Integration of Environmental Management System On Construction Project Toward Sustainable Development

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Integration of Environmental Management

System on Construction Project toward
Sustainable Development
Mohamed Fathi Alsheltat¹
¹PhD candidate, Civil Engineering

Abstract:- In recent times, the transition towards A. Integrated Environmental Management

sustainable development has received considerable Integrated environmental management means the
attention from researchers and organizations in various integration of environmental needs over the life of construction,
construction and industrial projects with its three main and this requires consideration of environmental requirements
dimensions, namely the economic and social environment, in design, implementation, and service in construction projects,
the sustainable development provide the socially and the environment refers to all the surrounding conditions that are
economically appropriate environment for the current affected and affect a project. This includes physical, social,
generation with positive impact on the requirements of biological and economic conditions. Management is the
future generations. This study reviewed previous studies on primary planning and execution processes under control with
the definition of environmental management and the responsibility and accountability, [1]. The tools used in the
concept of integrated management in construction projects application of integrated environmental management system
and their linkage to sustainable development and barriers include :The beginning will be the stage of investigation of the
to implementation. The paper also presented a link to some expected environmental impacts resulting from the
papers during the past eight years with a focus on what was implementation or operation of the project, the second stage is
published in the last three years. It noted that the to assess the environmental impacts of the project, whether
integration of the various programs and project positive or negative, and includes treatment methods if the
management systems and the transition to work on a wider effects are negative. The third step is to involve stakeholders in
scale from the organization to the state, to projects on a planning, study, implementation and management of proposed
global scale and with integrated programs will be the most activities. Stage 4 is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), by
advanced towards Achieving sustainable development. identifying inputs such as materials, machinery, implementers
During the study, the importance of environmental and outputs such as major products and waste. Stage 5 is the
awareness at various levels, from citizens to decision- financial management of the environment, which includes
makers as well as the development of legislation in force in auditing, accounting and economic reporting that determines
the country or at the UN level, was noted. The global the costs of environmental impacts. The sixth stage is to
application of sustainable development programs is limited. determine the size of the environmental footprint to measure the
Therefore, the most effective system for sustainable environmental impact, for example in surface water or in the
development is the most comprehensive system of atmosphere. Finally, sustainability analysis is a study and
integration in wider area. evaluation of the compatibility of activities and business with
the principles of sustainable development, [2].
Keywords:- Environment, Management, Sustainable,
Development, Integration, Construction, Project, System. B. Concept of Sustainable development
At the institutional level, sustainable development means
I. INTRODUCTION different things for different people. Some people's concept of
sustainable development is the success of the institution
Recently, attention has been paid to the development of financially to ensure continuity in existence. However, the
administrative systems for construction projects and the concept of sustainable development includes ensuring the needs
transition to sustainable development in order to meet our needs of these individuals without compromising the needs of future
in line with the lack of harm to future generations at least, but generations, [3]. Sustainable economy is the ability to produce,
the goals are to ensure economic and environmental conditions then the distribution and consumption through the design of
ideal for them and from here we will outline definitions to systems that achieve this at the industrial level and service. A
understand the foundations of sustainable development in the sustainable society is a healthy society in optimal economic,
management of construction projects. environmental and social conditions. Sustainable building is a
building of a cooperative relationship between all stakeholders
in the construction lifecycle, from planning to building use.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Sustainable construction is the final product of a sustainable
planning process that includes management of natural C. Integrated Environmental Management towards
resources, reasonable energy consumption and adequate Sustainable Development
ventilation while ensuring construction strength, quality of use Several studies have been conducted on the integration of
and inexpensive maintenance, [4]. A sustainable development environmental management systems into sustainable
strategy is a planning approach that relies on further development. Each study identified several factors that
consideration of the broader system in which specific actions influence the transition to sustainable development. Table 1
are integrated; the strategic model for sustainable development contains some of these factors:
identifies the relationship between different levels of the
system, [5].

