LBI #3 Cerebrum Soal
LBI #3 Cerebrum Soal
LBI #3 Cerebrum Soal
In the second pharagraph, what does the What is clearly necessary right now is
word "they" refer to? some sort of combined initiative, both
A. Canadian federal government individual and collective, before it is too
B. Provincial courts late. The alternative is to continue sliding
C. Canadian society downhill until we have a country that
D. Indian peoples looks like a vast municipal rubbish tip. We
E. Aboriginal peoples may well be at the tipping point. Yet we
know that people respond to their
environment. If things around them are
Before the grass has thickened on the clean and tidy, people behave cleanly and
roadside verges and leaves have started tidily. If they are surrounded by squalor,
growing on the trees is a perfect time to they behave squalidly. Now, much of
look around and see just how dirty Britain Britain looks pretty squalid. What will it
has become. The pavements are stained look like in five years?
with chewing gum that has been spat out
and the gutters are full of discarded fast 16. What is the closest meaning of the word
food cartons. Years ago I remember “tatty” in the second paragraph?
travelling abroad and being saddened by A. Seedy
the plastic bags, discarded bottles and B. Wrong
soiled nappies at the edge of every road. C. Ugly
Nowadays, Britain seems to look at least D. Stingy
as bad. What has gone wrong? E. Greasy
The problem is that the rubbish created 17. What can we inferred about from the last
by our increasingly mobile lives lasts a lot paragraph?
longer than before. If it is not cleared up A. People are squalid.
and properly thrown away, it stays in the B. People behave according to what they
undergrowth for years; a semi-permanent see around them.
reminder of what a tatty little country we C. People are clean and tidy.
have now. D. People are like a vast municipal rubbish
Firstly, it is estimated that 10 billion E. People today are behaving dirty
plastic bags have been given to shoppers.
These will take anything from 100 to
1,000 years to rot. However, it is not as if Siem Reap is a small town near the world
there is no solution to this. A few years famous temple of Angkor Wat. The town
ago, the Irish government introduced a is charming and worth exploring, with
tax on non-recyclable carrier bags and in some fine examples of Khmer and French
three months reduced their use by 90%. colonial architecture set among the more
When he was a minister, Michael modern developments. Nowadays,
Meacher attempted to introduce a similar visitors are flocking in, using it as a base
arrangement in Britain. The plastics for visits to the nearby temples.
industry protested, of course. However,
they need not have bothered; the idea From the 9th to the 14th centuries, when
was killed before it could draw breath, Europe was still struggling out of the Dark
Ages, the Cambodian Empire of Angkor walking shoes, light clothing and plenty of
covered most of present-day Cambodia, water to drink as it is very hot there. The
Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. The heart of most commonly accepted currency in
this empire during the 12th century was Cambodia is the US dollar.
the ancient capital of Angkor Thom, near
present day Siem Reap, the site of the 18. What can be inferred about the
world’s largest temple complexes, which “Cambodia” according to the passage?
were rediscovered in 1861.This A. Siem Reap as the capital
spectacular city was built over 30 years B. It has Khmer, and Vietnamese
under the reign of King Suryavarman II architecture
(1113-1150). The area covers about 400 C. It’s home of the world’s largest temple
square kilometres and is full of the finest complexes.
examples of Khmer art and architecture. D. Near to Angkor Thom
Tourists are always amazed at the scale of E. Overgrown by jungle and Bayon.
the place.
19. What is the closest meaning of the word
In Angkor Wat you will find more than 100 “ensure” in the last paragraph?
stone monuments and temple buildings, A. Undermine
each of which contains countless statues, B. Bring
sculptures and reliefs that have C. Guarantee
weathered extremely little over the last D. Few
800 years. To see the whole thing can take E. Satisfied
several days. The most important temples
to visit in the area are Angkor Wat, 20. The following statements are true in the
especially at sunrise or sunset; Angkor passage, except?
Thom, the remains of the capital; Ta A. Most people visit Siem Reap because it
Prohm, a palace overgrown by jungle; and is close to temples.
Bayon. B. Angkor Wat was the capital of the
Cambodian empire
Visas are required to enter Cambodia. You C. Dawn and dusk are particularly good
can obtain one on arrival at Siem Reap times to visit Angkor Wat.
International Airport for $20, and 1 D. You will need a couple of passport
passport photo is required per person. photos.
You will also need another passport photo E. The US dollar is widely accepted in
for the Angkor Temple Entrance Pass. Cambodia.
Please ensure you take comfortable