The Mechanics of Machining Ultrafine-Grained Grade 2 Ti
The Mechanics of Machining Ultrafine-Grained Grade 2 Ti
The Mechanics of Machining Ultrafine-Grained Grade 2 Ti
Machining of titanium is quite difficult and expensive. Heat generated during the process of cutting does not dis-
sipate quickly, which affects tool life. In the last decade ultrafine-grained (UFG) titanium has emerged as an option
for substitution for more expensive titanium alloys. Extreme grain refinement can be readily performed by severe
plastic deformation techniques. Grain refinement of a material achieved in this way was shown to change its me-
chanical and physical properties. In the present study, the microstructure evolution and the shear band formation
in chips of coarse grained and UFG titanium machined to different cutting speeds and feeding rates was investi-
gated. It was demonstrated that an improvement in the machinability can be expected for UFG titanium.
The authors would like to thank the Ukraine Mynestry of Education and Science (project no. 0115U002530) for
supporting this reseach.
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