Table1. The suggested factors for (IEM) system towards sustainable development
Authors and Year of The Suggested Factors for Integrated Environmental Management towards Sustainable
Publication Development
Richard ( 1994 ) Setting an environmental policy for activities. Create an organizational structure that identifies decision-
makers, responsibilities and communication systems for managing the environment. Create an
environmental management program (EMP) which includes instructions and laws that ensure access to
the desired environmental objectives. Periodic review of the ecosystem and the introduction of the
required modifications to ensure the progress towards the desired goal, [6].
Yeo & Quazi (2006) Evaluation of environmental awareness of employees. Increase environmental awareness of employees.
Commitment of senior management to the environmental program. Empowering staff. Encouraging
rewards for the environmental program. Environmental outcomes. Periodic environmental reviews.
Sushi & Sohal (2004) Senior management and environmental commitment. Training and development. Internal Evaluation.
Compliance with sustainability standards.
Hamid. (2011) Integrate life cycle costs into construction projects. Integrate environmental aspects into policies, plans
and programs over the life of the project. Increasing the capital of the institution is an important element
that affects all aspects, including the environmental aspect. Supporting technological development and
innovation, [3].

D. The Road map for sustainable construction

There are many ways in which different studies have adopted a roadmap for sustainable development, Huovila. (1998), proposed
a set of measures in the road map to achieve sustainable development in the constructions as in Figure 1, [7].

Fig 1. The Road map for sustainable construction, [7].

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
E. The Aims of Sustainable Construction Amaya Perez (2015). A review study focused on the
Based on its three pillars social economic and introduction of sustainability in project management has
environmental, sustainable development aims to: concluded that research is still discussing the definition of a
Competitiveness and profitability. Customer satisfaction and sustainable project, it has to achieve the objectives of integrated
stockholders. Increase stockholder appreciation and respect. sustainability goal is not currently accessible. The study found
Provide better protection for the natural environment. Energy that the integration of sustainability criteria into the design and
saving and reducing the depletion of natural resources. production stages is very important for sustainable projects in
addition the laws, procedures, the awareness of the
F. The challenges in sustainable construction implementers and project managers are all important in making
Sustainable development in construction projects faces progress on sustainable projects, [12]. Jose Arturo, (2015), has
different and varied challenges depending on the type of reviewed the previous studies of the green policy and lean and
construction, the size of the project, the surrounding classified on the basis of six foundations, namely the
environmental conditions and the level of technological compatibility of programs implemented, the integration and
development. The most important of these challenges are: association with others, the extent of impact, impact on the
Environmental acts, aspects and impact, natural resources, cost, policy of organizations, their impact on the administrative
occupational health, safety and training program. system and the implementation of these programs in various
sectors. He concluded that the concept of lean and green is
II. LITERATURE REVIEW relatively unclear and urges the study to continue research on
the subject, [13]. The study integrated the building information
Following this presentation of some of the key aspects of modelling (BIM) and modern method of construction programs
integrated management of environment and sustainable (MMC) to achieve sustainable development in building
development, we will mention here the most important findings projects, but it was noted that the implementation barrier is
in a number of previous studies as follows: government decisions, [14]. David Le Blanc (2015), this study
was conducted on the United Nations proposal for sustainable
Ying He (2010), conducted a review on the benefits and development goals for 2014, the network analysis technique
challenges for implementation of environmental management was used to determine the objectives of sustainable
in projects. The most important obstacles were found: the development, it was noted that the correlation between the goals
increase in total costs of materials and labor, and the most is weak in some cases, the lack of correlation in other cases and
important way to overcome these obstacles was to focus on the dependence on the social, economic and environmental
increasing the awareness of stockholders, [8]. Oyedolapo and sustainable dimension of sustainable development, [15].
others (2014), mentioned that the participation of lean Ahmad Huzaimi and others (2015), proposed a model for the
construction in sustainable development is limited, and they integration of poor construction standards and sustainable
conducted a survey study on the implementation of sustainable construction. Also they presented a theoretical initiative that
development on lean construction and has concluded a set of contains a theoretical basis for integrating the two programs and
links: attention to health and environmental awareness, to serve as a platform for future empirical studies to facilitate
rationalization of energy consumption, improvement of and overcome the difficulties of integrating programs faced by
performance and development of environmental management organizations, [16]. Mauro L (2016), a study of the main
systems, [9]. dimensions of sustainable construction based on the perspective
of project managers. The study concluded four main factors that
Atiq Uz Zaman (2014), concluded a review study on zero affect sustainable construction: innovative work, managing
waste policies, that some countries have achieved great success stockholders, competition and environmental resources, [17].
at this level. In order for the program to be successful, it must Zhe Liu (2016) made a comparative study of a park in a rapidly
be at the level of the State at least. There should be a desire to growing country, China with a park in a developed country,
implement this program at the level of decision-makers and to Canada, on the requirements of sustainable development. Due
educate people and persuade them, to change their lifestyles so to of the great industrial renaissance in China, the focus was on
that they are involved in the program and to reach the result of top-down sustainable development. The Canadian park seems
zero waste, which means the proper recycle of all waste so as to be slowing down in the direction of sustainable development,
not to harm others or future generations and not to get rid of [18]. The study investigated the sustainability of water
them by burning or burying in the ground, [10]. Xiaolong Gan resources in four water basins in Brazil, the United States,
and others (2015), Conducted a t study consisting of 25 barriers Mexico and Thailand. It was noted that the decision to
to sustainable construction based on the owners' perspective, participate in decision making for stockholders has increased in
the seven most important barriers to sustainable development the past 20 years, a good indicator that increases the integrated
were the prevailing laws, natural resources, administrative learning culture but has led to more complex management .The
structure, economic study of the project, sources of supply, study found that participation in short-term decisions was better
problems of use of facilities and environmental awareness, [11]. and less risky, such as allocation of water quotas. As for the
process of long-term decisions, the cost of developing the
capacity to participate in the decision is officially neglected and

