1) George Kelly developed personal construct theory which holds that people interpret events based on their personal constructs or templates to anticipate the future.
2) Kelly believed people act as scientists, testing hypotheses to make sense of their world. All interpretations are subject to revision based on new experiences.
3) Kelly's theory includes 11 corollaries that describe how people develop and use personal constructs, such as organizing them hierarchically and revising them based on experiences.
4) Kelly applied his theory to abnormal psychology, believing unhealthy people resist changing outdated constructs, and developed the Role Construct Repertory Test to study personal constructs.
1) George Kelly developed personal construct theory which holds that people interpret events based on their personal constructs or templates to anticipate the future.
2) Kelly believed people act as scientists, testing hypotheses to make sense of their world. All interpretations are subject to revision based on new experiences.
3) Kelly's theory includes 11 corollaries that describe how people develop and use personal constructs, such as organizing them hierarchically and revising them based on experiences.
4) Kelly applied his theory to abnormal psychology, believing unhealthy people resist changing outdated constructs, and developed the Role Construct Repertory Test to study personal constructs.
Original Description:
1) George Kelly developed personal construct theory which holds that people interpret events based on their personal constructs or templates to anticipate the future.
2) Kelly believed people act as scientists, testing hypotheses to make sense of their world. All interpretations are subject to revision based on new experiences.
3) Kelly's theory includes 11 corollaries that describe how people develop and use personal constructs, such as organizing them hierarchically and revising them based on experiences.
4) Kelly applied his theory to abnormal psychology, believing unhealthy people resist changing outdated constructs, and developed the Role Construct Repertory Test to study personal constructs.
1) George Kelly developed personal construct theory which holds that people interpret events based on their personal constructs or templates to anticipate the future.
2) Kelly believed people act as scientists, testing hypotheses to make sense of their world. All interpretations are subject to revision based on new experiences.
3) Kelly's theory includes 11 corollaries that describe how people develop and use personal constructs, such as organizing them hierarchically and revising them based on experiences.
4) Kelly applied his theory to abnormal psychology, believing unhealthy people resist changing outdated constructs, and developed the Role Construct Repertory Test to study personal constructs.
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GEORGE KELLY The 11 supporting corollaries can all be inferred
from this basic postulate:
I. Overview of Kelly's Personal Construct (1) Although no two events are exactly alike, Theory we construe similar events as if they were the Kelly's theory of personal constructs can be same, and this is Kelly's construction corollary. seen as a metatheory, or a theory about (2) The individuality corollary states that theories. It holds that people anticipate events because people have different experiences, they by the meanings or interpretations that they can construe the same event in different ways. place on those events. Kelly called these (3) The organization corollary assumes that interpretations personal constructs. His people organize their personal constructs in a philosophical position, called constructive hierarchical system, with some constructs in a alternativism, assumes that alternative superordinate position and others subordinate interpretations are always available to people. to them. (4) The dichotomy corollary assumes that people construe events in an either/or manner, e.g., good or bad. (5) Kelly's choice II. Biography of George Kelly corollary assumes that people tend to choose George Kelly was born on a farm in Kansas in the alternative in a dichotomized construct that 1905. During his school years and his early they see as extending the range of their future professional career, he dabbled in a wide choices. (6) The range corollary states that variety of jobs, but he eventually received a constructs are limited to a particular range of Ph.D. in psychology from the State University of convenience; that is, they are not relevant to all Iowa. He began his academic career at Fort situations. (7) Kelly's experience corollary Hays State College in Kansas, then after World suggests that people continually revise their War II, he took a position at Ohio State. He personal constructs as the result of their remained there until 1965 when he joined the experiences. (8) The modulation corollary faculty at Brandeis. He died two years later at assumes that only permeable constructs lead to age 61. change; concrete constructs resist modification through experience. (9) The fragmentation III. Kelly's Philosophical Position corollary states that people's behavior can be Kelly believed that people construe events inconsistent because their construct systems according to their personal constructs rather can readily admit incompatible elements. (10) than reality. The commonality corollary suggests that our A. Person as Scientist personal constructs tend to be similar to the People generally attempt to solve everyday construction systems of other people to the problems in much the same fashion as extent that we share