also found that for consumers,
purchasing a restaurant ticket is more convenient offline; the online and mobile channel
payment processes are not efficient. Therefore, online and mobile channel restaurant
ticket purchasing processes should be improved to enable consumers to quickly order
products. If consumers focus on service quality, then online channel consumers might
cross to the offline channel to purchase tickets. We propose that service efficiency and
service attitudes be improved in the offline channel.
Finally, we confirmed the relationship between channel adoption behavior and
channel adoption factors in the search and purchase processes. Marketers could study
our findings to learn how to apply resources to these three channels to develop a more
effective O2O marketing strategy and provide efficient transaction procedures by
integrating the online and offline channels. This understanding could facilitate the
development of marketing plans. The various channels and stimuli that facilitate
attracting consumers to search for and purchase goods must be considered. However,
because only Taiwanese users were included in this study, the results may apply only
to Taiwan. Future studies could focus on comprehensive perspectives by clarifying
regional and cultural influences. Furthermore, this study used restaurants as the main
research product. Future research could examine other product types, such as computers,
transportation tickets, or clothes. Moreover, future studies could incorporate other
explanatory variables.
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