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
therefore there will be no effective participation of infrastructure system for sustainable development and
stockholders, for example in the construction of infrastructure concluded an innovative model proposal in this direction. It also
[19]. Ruggero Golini (2017) the study on the adoption by stressed the importance of innovation in urban infrastructure for
international non-governmental development organizations of progress towards sustainable development, [26]. Bao Jiehe
the use of the logical framework as a key instrument in the (2018) has integrated three urban development programs in
sector. A logical framework (LF) is a matrix of factors, China to formulate a more quality system in the direction of
including goals, activities, hypotheses, and resources used to sustainable development. He noted the importance of
achieve the goals. The study targeted 500 organizations that integrating different technologies and initiatives in reducing
collected information through the managers of international barriers and concerns towards sustainable development, [27].
development projects in the world and found that the use of the C. Shrubsole and others (2018) conducted a study on building
logical framework has a significant impact on the success of systems in the UK and China and proposed a system to integrate
these projects, [20]. Tatiana Heid Furley (2017) an exploratory these systems into a high-performance environmental building
study at the initiative of Los Angeles on the effects on the system. They noted the importance of linking systems to create
sustainable environment in the Latin American continent a sustainable ecosystem where many barriers to the use of a
consisted of 100 questions sent to various sectors within these single system, [28].
countries. The results of 20 questions were collected in a
workshop in Argentina. Six important factors affecting the III. DISCUSSION
sustainable environment were summarized: Measurement of
risks and bio toxicity, environmental chemical components, Based on the above mentioned in previous studies, it was
pollution, public health, used logical framework and policies, noted that:
[21]. Dayuan Li (2017) the study targeted 100 Chinese  The previous studies reviewed almost eight years, starting
companies to study the impact of quality management on the from the year 2000 until this year, with some focus on recent
development and innovation of green technologies. It has been studies over the last three years to observe recent
noted that these companies are generally negative towards developments on sustainable development research in
green innovation. To reduce this negative impact by improving construction projects
environmental management and developing legislation, [22].  In general, two main factors appear to be the reduction of
Margarita Angelidou (2017) An analytical study on the barriers and challenges to the transition to sustainable
development of a program that integrates 32 smart cities development in various aspects of construction projects and
programs with the foundations of sustainable development and buildings. The emphasis has been placed on several current
concluded the useful linkage between sustainable development studies within proposed solutions or recommendations.
and smart urban systems,[23]. Sian E. Rees (2017), a study on  The first factor is the integrated management of several
the development of the provisions of the United Nations modern systems and technologies, since the systems and
conventions on marine waters. The study focused in detail on methods of sustainable development are numerous and
goal 11 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which varied to a large extent within institutions within a single
identified at least 10% of the area of marine and coastal waters state
considered as protected areas under the area management  The second factor is to increase the participation base of
system. And merged goal 11 with Goal 14 for sustainable these integrated programs until the application reaches the
development related to Protection Sea and ocean waters, [24]. global system
Chen Wanga (2017) reviewed previous studies on low carbon  In order to clarify more, the previous studies in this paper
development in China and produced a more comprehensive have been compiled in Table 2, which includes the level of
summary based on three axes: low-carbon cities, low-carbon study carried out and the sustainable development targeted
technologies and energy transmission, [25]. Dong, L (2017) the by its three environmental, economic and social dimensions.
study reviewed 21 previous research on the use of the urban

Table 2. Summary of previous research based on level of study area and elements of sustainable development