experiences with them. scientists; that is, they observe, ask questions, (11) The sociality corollary states that people formulate hypotheses, infer conclusions, and are able to communicate with other people predict future events. because they can construe those people's B. Scientist as Person constructions. With the sociality corollary, Kelly Because scientists are people, their introduced the concept of role, which refers to a pronouncements should be regarded with the pattern of behavior that stems from people's same skepticism as any other data. Every understanding of the constructs of others. Each scientific theory can be viewed from an of us has a core role and numerous peripheral alternate angle, and every competent scientist roles. A core role gives us a sense of identity should be open to changing his or her theory. whereas peripheral roles are less central to our C. Constructive Alternativism self-concept. Kelly believed that all our interpretations of the world are subject to revision or replacement, an V. Applications of Personal Construct assumption he called constructive alternativism. Theory He further stressed that, because people can Kelly's many years of clinical experience construe their world from different angles, enabled him to evolve concepts of abnormal observations that are valid at one time may be development and psychotherapy, and to false at a later time. develop a Role Construct Repertory (Rep) Test. A. Abnormal Development IV. Personal Constructs Kelly saw normal people as analogous to Kelly believed that people look at their world competent scientists who test reasonable through templates that they create and then hypotheses, objectively view the results, and attempt to fit over the realities of the world. He willingly change their theories when the data called these templates or transparent patterns warrant it. Similarly, unhealthy people are like personal constructs, which he believed shape incompetent scientists who test unreasonable behavior. hypotheses, reject or distort legitimate results, A. Basic Postulate and refuse to amend outdated theories. Kelly Kelly expressed his theory in one basic identified four common elements in most postulate and 11 supporting corollaries. The human disturbances: (1) threat, or the basic postulate assumes that human behavior is perception that one's basic constructs may be shaped by the way people anticipate the future. drastically changed; (2) fear, which requires an B. Supporting Corollaries incidental rather than a comprehensive restructuring of one's construct system; (3) VIII. Concept of Humanity anxiety, or the recognition that one cannot Kelly saw people as anticipating the future and adequately deal with a new situation; and (4) living their lives in accordance with those guilt, defined as "the sense of having lost one's anticipations. His concept of elaborative choice core role structure." suggests that people increase their range of B. Psychotherapy future choices by the present choices they Kelly insisted that clients should set their own freely make. Thus, Kelly's theory rates very goals for therapy and that they should be active high in teleology and high in choice and participants in the therapeutic process. He optimism. In addition, it receives high ratings sometimes used a procedure called fixed-role for conscious influences and for its emphasis on therapy in which clients act out a predetermined the uniqueness of the individual. Finally, role for several weeks. By playing the part of a personal construct theory is about average on psychologically healthy person, clients may social influences. discover previously hidden aspects of themselves. C. The Rep Test The purpose of the Rep test is to discover ways in which clients construe significant people in their lives. Clients place names of people they know on a repertory grid in order to identify both similarities and differences among these people.
VI. Related Research
Kelly's personal construct theory and his Rep test have generated a substantial amount of empirical research in both the United States and the United Kingdom. A. The Rep Test and Children Use of the Rep test with children reveals that the self-constructs of depressed adolescents are marked by low self-esteem, pessimism, and an external locus of control. Other research with children and the Rep test shows that preadolescents construe themselves and others in ways consistent with the Big Five personality factors (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and intelligence), thus demonstrating that the Big Five factors can come from instruments other than standard personality tests. B. The Rep Test and the Real Self Versus the Ideal Self Other research has found that the Rep test was useful in (1) predicting adherence to a physical activity program, (2) detecting differences between the real self and the ideal self, and (3) measuring neuroticism. C. The Rep Test and the Pain Patient A number of studies, including the Large and Strong (1997) study, have found that the Rep test can be a reliable and valid instrument for measuring pain.
VII. Critique of Kelly
Kelly's theory probably is most applicable to relatively normal, intelligent people. Unfortunately, it pays scant attention to problems of motivation, development, and cultural influences. On the six criteria of a useful theory, it rates very high on parsimony and internal consistency and about average on its ability to generate research. However, it rates low on its ability to be falsified, to guide the practitioner, and to organize knowledge.
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