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Study & area Study subject Level of study Sustainable

The study Development Ref
G R N S O En Eco So
Ying He (2010) A review Environment management of projects ( ● ● ● [8]
benefits and the barriers)
Oyedolapo United kingdom the effects of lean construction on ● ● ● [9]
(2014) sustainable construction
Atiq Uz Zaman, A review Zero waste management system ● ● ● [10]
Xiaolong Gan Chongqing ,China The owner's point of view ● ● [11]
Amaya Pérez A review Integrate sustainability into project ● ● ● [12]
(2015) management
Jose Arturo, A review Lean and Green policy ● ● ● [13]
Zaid Alwan, United kingdom Integrating the BIM and MMC systems ● ● ● ● [14]
(2015) for the sustainable development of the
David Le Blanc United Nations The objectives of sustainable ● ● ● ● [15]
(2015) development
Ahmad Huzaimi Malaysia Integrating lean construction standards ● ● ● ● [16]
(2015) and sustainable construction.
Mauro L (2016) A Survey based on Factors of sustainable construction based ● ● ● [17]
researches on the perspective of managers
Zhe Liu (2016) A Comparative Sustainable development of two parks in ● ● ● ● [18]
China and Canada China and Canada
Katharine Brazil, Mexico, Sustainable management on four basins ● ● ● [19]
(2016) Thailand, and the water resource
United States
Ruggero Golini A Survey logical framework impact on ● ● ● ● [20]
(2017) non-government development projects
Tatiana Heid A Survey Quality of sustainable environment ● ● ● ● ● ● ● [21]
Furley (2017) Latin America
Dayuan Li A Survey in impact of quality management on ● ● ● ● ● [22]
(2017) China development of green technologies
Margarita An analytical Integration sustainable development in ● ● ● [23]
Angelidou study 32 smart city programs
Sian E. Rees Study of policies Integration of two United Nations items ● ● ● [24]
(2017) United Nations of marine management for sustainable
Chen Wanga A review low-carbon development ● ● ● [25]
(2017) China
Dong, L (2017) A review Development of the urban infrastructure ● ● ● [26]
of (21) articles system towards sustainable management
Bao Jiehe An instigation Integration of 3 urban system towards ● ● ● ● [27]
(2018) China sustainable development
C. Shrubsole An instigation Integration of building systems towards ● ● ● ● ● ● [28]
(2018) United kingdom high performance environmental
and China buildings

 Abbreviations in table 2: G= Global, R= Regional, N= Integrated Environmental Management systems, En=

National, S= Sectorial, O= Organizational. IEMs= Environmental, Eco= Economic, So=Social, BIM=

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Building Information Modelling, MMC= Modern Method  In the table, each factor was available at a point (●). Studies
of Construction. [21 and 28] were the most important points, as they were
comprehensive, covering all factors of sustainable
From table 2, noted that: development and targeting levels up to the regional level.
 The review studies [8, 10, 12, 13, 25, and 26] were related  Studies at the global level only two of the previous twenty-
to the sustainable development of building types, elements one studies: Regulatory Study [15] were on the objectives
of sustainability and integration of management systems of sustainable development in the United Nations and the
and techniques. Studies have shown the importance of exploratory study [20] on non-governmental organizations.
integrating the programs used to achieve sustainable  This means that sustainable development is better in the
development. However, trials and implementation of the most comprehensive system that is achieved with the most
results of these studies are needed to support the promotion integration on the widest area, from the table 2, we can
of sustainable development. express the comprehensiveness of the number of points (●)
 Studies [9, 14, 16, 22, and 27] at the state level: related to achieved in each study, which helps to know the evolution
the integration of two or more of the technologies or of the most comprehensive in the programs of sustainable
programs towards sustainable development and were more development. Chart 1 shows that previous studies in recent
effective than unilateral programs or to implement at a years are the most comprehensive.
lower level such as sectors or institutions within these
countries, and identified some barriers and challenges.

Chart 1. The most comprehensive curve in previous studies over recent years

IV. CONCLUSIONS and investors are important factors in changing practices

and lifestyles to move forward towards a sustainable
 Sustainable development are integrated systems and development community.
technologies to meet the needs of the current generation  sustainable development is better in the most
while ensuring the needs of future generations. So it looks comprehensive system that is achieved with the most
like a human right too. integration on the widest area
 The integration of multiple systems and programs of the
management projects and buildings is very important REFERENCES
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